N'ovember 14 THE FLESHElCfON ADVANCE An iudepeiideut iie<m|>|HT, publiihed every "' nnday at ljir oHice, (.'iillingwiMid .Street, I lejherton. SuU. t ripu M price 91 i*fmium. i.. n t<uiil in :ul\ tin >; >I "1-1 wlit-n nt HH p.: I \iivertininfi ratet<ma|>|>liratinii. Cirauuttion l.lOOw-eUly \V. H. Tliurston - K<|ltor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT:MEN ii . A NETWORK OF WIRES Mr. Tlmt. Mcl/iuglilin. lecrrUiy f the (ieoriti<iii Bay I'ntrerCo., w:i.s up (it l')u({eni on Fridny l-nt nd in con\i-i>i- i ion with The Adviinc-? filled that the c niipiiiiy have nnr dilpOMd of ihe l>oer pliint at the K.-ills In the Hyilro- Klectiic Ccimiiiissiiin. He say * tin- <lenl is completed, ill hut signing the papen-. From Mr. McLauiihlin's (ntie wo would judjje him !< be H t'rettt admirer nf Hon. Ad-iiu Beck. He avers thnt that gentlemen IK a bull-dcig for tenacity nd that the liydru cleitric is liecouiin c > l^reat success . In Tnronto it lir>s lnwi-i- od the rule for electricity one hulf dur- iii. the last two yeitr.s. The Cuiniiiission will eventually control the complete electrical dcvelu|iinent of Old (Mitarii-, and farmer^ anil nm.nf n'lur.-i- will re-ip the benefit. The i'!-tern purt will be a nelwork of wiiex di-liveiin" the power at all points. The UHCS fur electricity n the farm arc only bfgiiinin^ to be de- veloped, but bid f-ir to become revolu- tionary in their acli'iii. Hccenl <K- monatratiuns prote *'.i-. WE BECK-ON IT What in the matter with old king coal, anyway .' One ,! t iruun inform* us that it in the transportation |>r ihlem that causes its frcurcity contract* not Imvii ,> been made with tin- carrying concerns until they liud cniiti:t. - ie'l f"i other ship- ments to the limit of their carrying c*- ;i.i.-ity. Another Mjrb it is caused by the coal Htrike Ins 1 spun--, which ivnilnd in a .-.hort biipply. A^iiin, it i.s the in- creased demand for cODautnptioo at lu-nu-. A :i matter <! f-ict, nobody knowi just where the caiihe lien.. We knuw that the effect if, here, and wi- knew th:it Ontario i hmly but surd) iinlni- a sul)titule (or the dusky diuon'iiiU in our own " white coal," through the i<>cd olfirt"- "f Hon. AiUm l!i-ik The limo is not I' ,i dititant when there will I" i." <|iiarielu>n between man and w ft- ^ to wlm will i^et up and liyht (he im The old nun will -iin|ily roll over in l>rd, turn uii the -witch and in live' minute* ^et up with- out Hhiverinq. Wlieii that time comes the cod <|iieHtio.i will lie si>lved. May that ilny t jubilee MIUII nrme. We Beckon it, HS it weio. Hut in the mean- time hat about "iir exti-r.Mve peat fields? An earljr development of thee would help to pintidr ;iK<'tiiiht omtin- Xenci.* until the li:ilc)<n duy arrives when clec'riel he it and mei^y wi'l hiiVe .-.pietd iiM-lf HUM tin- i-nM winter area* Of ' 'I I' STANDARD PAROXYSMS Tlie Maikdrne St.-ipdui'l had turn plaints In iiiuki' l.v-t week, the IUH of whit Ii was to the ell'rrt Advance hud used an i ri^inal article Boin- inn.,' si'ii- tlmt The lipped fi'.ni tin- StJtnJiiid Hid credited it in another pi|ier. This was unwitt- ingly done 'y u. We clij,|ied the article in queition ftniTitlif i'.,lliii"---..l Itiillf- wn, which hud it cicdited In the dnniu 1 '- i.l.