November 28 1912 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Lion 3Dumicc All inileiiendent n<-<r|>|ir, MtiLlislieil every Tvin^rtav at ^f>" oHn-e, *''>llingwixid Stratt, Vlwtherti.n. SnincriptJim price fl per amiuii. li-r |iiil ina.KMiiv; *1..~i.l whrn not IH> P-''"'! ATT.e. tiniuii rtr <>n ,.. CiroiiUhon I.UOvrrekly. W. M. Thuraton Editor THI fH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE EUGENIA POWER Our'inent i>f to wet-ks azo thai the Hydro-Klei'i >e Commission had puix-hsed the Kugenia |.ower from the Geni-giuu Buy IVwer Co, h* ci anted c-onxideiahle interest throughout (lie cutiii'y and elsewheie. Lii*t week tlie Toronto daili8 denied the naif, but t|iialilir,l i heir denial l>y sUtii u i Ini the lion. Ailiim Heck was cut of town and the Hlafl' Lnew nothing alxinl it. It w s natural th>il the Mntf should Lnow nothing of it, for, is < NUted. the papers lun-r hen signed wild consequently had not passed through their hands. Notwithstanding 1 1: IK i|iulitied d- nial, we hn-e it mi the lifst authority that thu sale lii I't-iMi mdf. liln-i:^l. it limy n -I be ottuially 'innonnced until nlwuit the lint of .lamiiiiy. The pioprity it is st d will le turned over it a suhsuniial tiiiHiicinl 1". i I" lh original owner*. There is one phase i>f 'his transfer that will not hr r. ceiicd with f:ivor l>y the iate|Myers ot ihe township iii which th power is located, nnd that is that no taxes will accrue lo tin- nini.|i-i|>iU'y under '.jou-iiuneiit foiitiol. as i' would uudei |>rivate ; lut |> oleihly there wi 1 be other aiUaiitmitit" nioie than oft'-et thi>. TEMPERANCE IN CENTRE GREY (Ftvm It i ratlin an e\i--opi-in T to the i I |>eople of this country when I !>> rral /.> ihe vht number of Iluljuri-ti that Irn > . been Ifcboriug Ol) public winks in Caniida. ! It. is HIM i.ia . H nrlicially ih;tt l>i>ut ' flMQbBulguiMM canM into in.., UM j yt-ar r.d ni'iM of lliese have liein en- X'ljeJ as laborers on public w 01 kv Since ihe war began 'J.V.iO llul^uiana passed 'hrouyh Monties! "ii their way home u> light for thfir native Thed people ] Me said In In- x' 1 "d workmen, and i -in.nal i" crippling t- inpi>r.irily i.-mv > 't our public works. sis Tin repmt of the Conservation C>in- luisMon on the "Si-a Fisheries of rvit- erii C'ansHl*'' bus heen received . This volume i of pi cuhar inreie.-t ti. us, a" am. 11114 othi'i ihiiig it -.jives Prof. Stf- h p>ipi-i on "CiMUriVctiiin "f the Oyster, which wt- referred t" si. me '.line XD im bavinx l>een fivurmlilv noticed liy the M- i . \Vi'nc-x. I Mln-r import. tut j)|.-i.i in ibis \vluimi me "Whitehall ! the :rciil lke>,' ami il.e "l.ubstrr tisht-ry nf ('iiinid.i. XXX Foi sviiue week.-- i petit,"!! lias heen ill ciruulatii.n in tin.'- dis-rnl praying the County Cnuocil !> dianusa County Con- Uble U. Conk. The peliliim tlo- .