Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1912, p. 7

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NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Usually Due to Overwork and. Worry A Tonic is Overwork and worry give rise to nervousness, sleeplessness, head- aches, lack of ambition and lack of intereit in your work, weak back, indigestion and sometimes a com- plete breakdown of the nervous ystern. On every hand you find victims of this kind and often they do not know what to do for them- selves. If these are your symp- toms you need a tonic, and the only way to tone up the nerves is through the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a direct nerve tonic because they enrich and build up the blood, and it is through the blood that the nerves are fed. Under their tonic influence nerv- ousness, with all ita attendant evils, disappear, and the worried sufferer again enjoys health and strength. Proof of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in nerv- ous troubles is given by Mrs. Lara Scheving, Lundar, Man., who says: "I was attacked with nerv- ous trouble which almost drove me to distraction. It would be almost impossible for words to describe my condition. The least thing would startle me and leave me trembling for an hour. I had nervous head- aches, and slept very badly at nights, some nights not at all. My appetite grew poor, and I was real- ly a physical wreck. I had been to several doctors and had taken many different medicines, but with- out any benefit. Then I read of a case similar cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I sent, for a dozen boxes, fully believ- ing it would take at least that many to cure me. You can judge of my gratitude, however, when I found that after ueing only half a dozen boxes I was again enjoying the best of health, and have since remained well and strong. I used the remainder of the pills among my children when they seemed out of sorts, and have found them at all times to be the very best of family medicines." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medi- cine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MEETING OF RVT-CVTCHERS. Famous Vecmin F.xtorminators Have Picnic in Enzland. The rat-catchers of the world made merry recently on the village gron of Padworth, near Reading, England. For a few moments Londoners had an opportunity of seeing the followers of this ancient art. fi>r they assembled in an office in Sonthwark Street on whose doors printed words proclaimed doom to the rat. It was a suitable meeting place, for this office was the domain of Mr. Phillips, the rat king, who, possi- bly, has slain more rats than any man living. There was Piker, of Birmingham, famous throughout the Midlands as a worthy slayer of vermin. There was The Snoozer, of Liverpool, and Blusher, of Buenos Aires, whose kindly face gave no suggestion of a ma-n who delights in slaughter. There were other huntsmen, too, from all corners of the kingdom men whose quarry is to be found in the under-world, who go to the meet in sober raiment, sportsmen who scorn pink, though they be heroes of many an exciting chase. set off behind high-spirited steeds, to the accompaniment of a merry blast on th horn, and, judg- ing by their conversation, there is an uncomfortable time coming for their prey. Imagine experts from diverse parts of th world exchanging views on the most up-to-date methods of rat-catching, discussing with glet new devices for luring their victims to their doom, and you have an idea of how unpopular the Padworth picnic must have been with the rat community. A Trial Treatment of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Free to Skin Sufferers If you, or someone dear to you, are suffering the itch- ing, burning, sleep-destroy- ing torments of eczema or other cruel skin eruption, with its embarrassing, un- sightly disfigurement; if you have tried all manner of treatment, no matter how harsh, to no avail, and have all but given up hope of cure, write to-day for a lib- eral sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Thousands of skin-tortured sufferers, from infancy to age, have found that the first warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle application of Cuticura Ointment bring instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and prove the first steps in a speedy and successful treatment. Ad- dress "Cuticura," Dept. xoM, Boston, U. S. A. MAN OF MANY SUPPERS. Court Ball Comedy of a Small Ger- man Capital. An amusing story of an incident at a masked ball given at the cap! tal of one of the smaller German principalities is being told in Ber- lin, writes the Berlin correspondent of the London Daily Mail. In one of the rooms of the court a buffet had been set out, and the attendants there soon, came to re- mark the unusually active appetite of one guest, duly masked ami cloaked, who consumed extraordi- narily large quantities of the more expensive delicacies and wines. After several minutes of vigorous eating he would leave the buffet and disappear among the throng of dancers. Soon, however, he would be back again, his appetite appar- ently as strong as ever. After the fourth visit at short in- tervals of this hungry guest the head waiter called the attention of the master of ceremonies, who wait- ed at the buffet