Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1912, p. 4

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THE F L S H E KT K ADVANCE TH K /leohcrton Ail iii'li'i"''i'l.-nt IH-W -|>.i|* i. hublialxHl every Ytmnday at tin- office, CnllingwiMxi Struct, Vli-nhcrton. SiiUcri|>tii>n jirice $1 per annum, (h>-n p.-ii'l in advance; S1.!M when not BO paid. Ailvertuiiifr i .> - on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W. M. Thuraton Editor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN BOUNTY ASSESSMENTS C*^ Tke Couniy Council did not go very exton.si vi'Iy in!" aw.ssmeiit equaliarti last wi-i-U. hut -i.< I ' work as it did do >nt along correct line*. The assessment of Owen Sound fur county purposes was added*., by three hundred thousand * <l..lli-<J wlm!) tiring* it nearer thu basis <>f thuf i-ui;il municipalities : Markdale 15.000 udded mid Hanover $50,000. These three |>oint&, therefore, yield rev- ue on a basis of $.'!<;.">, non more than in the piu>t. Ihui easing the other mu- nicipalities to that eitent. The County Council placed PleshcrUin'a county as- sessment at $125,000, which is not so \ery far out, ah the actual asseminent ac- cording to tho roll just returned, IN $118,000. A CASE IN POINT \ few weeks ago The Advance pub- lished an article on Western real estate i a postiibiliiy fr speculation, and in the course of the article we said that there were as gocd or better op|K>rtuni- tie." in Ontario for speculation as ure to be found in the West. Toronto to-day offers many su,ch opportunities, but the harkk and sub division artists are also geltiuif lu their work there and for safety -nhuuUl be av<iided. The bet>t of invest- nitjnts me to be fouutl right within the present confines of tli city as evidenced by the following item from the News of Friday last, dealing with the name of iniiii who i very well known and e.steem- ed in this |>.iit The iteui reads : " Mr. C. W. Chndwick of the Colonial oinl Ktdilty mid SMI: - .ti'~ I'ompany.'pur- chaacd>l 'tfcren un Voi i>e street, weft >.<i(^ between th o'.d belt line Hiid Kg- linton avenue, from Mr. 1'uijslry for <7600tiro and a half years ago. He gar* it to bin daughter. Mi- O. K i. now of Edmonton, who 1. . just sold it 4 Tboiuaa bcandton, acting for a syndi- cate, for 38,000." County Council Owen Sound AdvettiM-r Tlie County Council is havius a xonif- ^vhat strviiuous time. I: . i- tho cm- eiicrous applications for ({rantn to differ- -ent institutions und orgsniratiou.", there *re ininy extraordinary ei|>enditiireii necessary for replacing bridges and re- pairing roiulH (lunnged by the floods last ttpnuif.'' The Council will probably de- cide to isniie debenture* to meet the cott of new bridges. At the Tuesday . T n there were two pretty warm discussions- *The lirst arose over a report "f 'he House of Refuge Committee, which in- formed th Council that Mr. Thomas 11 itnts*, manager <.f the house of refuge, h*i notified the committee that unles* lie was given an increase of $100 in his alary he would resign at tho end of the year. The report was coniiderod in ;MIIIIIUII.