Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1912, p. 8

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:.r November "2*, 1912 T II E F LE S 11 E R T N A D V A N fc V' 'Advance' Small Ads* Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS U OUIXOUGH * YOUNG - taukvi* Markilalc ,,ri.ril bankiee baaintM. Monty loaned i .n LH It rtet Call OD U. TOhMCiBTT, 1 PoatwatU-r, Cylcn. Ooam.ist!on*r IB H. I 1 . J . CooTi>BC*r, dd. iuort.-M<**. !. "'I'' i ewrtnJIjr drawn op ulkcttont mad?. cbre rtoolilj. Alo riwvriM, flour. led tic. kt|)tla Block, I'ricef MM. DUiPinil.. UcenJ Auclioiiaer for lb* Oojinyot <>n. Ttruin moderate md tivift OL ' (naLiM-wi. 'llie rroguitnti and , *l c .! lalei c.n b in.'l. '- TBF. ADVANCE ' Kw.iH.uc. au.J KU.. Otylon. Tl|.tion EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the i.i. . -i ,iih i'-i . r in iis IHM..IV. The CoUfoffVUOd Business College has ;.U i .1 in n good po-ii- tion, \'t\ ! -"In in- of the present year. Winter term from January '.', lJI:l. SenJ for handsome ( 'ataloeup. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal . l*c. G.07. -M K*lTTIS(i. Licented Auctioned (01 u. \ouut,.. ot iir.y and Siuicot. kru, a.nJ bl.*k ale. a specialty lerm. iotitrat* MmUctiou cuaraoUed. Arrtug*. EJMMBM tJem<lat the Ailviuce ,;,. *?. H.ucbiD.00. tor. l-ev.r.L.u, u> <ldrni*ing ui t FevMibaui. Oct. RUDD MATHK-.VS. Mirldale \- auc'.ioDMi lor the conuty ot .rey. MTVic. t rwscnable rat*.. Ut MM* M Tb* Advance, owl bt MEDICAL fi Ont FbyilclaD, Surgeon etc te a,ud r..id.nc-l-et.t .u, Kleah.rtuu f OTTi:\VELL Veterinary Farms for Sale BB Aer** WMt bait 10t t, OOO. II. Township ol Of|>rey.| SOAerat-KMl half lot", coil. II, Township ol Oaprcy. " Acres-Went half lot?, con. II, Township .'* A:rti E-. htlf lot 7, cju. 11. Towoiiliip of Oupiey. 1<X) .\cr* Fjot :I2, ('on. 10, .Vrtmi. lui Acri" Ixjt :tl. Con. II, Arteinefia. 200 Aires 1,-n .i.t'on. i:i, lot 4, <'on. II <>pr(v. MiOAc'es -1.0 can. It. . \rtemepii. !< Acru Lo :), .- m. u. Aitetuenia. 100 \--ii- !.> ii'iit lot?, con. .'. r.iipln-M. J iJ Acrt--I.t J4 ami /">. con. R, Artemesia. Hfll AcrM -I'ii-t Lot 141, 14>. 14C, I 'on. .1, N. K. T. S. H..Ar'meaia. 2WI A-iren Iot_.U. ami 40, con. 12. Artm.iftSia. : j Acrei 37. cou. 12, Artcnihi. \V. A. AKMSTROX*;, Flrshcrlon June 13tl The Stove Leaked. .Mi. Slump of <)i'<nj!t;ril!e liitd cturted a new purlur c ik stove in hit dinin)>- runu) u couple <if iid)8 tjieviuUM mid on .Sunday nilit cheuked if oft and retired shoitly af'ei lOo'cl./ck to it htd-fx)m wljoiiiini; (h dining ro.m. In the morn- (if; Mi-8. Stump w.jke but could Imrdly nnve. Finally sbe made her way to the kitchen do->r Imt rl"-oMted and fell un- conscioun on the couch in the kitchen. |Jut before fulling she screame<l and Mio-iKtd hur ljii-,i,-mil. who wiih much (lirHculty suoceeduJ in touching the rear kitabeu door. Horc he sat on the step I for a minute mid fainted, falling in'o the cellar-way. Mrs. Atmour Grey, a j no ghbor. happened ti ee him fall and i iimediatuly ran over to so.) wh-it wnsLhe j mutter. She found the house rilled with | coal g.s and Mr*. Stump unixjiiscioug on j the couo'i. Doors and windows were j immediately i>j>uned nd me<lical aid was Mfiit fur. The viotiius were restored wiih c nisidfi-.tble difficulty but they have not yet fully reoDVcrod from ihe effects >f the gai Their little buliy WK u ( ,t titdly atiocied.