Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1912, p. 7

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T i .KEEP CHILDREN WELL * DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal 'the hot summer months are to small children. Cholera infantum, j diarrhoea, dysentry and stomach \ ^troubles are rife at this time and cften a precious little life is lost' after only a few hours illness. The mother who keeps Baby'a Own Tab- 4 lets in the house feels safe. The occasional use of the Tablets pre- vent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the trouble comes suddenly 1 as it generally does the Tablets * will bring the baby safely through. The Tablets are aold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BUILDING THE "IGLOO." < t How the Eskimos Erect a Snow House in Labrador. Only one thing, the assurance of * a night's shelter of comparative t comfort, makes a winter's sledge journey across the desolate, inter- minable wastes of Labrador bear- * able. The method of securing this , shelter is described by Dr. S. K. Hutton in "Among the Eskimos of * Labrador." > "Wha.t will you do if you cannot ( reach home?" I asked Johannes, f one afternoon, as we labored , through the drifting snow, in the [ teetln of an arctic storm. 4 "Stop and build a snow house," said he. v "Will you be able to find 'good snow in this weather?" * "Find good snow?" said Johan- t nes> with a look of surprise. "I can always find good snow." When the afternoon light began to grow dull, he pulled out one of the big enow-knives, an appallnig * weapon, with a bone, handle and a blade a yard long Brandishing ' this, he trotted from side to side, prodding here and jabbing there. *He was "finding snow." Soon Jul- ius stopped the sledge, and they held a consultation When the pWe was chosen, it *was a gently sloping hillside, for there the snow hardens the best, *my drivers were soon at work. Each man armed himself with his huge snow-knife, and between them they marked a circle on the snow. Then Johannes retired to the middle and began to dig. He first in.i-V a Vedge-shaped hole, to give himself start ; and then from the side* of the hole he carved great slabs of the frozen snow. I judged them to be about ix or eight inches thick, Vvo or three feet long and eighteen Inches high, and they were nearly As heavy as stone. ', Johannes just tumbled them out of his hole as fast as he could cut them, and as the hole grew I saw that the l<abs were all slightly curved. Julius seized each slab as it toppled out, and carried it gin- gerly to the edge of the circle. He set th* slabs on edge, side by side, a/id chipped them a little from the top, so that they leaned inward. He pared away the first few with h\s knife, BO that the lowe*t ring formed the beginning of a spiral. fie followed the spiral up, prop- iping each slab against its neigh- J>or, and chipping its edge so that "it leaned well inward. 1 Meanwhile Johannes got nearer -and nearer the wall with his dig- . ging, and his work got harder and harder, for instead of tumbling the slabs out. he -had to pick them up * and hand them to Julius over the *, leaning wall. I thought the wall looked frail and unsafe, but Julius seemed to think otherwise, for he crawled up on it and leaned over * to see how Johannes was getting on * inside-. As a matter of fact, hie weight only pressed the slabs toge- ther a bit more firmJy. At last the spiral was finished all but the "key -stone." Julius sprawl- ed' on the side of the house, while Johannes's hands- shoved a big slab through the opening that still re- mained at the top. Julius laid it over the hole, and chipped the edges away with his knife until it gently dropped into place. A scraping and, trampling noise was next heard inside the house; that was Johannes smoothing the floor. Meanwhile, Julius was filling all the crevices with enow, to keep the wind out. Soon Johannes was ready to come out. His eword poked out suddenly and slashed a doorway in the wall, and then the man himself crawled out. The house was finished. SIR HUGH MONTAGUE ALLAN, Who has retired from the director- ate of the Allan Steamship Lane. CAREFUL DOCTOR. HOUSE FLIES are hatched in manure and revel in filth. Scientists have discovered that they are largely responsible for the spread of Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Infantile Diseases of the Bowels, etc. Every packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies than 300 sheets of sticky paper. See Open [Top Tub Room i to World f See Howl the Wringcrj is ache KEEP THE MOM ; OJTICIM Soap and Ointment No other emollients do so much 'lor pimples, blackheads, red, .