-I- of the whole, when Mr. Ag- new moved that the House of Kefuge committee bu instructed to receive appli- ation* fot the |M*ition. Mr. Agnew thought jt W.IA well lo be prepared in ase Mr. Harncis did resign, to fill the position without delay. If they '(waited without doing anything until the Mo vcinber session, and Mr. Harness rebi(T n.i'ion came in then, they would be un able to till the place until January. They must not run the rUlc of being hehi up. Mi. Hell muvcd that the Council >nke no notion at present, )>ut the committee be empowered to get infonnstion frou other count ie a to salai ies, size of lions en, and farms, numbur i>f inmates, ant other matters pertinent to tlie question, A lengthy debate followed, in whicl Iho weight of opinion seemed to be I hut at his present s.ilary, $HOO, free house, light, bent and food supply, Mr. liar .nest was being well uaid. It wn also 'felt thul he hud taken the wrong couiso in demanding the increase in the way ho ihad. Mr. ARIICW'S motion carried by a large majority. Mr. Anew, xeconded by Dr. Mearni, introduced a bylaw to increase the pay of councillor'* from $4 a. day to $f>. The tnovc met with a good dent of opposition from members wlio pointed lo the heavy expense the tatepayers wonld be put to on account of Houd damage. One gen- tleman staged emphatically that it would tdke his township at least ten yearH lo recover from the rffrcta. On the other hand, some members pointed out llmt OHM w.i, an extraordinary spring, and contended that in any case thu ni.ly ijues- tioti before them was whether the coun- cillors' work was worlh $. a day. Hotel rates had gone up, so tliHt h had little or r.othing left after paying ni* expenses. Tim ditcunaiou was ranewed on Wed- nenday nnd tionlly tlie bylaw wns voted down, the voli staiidiiig 17 for I he raise 92 ii((uinat. At Thursday'* wssion a lot of lima was wanted in discusxion of a report of the Kinniii'o Committre K:I ei{Uli/atiun of asseNiiiient. The whole tiotible was l>etween Aitemesiaand KIcHherton. The I !>! has incorpointed as u village, and the i|iieslioii WHM hnw mucb of the as.si'4s- iii. 'iii of ArtemeHiii, to which it formerly belonged, it should assume. The report put the amount at 1100,000, but Mr. McKenxie. Heine of Artemeaia, thought it should be more. After a long debate, in which Mr. Boyd, Keeve of Fletihertoii, si..,., I out for the um given intherepoif, Fleshmtoii'.s aasehsmuiu i - raised to Ji 1 _-., I/IKI and Aitemesia'K correH[mnd- ingly reduce 1. Mr. Boyd promised that the Council would hear from him when the bylaw came up At the opening of the session Lieut. - Col. Cleland aildrcaNed the Council in support of hit application for a i ;un of j>7o<) to the Slat regiment, and MesRrt*. .1. M. Kilbourn, .1. <i. Hay, and Drs. M i l.ll. |JNII.II-:!I and Heisliey, pressed thu claims of the general hospital to a of f-TOOO. If you are a housewife ><>u cannot reason- ably li"i" tu IK- healthy or l>euutiful by u-au- ing i!i.-lir.-. -.-i-|iinir anil (lniiiK Innis'-work all day. and crawling into lieil dead tirt*<J ul night. Vou 11 i. -i get out into tip- oprn air ami .iinli'4lii. If you do i Iii every ilay and keep your fiuniai-h and IniweU in good order l>v takiii',- I 'liuiniii-i l.iiii'^ Tablets when .! d, yon Klmiild l>econie li >tlt hcalihy and br-utifiil. Fur sale bv all draleari. The July Rod and Gun. " Keuiimsci-nceh of a Sojourn at Hudson ISajr 1'i.st" by Frank Houghton the opening number in ilia .luly isue of Rod and (iun in Canada (W. J. Taylor, Limited. Publisher, Woodstock, Out.) contaiuHan interest ingroinparison bet ween the characters of the wtiitt- man and the Indian. illustratcJ in the almost <|iiixotic honesty displayed by " NVabiim Annung ' when tfiiiptation, in the guise of iminiu- ent starvation, miaht well haxe proved overpnweiin'4. A piofusc-ly illuntratid chapter of the popular continued irticle, The Culture Black and Silver Fox" is another feature. i>f thi.s ih?ue which con- t .in.i miiny stories und arti'-le* of outdoor lifein the various Canadian Province*. Shooting Accident Mr. I'.