Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1912, p. 5

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f. Augnst 8 1912 F L E S H E It T O X A I) V A N C F. ' F THE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Branches BOB *t Durti*jn and Harristom. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as. follows : Going Sooth Going North 7.43 a. m. 11.28 a.m. 4.33p.m. 8.53p. m. j The mails are closed at Flesherton a^ \ follows . For the north at 10.40 a.m. ami 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at' 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south | mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. ; VICINITY CHIPS A telegram arrived at Dundatk Mon- day evening from the West stating that Hodder McWilliann, son of Dr. Me W. illiams. had been accidentally killed thut uiornicx. There were no jtiriicuUrs. The young man was farming and leave* a young wife. Mrs. Cham Whit by of the Sault, who has been visiting -it Mr. Andrew Beat- tie's, Toronto Line, suffered a painful accident one afternoon last week. She slipped and fell on the door, breaking a wrUt. Dr. Carter was called, and re- duced tue fracture. the Mr. Hartley of the Poatoffice Depart- ment was iu town on Friday acd drove i out to examine the proposed rural mail delivery route between Flesherton .and Yandeleur. The proposition is to run from V;iud*!eur to Flesheru n by way of the east back line, returning via the River ! Meaford Roul Mr. John Me g art ot the west back Killed at Homing's Mills Owen -Sound, Aug, 4. The remains were brought here to-day of William Breen, who died last evening as i result of an accident ac the construction work of the Dutfenn Power & Light Company on the Pine River, near Burning's Milla. Breen was employed by i.'-jle t Bryson, contractors, of this town, who have a contract <>a the extensive works. He was an experienced man with explosives and had set off a charge iu a hard pan embankment, and was in the act of pick- ing down some loose material when a heavy piece fell upon him, crushing him so seriously that his ribs penetrated hU lungs, death followed at 5 o'clock. The body was brought home this morning for interment, after the Coroner's jury had viewed the remains. Breen was sixty years of age and has ;\ large family of grown-up children residing in this vicinity. A Costly Snooze One day last week when Mr. lie Cheesmart was \i.n-j ilcng the lake shore he noti'rvd a burse some distance oat in : .c lake. Be swam out to where the an- imal as and brought it iu, and it was found out to be blind. The horse wa* a good one and hd sfayed from iti owner ue.tr CoUingwood. How long it was in the lake it is not known. S^ayner Sun. For Sale or Rent '*oe >t the mo*C vorkuw people -r afflicted it!> U Soiii brick, store in Fevershsui , back. Apply Chamb*rLuu'> Luiinwn: J7j x Wu. oppoi:e dour n~. Wul a day and mamage the ITU thopiugUr take nt'teeu hundred dollar* less than each *pplicati'>n, and you ill t ^nick r- actual cot of building ; lot free. Sleek ^f p.^ i e |, v ,n 4 rt ! e r-. will either be removed or sold at rate ,>n tbedoUar. WillU this property on Dlu4 May Longstreet, aged lo. ccn- very easy terms, or rent reai.jiubly. Apply Co mitted suicide at Alton by drinking car- I. H. PERIGOE. bolic *cid. No cause is assigned. Purt M:N.c .LI. i-r.:. ilr. W S. liunsaia*. a farmer hring Fleming, Pa. sayi he hoj iwed Chamberiain'i Colic. Ckr>lra and Diarrhoea Rrinedy in hu family f-T f.>urtn yean. nd tluu hi hu found it c be an ( xccllent reined j. and uke pleasure in recooimrnUintr it. r'>>r *ale by all dealer*. Fred fcUn-Cf . a son of l^tto Bank: near Laur-Jl, came near losing his life last week by twin* bunted around by au en- nged bull. The animal charged him while cioatiine a field and Fred becx&mg tired out dodging the beast at lut was knocked down. For ten minutes cr more the bull bunted and shoved him arouod the grouud till the poor fellow's body was a complete mass of cuts and The Tan Leader dilates upon the re- | bruises. Fortunately the beast had teer, suits of a peaceful mornit.jr, snooze in dehorned or more serio.us results woo'd this tmnner : <!>ne of our local bank' have happened . Help caute and drove clerks has come to the conclusion that | the animal otf and a d'ictor was sum- Mr. R. Bentham visited friends t Singhampton last week. Miss \Voodlan of Smithtille guest of Mrs. R. Moore. Miss EJna Bradbury of Blind is visiting with friends here. