Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1912, p. 3

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< I t TONIC TREATMENT FOR THE STOMACH The Modern Method Most Success- ful in Treating Indigestion The old-fashioned methods of treating indigestion and stomach troubles are being discarded. Th< trouble with the old-fashioned methods was that when the treat ment was stopped the trouble re- turned in an aggravated form. The modern method of curing in- digestion and other stomach trou- bles is to tone up the etomach tf do its normal work. Every step towards recovery is a step gained, not to be lost again. The recovery of the appetite, the disappearance of pain, the absence of gas all are teps on the road to health that those who have tried the tonic treatment remember distinctly. Dr. William*' Pink Pills are a tonic medicine, every constituent of which is helpful in building up the digestive organs, and is therefore the Tery best remedy for chronic cases of etomaoh trouble. The suc- cess of the treatment is proved by thousands of cases like the follow- ing : Mr. W. W. Bwain, Grand Valley, Ont., says: "For sewra 1 . years my mother had stomach trou- ble from which she got no relief whatever until she began the use of Dr. William*' Pink Pills. She was treated at different times by three doctors, but their efforts did not avail. Then she was advised to try an electric belt, but it proved worthless. She suffered much dur- ing this time and food became dis- tasteful. The trouble also affected her nervM and her general health was on the verge of a breakdown. One day a friend who was in a*ked her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pill*. Without very much hope that the Pills would prove successful when ether medicines had failed, we nevertheless got her a supply. In a few weeks we could see a decided change, and got six more boxes. By the time these were used mother was almost well, and she kept on taking the Pills for a short time longer and was completely cured. She is now a healthy and strong woman and is never bothered with her stomach in any way. I hope this statement will bring relief to ther sufferers." Why experiment with medicine* of doubtful valu. when you have nich positive evidence of the bene- fit following the uee of Dr. Wil- liam's Pink Filial Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or eix boxes for $2.50 from The Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TOO MANY PRELIMINARIES. "Can't you get any workt" asked a woman of the tramp who had ap- plied at the back door for food. "Yes. ma'am," he replied. "I was offered a steady job by the man who lives down the road in that big white house." "That's Mr. Oatseed. What was the workt" "He wanted me to get up at 4 in the morning, milk 17 cows, feed, water and rub down four horses, clean the stables, and then chop wood until it was time to begin the day's work." "What did he want to pay 1" "I dunno, ma'am. I didn't stop to ask." Mlrvanf* Llnlmtnt Cum oiittmptr. "Do you mean to say that you flirted with your wife all evening at ihe masked ball and didn't know hert" "That's right I But she was so deuced agreeable how waa I to know herl" Pimples So Bad He Was Ashamed Tried Everything but Did It No Good, One Box of Cuticura Ointment Took Pimples Away. About fTn 7ri BfO plmrlM brok* Out all orrr mi face and BKk. When l'.,rj would flrat com* out ln7 would b* MI and ntl. t hen after a wblta they would turn whit*. and matlar w*uld com* cut. Somvtiiae* they would Itrb to I could hardly deep. I was aitoamd to p> down Mm*, my face K>okr<l 10 bad. I wt to Mrtral doctors nd tot mrdlclno. which 1I no (rood, ami l-o'.-.<M 011: iuiit. salrn nJ patent nxxlk-tnr*, but uon of them would cut* my facr a<4 neck A (Tinul advtMd m to try Cuticura Ointment. 1 lot on box. knd It took tlM rlniples awar bfer I bad H all ud up, I can It la a wonderful remedy. Any iifffrcr who bu piirpiM ahould u t'utK-ura Oluimenl If they want a tun cur*. I never hal any oap equal to Cuticura Soap." {*linccl> Aflmer Matlvers. Parknlll. Out. Sores All Over Baby's Body "When my baby boy was rtx months old hti body wa completely cor*re4 with tart* *oiw that leemed to Itoh and burn, and cause Varrlble tufferini. Th aruptlou bejan tn plmpte* walch would open and tun. makta* Urt son?