-- Sun. DENTISTRY tv, E C MUKKAV U D. R. dental .il!"1 U ' i.ono. i;r.<liiui ol Toronto UuiTerit> u.l Jir>: v-ollii;. ol Dental Kuri!>na of Outwlo, liat <iu.i.miitr<l for teeth extraction I".* IS ,ideuce. Toronto HUet. KleaS.rtoo. , L LEI;AI< IH'AB. HANKY & Removed the Child A couple of weeks ujjo. 'ays the Or- ungeville banner, a little child was sent from Toronto to Oraii^-ville and placed in the custody of Mis. Cheeney, a rather j eccentric old lady who results in the east ward. The parent*, it appears, are Bui- -..iinn- and when the war lir./ke out the father decided to return to his naiive j country to serve against the Turks. The The following price-, are for strictly j m ""r. who wa giving up housekeeping paid in advance Kubscriptioriw>nly. We ; anil taking a place in . resUurunt until have no accounts witli other papers. I her husluind returned, decided to place Flesherton Advance t I 00 I the child with some person who would Yu-jths Companion '_' 00 ; c . lre fl ,,. it o f T.iront.. World, daily . . . , " Toronto Daily News . . . . , List Omega Guessing Contest T (> iutw .! 00 1 M < JwM > w ' I'eeney, proposed seiidn.- .r. to Star '.HI 7"> !H) l : M) l :.') W H.WKUiHT. TK1.KOHD A , Holic.toi.. Ac. Harniler, Holic.toi.. Ac. ic.. t !-.,.. Hlock.. >we" hound. St.u.la-i I .nt li:o. : k. Kia.f.u. .r,.tui.:inM. \N H. WrlfBI. t . I-. i'elior.i J .^1. C. ^tllogajj.j^.J;-.^ SOCIETIES O U \V nieta 01. >i lat Monday & in V;b mouth. iBlb^r loo^ w, i".aviB-.b.ll Fle.t..ru.n at h |..ui . U . JV. Weekly Globe . . M .,1 I-.- .... . . . Family Herald A Toroiit.. Star Farmer Sun Farmers Advocate Weekly Witneii Saln.-iUv N light :! 1)0 i ,| |-l( II e Joint-.'.! '-"I Poultry New* -> , Poultry Review 4') Rod an<) (iun nmuuzine '"' her mother in Orangovillt 1 . A was struck, thu mother agreeing to pay somethini; like ?X a nionlh for il,.- child's keep. The l*be a line healthy child w.ii i. -, .uil,-.| to < >i .ui;..-\ illi-. Neiijli- bi'rs b.'^iin to co.nplain in a few d<y* the old lady was m-j!. . in- and M.; Tho. Clayton, 8cf'.ry OS. 903. I. 0. F. irtin . . O.VM.V Bio.* tb. lat .ln'l.v ''"" of I^b month, vi.itiop J r " 1 " ';:;,'. i< om I 1 . .. (i - Bellamy : B. B., . < i v of tbn uionlh. rHc.sr.S VhlKNOH-FlwUertou Council o C""^,, F,i,,,.l. ,,,.t. i" i:UM,M, >;">'-' and tbinl W*.lnrala nfeacli moutli IP. *. aUr.Min.nU lo the m-order u OlbafpN tSSffSTST* "-I, im-nll.. I lii-tCouncillur T " BlIk.l.:Kr,-..rlr W. M. Huut. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. - fashionable Tailoring Seasonable (ioods, first clasx \MwkiiiaiiKhip. A (UK of Keady-Made Clothin}* pluints reached (lie ours of Police Magis- trate 1'iUullo, who investigated the iirilier .-ind satisfied himself that they were well-founded. I'r. ce.-dints wire immediately Uken under the Cruelty to < 'InMrcii Act, and us a coiisf'iuence the liale one has It-en removed from the custody of Mm. i'kriu>y and is now be- in-.