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell ar.d daughter. Miss Iva, are visiting friends iu Seaforth. Mr. Wallace of Toronto 5 pent Sunday , ^ had thtf buildlng j 4cked Ul> 4boo t wi;h bis father. Mr. Jam** Wallace. . eight ^ and ^^^ on pi ers [ >u ^ t up of Mrs. Edward Whitten "f Toronto ; railway tii-s. While working under the visited friends here durir.2 the past , building Saturday the two workmen ! week. heard a cracking sound and barely got, jj r |out from under when the structure came I was about AUoti feet and was badly ; wrecked. It was a very close call for Mr. Stewart and Henry Howard, who was working with him. The dropping of :i word l*t week in the sidewalk item uiade it ap[>er that the gang on the j >b were not lightning > operators, whereas the contrary is the fact, i if ivurse it was an aterave of square feet per day s everybody would un- i 'n Friday afternoon last Toronto spnt a few days , f the past e i eveo hnndred feet were laid, which, we week with their parents here. believe, was a record breaker for a half Mr. W. Bentham and Mr. Andriw day's work. Th* job wdl be completed l>e ni haui of Toronto spent a few d.iys thi* week aud next week we will pn.il>- this week with friends in town. ably have some figures to ^ive as to amount laid and cost of same. Bom On Thursday. Aiy. !.. t- and Mrs. Thornton Paliister. i a dmhter. Mr. aud Mrs. D. Strachan of Toronto visited friends in town for a couple of days ihe past week. Miss Irene Wilson rvturned IK me on Monday after a four-weeks' vi.it with fiiends at Howell, Mich Miss Louise Nicholson of Toronto is spending her holiday* with her i!*ters in the vicinity of Fleyherton. Muses Teenie ar.d E:tie LeGard of sleeping in in the morning is vi expen- sive pleasure. On Saturday he went to Owen Sound to his home and intended returning on the early morning express on Monday, but failed to waken from his peaceful slumbers until long after train time. He having part of the com- bination of the safe here it wa neves- saiy fur him to be in T.tra in hall an hour and consequently an auto was hired, instructing the chauffeur to make the dis- tance of sixteen miles in half an hour if possible. The trip was commenced acd they drove through the country at a merry clip and when they arrived at their declination it was found the trip was made in twenty-five minutes <-r about a mi! in every minute nd a hvf. Cu$table Brig^s happened IK be on the street when the auto came down Yonae , street a: about .1 forty mile an hour clip and when the machine stopped he qui- etly went over to the driver and took his name and asked him to appear before the magistrate for overstepping the speed limit. The magistrate imposed a fine of ' rive dollars and costs, the costs beins: $2. The aforesaid bank clerk paid the $"> fine ' besides f6 lor the hire of the aut' . moned. who dr*sied his injuries. Grand Viliev Star. HORSLS FOR SALE One horse 4 years old, one horse 3 years old. one horse - years old. all three by the imported Clydesdale stallion Dun- ure Mac. Also one irey tilly . yeir? old JAS. OLIVER. Lets 2.">-ii -J7. South Line. Artetuesia' Ceylon P.O. JUST RECEIVED A lanje consignment of Earthenware from Enghmd. which will now be sold at bargain prices. Call and let us .>how the man designs in fancv China Plates. Cups and Saucers. Fruit Dishes and Salad Bowls. Also a number of nice designs in Glassware, consisting of watei Setts. Butter Dishes. Sugar BowKs. Jugs and Pitcher C'all and see the goods and get our price ?. J. H. PARRE GENERAL Eugenia, MERCHANT Ontario. Odds and Ends Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Murray of Toronto is visiting relative* in town. The Dr. U spending the week at Bell's Lake. Mis*e* My and Ethel McGee. Gladys Henry aud Marjoiy <>rr of Toronto r j th* gtiests of Miss Gladys '\rnfteld. Kimberley baseball club citne over M. luUy evening and played ,t ^iiue , with the Flesherton club. We would ... , i like to let the atinouuceaieut so .t th..t. ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1; . .^ Mrs. (Dr.) J. P. Ottewell let: on Mon- , Kiiubet i ey> with , fi ve .i na in.; N day to visit relatives in Saskatchewan The (tame was scarcely worth .