-, not net forth i-eamiis wli> the nm-tabli; ihiiuhl j<rt his I'liiip li urace, yet i' is itid that M-veral Imiiilieil men h:ie put their IIHIIU-H t" the document without knowing any re'ni f->r doinij MI. If there me no mutt- reavons eel Forth when the i|tii-Mion comrs l)-for< mir an^u-i leginlalors at the county town than are contained in the petition, (hat body is. y likely lo wi-i^li I I.i- mutter very xxx The govern!. lent itniiory cniitr^clois in this conniy are having a difficult time this fall. About half the flooring in the Metford minor) will have lo \>t taken up Hii'l relaid, and the end fell out of the Markdule structure one night recently. !' nl cataotrophes were caused by rain* .ml storms. In tlie supnstitious thoy inust be omioolu of something, but who will u- nl the 1 1" ii the PiCHMtr) i of this i nl n.^ COD- vened in MarkiUle on W'eJneiday, Nov. i:'-i!i. Ii "turn. . i. and evening sessions, to i cvnsiilt-r the i-ioxpt-ets in thfir section of Ontaiio. The attend- ance was not large owin<< in the weather. l>ut great enthusiasm wax manifested ami the feeling is one of on the pait of eeiy representative. The followina were eleu'ed an orlii-e- bearem : President, Mr. NVm. Breese, Ohu-Hwnrtli ; !>t Vice 1'rei.. Rev. 1{. M. 1'lialeii, Marlidale; 'Jut' VILV I're.s.. Mr. J-o. Heniy, Markdalc; .Hrt 1 Vice Pies., Mr. Wiu. McLean, Markdule ; 4 h Vice I're.s.. Mrs. M. C ok. M*rkdale, County iM-fo. of the W. C. T. I'.: Secretary. Mr. T. IS. McKun/ie, I'.-rtla'v ; 1'rea.s- urer, Mr. ). Arlley. MarkdaV. Members of Commit lee : Tliornbury. It. C'yini ; O.^prey Township, Mr. A. X. hrownri-lge, Maxwell : Aiteme.-i.i town- bliip. It Cook, Ceylon ; Markdale village, \\. - 1'ickell ; Holland township. Mr. .1. ii. Ritchie; Chvsworth VilUye, Mr. \\. (!. Merriam ; Colliiistwood i n-l,i|i. Mr. S. It. MeKniylil, Collinijwood ; Sullivan township, Mr. S. Heiastock ; Kii|'hra>ia township. Mi. !. M. Davis; Kleiherton Village, Mr. W. A. Ann- tttong. \ musing i .';: w:*-. '.- I i in the evening in the Meihodist church, at which the President f the Ui.strict oc- cupied till) chair, while .-I'letidid ad Uiesne.s weie delivered hy 51r. \Vm. Breese atul Mr. F. W. l)uijaii. Field Secretary of the Dominion Alliance. Sever*! items of music ailed to the -H' t-tivetiess of the mee'iii-.'. The :. !''.n..j resohrioiM >-. .-n- ln*n.ily .-ul.-pte-J : - 1-.-. Tin' we-, tl.e temperance i-rs nf Cfi.tre (Jrey. in CuDveulion :i. ... i. iln 1:1 , upon all the muni ciualities in mir distrc-i which are iindi-r license and not detained by tin- thrne years requirement that they eaily inaiij{U- tale c-anipni'.;ii, votii g to lake place in .litiiuiary, I'.'l*. tlieir In i>r;ler tliaf the inuiiicipal or-^ini/i- iioiis can be jieifc-cied w ur^e upon tlie cliairman of each munit-ipality ihe ex- prcw i.eed nf calliii!; together early ill .lanuaiy _ili.- tenipelare workers and that ilu* nieetio-/ l>e arrtnued to suit tlie f the Secretary of tlie Alliance fi>r Ihi.s teintoiy, K. v. \\iii. Kettlewell. Xrd. That we wish ti> plic. 1 on ivcor.l our appreciation of the efficiency i.f the I' .out) c- >n-t ihte. Mr. It .lit. I'm k. The Late Edward Hanfey Another of Os|try'n eu'ly tittleis was called iiwiv l.y death oo 1'lin (day. N(.v. 14, Mr. Ivlw.'tid Hiiil.