Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1912, p. 5

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July 11 1912 FLESHERTON ADVANCE ; E THE ESTABUSHED l78 F AM AE)A V^AD op F7c TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH OAVINGS deposited in this bank tfr draw the highest cunent rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever dewed without delay. '34 CEO. MITCHELL, DEB Branch** aUo at Durham and Harriston. Manager. C. P, R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North ; | 7.43 a. in 11.28 a.m. j 4.33 p.m. 8.53p. m. < The mails are closed at Flesherton aj follow.-. : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and , 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at' 3.40 o'clock-. For morning train south ! mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. j VICINITY CHIPS W. A. Armstrong is at work on hia .new bungalow opposite the Park House. Kev. and Mrs H. E, Kemp of Heath- cote called on old friends here one day last week. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and family of Colhngwood are spending a week in town. I .W. W. Trimble spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Miss Gertrude Perdue of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Swanton. Mr. Gordon Laird of Milverton ia hol- idaying for a fortnight with friend.-, here. MUa Mabel Scott of Owen Sound is visiting; relatives in and around Flesh- erton. Three hundred and seventeen people were burned to death in Canada last year. For the first four months in 1912, sev- enty-seven people lost their lives in this way. The Orange demonstration at Eugenia oa Friday, 12th. will take the form of a picnic. Everybody is expected to brine their own baskets. There will be a refreshment tent on the ground. Flesherton appe-irs to be in the centre of a .i; y belt. For ;. breadth of some four miles through the centre of Artem- esia township scarcely sufficient rain 1m* fallen during the past five weeks to lay Artemeaia tow uship Council met on i the dust. Outsidd of this belt running Saturday. The minutes will appear neit week. Dr. E. K. Richardson of Toronto was among the t baton* from Toronto over Sunday. Hugh McLeaii of Osprey had five head of cattle killed during an electric storm on'Saturday. Rer. Mr. Million of the Presbyterian Church has tendered his resignation, to take effect forthwith. Mrs. Altred Carter and twj children of Toronto ware visitors over the holiday at Mr. V.~. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. George Watsou attended the funeral on Monday of their sister-in- law, Mrs. Hargrave, of Egrmont. east and vrertt the whole county has been treated to copious showers during the past week. Thunder storms hare passed on either side of us or broke after they had passed, but w _ have yet to be serv- ed. The good book itaya that rain falls both on the just tnd unjust. If that is so co what species do the residents of this dry belt belong. A gentleman whose name niu.it not be divulged considers that he got even with a motoring party the other evening and squared certain accounts of long standing. It occurred while coming from the sta- tion when a car overtook him about half a mile from town. As the road was nar- row tko ; could uot pass without the gentleman turning out. The horn was Mr. Will Beiithani, wife and babe j !oud i y j^^ to make Mr .Blank get out of Wct Toronto, are holidaying here j of the way> but both h(J ;m j nig norse ro . this week. Mrs. Bentham will remain j j U8ed to scare Instead, he touched up for some time. the animal and trotted along at a lively Miss Florence Thurston left oa Mon- puce while the motor crpt along behind day for an extended visit with friends in | in a cloud of dust raised by the horse -Chicago. She may also visit in Winnipeg! and buggy. At intervals the horn was before returning home. I tooted bat Mr. BUr.k w.isa little hard of Reeve Boyd started a gang of men l.iy-' hearing and the flying buggy made such ing the new cement walks or. Monday. This is being done by day labor in ordtr that the town ivmysavecontractor's profit. Amon the Grey Old Boys visitors from Toronto we noticed : Mrs. LeGird, jr., Mrs. Shaw, Oshwell Whitten, Celia VanDuseu. Owen Sound Orangemen are having a big demonstration on the I'.'ih. For rate* and tune table see advertisement flsewhri in this issue. Mr. James Milne, Rock Mills, has erected a tine batik barn, roofed with Brantford Crystal Roofing. John Mc- Donald, contractor and agent. Bv. Dr. Caldwell of Owen Sound preached to the Orangemen at Ceylon on Sunday afternoon and in the evening a noise '. Also, he was-' ahead of the dust cloud. At the outskirts of the village Mr. Blank drew the horse to the wind- ward side aud allowed the dust -covered mowbilly travellers to proceed, but not before they had tired a few vengeful glances at the ui.