ESTIMATES FOR CROP OF 1912 Canada's Wheat Harvest is Expected to Reach a Total of 187,927,000 Bushels A despatch from Washington ays: Preliminary figures of this year's production of the principal crops of several foreign countries were received on Friday by the De- partment of Agriculture by cable irom the International Institute of Agriculture at Home, Italy, as fol- lows: Wheat Prussia, 40,472,000 bush- els; Bulgaria, 63,750.000 bushels; Canada, 187,927,000 bushels; Egypt, 28,!M8,000 bushels. C'orn Spain, 25,98-1,000 kushels ; Egypt, 76,448,000 bushels. C.tton Egypt, 844,144,000 Rye Prussia, 346,444,000 buehels; Bulgaria, 12,400,000 bushels ; Bel- gium, 22,518,000 bushels; Denmark, 18,038,000 bushels. Barley Prussia, 81,125,000 bush- els; Bulgaria, 18,373,000 bushels; Canada, 32,520,000 bushels; Egypt, 10,845,000 bushels ; Denmark, 25,- 655,000 bushels. Oats Prussia, 387,444,000 bush- els; Canada, 340,022,000 bushels; Denmark, 52,368,000 bushels; Hungary, 87,549,000 bushels. Rice Spain, 8,564,000 bushels; Egypt, 14,500,000 bushels. The condition of cereal crops in Russia is such as to predict yields above the average. A El'GfcXlC MURDER. Man Kills His Wife to End Her Sufferings. A Viennese (Austria) clerk named who shot his wife dead in a railway carriage and then endea- T^red to commit suicide, has just been acquitted by a jury at Leoben. He was found guilty, however, of carrying a revolver without license, and had to pay a fine of $1.87 be- foro being released. There was no denial of the facts. Tlip man had deliberately shot his wife and then turned the weapon upon himself, inflicting a slight flesh wound, which, however, caused him to- be unconscious until the train reached a station and the police came ond arrested him. Herr Haas pleaded, nevertheless, that his wife was in the last stages of consumption, and that he had shot her because her sufferings had made him frantic. Witnesses, including her physi- cian. testified that thin was eo and also that the pair had lived in per- fect harmo&y. Two doctors called by the prosecution deposed that the depression caused by the illness of his wife was sufficient to make Haas not responsible for his aH. There- upon the jury returned the verdict of not guilty, but insisted that he should be punished for carrying a revolver without a license, since he had himself admitted that when he purchased tlie weapon he had no idea to what use ho wa to put it, and therefore at that time must havo been perfectly sane. TYPHOID KPIDEMIC OVER. Ottawa's Medical Olllcor Issues Re- assuring Message. A despatch from Ottawa says: Pr \V. T. .Shim-ff. Medical Officer of Health, on Friday night issued a most n.'iissuririK message to the citi- zens of the capital, informing them that the typhoid epidemic had run its course and that he city water was now fit for drinking. Bacterio- logical teats of the water supply for the past five weeks show conclu- sively that it is now free from all contamination and fit 'or consump- tion without lioilini; or otherwise treating it. "The oaniati/e rea- aon for typhoid has now been re- moved," he states, "and every pre- caution has been taken to prot".-t the all-steel intake pipe, which is now being used excluively." SMALLPOX IX MOMHKAL. Thirteen Patients are Now in the Hospital. A despatch from Montreal says : With thirteen smallpox paticnta in the Isolation Hospital, and many houses disinfected and under SUIKT- visiifn, there has developed in the city the nucleus of a smallpox scare. No fewer than five cases have come in tli's week. Fight were reported last week. The majority of these are from three families, all of whom obtained the infection at Les Ebou- Ifments, on the St. Lawrence, be- low Quebec. Tho Provincial au- thorities did not know that there was smallpox there until the cases were, ditr-ovcred in Mont real and the infi'i -iji.n was (meed back. TWO DOLLAR BILLS POPULAR. Marked linoroase in Circulation of Small Notes. A despatch from Ottawa cays : Returns received by the Finance Department show that the circula- tion of small notes is substantially larger than it was last