-iil i-i Itoj(er nine year-old HUH Alfred met wiib it ternbln accident thnl my cint'. him his life, (.n Tuetwlay even- a youmj non of Mr. Dan Pun who livea across the r..aj from Mr. Hogi-rn, ws i"..iiii'.' with a '-'- calibre n' 1 and |i iii.iril it in fun at Alf, pulling the trig- ger, not knowing it was I ul, .1. The bul- let went into the corner of young Kngers' eye thronyli in the liuck of \>\n bend. The eye ..'!,. and ai die bullet ctnnot be located it i . feared death will follow. The accident nccuired on the Pifer farm where the two boy* were playnix- These accident!* occur far too often and it seem*; impossible to persuade parents Lo keep in.- 1: in- from their boy*. Scarcely a week pussis without an accident of the "didn't l.i... * it was loaded," kind liii|ipen- ing and not alwayi itinongst lioy.s it must be aaid in all fairness. Stayner Sun Normanby Township Appeals The Township of Normnnby receirly issued notice i ctpjieal in the decision taken by his Worahip .lujge Sutherland in the action taken by tint township to have the county build the bridge over the Saugeen Kiver at Ayton. The decision purported licit the Township should bear Hi- costs of the court and tin- U[. keep of the bridge. At the U*tt county council meeting in January the township . i Nor- !....'> applied that the county should builil a new lind^j over the Snugei'ii at Aytun and should m.i for all repairs and maintenance. Tlie council npix iiited a coiiiinittee to report at I lie ,lum> lueetint; but, before a repm-t could be mailo, UK- Tuwnxbip look ucti'.n thnnigli tin- county court by Uyini; applicutii.n f ! the cuiinly to i>'.iii-,r tin 1 I n Mngabtl up kiM'p i.| iln briflut*. Tlii-couit henrd ilu-actiim nlKft- ing Apiil 110th .11.. I !!. in." M i\ Ji,.| an afit-rwardh lli [jurdship aecomprii'ied by the i ounciU visited the '.. ii ..... On 1'ii.in, May li'ili. lut gave b s decision, which amounted to tlirowin<> out i.f the lownahip'K Application nnd i. ..num.: it to bear the co>(< of tlie couit and <hr mnin- lenance of the bridge (). S Sun. liny it no*, i 'i, ,n,!- il.mi - Ci'lir. Cholera ami OiarrlnH-a Kemrtly i" aln.ost certain In IK- iK'ecleii l)i'fnre the iniininer is over, liny it. now unit bf pnfNttMJ for such un emer- i;.'i.. I'l.i oiile by all dealer-* A naval diier at Tniilnii, Fnmcc, WB MI. I, I. nl\ attacked by a giant cictnpus while under water in the li.'trbor. He Have 1 1.. I... iini signal oil WAR I, .mini to the .un in-, toguther with theoclnpns, whoso U'liUt'lei, sin. I to be twenty-live feet long, were wrappud round him. The diver WIIK unconscious. The rctopus held to the diver fast until it WHM -.tabbed lo death, h w.'i.-l , ,i !.'... pounds, it ii said, und the .suckein on its tentacles wore as big ns fiva-sliilling I.M. Boar for Service I n ;. Impioved Vorkshiro Idmr for service on lot HIM, '.'ml Wor,t back line. 1enn $1 00 1 A tiff. ,1. A. KKNNKDY. I'rop. Something unusual in a freak of nature in to be eeen on !.he farm of Pulmer Bros, t.)Wnlitie of King and Tecumseth. It is a Ninart drtft co!t with f.>ur leg* and five feet. Two feet are on the rigl.t limit leg. The colt, which is about cne month old is smart und doing well. Annual Meeting of East Grey Liberal Association WILL BE HELD AT FLESHERTON ^-ON Tues., July 9, 1912 AT 1. 30 O'CLOCK P.M. SHARP Election of Officers and other Important business. All Lil>eraU and these inter- ested in good Government and uood C'ti/ensliip ire cordially invited. A. C. Paterson, ,1ns. . Foster. Presides . Seeretnry. Klesher'ton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to (Jive Entire Satisfaction LAl'XpUV Basket leaves Tuesday , delivery Friday eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING We are RgentK for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T. FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR Property For Sale II. uii.