-uialyzins; ^he was iccompaniei by Miss Ida Fisher. As an e , n ibiti..n O f baseball it was on'a A gentleman in the \Vet wants to par with the old-time log^iug-beo atfairs know what has become of our Maxwell in which the scores ran up t' 5<> or 00 correspondent. We pass ti-.o query on. j and good running wind was the prime Mr. and Mr*. W. R. Blakely of Urif- ' <*enlul. Neither club had any adv:in- ton, N. D., left on Tuesday after ' Uge in this respect A Urge number of pleasant fortnight's visit with relatives 'spectators *.< present, and a one thing jj ere ! about it w.is the large number of Kim- Mr J ol the Meaford theur c ' ul ' would U P * "'"*- Road, who has been in I'alifotnU sine* last fall, returned home Tuc<djy of this , ' After th* third iiuun^ Monday both cluts appeared to be getting iiown to Mrs. George Davis and three children tetur w ,, rk K iuiberley went first to of West Toronto, also Mrs. W. J. Ross bat >nd befyre nt - ltins ^.^ sU runs of Toronto, *|>ent the holiday v. Albert w hi c h lead they held to the end Stewart's. A few weeks vp.> farmers were bewail* i ing the fsot that the crops were sjoiu^ u- be a comparative f^ilui-e i\gin this year. | The ether d*y we met one of these gen- tlemeo looking fat help iu the h.trvest tielU K'c:>usi> the sheaves were so heavy j that niiii c-niKl hardly sho.-k them. Crwemore Star. Mrs. .1. M. Duncan :iud Kve'yn. returned home last week after spending three months viiitinii friends in Illinois'. Ohio and Michigan Rex. A. W. (.'raw, wh> pceacheU in th* l*rtvby te rian church on Sunday, delivered an inipressiv* and much ap- preciated si-iinon. Mr. L'rw will j-n-aeh i;ain next Sabbath Mr. James McClocklin hu purchased J, English's butcher business at Ceylon. We understand that Mr. Kn^lish has bought the Temperance House t Kevcr- tthtkui from Mr. Kerton. Mr. V. Munshaw offers the Ku^enia House for sale in our coluiuas, *s he wihe to go West. This U a strivl l>a.T- injt I'rof'orty and we understand is otter- ed at i* low price for quick sale. The following visitors registered at the Eugenia House lust week : C!eor.;o We- geiifst, MiiiA<er W.i-.oil o Mutual. John 1>. Smith, manufactui-er. *iui X. Wnterlw ; Mr. Blackburn if the don Free l^ss, and wife, -v.id Mrs . 01- braith of Toronto. An Owen Sound skunk cie.Ucd some enciuMiieut one niului^ht Ivst wk. A citiien liu-U MX >ht- ;kt it ami never touched -k hair of it. The skunk in re- turn only tired oi.o shot, but nchew ! aehcw ! -vry citizen whv' put his head .>u; the wiiulon to see wlul the n>w w about was struck h*rd. That's th advantttgo a skunk h.v- he c:n hit ll r\>uiu' without ttiuung. I.on Alfred Piper. SunnidaU-. tl.e Ud who shot younit Alfred Koijers in 'he eye few weeks :is;o, was taken lo Now Lowell by rvuviu 1 Heardsley ,ind tried before I'. M. Young, Stayuer. Crown Attorney Young prosecuted. After hearing the evidence the magistrate committed P;|vt to stand his trial t the Fait sssi^e*. Bail i was aicepted Stir. While Mr. Beriy. .-f Mitchell, was tying a stallion iu the stall the brute bit the first Hoi^r i % u his right h-md nearly oft" at tb* tiist joint. Mr. Berry hkd boea caring for the anim-tl all suinu-er and knowing him to be \iciom. he was always very c:uuious when arouiul hmt. l>r. Arnutronx, w ho dressed the injured member, thinks that it will grow together I again. Twenty -three yeir> U" >'i lurry had all his linger* mid thumb on his left h >iui taken otT iu a threshing engine. Altvni: <i\ week* ago. his sou Herbest. putting i' so:<> evt-troughins{ the s.-iirt'old i;ve w-y "and h* fell t" the ground saa broke hisaviu. On Saturday lut, another son, WiVi'U', :i ai:'i> wh.> work >in Stratford, hd his broken whilo CMi\lvin< .:: auto. SOCIALS AND CONCERTS Remember the garden pirty at -the Van-! Ball VOTERS' LIST 191$ N t:oe u- hereby given iht 1 hare transmitted or delivered to :he persons mentioned in Section '' ! the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies re-juired to be so transmitted or delivered of :he list madr, pursuant to said Act. of !1 per- sons appearing by the last revised As- sesmen'. Roll cf the said ilunicipa.ity to be entitled to vote in the said Munici-. paCly at elections for members if the Legislative Assembly and t: Municipal elections : and th.: the <.:d List "f :;: (\xirted up at m^_ tioe at Fleshort'<n on the^tli diy "f^Wr* I'.'li. ,\nd rea-.iios there for inspectUn. And I bendy call upon all roter> t>< take immeditte proceedings to have any ; errors or emissions corrected to law. . * ^ Dated thiiwth day ix^uia, 1 of Mr. 