*. Bis hair came out and ftiurer nallt fell o. and th xrw) < ortr tne. entire body, caiulni liul* or no ihl for baby or mj-wlf. Oreal .-bs would conw *ft when 1 remoTed hb tblrt We Uted a rat many rMDfdtH but othui* would help him. till a ftl-nd Induced me to try Cutlc-ura Soap and Ointment. 1 ued th aitkura 6oap and Ointment but ilhort 'Unc bh>r I could aw that h waa K. it. He had suffered about six wreU ore we tried tb Cuticura Soap and Ointment. althouh w had tried several other tbtni *"J aoctore too. I thtak th Cullcuri KVioedle. wul do all that Is cUirned " . 'iilrly c\itd. wreU Vfore fVr ih m. and a rat deal more," fit* . SobleTubnian. Dodson. Mont.. Jaa Cutk-ura 8op and Cuticura Ointment sold lw j'urtlsti and dealers everywhere Send gpoS!! Pnii A Chem. Corp .^J^ are. Boston. 0. 8. A., for a liberal Ire* \InU. o? MCD. wim *. bwktat. A FOUNTAIN OF PUNCH. Proride4 by a British Officer foi Entertainment of Gaet. Boar* of the papers have rcenth dev*tedattention to the origin o' punohflsfehat famous evntenth century drink which has long lost Its popularity ID England. tbongV it still survive* to some extent on the Continent. Owing to its intimate connection with rum one miirht easily hav? imagined that punch originated lr the West Indies. In fact, however. it actually came from the East In- dies and the name is said to be de- rived from the Sanskrit "Pans- oha," five, n account of its five ingredients arrak (afterward rum), tea, sugar, lemon aad hot water. The most magnificent bowl of punch the world has ever seen wa^ probably that provided by the Right Hon. Edward Russ*>ll. who .vhen cpnwnandir.g his Majesty'.- force>m in the Mediterranean, in 1691. entertained 6,000 gnests at Alicante, where a large marble fountain was filled with the liquor, the ingredients being: Four hogs- heads of brandy, a pipe of Malaga wine, 2.600 lemon. twenty gallon; of lime juice, eight hogshead* of water, five pound* of grated nut- megs in weight. 300 toasted biscuits and thirtwn hundred weight of fine white sugar. MILES OF MYSTERY. Dsp : te the wonderful advance of exploration in various parts of the world, the Royal Geographical So- ciety of London have recently de- clared that no fewer than 20,000.000 square miles cf the earth yet re- mains unexplored. Africa has the largest unexplored area, nearly 6,600.000 square miles ; while Xorth America contain* no fewer than 1.600,000 square mil?s of virgin ter- ritory. The largest continuous stretch of unexplored country is in Liberia, Africa. The tract consists of about 2.000 miles, all of which is within 200 miles of the sea. Re- gions adjoining the Congo, the ba- sin of the Tpper Nile, part* of Mor- occo, Abyaeinia. Somaliland. have yet to be surveyed, mapped out, and. if suitable, commercially ex- ploited. UNNOTICED. "Did you kiss the bride 1" "Yes." "And congratulate- her mother and father upon the happy event t" "Tea, indeed. I had a nice little chat with both of them." "And I presume you met all the out of town relatives 1" "I think I did. In fact I'm almost lure I did. Some of them seemed to be ve-nr entertaining people." "And f suppose, of course, that you gave th groom your bet wish- es " "TLe groom t No. 1 didn't. Now you speak of it, I don't remember seeing hint there at all." FAMILY RVST. Kansas Man Says Coffee Made Him That. "Coffee ha been used In our family of ele-ve-n father, mother. fiv *oni and four daughters for thirty years. I am the elde*t of the boys and have always been consid- ered the runt of the> family and a coffee toper. "I continued to drink it for years until I grew to be a man. and then I found I had stomach trouble, ner- vous headaches, poor circulation, was unable to do a full day's work, took medicine for this, that, and the other thing, without the least benefit. In fact I only weighed 116 when I was 88. "Then I changed from coffee to Postum, being the first one in our family to do so. I noticed, as did the rest of the family, that I was surely gaining strength and flesh. Shortly after I was visiting my cousin, who said, 'You look so much better you're getting fat.' "At breakfast hia wit? passed me- a cup of coffee, a she knew I was always such a ooffee drinker, but I said. 