TCovember 14, THE F LE S H E R T N A D V A N C K 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS ICULLOUGH * YOUNG J'acUir Markdtle -eneral banking bueiniiM. Monty loaned t itfcoo*l<)e rtte Call ou us. TChlSLETT, PoHtinMtfr. Ceylon. Uoiumliwioiier in H. I'. J .Conveyancer, ileeill, n dTViftt'K ](, wills etc. carefully drawn up oUectt>oe mad.*, chart *-n r&*onat>le. Also refies, Cour. feeil otc. kertin ttot-k, I'ricel DMcPHAlU. l.icfoeed Auctioneer for be County of Oiy. Troo moderate aud i*lowon guarantied. 'J u .irauKeuiruu ,.;& iKtw of wive can he uia.le a', THK ADVANCE <>lb*. IU)HdeooeandP.O.,Ceylou. Telephone MWMetloa. Dae. <U>7. WM K\lTTlNlj Licenned Auctioneer for ie'coiintiei of lirey a."' B JKS "-rui Mid Stock ealve a specialty. Term, modern-- satiKtactiou euainU< 1. Aidant iut.un tor rtat may b made at the Ad\mi ?ffi.o?A: T. Hutchlnnon'. .tore, ****** by addrenting u* at Feverthaw, Out. DUDD MATHK'.VS, Markdale. Licensed K a .ic-.ioD*r tortue county of wivice at rtfcacDable raw*. Dates tau I tLde at Tlit Advance, o Ml MEDICAL D 11 C ' A iI: 1 l' t ft S Out. Physician, Burton etc Ott.ce and re.idence-Peter St., Fleberton p OTTEWELL Veterinary R Chnreli. DENTISTRY E C MURRAY I.. J. H. dental Burgeon ono,- graduate of Toronto UuiverMty and l Ccllose of Ueotal SurKeont , of. Oi tario, LEGAL , V<-A8. 11ASEV* Ji V t. r K"c' n ^": L> rJolicitorn, etr.-J. "k wSftaei UBice.. M.; Tbos. Oaytoii, Secretary. rFI,KSHF,HTON, 99'.. I. 0. F. iceett i in Clayton', block the la.t \\e.lne.lav "'" of aih li.ontti. Vjiotine forrateri, 1 t,h "C. K.. (' llellainy ; It. H., '. ' < a* to 'fin. Stfl. before the first dv of tb* month. HhlKSOH-Flwlnirton Council o V i-iioi >n Frieii(! meets in Olayton'shall flint n<i i tuiril Wednesday of each inontli !> "' ei'tn to tlie l(e<-onler on orliefore r**.,_ ,,ir,ntli. Chief Councillor Tarn worths ior Sale wx i>ly r'ly for hreeiliiii!. \'< i' "'O.W. 1IMSH. 1.1IP. ". IU.IH Boar for Service 7>rn., II. ' '."- 1 '. x. HinJi.-, MHXW.-II out. i Bull for Service Tliorouirlilirnl Shoilliniii Inill, Brosdhnol i 1.1*1),\ ire on l..t In, < !>. I f. .lief on ii|.plicalii.n. Seniw, l.l I"' i!ra<Ii tln'i-'Mv'lihif'N, W, W ' '""* "' I Jtntat. Full prlc* <lnai*id for e..w not * tlll " Ml - .1 M I'.rUNM Bull For Service Thoroughbred Aherdeen Angus Bull, "lilack Diamond Kiujj," for service on lot >.. Con 4, < :i.-n, !_ W. H. PATTERSON, Prop. WH. WRIGHT. TKLKOIID Barrister. Solicitor", Ac. ft Hruce IUok. <won Bound. f>t n " 1 "", ', J'.lock. Klartiertoii. iSaiiirdavM. .n. nri W. I'. I'ellofJ J'...l. C. MjjjgU.'llj'j^J.'lJ: SOCIETIRS . o U W uits ou lh last Honda) A in each uioiitb. in the^ir lo^g ^^ *n..V jf^ioU. V^i'ltiDii bretbrnicTited . Earn A Salary ! Take our practical Business or Shorthand course of training and see how soon we will have you earning H yuod Hilary. Kvury graduate helped. Kali Turin from Sept .'!, l' p l-_' New catalogue on request. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal Farms for Sale .'iO Aeres-\Vst lialf lot h, con. 11. Township of Osprey. of W Acme-East half lot h, cou. 11, Township f Usin-ey. W> Aoreu Went half lot 7, c-on. 11, Township f Onpvey. aOA.-re*-ButbtUlol7, e>u. ll. Township of Oeprey. UXi AcresLot :I2, Con. 10, Artemeala. 100 Acres l,ot :ci, COD. 11, Arfinia. JOO Acres-.-Kot :i, Con. 1:1, lot J. Con. H Oiprey. lOOAcres -!*-> con. 14. ArteineaU 100 Acres Lol). c-in. 14. .