- I'.iiin.. i Tl.c Advance alwayi gi vf i it-ilit to i-riijinil brain wcrk when it knows wlin.-i- br*in to ijivc it to, and that lias not alwaytt hceu Standard ethics, by > li.nu ho'. Only the week before the StHlidurd Idnbhered, it cli[>ped a whole <-i>luinn and a half historical urtich- from The Advance mill headed it "To the liditomf the Suiidunl," notwithstanding 'hat llie lady who wrote the article did not give him perniinhion In head it that way, neither dul she give him a copy of i lie article. " Ve godH nnd little Hshex," IIH 8hakcs|>eare .-, somebody else used t( .say, what sublime cheek '. And then t( |uc;il Ix'csuse houiebody made u-i- of .me of hit* self-alleged semi-occasional hi'. ml i-tt..ii , without letting everybody '.iiiiw where i'. emanated ! In another I.H., -i |.l. the Standard hi-ch'li . Advance to lake something (meaning whiskey) t clear its liefiiddlfd brain. Iteally, we didn't know before that it worked that way rnther thought it In tnililli-.l a i Ir.ii 1-i.ni iiiul made one m- \ i;ii' \ IM '". you know liur we will ukf the SI uml-ird'H word for it whil< )' tiling to take il advice. It maybe an minority. Hut it , - m. us very much to 'mil that the : ' .1. i . .1 would tender >uch npfsrious advice. We fr our -ill i-iii|.' i..i y i mi tbe downward |<rade, 'ind 1. 1. .i .0,. -mi linn to the Markdule >\ .< ' T I tut a lit and prnper perHini for heir benevolent :ittciilion. A Voice From Port McNicoll To the Kditor of The Advance : Dour Sir,--l noticed your editorial in The Advance re io breaker for l\>rt Mc- Nicoll. Y'Hi li.te reason to object. This place is yetting eveiyihing worth while, mi ih.iiir; u whole lot of valuable adver- tising in local |. i|'i i-. wlili.-h i- of course intended to knock. Tin** "b-k t'ftie.s" of Ailemcsi* Mu'iild h.tve tome sort of government aeri:tl tmvi^ution. This Li : C. P. R. corporation has truly moved its route of traffic with immunity, liut the government h;i nut liceti .isked to deepen the channel. Nature long R cUnced ail the devil's tombs out of the w*y, and contrary to reports the (.'.I'll, are not building their elevator* here because steel and concrete ii convenient, und in- tend to move them to Lady Hunk on n *co*. They re far too heavy, l.ut they are still building more : und further, it is not true tlmt the Lord is going to move the thirty thousand islands clown to (iuelph ! There is one deplorable foci in connec- tion with this place, and only one that . the real estate swindlers operating in other towns steulini- hard-earned money from honest people by their dastardly misrepresentations of worthless proper- lies. 1 n. ink yoTernnient money could not be better spent than in providing ii.. - vipers with a ine.il ticket for life in Kingston penitentiary. However the people in Hrey county .should be reason- able with the C'.P.It. Here is a natiua' h:trbor already the best on the lakes ihe c.-iptams tell u.. and a n-itiuul, even load bed to tbe St. Lawrence. Why should they continue to run up lull aud use the OCM! you are trying to iet at $'.* per to?ii I'll warrant you are not Iryinij to run The Advance ij .m-t the tide of public o|iiiiinn. or you wouhl m.t enjoy the sucvesi you do. You wouldn't ap- p'eci.