- cared for liy .Mis. D.tvid Uui.tei. \Vl.irli e {nil aJMMkttU III fit huix'e, il requited. I., l.fcM.v.Hi-r.-'I'n-a*. 1am worths lor Sale 1',-tl, MH,.1\ | lui l.l- hl "" '' ...... ",'V..). W. IIOSH. . I'll--' . "- Boar for Service T'.nr I'.i.'l -'is, I', '.'<i N llinllr. Maxwell ttnt. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Cylon, - Ont. Bull for Service j-l ........ ylilnr.l Sl,.,iili.,rii liull, J>I. lui u " ' ..... lot III, '-"ti ' i |.].li-ati..ii. Sn i-."iulil.i --I-, * t "" 1 "'- A hoi>e stolen frmo a Huron farmer IMS been reenvere-.l in Own. Smind. Tlie l In. i is ttiil ill large. Mrs. .lud;!i, for nearly forty year* poM-mistie^s of ftloini Kuad, died on Thnrs lay of laM week at the ...;e of 7'>tns. I'lir d.itieN .if the oHiue ul all Limtn Writ- |it-iloiiiu tl lu a saiisfaciory m.innt-i. (Juitle \Vrihi, nine year-old d-nujhter of Mis. S. Wii|-lil, of I'.i-ikelej, had M very painful ixperivnce one day lust Meek. Tlie blllu i;irl WHS playing amuiid he cream separator while it was guioi; ul fu'l speed .ii;. I her li.ui became finani;led in I In: iM-.ii, which nmiiid up thu hair until it pulled oil pillion of the icalp. Dr. I.-/.,- in ailendance, and she is L-I ii I-. .il.ni'j nicely . Staud.ird. The thru- year term within which the killinj; of den lias Urn prohibited in ihe county of Siinri.c beint; ,.>.ii lo expire the coiimy c.uinc I pelrioni'd the l.i-.. i . I .Hue to extend thu time for Another ibiee-yeirs. Their reipiiHt bus been grame.l, an urdir-iii-eoiincil b-inj; pissed |iroli IIIMII./ the killiii" of .leer ill Smu-oe toraiiolher linen jt'.rs from the litsl of A chance to get a liigli giacle adjusted Watcli absolutely free and without uiucU trt'ort. The entire proposition in intended to attract special attention to tin- superior quality and value of Omega Watches, which have been made continuously since 1818 and have a world -wide reputation for matchless merit. We give every assurance that everyone shall have "a square deal' 1 in accordance with these conditions: All uimssL's to IH V in onr hands not later than 10 a. in.. Friday the (5th. The Watch will be award ed to the flll.ST person guessing nearest correct time reason why you should .send in your guess early. 15y liiidingont which of your friend* own Omega Watches you can ct an approximate idea of what is to make" The fact that these watches are carefully timed and adjusted before bcin',' sold is a . nmraiitee of absolute precision an.lhih-i a Je service, with no better movements made anywhere. tniiaUer what price you pay. )in<.'a Watches rank first in point uf actual merit and the lucky person to win tins eontc-t will <?et a priae well worth haviug. W. A ARMSTRONG lewflcr and Optician Flesherton. Ontario. STRAYED Slr.iy.-d from my premisCH oil or abmn Oct. l.'uh. 7 lumhs only 1 f'o. Any- body \\iv\\nn sanii-, plc*te i-ommunicati- "'"' S. McMl'LLKN, Kleslierion p. o. BULL IOH SERVICE TIxwurlibr;iHhorthnm bulL'Thndv Jim" f) ur .... 17M, l-r -.M..e.,nl,.ti;i, T. AS. i:.,Ar. . .