\rtmeKia 100 Acres Kast half lot 7, con. i KuphraniH U Acren Lots 'M and .'.-.. con. H Artemesia' llUAcrm 1'trt Lotm. n;>, Uil,c O n .1 N |j' T. S. H.. Ar'ui8i. anuAorei Liot.'il. ami 10. con. 13, Artenmia. ..."> A:re :);. con. Ii, Artcin<.wi. W. A. AKM.STnOXU, Klesl.erton June l:iu Our Clubbing List The following prices re for .strictly paid in advance Kul>scription.soi>ly. We have no accounts with other paptirs. Klewherton Advance ....... f I 00 Yo'jths Companion ......... '2 00 Toronto World, daily ....... ;; 00 Toronto Daily News ...... 1 50 Weekly Globe ........ !M) Mail-Empire ..... ...... 75 Family Herald ifc Star ...... !(0 Toronto Star .............. 1 .V) Fanner Sun ........... !H> Farmers Advocntd .......... 1 V>0 Weekly Wit.ieii< ............ 00 Saturday Ni((lit ............ It 00 Home '"in.! ........... !H( Poultry Newn .... ...... . ^5 Poultry lieview ........... 41) Kod and d'un in i- ., n. . . !(O JAVA'S ISLAND OF FIRE. It It Lak. of Boiling, Bub- bllng Mud and Slime. The greatest natural wonder In Java, if not In the entire world. Is tb Justly celebrated "Gbeko Kamdka Gumko," or "Bom* of the Hot Devils," known to tbe world as the Island of Fire. This geological singularity la really a lake of bolllog mud situated at about tbe center of tbe plains of Grobogana and Is called an Island because tbe great emerald sea of vegetation wblcb -sur- rouods it gives It that appearance. Tbe "Island" is about two miles In circumference and Is situated at a dis- tance of almost exactly fifty miles from Solo. Near tbe center of this geological freak immense columns of soft, bot mod may be seen continually rising and falling like great Umbers thrust through tbe boiling substratum by glnnt bands and tben again quickly with- drawn. Besides tbe phenomenon of tbe boiling mini columns there are | scores of gigantic bubbles of bot slime that fill up like buge balloons and keep up a series of constant explosions, tbe intensity of the detonations varying with the size of tbe bubble. In time past, so tbe Javanese author- Itles say, there was a tall splrellke col- umn of baked mud on the west edge of tbe lake whlcb constantly belched a pure stream of cold water, but this has long been obliterated, and everything Is now n seething mass of bubbling mud and slime. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. THE HISTORY OF ZINC. Introduced Into Europe From India Under Several Names. Zinc YFSI Introduced Into Europe In tbe seventeenth or eighteenth century by men from India. It was known tben as calaem. splauter or tnttanego and was tbe same metal wblcb tbe fa- mous alchemist Andreas Lebarius, de- scribed In 1006 and which be declared consisted of stlrer, cadmla, mercury and arsenic. Late In the sixteenth century keen competition was going on between tbe Portuguese and the Dutch In tb In- dian seas, and, a Portuguese ship bar- ing been captured by the Dutch, her cargo of calaem or "Indian tin" found Its way Into Europe. Nobody at that time knew what It was. and It was a piece of this cargo tbat became tbe subject of analysis by Lebavlus. 