Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1912, p. 1

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/lesfyerton TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." - PRI5CiPLEb NOT MEN.' TOL32, NO 19 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, Xovember W, H TBCRSTON BDITOB ud PhOPR'.ETG Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. ar.d Mn. Wm. Hyslop visited friends in C*ylon and Markdale the p;ist week. Miss Allis Williams ^r.t 'he week end i:i Flcthertin. Miss Bertha Williams is \ isiting fiiends in Markdale. Mre. Moruiii und Miss Smith visited Lieods in Markclale the past *eek. Mr. Len. Lttiiuer is hid up at present vith pleurisy. Mis. Jasper Stuait nd children of Kimberley *re visiting her mother Sits. McMullen this week. Miss Pearl Cairns of Ceylon is helping her uncle to piace stock in the new de- partment oi his store. Mrs. McKcchnie and daughter Mane of Maiudale has hate visiting the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Fisher. Mr. Henry Tudor has returned home from his extended visit m the Wet. Mrs. Jissph Williams entertained a numbtrcf guests to a fowl supper at her home <M Thursday evening last. Priceville Jottings We hear the whistle of Colin McAr- four's big threshing outfit over on the 6th line this week, and there are a few barns ir. and near the village for him to thresh when he comes back. We noticed immense tlocks of wild geese gointj south during the last two W presume a dance lull would pay tetter dividends in the Klondike than in Priceville. Tho Saugeen was almost as high last week us it was Juring the sprinx fieshet. Bobs McKinnnn, who ha been down with typhoid fever, is around *<in, we are glad to see. The last service in Gaelic for the sea- son was held in the Piesbyterian church Lift Sunday. The next service may be in May, or it mny be never, as it is gen- erally rtdinitted now that all persons at- tendinv; church in Priceville can learn the way to heaven nuite easily in En<;l i.-b Mrs. Robertson lias gone for the in- te;- with her daughter, Mrs. Chishohn. some distance beyond Wi.trton. The Review last week mentioned a " successful entertainment in the Meth- odist church," but it is a mystery to us, we don I knvw anythini; lUiut i'. but there certainly HIS a Hallowe'en social in Watson's hall on the :>lst, uuder the auspices of the Women's Institute. :tnd those who attended had a great evening's sport. The program w:vs pretty much the s;ime as described by Hobby Burns, with few exceptions. The place was lighted with jack >' lanterns, and sure enough the witches with red and green lij;h;s were there, snd their boudoir was well patronised by those who wished to have their fortunes told. The dictionary man seems to have i . .: faith in the old lu|(lish proverb i._-.i!dins: "empty vtssela," etc. but m-w-a-days it is generally admitted that there are exceptions to every rule, mid several Adxauce readers *re suspicious that :r.aiiy of the rounds, or rattles, com- ing from RiverJale, aie caused by some one In-ing " full." East Back Line Nearly ail lh farmeis have their riH>ts up and ready for winter. Mr. and .Mrs. Jacob Thomp-sor. of Markdnle -|i<-ut Sunday with their ihtughtei', Mrs. Holley. Mr. nd Mrs. Tbcs. Nesbitt of West IUck lane, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Holley, sr., spent Sund.-iy with Mr. and Mrs. J. Holley. Mrs. Wilfrid I'hillips and children of I'almerston, rpent the latter part of the w<fk with Mr. ana Mrs. tie.>. Clark. Mr, Sherman i>tte*ell iml liidy friend oi F/vorshani, spent Sunday :t W. J. Vandeleur Happenings Fever sham Items An outbreak of smallpox is reported in 1:1 Oxdiil. ii in Keppel 'ownbip. It is, o far, contined t tluoe houses and a strict ,;K i!.in;inr lia.s '', -i-u placed on them. The public school hus been closed and lootings in the church have been poMjXHMd and every precaution is bt*ins( taken. The outbreak is said to be of a mild tvu>, but nevertheless the author- ities are very careful iu taking to proyent the -^Mil of Mrs. S,. Carson and Miss Eva Gilbert of Toronto, who have been visiting the lat- ter's paren's, Mr. and Mrs. S-im Gilqerf, and oth#r friends hereabouts for the past two weeks, returned to the city Saturday. Miss Rosie Gilbert accompanied then and will vi-i- friends in