Seteuiler f> 1012 THE F LE SHEET ON AD VANG It 'Advance' Small Ads- Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS <JULLOUGH YOUNG . ,.. i.if Markdale nieil bankms t'Ui*m. MOE*J loaned 4*MMMeMMW( Call sn . Boar for Service Kcar -2 years otil. (o H, ArlvujfMik. Ttrnit -Al-EX. CAUKKON. l>urbrd Yorkiblre arvicconlot 35, con. 11.0*. HoUtein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service Canary Mutter Hoy ('alajiity, No. lOVil. brer KCK> fur BatoblBg, KirllAllU AM.K^, DMcPRAlL. Couoty o Grey. CAKTF.K MCV kLil rend*" FbyilciaD. Kui>'-on et., Pleibirrton Bull For Service Thoroughbred Aberdeen Angus Bull, "Black Diamond King," for wrvice or lot 26, Con 4 Oleuelif. \V. H. I'ATl'KUS- )N, Prop. SOCIETTS HUSTLER. Mr*. Earn A Salary ! Take our practical Business or Short hand course ..f tuiniiw and Bee how KOOII we will have you earning H yoo'l salary. Kvery graduate helped. Full Term from Sept .'!, 1H12. New catalogue on re<jue*t. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins, Principal Gee. Cornwallit-West Possesses Great Versatility. No mftii wae more fortunate in his choice of parents than Mr. Winston Churchill, the First Lord cl the Ad- miialty. From his father, the late Lord Randolph Churchill, he has cer- tainly inherited his political genius, while to bis mother, who married Mr. Cornwallii-West in 1900 five years af- ter the death of Lord Randolph Churchill he owes that remarkable energy and thoroughness which have characterized his political career. Mrs. Cornwallis-West has often been described as one of the most witty and brilliant women of to-day; but she is more than that. She is a wo- man possessing such keen business acumen and powers of organization that a well-kntwn American show- rnun, who recently visited the great Shakespearean Inhibition which she has organized at Karl's Court, describ- ed her as "the greatest lady hustler that ever came out of Hustlerville. She's as full of ideas as a cake is full of plums," he concluded. Mrs. (ieorge CornwallU-West is not one of those women who are content to pose as mere figureheads in con- nection with any schemes with which their names may be associated. The manner in which, years ago. she help- ed to establish the Primrose League, edited the Anglo-Saxon Review, and organized and fitted out the hospital ship Maine, which was donated by American women in Knglaml to the service of the army during the Boer War. and went herself as an active woiker in its wards, are but three illustrations of the way in which this remarkable society woman throws her- self whole-heartedly into any work in which she may be interested. The Shakespeare Festival at Earl's i| Court, however, provides the most striking illustration of her wonderful (inabilities. The idea of reproducing IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. What Occur* When Two or More Peers Want to Speak at Once. There it nc rule against a dozen peers, i.r the entire peerage lor that matter, rising and addressing the Lord Chancellor at the same time. The Lord Chancellor hae no power to select the peer who shall speak. A Lord Chancellor's leg may be palled, we imagine, but his eyes can never be caught. For all h can do. two peers wishing to addres-, the House, and refuMntt ti.e give way one to H j oth.T could stay on their feet until one quegti * n of gingjng 8 and. But what is of them dropped from exhaustion. Jj-ij gand? Mr . Canis-Wileon went SANDS THAT SING. A Scientist Declares That Scotland Has the Best Singing