'leorge \Varlnii;. deleur. on Friday of this week. same in the evening -ind a good Proceeds m ^id \^i the Meaford duurh. W. BUSKIN Porridge for Breakfast New Potatoes for Dinner Huckleberries for Tea You can get them at The Flesherton Grocery W. BUSKIN road Swinton Park Orangemen will hold their twelf'h annual picnic in Mrs. H.tr- dy's grove, lot T. con. 16. ou Friday of this week, August '.. Progrim and a calithunipian procesnion. FiH'tlvtll match, races, etc. Tea finm 4 to t>. See l.trge [<v>ster> for full particulars. Heifer Strayed Heifer Smyed From my pre-mses. lot 'M. cvn. 10. Artemesu. on or abi-u: May ^4. I: had a white s r ar u fore- hend, white un legs ind dank. Any- body kuowiug auythii'i of its where- abouts, p'eise o'uiinunicite with Solomon Turner. E ARTICLES FOR SALE Fresh lime ready on Aus. 12. J. Jt W. Boyd, Flesherton. K!even yi<ui)!> pi^s for Harrison, Fleshertou P. ' sale. Alfred Colt For Sale -Heavy two-year-old. Apply to Jo. Bdgen<w. Saugeen Junc- tion, Prvton Station P.O. Farm for Sale at a Snap $l.?k'i> will buy 100 acres on the gravel road between Fleshert.n .UK: Mukdale. The timber aU ne "n this iTuperty is worth the price tsked. Apply JOS. BKATY. On: , Markdale. p, '. FRUITS 'FRUITS All kiii'i? ot Fmi;> in their season. Ju?r no\v it is strawberries, and cherries are nearlv due (Ji-: vour j: fruits from us. Prics are alwas riht Hood young driving mare for broke and splendid driver. Spmule, Flesherton. R. J. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Flour, chop wlivat. low -ra-.le riotir. (_)f:ilvies Royal . Household aii'i \Vhi:e Rose Hour. WRIGHT'S ICECREAM PARLORS Serve delieiou> ice vrean; tvery day and evening of the week. Also Sundays. Ice C'reain Sodas an I all kinds ot soft drinks. Visi: our parlor these hot day-. W, L. Wright, Grocer, Fesherton Heavy ^year-old colt for sale. Apply to Jas. Turner. Ceylon. For Sale On* good horse, general purpose, in good condition. Also 1 sood second hand top buggy and 1 good Fleury plow. Apply to \V. H. Walker. b'ugeui* ]>. >. A few F^j; Vats fv Sale At less than half whtt they cost to manufacture them, suitable for s<<ft water cisterns or for tanks to water cattle. M. Scully Co.. Fleshetton. MISCELLANEOUS Office and Residence 4ri$. '>.h Sr. Owen Sound. Out. Hours 9 to 12 .m . l.:?0 to 4.W p.m. 7 to t< p.m. *.ther hours by appointment House to Rent Frame. go-> water, etc. Apply t.< H Radley The party who t>H'k a Up ruit fr\<ni a l.ng.-y it Kugeuiion Autitist I will kuully return tha same t > this oth'ce or R. '!old- bawk. Flesherton. and save trouble. . ^ ^^~^^ l>ininj Five thousand young giiisiu-t plants fr sale st $2 00 per hundred. Siratitied seeil tWc per hundred. Try > a bed this fall, easy lo ^r w. \V. H. Thurston, Flesherton. Wanted-- A load of good and well- saved tiiivilhy hay. N.> .-bjeetum to a si'nnVlin of clover in U. R. J Sptvule, Flesherton. Miss Catheiin* A. Burns, ,^th con., tVpiey, will rveive i limited number of pupils fr pi%no or oqu instruction at i her h mo Pupil i-f Mrs. .Iivs. Bhck- l.iiro, Fteshert.Mi Koi turiiculars apply f si r- sidence ->r address F*versham P. i>. j F.'t- Sle The uudersi^iu-d offers for <iV thr\>e lots in the x u: 140 't C-\ '. n.on which are erecte^l a good one and a lialt' frame dwellirk'. ^ nviuj, with >'one cvlbr. -uul a good frame- stable. This will mako an excellent home for any | rx-Rvn. Terms e.y. price right. Apply i ' I i< \*!!iKwu. l>en Si.uuo, or \V. J. ; FK-sheitoa. For Sale or to Rent Lot 2-_. C>'U. 11, Olenel;,'. cjntainiug j 100 acre*, 1 X> acres cleared and in good . stale ot" cultivation, balance hard wood bush, good frame l>arn. stcna foundation. good stabling and -driving house, c -m- fortable hmis*. never falling well aud good orchard. The above farm is only . niilo* from 'he village of Markdile. Apply ti> John White 01 Tho-i.-is Taylor. Portfaw p. . Si^ht Restored Science points out thi w.jy the If your vision is detective wa can by sc:cn:i;L- . the nccessarv glasses to restore it. K. P. Mildrum, nvuvi.ig* lice ,f \V. A. Armstrong. __ Care foil Yoa better be cartful in the selection of your twine this year. B< sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which, are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manita binder twine and save yourself annoyance. \Vhca you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick b-.nder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick ru.xhty. Yoa will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario.

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