-iti- the ail\ ice uf any "lie who wi.uld siUije^t tliut you should have continued UNinx the oli! livid pKtM iiecauM? it was .... -.1 lniMiie. ' fur the follow who sold \,, fiicd stun*. I know men here witb. practiCiilly no education, without investment or "pull," who never need tn take 'it their coat to net over |100 per month from the C.I*. K CouM they dn th.-tt in Arlcineiia 't They talk :tl>out this being only n sum- HUT town. W by. it . only woods a year or w> ago. There M good indica- tions f several manufacturers online, but urnnt thai it is only a snuurer town it is iniuhty troiif) on that pom'. \\e h-ive a s:i.ih and dooi factory, concrete and brick-making plant, two baoks t about twenty slcies, theatre, piol i -...o. cu- tuii.s house. launJiy, s'eatiisliip olhces, l...:i:.inr; houses in accommodate about 7"" Men, elevator*, inuiid IIOUKC. electric liijlita and sewers, t least i bundled miles of Creels in all stiiye:, ot perlec- mil. iiul sevi-riil luts ti.i >ile. .In. lulu.; ti in letter.- tin u, I. nine we il.-ive niilil.-r Wi-illn-i il.it. there, MI we lo not iigea ice-bretkers for the sunimer i. -ii- 1. . nnd if .-. ,- h.-ul i.tie fur winter it wouli be worth a> much t<> the enmity its I 1 .. -l.\ < sawdust wii ut. We need a news-piper here to advertise to yiti people that the channel does not Stallion Inspection Ontario Stallion Act N IS.SPKUT<tKS ROUTE or IN DISTRICT NO. ::. Walkerlon, H p.m., -Saturday, N"V. '.' TceKWalur, 2. ISO p.m., Monday. Nov. II Aytoti. .' p.m., Wednesday, Nov. HI 1 1. 1 i, -n. 10 ii. m.. Tluirs<l.-iy, Nov. 14 Durham, -'..50 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 14 Hanover. 10 a.m., Friday, Nov. 13 Chatsworth, '-'.:tO u.m., Thurs , Nov. 21 Holland Centre,!* i.m.. Friday, Nov. '.'2 Miirkdulf. Ii p.m., Friday. Nov. '2'2 Flobherion, Oa.m . Saturday, Nov. 1 Proton Station, L' ."lOp.m. .Sat., Nov. 2:j Swinton Pai-k, 8 a.m., Monday ^ Nov. 25 Feverahaai, '. a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 2ti Healhcote, 2.IW p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 2<> Goring. a.m., Wedneaday, Nov. 27 Bognor, 2.30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 2" Meafoid, '.I :M)ti. m., Thursday. Nov. 28 A. P. WESTKRVKLT. Parliament Buildings, Toronto F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. HKALl L> TKSDFK8 addressert to the I'o It- iuater (Jriiaral. will jlie receivail t Ottawa uutil uoon. cm Friday the -Jftli December. lOli!. fur tbecouveyauce of Hi-* Mtjosiv''* Maiift on l>ro|ioHi>d Contract for Tour }. nix round trip* l"'r week. OYFIl KITING ItrilAIi MAIL IcOl'TK rum tbu Postmaster (ienoi-al s pleasure I'liuii- 1 noticei*. contaiuinj; further iufouiia- tiou as to conditioiiti of proposed Cantr&ct uiay beneeilaud blank toruu of Tender may l/e outaiued at tb l'ot c rt., . of Kpr'oc. Mtaford. <!rirvillc. Hoathcots, PaimiOUtlt, TUorntuirv. < 'larki*turc. FAlkett'unc and at (tin OtUi'r Ot tlie PotttUWvi' luspectoi at 1'orouto. 