- and Lot in Fevcrsham Goo.l cement block house, frame stable, [-acre lot, good well at d'xir. Also lot 12 and E. half 11, 12th con., (.Nprey, contuinin*/ 150 acres ; good frame Iwrn, etc., well watered, good slock firm. For terms and particular* apply to -.IAS. T. McKE.N/IK. Jund'-'Ttf Fevershttdi P.O. F. R W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. JUYL SPECIALS IN MEN'S WEAR * EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED + SLITS New Styles and Colorings $6.^0 to $16.50 TKOUSEKS Good Patterns, Good Wearer? $1.25 to $3.75 OVERALLS All sizes to 4t waist 75c to $1.25 SHIRTS New Patterns ami Colors 50c to $1.50 COLLARS Lineu and Celluloid 124c to TIES New Summer Patterns 15c HOSIERY Cotton, Cashmere and Lisle 15c H \NDKERCHIEFS Cotton, Linen Silk. 5c SUSPENDERS Fine, Heavy, and Invisible 25c BELTS New Buckles and Colors 25c UMBRELLAS Good Covers, New Handles 75c to $2.50 SHOES New High Toes. Tan, Patent, and Gun.. Metal $1-75 to to to to to 25c 50c 50c 50c 50c 50c UNDERWEAR Dalbriggan Merino Wool 50c STRiW HATS Coarse, Medium and Fine lOc FELT HATS New Colors and Shapes ..50c to to to to $5.00 $2.50 $1.50 $2.50 THE "WAFER LITE" HAT is a winner, it us light and com- ortable, the Felt ts superfine quality, and the styles are just* right OUR $2.:>0 STIFF HAT WILL SUIT YOU ! Sizes, 6J to 7J HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Sheep Estray Cme to the premise* of the under- signed iii.. nt June I -'. one xlieep and two Kinks. The owner is requested to prcve property, pny expenses and take the Mine away. ALKX. WIIITK.Pru-evillei.. o. Lot !.">, con 1. Strayed To the |.i. M.I r- of the uiuleriijiied on June Ur, mil* wliiic heifer two years old. UPC '.-ray huifer one year did. Owner i* requested to |>n>ve propedy, jnv ex- ;.-i,-- and take the . un.- awny. H II. STAFFORD. Kimberley. M&QV llusiDMS fuUeftes cloae lor vacation iii- ic.: th* Auuiuier U.IQTT TlHtOSTO. (INT.. <to uot Now is an exoelleut ritnetocoimiieuceacourse FARM FOR SALE Fttirlield Farm. let :U, con. 5, Arte mesia. cuntaininit 100 acre*, cleared, lial- mice good bvdvood bwh, and some cednr. This firm is ill a K"d >tutc M cultivation, free from MSiMH i'eds and well fenced. Excellent s-il and g(x.d spring at lack of Urm. Barn with stone f ( ,undati(.n and .tabling. Impleuient lmue. poultry IKHISO and g">d dwelling house ; good well with tirt class waier. This is one of the choicest farms in Arte- nipi-ia nd in ood locality. Ill health cuse of M-l'in-. Apply to H. It. DYSON. Pmp. 1Sept Flvnheiton P. O. Department of Milita and Defence. New Drill I UII. Mirkdale, Ont. NOTICE TO COTRACTORS. SKALKD TKNDKHS. marked on the eiivelopo "Tender for Drill Hall, Mark- dale, Out.," and ddreBNtjd In tho Direct- or of Contracts, Department of Militia and Defence, Otmwa, will lie received until noon, July 15, I'.'IJ, fur the cou- stiuction of n new Drill Hall at Mark- dale, Ont. SpecilicntioiiR may be seen and full paiticulai'K olitainixl at the office of the General Oflicer CoiiiiuaiiJini; the :5nd Division, Toronto, the officer Comiimmt ing "K'' Company, Itlht Heginient, Murk- dale, Ont , and the Director of Kngineer Sorvhos, Headiiuartur*. Ottawa. Tenders iniist lie made on the fnini supplied liy the Depart incut and c- rotnpaniiH 1 liy an accepted rheijiiu on H Uanadian Chiu-tcied Hank fur lit per cent. (1(1 p. c ) of the amount of the tender, payable lo the order of the Honourable thu Minister of Mili'in and Defence, which amount will he foifeitud if the purly (dull-ring decline* In enter into, or fails to complete the conduct in accordunce wiili I. is tender. Tim Dennrtinont doi-s not liiiul itslf to iioa-pt tho loweit or any ;. t, Kl'CKNK FISKT, (.'uUel. Depii'y Minister. Dt'pai'lm.iit ol Militia ami lMi>i (<. Ottawa. June 15, 1PJ Ni'sp,ipi .