Sand*. A lecture given recently at the Royal Societies Club by Mr. Carus- WilBon was devoted to a consideration of the eitraordinary sands known as "musical" or "singing" sands. The best singing sands in tbe world oooie from the Isle of Egg, off the coast of Scotland, and it is comforting to know that, whatever figure Britain cut in grand opera, she is at prominent when it comes to a This i no exaggeration. Within hv gand? Mr . Canis-Wileon went t ing to , eave no doubt ing memory two peera engaged in ,n, Bubje<!t flnd although his audience adventure which at first threatened to .,.,.;.,,.] ,.,, minnt. ponlocists. he develop into a tiring down contest af- ter the manner of Goldsmith's danc- ers. It happened in 1884 on a warm July day and was very entertaining while it lasted. contained many eminent geologists, he asked leave to begin at the very begin- ning and to treat his audience "as an audience of boys." Tbe lecturer showed how the rocks of which the earth is composed are The^two we ^ ( Earl^Granvine^and dCompog< ] by the action of natural causes, chiefly the weather; how cliffs become boulders; how boulders ber Lord Cairns. Both rose "simultaneous- ly to speak. The two peers stood fac- ing each other at the table, and each tried to speak, while their partisans kept shouting "Granville!" and "Cairns!" in an aristocratic manner. Lord Selborne sat on the woolsack helpless. The scene might have lasted until either Karl Granville or Lord eom pebbles, and pebbles in turn be- i rrTi* sand. In the course of time it occurs that nature, that most versa- tile old lady, produces a kind of sand which has music in its soul; a sand composed of quartz, rounded and high- ly polished, of a uniform size, and Maple Grove, Osprey Mr. Tho. McLeau xpent Sunday with W. Blakey, third lin*. MUkeH Lulu &nd Bernice Scott, Inis- tioije, and Mr. Win. McCutcheon, Ware- h MM, spent Sunday .. Mr. Liuis Hill's. MeurN. .1. Allison and A. N. Brown* ridi<e attended Court held at Flesherton la-1 week. Mrs. S. Ann. il and children speut >Mii'l,i4 at Mr. K.; ,.nl McC'alluiu'8. .Mi- i - Margaret and May Stock, ac- cMiipanied by Mr. Walter Crofr, Bpent Sunday with Mi=s Minnie Fallister, gravel ra-J. Mr. Wm. Morrison, Wudehouse, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Moirison and Mr. John Mormon, Maxwell, spent Sunday at Mr, M. Morrison's. . Miss Margaret Loughead, Fevci-sham, .-pent holidayt at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. George Pllister, gravel road, left for the VVsut Friday. Rev. Mr. Wi Miaow, Dundalk, spent Sunday with his friend, Mr. Jos. Allison. Cairns had fallen fainting had no *| very clean Lord Beauchamp earired immortal / nd when theg ar<J agiuud ao ae fame by creating a precedent in the to ploduce vibrations, by means of House of Lord? He moved, in a tone the \ ind . by being trodden upon, cr of anger that Lord Cairns be heard, | b ^ struck th 6 produce musica i and Lord Cork, in ajimilar tone^mov- j ^s. Such perfect deposits are found h) the Isle of Egg. and it \v K.- by that Lord Granville be heard. A vote was %ken, and Lord Gran- ville won by a majority of one in a House of fifty-three excited peers. 80 if the Lord Chancellor at any tims finds himself confronted by two means of samples of the real Egg var- iety that the lecturer produced musical notes. Filling a wooden egg-cup with sand ' stabbed Farms for Sale ,wu iiu- ( rom the j s j e O f E K ~ n e stabbed the bie but "tatinate orator; there is a d uh wooden" ninepin abstract- precedent to fall back upon which may:^ h sajd from t| t fa be found useful.