'No, thank you." "'What!' said my cousin, 'you quit coffee t What do you drink V " 'Poetum,' I said, 'or water, and I am well.' They did not know what Postum was. but my con-sin had stomach trouble and could not sleep at night from drinking coffee three times a day. He was glad to learn about Postum but said he never knew coffee hurt anyone." (Tea is just as injurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) "After understanding my condi- tion and how I got well he knew what to do for himself. He discov- ered that coffee was the c.-vuso of his trouble i he never used tobacco or anything els* of the kind. You should see the change in him now. We both believe that if persons who suffer from coffee drinking would stop and us* Postum they could build back to health and happi- ness. Name givem by Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor. Ont. "There's a reason." Read the little book. "The Road to Well- Tillo," in pkgs. Ever read the above letter! A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. TWO FAMOUS Vre Coming from England for tkf Canadian National Exhibit!*!. Two famous bands from England fill make the musical attractions a' .he Canadian National Exhibitior his year something long to be re Tiembered. The Sects Guard 3and from Buckingham Palace, th* hird of this famous brigade of jands brought across the ocean b;. :he Exhibition people, will alter late on the main band stand with he Besses O' Th" Barn, which a! 'overs of band music recognize as Britain's best brass band. Tw< such musical attractions have never iefore been brought together on ;he continent. + OFTEX THE CASE. "Where do all the people who have automobiles get the money :hat is necessary to afford them?" "Many of them don't." Cucumhers and trel^ns are "for hidden fruit" to many persons s< constituted that the Least indu! gence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc These persons are not aware thai they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg' s Dysen tery Cordial, a medicine that wi'l give immediate relief, and is a sur^ cure fur all summer complaints. Scotland lost over 9.000 of her po- pulation during April last by the drain of emigration. HATE TOU A BAD SORKt If so. remenber tbeoe facts Zam- Buk ia by far the most widely used balm in Canada! Why has it b- x>me co popular) Because it heals sores, curea skin diseases, and does what m claimed for it. Why not let it heal yonr icret Remember that Zam-Buk is at the same time healing, soothing, and \ntiseptic. Kills poison instantly, and all harmful germs. It is suit* ible alike for recent injuries and disea&es. and for chronic sores, ul- ers. etc. Test how different and -upeaior Zam-Buk really is. All druggists and etoree at 50c. box. Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieve* 'imburn and prevents freckles. B<as* for baby's bath. 25c. tablet. Minard'i Llnlmtnt Guru Garget In Coi. BilHngsgat-e Market. London, ha? in one year received nearly 200.- 'XW tons of fish, about one-third of which arrived bv water. The Pil! That Brings Relief. When, after one ha partaken of a meal he is oppressed by feelings of fulne3s and pains in the stomach, he suffer* from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the very bet medicine that can be taken to bring relief. These pills are ?p<x;:a!ly compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and thoir sterling qutliti'fi in thi* respect can bo vouched for by legions of users. Beet sugar to a total of fourteen million tons is produced every year. A Powerful Medicine. The heal ing properties in six essential oils are concentrated in every b^tole o5 Dr. Thomas' Fxjlectric Oil. formins: one of the, most beneficial liniments ever offered to the use of man. Thousands can testify a to its pow- er in allaying pain, and many thou- sands more can certify that they owe their health to it. Its wonder- ful power is not expressed by its cheapness. THE FIRST. A yenng couple in Berlin are re- sponsible for the following adver- :isement in one of the Berlin news- papers: "Wanted A governess who a good stenographer, to take down -he clever sayings of our child." Peevish, pale, restless, and sickly children owe their condition to worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will relieve them and restore heakh. TO DRT UMBRELLAS. 