1'oit Office Department. Mali SIT* ice llianc Ottawa, "th Noiemter. t!li. O. C. ANDF.ItSON. Huperiutendgnt. What About Furs 1 The season fur Furs is here you want to know where to purchase to advant- ageyou want stylish garments reliable Furs new goods reasonably priced you'll get them here ami have .satisfaction with each and every purchase. Ladies' Fur Stoles, Scarfs and Cnperines in Persian Lamb, Grey Lamb, Opposaum and Sable, fetone Marten, Marmot, Coney and Belgian hare, made up in the newest designs arid well lined and finished. Prices from $2.75 to.... ..." . $-25.00 Ladies' Muft's in the new shapes, to match any of the above prices from ,4.f>0 to $17.50 Far Caps in Astrakan, Grey Lamb, Persian Lamb, Electric seal. Prices from $2.25 to ... ' $12.50 Fur Lined (..'oats for Men and Women, Prices from $35.66 to $65.00 Cloth Coats with (Quilted or Curl Linings and Fur Collars Prices $15.6 to $25.00 Some new arrivals this week in smart Fall Coats for small women and voung gills* SPECIAL PRICES. Buy Gran by Rubbers for Your Winter Foot Wear, We carry a full range of Granby liubbers of all kinds -Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls. We can lit any foot. Heavy Bush Rubbers, Light Rubbers for all the new lasts. Overshoes of all descriptions. EVERYTHING REASONABLY PEICED. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL, BUTTER AND EGGS. Many Buaiuetis TalleRe* close for vacation <lnrioff tbe -mi. in. -i [LLJOTT will lie frci|uentlv asked i -itncernitiK the itnnu.-il i-oht of a rural ii ul box, i lii-ii-i.ii.' it mi. i,' be well in iiatfcmlsnd that there is no anntml f i<i pay fur a i n nil mail liox. The liist o>l JN Ihrce dollar.-. That i the mily ii ri;i- -ii-.l 1. 1. .("(." served fn' uf cusl La all lime, >r at leant HH lonx as tin UNMnt regulation) are in furrc. Tin .ill irl iff |. il.l liy till- -nti-l I o.iM.I, on '. Ibu a year for eiicli year for each box l-e serves, in ail'litiou to the aniuiint nl hii iirul conlrnut. From The I'ual a, Current. -,!-. M.M i TKNUKRH d(li-Be(l to tlie l'ctiua- tei- Oeueral, will be received at Ottawa noon, on Kriilav, the 'i)tli for the conveyance o r His Ma.io*t>'i M.uU ou a |irnpouil Contract for four vram nix time* per week OVEUGOUI.NC; MAIL IJOUTB ,.-t!i-,i-t.-i (,. H. i ,! pi. -,-ni.-. I'rin(t>il notice* contauiiDK further iufuruii- :iou a tj coDditiouH of i -i - ^ ('outract jay be neaii and hlaQk form* uf Tanriur uiay I.- u i- ' at the|l'oit lltlices of Markilalv. Harkawa> I' " . Vaurtelenr. Bravcnlale, aodattM Office ol ttie Tost ottlce Inapector, at Toronto. I'ojtorri.-c linpartuient, Mail Service Hrtnch ittawa tr.tli. Hctoher. I'.U.'. (i.f. ANUKItSON. Supei intendent. . - ,, I Noi an excel NoVHinber. I'.U-J Write for ToltoSTO. liST..ilon. uot- | I en! riuietu commence* courie calaloitue. Farm for Sale at a Snap $I,Ui will t'uy 1">0 acres mi the gravel rmid bet ween Kleslierton aud Miukdnle. The timlivr lnne c>n thih propetty is worlh the price asked. Apply to ,IOS. UKATV, Orange Valley, Markdiile, p. u. Sept 2). CEYLON'S STORE need dredging to W fet-t. Lonn befnre we bennn paying taxes natiim had di-ril^ed it I-. "*) feet. It i.s a orry fact that (trey county is li'-inii depopnlnted "f young people. The bixRfSt CtDM of it all is tlmt the older heidtt pusitively n-m tu conaider the idea.-, of the younger generation. There are oppiiilnnitieii in (!rey county, but the old !"."> -Ink.