- London News. < aud produ ' CP(1 a high n , u -j cal note . The sand behaved better in the egg- V. C. Man In Workhouse. CU p than in anything else. In a card- There is Bt present in the infirmary board box its musical note remained at Karl's Court the life in Shako- j O f ti, e Cambridge (Eng.) workhouse dumb, as it did in a flower-pot and ".ptare't England in order to raise I an ox-noncommissioned officer of th<s in the half of a rubber ball. In half LKCAL MAetes We*t half lot , eon, n. Town>>iii| of Osprey. .V) Acrrt-Kaxl halt lot , co:i. II, Townnliil f 5?ISm-We.t hall T,,wi,-hi.. thinking out the idea. The whole of the buildingt designed according to her lUggeitiODI, moHey for a national memorial to army w | lo holds the Victoria Cross, a wooden Easter egg the sand from the Bard of Avon, and to wake up and' is a member of a family of sol- the Isl of Egg. as the lecturer re- the public in view of the Shakespeare ) dj erg tnree brothers, two sons, and marked, "positively revelled" in iU tercentenary of 1916. was entirely hers. | eight nephews either serving or having surroundings, and emitted a shatp. Hut she was not content with merely of the exhibition were 100 Acre* L.O: I , cjn. 14. ArtauiesU. a 100 Acr-Ktiuif i..t ;, con. j. Knpiir*HMi.j rtou office. Hpro ^ l. Mock T s. H.,Af ou'i. amJAirii r^-)t:Q ami < i, con. u. Artum/nun. C U SOCIETIES meet* ob tli* Monday ,. V?r-l' W. A . June 1T.I :IT. CUH. li, .\rtnini. lu-llnnv . . * hpr,.u K*c.. C-. H Munu; ,rtUrec invited Brantford Roofing m Bhakespeate'i time. If course, Mrs. Cornwallis-West lias some idea of her energy may he gath- ered from the fact that during tha early days of the exhibition she was at Karl's Court every morning at elev- en, and even now is to be found al- most evi-ry <lny lit a charming Tudor e in the grounds at Karl's Court h she has been obliged to make KT home in order to be constantly ,11 the spot for any work which may i be required. For there is no one who f II *..*., , iiv kRisrF AHTHUK I,ODK. No. . AP * *- r y t!l1 Tooling and Mdimj. Asphalt rooff-fai, H greater l>elief in the up-to-date A M.ioetin tht "Moniciiaii.Anii- to* ami Kidiir;, Rubber root-ii!!. Steal inaxiin. "Do it now.' than Mrs. Corn- *troce> M t 1 ^YuVi"u)ocn D i .*H%iirii'i .w, w. ' i-'>oHii({ un<l aiding, Mutalliii celling*. I wallis- West, And no matter how K ^TtAvi Vlaytou. Betre'.arj. i it f* Mnall the undertaking may be. or how J. n I t I '- V ' i I *- :/ lOn n, ,,(,. til.' flpt.ii sli.. <lnns imt. rait served in various branches of the joyous squeaking. army > Musical sands have been known for The man is James Collis. who was 1.000 year?, and it is believed that born in Cambridge in 1851, and en- there is a reference to them in one of listed in the 4Gth Foot in 1872. He the tales of the "Arabian Nights." was transferred to the H.H.A., and But nature, who conducts experiment* vent out to India, where he arrived on quite a different scale from those just before the war broke out with at the Royal Societies Club, produces Afghanistan. Collis went to the front much finer results. There is the Moun- with Major Blackwood and K Battery tain of the Bell on the shores of the of B Brigade of the K.H.A., and was Red Sea, which makes extraordinary present at the disaster at Maiwand.i sounds and boomings when the winds v I" n the British force was almost an- set the countless millions of particles nihilated by Ayul. Khun. rubbing against each other and vibrat- Collis, who was then a (runner, load- ing. ed sick and wounded on his gun and ^ ^___ made for the British base, which he A Queer Club ivmhe.l after great difficult^ He wan . <Th Liu , e c , b -. o( ^ d .'