Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1912, p. 5

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It I > > ,< September 25 1912 ILE8HERTON ADVANCE H THE OF CANADA O ENDING money to any point in O Cai^ida. the United State* oc Europe iafe. economical and expeditious when this Bank'i drafts and mooey orders are used. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, EBB BranctiM aba at Durhm and HmrrUton. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Tram, le-avti Flesherton Station The township of Derby will be com- pletely covered by rural rai.il deliveiy. , We hope the time ia not far distant when Going South 7.43 a. in. 11.28 a.m. 4.:J3 p.m. 8.5jp. m. The mails are closed at Fleoherton t. foltrrws : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. : and the afternoon mail south atj 3.40 o'clock For morning train south ' mail elo* at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. all the townships "in Grey county will be Going North wrvsd in , U!j , n^irner. Arteinesia is there f by degrees. The to be laid out i to Yanrieleur. latest VICINITY CHIPS The citizens of Flesherton are exceed- ingly pleased over the amount of new sidewalk that has beec laid down during th past summer. The village i now pretty well covered. Ttte amount laid this summer was -js,;;i. r *-. i ir- feet of cement and XiOO square fet of boaid walk where cement was impracticable. All this *.:. i u', dowu for lets than the provided. write to all congregation* paying than one thousand dollars s.larr, calling attention to the n- miaimam.91000.*tt l Flesherton fall fair Tharsday and Fri- dav of this week. A( . |h- receril ma<tmg of Owen ,,,, 0,pr 8 y fall fair Tuesday and Vednes- , p Kt[ , jtelJ the dl!rk wls ill8tfuclet i to day of nut week. ... . The new all-night telephone aervice for Flesheiton will begin on October 1 next. Meford will vote o,. local option neit '* - of G"' ' : th* W'ect $1-"0 it the minimum. The | increased cjHt of living mad tbia move Mi.s&id.eCokan uinum ftoui Thorn- 1 Qf ^ ^^ i(U jv(j> bury this week attending her i-tr s| weddiu" ) All am bel ngin? t-> Mr. James Me- W H Allen, a recent .rad-at. ofi^ocklin r.o away Tued.y. Ne., 7 u >, r>\ .! .... . ! opposite the Advance office they cracked e, will preach mil; aimers ; rr~ off a lamp | - and Loth animaU fall broadiido un the cement sidewalk. Eddie the 5-year-old awn of Mr. Malcotn Me- September Rod and Gun BonnfC3st:e Dl "Every day acen* | ! with the Indian trapper " open* the Sep- teinbtr isiue of Rod and Gun in Canada. Tha adventura* of a Gennaa haater in America, being a translation fi'im tha German liy Hon. William .Hcnwick Rid- dell, L H.D., su . relate* the experi- ences of Freidrich Geritacker, who vmt- 4 America in 1837 and went ln-n' haul - inj in the Ozark mountain*. This is "sme bear stoty." Duck hunting is | given coniiderable attention ! this . - vi.- ami includes duck shooting on the river i Scugog, at Lung Poin, on the St. Law- rence, in the Kootenay district ami an : amusing western tale entitled " Huntirg in Sage Brunh lke'-< duck pond." Dec- y ', shooting by Rfgiuald Oourlay is di-serv- , ing of special mention, as ia al*o a well i illustrated article uu i-'inu; wild ducks in captivity. Mr. James Dickson. a vet- eran sportaman, make* some iuggestionn and criticisms regarding Mr. Kslly K/ us Kuli and Gam* Report. " Pens and Dens " in th .subject of the Fox article in this i- "!< An article th^t in> : -al merit itnliuuld in me Iwcauir popular. That >uclt \ii the caar with Chamberlain'* Cough Rmeiiy liao LH--I attested rty manjr dealar^. Here re <>ne of [.hern. H. W. Heod%]uuB, Ohao K^Os. fmi.. writDt, 'Chaaibrrlain'^ Cuuzh Ken>(lv in the beat for coii^hn, cold*) and cru|>. aud u mv best seller." Fur sal* b\r all dealer* John Uuiumel wax sentenced n Berlin to five year* in the pmiitantUry for three home thett< in KM'). Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE chm ' li next Sunday. Pattison's millinery op*nin2 at Ceylon will bo held on Friday and Saturday. Sept. 27 and 28. j M(l fhelma Wilson, the same a K e,btsly Win. Rombough, who surveyed 'n* , escaped by dodging into a doorway, counties of Grey and Bruce, diad in It looked wild while it ljxt*d- l x>ut Donald, was knocked down by the u-.tm. three seconds. The'aaimala weie out injured. The only real injured was a strap or two of the harness. Mr. James Cargo met with a paiufu . week after e\ en weeks' visit in Manitoba lttacne d to > long wire and Saskatchewan. i purposes. Mr. Car^o | Tha sidewalk by-law votii g i n Friday the owner;< f the do? and Toronto on Saturday. Dr. W. Johnston of Trenton and wife called on his cousin. Mrs. Dr. Murry, on Mom 1 ay. Mrs. S. Smith ol Little Current is the guest this we*k of her aunt. MM. W. P. Crossley. I c j|| r George Watson own* a Houn Mrs. W. P. Croasley returned this j which wtt tied in hu sUbu with a dl||ill for exercising s working for rent a little to > last -<> unanimously in its favor, (here near, when the dog grabbed hit liatut and not bein;; a dissentient vote. ^ gave it a very a -vere wound before lelt- Big potato stories are now in vogue. ! iug go. Mr. Uaigo ardently wishe* that The Durham Review chronicles one < dog would take exeici*e some other wy. weighing 2J pounds. Tha municipalities in the Huron-Bruw- Inapectoi N. W. Campbell of Durham (irey district, which have been waiting called on friends here Thursday last. | for hydro-electric power, will not hav* to MIA. Campbell accompanied hiui. j exercise their patience much lunger, nays Dr. Byckman of Maxwell ha* dispoiedi <he Mail-Empire. The rueasuiing ..f the of his practice to Dr. A. E. Roazell of j w of the Mai. land, Samgeen aud Bea- Smithville, Out., and intends moving to ' ver river* from which the Hydro- Electric Hamilton to follow specialist work there, j Coni.niasion expects to generate power . ,. .. i k .. L.. , i for the northern counties hs heeri com- Miss Nellie Bradbuiy. who hai been ; .... , f . plettd by th cummissioti 3 engineers, the guest of leUtnes here m MOM J . , , i ! Their renott has buen receive I by the weeks, returned oil Saturday last tit her, ' Colt For Sale Heavy two-year-did. Apply to Jos. B.idgerow. Saugeen Junc- tion, Proton Statiou P.O. Go >d youn jj driving mar* far -i^ . well broke aud iplendki driver. U. J. Sproule, Flesherlun. Heavy ;{-year-i>ld colt for unit. to J. Turner, Ceylon. Hon. Adam Beck aud the |.re[ir*iioii of debnite e.itniiules ot p<;wr coi, is <>uiiii{ |h- Miu ; B et h ^ , n ^ ^ eDgi|ieerili . fc ^ belieyoj their ^.^ ubs(M vatiolw !! better flow of water th*., was el(>ec t e d, it being demonstratad that m> staff, who, with her mother, spont holi- j O ij 8tac i e8 to the success of the enterprise days with friends in Toronto. B.<lton ts ; 8te j ID t h c fieezinjt of the rivers in home at Blind River. The Kpwotth League and Sutidty ,!,...., oonveiit'onuf Owen Sound Dwtrict will be held in Dundalk on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Mis* Mary Burnett t-f the helloo ! and elsewhere, returned home on Fri- day last. The ret uUr monthly meeting of the W. I. will be held in the hiah school on Thursday, Oct. 3, when the Duodslk ladies are expected to be present and provide the program. Refreshments will be served at the clo.**- of tha meeting. Kverybody welcome. Robett Legate, an o!d pioneer of Kgre- mont township, and grandfather of Mr. ' Robert Wright of Flesherton, died at hive resu i te( i seriomiy. happaned Mou- the home of his son, William, near Dor- ' ^ ternoon about four o'clock, says ham, at the age of 84 years. j. the Owen Sound Sun. A man named The Lad ie.' Aid <f Chalmers' church j Phillips together with two MarkdaU- have been bus* for some time preparing ! youug men, Clare Mercer and Pat Ke'ly, a missions box, which was p.cked last | ^jttlSKZSr week with a valuable consignment OS i , winter. II you knew of the r*al vjlue of la'.n'a Liuimeot for lame back, v- ! si u{ the iuuacl.'i. sprains and rheumatic ] -.1 m.. you would never wish to be wiih'Mit it. Kor *al bv all dealers. TOM PHILLIPS' AUTO