6a.aU Be Opeved So Tlat the Air Cai Gat At It. At this time of year, whsn tker is more or less rain, it pays to be) careful of your umbrella. A wet umbrella should never be rolled up, nor even placed in an umbrella jar point downward, because that al- lows all the moisture to ran down to the point, where it cannot get any freeh air and it will soon rust the ribs and rot the cloth. Many person* will stand a wet umbrella in a sink or wash basin, which would not be so bad if they would only place it point up so that the air could get to the part to whioh the water drains. The right thing to do is to open or hang it somewhere that the drippingt will not do any damage. This let the air ttet to every part of it and it will aoon b? dry again. A good umbrsHa. properly taken care of, dried open every time it is used, will lart for 10 or 15 years : but one that U put away wet or point down in a hall stand jar will not last more than a season. HOUSE FLIES R batched in awaatm tad rcvd in filth. Sdtmtutt MTt luctjTrie*! thai tkcy are >a--f: v rrtTmrs'sk for the pred : TubcrculMu. Trpboid. Diphtheria, DvwaUrr, Ifaatil nttraan ct tac BOWCM etc. Er> packet W WILSON'S FLY PADS w{Q kfll n*rc Km tbaa 300 afcacu ''Where can I get a drink In this town J" asked a travelling man who landed at a little town in the oil region of Oklahoma of the 'bus driv- er. ''See that millinery shop over there!" askd the driver, pointing to a building near the depot. "Youj don't mean to say they eell whiskey in a millinery store?" exclaimed the drummer. "No. I mean that's th only place here they don't sell it," said the 'bus man. Visitor "Where wer yon born, my little man?" Tommy "Soov ! land. Sir!" "What part?" "AH; of me, sir :" CATSPAVte RU.BE* LiBinen: Co.. Limited. . In Jane. 96. I had my hand aad wrist bittn an<i badly mangled by a Tickm* burse. I uerd greatly tor S*T. sraJ days and the tooth cu: refused to heal until your agent gare m* a bortla of MDiARD'S LINIMENT. wa-.L-h I began ; using. The effect was magical : in fi> hours :he pain had ceaiwd and In two weeks th wound* had completely healed and my tuuid and arm were aa well at err. Toon trnly. 4^ E. ROT. ^.-7.1,-.' Maker. St. + T. ^ PAW KNOWS EVERYTHING. Willie Paw. what is taett Paw Tact is thinking that a man is a liar when you are afraid to tell him *o. A Mi'd Pil! for P lioat-* W. men. The moet delvate woman can un- dergo a course o/ Prmel?e's V<*- table Pi'.ls without fear of unplea- sant consequences. Their action, while who!!* infective, is mikl and agrreable. No violent pain; or purgii:gs follow their us. as thou- sands of women who have used them can testify. They are, there- fore, strongly reoonimendt?d to, wo- men who are prone to disorders of the digestive organs than men. ONE WAY. Sillicus "Do you believe in long engagements '" Synicua "Sure! The longer a man is engaged, the less time he has to be married. 1 ' When Your Eyes Need Cart Try Munne KT Ketnedr No Stnjtrr.n* Fe*U Fla Aria Qulekly. Try it for R*J, WM*. Wawrr Cve anil ornnltr* 4 . Kte. '.<!*. IUu*> irHtvd Book la r*.-.\ Fafka^e. Murio* la oonipciaoded b or Oelit out a "Pmtvnt M<*4- tela~ bat nsl In iuecussrut P%Tsv^lan' Prac- Jtv for many ar. Now d*>iu-a-<M u> the Ptitv. :lc ftnU v,4 by l>nijfgist* at tto nu Xvj^tr B> '. Mur o ? 