.early cut off on th way and to save distinctlr ori ina , institution. It was hit .'barges unlimbered his gun. tin- intende( f for \ hose not five (et high. l le .^'. rt \ ( ''";'' <?ll ,, tl ! < -. W0 ^ de l: ve . r / Invitation., to be present at the in- !'. if any, uiedii;i:)e, have met with the n'li : . >r n . - 11. -,-.-- that has attended the use of Chamberlain's < 'ulic, Cholera and Uiarrhora Reintdy. The remarkable cnrei of rulit and diarrhoea which it lux effected in almoiii every nrighb<ir)i^4 liav givrn it a wide reputation. Kr ale I y all dealer:. Two cases of whiskey addressed to D*ve Kinnee, two i/ises to Ben Warner, and two cases to a n. .M named Pall-ster, arrived a few days nan at Flesherlon Station. Kinnee and Warner got away with theirK, but Pallister'i was viewed. Inspector Halbert, of Markdale went after Mr. Kinnee to flock Mills, but soon Uiirned he was ufter the wrong nun. Bon Warner has been dead for some y u-. and tfce rniin who used hi8 name n iilso unknown to the authorities. 'John Kin', 1 ,' to hi .1 the whiskey was I here, wiiMi't as smirt as Dave and Ben., ' or constable Whulan wouldn't h:ivc to stiiiul uard over it tvery ninht, since the sei/.iire was made here some weeks ' nr>.- Durham Chronicle. Notice removed ,, n the limber. He was re , , Ilieeting 6 8 ent not meet 0. K. ir**tiln - i^ !/ ion minute the detail, she does not rest _ content until everything is arranged lieved by a troop of Homlmy cavalry. ' hegrt - T , h h d under Gen. Nuttah, who compliment-'^ iL m ^ij.j ',....; , ,, ;! eil him upon his bravery. to be modified owing to the mall the undertaking mnv be. or how I ^w^h-^lierwJ'l^ fcP'mai l'ir a * kwar<1 situations created through i,,"/ ' r . , ?*> the use of ordinary sired furniture; when a member, imaging the presl- to her Milisfaction. Our Clubbing List Taciturn Carlyle. . Twelve months later, at a parade on dent to be abs . I|t gave %- e g nt to P some the Hoonah racecourse. < olli* had IIIH conUmptuous Cri tici 9 ms of him. only name called out and had the \ictoru - - ' ' Nniioc is hereby civen that a By-Law was passed by the Municipitl t'junc'1 of I he Township of Osprey n August .inl A. D. IIU'2, |>rnvidin! for the issue of DelxMitures to the amount of s;,.mMi for the |iui|)osi.- <>f the Local Municipal 'IVlephonc Syste.ii of the siid township, mid lliat such By- Law WHS resist uird in the Keuistry <ittice, ( the South Ridini; of the County of (Jrey, on the 13th day d*y of August, I'.'I'J. Any motion to quash or set aside the same i<r iiny |>'tit thereof, must le made H thio tin. i- months from the d.ite of M-.'i^i r.i - .. .n and cannot be made there- after. Dated this l!th IMy i,f August, 1!12. THOS. SCOTT, Clerk. dav of the luootb. The following ptii-i-s'iru for strictly Thomas Carlyle was taciturn, and pi.l In sdvaiicegubacriptioiiBunly. UV'"' writer gave him the paradoxical have no accounts with oilier papers. '''"; " tlie '"ami'-' apostle of taciturn- ... . .. ily. I !.< same writer once rode with FleHherton Advance > Carlvte in the Chelsea omnibus and Yuuth. Conipftuion. - enrleavon-d in vain with questions to Toronto World, daily f ^"(Induce the great mini to break his li.rniit.i Dully New -'tfoKlen silence and coin a few sentences rt'.'.-kly Globe ".