DISEASE 18 DUE TO BAD BLOOD. To Care Common Aflm.-,nts th Blood Must Be Hade a h and Bed. Nearly all the disease* that afflict humanity are caused by bad blood- weak, watery blood poisoned by im- puritie*. Bad blood is the cause of headache* and backaches, lumbago and rheumatism; debility and indi- gestion, neuralgia and other nerve troubles, and disfiguring skin dis- eases like eczema and salt rheum show how impure the blood actually it. No use trying a different rem- edy for eah disease, because they all spring from the one cause bad blood. To cure any of these trou- bles you must get right) down to the root of the trouble in the blood, and that is just what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do. They make new, rich blood and thus cure these diseases wher common medicine fails. Mrs. John Jackson, Woodstock, Ont., suffered from both nervous troub'es and n run-down condition and experi- enced a complete cure through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says : "I was a sufferer for a number of years from neuralgia, and a genara] debility of the nervev and system. I had tried several doctors and many medicines, but to no avail, until I began Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. At the time I be gan the Pills I had grown so bad that I could hardly be on my feet and was forced to wear elastic ban dages about the ankles. The pain I suffered at times from the neuralgia wo-s terrible. I had almost given op hope when I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In the course of a few weeks I felt an improve- ment, and I gladly continued the oae of the Pills until I was once more quite well and able to attend to all my household duties." If you are ailing begin to cure fourself to-day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or s : x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. 3. FOR TOURIST AND HUNTER. The Great Athnhnsfca Region Offer* Di-lighta. The rapid linking together of the Grand Trunk Pacific to form a new transcontinental highway across central Canada opens another hin terland for the tourist. It makes easy of access a vast now section o. the Rockies in central Alberta am the sunset province, and uf all this area it is doubtful if there is a more interesting and inviting region than that embraced by the upper watershed of the *.thahaska River aod its several southern tributaries The Datum! starting point for tour it-tH intending to visit any of this country is Fitzbugh, a picturesque- ly situated frontier town in Jasper Park, Komn two hundred and fifty miles west of Edmonton. How little of this region has been actually trodden by whits men is evidenced by the fact that only four hurt summer* ago the largest shee of water on the entire east slope o the Rockies was found in its re- oesMjs. Thii beautiful mountain lake, eorae seventeen miles in length and lying between green wooded slopes, forms a broad ex- pnneion of tho Maligne River, and resembles a Scotch tnrn in its far melting vistas of water and crag. This lake is some thirty miles south- east of Fitzhugh, and twenty miles further south is another large lake where the trout fishing is excellent. Treatment Warm Batbs wltn Cutl. cura Soap TorADlidsof ECZEMA Although rnuoura Bop and Otntmen* u Dlil I)/ iltugglru w>d dMlrr* crrwher. 6 llbrl umplii of fch, wli6 *-is boukift on Ui n> aiul utm<!nt of th Uln, will b t PMV-IP*. oa M " The latter body of water form* the ief aouree of the Brazeau River. To the west of it, in Alpine gran- deur, lies the region of wild, lofty peaks, dominated by Meant Alber- -a, where enormous glaciers give urth to the Athabaska and North Saskatchewan River*. This region is also a noted game country. It lies far enough north to have escaped in part, during re- cent years, the far searching reach of the Stoney Indian ; bears of all finds are still fairly numerous ; the sheep (and more especially thr Toat) hunting is good, while scat- tered mooBe, deer, and even elk nay be occasionally seen. Meantime the crying need of the district, for tonritt an<^. n. ^-ranger ilike, is the need {or moro aid bet- er trails. Hence, to provide i good and adequate system of trails will be the first an ^ constant