Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1912, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' I 32, NO 8 Flesrierton, Ont., Thursday, August 29, WH a TI.OPBIETO " . * < Fever sham Items Last Week's Ite-ns Mr. and 5Iis. Adj't Poole of corps Mo. 1, Toronto, took the meeting in the S. A. Barracks on Sunday evening last. A good crowd of people a- tended the service and listened with rapt attention and pleasure to their speakii _ and sing- ing, especially the latter. Mr. and Mrf. Poole rendering the following songs: " My Sins are Nailed to the Croas," " Behold He is Standing at the Door," and " Where is My Wandering Boy To- Night," in ijrand stjlo. Come attain Adj't and Mrs. Poole and we be- bespeak for you a ere wJed hall. Adj't James Poole is one of our boys who went into the S. A. work a few years aeo, and has been promoted rapidly and ere long we think he will hold one of the highest offices which the comtnissicner for Canada has power to best w. We wUh them both Cod speed in their evangelistic work. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pedlar of Hock Mills and Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Julian apent Sunday at K. J. Colijuett's. Mr. Harvey Perigoe, Port McNicoll, spent a few d<ys with his parents her?, last week. Mr. Pedwell of Thornbury, who has purchased D. W. Clinton's storo here is busily ensued taking ttock. R. J. Col(|uetl and Ira Periszoe visited in Collingwoud u Thursday last. <ild to report that little Victor Me- Kerjzie who got so badly huit I st week, i! i-'ill improviiiK nicely. Miss /. Liw!or of Eui;enia, spent > ir.day with her friends, Atha and Delia Heron . Mr. and Mrs. <ieo. Whcwell spent B.riday with the latter's sitter, Mrs. Fied Brackenbury. uii the Hth liue. Mr. lien Brackenbury is in the General' and Marine hospital at Collin wood, where he underwent an ojieration o.i his knee on Thtmday lust. Mr. Duc?y and dauuhtor. Miss Mm. oie, ut Superior, Wisconsin, are speDdin,' a week with the former's siscer, Mr Win. Soiuers, at Bea\erJale Farm, the home of Mrs. Ducey'* nephew, Mr. Peter Somers, on the 8ih line. Miss S. Davidson of Buffalo, Miss Maud and Miss I.illun Davidson t '!' i"i!ti', arc holidaying at the hump o| their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dav- idson, of this village. Mr. Finlan of Collins-wood, who has been visitim< her sister, Mrs. William S:nc*rs, for some time, and Mrs. Kin lau's son, J. Finlan of Sudbury, have ({one to Minneapolis to visit the former^ .Uu^hter. A vast amount of ill health is du to im ..iir.l ilii;>-.tit.ii. \Vlieu tin 1 stomach fil to p ri'irii its functions |>ro|K-rly the whole -,\- tem bec.niifn ilern ngi'il A few <l>we Cbainlwrlaiii'i Taliletx i all vim need. Tho) will -t n'nv'tli- 'i your digestion, invignrat your liver, ail I reK>ilati' your bowels, eniirrl; .' iK away with that miserable fueling dm t '.faulty digestion. Try it. Many others ha>e been jierniaiieiitly curel-why nut you JVr ale liy all de-.lers. Vandeleur Happenings The Women'* Institute held their monthly meeting at the borne of Mrs. \V. J. Alcox on Thursday last. Mrs. Peter MeArthui and two daugh- ters, Annie and Jonuie, were visitors at Mr. E. Cullis' last week. F. R. BoUnd had a bee on Tuesday of .i.-t week taking down the framework of he barn which he recently bought from R. Genoa. Mr. White of Pottluw and his daughter Maggie, of New Yi>rk, visited at Mr. S. Gilbert's last week. Mrs. Biker and hei sister, Mr*. Pent- .ujJ <A Collin^wuod, are visiting the for- mer's sou, Mr. Ed. B.tker, this week. MI*. Schumway of Sault Ste Marie i> visiting at Mr. \V. (.'arson's MM. Mc'Juarrie of Priceville visited at MV. *Jeore War'ing's last week. Mr. AUx. (.'itrxon uf Priceville wa> u aller in our burg on Tuesday. >ir. and Mrs. John (Jilbtr: and three children of Turontn visited fiiendi in this neighborh-hid recently. MLS. Richard Baker and nitce. Miss Kerlht Bilker, visited the latttr's brother Mr. Kd. Baker, a short time ago. The members i.f Court Vandeleur, C. ( ). t'., decorated thu urave of their late brother. David A. McGee, on Sunday. Yundvleur baseball ti-.itu played i nine inning name n itb the Kimbeiley team at a iinrdeil party held at Kimherley on Tuesday of last week, Vandeleur winnini; by a MOM .f 14->. Mr. Win. Hu'chiils. n returned home u Tuesday ;ifrer twn ui-uiths with friends Ht I Mr. ul Mrs. KM. lI'.iK-y and faintly of M-afunl renewed :ic<j;i.iiiit.4nce here last week. " I -.!. vrr<l of iliarrln.nt hy cue !. .1 Chamberlain 's Colif. Ch lera and L>iarrr";ii Krin<;<ly, writ*--. M. K. >. tt.lnr.lt. t)ri<i!