[ silver speech. Carlyle preserved a Mail-Einpire ._ . . ,_. ^Ojinootly silence. But the defeated ques- tioner had his revenge when, affect- ing not to know Mr. Carlyle, he ask- Cross pinned on his coat by Lord (then Gen. Roberts i. to flnd that his face had been tem- porarily eclipsed by a flash of wine which stood before him on the table. /- n . . nuivit MULH.1 UOIVJ '' 1 i III ''I lit* ItfcUlc. Colli. afterward* joined the Bombay Aftw thlg the pnmim were furnishe d police m winch he became an inspec- jn proportion ' to the gize o{ the club " " n< """ " 10 "' * tares. He returned to Knclami his health, gave way, and he members, the door was made high ters him. for membership. Family McrnM A Star. ... Toronto Slur .............. 1 Farmer .Sim ........... Farmer* Advocata .......... 1 Weekly** ............ Saturday Niljht ............ :'. Home Jouru-.'l ........... Poultry New* .......... I'niihry Hi'view ........... Uml iitul (<iin nin<!7.ine ...... 4 I know him well Boar for Service the conductor as they got out who the gentleman was mid received the fi, Mowing reply : "Oh, ye?, sir; enough. 'K's wot you call a littery gent writes books wot nobody can un- derstand. 'K's a hit off his chump, like many of those gents, but he ain't a ba<l ti.rt if you lake him the right way," , i i.'i , ft, ' N. Hiii nV, Muvw.ll i.t Bull for Service FaH Fairs Tl, Ihor .!.,, In ,: pllcatJon. S JliI,,-.!., r., Una 111- . - *, I Ptohert riMlswmih Se|,l. !_' l:: i.,iil S. ].. I'."-, '-'li, -J7, -'' Sept. '.'4. i."| I > ii !. 'in Some Celtic Words. Ancient Picts in Knglaud were call- <.! by the Celtic word "pehta." or fighteiF. Thin vi s Latinized into picti. So. too, Uarbary of the ancient map-! is a monument to tbe miscalling of the, tribe by the Greek word signi- Queer Clubs. Maund and Maunder. _, ,,;, , v- .. The title Cave of the Golden Calf Neither inauiul. a basket, nor maim- ibe6td on London . s first Cabaret der. to \vhme or grumble, is obsolete. ; T heatre Club whirh has int. l*>n I!...), are still in common use in South S reiaHs Setcudou^-nameU a particular kind of ba'sket. used forlf? untry ., at liffere "' H}?*,' ^* in ' can ving butter to markt. The basket o,i.,; V, , is nearly square in shape and has two Club - . '"<ld in ridicule of the liils opening from the middle part. ; p lenior y where the handle is. and it is"c8lledl ln ^" .'9 r the "butter der is usually as "What are you maundering at?" A Northumbrian will sav, "He's a of Charles I.," whose meet- rious reasons were rather nitvj ic i - , i i ' . - ' /i i - I- _ _ _ _^ ^ n.Hwn" (maund). Maun- "P'C'ouyly regarded after the Restor- v heard in such sentences atlon ; , TI ? Everlasting was a purely ocial club, with a membership of 100 ouls. Social intercourse was always obtainable within its walls, for the rules arranged for the presence of members day and night throughout the vear. maundering , M fool," when the man of whom he is npeaking strings words together in a senseless sort of way .in, v. i 1,1 hi.iii to inaudling. London N(its anil (Jue-ries. rrturnrd. BULL FOH SERVICE Tbommrl'br' I Hhrth..rn '"'''.."''"'"'y '''" H7M, dt M-rvii* on l"t ITt'i, I . * s. |{ ; - u ttmraia. Thi animal t- M H v ..... I nnlkin ' '\iurrt mi alililii iiti"ii It-run. &T% -I AS HTINSON < .t <>. <>- 'lying "barbarian." Even the legend i.f " Hie victory of Guy of Warwick over Dona*)! "ct 10, I lithe dun cow is assailed by ruthless Kevfutlmm ...Oct. I -i.' Hymologists. ho insist upon it* deri- ., . , . , , ct p, |, vation from his conquest over the ' ' ( _ "Dcna gaii," cr Danish settlement, at. word !