effort of the Dominion Forestry Branch in Carrying out its recently assumed iuty of administering this region, so as to protect its forests from fire ind make every auxiliary resource contribute its part to the public welfare. During the present sea- son, the rangers in charge made a ?ood start on this work, and next vear it will be again pushed with \-igor. Alreadv, between Laggan or Morley on the C.P.R., and Fitz- Hugh. an old through trail is in ex- istence : a trail which promises to be a very popular Alpine tourist route when improved. It traverses the Brnreau, Clearwater and Bow (liver forests and everywhere its improvement will be promptly un- dertaken by the Forestry Branch. The scenery in this upper Atha- baska country is varied and beauti- ful in its eolor effects, and especial- ly so in early autumn. From the deep green carpet of pine and spruce on the valley floor, the eye pasties to intermingled belts of blushing gold, poplar and light green lodgepole, fringed above to timber liae bv sombre manses of Alpine fir. Higher still, the warm reds and ochres of disintegrating ferruginous rocks form a Joseph's ooat of many colors, while over all loom the background of summit" wrapped in their eternal snows 1 A FRIEND'S ADVICE. Something Worth Listening To. A young man was advised by a friend to eat Grape-Nuts because he was all run down from a spell of fever. He tells- the story: "Last spring I had an attack of fever that left me in a very weak condition. I h.vd to quit work ; had no appetite, was nervous and dis- co u raged . "A friend advised me to eat Grape-Nuts, but I paid no atten- tion to him and kept getting worse as timo went by. "I took many kinds of medicine but none of them seemed to help me. My Byrtera wag completely run down, my blood got out of order from want of proper food, and sev- eral very large boils broke out on my neck. I was no weak I could hnrdly walk. "One day mother ordered some Grape-Nuts and induced me to eat some. I felt better, and that night rested fine. An I continued to use the food every day. I grew stronger steadily, and now have regained my former good health. I would not be without Grape-Nuts, as I believe it is the most, health-giving food in the world." Name Riven by Cana- dian Postuu Co., Windsor, Ont. florid the book, "The Road to Wel'ville." in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the alxrvj letter? A new one appears from time to time. They .-.re genuine, trut, and full of human inturut. S Years' Rheumatism Really Cured 1 Tour Case Isn't Likely to Be Worse, and Can Be Cured Quickly by Norviline. Here Is The Proof. "After being an enthusiastic user of Nerviline for years, I feel it my duty to tell you personally what your wonderful preparation has done for me. "I suffered torture from rheuma- tism and heart trouble, tried, scores of so-called remedies, consulted for weeks and months with Toronto's most eminent physicians, but de- rived only slight benefit. "A friend insisted on my using Nerviline, and to my surprise a vigorous rubbing of this powerful liniment eased the pains and re- duced the stiffness in my joints. I continued to use Nerviiine and was permanently cured. I am now per- fectly well, and for three years have had no rheumatism at all. I know many families where no other medi- cine but Nerviline is kept it is BO useful, in minor ailments like ear- sche, toothache, neuralgia, coughs, colde, lumbago, and sciatica. I call Nerviline my 'Life Guard,' and urge all to try its merit." Dec. 17th, 113 Pulmerston Ave- nue, Toronto. (Signed) FLORA CHAPMAN. It is almost criminal to keep on suffering when Nerviline can be had in any drug store. 50c. buys a large bottle, 25c. for the trial size. Pre- pared by The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. 