the .i.y fur a couple of weeks before returning home. \Ve are *orry to report Mr. Thoma \Vickens on the sick list, but hope soon to hear of his recovery. Mr. A- Wyville has returned home after undergoing a equine ot treatment in the ci'y. Mr. S-tm Buchanan left for i"icn Sound recent 1 / to take a course in the Northern Business College. Am >s, the 7 -year-old sou-^f Mr. S. J. Bowles, bad the misfWtime to break his left leg nlkive the knee vhile playing with some boys a few days *g<>. Dr. Spruuie set the injured limb .ind the litt'e fellow is duin^ nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris ..f Kimber- !ey were visitors at \V. J. Hutehinson's on Saturday. Mr*. .?. -l._Magee leaves this week to attend as delegate from the Vandeleur Branch the W. I. conven'iou in Toronto. Misses Amy :md VISM Bowler spent Sunday with theii cousin. Mt*s Miry Beard. \\e understand that Mr C.SprouIe h* soid his farm in the sulurbs, :cupied f >r some years by ieo. Thompson, to Mi. Alexander McLean ..f Roci Mills. Mr. Frank Irwin and lady friend, of Collinvwuud, spent Sunday w:r!s Mr. Jas. Conn of this village. Mr. J.jhn Hu.ls-m, r., has returned home, after spending a week with frienda in Toronto. Mis> Hilda tioldhawk .-f FWierton vi>ited wi'.h Franeie Alexander list week. Mis. Ira Peri !j- ic ha* returned home, after vUiriu/ friends in the 'Jueen oi:y for t couple of week;. We are glad to report tlut .Js. ' Htewell is recovering nicely aud we In j.e will soon be as well as ever. Mr. Goo. vit te well lias returned from the Colhttgwood hospi-al mu:h improved in healrh, and will spend the winter with his brother, .1**., on the 12th line. A number of our young men who went \\M9t about thiee months ago, are expected home this week, and some of >ur fair ones are sinking, "I cauu.i trlj you how I tVel, 1 fee as I could dunce a reel, I am gi.ing 1 1 marry Billie Me Veil, Fall r lie Doodle. Ido." We understand that Capt. Cyphers of theS. A., farewelb* nut Sunday nigbt. TheCpt. goes to his home near Essex Centre, on furlough, as he had a complete breakdown of his nervous system. Wakerton On Satui-day night wliile Mr. K. V. Weiss was ic'inj a.s ni<;htwatchm<n on the streets here some person entered his hen house aud stule . *.'! rooster and si\ wy indotte hens. The thief passed ovrr several mongrel birds that were roosting near by and selected the prize winners from the Hock. Four men working on the cotfer daw a* the Wilkerton Light and Power CoV. conslruction dam <m Sunday moriiins; were nearly drovned. During the day che water roae with such rapidity that notwithstanding the efforts of the men. nothing could withstand the terrible force of the -MUiyen, and all embank- ments that were used to keep out the watei from the last MO feet to be com- pleted were sweDt iwsy. and the labor of many weeks was in vain. In their ert- orts to ope with ihe force of the water the men were precipitated into the sur mi With boats and ropes, however, they were rtscued fr -in a wa'ery gi-ave. An imerestinx case was ventilated in the Division Courl here <MI Monday, in which the Bank of Hamilton sued John Hunstein, a farmer near Mtldniay, for $14i> on a promissory note which Hun- stein is alleged to have niven the Re\ Suijar Co. for stock too. 1 . Hunstein de- nied signing the note, but admits g.vins an order to one Fielding, an agent of the company, who sold him the stock food. He claimed also tlut the stock fo u had never been delivered and he h.td gol no value for it. The jury which sit oil the case found on .|uesti-)iis submitted >>y .lii'lvc Klein that Huustein did -i-.-u the note, but tlut he never intended to do so, and that it was consequently ottaincd by fraud. (>n these MIS wen the jiid^e nave jjdnment in favor of the drlend" ant with costs. The bank, it appears, had nnide certain cash advances to tlie sugar company on the strength of tins i.ote, and as the company has since gone out of business the bank in all probabil- ity will be. out the money. Herald. East Mountain Wears pleased to her that Mrs. Smart i.