*rpt. Jt>, -i the cliampir.n ' gates. The Celtic Mount Kui-eitt S*-pt. IS, P.tlwords "alt inaen" are responsible for , _ ..Sept. l!>, -^(["""'y "old man" crags upon eeacoaaU ,., mid Minom; niouiitiiins. Tlipv IIIPHII ^Iwen 8011111! Sept. 10,11, 1^ |n, wever Piiceville Ool. 4 Jt.,.-l<lyn Oct. ."., 4 Sh.-ll.urne. . Sept.. '.'4. X> inoontalM, Tt!ck .. They mean. Boar for Service A larii' wl-ile Voiktlnre Hoar lor rulcel onlotitl, )t<! riiR W T. AH. ., Arteuiedi. I , *'"'' It. WAM.KIl. IT Wll.f, K K \' A K K JOB .1 IlKTTKIt Bull for Service I ,.. i bred II, .. i, ;.l bull for -I'lv,.,- on 1 tot 171, 8*. W. T. 48. 8., Aiteroei. ! |{y K Cnuine at I.,,.,' l .i' l'urebie.1 fU.OO. Any row not iriiiii,. ,i second time will lirj il lc I rate. I March l:l T. A. .1. WATSON. IVoton v * ',,ii Hit Picture. It is told of Major-General Sir Wil- ' liam Gatarre of the Hritish army 1ha Juriiig (be Sudan cAinpnign he was one day going the round ol the sen- trios. Stopping before one, he asked jhim what bis onlers were. "To keep ja sharp lookout for the enemy and ,also for (jen. Gatacre," was the ptunpt reply. "Do you know him by /ighlr 1 " asked the general. "No, sir, 1 ' j answered th man, "but I was told [that if I saw an officer fussing and Minn mi' and rushing about that would I,, (ien. Gatacre." A Veteran Legislator, One of the veterans of the British House of Commons is Mr. Henry Chaplin, who has advocated tariff re- form in sens-oil and out of season for longer than probably he cares to remember. He has ever displayed solicitude for the agricultural portion of the community, and there is cer- tainly no politician of the day who understands rural constituencies bet- ter than Mr. Chaplin. He is, nf course, an old hand at CANADIAN Q PACIFIC KY. Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO KH.Tl'KN HVl'ES FKOM KI.ESHEUTON $2.60 $2.00 A I' GUT il. -SI DAILY Aug. 24 to S-i>t. 7 i U<. TICKIT* OOOO FOU TU"N UNTIL MPT. IO ASK KOH OFFICIAL PlUHiKAM Contain* lilt of daily ventf at tbe (air. >p. ,"... i r&ttt*. itud traiu service from all station*. Rout$eau In England. I'm t of Rousseau's stay in England was spent at Chiswick. where he lodg- ed over a small grocer's shop. "Th philosopher fits in the shop." writes a contemporary, "and learns English words, which brings many customers to the place." The grocer must have been sorry t^o lone so alluring a lodger, but David Hume, who brought Rousseau to Eng- land, was heartily glad when I.e. re- S. HANI), Agent, - Fleshertoa. Prevention of Eye Trouble. i n.ii|-..! at Bull for Service for Hhorthorn I'.. ill, "Villan Lad, r. in, . on lot U, con. 4, A,., ,,.,-M Terms $1 for giadee. INept A. 8. HA^AKD. Pro^ HORSES FOR SALE War Cries. In the very early days the French bail their "cri de guerre." the Scotch Hi.-!, slogan ,in,i the Knglish their war crier, but no umny . n.- were launch- ed by Hie (lifferent great Britlnh !ord that, in Mil.', PHrliainent passed a spe- KAI.L II- KM OPKNS SKIT. 2nd jeial law forbidding these cries on the ground that they produced disorder, allowing but one batllecry, ''St. (ieorge and the king," NORTHERN Business Coll Owen Sound, Ont. turned to France After his departure he described Rousseau as "a Compovi- electioneering, an,. Knows M . cuy .^n "'';'". "Station, wickednew. what will go down with Farmer Giles '\* ''>',? IM L """ ' 6t V and his friends. As a sportsman and s " .'