-iii who liail the temerity to hold up an auto on the king's high way. assisted at the service in church here. the Methodist the horseshoe culvert weather permitting. Mr. Armstrong expects to complete 611 1.1, n week, Teanji crossed most of lust week, with and without loads. Mr. Armstrong has not lot any grass grow on his job. Wm. Dunn, a young man working in the vicinity of Cedarville. committed suicide by strangulation with a plaited clothes liue. The young man w.-w suffering from dementia. The Grey Old Boys' excursion from 'Toronto did not quite measure up to the Morrison Robertson On Wednesday evening, June 2ti. at 6.30 o'clock, a happy evunt took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rob- ertson's, Maxwell, when their eldest daughter, Elsie Pearl, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Harry Alexander Morrison of Maxwell. At the hour appointed the bride and her father, preceded by the groom, entered the parlor, after which they took, their places out on the lawn with background of ferns and geraniums, whilo Miss Ida Osborne played the wed- ding march. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Mr. Phimister and Rev. Mr. Sifton of Maxwell. The bride looked charming in a beautiful dress of white mtrllf, daintily trimmed with insertion and blue ribbon, and ueck chain, the gift of the groom, and carried beauti- ful bouquet of snowballs. Little Miss Edith Robertson, sister of the bride, :ictod as flower girl and carried a basket of .snowballs, red aud white carnations Tho bride and groom were unattended. wedding tea. Amid showers of con'utti standard this year, there bein but. nine I After the ceremony and congratulations coaches on the train, whereas formerly | **>"* sixty guests partook of a dainty there have been twelve and Lhiiteeu. This point was well represented, how- ever, some lifty excursionists disembark- ing at Flesherton station. Another was added to the hng list of wrecks on this line of railway Thursday Dr. Ryckni.in took the bride and for an automobile drive. After their le- turn the Misses Belts sang " Perfect Love," then few quadrilles duh/ed iu for a few hours, with the violin played by the Misses Ida Osborne and Allie McDowell. Ice cream rejreshmeuts were served to all the guests. The young couple will reside near Maxwell. The brido received many useful presents The party dispersed aboutr 12 o'clock wishing the young couple a long am last when a freight train was dt railed. Two cars and contents were badly dam- aged. The noon express wna delayed for a couple of hours. A defective rail is supposed to have been the causa. Markdale suffered a very unpleasant half hour on Monday abcput noon, when j lrppy life toother. a fierco electrical storm p-isscd ever |he ! village. Tho Itmiiturc factory wtu struck | William Vandt. an employee of th . . , . Hanover Portland Cement Company a and set on fare but was extinguished , ^^ ^ electl . ocuted whih ' at * hi before much damage was done. Haskett's j W() ,k ,, Thursday morning Ust. It ap and Watson's residences were struck but j pears that whilo attendiiisj to his dutie not ignited. A telephone polo standum he thoughtlessly to.-k hold ..f an eloctri - , c m n ,r i I wire with hi* right band whilo hoidiug 10 front of Mr. Du9 , r^.lenco J^^ ^l w |h h taft luild with th shattered and his telephone destroyed, j resu it that he was instantly killed. H It was the wickedest storm Dalians have W.IH a m in of 45 years of i;e Jand ever esperionrtd. widow and seven rhildien.