<-. Fa. Themis u. thin* twt'.tr. Yot sale by al! Maxwell week s Item. Ceylon Mrs. .las. Paitisiin went to the city on Monday. MM. i.'ollinson returned home, after at three week's visit with her daughter at Port, Dalhousie. Mr. ) .-. McClocklin has hd a cement wslk put down in front of his dwellins and 8hp, which iniikes quite an improve- ment. We are pleased to see Mr. A. Purdy around a^iin after a couple week'." illness. Quite a number left this station Friday Horning for the West. R. Cook'* cellar w.is broken into las loiidny night and relieved ot some roduce. The culprit was caught next morning and brought before Magistrate IcMullen *ho o.xnmittad him to Owen to await trial. Miss NeiUon, Proton, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. .1. McDunald. Mr. Gordon McMullen, Toronto, is pending hi* vacation with his |wiens ere. Mrs. Jaynes who has been visiting for he past uinlh with Newcastle friends, eturned or. Wednesday ti vLsit her lother, Mrs. A. Rulledye. Miss Lena Leira'e is visiting Toronto riends, . Crawford and daughter, Durham, ire auest-s at Mr. Collinson's. Miss Lily lUdiey is spending a fort- tight with Toronto friends and Mi-s ilyrtle spent SuiuUy with Maxwell rieinls. Mrs. }{. ilni.il.-, M.ixwell, is spending week wi'h her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Love. Miss Maud Heinphill returned to the city on Tuesday, affer spending -i couple if weeks at the pan-ntal hiuiie. Miss Myrtle accompanied her --i-lcr to tlu- city r a few day-' v;- i . Toronto Line North Harvesting is the order of the day. Dear old "Maude " is dead. That fain ous and familiar driver, owned it on time by the late urs. Rodger Lever, bu in recent years ty her son, Thos., of tlii locality, passed away on Monday, Angus 12. She was in her -8th s yenr and was tluiost as vigorous as in her earlier years. She was an ever faithful member of the family and will be missed greatly by the children, who considered her a valuable favorite. The Saturday preceding her death she was seized with indigestion, from which she never recovered. With the assistance of a few neighbors she was given a proper burial beneath the shade of beautiful basswood tree uear the barn. There are four of her descendants which includes three ei erations, s'ill on the premises. Mrs. Win. Cronin i.ufi- MI >.u.ih tioorehouse) and children, who have been visiting friends in this vicinity, returned to their home in Toronto last Saturday. Kddie Lever is holidaying at Brussels. l.yle Mathewgoii, accompanied by the uisaes Florence and Lilian Ler tipent Sunday with the former's parents near Markdl. Rev. Wilfrid Cullis and mas T. Bu- , lianan of V andeUur wer* guests of Mr. and str*. Robert Richardson on Sunday. Mrs. Robtrt Richardaoa and MMS Eha I r Ter vtiittd, with the former V partita t V anWf 'it OD o Mr. and Mrs. Walter McOillum Edmonton, \isiud with the fornn-i s i. .uviu^, last week. Mrs. i>rr and d.iughier, Marjorio. returned to their home iu the city, Mrs. Nichxll of Toronto is vinitinir her sister. Miss McDonald. Mr. and >Ir-. Andrew and fumily of i 'l.u k-lun - jii-e \ 1^:1111- friends iu our burg this week. Miss Mary Winters, Hatherton, t>|>ent S mdiiy with Ler frieiul Miss Nettie Meld. Miss Sadie Scott has returned to her home in (Adlingwuod. The Misses Wiley of Wudehome, visited with their cousins. Misses N.incy and Mary Wiley, 4th line. Mr. Speer* <>f Brampton, is visiting at Mr. Niel Blacks of the 4th line. Miss Bea'rice McLean ni Singhaiiiiit niteir a few days with her cousin. Miss Alice Kenwick. Mr. Bob .S|>urtbid ot Port Arthur si>ent a few days with his brother, Mr KruJ SjiortarU. Miss Frances llawton "f SSlayner is visiting with Miss Tolly S(>vfford. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Guy visited ovei Sunday with friends in Mr lutyre. Mr. Wellw.KHl and Miss Spicer Oundalk spent Sund*y with Miss D.tisy Ferguion. Were all medicine* as Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ( Keinedy the world would be iimch better and the percentage "' sufferinv greatly de crae<l," writes Lindsay Scott, of Intl. Fiiriwle by all dealer^. East Mountain Almost everyou* is through hying and the fall wheat is also harvested. Berry picking m the order of the da; and the crop was abundant, everyone getting a goodly share. Mrs. John Smith has gone on a vi*i to friends in Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hall and daugh tei , of KeJ> , | icni a few days th past week with the la'ter's parents, Mi and Mrs. Geo. Barbottle. Mi Netue Martin of Markdale spent Sunday at hr parental hove. Mrs. John Welsh went to Owtn Sound Saturday tovisit hrsisir,who is']uit ill. Last Week ~ Ite'ns Mis t'.tlkner and little son of II .11 ver is vititiny her si>li-i ni-law, Mrs. 1'. Muir. Mr. Ja. P>tUis..|i at'i-ixed home Thui-s- diiy looking tiiueh refreshed after liin .. nionth.s tiipto So .tl.ind Hiid Ireland. Mr. S. Hemphill nnd dauhters M.m.l ind Myrtle spout Sunday with Fever- ham friends Mr. and Mrs. t'h*a. O'Meli.i returned to their IIOIIIK in Toronto on Monday ifter two week's holiday ainon|> friend*. Mr. Jas MoOlockltn,F1esherloii, moved liis family into town this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. ^argent ami two -hi! dren, Owen Sound, are vitinf( the former's parents hers. The l'-.isi'luil ^irlsof this j.l.ire plyeJ a friendly JI;IIIIIB with the Flesherton U on Thursday aftei'iiiKHi at :!ir Burden party held un the show grounds. The xam resulted in .1 victory i.i fnvoi of Fleshcrton team. Mussrs. H. MoPhersun, Nornni McLeod and F. Cairns left on Mn<].i\ for the \Vot. Messrs. .1. S. Cherry and I'has. A.l.m^ and Percy McLood I. f. Monday to takt a position i' iKImwa. Mr. Ed. nd Isiuio Sarutiit left 01 Monday for New Ontario. One : tile iiioxt coiinnon . il'.in nt- tii. working )ieo|>le are atflictrd with i lame Iu. k. Apply >'li..:ni.il.iiii - Liniment twii a day ami uiaMge the ).>urts ih"r.nij{lily a each application, .or I you will get i|iiiek re liif. K->r <! liv all Victoria Corners Threshing is starting though some ar not started harvesting yet. Mr. Win. Armstrong and friends <. Flesherton, visited at Mr, T. Bannons. Mrs. ILi.ne.-- Sr., met with a piii'fu accident, when she fell and broke he h* Mrs. Heard and Mrs. Paton visits at Markdale last week. Miss Min Heard returned hoin* with them. We understand that Max Bannon intends going West the last of the wek 5swcteUsl u *,,< l ISM Eye, Ear.Nosc and Throat Offic- 30 Oik al. W.t, Ow SuJ At the Revere house, Markdale, '2\<, Thursday ch ujonth fuom 8 U al 2m l>'iinlilk. 1st Tkunday of sa>.'h womb. Eugenia Paragraphs a number from here are altend- ij the exhibition, but on account ..f the ate harvest many farmers will n'.t be Me to attend. The reuuhr monthly meeting -A the omen's Institute will be held on Weu- rs.lay. Sept. 4, at -.:X) p. in, in the chool room. Papers will be aiven by If. George Gorley >-n Bible study in je home, and Mrs. W. C. Pedlar on teautifiil Autumn compare it with the utuinn "f "Uf lives. All welcome. Jenny Marshall from New WeMinm- ter, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. .J.ilm McKni^ht f Grieraviile and Misses Kathlem and %ett:i Marshall of Meat ord, are the quests i M.