BE MORE CAREFUL An automobile acciden*. which miuht 1,,11-,-i 1 Chatiworth how an automobilt UIIIK nd other articles for dis'tibu- should be driven. Net content nit'i tion among the needy on one of tha tnts- startling tha Cbatsworthites, they pto w ceedrd towards Owen Sound to paint the sion held* m the West. ^ ti>wn re(J ^ jt wefe Ou th)jir w%y Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, Mrs. Jos. j they picked up a farmer and everything . . ... ....... .1 1, ! Y null lli f v nftlllA [n (lit' Clinton and Mrs. Thurston attando convention of the Woineu's Missionary ("j'^Yiug the turn the car .*, .,... Society u t Owen Sound last week. The tiie lliui j : 7uit turned turtle, precipitating Utter went on U Lion'tt Head to snend ! the occupants into the ditch on the side I . . i... .....I u-ii), I Ka i-ir rkn Ion of t Iirin afcwweeks with her daughter, Mrs. Shaw. Miss Ltura Armstrong wiut olTa sup- plementary examination in Oweu Sound tecantly. Last week she received word that she had pasted and on Saturday lefl for Toronto to attend Normal. , Sir Wilfrid Lauricr is to make a tour his leg WHS injured, and Meicer rex-eiveil of Ontario, and. will apeak in Mjunt j a few scratches about the face and a black Forest on Monday evening, Oct. 7th. e y- Hou. Oeo. P. Graham, Hon. Chw. B ^ rn a n -a|fcn,ge, i badly . Murphy, Hon. MaoKenxi King and Phillips, wno i* a lumberman, and hails othar wll-knowii speakers will aaaitt. fi-om Artatriesia, is the owner of tfc* cir. under the side of the car and when he x- tri%ted himself he fled in tnrror, vowing this to be his tii st and last auto excur- sion Later in the evening he came to town ani consulted a doctor to find out if he had sustained any seriou* injuries, bat he had only received a few bruisec. Kelly had a bor.e broken in his hand t o4 Apply for ..i - platform running H^ar, two or on horse, new. cost $85 cash. Shafts, tongue, tmckyoke, all complete. Will s. u !l for f :' cvth. or i> months < n gord security. 4lu.-.t be sold. Chas. \V ;.-. Flesherton. A few Kgg Vats f-> Sale At lens than half :iir ii-v cost to mauufacture them, suitable f-Tr soft water cisterns nr fur tnnks to water cattle. M. Scully Co., Flesherton. Puir foils for Sale Rising tw-i. lred by Kins; Chatvan. Will -tall or exchange for younu cattli-. \V. Fisher. PortUw. Ri'oiui to Rant fc'our unfurnished rooms ti rent. Apply to A. Slticklet'ord. Flesherton. One ijood bureau and one lni;;e burner coal stove and one l>edstead or sale. A. Shackleford. F.esherton. A quantity of - -. t scantling for sale c.ifj. J. A. Boyd. Fat in to Ueiit 13) acred, all cleared. Apply to W. J. i:,-. : i ny or Mrs. Janie.-t Jamie*>n. Fleshercon. MISCELLANEOUS Wanted per mouth. \Ve8ton. housemaid. S3I.O<) Apply Mrs. Mu*son, Firm wanted to rent or would take on hares. Apply to Junes Hopp>, Flesh- erton P. < >. F> uml --\u!o-cycle inner tube Owrer can have same hy applyim; at th ortice. Ginsinz Fiva th-'uaand y->un* i-iiisiu-T plants for aak> t 92 00 per hundrm). Stratitied sd IWc per hundred. Try i * hed this fall. aay to row. W. H. Thurston. Flesherton. HILL BROS. MARKDALE FALL OPENING ! A Comprehensive Exhibit revealing the Authentic and Approved Fashions for Fall. Opening Day s-Thursday, Friday , & Saturday The new flillinery is Striking, Beautiful and Becoming. Miss McMillan in charge has spent weeks of time and energy selecting creations from all corners of the globe. The latest and most beautiful modes that fashion has approved for fall season are gathered together for your inspection. Reuietn ber you are to be our guest on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to view at your leisure the correct fashions for the forthcoming season. \ou need not buy if you are not ready ; just come, see and admire. We bid you welcome. Pur bred white leghorn >"d wb>i(* ! j wyaiulofte wcksrels f-ir <. Apply to I B. Welton, Flslierton. Fm for Sale or Reu'. I'M) acres. 75 Kj cleared, gvod urcbaH, brick house, gimd ! '. oulbuiUing*. Apply to Is&ac Sinclair, ||] Fleaherton. We still have a quantity of good pi* f*d at reasonable prices. J. .