-v. ut tie ripe old uye nf 84 years. Mr. Hnnley was horu in Co. Ferniiiini^li, Ireland, in the year 1828, mid came to Canada in I -.4 ' d .ind Ntliled near Pi.rt Flops in H.f eaily sixties. Ho was iinrrie.i i.i Swyner l<> ML-s Murv .laiif (! odfe!K>w Mid oime to Osoiey and tiiew to the line i f Ai- ti-niesia, whore Ili'-y lived for n ntimher of years. Selling out theie to liis nepliew \Vm. ll.u!. . he I.i light :t f-nin op ihe lOih hue of *l.-p<ey, wheie Mrs. H:ildey died eilitfen years s;j'>. Of lte years Mr. y.-inley has lived with his d>ui','hler. Mr*, ilnhn A. Kem;hn, Fever- sham. Then- is left 10 mourn the loss nf :i kind anil loving f-ither two sons and one duhter- -William of Ottawa. Al- l ert of Shiiley, mil Mis. J. A. Kerna- litn of Feversluni. Mr. Hanley was highly i-stceined wherever he lied. 1- w,-iys an i>blii(ii'g neinhlnir anJ kind fi ieiid. IK' was an ' >rniieinaii for great ninny years and his lodge. 1085, Fcvei-slmin, turned out in a bociy to his funeral, MX of liis brother Oriiigeinen acting in (lit? cn|wicity of p-illbearers. The remains wert- laid to rent in the Anglican cemeieiy at Maxwell in Sunday after nuon. Nov. 17. The Itev. Mr. VVilliam.s of DunJiilk preached a veiy :|iprpriiice sermoii. Tin- sympathy of friends <nd neitfhhnrs i.- extended t.i t!ie here.-ned family. Durham The concrete work on (lie bridge watt completed last ,v >, and from general it peaiance, Mr. Hev|( IUK turned out H liii-' rliosji.! . Nearly barrels ol ceniL-nt were used iu tie work Mtd us the wall i.i oier nine feet thick at the bottom, and lajiers utt' to ei'j;hlct-n inches at the top,:! hhould Htiind a heavy I'H-^si.i . of water to move it. The hot- loin wai closely piled befoie the cuncn-tu v>< put in, lo nitke tlie foundation neciire. The slei-1 woik of Ihe old bridge wa shipped to Slmtford on Monday, wlii-ii- it ill I e put in ri>ndilii n by the liridve Coinpiiny.and returned, we hope, before, long. Once the iii*leril is ></ain jll the gri.unil, the romplrl ion of the w rk will not lake hm. A K 1IM K "f 01. 'n and teimN it now eii(j,ij{eil in m.ik ing the nn-essaiy tills. We hope tu nee the win k linidied before the close of the present yeai . Chrnnich'. MUIKI'AI.K MIlVIMi The iititlo..k in ibis municipality it ei- iliiitjly eiicouraiiiii:;. A .stfu-y pe- liiinii . iiniaitiin.' ilu- names of nearly lit) pel lent. . f the v.-ters of the inuiiici- ll') a< recently tiled with Ihe clerk. nriii^emeiiU ate lieinj" perfected for the h"ltlins of several public meetings. The aiTanneinenls for iho campaign .-He in the haii'ls ol the followint: K.xecu live: President, (leoffray Arlley: Vice President, Hev. II. M. Piialen; Secfelnry Mr. <J. A. I 'lark, Treisnrers. Mes>i.s- Krskiiu- and Pickell. Coinmitoei Public Meeting, Messis. A. K. lirysnn and (loo Hocke: Legal, Hex. Mr. Aduii^, Mr. Drysmi and Ml. P. VcCulli'itgl.: l.iteruturi*, members .if the W. C'. T. I'..; Slusic, Kevs. AtUniH a nl I'halen. The Votei's I. is; i< in good working slia|>e ami lliu ttinpar.kiice force ire Ouunling on a winning b.-tttU. KKAM n TKSDI-'ItS Jilr.i!>Fiail to the l'ot master (ieum-a 1 . will .lie ra.i-ivmt t Oltw until noon, un Kriilav tli -J7th DMtmbVT, t'.'l-.'