---Ti ' Mrs. George Stewart and children are visiting relatival at Fordwich. A gang of men are now busy moving the i. Id C. P. R. station at Shlbum<p> ia order to start the work of building th Dew one. A PortugcKe woman employed iu a NVelland factory gave birth to four children. Chicken thieves have been at work in the neighborhood of Kenilworlh. Bu us and hen house* hav been robbed for the past four or live weeks. Ona night l;i.sr week the barn of Mrs. Thoa. Ooudyear was Minpletely cleaned oat of fowl. Odds and Ends> SOCIALS AND CONCERTS The Indies' Aid of Fleshertou Methodist church will hold a Uwn social at Mr. John Breen's, on Friday evening. July 20 Refreshments and program. Admission 15 and 10 cent*. The M'lxwell Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will hold their annual garden party on July 16 at Edward McC.illum's, 4th liue. Flesherton and Singhamplon baseball club* will play. g*me at 5 p.m. See bills for part iculars. Oranze Picnic at Eugenia July 12 Eugenia L.O.L. 1118, will celebrate at Eugenia. Visilin-j bretheren cordially welcome. A good time is expected. S. Campbell, Sec. ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sule On* good hoise, general purpose, in good condition. Also 1 good second hand top buatsy and 1 good Fleury plow. Apply to SV. H. Walker, Eugenia p. o. By Private Sale -Ac The Manse. Flesherton Household furniture, con- sisting of one new bedroom suite, iron bedstead, spring, mattress, and Japanese matting ; Oxford stove, kitchen urensili, twelve roller blinds (extra i|uality), rabies, wicker and oak rockers, etc. All in first class condition. A few Egg Vats fV, Sale At les than half what they cost to manufacture them, suitable for soft water cisterns or for tunks to water cattle. M. Scully Co., Flesherton . Teacher Wanted For S. S. No. 11, \rteuiesU, mule or female, holding a first or second class certificate, duties to omuience Sept. 1st. 11)12. Personal applications preferred. Apply at once itatiug salary <uid experience to Geo. ?ritchtd, Sec.-Truas., Vandeleur. LOST AND FOUND Lost on Tues., July 'J, between Flesh- rtoo and the station, two five-dollar (ills. Finder please leave at this ofh'ce r at the postoftice. Ceylon. Two iron rodn found near new ceruent ulvert on Collin^wood gravel. Owner an have them by paying for thin advt. nd applying to Jerry Thompson. MISCELLANEOUS Miss Catherine A. Burns, 8th con., Osprey, will receive a limited number of upiU for piano or organ instruction at ler home. Pupil of Mrs. Jos. Black- jurn, Flesherton. For particulars pply t residence or address Keversham P. O. For Sale The undersigned offers for s!u three lots in the village of Ceylon, on which are erected a good one and a half rauie dwelling, 8 rooms, with atone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home fur any person. Terms e:iy, price right. Apply :<> Jas. Ashdown, Oweti Sound; or W. J. Bellamy, Flosherton. R. D. Meldrunt. marriage licensee. Portlaw, issuer of Wanted Young lady f > le:rn the tailoring. Apply to ('. plakeloy, Flesbor- ton p. o. For the Balance of the Wool Season We will offer many new and Seasonable ijjj Lines of Merchandise at very close prices. We want your Wool and you want our Goods. Give us your Wool and we will do all that is possible to give you value and A SQUARE DEAL FOR YOUR MONEY _ __ ts ^^^^ H WOOL BLANKETS This week we will otter one hundred pairs of Wool Blankets, nice line qualilty and good 4ize, (til) x 30) in pioic and blue border. These blankets ;ire good value at f 3 75 per pair, while they last selling at, per pair, . . . .12.75. No. 2 50 pair Wool Blankets, heavier than the first liue, on sale -jr. per pair ........................... $3 25. SILKS SILKS We have just placed in stock a full range cf yard wide Dress Silks in all the leading shades, Tan, Nary. Shepherd's Plaids, Pale Blue, Black and Grey. The Quality of Silk is sold all over for $1.35 and 1.50. Ou r Price ....... ._ ................................................................................. Wo. We still have a good ran^e of summer Silks ani Mullen, which we are selling t very cloe prices. Aak to see them. WOMEN'S aod CHILDREN S WHITE CANVAS SHOES. The not weather is litre and we have decided to clear up our -invi-p shoe*. Nearly erery size in the lot worth up to $2.00 per pair. Special this week it, per pair, ....................... , ...................... 