-. able to lie around again. Mr. KoWrt McM.istei ..f Kugeuia has been drillint! wells in this nei^uborho. d f 'i Messrs. H. Smith and H. ThomptuiD. Mr. Le and Miss Mabel Chard , f Rock Mills spent Sunday with then sis- 'r, Mrs. K. McMullen, the Utter ie- Hanover Mr*. Robert Hall who, with her hus band, nas the victim f g<$ pi)i.soniii^ po-ssed aw*y after having been in it com- atose condition for four days. She was in her Mi year. Tom Roburn sold his racing maie, I- n.i Mnck. to Hank Irwin, a Uv.il horse buyer, for &&). This mar g.it inside .f the pri/.e money at most of the speed ins( events in this neighborhood. The ne* C. I'. K. bridge about to be rtuug icross the Sauijeeu at th bend near Walkerton will lie an exceptionally j tine one. The structure, which is lieins; ; bi ought from Pet ei bow, is *5-'T,!Hlil 1 steel one, three sjian art'air which will j be placet! on two mxssive cement Hbut- incuts ami will be abU t withstand the ' spring freshets without recourse to the old dyniimte boinbarJment. It is \ peete.l tha' the old *pike bridge wi!l te t-ir a few days. We are so rry to report that Mr. tieo. Allen is very poorly at present. Mr. Fsrrel of Ventry si>nt the week eiui witli Mr. nd Mrs. Huniberstoue. Miss S. Weatlake of Tmonto is risking Mrs 15. Mi Mullen for a couple of week - Owiiiit to the t.-ul weather it has been difficult fur the farmeis t '_'fi their root 5 in. Vktoria Corners Mi.-s Cora Warner of Caistorville, who has lieen visitin? her sister, Mrs. (Dr ^ Kovcl, iv now visiting with her cousin. Mr. Hugh Warner. Mr. Milton Baiinun is .>n the >ick list. Died li.iliy Corbeit, Nov. 4ih, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Corbet t. L.'*.L. -44. Proton, gave an oyster supper to the liretbere n ud their wiv-.'.s or best ^irls. A jirogtam of inusic.'prin- cipitlly gramophone aud otche>tr*, fol- lowed the stiniptuons repast. A lai^e nuniberof ineinlvrs from the gravel i. ...i turned out and did ample juslicd to the goodies and also h<id their lion of the music. ! removed .md lh new ni> in ', winter. ! fi-re Owen Sound Mis. Tebbult of Berkeley who was so seriouly burned l-st Tuesday in a biave attempt u> s;ive ber small child from the rl.imes which ccusuinetl her home is, this nioriiiiis, very low and no hop me entertained for her recovery. < Hi Sunday aftorniM>n about i* u'cl 'cl> the yoimg son of Mr. IVfer McOitl 1541' SL-vetrh Ave. K.. met wiih a jonousand painfu' accident by which he lost j..ut of the thumb and the t'-relinger of his left hand. The txiy who is abou: !". yt-ars of age had been walking around H-\/.elloii s .s! one quarries and bal picket up an explosiie cap which is used in tin <puiries for blasting porposes. The !>> thought it ws a bachelors button am bringing it into the house, began to pick u it with his pocket-knife. The cap, wliicl contained mtro-glycermc exp'odeJ, blow- ing I he top oH'the boy's thumb and shatter ingthtt Nireling down to ilio -,c mj joins. Mrs. Mctiill, the ly' mother, ws in the s:iiiio room residing it th time and the force of the explosion was such t'l.it the pitve of the thumb was blown HCIOSS the r>oni and tell on her knee. Mr Mcii ill was asleep in another room and hearing the noise woke up. Dr, Hersliey was sent foi and he found that ir wouM I e necessary lo mnpu'tttc tbo thumb at the fiist joint. Dv. Itnthertnixl ts i!^. Kum-nonvd and the operaji'-n ,MS j, r . f. rw i a' '. Sun. Kimberley Budget fs/uie nue weather a; la.-; ; M. Florence Thurston of Fle>hert.m is viitins with her aunr, Mr*. U. H. Walter. Mr. a::j M,?. Hand Brady of Cht-ny (irove visited at Mr. David Aeber s on inday Ut. Mr. Peter McA-lin oc:upied the pul- pit in the Methodist church on Sunday Mr. Richird Wiii:e uJ sister, Jean. >f the :rd Via-;, St. Vineim'. .uv vi.-siting frieuiLs iu i!iU vicini'y at presto'. M I. luu Armstrong ..f rleshertoii visited wi-.li h-r fri-nd, M:s.s Kiiie Wal- ters, a few days Ust erk. The Kun'iK-iiey Fanners' Club mel .in ay List and r<; r^an:**! wirh a new set ul 'jtticers. President, .)><; h Ferris ; Vice Piesidmii. K. Lawi-enc* . See.-Treui.. s. s. FaweeJt. Mr. 'i. H. Walter *s elected deleu:ite to allcnd the convention t.. be held in T'Tnnto from Nov. lijo lj. Mr. \Viltred Walters, who spent the summer iu the Canadian West returned 'ine ou diy lost *eeL. Mr. VN ru. Walters, wlio has been uiiii- j .it Kenorx, returned ltme mi Fud.iy. The te icliei- and |>u|>ils ot Kimlterley hool met in the junior ro>iti oil M n- Jay. Xor. 11. : i.r^nize a liteniry soci- ty and elected tl.e following orticeis ion. I'tejidetif, Mr. J. H. -luhiMton : 're.