|.s will n. .t be paid fi.r this iiilu'il scmeiit if inouitcd without aiiihiirity from the Dp|i:irtmnt. For that next Good Suit of Clothes, call on C. BLAKELEY The Best of Material Always on hand. PRESSING & CLEANING Carefully attended to When in Town give Me a call xxx Standard Bank Building KI.KSHEKTOX, ONT. Do You Ever Sleep? It' you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 mil at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisoment will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (Jet something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, nil equally low in price Sauitaty Keds anch as everybody wants. Sorini?9 and Mattresses to lit all bo .If. Examine our stock any- way. bo fore purchasing your sleep iudticers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. WANTED A LIVK AltENT FOH Flesherton and Vicinity To sell f..r The Fonthill Nurseries and lik.' kilvn'ii .i:> of tho wonderful dovelojmu'Ut of the KIU'IT Bl'SINKSS In -Ontario hi ih* present time, which is rii HI ni", mi extraordinary dviiifttid for Fruit Trees, t&c. (iwxl territory roserved for LOCAL & C.KNERAL SALESMEN. Start now. Outfit free. Write tor particulars. Uno Stone & Welington . Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat .................... Bo lo 85 kilts ...................... 43 to 4,'J Pew. ................ 1 10 to 1 10 Hurley .................. 70 to 70 Hay ................ 10 00 to 10 00 Butter .................. 80 (c 20 Ki>. fresh ...... ....... 18 i \\\ Culntoes pet tiK ..... ...... 1 25 to 1 _ 'i Oeeae _____ ............... 10 to 10 Ducks .............. 10 .o 12 thickens ................. 10 to li? nil-Keys .................. 18 to 18 ( Wool . ., ............. .'..20to 2V I f>C BUSY 1 O STORE CEMENT . . . We ha\c a car of Fresh Cement ou lund. Auvone thinking about using cement will do well to call and get our price, as it is one of the best Brands. FLOUR AND FEED We have some of the Best Brands of Flour on hand such as Five Roses. Cream of the West. Toronto Pride and Satisfaction Feed Flour Bran and Shorts always ou haud. We are are paying Holiest Matket Price for Wool. Trade or Cash. MILLINERY Special Prices on MiUiuery the balance of thij month, $7.*8,$10 Hits, your choice for $5. Cheaper Hats at corresponding low prices. Jas. Wattison . Ceylon &cntf*ai ^rLe/^cnant *M*** * .*. -\^..- .^. . ^ <^^^^d&/&K&K'X ]. & W. Flesherton, BOYD Ontario. WOOL WOOL We want'yourWool and will pay the Highest Price. Cash or Produce . FEED! FEED! Pig Feed -Two car* to arrive Corn, OaU, and Barley, chopped and mixed excellent feed fo Hogs. Special price off cars. . . We are going to clear out a large surplus stock of Shoes and will put on sale the product of well-known manufacturers, as Ames Holden Co., Toronto, McOeady Co., Montreal, I, R Drolett, Quebec, and other well-known makes. Men's Shoes regular $4,50 at .$3.25 Men's Shoes, regular $3.7."> at $2.90 Men's Shoes, regular $4.00 for .$3.25 Men's Shoes, regular $5.00 for $3.95 Men's Shoos, regular $(5.00 for.... $4.39 Men's Shoes, regular $!l.r0 for ^2.40 Men's Shoes, regular 8.75 for $2.05 Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes at proportionate prices. '^^sss^^^^^y^^-^j^^y^

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