7.lnc, It seems, was first produced In India, but soon became an Important Industry In China. Tbe Oral Chinese book which mentions zinc, calling it yn- viicn. according to the Engineering and Mining Journal. Is tbe Tlenkonggalou, or Technical Encyclopedia. China was tbe sole) producer of xlnc until tbe mid- dle of tbe eighteenth century, disre- garding a minute quantity of that met- al which was occasionally obtained as a byproduct In the lead furnaces of Goslur In th Ban mountains. New York Post Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. y cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of p r oper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. Stringers In Fez. "The people of r'ea r charming," ' declares J. F. Legard ID tbe fan Mall I Mignrlne. "Iturlni; one's walks or | rides through the town It Is quite tbe I exception to be spat at. as Is often the i CUM' In other ultra-Mohammedan towns, and the crowd Is, on the whole, : merely smiling and Inquisitive, like a crowd In Naples or any other south | Italian town. Now and tben some fnuatlc generally an epileptic will try to raise a disturbance and will be gently remove*! by bin friends the Moors are kindness Itself iu the face of poverty or affllctlon-but, except for thcBo and a few casual curses from the old and soured, the Christian dog niity pursue bis way In comparative peace, provided he does not attempt to enter a mosque or pass the barriers placed In front of those streets leading | up to tbe tomb of Moulal Idrlss, tbe founder and patron saint of Fez." W. A. Armstrong-. BULL i OR SERVICE PrAncrtv Pnr <S^!P Th.,,uuK-Ma. isi.n.ihomiHiii/^uM.iy.ii,,,'', rruperiy i (ii aaie H7M, lor wrvi:e on lot 17<i, T. A M. K .. Ar- 1 , ID.-.-I.I Tliii< animal i f .(......! milking |' anil Lot in Ket cisliam (too.) I'e.liKrue mi applicstlnn. 'IVru n. reiiirnt bl.iek house, frame ntuble. l-acrc <;n..le^ *l, i* K i.te^.l *:i. .1 AS STINSON ,, ,, . a , ,,.. Proprietor. > Also lot !_> and K. half II, l^'tli C'in., " i (sproy, coir ainiiH' 150 iicie* ; ^o'>d fnime ,. , Q bain, el.!., well wati-ied, i;oo<l slock DOar lor Service t fn-ni. For terms m| ii-irliiMilir* apply A largo wl'ie Vm-kuliii'w Hoar for nei'vice ' t<> -IAS. T. McK KNXI M, ran(! W T. AS. H., .uimiwfii. JundL'Tlf l'Vvei.ihain I'.O. It. WAI.l.Klt. (ARM FOR SALE Bull* for Sale l.'pii ,. i. mi ii,r 4i |) i '..M , BttiibrMfii Will sell cliti|i and on easy lurni", Musi Pars brd Hereford luilU for ule iml|, fi S( ,u. Also 1:1 colnnios of hei-H for lot )7l,:t s. .l. A s. s., Artemesin. SH | e , rlu-ap. Apjily i. 1 March 1:1 T. A. .1. WATSON, TSON, t.iii Sialion.j .I(IIN SMI I'll, Kinilifilry p.o., < hit. Bull for Service Slim thorn Hull, "Villaj{i>," for >.>rvice on lot <i, con. 4, Arlemosia. Ti-rme ffl for grades. ISont A. S. HA/Alil), I'IMI. Lamb Estray FARH FOR SALE BY TENDER Wti invite. tonderN up to noon of Ihe '.lib day of November. |!U:', for Ijol :t, funci'sHJnn !', <ilenc'j!, KHIacri'c, said to he v"d ulwy Innm with about .'10 aciea cleared, and (.> have a yond loi; Imnseand Ion bam. Mnke us an oM'er. Our client is aiix . ' ions 1 o sell < *me (.. my IJICIIIIMCH, lot fttcun. 7, ArtcmrNiit, almlit Sept.l.'i, onti lamb, i <'*en S. ,11111), Sept. 15, l!l|'.'. 