summer. Comparing the circulation of July 31, 1912, with that of July 31, 1911, there is an advance in one dollar notes of approximately $500,000, in two dollar notes of approximately 8800,000, in four dollar notes of over $360,000; or in all of between $1,- 600,000 and $1,700.000. In addition there is the additional circulation of the new five dollar note, which at the end of July was $0,078,000; this is practically balanced by the de- creased ufie of large notes, which are usedf exclusively by banks. In the three weeks of August which have elapsed the circulation of fives has increased to approximate ly $8,250,000. HUNGER STRIKE IN JAIL. Mary I>igh and Gladys Evans Am Reins Forcibly Fed. A despatch from Dublin, Ire- land, says: Mary Leigh and Gladys Evans, two suffragettes, who were sentenced hero on August 7 to five, years' imprisonment on charge.* re- spectively of wounding John E. Redmond, leader of the Irish Par- liamentary party, with a hatchet thrown at Premier Asquith's car- riage, and of sotting fire to the The- atre Royal, have started a hunger ftrike. They aro being forcibly fed by the jail officials. CHILDREN BITTEN BY DOG. Sent for Pasteur Treatment, ns Aiiiiinil was Thought Mud. A despatch from Chatham nays : James and Isabella Bennie, chil- dren of Robert Bennie of Leaming- ton, were seriously injured at the home, of Alexander Farquaharson, in Tilbury East township on Wed- nesday, by being bitten by a mod dog. The canine attacked them while they were playing on a swing. Peoplo in the neighborhood assort positively that the animal was mad, and the children have been removed to Toronto, where they will under- go treatment at the Pasteur Insti- tute. BRITISH INSURANCE ACT. London Drnpor Hoavily Fined for Disobeying It. A London despatch says : The first prosecution under the Insur- ance Act took place at the Lambeth Police Court, when William Hur- lock, seventy years old, a promin- ent Liberal, who has been in busi- ness as a draper in Walworth road, South London, for more than fifty years, and who employs about a hundred persons, was arraigned. He bad openly announced his in- tention to disobey the act and was fined $25 on each of three sum- monses for refusing to lick stamps and $25 costs on the first summons. Permission was given to state a case for appeal. A number of other cases arc awaiting trial. ATTEMPT TO WRECK A TRAIN Section Man Discovered That Spikes and Angle- liars Had Been Removed A despatch from Winnipeg says: The discovery of a deliberate at- tempt to wreck Canadian Pacific passenger train No. JOS on the Stonewall branch at a point two miles south of Komano was made by a sectionman early on Friday morning. The train is due in Win- nipeg at 8 a.m., and between 6 and 7 < i 'clock it was discovered that spikes had been extracted and angle bars pulled out until they stretched outside the ties. Marks indicated tlwU men had been working on the wrecking job some hours, and tin 1 displaced material had all been car- ried away. The wrecking crew has been unable to discover cither spikes or bars. The sectionman went north to the nearest wire point and stopped the south-bound train. If thin line had not been re- gularly patrolled as usual early Fri- day morning before trains go over it a disastrous accident would have resulted. Chief Bell of the Cana- dian Pacifio Police is working on the ground with a body of men, and it is hoped that the wreckers will bf rounded up PRICES OF FAN PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRAOB CENTRES OF AMERICA. Frloti of Cattli, Drain, CIIMM ind Otnir Produo* il Horn* and Abroad. BREADSTUFF8. Toronto, Aug. 27. Flour Winter wheat, 90 per cent patents, $3.80 to $3.85 for new, f.o.h. mills, and at $3.90 to $3.95 for old. f.o.b. mills. Manitoba flours (thane quotations arc for jute bugs, in cotton bagn, 10<: more): First patents, $5.70; sec- ond patenta, $5.20: and strong bakers'. $5. on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern. $1.13. Bay ix>rtn; No. 2 at $1.10; and No. 3 at *1.0. Bay ports. Feed wheat sells at 63 to 65c. Hay ports. Ontario Wheat No. 2 white, rod and mixed, 96 to 97c, outside; uew wheat, 90 to 93c, outside. Poas Nominal. Oats- Car lots of No. 2 Ontario. 