* W. Bord. For Sale Twenty faet of 2 inch Suc- tion hose, new. Apply to Oeo. Wataon Flsherton P. a. First Showing of New Fall Goods ((ported Stylish Malels ia Womea'* Tweed Coats Sinai-t Novelty Co*U in All Wool Scotch Twweds. re- vomible Tdfd with patch pockets. *IHH with the belted nffeut. and Criuimed wit,h large buttons, mode- rately priced from $12 . W to $20.1)0 New Fall Clothing For the Men WD hav tli tineat i anije jf Men's New Clsihine; that we have aver jhown to tits public in this vicinity in Plain and Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds. Thesn suiU are the best value wo have ever had. beautifully made and N;> 1 linings and trimmings. Ask to MO them. Moderately priced fr< 'in I7.5O to ,. fl.>K> Shoes Shoes Shoes BWj S New Lasts m Mea'j Gummed L5->x (J*lf and Pateit Leather, special short vamp and high tots, specially priced , at $2.50, $4. 'Wand tO. 000 Drr*>y P*ll Shoes in Tan.t uid (iuo Matal*. either laced or buttoned, all sizes, popular shapes, special valuo at !i HILL BROS. MARKDALE. FARM FOR SALE Lot 10, Coo. 0, Oprey. VW acreu ; iZ'x)d sugar Smith : a mnnius stream <>n back of (arm, the rest i.f the land in good state of cultivation : harii with ^ttone found^- tiou and itabli!'^ ; water under for stock: power wheel for grinding grain : dwell- ing house, brick clad, 2i storitrn. S rooms and attic, with modern conveniences bath room with cold and hot water, soft, water supplied : wash room wi'.h cold and hot oft water also cola haro. water siiiiplu ii from wll ; furnace ; Verandah <nl balcony ; goinl well wall with wind mill ; teljtfcon ; .b^i live minuui* walk to school. PreHtiyterian. Methodist and English chuichtts. stoie and pest- otKce and I^Iacksmith shot/. Apply <>n BtMBIM*. Wm. WRIGHT. Maxwell p. o. KlesHerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Sat iifactiou LAI' N DRY -Basket leaves Tue.lav night, delivery Friday evumij. CLKAN1NT. and DYKING We are onts for Pitrker't Dye Work* Clothe* cleaned and dyed, ffathers rejuvenated. T. FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR JUST RECEIVED A large consignment of Earthenware trom England, wbicli will now be .sold at bargain prkes. Call ;iiitl let us show the man designs in faney China Plates. Cupa anil Saucers, Fruk Dishes and Salad Bowls. Also a number of nice designs in Glassware, i-onsisting of watei Setts, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowks, Jugs and Pitcher prices. Call and see the goods and get our J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - - Ontario. For Sale- -The undersigned offers for .Ve three K>ts in the village of Oylon,-n which are erecwd a y-od one ar.d a half frame dwelling, f* room*, wi'h .stone cellar, and a Hood framo st.-il>l>-. This ill make an eicellent home f'r any person. Terms emy, pric nht. Apply r,-> .la. Ashdowu, Owen Sound, or W. J. Bellamy. Wanted Ymui-j man t<> learn the hnrherini;. Apply ,.to Th'. Fisher, Fledherton. U. D. MclJi-um. Pjrtlaw, issuer <( nrtn I i.;n liceiHt'a. Harvest Home Services at the Salva- tion Army, Feverslum, next. Sunday, Sept. "find. Thank offeiiiig t:>ke. Lost BUw<>en Maikdale and Uun dlk, Friday, n automobilo lam(>. The finder will receive a reward by reluming to the editor. Lost --Bottom p*>t of a waM-h M'. be- tween show gn unds and -lohn Richard- Fi-.nl % r please leave at this otKco. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham Ont^ Seasonable Goods, first cla*;' Workmanship. Also a Hoi o< Ready-Made Clothing W. BUSKIN Which we put altrruions in free of charge, if required. l*eply, Warning Couiplaii.ta are being made pc|)l wlu re trsBHuressioK auainst the Village By- Laws, hens', hornes imd ctt'le are ruimini at Ura duriiiji pro- hibited hours. A word to the wise is J. A. BOYD, Keeve. HERE AT LAST! WHAT? That Car of Flour and Feed We have your Peaches, Pears and Grapes in now. AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN

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