TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. TOL 3-2, SO -J 1 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, November 128, W. H. TfiURSTON i Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. R. Paik bil the roisf'>rtm>e " l cse a three year old colt. While racing 11 round in the field il Broke throus/h and fell head-long into a well. Mr. VV. J. Chard spem Sa'urday hunt- iuf with some of our young men. On their way home they fou..l it necessary to cross the river on a log. when one of the party, loaded down witlr game, slip- ped off the log. Although he can teach the i-hildran all right, he h*U tobeUught how to climb out while another meialier of '.he party held the game and gun. Messts. Jacob and Rob rt William* MpectSunday at W. J. McGee's, eighth line. Mr. Robert Gorley on Friday hitched hi'i wagon and started out to work. Leaving ihe team to open a i4te the horsts decided nut to go further, and lurned and went back much faster than they came. Nothing serious happened eicept the breaking of the wayon tongue. Mr. John Williams has had his kitchen plastered after the renovation this fall. Mr. Fred Wiekens of Kimborley gave friend* here call the past week. Mr. J. K. Jamieson, tax collector, is now collecting this part of his revenue. Messrs. Wesley Cooey .tnd Jack Camp- bell visited in Meaford the past week. Mrs. Dave JamiesbU ID tptudivg a week or so at Mrs. Win. McGee's We re pleased to re|H>rt that MM. McGee IB improving, but still not able to go round. The regular monthly meeting of the W. 1. will be held at the home of Mis. J. Parson, on Wednesday, Dec. 4lh, at 2.:jOp. in. All ladies who are inte:est- ed in the vacuin c'eauer snould bo out to give judgement, on same, s w-e are having it on ten days' trial. Miss Duckett i laid up with bronchitis but is slightly .improved. Mr. Kuien-oii Smith of Whit by is visi'ing his parents here at present. Boru At Sutton, OcL^g, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDjnalvK a rfnugUter. Bora At K.II mi, Nov. S, to MA and Mr*. Tlioma* Laidlaw, a son. Kev. Mr. LaidThw was fortnetly pator of the Methodist church here. Rtv. >tv. Huwie of Maie is at pie- leiii ktationettShliuheson in New On- tario. ll^ll(^ill |e charge heie on .1 MII uf his health. MisS'C.or Williams spent llie past week with friends at Markdale. Mr. (6W6. Hysloi. treated the 1'resby- t. n that' to a drive out to the hard time social at Fleshtrioit, on Wednesday igh*. Master Reynold Parsons, youngest son if Mr. John Parson*, had the misfortune of being kisKed in the face with a horse, necessitating .seven stitches to close the woun'i. Miss Li//, e Williams and Mrs. T, Pan! Tisitcd in Markdale ill* past week. Rock Mill* M'.ss Dora Pedlar lelt Friday, lull), for Toronto, where she is spending a fu* woeks with her aunt, Mr?. Fred Bun'. Mrs. Levi )5ett had a <|uilt.iiig la&t Thursday : which a number were in- vited. After getting the t|inlt out Mr. Beits set her guests down to a fol sup- per whii li was nicely arranged. All le- pot having had a splendid time. Miss Annie Pedlar left for OwenSoubd on Monday, where she will r<minin for a whi'e, We understand that Mrs. Tucker in- tends leaving for Toronto on Tuesday of this week. We think winter has settled ii> around Uock Mills by the looks of t.he snow on Monday morning. After such a nice poll of tine weather we cannot expect sny thing el*e. Kimberley Budget J Victoria Corners liners left for a visit with her nil sisters, in Buffalo. Mrs. ii. -tin.)- is (a;; ' ill. Mr. Hugh Warner is attending tin' fuurra) of hit aunt in Hamilton. Mrs. James Lockhart and Mist ','N.IIU of Bethel vis : ted a few days in MarkdaU last week. Mrs. M inly has returned from the West and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. \ v m. Patton. Our tine weather came to n end wi'h a heavy fall of sijow. Mr. John Speeis of Fevershaia was a caller in our bur? >:ie day last week. Mr. Fred Widens of Moose-jaw, Saul;., is viMtiii" at his parental bnme heie. Reeve Ellin is attending C.mnty Coun- cil in Owen Sound this week. Mr. George Hutohiiuon occupied the pulpit of the Mcth.'Jist church DII Sun- \ny evening