41 l-2c, and No. 3 at 40c, outflido; No. 2 quoted at 43 to 43 l-2c, on track. Toronto; No. 2 W. C. oats quoted at 441-2 to 45o, Bay ports. Barley New No. 2 barley, outside, and No. 3 extra at 60 to 62c. Corn No. 2 American yellow, 81c, on track, Bay ports, and at 85c, Toronto; No. 3. 84c, Toronto, and BOc, Bay' ports. Rye Nominal. Buckwheat Nominal. Bran Manitoba bran, $23. In bags, To- ronto freight. Shorts, $23 to $25. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter Dairy, choice. 24 to 25c; bakers', inferior. 20 to 21c; choice, dairy, tubs, 22c; creamery, 27 to 27 l-2c for rolls, and 26 to 261-2c for solids. Keen- Case, lots of new-laid, 26 to 27c per dozen : freah, 24c. CheuHo Now cheese, 14 1-4 to 14 l-2c for larifo, and 141-2 to 14 3-4c for twins. Beans Hand-picked. $2 per bushel; primes. $285 to $2.90. Honey Extracted, in tins, 11 1-2 to I21-2r per Ib. for No. 1, wholesale: combs, $2.25 to 83. wholesale. Poultry Wholesale prices of choice dressed poultry : Chickens. 16 to 18c por Ib.; hens. 13 to 14c; ducklings, 15 to 16c; live poultry, about 2c lower than the above. Potatoes-Canadian, new. 90o to $1.00 per bushel. PROVISIONS. Bacon Long clear. 131-2 to 14o per !h., in case lots. Pork-Short cut. $24.50 to $25; do., mess. $20 to $21. nams Medium to light. 17 to 171-2c: heavy. 151-2 to 16c; rolls. 131-2 to 133-4c; breakfast bacon, 18 to 181-2c: backs. 20 to Elc. Lard Tierces, 13c; tubs, 131-4c; pails, 13 l-2c. MONTREAL MAHKKTH. Montreal, Aur. 27. Oata -C'nndian West- ern. No. 2, 471-2 to 48o; do.. No. 5, 461-2 to 47c: extra No. 1 feed. 471-2 to 48c. Earlcy Manitoba feed, 63 to 64c: multinc. 8V. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, flrutB. $5.80; do., seconds. $5.30; strong bakers'. $5.10: Winter patents, choice. $5.- 25; straight rollers. $4.85 to $490: do., in bairn. ?2.25 to $2.30. Rolled oats Barrels. $5.05; bag of 90 Ibs.. $2.40. Millfwd Bran $?2; shorts, $26: middlings, $28: moui'lie. $30 to $34. Hay No. 2, per ton, cur lots. $16 to $16.50. Choose Finest westerns. 133-8 to 131-2c; do., easterns, 125-8 to 13o. Butter Choicest creamery. 261-4 to 261-2c: seconds. 25 1-2 to 26c. Eggs Selected. 23 to 29c; No. 2 stock. 19 to 20c. Potatoes-Per bag. car lots. $1.15 to $1.25.' UNITED BTATKS MARKETS. Minneapolis. Aug. 27. Whent Septem- ber. 913-4c; December, 921-4c; May, %l-2c; No. 1 hard, 991-4n; No. 1 Northern, 923-4 to 983-4c; No. 2 do.. 883-4 to 963-4o. C'orn -No. 3 yellow. 75 to 75 l-2c. Oats-No. 3 white. 301-2 to 31c. Rye-No. 2. f6 to 661-2c. Bran-$18.50 to $19.50. Flour - Loading local patents, in wood, f.o.h., Minneapolis. $4.80 to $5.15; other patents. $4.55 to $4.80; first clears. $3.30 to $3.55; second clears. $2.25 to $2 50. Duliith, Aug. 27. Wheat No. 1 bar.l. 961-2o: No. 1 Northern. 951-2c; Septem- ber. 931-2c; December, 92 l-4c bid; May, 963-4o bid. f STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Aug. 27.-<'hoice cattle. $6.25 to $650: (rood. *5 50 to $6; fair. $5 to $5.75. Butrhers' bulls. $2.75 to $3. Cows, choice. $4.25 to $4.50: common, $3.50 to $4. Sli<>n 4 to 41-2e per Ih.: lambs. 5e to 60 per Ih. Hogs Selects. $8.25 to $8.50; sows, $6.75. nnd stRgs, $4, off cars. Calves-Milk calves $2 to $7. and grass calves. SB to S10 each. Milkers, choieo, were selling from $50 to $8 r > on oh. Toronto, An? 27.-<'nttlo Hiitchor. bent. $7; medium. $6 to $680; cows, $3.50 to $1.50: stoi'kers. $4.80. Calves $3 t $8.55. steady. Sheep- Light owes. $425 to *4.75; heavy owns and hacks. S3 to *3.50; hogs, $8.50 to $8.75; lambs. $8.50 to $9.10. rOItllLER GETS A FOH'ITM?. Australian Uncle Wills Farm in St. !.'