75,.. WOMEN'S OPEN WORK BOSE. This week wa offer tifty dozen ladies lace hose all sizes, 8J to 10. Regular 25c. value. Thia week selling \t, 15c! WOMEN'S OXFORD SPECIAL. We will put on sale one hundred pairs of Women's Oxford*, in Black, tin. acd patent bather. These shoes are the balance of the mures that have been broken and are worth up to 93 per pair. Special, while they last, at. per pair ............................................................................. ....... VL.4A. WOMEN'S Sl'MMER VESTS. We have fifty dozen ladies' summer vests to clear, and for quick selling we will clean them up at, per garment ....................................................... ............ ....................... lOc. Hardware Dept. We carry a full range of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Get our prices before you buy elsewhere. We still have 200 dozen izold edge and clover leaf cup and saucers to clear at, per dozen. .Vc. HILL BROS., MARKDALE. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance f I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily '-'00 Toronto Daily News I oj Weekly Globe 85 Mail-Empire SO Family Herald & Star Toronto Star 1 30 Farmer Sun 75 Farmers Advoeata I 35 Weekly Wit.iew 80 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 80 Poultry News . . , , 20 Poultry Itevtew 40 Rod and Gun magazine 80 Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468, 9th St. East, Ovren Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment FRUITS FRUITS All kinds of Fruits in their season, Just now it is strawberries, and cherries are nearly due. Get your a nning fruits from us. Prices are always right. Flour, chop wheat, low grade Hour, Ogilvies Royal Household and White Rose Hour. WRIGHT'S ICE CREAM PARLORS Serve delicious ice cream every day and evening of the week. Also Sundays. Ice Cream Sodas and all kinds or soft drinks. Visit our parlor these hot days. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton You Need Not Fear Lightning Nothing: to fear if your buildings are prop* erly rodded. The reportsofthe mutual fire insurance companies prove that fire toss i next to nothing where a pure copper cable is used, while the loss on uttrodded build- iueson account of lightning is very great. Where losses have occurred on rodded buildings, its cause has always been traced to unscientific methods of installation. You ought to protect yourself now before It Is too late. Doit by installing an absolutely reliable lightning conductor Have your build- trigs equipped with National Flat Cable For Sale or to Rent Lot 2U, Con. 11, Glenel^, contaitiin? 100 iicrea, 00 acres eletred ami in good st.iu- of cultivation, balance hard wood bush, goud frame barn, stoue foundation, good fUliling and driving house, com- fortable house, never falling well and goml orchard. Tho above farm is only j. miles from he village of Markd-tle. Apply to John White or Thomas Taylor, Portlaw JP. o. HARVESTING MACHINES Good Time Piece is a Faithful Servant. We make a Specialty of Reforming the "won't-jjo" kind. When we repair a watch or a clock we guarantee it to ?o accurately, and, guarantee it to keep a-foing accurately. D. McTavish - Prop. W. A. Armstrong; (Patent . ......... then you will have *gttara*tft<t rod and it wilt be t>fft>lv installed & vital matter, p * statistics show that lightning never damages a building properly rodded with National Pure Copper Cable. National Cable is in use on many thousands of buildings, from New 2$nglana to Old Mexico not one of which has evrr been lost by lightning; or set a-fire. Come in and let us show you, and tell you why you cannot afford to have any other. 'We will also estimate the cost of raiding your property. It won't cost you cent to talk this matter over and it's important See us today. T>it Littlt Srasi Tbx. bearing tltt word iVatwttal, atsvres safety aud reliability*. Melotte Cream Separators Wliv .] Vv.i still loo uion>r and eaiipo raancUso much nniu-coosury woiii by not UaviJKUS place it Mi>lotbCieum SepBrKof in your Iponif. We would bo Kind to have von . call and to poiut out Co you their many poiuti j of superiority. Do uot del*?'. \V'o are :out> for tho K.ost & Wood n 1 I >ckMii;tt Farm hinMri'i";!t. Wo lo keep ou band repairs for tbu Mcl'oriuiok a>uil Maasey Harris UacbinW f. Horse Shoeii>( an.l GPJ : : '. i <:i.ithius a i>i'inli v . A busker and shredder tc McCormick machine to !H They are built rig you will find it to your interest to buy McCor- mick machines. ' McCORMICK mower for the hay: a McCor- mick binder for your grain; a McCormick corn binder to cut your a McCormick a S. Hemphill, - Agent CEYLON, - ONTARIO.

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