9a> la A*pU Tube*, '2Si ami awe. Murlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago ARRKSl'ED. "Uncle. I didn't know doctors were policemen." "Neither did I, dearie. Why do you think they are!' 1 "Because when I was sick the doctor said ho was goin' to arrest the fever, and I'm sure he did. be- cause it never came back!" KINO WHO WOULD BE LOVED. An eccentric monarch was Fred- erick the Great, whom his subject* called "Old Fritz." One day. in passing along the- streets of Berlin, he noticed that a m;in left the side- walk us he approached and crossed over to the other side of the street. The king called him back, and ask- ed why he had done so. The poor fellow began to tremble, and stammered. "Because you are the king, and I am afraid of vou." "Afraid of me!" shouted the monarch. "I don't want my sub- jects to be afraid of mo, but to love me. I will" teach you a lesson !" and he began to beat the man with his cane, crying out : "Next time when you meet tne. don't cross the street, but greet me with eyes that betoken love I Do you understand!" And the unlucky culprit, cringing beneath the vigorous Wows of the royal walking-stick, promised that he would not fear but love the king. "My dear." said Mr. Clarkson, "I don't want you to think I have any deeire to criticise you for the way you manage, but. really, we must try to live within our income." "Within our income! Goodness! And b regarded by everybody in our set as eccentric!" Mlnard't LlMlnttnt Cur$ Colds, Bto. ORIGINAL SIN. "John, what i original WLf< sint" Hueband "Apple think, my dear." stealing, Corns and warts disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cur without leaving a scar. During the past thirty years over three million oxen hav been re- ceived at the London cattle market* from America. nn.T.r Liniment Curw Dlphttiwla, A little lad was desperately 01,'' but refused to take the medicine the doctor prescribed. His mother fin- ally gave up. "Oh. my boy will die, my boy will die." she sobbed. Presently a voice piped up from j the bed. "Don't cry, mother., i Father' U be home soon and he'll i mk me take it." DODD'S'' V KIDNEY PILLS El). 7. Tread softly - StD: ' FARMS FOH SALE. H W. OAWSON, Minus CsiMrn* tlr>4. Ttrsnts. 17 IQHT TBCCSA5D DOLLABJ WITj, ny beaauful aam4rri aorvs ka Coanty. iBcladiig . and Implsaent*. TVer* 'i In to* t -1 This t a ua*. aM can be ha4 on eaiy tarms. ? *ii.o-. at . hcrset. 10 ccwr eta This t CATS PAW RUBBER SOUS o&i the pt*td fMturws of Cats Paw Heels. ^. OOD FABXS i>- LDICOLS. Halton. Pee'.. T^rk. Durhasm. !r*- aberland. ?-- Bdwartl couatW* * SA'KATCHEWAN Uanltcba lands ia largs or Farrr FABHS- *'.r rr-:tt H. W. O4WSON Taront*. to W twr Jno. fVvnt. W"h!two W-vte tat BONDS FOR SALE. "INTERfUTlilUL FIT WAT" Prevati tin TrnMriMi Lu* frara Flies SAVE TOUR STOCK BY U.i.g M irrmuTfONAL FIT WAT" ABSOLUTELY FTR:*T-<TA J : TT VB pr cent Gold Bends at ar. In> t*ret *\n\t yearly Partici'ar? on apnli catton. L. P. Boyder. Traders Bask. Toronto. MALE HEL WANTfa RAILWAYS RIvinRJ Y0~^0 for TX^pitioss la nations. in pce'.tioma leai. Railway our Si-hool. New ' th tisD to r\ti jvnion ts fox ral. stL.... . .w - - No ) eir'a'.ns. DC!B!*O School ialli*-**- men HltCELLANIOUS. IT A l.^ !~-- .. WITH FLY K HOCK EH FA.RM OALES. TEN GREESHOrSB PLANTS. 50c, prpa!d. W. M Barburm. S.---.v Hnall. Oct. ANCEH. TCMOR3. LCMPS. t. I trna: and nterna'.. rurW wKkocI alo b? car . ~ --.-*: -um: Writ* OS before too ' Dr 1 ai- X*dicaJ Co. Llm 1 ***!. CoVinwood. Ont TON SCALF i.lVASANTtrD. W'.'.*on it S<-> Work*. I Enplaaad*. Trnt.v C' A8H ADVA>\'ED FOR Patnta*l In<**f.u. ?*:. pro curvd. buht, Mli aad dT*:opd. Wr-.t* for trW booklet. rh Ia.riiAt)oaa! Patriit !ynd:.'a:<. 803 Bathurs: Sv. Toroaw. DYEING I CLEANING ! BRITISH AIHIIISAM OYEINC CO. Look (or ac* * * jw K- wa. ar **a4 di ontreal. Toronto, Ottawa (II hen buying your insist on Having An OTTO NIGEL Ptarvo Actior\ CRVOSOTB COW COMFORT Fun jaurCattl* M.M FIB 8ALLON Dlllt* witt 4 |11. of watvr. Writ (r a falla to TNI MtCulREM l*lal CHEtSt CO- LT 0.. WOODSTOCK. 01 Tifl Sola Mfrs. Tb 9ivph Manufaccvnaf O*.. LlvitM. V4*n;?A aid Boak'xts JAMES LANGMUIR A CO., Limited 1374- Bthurt TOROXTO TK1 aSUMOTSH M. f OklwMSB, US. {^\ TWO CRUISES 110 Days .--su *:>.* aW a^kosm HAMBURG - AMERICAN MM 41-4S BROADWAY. N. T. or Ocsan Stean>htp Ai|nv. B Yon< St.. Tsronto, Canada. 'KINO OSCAR' SARDINES WHOLESOME NOURISHING APPETIZING For aa touch to lunebtoo, pioni, or gardon. party nthua( . aa xc! tb* &;n> flavored, carefully litt' fish "KIHC OSCAR" Put up in Sanitary Get Them Prom Your Grocer Trade uppU*4 by Jobm W. Blckl A Oraninc. Hamilva 4 '.

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