-. Mnn-Anothrr Windfall. A despatch from St. Catharines says: Two residents of St. Cathar- ines have within the past few days received news of fortunes coming to them. Mr. Robert J. Spratt, a shoo ropairer, has had word of the death of nn uncle in Australia, who had left him by his will 150 acres of farm land worth $30,000. Mr. Spratt is selling out his business, and will go as soon as possible with his family to take possession of his inheritance; and Mrs. J. H. Benn hns similarly had the pleasant sur- prise of learning thnt property in Toronto valued at $50,000 has been willed to her. M, TO VISIT SCOTLAND. King and Queen Will ho fiuosts of UN!, r and Duchess of Roxburgh. A despatch from London says : K'ng Goorge and Queen Mary will pny a visit in the autumn to Floors Castle, the residence in Ke1o, Scotland, of the Duke nnd Duchess of Hoxborough. His Majesty shot 112 brace of grouse on Tuesday on Lord Spfton's Lancahire moors. Tho shooting party comprised seven guns, and the total bag was 792 brace, a local record. MANY CLAIM II(; ESTATE. Americans Scramble for $r>0,000,000 in I ir.l nicl. A despatch from St. Louis says : The dWovery that an estate, of $50,- 000,000 in Middlesex, England, is awaiting a claimant has resulted in the appearance of at least five in St. Louis, one in Chicago and one in Des Moincs, Iowa. The estate is said to have been left by Alfred Page, who died in, England in 1833. It is said to include Weabley Man- or, one of the most imposing coun- try places in England. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVEB THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, (ho Empire and the World in General Before Youi Evei. CANADA. Between 50 and 60 miles of new roads have been constructed in Northern Ontario. Tho Ontario Government will supply thoroughbred stock for Northern Ontario. Kingston City Council is again urgod by the Local Board of Health to install a filtration plant. Mrs. Mary Lcssard, who died at Flinton, aged 87, gave her twelve children a college education. Twc.ity-seven officers and men have been awarded colonial auxil iary forces long-eervice medals. A three-year-old child of Staff- Sergt. Law of Kingston died of pto- maine poisoning after eating can- nod food. Four racing hcrses died at Mid- dlcton, N.S., from cerebro-spinal meningitis through drinking pol- luted water. Tho steamer Eric, ashore on Sa- ble Island, is a total wreck, having broken up. The crew were all saved, also part of the cargo of Argentine maize. The Railway Commission warned the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways to proceed with the Toronto Union Station without fur- ther delay. GREAT BRITAIN. The Kinp had a narrow escape from an accident while motoring in Yorkshire. Brsmwell Booth was chosen by the late General to succeed him as head of the Salvation Army. Tho official document was opened and read by the Army solicitor at head- quarters in London. UNITED STATES. Heated recriminations took place in the U. S. Senate regarding con- tributions to party funds. The accused in the Roscnthal murder case was arraigned in the New York Criminal Court on Thursday. Startling evidence regarding contributions to the Republican party in 190-1 was given before the U. S. Senate Committee. " v c >x GENERAL. The colony of Chueng Chow, part of Hong Kong, was raided by pi- rati-s. Negotiations hetween Italy and Turkey point to an early termina- tion of tho war. French troops are hurrying to the relief of the headquarters force in Morocco, which is hemmed in by Moors, under the Pretender. BBAMWELL BOOTH. The new General of the Salvatioi Army. OUR SEPTEMBER LIST INVESTMENT SECURITIES now in press. We will he glad to forward copy on application. CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION LTD. Dominion Epriu Bldg., Montreal MoKlnnon Building, - Toronto 14 Cornhlll, London, Eng. ilCONIHtDVT MUtWMMKM tv i.iu'fnco. l -'J MNS NO mm law To guard against alum in Baking Powder see that all Ingre- dients are plainly printed on the label. The words "No Alum" without the ingredients is not sufficient. Magic Baking Powder costs no more than the ordinary kinds. Full weight one pound cans 25c. EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL BIG DEMAND FOR HARD COAL Big Companies' Stocks Should be Filling Up for Winter, But Are Depleted A despatch from Winnipeg says: Reports from the Pennsylvania an- thracite field show that the demand, in spite of every effort to avoid a shortage, is Hkely to be overwhelm- ing on account of a mass of belated orders accumulated during the strike period of the spring. Stocks of the big coal companies through- out the country, which at the pre- sent time should be filling up for winter demands, are in many cases being absolutely depleted. Prices are accordingly rising in Winnipeg. Pennsylvania hard coal has gone up from ten and a half to eleven dol- lars a ton. Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan are dependent on this supply, though further west it cornea into competition with hard coal from Crow's Nest. The shortage can be judged of by the following figures of shipments from Pennsylvania: April, 1911, B,- 804,915 tone; April, 1912, 266,625 tons; May, 1911, 6,417,362 tons j May, 1912, 1,429,457 tons. First seven months, 1911, 32,113,648 tons ; same period, 1912, 22,382,132 tons. Much of the Canadian prairie west is dependent for its fuel sup- plies f n outside sources, and these figures present an alarming pros- pect. Local coal dealers arc anti- i cipating a further rise in prices. AN SAFE INVESTHS INTERESTING COMPARISON OF BONDS AND MORTGAGES. Tho Experiences of Two Men, On* ol Whom Invested In Bonds and the Other In Mortgages -Bonds are Readily Negoti- able, Mortgages are Not. The article contributed by "Inventor" re for the sole pnrpos of guiding pro pective Investors, ind, if possible, of -iv ing them from losing money through placing it In "wild-cat" enterprise*. The impartial and reliable character of the Information may be relied upon. The writer of these articlei and the publisher of this paper bare no interests tu erve lu connection with thii matter other than those of the reader. (By "Investor.") A few years ago it wax in the panto year of 1907 a man poHscuM-d a mort- gage whirh lu> w.nii.-il to sell uud couldn't - noxt trU-il to realize on it by using it BH collateral security at a bank for a loan. Now, under the Bank Art. banks are wiwly prevented from loaning on 8U-h fixed Ki'ourity as mortgages. You see. a bank'B business is essentially a cash btUloeM, and lU a--.'is havo to he such as may ho readily turned into cash. Tliry may, therefore, buy bonds or loan on bonds or stocks, but not on mortgages. So, of courw, the bank couldn't loan this man any money on the mortgage. At one bank, however, he knew the. general man- | pger. and knowing that the mortgage \ was a good one and the man honest the banker loaned him the monoy on his note, taking bin verbal promise no, to use the mortgage without paying off the note. That is one of thi> greatest drawbacks to loaning money on a mortgage- it is so difficult to cash it in if one requires the money uuezpectedly, or even to get a loan on it. During the sump year man hail some, bonds ho had (Knight as an in- vestment. Now. 1907 waf u year when, as everyone will remember, money was ex- ceedingly scarce. As a remit he had to raise gome money, and to do so he went to hi banker wuh the bonds. "Certainly." said the banker. "We can loan you up to 90 per cent, of the value of those bonds" they were bonds of fairly well- known municipalities "or you can, of course, sell them and get about 98 per cont. of what they cost you." This man didn't want nearly 90 PT cent, of the value of the bonds, nor did he particularly want to sell them, so he borrowed what monoy he Deeded and put up the bonds an security. So noon as the stress was over he paid off his loan and ]i lit his bonds hack in his strong box. Mortgages are, without doubt, a very excellent form of Investment and one which people with lots of money and with no occasion to have to realize on them at short notice may purchase i[ they use care. They are. of course, in many ways a nuisance becnucc they involve a whole lot of attention to details. Insurance, titles, valuation and upkeep nre matters which require more or less attention and the best legal advice is necessary in draw- ing them up and searching the titles. But for those, with lots of time to attend to such matters they are satisfactory. On the other hand bonds, carefully chosen, involve no more bother than the cutting off of coupons every half year and depositing them in