0*er please, .rove property, py Mj K IMMUHN* KILHOrUN, iifiu iHkp s.1111*? Rwny. i A. McLKAN, Ito-k MillH. i h " 1i<:|f()rN f " r v ' !n ' 1 " 1 '- >*n Sound Miitakes of Author*. The author of "Don Quixote" make* the party *t the Crescent tavern eat two suppers In one eYenlng. Scott In one chapter of "Iriiiihoe" (Ires Hie Christian nain* of MalTolstn as KIcb- *rd, subsequently Hlterlng It to Pbtllp. Pope make* a weasel eat corn. Kings- ley makes John Rrumblecomlw rend the prayer for "nil sorts and condi- tions or iii-ii." though In the time of Ellznbeth the prayer book did not contain It Sir Archibald Allison snetiks of "Sir Peregrine Pickle" when he menus Sir Peregrine Malt land, and the same author translated "drolt de tluihre" as timber duty, " howler," which Is only equaled by Vic- tor Hugo's translation of "FIrtb of Forth," "premier de quatre." Threats. I consider It a mark of great pru deuce Iu n man to abstain fcnn threats or any contemptuous expressions, for neither of these weaken the enemy, but thrents tnnke him more cautious and the other excites his hatred nnd a to revenge himself. Machlarclll. The Riflht Thing. "What did you do with your book whose leaf you fonud loosened?' "Put It through a legal process." "What do you mean?" "Had It bound over to keep the piece," Baltimore American, Lions as W*tc' oga. A l:in. iii->:m iiuniei is reported to huve trained two A'rlcan lloua to pro- tect his premises. They act as n!ght patrols, and are keenly on the alert to every sound. For a considerable time he had employed dogs, but they were Invariably poisoned. He tried the experiment with lions ns the result of his knowledge that the "king of the fore- r 1 will not touch poisoned food. I .on it on Ulobe. Omega Is Here is a handsome pedigreed Watoli of the finest Swiss construction that is to be the prixe in a Special Guessing ( 'ontest that should command the attention of every man, woman and child. In order to emphasize the fact that Omega Watches are .superior in every way we have selected one of the best movements, with a handsome case.which will be given away absolutely free under following conditions: On Friday, Dec. 5, we will wind up this Jewelled Omega adjusted Watch and place it in ,the show window where everyone can see it. The first person guessing nearest the number of Hours, Minutes and .Seconds the watch will run with one winding will be awarded the prix* free of charge- -all guesses to be in our hands before 10a.m. Tliis contest is absolutely IVee to everyone and lias no string to it iu any way. There is no chart e whatever and no one is put under the sliglitcs-t obligation. The idea is to impress permanent! yon your mind the tact that Omega Watclini are of such perfect and guaranteed reliability as to be good for a life- time of satisfactory service. It is onr way of doing a little ert'ective advertising and the expense is charged to advertising MOOnttt, Ask any of your friends who own Omega Watches to help you uess corrtc.tly. The prixe is well worth strivin for since the Omega ranks first in high-grade reputation and merit . Ml contestants must come to the store to register their guesses ami sign the coupon. W. A ARMSTRONG * Jeweler and Optician KLESH ERTON ONT STRAYED j...\ from my j.iuiiisisN < '"' "U Oct. l.'nli. T lmb only 1 ewe. Any body i j smile, please eoiiinmnii'al with -S. McMl'LLKX, Kleshcrton p. o. FARM FOR SALK Lots 74 mid 7"),' OHI. :!, north ol l>urliain road, Artriiiexi:i, foiitftiuini; 10i' HCIVS, 80 aort-H L-lvarrd, l.'i acres liist class Imrilnnnd bush, Imlani-u hanlwood slash, nil good land :tiul in good slate of cultivn- lion, well fonr.fd, J aero orchard, lirst- c-lass water in drilled wt-ll, biick lioust nearly new, _'(! x i'. 