until the masked stranger once more returned. He was again served with a full sup- ply of food and wine, and as he turned away was politely asked to show his invitation card. At this some confusion was no- ticed in his bearing, and the master of ceremonies requested him to re- move his mask and cloak. To the astonishment of the servants and the- amusement of the guests there was revealed the shamefaced figure of one of the soldiers of the guard on duty in the hall below. The guards had found a spare domino lying in the hall and they had been putting it on one after the other during the evening, so as to be able to go boldly into the ballrooms and eat their fill a-t the buffet unchal- lenged. So amused at the story was the Grand Duke that he refused to al- low the greedy soldiers to be pun- ished. American and Canadian Scientists tell us the com- mon house fly is the cause of more disease and death than any other agency. WILSON'S FLY PADS kill all the flies and the disease germs too. S85 A>TS AS REMEDIES. la Europe Preparations Made From the Insects are Used. Among the last of tie remedies provocative of nausea, of the imagi- nation to disappear from the list' of official remedies have been pre- parations made from ants. Such preparations, however, have not obtained much recognition in this country, even among the wise old women in domestic practice though in parts of Europe they are yet in use. Ant baths, made by boiling ante in water, are yet in use by Bavarian peasants for rheu- matism and gout, and also in Hes- sen and Hungary. Bohemia, it is said, for paralysis of the lower limbs patients are place* 1 in an ant- hill and allowed to remain until the while body is covered wHh the in- sects, which are then shaken off, when the cure is effected. In Bran- denburg an aching tooth is rubbed THIRTEEN YEARS. Unlucky Number fur Dakota Woman. The question whether the num- ber "13" is really more unlucky than any other number has never been entirely settled. A So. Dakota woman, after thir- teen years of misery from drinking coffee, found a way to break the "unlucky spell." Tea is just as in jurious as coffee because it contains caffeine, the drug iu coffee. She writes : "For thirteen years I have been a nervous wreck from drinking cof- fee. My liver, stomach, heart in fact, my whole system being actu ally poisoned by it. "Last year I was confined to my bed for six months. Finally it dawned on me that coffee caused the trouble. Then I began using Postum instead of coffee, but with little faith, as my mind was in euch a condition that I hardly knew what to do next. "Extreme nervousness and fail- ing eyesight caused me to lose all courage. In about two weeks after I quit coffee and began to use Pos- tum, I was able to read and my head felt clear. I am improving all the time and I will be a strong, well woman yet. "I have fooled more than one person with a delicious cup of Pos- tum. Mrs. S. wanted to know where I bought my fine coffee. I told her my grocer had it and when she found out it was Post u in she has used it ever since, and her nerves are building up fine. "My brain is strong, my nerves stead v my appetite good, and Kest of all, I enjoy such sound, pleasant sleep." Name given by Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor. Ont. Get the little book in pkg., "The Road to Wellville." "There's a Rea- son." Ever read the above letter? A new one appear* from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. MR. SIDNEY BIXTON, M.P. President of the British Board of Trade. SOME QUAINT HOTELS. The hotel that stands out most distinctly in tourists' recollection is one in Iquique. where, even while you are sitting at the dining-tables, vendors come in from the streets to sell you food. At this same hotel they have two charges for baths two dollars if you insist \\pon clean water, and about one dollar if you are willing to take a second turn at the tub. Another instance of a quaint hotel is the town of Africa, in Peru. Here they are using at the present time the hull of an old American man-of-war, which was taken inland by a great tidal wave many years ago. and has since been ftttej up as an hotel, and is in great demand The laU battle on English soil was fought t Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, in 1781. by means of a crust of bread, and the crust is then placed in an ant- hill. Impoverishment of blood is cured by means of an egg buried in the hill of the larg-e red ants. The egg must have been laid by a pure white or black hen, and must have been found when still warm. In Oberwalz the crushed eggs and lar- vae of ants stirred up with cream are used as a remedy for coJic. A salve made from wood ants, dog fat and coal dust, is said to be used by Hungarian gypsies against goitre. There is in use in Montenogro the "ant suture" in domestic surgery. Those who had been bitten by ants had noticed that the heads remain- ed clinging to the skin when the body was torn away, being hcUl in place by the powerful mandibles. The idea was thus suggested that the ants' jaws could be used to close the edges of wounds. The edges of the- cut arc pressed toge- ther, an ant is held so that its jaws will grasp both sides and its body is cut off. Several are applied along the wound and serve instead of the usual catgut stitches. You can't offend a homely wo- man by telling her she isn't. "I often spend the entire night in my library." "I didn't know you were such a great reader." "I'm not. But one of my bookca.se s is a folding bed !" '? DODtfS KIDNEY ' PILLS The unexpected guest is always welcome if your larder contains a supply of KING OSCAR SARDINES Cat Them From Your Crooer Trade supplied by John W. Bicki. A Greening, Hamilton GINSENG ROOT WANTEb WILD AND CULTIVATED WHITE FOK PRICED W. CRAWFORD GOFFATT CR.L.LIA ONT. BOILERS New and Second- _ hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKESTACKS. A t .n . for Btnrt. nl Y i . ; . and .!