the bank. Of course, anyone buying bonds must look into the matter very carefully. Bonds carrying bonuses of common stock are necessarily speculative and should be avoided by those who cannot afford to take chances. On the other hand, in the case of indus- trial bonds, the assets should amount to at least twice the bonds issued and the greater this proportion in the better. Karnings. too. should be over twice the amount required for bond interest. If a company issuing bonds has outstanding shares on which it has been paying divi- dends all the better: for the bond's inter- est comes before the stockholders' divi- dends, whether they own preferred or common stock. A careful Investor, how- ever, will not buy a bond of a company* which cannot show at least earnings for the past three years which average well in excess of the amount required for bond interest. In municipals one need not b BO exact' ing No villages and small towns be avoided one may buy with confidence. TIRN YOl R TIME INTO MONET There is a firm in Toronto who give hnn- dredi* of men and women an opportunity M earn from $250.00 to $1.iOO.OO every year with but little effort. This firm manufac- tures reliable family remedies, beautiful toilet preparations and many necessary household goods, such a baking powder, washing compounds, stove, furniture and metal polishes, in all over one hundred preparations that every home uses every day. Just one person in each locality can secure exclusive right free to distribute these preparations to their neighbors. They pay 100 per cent commission to their agents. Don't you think you better in- crease your income? If so, write Tho Home Supply To.. Dept. 20, Merrill Build- ing. Toronto. Out., for full particulars. HAS FOfXI) CANTER GKRM. Dr. Odin Also Says Ho Has an Anti-Caiicor Serum. Dr. Gaston Odin, a Paris, Franco, physician, announces that he has discovered the microbe of cancer and that he has suocp<xied in iso- lating and cultivating it. HP also declared that ho has found an anti- cancer serum which, whether or nob it leads to a permanent prevention or a cure, will show with certainty if the cancer parasite is present in the blood. Dr. Odin, who has been conduct- ing his research for a decade, claims that Professor Matruchot. of the faculty of science, and Profes- sor Lanmiis, of the faculty of medi- cine, at tlio University of Paris, have verified his discovery, which he asserts has definitely proved the correctness of the theory of the parasitical nature of cancer. STRIKE OF SHIPS' OFFICERS Mercantile Marine of Great Britain is Seething With Discontent A despatch from London, Eng- land, says : The culminating strike ' of the series which has crippled the | British carrying business during; tho past two years is threatened by the officers of the mercantile mar- ine. The movement began on Thursday, when tho newly-formed union of shipmasters and mates tried to prevent the Canadian Paci- fic liner Mount Royal from sailing. The Chief Offieer was dismissed, and the union demanded his rein- statement. A substitute was ob- tained by the company, however, nnd the vessel left port. The offi- cers are well organized; they are violently discontented, and they propose to put forward before the end of the year what they consider their legitimate demands. Failure to meet these on the part of the ship-owners will, they say, be met, by a strike, "which may starve the nation." Inadequate salaries is the fory most count in the indictment) against the companies. Masters of some of the largest passenger ships are paid no more than $2,000 a year, and most of them have fami- lies ashore to maintain. Entire de- nial of vacations, seven days' work weekly, with long hours 'while in port as well as at sea. and the 1&- bility to loss of certificates through one error of judgment, are some of the hardships being discussed. Other recent strikes have failed, largely because the stVikers were unskilled laborers whose places could be filled. The officers of ships, on the other hand, are a spe- cial class, and a general strike by them would lep-ve the owners al- most helpless,