. for lhe9fV*UO O( Hin H]M(y'> Mai * on propoicil Con tract for tour >^r aix rotiinl tri|M |KM- wei-k. OVKIt I fl'ISti KL'lt%L MAIL hOl'TK l-.llll ' l> ' I'.'-f 'II t -. I . - ... i ' ;' i . Tiicle.! noucuK.i-oiitaiiiiiiafii'ther tuforum- tiu'i as ioco'.itliti"ii'of iirop.ij'il CantflM "' bKBi-iiM.l liUnk forni4 or TrtiulT in a v I. < outnintfil it tin- IVt. Drtic-HJ nf i:pn"B. Menford liriem\illr. Hwntlicut^. Kii'-uinuru. Tborjiliiii->-. C'lrtliui|{. Klkiti h iuv i>il at tin' <*! oltlie Post OBlee ln>v*utort Cnrauto. ('ol (>ll'ii- lp|iarliuut. \Iaii S-riir llraiic Ottawa, "tli NnvDliiLer. I'.'l 1. F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. What About Furs I The season fur Furs is here yon want to know where to purchase to advant- ageyou want stylish jjanuents reliable Furs new goods reasonably priced you'll get them here and have satisfaction with each and every purchase. Ladies' Fur Stoles. Scarfs and Caperines in Persian Lmib, Grey Lamb, Oppossum and Suble, Mone Marten, Marmot, Coney and Belgian hare, made up in the newest designs and well lined and finished. Prices from $2.~."> to . $2f>-.00 Ladies' Mutts in the new shapes, to match any of the above prices from /4.50 to - ; .* $17.50 Fur Caps in Astrakun, Grey Lamb, Persian Lamb, tlectrie seal. Prices from $2,2*> t() ..-. . $li>.50 t-ur Lined Coats for Men and Women, Prices fnmi $3.~>.00 to $6.3.00 (Moth Coats with Quilted or Curl Linings and Fur Collars Prices .fUJi.Oo to $2f>.00 Some new arrivals this week in smart Fall Coats for small women and voun<* c'uls SPECIAL PRICES. Buy Gran by Rubbers for Your Winter Foot Wear. We carry a full range ofGranby Rubbers of all kinds -Men's, Wtmien's, Boys' and Girls We can fit any foot. Heavy Bash Rubbers, Light Rubbers for all the new lasts. Overshoes of all descriptions. EVERYTHING KEASONAIJLV PRICED. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL, BUTTER AND EGGS. Mi i. !- ('Ilet;i lurinc tbe for vacation TOKOSVO.oNT.. N'owisaa xo0ltdDt riiutt Writ* f.>r .* CEYLON'S STORE Farm for Sale at a Snap Sl.HdO will buy l.">0 acres on the gravel road between Flesheitmi and Maikilale. The timber al> lie <>n this p'perty is worth the priuo tske.1. Apply to JtlS. HKATY, Orange Valley, M.-iikdale, p. o. Sept 2<>. BBALKDTKKURRRaiUTMMOtOtui Postuia" liu lien. 'ill. will lieruceivod at Ottawa nttil uouii. on J.'riclv, tli :trd Jiuuai-y. llU:i fjrUieooii.'iiiei'0' Hi M.|ut\'i Mails oci a |iroi>o<)il Contmct f>>r :ur year* ix rounil OVKIJ KflSAI. MAK. ItllVTK FKOM I'HD.MlVII.lil-:. ONTAKIO. to coniinenoe t Ki oin tli:- roHiiiitr(inarr.s |ili>aure. rriute'l noliri-s i-outai'iiiiu Itittlier iuloriin | tio.iau t-> co ilitintm of propOMd Coiinnct nmybuseni lilaiik foriiiH ..f T-iili- nmy lie nbtalueil at tlm 1 "t l)rtii-tjs ot OUMU, I'filarville, Kii^wutu n I t tli<. OUu-e u tlie ! I'oul unloe ln|iei-tor. nt Toronto. i-..i..-h.. ie)iaiiniiit, Mail IUrlo Branoh Oftnwtt K'th. Nmuintier lilt-.'