1 -' f I., S shape, bam f>4 x 40. Kivo ncrcN of fall when'. Farm will b sold. Fur fiat her pir- rN apply to S. SUKAllDDWN, Proton Station, p.<>. CANADIAN UNEXCELLED TRAIN SERVICE Fast Time to Winnipeg Kd ''1111011 I'.I.IPHI O I ' . . Su.skttuon Hegiim 'algary Vancouver Swiu'o I ' " (land St.uuluil anil Touiitt Sloi|>i|it(, ..Ki. Co{|i|iartiuuiit Oliservati-'i) Cars, t is i'a'iiida's t ii i .,if-i llit;liwiy. General Change of Time October 27th, 1912. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the CockshuU Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implement*. Wagons, Buggies Cutters, Sleigh*, and Gasoline Kuine, Melotte Cream .Separator*, linker Wind Mil's. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always "H I'iiml Realty BIMS'. i,f Ki-rsu-, liarii Tracks, Litter ('arriera and st.-ili!e tiMini(i<. 'ook.slnrt autl Frost ,V Wood lU-|i:iirs always on hun-J. Wareroora Wellington Sreet Fcversbam, Ontario, PROPERTY I OR SALE House with two lots nud foui H'-res. park lots in FUwlierl on for sale, (loml fvanie house, s'anlr, fruit, ttc. Also OIH 4-year-old conral purpose marc, l)nk> to single in- dnnli'e. Apply '" Win. Koid, PlcNhfi-toii, for pavlicul.irs. tfldoa S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton. SHEEP STRAYED Two L^towtM ewes, strayed from my pivmisos aliout. Oot. 1'^. Finder please i' with A. Cameron, Eugenia FARM TO RENT Lot 8, Con. !, S. D. K. A ciintainini! 80 i/irs ..r [.mi in food state of cultivation, liist-class watt r in drilled well, noncl iiuildiiiCR, niui niiln from Prioevillo, Apply ti> MHS. noNAT.l)McAKTHll|. Townlinii. 1'iici'villo. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oniceand Kenidimce 4tiK, !Hl> St. Wast, Owen Sound, Out. Hours- !)!,. 1:2 a.m., I.:: 1 ) to 4..'W p.m. 7 to K p.m. ' >I)HT IMOII ' by H,ipointmen1 FARM FOR SALE il.ot 10, Con. U, t)sprey, !W acres* : K-xid sugar hush ; a Minimi", stream on hack of farm, the rest r.f llir l*ml in ijood .slule '>( cull ival IDII ; liarii with stono fouiul*- {tiou and >tahli'\i( ; water uwli'r for stock; power whrel fur grindiltg s;raiii ; dwell- n<{ housp, luick clad, '2.\ stories, rouni.s Hid attic, with iiiodcrn conn'iiit'iices ; bath room with cold mid hot water, soft iwaiur kiipplii'd : wash n<>m wi'h cold >nd l'"t soft wa't-r also cold Imrn \vntnr SUppiied from Widl ; fumai-r ; Vt-riuuliih .ind liali'ony ; irood well wi-11 with wind mill ; telephone ; about hvi minnttis 'walk to school, I'rosliytcrian, Methodist ind Knglish nhuicliM, store and post- and hlacksmith shop. App'y "ii WUHJHT, Muxwoll p. Farm For Sale or Rent UHI acres in the 7th concession, lot 31, I Artemesin, ahout till rods from school, postottioe, and store. On the property is :i log house mid a s;ood burn, two I wlls and x"o*l spiinj; ; ahout 75 acres cleaved nd 70 acres under cultivation. Will rent if not sold. Apply to 1>. WHITE, Kook Mill.. Do You Realize The money you cull make selling Fi-:ut Tives .' 1 lie present demand for Nurs- ery stock is the. Kii'ntest. in the history of the business. Kveryliody who hs the land isplinitiiiK or prepitrini; to plant. We Want Now Km- f;ill and winter months a reliable man to soil in Vliwherton and surround- ing iliHtriit. (Joud pay, exclusive terri- tory, and all thn advant^i;t'.s in represent- ini; ah old established tirin . Over tiOO acre* under i-ultivution. Established '?5 years. Write r'KKHAM NCRSKliV ft). 20Jn T< ron'.o,