hsst. We are pleased to report thiit Mr. Thomas Wickens, who wat very low, is on the mend. Mr. Win. Sturt is visiting friends in Flesheilon and Eugenia. Mr. .John Plewes made a business tl ip to Fleshertou one day ! <- week. Mr. J'sdale Waller of Meaf,'rd, ac- c-Jinpanied by Mr. Melville Morewoul, visit-il u the former's parei'tal home on Saturday -ind Sunday last. The Methodist .Sunday school purpose holdioga Christmas tree and eniertain- in, in on Friday e\euin|;, Dec, -0. The Kimberley k "ariners' Club met at the Travellers' Home on Wednesday lust. Mr. G. H. Walter, wlio was delegate to the convention in '''ui'onto, ^ave a lirst !!.-> pnper on Farmers' Club work and ^.tve a brief outline of each speaker's ad- dress at the convention. Mr. John Plewes ave a few pithy remarks on the production uf winter eggs and how to secure the best price for ihu top niiteh ariicle. The meutiui; adjourned to meet Drc. -.I). Mr. Josph Kerris returned lat week after having a pleasant \ mil m li fiit nds in HoUtein and Uro.nore. Ceylon l*lcwe of Creemore was itricken with ; aralysis and dieil after two days. Mis. I'.iinsun Kinl two children ,>f Oiven S.umi. who have been visiting ac Mr. l'.ii;isnn\ here for the pant mouth, returned ho'iu. MI-H. J. C. McMillan ami little son visited with S mth Line friends for a week. Mi*N Sharp, who h-ta had charge nf Mr. Pattiton's milliueiy, left fur herh',me in Toronto last week. Mr. James and M - K. P. Legate spent a few days iirthe Vueen City. Mr. Kdward Sargent took a Uip to Owen Sound on Monday. Mi. A. M -I Mi,-! s. in who has been nut west for the summer i ...... ills, returned home lint week. Mr. Percy McLeod, Toronto, is home o i the sick lisr. Mrs. J. I'attison, who has )>ei-n visit- iny Toronto friends in Toionto for a fortnight, teturned honiu Weeli|pday . Kir. D. McLcod in attending County Council. Mr. and Mrs. Timnioiis and duu);hter of (ilenrlu spent Sunday at 5lr. J. Mc< 'locklin's. Ton Late for Last Woik Mr. J. Clierrj has moved his fmuily to Toronto for the winter months. Miss Krtie Clmletl and Miss Grace Muir left for Toronto, whore they have secured position*. M'-N. Torry is visitinj; her parents, Mr. an 1 Mis. Piper, this week. Mr. ( '"]eman of Owen .Sound spent Sunday with his sister, our popular teacher, here. Mrs. Collinson and Miss Nessa >pent the past week in Toronto. Mr. Fred Muir, T<runtu, spent over Sunday with his mother. Mr. John Wrigh', who has been under the care of a doctor, is now on the mend from a severe attack <>f rhouinittinin. Mr. Falconer of Mono Hoad is visiling his daughter, Mrs. Muir. Millie Cook spent a couple of dajs in the Queen City last week. Mr. White, Durham Road, is as-tinting Mr. Patiison in thestose. Mr. G. McKon/.ie of New Ontario it visiting his uncle at Cedar View Farm. Miss Janio O'MelU left Friday for Clovoland, Ohio. Mr. J. W. WHdiworth of West To. r mi " WHS li caller at K. Cook's Saturday . Rev. Mr. Daniels of Toronto preached a very impressive sermon in the hull on Sanday afternoon on Missions. Captain Frank Luimn, a well-known Uke mariner, is ilead at the ape of 41. II wa* born at Banks, Collmgw >od township, and has tailed the inland lor 22 yens. Vandeleur Happenings Mrs. Richar.Ison of Kuphrasia was the guest of her brother, Wui. Buchanan, last week . Mr. Jhn MeArlhur t Kuplirfcia vis- ited friends here recently. Miss Alice Oilray of Toronto is the guest of her sister. Mis. Gco. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan re- turned home on Monday after a month's visit with friends near Lindsay. Tho W. I. held their monthly meeting in the Forester's hall .,11 Thursday even- ing. The meeting k>ok the form of an enturldinment. (ientlemen were invited and a large number were present. After the pi, -grain a dainty lunch was served. The next meeting will be held in the hall on Dec. Il. Toronto Line North The Hue weather last week made the ploii^Uboy happy . A few from ihis vicinity attended tin- Hard-Tunes', social in town on Nov. JO and report a good time. They say the program was excellent and the re- past appropriate. The neighbors of this community held a fowl supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuait on Friday, and spent a very enjoyable and pleasant evening. Supper was served about eight o'clock, In; table being trimly and beautifully decorated in her usual good siyli-. Excellent music lin-li was supplied by Mi- Win. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens, proved very interesting. The rest of the evening was tpent in game*, etc. About 1- o'clock the assemblage departed for (heir homes .being felicitat- ed genially by the host and lioslcsc. Mi and Mnf. G. White of West Back Lino \isited fiiends heie, on Sunday. Intended for Last. Week Beautiful moonlight and a little SLOW Makes chill November swiftly go. Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Richardson and Maoler Harold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ;,>,. Pritchaid, Vandelcur. Mi. and Mrs. Wm Gibson of Orange Valley and Mr. J. Gibson of Flesheilon completed the. carpenter work mi W. Swanton's stable last week. A number from this locality attended the box social given by L.O. L. 5W in the < Irani;* V-illey lai-t Friilay and re- turned home dissatisfied. The program proved a failure, as a few who were to take part in it were absent. Some of ihe ladies were in no way pleased at the manucr in which their hoxex were han- dled. They do not believe in having their boxes sold twice in order to gain a few cents or to >atify somebody else appetite. Two SaskatoheWHii boys write to their friends huie thai, they wen', for a loug sleigh ride on i let. 4. What would we do here if winter was to visit us so early' Hatherton Mr. and Airs. Win. Inkster and little son, Muiray uf Wyivlmm, spent an even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Down, n-contly. Mr. and Mrs. Howard <!ordon mid infant son, Westoi,, are visiting tho foimei's pHienta) honii;. Mr. 11. Lion of Markdale. spent Sun- Jay in our 1'iin;. Miss I l,,,:m!. Scelvy was a caller in HalhertMii last. Suturduy. Mr. snd Mrs. J. S. Wiuters sjioiit, the 17th with Mr. aud Mrs. Gup, mid u!-,, attended the funural of the late Mr. Hanley, Feverslmm. Miss Kdilli Krnch, Melanclhoii, WHS the guest of Miss Millie Winters '"st week. Mr-. Cainplifll and t.wo . luMn-n. Oor- d-.n and Mai jorie,ro visiting in Toionto. Miss Annie Seoley returned tj Toronto last Sat in day. Mrs. Robert Set Icy and family are comfortably settled in their Hue new residunce. Mr. Altuit Grummitt's new house is Hearing completion, mid what then Mi Marshall Menses, who has bei-tt in the West during l.he - ast summer, returned homo last $a'.urday. On the farm of Mr. Jamus liordon, Mr. All>crt Uos., with his new threshing oiilli', threshed 4^5 bushels of o,it from eleven load in one hour. Heat lht. Wilma Down who undotweiit an oliunition for appendicitis, in the >; i, Children's hospital, Toronto, is rapidly Fever sham Items Nearly enough snow for sleighing nrd the merry jingle of skigh bells is heard >nce more. Mr. John Douglas has gone fi.r a visit with his son. .I.inu-, .in the 1'Jth line. Mrs. Mullen of Col.|uet. Min.. I'.S A.- is visiting with her hn>tlii-r. .Mr. .las. Pelcli of this villain-. Mr. Rolicrt Brown, sr.. lias to livr with his daughter, Mrs. A. Hrmr, for the present. Miss Wagge has ivtimu-d to lu-r hoim;. after K|Hiiitling ilir Mimim-r with h.-r aunt, .Mrs. |{brrl MeGirr. A hurst- bclon^iuy to. ami U-iiiu .irivi-n l>.v .Mr. Hugh i '.;n|. :..!! of SJnghainpton. t -ink friviht at a bycicle mi the Hth hr.e on Satiinliiy i-vi-miv.f and ran away. throuing Mr. ' unpln-i! aii<l am.ther gentleman out ,.f the bng-.'v and injuring Mr. Campbell severely, the or'ier grnf Io- nian got UN ahouMer idiglitly hurt. The hi-se mn ilunn the nuiil alu>nt t<i|t\ I--M!S. when mi turning the eorner at Ml. ('. Miltliaril's. lost his Iwilance and I.