- id. n heads at any- tliui-'. new or prontMtivc in the minds of the youtijC men. keep them out of public office, and do everything to chase their SOILS out of the i" 1 1 Now, I know tl.. to be a fact. Be decent tu the young fry, you Mick-in-the n.n.l-, ; ycur drath rate in increasing, and you'll have no- lniily to cut down the old burdocks and Scotch thistles around yon. There tire boys down there, who, if they were given live acres otf the old hundred to plant in vegetablen anil -in ill fruits would inuke more real money I him their father ever m iiV. mid none of it would go for the 1 1 i-K the milliomiie Hells bin father for a binder. ll.i. n dollar enclosed fur sonio mule of the liest local weekly on the job The Advance. Come up ami see us. I. HARVEY I'KUUtOlv Port McN'icoll, Nov. I, 1!U2. Genoe-Sayres A very pretty wedding wim nolenuii/ed at the hmiia of the liridi I.K. > . Mr. and'Mrs. F. H. Snyrei, Kairvie* Kunn, Onprey, when thi'ii eldowt dutiuliler, Liln. wss unilod in inititiagf tu Mr. I . > (ienoe, Mil", i.. . on \\ (in-ii.,i Nov. I), at 4 p.m.. by Kev. Peter C'Hinpbftl nf Kiigcmii. I'lie linile, wl'ii was i;iven away by her brother, wiTe u cream Kat dines liiinnied with cream xilk nil net- lace, and carried .. boti<|iiet of .u ,:.,, lilosHiitnx. Slu took her place Hiidcr nn arch of cvi'i-giveiiH while the wedditijt nmrch .-i-. beautifully [il.iyeil by MIH. (lli!\.) C.uiipbell. After the i-eremony uboiit tilly nuc.sls stl dotvn In u MIII. |. In otia wedding repiwit. The preKi-ntH were numerous nnil cosily. Tlio ifrimmV it't l Hie bliile i <t guld i\ ii. h und cluiin. The youiif^ couple will rt'Midc nt their honii) nen- Ku>(etiia und bain the licsl wislii'.s of u Urm (itcle of liirml .. SKAI.KI) TKNUKKK .ldr'.e,| to tlir I'.mt- ui&Hter ( ;.-:h-i ill. will 1" receivml at Ottawa until iiooiiou Friday, tlie I'tli Dici'iubcr. l"l '. for tbe i-oini'vucp ill lli Majtwty'n n>i1s on PI ..IN. -...i i.-iii.u t for four yearo. three tiinas |..-i weuk ead) u i\ lietweeu I.I IH.II M.I HM! MAUKIi.U.i: Ituml M , I>eli\(>ry Kroiii the l4t January next. riii.r.'.i noilott QOnteinlni fiu-tlier infouna* tiou a* to conditions of pfopaMdCoatnol umy I". .,.,!! ii I lilank foinxot i.'iilfi ni.iv In- in. tallied at tlit' l'ot>t Oiticei* nl Mboriliilc, I'm i ,'-.i '-I 1 1 1. ..i.-- and atjtlic oltiee of the I'oct- i Htlce bPa(OI *t; Toronto. r.i.f.ii..-.' UrpiirtiiiiMit, Mail Ser\io Itrtueli. (Ittawn. A!0il UOtOtMf, IMS. (i. t . ANPKICSON, ,sii|ii-i inti-ndi-nl. Farm lor Sale ;il9 acres Lot 8!', con. l>, Artemema, <'~> acres cleared, fit) acie.s under cultiva- tion, !' .l.t. ' hardwood and saui|>, well fenced and watered, good house, new frame Km. with stablinu iimh-r, tiUo pig pen, hen house ami sheep pen. Hiirai mill ileliiery. Apply to AI.UKUT HLACKHl'RN, i;- - i. Mills p. o. Stun fold's. Pen- INVESTIGATE the merits of our school, where students attend from every prov- : HH in Canada, ami a fur Month in the Inited States 'as Nsvuda and Wyominjj. Catalogue free, I'osiiioni ^tiaianteed. C. A. FLKMINO, F. C. A.. Kriucipal. 0. 1>. FI.KMINCi. - Secretary. OWEN SOUND ONTARIO FOR YOUR FALL& WINTER SUITINGS & OVERCOATS Now to huiu.'. Leave U.S Your Order. Also in Ladies' Tailoring we are uiifxccllecl. Pressing and Cleanii.g care- fully attended to at tlio l r p- To- Date Tailor Shop C. BLARELEY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building "THE HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSER* Do You Ever Sleep? It you do you will be wise to pay attention, 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. 