- i r 3vitmv POISON '"?r,,}T?" KS TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders Moil Economical Odorless Night Lamp ever invented. Burns ordinary $1 00 K<iro n< 9'l- " A ' I . light all night for oetpald ^ of a cent." L. J. A. SFRVKYFR AX OAK MINE. Mines of wood, are found in the south of Russia, where they were discovered very recently when the bed of a river was dragged. Not very deep in the earth but covering an extent of 200 square kilometers a forest of oaks was found where it had been buried by some unknown cataclysm centuries ago. The wood is in perfect preservation. The man who found the entombed forest has drawn from his mine many trunks of trees measuring from for- ty to sixty meters high and at least eighteen inches in diameter. The mine is worth a fortune, for the wood is of the first quality and as a result of its long rest imderground it has taken the most varied colors, ranging from dark brown to pale rose and running through all the shades of blue and yellow. One hundred and fifty thousand of the ancient oaks have been turned over to the cabinet makers. It is Wise to Prevent Disorder. Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach and few are free from them. At the first manifestation that the stomach and liver are not performing their functions, a course of Parmelee'e Vegetable Pills should be tried, and it will be found that the digestive organs will speedily resume healthy action. Laxatives and sedatives are so blended in these pills that n--> other preparation could be so erfjot'i'e as they. Phoenix Park, Dublin, has an area of 2.000 acres. Mlnard's Liniment for sal* everywhere. "I want you to remember that I got mv money by hard work." "I thought it was loft by your uncle." "So it was. but I had hard work getting it away from the lawyers." Unless worms be expelled from the system, no child can be heal- thy. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator is the best medicine extant to destroy worms. Schoolmaster "Now, you under- stand that heat expands matter and cold contracts it. Give mo an ex- ample." Bright Boy "Please, ( sir, the days are longer in summer." Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Queenetown, Ireland, was for- merly known as "The Cove of Cork," but when the late Queen Victoria paid a visit there, in 1849, it changed its name. Soft corns are difficult to eradi- cate, but Holloway's Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. A DARK BEGINNING. Little Ethel studied the face of the little negress intently. "What makes you so black, Cin- dy?" she finally asked. "Hah," said Cindy, "you'd be black, too, if you was born at mid- night in a dark room, and had a black father and black mamma." PREVENTED MURDER. German Picked Up LHter, Read It, Then Told Police. Under ordinary circumstances if a German picks up a sealed letter on the street he must return it to the post-office or to the addressee without opening it. Luckily this rule was disregarded by an inhabitant of Crossen-on- Oder, who picking up a letter, opened it, and found that it was a communication from the wife of a woollen manufacturer, Robert Witzker, who informed a school teacher recently transferred to Crossen that she had completed ar- rangements for poisoning her hus- band and marrying the school teacher. The incriminating letter was handed to the police, who kept a sharp watch upon Frau Witzker. A few days sufficed to produce evidence that the letter was genu- ine. Quantities of poison of various kinds were found in receptacles be- longing to her, and kept in her father's house. She and the teach- er were arrested, presumably just in time to prevent the murder. Always Serviceable. Most pills lose their properties with age. Not so with Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effective- ness is preserved and the pills can be carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency. This is.a quality that few pills possess. Some pills lose their power, but not so with Parmelee's. They will main- tain their freshness and potency for a long time. OVERPOWERING. It wa a church wedding and the- church was handsomely decorated with flowers, the air being laden with their fragrance. Little Lola exclaimed in an audible whisper : "Oh, mamma, doesn't it smell aw- ful solemn in here." St. Isidore. P. Q. An*. !8. 1904. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen. I have frequently MINABD'8 LINIMENT and ilo presrnt.e it for my patients always w in the most gratifying resul e. and I -onoidei it the beat all-round Liniment extant. Yours truly. DK. JOS. AUG. SIROIS. WITH THIS TEA th*r' Purity, Uniformity, urf full weight guaranteed inid every p*ckag. LIPTON'S TEA Goes farthest tor the ratine FARMS FOR SALE H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Jt, Toronto. OVEB FIFTY aOOD IMPHOVID Farms in Manitoba. Saakutchawia and Alberta at right prices on easy trme. FRUIT FARMS IN THE BEST district of Ontario. All sixes at rlhs prices. IF YOU WAST TO BFY OB SELL toi-k. grain of dairy farm oocinlt H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. NE Ht-NDBED ACHES CT OITOBB County; M>il Band and clay loami two acres orchard: building! food. WT1J exchange for pity, town or Tillage pre perty or for larger farm. The wetra Ral KBtate. London, Ont. lALe HELP WANTED. (EARN THE RAILWAY 8TATTO J work and earn more money than any other trade. We qualify for Canadian Railways. Positions seem -__ Write for Frw Book 18. Dominion Bchool Railroading, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. H AT AND FARM SCALES. Wiln-.a'e Scale Workn. 9 EiplanadB. Toronto. CIA.NCER. TCMOR8. LUMPS. to. In- ternal an.t external cored rr.hoal oin by oar home treatment. Writ* at before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Cew Llmitrrt. rVilH"BwrwMl. Ont 6 TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilton e Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. SALARIED POSITION AWAITS COM- pe.ent business man who can invest SI. 000 in profitable going manufacturing bnemess. Manager. 601 Kent Bii.lrt.nir. To- ronto. CARPET DYC.INQ ^^nd flnit. Thli u i tpctUj lu> t^^ BrltlH Amorloan Dyalng Co* fend !>: ..,,! b. pan tnd r iur u utiiff. . .-l Me.i ilisl. Adtfren Box 233. Montreal The Soul of a Ptj.no 10 tn Action. Insist on tho -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action PROVES IT. be KD. 4. ISSIE M-'IZ CATSPAWvi RUBBER HEELS Tread softly - Step safely. CATS PAW RUBBER SOUS Enlxxty the patented features of Cafe Paw Heels. tso Weldon "Is brains?" Kane "Well, he runs a bigger , automobile than any of his credi- tors." Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and such complaints while teething and as this period of their lives is the most critical, mothers should not be without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial. This medicine is a specific for such com- plaints and ie highly spoken of by those who have used it. The pro- prietors claim it will cure any case of cholera or summer complaint. Penzance is the westernmost sea- port and watering-place in Eng- land. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. "What horse is there for me this morning. Pat?" "Well, sor, the one you rode yesterday is lame and j the one you rode the day before is at the veterinary's." "What did your master say I was to ride to- day?" "He said you was to ride a strate car, sor." The Friend of All Sufferers. Like to "the shadow of a rock in a we.iry land" is Dr. Thomas' Eclee- tric Oil to all those who suffer pain. It holds out hope to every- one and realizes it by stilling suf- fering everywhere. It is a lini- ment that has the blessing of half a continent. It is on sale every- where and can be found wherever enquired for. "I started out on the theory that the world had an opening for me, ! and I went to find it." "Did you , find it ?" "Oh, yee; I'm in a hole!" Mlnard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. STREET SAVINGS BANKS. For some time in Vienna (Aus- tria) street savings banks have boen in vogue with considerable success. Those savings banks are an adapta- tion of the penny-in-the-slot ma- chine. Anyone pawing wishing to deposit a small sum drops his mon- ey into the slot. Instead of receiving bon-bons or chocolate in return, he gets a ticket for the coin deposited. The tickets are later honored on presentation at the Government Department. Encouraged by the success <>f tho Vienna experiment, the people of Paris are to introduce! the same system into their streets. Hungry Harry "Me and you was born be'ore our time, matey !" Wandering \Villy--"Ho\v do vou j make that out 7" Hungry Harry I "I've be*n reading tin- p.'ipori, and I I soe tho exports agree that, bv the I next century the wimmin will be doiu' all the work in tlii-s world." arct CRBOSOTB 0.s-le S t ix t - x -a Protot Prasarva Beautify Sample* and Booklet* on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited a man of 1874 ( Sachunt Street TORONTO Ad.U*t<!to ;,. !L ::l.l 110. of '*.<>- ptoof Collfcr* ,,,:.J.. A.I buy All Anti-Dust disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life-pre- server because it kills all disease germs. Flocrs clean ; car- pete bright; home fresh ai:d sweet. No dust while sweeping. Ask your Dealer for It. MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co. Limited ale distributors lor Ontario THE SAPHO MFC. CO.. Limited Montreal COLD-BLOODED. The Boss "Why do you want more salary?" Assistant "I am thinking of get- ting married." The Boss "Huh! If you're such a fool as that I am paying you too much now." SUFFICIENT. Stranger "Could you help a poor chap to send his wife to the country for a mouth 1" Askitt "Is she sick?' Stranger "No, but I am." When troubled with fall rashes, eczema. or any skin disease apply Zam-Buk! Surprising how quickly it ai the .Tiartiu< an J itmgioj I AilO cures cuU. burnt. ior _ and piles. Zum- Buk i made from pur* her- bal cssencei. No animal fats no mineral potion*. Finest boater I Dnwjifti and Fl

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