.it'^Vonicl. * landlord they appreciate him highly. LMn * Sir 8am Evan's Story. Took It to Himself. When Uen. Moreau was in England Property For Sale II. M and Lot in Fevetthftm (ioo.l , ,ini ni 1,1,., U house, frame xtahlr, |-ucru ilol, goinl well at door. Onelio.-se4 yra old, one hoiie S Alao lot 18 and K. half II, I2ih COIL, ears old, one horse 2 y*ars old. all MN 0*m< containing IMaoret ; gond frame by I he imported Olydwdale stallion Dun !b r n, te. f well watered, good atwk Also one grey lilly 2 yeari fftrm ic or t,,,,,,, , n d prticul*r apply JAH. OUVKR, |, . JAH. T. MoKENXIK, Pevemham IV < 'Bute* In It in eighty-three years since the (ii-i horse drawn public omnibus ran in ICuyland. The first public oiotorbus ran eight years ago. * art Moo. old. IxiU! Koulh Oyloi) P.O. lo Jun127tf Buying Chilled Beef. Great Britain year by year iraporka much leR live atixik, but more and more chilled beef. Sir Samuel I . fcvans, president o h# WM l)lu . e the vjctim of a r - ather the British Divorce Court, has several droll misunderstanding. He was pre- |0oda(oriito tollNlatinc toh1spro-| a | , t concert where & piece Mae who stole a uair of trousers is decided- "To-morrow to-morrow " ly naive Thi* man received a favor- Having a very imperfect knowledga able verdict, but when the case was of English, he fancied it to be a can- over he showed no signs of leaving tatm fa tn in hit nonor and thoujht (he court. At last his lawyer asked n distinguished the wordt: him why he didn t go. I he innocent *-r-,, Moreau to Moreau" (f) man whispered in reply: "The Bach time the refrain was repeated Jacl is. sir. 1 did not like to move till ,^ IOM to hig feet and g race f u ]| y bow . tlie witnesses bad left tbe court. You ^ on tl | 8ide ,_ to the gre , t .gtonish- lee I ve got on the trousers wot I mat of the audience, who did not know what to make of it. Chapel In a Coal Mine. A Vegetarian Banquet. In the M vnx. I, I NHHV.M colliery at| The menu of a meal given lately by Swansea, south Wales, at a depth of the London Vegetarian Association in- 7> feet below th surface, is a notable 'eluded walnut cutlets with brown chapel. It is claimed to be the only 'sauce, cauliflower and new potatoee. such chapel especially prepared ami asparagus on toast, spaghetti on toast, consecrated tor worship. It is a long, tomato farcie and young carrote. low room, fitted with rough wooden benches, capable between 180 and of accommodating men Serviceaar. Pity the Actor! Prevention Is better than cure. It Is cheaper. It Is possible when cure Is trapossltte. Eye trouble mar be avoided by the timeij use of glasses, aTertlng discomfort, lufferlnf and permanent impairment of si eh t. We are properly equipped M adjust f lasses and pur.iniec satisiaction. W. A. Armstrong. Heifer Strayed Heifer Strayed From my prewise*, lot 36, con. 10, Artemeaia, OB ov about May 24. It bad u white star on fore- heud, white on legs and flank. Any- body knowing anything of its where- abouts, plexae communicate with Solomon Turner, Kugenia p. o. Farm for Sale at a Snap $1,'BOO will buy 150 acres on the gravel road between Fleshertou and Markdale. The timber alone on this property ! between 160 and !WU men services are Th , wlary luu of English tourinf . . held before work every Monday morn- ,,,}, irwlude men and womirt wl> P"c ked. Apply to JOS. BKATY, Orange Valley, Markdale, p. o. Sept 20. ing in the Mynydd Newydd collwry wb<( g , t only 95 to M ,|,ii| in g, and have been held rfularly eloce and on tnftt th<y muit not onl . j l but drese well ou eiid off the