* Tough and oily skin, itching, scaly scalps, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless nails. They do even more for skin* tortured and disfigured infants. AlWiimxh Cuttaum amp and Otnunent urn DfA >v ilruKRiHiH and deatere everywhere, t liberal lacnpla ol each, with 32-twn booklet on tnt&tmeot M skin ud hulr. will hi' Mat. poit-rra*, on ippUo* > oa W "Cuilour*." Dtpt, an, Boetoo. V. & A. Prescribed Change of Food Instead of Drugs. It takes considerable courage for a doctor to deliberately prescribe only food for a despairing patient, instead of resorting to the usttil list of medicines. There are some truly scientific physicians among the present gen- eration who recognize and treat conditions as they are and should be treated, regardless of the value to their pockets. Here's an in- stance : "Four years ago I was taken with severe gastritis and nothing would stay on my stomach, so that I was on the verge of starvation. ''I heard of a doctor who had a summer cottage near me a speci- alist from N. Y. and as a last hope sent for him. "After he examined me careful- ly he advised me to 'try a email quantity of Grape-Nuts at first, then as my stomach became stron- ger to eat more. "I kept at it and gradually got so I could eat and digest three tea- spoonfuls. Then I began to have color in my face, memory became cleTir, where before everything seemed a blank. My limbs got stronger and I could walk. So I steadily recovered. "Now, after a year on Grape- Nuts I weigh 153 Ibs. My people were surprised at the way I grew fleshy and strong on this food." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville,"jn pkgs. "There's a reason." Evtr read the above letter? A naw am ppiars from time to time. They an ginulna, true, and full of human mtureat. MAXWEU'S 1 Th Wringer Board extend* from Uw W, out of the w.iv* of tlm cuvor. This allows practically t ho whole tup of 1 1m tub to open HI make*, It Mujr to put In -iiJ toko out clothe*. Ko other w'ifliir hat at ianit an opening. -V" other wither am be u -inl *nth crunk A&mllcatsidtaewellattopUver. Do yon a** Maxwvll'i 'Tavorit*" <h churn thmt ro*ke juallty butter ? Write tin for catalogue If your dealer du*i nut huWla ' i' -n. gg UVID MUWRL A SDKS, ST. MillY'S. On). TENDERNESS REPAID. A Farmer's Kindness Saved the Life of His Little Daughter. It was a glorious day in the mid- dle of harvest and the workers were busy in the cornfield. The mighty reaper was going its round, its huge blades cutting and slashing with aJmost startling rapidity and speed. As it approached a corner of the field several birds were seen to rise suddenly from among the long stalks. The farmer himself was there and on noticing the birds he thought that there would be a nest there. He was a kindly man and as the reaper approached the spot he felt a twinge of pity for the helpless little nestlings, but to stop the reaper would mean trouble, which he knew his men would not take quietly. The reaper tore along and was almost on the spot, when the farmer sprang forward he could not let it happen. "Stop!" he cried. 'Stop! There's a nest here. Stop till I re- move it." With grumbling and comments on his "softness," which were quite audible to the fanner, his men unwillingly obeyed. The farmer hastily strode- forward to the spot where the birds had risen, and there he saw- which transfixed him with horror instead of a nest, his own little three-yeair- old daughter, sound asleep, with a posey of wild flowers clutched in her chubby hand. But for his kind heart in wishing to save the birds he would have seen his own child torn to an awful death. Plaited skirts always have the plaits taped underneath to keep the straight line. Many of the new hats are oblong in shape. The brim is faced with black or dark colored velvet, the crown is covered with moire an- tique. NOT FOR HERS. Mrs. Dart "My husband is just begging me to take that trip around the world, but I can't." Mrs. Upflatte "Why notl" Mrs. Dart "I always get dizzy when I travel in a circle." On Sale Everywhere. There may be country merchants who do not keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, though they are few and far be- tween, and these may suggest that some other oil is just as good. There ie nothing so good as a liniment or as an internal medicine in certain cases. Take no other. The de- mand for it shows that it is the only popular oil. IT DOES INDEED. First Urchin "How much have you left?" Second Urchin "Two cents." First Urchin "Oh, dear ! How quickly five cents goes as soon as you break it !" Low Colonint Bates to Pacific Coast via Chicago and North Western By.. Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th from all points in Canada to Los Angeles. San Fmncigco. Portland, Seattle, Victoria, Vanixniver, Hlona, Butte, Missoula. Kalispell, Pocatello, Nampa. Salt Lake City. Ogdeti, Grand Jet., to. Through Tourist aloopers and free reclining chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop-overs. For information write or call on B. H. Den- nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto. Use your own discretion ; that's what it is for. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. "My dear," inquired a lady of her husband at the Zoo, "if that lion escaped from his cage, whom would you save first the children or me?" "Me," was the prompt reply. Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. BONY TONES. Fond Parent "What key do you think suits my daughter's voice best?" Cruel Teacher "My dear ma- dam, your daughter's voice is so thin, I should suggest a skeleton key." DO DOS '! KIDNEY PILLS Delicious wholesome no scales no bones packed in purest Olive Oil. KING OSCAR SARDINES Get Them From Your Grocer Trade supplied by John W. Blottle A Greening, Hamilton ED. 4. ISSUE S9-'l2 WHY MITFORD WEPT. It was the habit of Lord Eldon, in recalling the time when that great but not entirely noble Eng- lishman was attorney-general, to close his speeches with some re- marks justifying his own charac- ter. At the trial of Home Tooke, El- don, speaking of his own reputa- tion, said, "It is the inheritance I have to leave my children, and by God's help, I will leave it unim- paired." Here he shed tears, and to the astonishment of those present, Mit- ford, the solicitor-general, also be- gan to weep. "Just look at Mitford!" eaid a bystander to Home Tooke. "What on earth is he crying for?" "He is crying to think what a small inheritance Eldon's children are likely to get!" replied Tooke, whose wit was ready and biting. BREAD A FOOD FOR AGES. Unleavened bread was common in the days of Abraham. In early England people had no other v..nth- od of making bread than by roast- ing corn and beating it in mortars, then wetting it into a kind of coarse cake. In 1596 rye bread and oatmeal formed a considerable part of the diet of the middle classes. During the reign of Charles I. bar- ley bread was used. White wheat bread' did not become popular until recent years wihen bread baking a& home ceased to become common and bakeries began to thrive. When ironing and folding table- cloths fold one week in three and the next in four. This will prevent them from wearing thin at the folds. Cholera and all summer com- plaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near. If attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. Two are company ; three a house party. Mlnard's Liniment Cure* Burns, Etc. THE EASIEST WAY. Marks "Why do you allow your wife to run up such big bills?" Parks "Because I'd rather have trouble with my creditors than with her, that's why." A Remedy for Bilious Headache. To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in the head will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at hand. NO CHANCE TO GET MESSED. "How fine her hair always looks." "Yes, she never sleeps in it, you know." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. MAKING OF DRUG FIENDS. A Canton, Ohio, concern was con- victed of selling a soft drink con- taining cocaine.. The court consid- ered a $25 fine sufficient punish- ment. A St. Louis house sold a powder for infants that was said to making "teething" easy ; it con- tained opium. A $10 fine was suffi- cient punishment. An "agreeable and efficient tonic" was found to contain cocaine, although the pre- sence of this drug was not stated. In this case the court suspended sentence. "Some day." says the Journal of the American Medical Association, "a court may be found tha.t will consider the crimes of making drug fiends of young peo- ple, o' poisoning babies with opium mixture*, or of killing women with head<i/che powders, as serious of- fenses." Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been made, by physi- cians and chemists, it has bron found impossible to improve the formula or the fills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through- out the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, and Cleanse the System QUITE OPTIONAL. "When does the half-past five train leave?" asked a man of a railway porter. "Five-thirty," was the reply. "Well," continued the querist, ^'the church clock is twenty-seven minutes past, the post-office clock is twenty-five minutes past, and your clock m thirty-two minutes past. Now which clock am I to go by?" "Yes can go by any clock yer like," responded the porter, "but yer can't go by the train, for it's gone !" A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most wonderful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just think ! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or a' sore, such injury is in- sured against blood poison ! Not one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk doee not kill! Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or bo skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. , Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. Thie forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing. This i why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimer Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to ec- zema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To-day over three years after his cure of a disease he had for twenty- five' years he is still cured. All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a Ic. stamp (to pay return postage). Address Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. FRAGRANT AND DELICIOUS millions who drink it recom mend UPTON'S TEA Qo farthest for the money FARMS FOR SALE H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborn* -St., Toronto. OVEE FIFTY GOOD IMFBOVED Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at right pricot on eay term*. FEDIT FARMS IN THE BEST FRUIT district of Ontario. All sizes at right prlcee. IF YOU WANT TO BUT OB SELL A rtork. grain of dairy farm consult m*. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. LEARN THE RAILWAY STATION work and earn more money than IB any other trade. We qualify for all Canadian Railways. Positions Bernred. Write for Free Book 18. Dominion School Railroading, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS- H AT AND FABM SCALES. Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. te. In- ternal and iternal. cored ^ithonl pain by onr home treatment. write ni before too late. Dr. Bpllraan Medical Oo. Limited. Collinewood. Ont. TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson'i Scale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kidney trouble, Orarol. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy* "Panel," price SI. 50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mcllitus, and sure cure, It "Band's Anti-Diubet/ts." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Hanoi Manufac- turing Company ot Canada, Limited. Winnipeg. Man. DY EINQ I CLEANING I Fur the rery liert, nd jour work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." ' . >. for agont In yonr town, or M>A dfrvck Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa. Queh*cb Iff O XKE TJ I It' CREOSOTE A CURE. Judge "Why did you steal the gentleman's purse?" Prisoner "I thought the change would do me good." To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. Exercise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and sys- tem generally; but there arc those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness follows. Partnelee's Vegetable Pills regulate the staomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of the pills always on hand. THAT DECEPTIVE. She "You deceived me when I married you." He "I did more than that, I de- ceived mvself." Protoot - Preserve - Beautify Sample* and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Limited 1874i Bathurot Street TORONTO ELEORAPHY aivl ntatiuu Agents' wrk in All ita detail* ar* inc ud*l in the ouurw* lit trainilii: included in hv Central Teli[r|>ll Mehoul. 2 Uer- rani St. B., Toront". Corr-Mp.md- UDCO n- " -ii I J Jnbnitwn, Prill W. II. ^h-iw. President. Maypole Soap CLEANS AND DYES Gives lich glowing colon, Udeleu in sun or aud. Dyet cotton, silk, woolot mixture*. Ue il yoimclf n i home. No trouble no muu. 24 colon- will give any iliadc. ColottlOc.black I5c. I youi dealer's of postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal Caterhall. Nflrt Mlnard'n Linitnont Co., Limitcil. Dear Sirs.-Whilo In tho country last Burnmcr I was badly bitten by moMtoitOMi o badly that I thOUBflt I would be dis- figured for a couple of weeks. I wan ad- ' vised to try your Liniment '.o allay tho Irritation, and did so. Tho effect was more than I expected, a few applications completely curing the irritation, and pre- venting tho bites from becoming sore. MINARD'S LINIMENT is also a good ar- ticle to keop off iho mngquitoes. Yours truly, W. A. V. E. "No, sir," said a stern father, "my daughter can never be yours." "I don't want her to be," replied the young man, coldly ; I want her to be mv wife!" No child should be allowed to suffer an hour from worms when prompt relief can be got in a sim- ple but strong remedy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It costs a lot of money to keep the school of experience going. Mlnard's Liniment for sala everywhere. GRAINS OF GOLD. There ra nothing in which people betray their character more than in what they find to laugh at. Goethe. Before the State, before her hus- band, a mother is responsible for her children's upbringing. Mrs. Alice Hammond. Man can scarcely bo under a greater delusion than to suppose that he can in any instance add to his happiness by a sacrifice of prin- ciple. Dr. Johnson. Education commences at the mo- ther's home; and every word spo- ken within the hearsay of little ehil- dren tends toward the formation of character. Ballon, The race is divided into two cla-w- es those who go ahead and do something, and thoae who sit still and inquire "Why wasn't it done the other way?" Oliver Wendell Holmes. We must all be renxly somehow to toil, to suffer, to die. And vours il not the les noble bw.aiis** no Anti-Dust disinfectant sweeping powder, is a life-pre- server because- it kills all disease, germs. Floors clean ; car- pets bright; home fresh and sweet. No dust while sweeping. Ask your Dosiler for It. MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co. Limited ole distributors for Ontario THE SAPHO MFC. CO., Limited Montreal drum beats before you when you go out into your daily battlefields, and no crowds shout about your coming when you return from your daily victory or defeat. It. L. Steven- BOTH HAD ABILITY. A man left his umbrella in the stand in a hot<:l, with a card bear- ing the following inscription at- tached to it: "This umbrella be- longs to a man who can deal a blow of two hundred and fifty pounds weight. I shall be back in ten min- utee." On returning to seek his property he found in its place a card thus inscribed: "This card was left here by a man who can run twelve miles an hour. I shall not be back." PR sunburn, wlndburn, cracked lips, chaps, roughness or irritation after shaving, try NA-DRU-CO Witch Hazel Cream Its creamy ingredients soothe and soften the outer skin, while the Witch Hazel penetrates and heals the deeper tissues. Delightful jfter shaving or washing. 25c. a bottle, at your druggist's, NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. oi Cui*dk, Limited. 187

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