-. Fred Pedlar. Mi-v. McMullen and daughter, Millie, ave returned from their visi'. ti, Mani- mlin Isi.u.d. Miss T. Untncy returned to Buffalo fter sprndi'i a trw >ekswili lu-r ris- er. Mi. .J. ParliamADt. Mn. S. Hoy and duiker of Toronto rt visit/nm with tbe tenners pareirs. Ii. and Mr:. Parliament. Mr. ;md >lis. -I. W.tlker "t Kiin'iei'.ey were the ^'iiefi f Miss I'eectoft c \er iiindny. Mr. Tvston and Wesley CcxH>y have Mr. Francis <ieli"e's fine tni:ne bain >mp!Med. M:~s Blanche Charters of Ueaford vis- ted Miss McMullen the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John P.tik visited widl rii'ini- in Meafoid over Sun.Liy. Mf->rs. Will Fciiwick and Mr. Burins f Toron'o wtri- gue-ts "t Mr. H. Ken vick the past week. Mr. McMaster and Mrs. Jake \\il- ruiim vi.situd wi'h Mrs. rarliameal f Maxwell tliep-ist week. Mi>. D. McT:t\ili, Fltsheiton, cl!eJ n IneiiJshere the past week. Mr. Jo,se[ih Clark and wife, Mr. >xtt an I wife, and Mr. Shorthouse ,m>l wife f Veutry were i;iit'^-s .1 MK. \\ ,;.,,. Armstrong the pa.st week. Misx .Ji;s>ie Aiiii>titin! has retiirned to he ci'y after viM-ini; friends here :he pasi month. Miss Bella McKetix.ie is ihe uitebt "f lersi>ter, Mrs. \Vm. Hyslnp. Mrs. Hytlop found in h.-r ^ird.-n (his season over 4S potatoes iu two of tin- nils, so if all our potatoes turn out M ell we will have plenty this year. Mrs. NVansloy and daughter of Toronto lave returned to their home nl'ler spend- 1111: a couple of weeks wi'h their aunt, Mrs. C. Turner. Mrs. Slobo and dilution of Toionio are tt present visiting the fornier a uiolhei. Mrs. K. <>"rley. 11. Kenwick mid son, Tom, havi- u^iif on a visit I > fiieiids in the \\Vst. Mra. S. Hoy w-s i-dlied to Orayluii to wait oil her sinter, who is very ill with pneumonia. \Vc are sorry also to repot I J. Parlia- ment very iH. Lily C.imphell h.is .jone to the city to spend a week wiih her . int there. Arthur and C.iH'urd Williims and Herb 1'noley Ii ive returned home afti r ipeiidinsj thu suminur with their aunt. Mm. K. Campbell. Portlaw. Stone Settlement airs. W. H:ll vi.iiltd f:iend* in L'tiKe- ley !*t weric . iii"s L. M. Vawjy is vLsit.'.iii; fiiends in this vicinry. MI-. A. M;Faud>-n io Ti*iting at irs. T. M:Arthur. Mr. D. H. Flet.-her is visiting at thu parental home. Mr. C. Wolfe and sister, Ph.-ebe, visit- e.i A; Mr-. \V. Fletchti K. MISS Jsnet Fl-t:her visited friends in M DunMiii U.~t week. Farm for Sale I'K) acres- !. :i!'. . n. >'.. AI:C:IIC-M. '5 .n'le^ clear fj. W mres unJer cultivav tion, b*laM- : haidwoud ml s4iu;.. .: itrncfd diid ai--re<!. _' "d hi u-e, new frame barn "ith 'alilii :^ under, alto pi^; pen, heuho.jse and "he-p pen. Rural' mid Ueliiery. \ ,;!>' ALBERT KL Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. A. Jeweler rctirornN HNT i"LLbHLR 1 UN, - UIN1. ' ha.s In', ii delayed on ac- count of wet weather. It will he in full owing 'In.- week. MIM Ilia Lyons has been very ill the past two week*, bur is now on a fair w to recovery. The masons are busy at W? G. Jiiinleson s liarn wa'l. Mr*. McNally and daughter, ol Tjronlo, are \isitini; with Mr. W. H MeNl)y. Mr. Kohert Robert Watson visited ii Toronto over Sunday. Mrs. McAi'lhur and xrand-dautrhtei of Toronto, visited for *some days with Mrs. J. A. Thompson. Mr. ..M.] MM. U. McDonald of Mv Iiityre visited with mends of this part I ii. ni's. MI Sr. and Master John are visiting at W. 0. Jamic- aoo'a. Mr. Thomas Taylor 'with Ins cmnt iitiief and a i(i>nx of men have lately been workiii" at the new bridge over Ihe Saugeen. A car load of fresh ctment on i be ground for th work. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. White, Mr. aud Mm \Vriht and families and J. Artlej of Markdale motored down and viKited ai th hone of the fornir'H iter, Mrn 'Hi'*. Taylor. ^oooo<M^ooo?ao^ CLAYTON'S I * + For Cool and Comfortable 5 xNr* ^T Summer Shoes | Sr- In Latlies' We hav* Tan and Patent, Pump ^ ;ui'l l'i'< Latest TI.HJS. jj sumo liiirs ut' Ladies 5.' art- IioiO'lu i KI'onN IJlutcher Styl". Sixes. :!. :'!. -t. -+!. iviiul.il- $l.4n to $1.7-". n'thicr.l r. $!.< per O pair. Also smu^ uii-^ ~. in Mark ainl chocolate .strap. Si/rs. II. ' _'.'_'. rl'^irinu : ar 7-"r. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. <: O REPAIRING AS USUAL. d 50,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." $1O.OO TO WINNIPEG Pliin tmlr . n: per mil* from Winnipeg M t Macl^sid, C:ilgr. or B<1mou:un. " RETURN TRIP CAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Plus b; r cot pvr mile from all point*. < of MtcLvuJ. CirrorBdiuontunloWli:iiil>e GOING DATES At'Gl'ST 20h From .ill <utions on a'.l lines on anil South of th Grand Trunk Mam Line. Toronto to Sarnia. includmi alt stations on tht C.P R. Toronto t" Windsor ImluMiv^and Bianch Lints ii. li:dio Gueiph >ub-diviion Irom Guelph South and from Brampton South. Al'Gl'ST a3rd Hrom Toronto, and all stations north of. but not including the GranJ Trunt Main Line. Toronto to Sarnia. and from Toronto cart to. but not Includini Kinfnon. Shaibot Uke aad ReDHe. and C.P.K. Unas west of Renfrew. Al'Utsr S8lh From aU stations in Ontario. Toronto and East, Orillia and BCBOa Junction and east: alw <wt of North Bay. and Eastern Ontario. Al'Gl'ST 30th From Toronto and all stations west. In Ontario; North Bay and west. mcludiQf C.P.R. stations. Sudburv to Sault St?. Marie. C'ntai;>.'. - SECOND-CUSS nans iu n SOLD TO wnwirio ONLY One-way second class tickets to SVnmlpei only will b sow. Each ticket will Include a veiincation certificate, with an nuiulon cuuimn. When extension coupon has been ifnr.. at Winnipeg by a farmer, ihowinx he h.i encaged the holder to work aa a farm laborer, the coupon will be honored up to September 30th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per mi- (minimum lifly cents) to any ttatlon wi-st of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific. Canadiai Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways In Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta, but noi west of Edmonton. Calgary or McLeod. Alt*, A certificate will be Issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket food to return from any station on the, Canadian Pacific. Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacih Railways in Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manltoba.east of M.i..Leod. Calgary and Eomcntui to original starting point by the same loute as travelled on golnc journey on or befo: November 30th. 1912. on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) ap i Winnipeg added to 113.00 from Winnipeg, prorlded the holder deposits th certificate i; . the ticket agent on arrivsl at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting. For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or wiite M. O. MtRrHY. D.P.A.. C.P.I.. Tmi. French Dry Cleaning We have put in a French Dry Cleaning Plant and an- picpaied to do this work on suort notice and at reasonable pi ices. A method introduce.! by the French for th purpose ..f cleaning the lines! at well a the heavier garments worn, such as wool, felt, linen, cotton, leather, yloves, fur, feather*, straw, lace anJ :i'r- ;i; nut' "oods without washing or shrinking them so aa not. to -; them out of shpe or n.le the mo*t delicate fabric trimming. The fact is well known that a garment of silk or wool, if steam cleaned or washed, can never be pressed into shnjie, and it lakes all the oil out of the wool ; so that goinls ill never wear ur l.xtk at wel! .U.IMI betides shrinking the gooJs. Therefore. Hsturiug the small extra expense of Dry Cleunint(, no one can afl'oi'd to take cliaucea of having their woik done oiher- wis. Many household articles, such as curtains, table covets, drapes, etc , that would bo utterly mined if washed, cam he ary Cleaned, thus restoring them to their former heuty and usefulness aud will not cause them to fade or the colors to run. The Dry Cleaning l'i.>cc-s prevents the cunying of uontaxioas diseaes on garment tlm* treated ; it is also a disinfectant and moth preventive. SI PrttA/I 17 D THE UP-TO-DATE . J. DU WLJLIX, TAILOR L BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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