'i'Le original of the picture given at the head of thi* advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Tiet something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary l>eds such as everybody wants). Springs and Mattresses to tit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep induccrs. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Our Fall and Winter Stock Is Now Complete ! tJoots and Shoes Ask to i Me our long robber boots. High laced Booto in Genuine American elk. Also our oil Tans in black and tan, and in the over rubbers ire have the high toe as well an all the other kinds. Und<^ rwear In I'nderweur, we carry three of the bet m.tkes man's and Puritan. Cement Beht Portland cement for $1 . 50 per barrel . Millinery lii the Millinery Department we hve some very "pretty" Hats f M Women and children at very regulable prices Aluo luckey Oips, To(ue, Avi&tion caps and hoods. Flannellettes Wi hmc >[ilendid;\-alues in Flannellettes. and Cottons, very best feather ticking for 20c and 25c iwr yurd. All wool sweaters for boys at ;">0c. Also \Viil knit Hhirto for .">0c HIGHEST PRICKS PAID FOR ALL FAKM PRODl'CK. eyton Sentral WANTED A LIVE AGENT FOR Flesherton and Vicinity To sell for The Fonthill Nurseries ami takei advantage of tho wonderful development of tho FRUIT BUSINESS in Ontario at the present time, which ia .-I. it m-; an extraordinary demand for Fruit Trees, Ac. <5(idd territory reserved for LOCAL & OKNERAL SALESMEN. Start now. Outfit free. Write tor particulars. Urn- Stone & Wellington IH[ II 1 1 1 Hi Gareitilly Corrected Eacd Week Wheat 85 to 85 fnU 38 to IW Feas 1 !-> to 1 12 Hurley 55 to 55 Hay 10 00 to 10 IX) Uullcr -'5 '* -T> Ei!g, frenh 27 i '.'7 Potatoes pel bag 50 lo 50 n i i i i I tceHO ... .- * * 12 ,o > 1 * > ... > V Ducks Fowl. Tut-Kpys Wool S to . . . 15 to . . 20 to J. & W. BOYD PlesKerton, - Ontario. EVERYTHING READY for FALL Ladio's Jackets, tho Newest and most complete Range we have ever fshown, and prices very low. DRKSS (j(KD8 We are showing some very pretty Dress Goods in Diagonal and Plain goods, also Velvets and Silks in the yard wide. See our All Wool Serges 48 inches wide, at C>5c. SWEATF.lt COATS In Men's, Women's Boys' and Gills' in nearly any coUr and combination. I'NDERWKAH Ladies, aud Children's We have some Extra Value Vests, Drawers and Combination. Men's and Boys' We are still showing the Celebrated Staudfield's, which cannot be equaled for wear and comfort. CLOTHING Now ia the time to buy your Suit, and Overcoat for fall. We can liow you the prettiest rune you ever looked ut and pricen which will surprise you. Boys' Clothing in all Colors and Pattern* in .'! piece, 2 piece, Punt and Bloomer, Norfolks and Buater Browns. FURSY Fur Coats, Fur-Lined C'oats, Curl-Lined Coats in Ladies', Men's and Boys', Mufts, Scarfs j;nd Caperens....the pest assortment we have ever shown BOOTS AND SHOES Kveryone knows Shoes have advanced in price, however, we are in a position to give you shoes at very special prices on all lines of shoes including Men's, Women's, Hoys' and Girls, heavy and fine, >. 'A. * * -A- * * * * * ' *. *- --^ A A. A. *. . .t j. . rti -