-iilent. Bennie Walters ; V : cu Pres.. Maggie Reid : LJy Vice Pres., Belle iilbeit : Sec. -Treat.. Neilie Burvitt ; Kdit.ir*. "ue^a W a |i e i-s. i 'niir'ie Th-mip. -'ii, losephine Ferri", Vernou B.-shop: s ri>yram I 'o.nmittef. Mi Simpxin, R- Hu;c!iitifoii and Kdna Wall.tce. Moved by Xell:e Burritt. seconded by Kle*a \V'ter, that we hTe . ur con- erts once every two weeks mi FtuUy l'eruooiis fn>m '' I-"' p.m . until I p.m. or after Carried. Mr. Lawr#nci> Wrn^ gett of Duodalk was a visitor at our elec- tion. With a few remark* from the cachets the meeting was adjourned until Nov. L. Unanimous Verdict Ncwsjxjjer publishers *i.l citizens generally throughout the Dominion are unanimous in t!ieir npiniun that the paetnr* cotitled "Mothi-i - Tre*j *-.' jiven w th The FjmiJy ^Herald ind Weekly Star of Manrreal this set., n, is a uiust deli^!-.:ful and beairiful su'oject. Here U the ^opinion, of the publisher: "Mother's Treasures, is '* marvel of beamy. The -urjecr is one rh*! have i tendency to srrengdien n'iiie tie. We. in tae sa.. e busirets, under y, u can afford i,, ^; vo such vlue in jjc-ure; bes.de* the vas' amount of thinas in Th- Fa:n:ly Hera'd and Weekly '.r. >:- , i E. \V. Richards, The Mirrnr. Miilbrook. No home in Canada should lie wirhuut this beautifu! picture. ' Ouedi.l'ar paysa full yew's subscription to The F i:uily Herald jm-1 WW.iy > - iacludin:.' the | icture. which i* ready f, i frami: -s. size .:' \n- *.' nx-hcs. |t js a bis; dollar ' w.,rth. indeed. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies, W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONT. The Late Mrs. Walton fe'ruli "iKe more called "ne .1 vu st.'euiod neii^hbots in inn person if Sits. Hornet Walton. lo died at hei iomo neu r Kim- erK-y "ii Oct. '21 at the i.je of 7-> \eat, and was Uid to re-t on Wednesday, the 2'<vd. beside the veinains ot her late lusUuid. who jneovdul her Dearly six year* as;o. Tht> deceased lady lias had i' <>r health fur a number I years, mainly heart trouble bat f srven months lii was .initiiH'd t' her lied fivin a con.plic.iii'in of disea.es aiid >urtVred H deal. Heath c*me s a ^ivt rcl-l to her, whi was m earnest cliristian. Slie i 1 I 'iii; li e ri-meniboted by Ul who kiu-w her. f>he was a kind uid loviug mother and leaves to m><uru hrfrl w tour sons ami fmir dait^hteis. namely : John of Holland Cci:tre. Huith t Suiniiifiland B. l'.. Fied at Sunk S;e. Marie. Henry ut liiune. Mivs I.ucy t home. >Ir. .) ilin Alt-lander l Thornlnny. 5lr<. Itobei- Wright .'f CUrkbin-4. Mrs. H. U. Si if f.ird of Ki!!iber!ey. Ti> suns, R.iber' and T'i.'.., K. died some yt us a^o. IV- ctM*ed "is born and grew to wnirMiihond near B*ine, where twoti.-ters still live. Her maiden name was MISN H.irriet Smith. The luiiernl "as oonductinl 1-y 8. Trotter of Kimbi-iley. assisted Hev. .1. K. Wilkinson .it Holland Centre, a former pastor. A large iiinnber sympathising friends gathered to pay their last tribute to .mo h<> wa< lielJ in the highest esteem by l* BUSRIN BIG VALUES IN: Flour, Feed, Grain, Honey, Syrup, Canned Goods, Groceries, Fancy Biscuits, Confectionery and Fruit, Tobaccoes, Stock and Poultry Foods Everything Up-To-Date AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN CLAYTON'S FOR A GOOD Trunk or Suitcase and Mitts THOS. C AYTON Flcshcrton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Culdwater is a local optimi t .'Wii which suffered for propc-r hotel icconioda- tion t'.n u limeifter th^> measure we.ni into ert'ecr. About two months aunt he Wo- man's Institute opened .1 house lht hs impr.ived tiie s'tuaiiiin. This is certainly a radio-il though n^iie the less praise j wot thy move mi the part of the woiue-i. I That h. use ivinht to be well pat run/.: d by thoii>m;h!y s'isti-il ji.'von<. if 'ho general piinciples of the liis-itutc ire -.nit into praiMieil ertwt. OR. BURT -i-,-niii In Jl ' '.h< Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office- 3O 10th t. r..t. Own Sound At the Hfvere house, Markd.ilo. -ml Thursday each month fioin S t,. al -m. >lk. 1st Thurwlay of each ni mth. 10 To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! S. J. BOWLER, E V A p i[8 R DATE BLOCK, FLESHERTON. ONT. S.'

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