4. THE UNKIXDEST CUT. Sir Glenholm Falconbridge is much interested in library work. One day, recently, the Toronto Public Library Board made a tour of the city for the purpose of visit ing the various branches and see- ing how the work was being carried on. On entering ono street the car in which Sir Glenholm was riding FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTE* OP INTEREST FRJM BLR AM) BRA&8. Beyond Hr. As a slight diversion the teacher suggested that each child in the class draw a picture from whkh she could guess what the child wanted to be when grown. All sorts of arti- cles were illustrated : books for bookkeepers, hats for milliners, etc. Chief Justice Falconbridge. CHEATING TUB GALLOWS. Ingenious Contrivance Which Pre- yented Death. A verv ingenious attempt to cheat the gallows was made by a man named Richard Johnson, who wag hanged at Shrewsbury in 1898, snvs the London Chronicle. He hung half an hour, and his body was about to be handed over to his re- latives, when the hangman thought he detect"d some signs of life. On examination it was found that Johnson had wreathed cords round and under his body connected with a pair of. hooka at his neck by which the usual effect was pre\*erit- ed, the apparatus binc cleverlv concealed under a frilled shirt and a flowing periwig. He was taken down and then promptly rehanged with success. Perhaps the most startling story about resuscitation after hnnninir is told of the famous anatomist, Wil- liam Hunter, under whoso hands the body of a man who hod iut been hanged revived w.hiln being directed. This was not all, how- ever, for the fellow insisted on con- sidering Hunter what lawvern term "in Wo narontis," as being the nuthor of his renewed existence. In this Qliftl character he renentod- ly npnliod for, and finally demand- ed, financial asci^tipoe. But, to Hunter's Brent relief, he one morn- Ine received a "recent subj'oct from Newirate . . , the same criminal exnited a second timo for some fresh offwioe. The experiment of reiiscifntion was not again at- tempted." was greeted by loud cries from sev- eral street-urchins. "What are the boys saying 1" asked Sir Glenholm. "They are culling out, Control- lers, Controllers!" explained the gentleman next to him. "Ah ! that is one of the crudest things I evt-r had said to me," re- plied Sir Glenholm sadly. Cur For Consumption. For eorwnmp tlon. weak lnru>. lingering coughs, larm Htl and bronchitis. Name* ami ddramn of thoi! only ipven a lew daye to live bir ineclallet and doctors, after takiiiK ihn cure are all* and wnll, will to sent on requect. Write Win. It. Cop<lud, 611 Pap* A." Toronto. Out. What la Golnc on In The and Lowland* of Auld Svotla. Mr. A. Proven, postmaster of Moffat, has been appointed post- master of Biggar. The Marquis of Ailaa has been elected president of the Glasgow Athenaeum. The sum of $195 was collected in certain Helensburgh churches on Hospital Sunday. The death has occurred in her 102nd year of Mrs. Macfee, of 21 Wellmeadow, Paisley. The death has occurred of Mrs. Euphemia Waugh, aged 99, the old- est inhabitant of Hawick. Provost William Bruce Macguire has signified hia retiral from Dun- oon town council after ten years' service. The Glasgow members of the Roy- al Scots Greys' Association held the Balaclava commemoration dinner recently. The death has occurred in Inver- ness Poorhouse of Peter Macleod, an old Highlander, who served in the Indian Mutiny. The Wishaw burgh rates have been increased by l /_d. per l each on owner and occupiers, and the burgh general and public health assessments are up to 5d. Provost Fyfe, Port Glasgow, has collected about 400 for the estab- lishing of a scholarship for appren- tices in the shipbuilding and engi- neer:ng trades. It has been decided to confer the freedom of the city of Glasgow on Councillor Robert Graham in re- cognition of his valuable service* as member of the town council. Mr. Graham Moffatt, author of "Buiity Pulls the Strings," and a native of Milngnvie, has become a life member of the Londoa- Dumbar- tonshire Association. LETTERS FROM MOTHERS. Every day we have letters from thankful mothers telling us what Baby's Own Tablets have done for their little ones. Some praise them for constipation, others for teeth- ing troubles, and still others for vomiting, indigestion and the many other ills of babyhood and child- hood. We have received thousands of letters all giving praise. Mrs. W. Q. Crowe, Midland, Ont., says: "I think very highly of Baby's Own Tablets. I gave them to my baby when troubled with constipation and they helped her so much I al- ways keep them in tho house and now use no other medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail nt 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Modiciue Co., Brockville.. Ont. ,. Growing of Cinnamon. The aromatic spice, called cinna- mon, is the inner bark of a beauti- ful tree, attaining the size and simi- lar in appearance to our pear-tree. The small, smooth and shiny branches, or young shoots, are alone available. To produce tho commercial bark the trees are al- , lowed to grow for from five to ! seven years, when they are felled and tiie stumps allowed to produce new shoots, called "coppice." The same methods, says the Scientific American, arc followed in tho East Indies to grow straight and smooth shoots of cinnamon as the basket- willow grower adopts in this coun- try. It is kept coppiced in order to induce the formation of long, willowy shoots. "Why, Doris, don't you want to be anything when you are grown 1" "Yessiira," said Doris, "I want to be married, but I don't know how to draw it." BEWARE OF BLOOD-POISON 1st a Sure Cure. Mr. Jas. Davey, of 786 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, says: "A few months since I wag cured of a pois- oned finger through the timely use of Zam-Buk. "I cut a deep gash .across the knuckle on the first finger of my right hand in opening a lobster can. I suffered at the time with the sore- ness and pain, but had no idea it would become a serious wound. However, in about two daye my whole hand and arm to the elbow became iuflained, and the finger was much discolored, showing signs of bloud-puisoniog. I then decided to start the Zam- Buk treatment, and having first bathed the cut, I applied the heal- ing balm. It soothed the pain ad- most instantly. "In a week's time, "through per- severance with Zam-Buk, a com- plete cure was brought about." Zam-Buk is just as good for ec- zema, ulcers, seal}, sores, abscesses, pilee, ringworm, boils, varicose ulcers, running sores, cold sores, chapped hands, etc. Use it, too, for cute, burne. bruises and all skin injuries. Zam-Buk Soap should be used in conjunction to the balm for washing wounds and sore places. Excellent, too, for baby's bath. All druggists and stores sell Zam- Buk at We. box and Zara-Buk Soap at 25c. tablet. Post free for price from Zain-Buk Co., Toronto. Just the refreshment you need after a hard day's work LIPTON'S TEA Ones farthest for the money It isn't what you do while yonr boss is watching you, but what yon do when he's not there that count*. (ARMS FOR SAL* H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. HUNDRED ACRES-COUNTY . Good House: Buildinn: Orchard. Chun ard on i-ney terror SKVE.NTV-MX ACRES WITH GOOD buildinri and en pie orchard: about I flr ir"o fn-.Tn Hamilton. H W. DAWSON, Toronto. ! -1 Kfi '" ; K E FARM - MIDDLIOHK* I LO\F County: noil dark clay loam, I I acree fruit; 5 acres timber: good tinild- ingt. l:\rm in cood condition: anxtona to soil. The Woirn Real Ealate. London. Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. BT NEXT SPUING THE RAILWAYS will require Fire Hundred Tele, zraphere and Station Agent!. Good waeew and adTanroment rapid School endoried br rilwvi and h <Hrrt tele, rrnnh wire connection. Free IVvk 18 nlalne. Dominion School Railroading. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. Exercising Her Right. "Mamma, young Mr. Ketchley wants to come and c ee me." "When did he tell you so, child V "Lnst time T saw him T asked him if he wouldn't like to call, and he said, 'Why, certainly.' ' Mlrvard'j Liniment Caret Garget In Cow*. STAMP COT.T,Fi ferrnt Pnrn'icn Stump*, Ontn'ozue, Albnm. onlv $vpn Centa. Mark) Ktamp Company. Tormito. Misrn.t ANEOIIS tl A.MIR. -'.< r.t LUUI'M rtr la. tfrml n'i ntrn! eurrd moat pefn by onr hoax- tr*ntnn>nt Wrlu < hfore too '.' n- n-M-n.u Urdical Co. ClmlifH r.,i'(i>rwnoi1 Ont \\ r ANTED- tlLAl-K. SILVER AND CroM F- Tt. Marten. Tithrr and Mink. alive. Blake Vamiatter, 3ulllna- fad, Ontarle. fl ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BLAD- "I dpr Stones. Kidney trouble. Ornvel, Lumbago aud kindred ailn:nla positively cured with t'\ uew German Remedy, "Sanol." price $1.50. Another now remedy for Diabet(-Mci:itu>. and rare rare, ! "Sanol'e Antl-DlabMM." Price $200 from drurriats or direct. Tbe Hanoi Uanufao- turiiiK (Vvnpf i:y of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. H-u. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Not As Yet. Bank Teller "How is it you de- posit nothing but pennies and nick- els r Saddmartn "I hide 'em iu my shoe and wife hasn't found it out yet." Mlnard'i Liniment Cures Cold*. * His Is Not. Cynicus "I wonder why h ne- ver married T" Sillicus "I believe he was once disappointed in love." Cynicuar "Impossible. No man is ever disappointed ia love till bo marries." Mlnard'i Llnlmtnt Curi Diphtheria. The wedding ring is an exclusive circle. . DODDS KIDNEY 13 Mlnnrd'a Llnlmont Co.. I/td. Gentlemen. In July. 1906. I wni thrown from * road machine. Injuring mr hip <; 'd back badly and wan obliged to upt> a much for 14 month*. In .--opt.. i906. Ur. Wra. Ou.rldje. of Larhute, urged u> to try VINARD'S UNIMMNT, which I dirt. .v.i.i ili incut satiifaclory reault*. and to-dar I am well ne rver In inj life. Yourn sincerely. Ul BA1NB8. marli No Deception. Toff "You told me that horse r.i free from faults. Why, it's blind." Dealer "Blind? Well, that's not a fault; that's a cruel misfortune." Side-Kick. Wallio Clork -- "Lew is pretty ponular. isn't he?" Willie Clerk "Yes. He's lik^-d by every one that doesn't know hun." ( itoa* ,xir Krnoh Trj British American Oyaing Co, unireAl. Toronto, O law* and THINGS WORTH ABOUT CHRISTMAS BUYING Writ* to (lay (or Catalogue. It's FREE. The l_e Roy Import Co., 13 B'-*or ^*-. E. - - Toronto. Most, men T ask little from, I try to render them much, aud to expect nothing in return, and I get very well out of the bnrRnin. Fenelon. BOILERS New and Srcoiid- hai'il. 'or hratincr and powm- puipo-p*- TANKS AND SMOKt- STACKS. A,. 'or stuii.. POLSOM TORONTO and Shipbuilders INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM Conquered by GIN PI LI.S Mr. W. G. Reid, Hamilton, Ont., writes: "I have been for the last two years a cripple with Muscular and Inflammatory Khcumatixm. I ttu-d almost everything knouu to medical science and sought change of climate without relief. Your manager in this city rrroitiuiended Gin Pi! Is uiul I havesincetak.cn eifciit boxes and .11.1 uow cured. I . . mrr Gin Pills the conqueror of Rheunmtum and Kidney Disease". 500. a bux. 6 for f 2.50. Sample free If you write National Drag and Chemical Co. of Ciuailu. Limited. Toronto. '^i Tb Soul of a. Pla.no IB the Action, lrttst on "Uio OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action CRBOSUTH Pr-otot - Pri<^rv - ^i 8i.mple Mid Booklets on Appllc-vtlon JAMES L '. 4UU!!l & CO., Umitod 1874. Baihar. . 8tret TORONTO I>. 4. ISSUE 48---12. The Two Real Troubles. After all death and disgrace are about the only two troubles that really amount to anything. Mlnard'i Liniment Cure* Distemper. A Remarkable Canal. Between Worsley and St. Helms, in the- north of England, is a re- markable canal. It is underground, from end to end, and is 16 miles long. In Lancashire the coal mines are very extensive, half the country being undermined, and many years aso the Duke of Brklgewater's man- agers thought they could save rton- ey by transporting the coal under- ground instead of on the inrface. The canal was constructed and the mines connected and drained nt the somo time. Ordinary canal boats aro used, but tho power is furnished by men. On the mof of the tunnel arch are crosspieces, and the men do the work of propulsion by lying on their backs on the coal and push- ing with their feet agaiutfc the croat- A C Milkman writes us that he warms his milk-wagon on cold days with a Perfection Oil Heater. He makes his rounds in comfort. Zero weath- er doesn't boiher him. This milkman has adapted this wonderful little heater to his own particular needs. You may not drive a milk-wagon, but there are countless ways in which one of these heaters would Made with nickel trimming* be a convenience and (pUin .teel or enaroiled tur- com fo rt to you in yovr quoiee-blue drumr). Orn- '. mental. lnexpii!". Lasrg home. YOU Can adapt it tO for year*. EsUy moved from wny O wn requirements. placo to place. * At DfaUn Ev*rywtt*r*, THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited TORONTO S>T. .O N MONTREAL VTNNIPE'J HALIFAX