. (i.e. \M)KI;sOS. (arm for Sale liKI acres- Lot Hit, con. II. Artemesia, ct6 acres cleared, fiO torsi under cultiva- tion, bilai.i- hiirdwooil ,-uid svamp, well fenced mid watered, good house, new frame barn witli stabling under, alo pig pt-n, henhouse and she/p pen. lluriil in til delivery. Apply to Al.liKKT ULArKUrUX, Hock Mills p. o. Our Fall and Winter Stock Is Now Complete ! Hoots and Shoes Ask to ^o t .ur Ug rubier boots. Migh laced Bn..t.s in Genuine Auieiicin e'.k. Also our oil 1'ans in black and tan. and in the over tuM*r we have the high teens well as all the o her Lint's. U n cif rwcar In I'nderweir. we ctrry three of the tet make? Staritield's, I'm- man's and PutiUu. C'einont Htst IVitland cement for $1.00 per barrel . lo the Millinery Depiitment we luve some ve ry pretty Ht* for Women ami children a- very reasonable prices Also Cips, Toi|iie, Avii.tion caps and homln. FlanneUettet* hockey We have spiei did'vulue* in Flannelled PH. f.,-Uliei (ick.ii-if,.r20cand*2ic INVESTIGATE llwtn Sound will vote on locil repeal next .l.-iiuiiuy. So will Oianunlle, Mt. h'ori-M's ni-w jjovBrnmeiil post oth'ce has been opened for business. The (Jhalswiit'li Nt> snys I'' rank Maher I iiiilgbt IHIIIIC two deer Iron; liis li.iui II -A this ( lluw's this :' Tti NI-WH will 'me tin- i-'iiiii! warli-;i on I'Vai I. H baik if il ilni 'I w -i i !i MICHAEL FRAZER ENDS THE LITIGATION "llaU Cislle," in Midluml, the home of Michael Fru/.er, for many years, pre- . -i.ii-il i sombre appearance on !Siliirday when tlie Kliiiolinceiiient was made the octoi;eiini ian IMI! died, nfter M brief illiie>. of Ii tnli-iiii.-' of the arteries. The .-iNliiiUiii-enienl aUo i.. ii ,-.! lhi> .-.riism ioi al circuiiixlaiices of his niiirria^e to Mi, Uiinnah M. O. nnbvftMD nearly tin-re yt-uis iigo. Hn yotin;; wife was nt hit bcdsit'e at tin) liuiti of hit death. The of l ( . i .-i and M'si Itobeit.son look placv after a terii-.s , i . -ii iinisi in. .-. wliich atlraclt-d wide ai- leniion, and wa fulloweil soon afier- w .. i , liy arlioiiK in i|iu courts made liy Mi .. < jilninn McCi nniik, a nieci), ri-lalives, foi- aiiiiitlment on tlia ground that Fra/er w,t iiiHane at the lime of Its performance. Th's .u-iii'ii was ili<ini.sseil on No/. lii, I'.Utl, by Mr. Justice Dr.llon, lio ill i I u i-il dial Fnixer witt .sane. An nppeat waslaktn lolhe DiMNioiial Court, winch I rl:l tlni ho wu incapable of n -in. r. !, . his allaiiN, aiul a commiltee of his estate was ap|M>inied, wliilu his wiTu was untile a committee of his pernon. In Heptember, I'.UI, Mis. Fiawi, tliroiigh her iitloineya, Kltd MI appeal from t'ie Divusiniul (Viuil jnd<>tinent, ami tilt) dun I of Appeal oidcreil a new trial. The time of nppu il paSHeil, l-ul is still available, yet il i OBdentood should oll.ei liiinaiii.n follow il will lui diu-clnl towaid ihe will, wliich i snid lo dmpi of an rslale v ilueil al .ib nit IS.SII.DOII. iht- nii-rils i. f our school. when- mudi-nts -ulfiul fri'in overy prov- int't' in Can.