-ll over .in his Idu-k, where in- lay until nil hituhad fruui thu liuggy, nhieh was up- Mili- c|..ii .,11 the Pnl. Ibitli liorse ;in.l buggy i-aine off sfe. The buggy *liafl btuklUtaod Humawhal seratehed up. Mr < 'ampliell was aide I,, ride li<,nn-. after we got the bngj;y lixeil up. Mrs. l\van of Tllomhill, is visiting at Mr. Ja.s. Mums' on the Hth line. Mr. Mount of North T,. ,,!... >|H-nt a tew days with Mr. .iaini". llunis. a hhi'it time ago. Dundaik The proceeds of the ftlcth.xlisr 4n- n vertary, including Sunday K.lWt < us a nl lectuiv, amounted t-j $lo6. A new businvs , Vits .ipeiit-d in Diimialk list week Medical HaJl DI ug Store- under the nianas^ineiit of Mr. J. Ilethuoe McWilliaius, who was in the West lor Sjine jvaio. Councillor H.n-liii.lLre, . ! Ce.uarville, susuined a severe loss on Friday nigh* Iwt, when liin stable witli content*, in- cluding a team . f hordes. ! 4S burned. Loss esiimaiL-i ..I $i.">0.' e f^(.M. Herald. A commercial traveller a" recently offered to- bet -*^o -JIM tile coiniiii; miner theic uronld not be week ,f c ml inn, MIS -li-ii'liiiiL.'. basi d his cMimatf >in ;he coiidi'io the Fur-bearing animals Htid the x. of utita. He Shelburne liu l.iw o .vi present year o| alxnii ?<H>0. f. i Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. East Mountain Heiuititiil weather the paM week f-,r all kinds of work. Mr. Henry Walton had his uhlcs cemented the past week. M ss Mary W.(h is home for a shmi time. Misses H.i/.ii Allrn and Sadie Smait of Flrshcrton high .schoul. spent the latter part of the WNk at their pirental homes. Miss Li//.ie Welsh is spending a couple of weeks at Duncan. Thompson Allen is haunt: H well drilled . There has been any ,|uantity of rain heie. Your cor.. in interim* with paitios who hear trom California, says there has bwn no rain there so far, and the oranges are just beginning to el ripe. Owen Sound The lartfu Hour and -^n-i iniil owned by Mr. K. M. ClcmtuU, of Hepwoith, was completely destroyed by tire on Sunday morning l.i-i A ,{uantily of grain stored in the mill was also destroy- ed, and as i result number of fanners in the vie nity w.ll feel the blow severely The mill which was a large, frame slruture, wits located *<ljniiiing the (!. T. K. pro- pt rly, almost dirt ctly acroas the tracks from the station. The origin , if the fire is unknown. At midnight Mr. t'lemcnu made a thorough inspection of the build- inu before reining and at six o'clock the next morning the tne I iok nut. It had gained consideiablu headway before i was noticed Thertt boing no lire pro. leclimi nothiiiu could be done :, -<\e anything. It is understond that about four thousand dollars insiiritucj was carried. It is not known yei whether i not the mill ml! bv lebuilt . The County Council meet on Monday for the n i M 1 session of 111)'.'. The ses- sion will include the appointment of a successor to Mr. Thomas Harness as Supeiinteudeiit, mid Mis. Harness null oi. of the house of refuse at MarL- I ile. There are over a score of |>|>l - cants for the position.", some of them being prominent 'Jicy ciiinly rosidems, The salaries attached arc .*,")<H) tor super- intendent and $;!00 for matron. This includes, of course, residence and neces- saries of food and fuel. Tho pa-iliou is a responsible one and will no d uibt have the closest consideration by Ihe members of the council. The issue of debentures to cover the cxliaordinaiy expenditure nncessiiry as a result of il.e destructive freshets of the spring will he dealt with < Hhcr business will keep 'he moinlieis buny for the week. - Times. Get Ready for Christmas by Buying Your Five Rose Flour, McGowan's Eclipse, McGowan's Pastry. New Raisins, Currants, Spices, Peels, Baking Powders and Sodas. Anything you want to make the Best Cake or Bread. Best Sealed Oysters Always on hand. In fish we have Herring and Salmon. AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN =--. J This is . . Rubber Season ! If you are in need of a good X pair of Leather Top Rub- g be rs, High or Low, or with- g out Tops, try TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAiRING AS USUAL. DR. BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! l the Miss Louisa Black returned toToroii'n last .Saturday. i S. J. BOWLER, THE VA p iI8 R DATE Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat j ^BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT. Office 30 10th t. east, Owen Sound At the Rcveue house, Markdalv, 2ml TlmrMliij vuch i, "in li 1 1 , in 8 to -tl 2m. Uundlk, l'i Thur^dny uf each month.