-uhi, ami us fir south in the t'niteil Staler '-is Nevada and VVyoiiiin<{. (.'nlitli-^ue free, |'M-| I.. - ;lll. Ill . .' : C A. KliKMISC. F C'. A.. ltrinci|>al. i. l> KI.K.MINIJ, - Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTAKIO * J3 ^% j XMAS. STOCK COMPLETE Order your NEW CHUIST- MAS SUIT NOW and get the best that can he produced and at a reasonable price. WE SATISFY EVERYLODY in Work- manahip, Style and Price. Do You Ever Sleep? It' you do you will be wise to pny attention, 1 aru at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of tin 1 picture given at the head of' this adverlisi-ment will only cost you j $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (let something nice and comfortable \ on which to fay your weary liend. Of course we have other beds at other prices, nil eipitally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wauu. Springs and Mattresses to fit all be:ls. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. and Cottoiij,, very best per y.-nd. All wi.i.1 aweateis for l.oys at .^d-. Als.i Wool knit shirts for "tv HIOHKST PRICKS PA ID FOR ALL l-'AUM l'H 1H c'F J/as. jfrattison eylon ^'~-~ - i- - - - - -, ^ "^ - ^ ^ ^ " . " Pressing and Cleaning care- fully attended to at the I'p- To- Date Tailor Shop C. BLARELEY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building 'THE HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSERS' WANTED A LIVK AGENT FOR Flesherton and Vicinity To sell for The Fonthill Nurseries j>1 and take advanU^e of the wondeifnl ilevlupiiiiit of the FRl'lT Bt'SINKSS in i 'iii u i . at the pi-fsent lime, which is .-I'.-.i! i-i ; anuntraordiiiary denutiid for Fruit Tre?*, tSc. (Jood territory reserved f r >r LOCAL it UKNKKAL SALKSMKN. Start notr. Outfit free. Wrilu tur particulars. Une Stone & Wellington mm J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. EVERYTHING READY for FALL Liulie's Jackets, the Newest ;nd most complete Range we have ever shown, and prices very low. DRKSS O( K IDS NN e ure showing <>mt- vtiy pretty Dre.-s (.loods in l)ingniU and 1'1,-iiii giio.1:*. aU. Velvets and Silk^ in the yard wide. Wf our All Wool ter^eR4H inches wide, t ;"5c-. SVVKATK1! COATS In Meu'u. Woinen's Hoys' undGuU -in ne.rly :ny eoUr ;uiJ uoinhiuntioii. PNDKRWEAtt Lftdia*, <l Childien'i- \V e have Ktr Valuit VMIS, [>mw tf ri and I'umhinitlion. Men's and rV>ys' We re still howinu the CVIebntteU StandlieKi'.s, which catmot he eiualed for wear mid comfort;. CLOTHING Now it the time to buy your Suit, and Overcoat for fall. Vfe can show you the prettiest ran^e you ever looked at u. 1 pi ices which will surprise you. Boys' Clot hm in all Colors and IV.toma in I! piece, 2 piece, Pstnt nd Bloomw, N,(olts and Busier Browna. FURS! Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat Solo 85 <>ts 3 to:!8; Peas 1 I'J lo 1 12; j Hut-ley 65 to Ml'/ H*y... Multor Iv.'jjs, f n>h Potatoes pet In; (ih'eso Ducks Fowl.. 10 00 to 10 IX) . W i 50 to 11 lo I. 11 , .o S to !."> to 20 \\ 28 ' lr oO a-* ii 17 Fur Coats, Fur-Lined Coats, Cui-l-Lined Coats in Ladies', Men's and Koyt*', MufV, hearts jvnd ( 1 aporens....the [test assortment we have ever shown - - - BOOTS AND SHOES Everyone knows Shoos \\i\\i\ advanced in price, however, wo are in a position to give you shoes at very special pi-ices on all lines of shoes including Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls, heavy and fine. .,, . . a > . ..- , . +. *. +..^ ** + +. ^^.w^*.^ ^ A. -^