-in. This animal i i.f guud milking HtlHlli l'i->li"if-e oil li|>|ilicution. Trin h, I. .1 AS. ST1NSON Boar for Service Alain* bli]|-0 l*oar for ir\ire T. A S. H., Artcmi-fia. It. WAI.I.F.II. tn-murro\v ; you know just wliere tn find us. Comfortable vision or your moiie" back. No f urs work. Accurate , scifntilic measure incuts and tests. I ' :i. ,.u cases i specialty. Bull, for Sale w ^ f Armstrong:. til . r.ll II t .. -I. * " Purebred Htrrlmd UulU for Mile on lot 17I ( > ft. >v- I * S. S., Ailemesirt. I Murih I - T. A.. I. WATSON, Proton Station. Lamb Estray <Jmne to my premises, l> i .l-'t con. 7, Ai trinfsia, about Sept. !', on lamb. l>wnor ploase prove pr-ipcny, p.iy ex ,n i. and Inkc sanm iin'ay. A. Mcl.KAN, l!o;:k Mills. Bull For Service Thorough brrd Alieldrcn AIIUUH ISull, "l>Uck Diamond King," for service on lot 26, Oon 4, <!lem>to. W..H. PATTKRK >N, Prop. Property For Sale II... and Lot in K.-vii-sliHin (ion.l . i-uiriii lil i- k house, frame stable, j-acru lot, tj.uid well at d ior. Also lot 12 and K. half II, I. Ml, con., Ospruy, cuiitAiiiiiip 150 acre* ; j;o id fiainc barn, rlo., woll watered, go.id stock firm. For ti>nns HIK) pirtloaUn Apply to -IAS. T. McKKN/IK, Jundi>7lf Kcverslmm P.O. FARM I Ok SALE l..o .. . - on tlu> 4th i !!, Kuphi-Hsia. Will sell , II.TIIJ, and on easy trn, MiiNl be sold. Also):! .-Hi- ni.'s of bee* for salt', rlieaii. Ap^ily ' JOHN SMITH, loDec K--nibiIt!y p.o., t.'nt.. The Inuiansof I 'ape t^-uker are very j nuineroiis in town this week, and no . in. lor lot the me <{etiin^ paid lor iheir tish. They did well, innde heaps of money. To li.ilmn- clenred *4W in ilin-i- >>,,)- aud i In- total amount PHI>! the reaidenls this week would run well up into Ihe thousands. Itetween what I be. Indians net from iUh, 1 ,j<s and the government nmiuity ihi-y are ubmit the best ..li i.i llie country. \\ ,.:r..u i',mad- un. An ileiii in the. i >ni 11 1. 1 i. ,.,:!< - .niii.j that the I'ine Kivit Lii(lil >V I'owrr i '...|..n , Limited, bus been incoiporatcd in < )rai|i>uvillo, . .ij.ualiy.eil at #'^K),tHNI, would appear to mean a re- orgiuixation of whut has latterly been known as Ihu l.ondholderi of ihe DuHerin Iiight and Power Company. It i under- Mood that ihe company expect to have the new dmu on tin- Pioe Uiver east of ll<.i inn. - Mill- tinished by the in i of the year. Sliulbnrne Koonomiiit. FARM FOR SALE Lots 74 und 7.\ 'on. :! . ll " rl1 ' "' Dnrbain road, Arlemesia. c>itaiiiin 108 iirrrs, seres cleared, !"> acres tils' cls hardwood bush, balance burdwo'id slash, all good land :tud in good slate of cultivu lion, well fenced, ,\ acre on-hard, hrst- class water in drilled well, biick lions- neatly new, 'M x o'2 ft., S 54 x 40. Five ncres of shape, ham fall whe.li. Fiirin will be sold. For further par- ticulars apply to S. SIIK..\Ul)0\VS, I'rolon Station, p.o. ANADIAN " ^PACIFIC UNEXCELLED TRAIN SERVICE Fast Time to Hriuulon Nelson Keginn 'algary i:..--! i'n Soatt'e Srmidiinl and Toiutsl Sleeping, also I'oiiipiill.iiieiit Obsfrvati"ii Car", vi ' General Change of Time October 27th, 1912. PROPERTY FOR SALE House with two lots and fom a<-res. park lot* in Klosherton for sale. (Jootl frame housf, s'uble, fruit, etc. Alo nn> 4-year-old teneriil purpose marc, brok< to ("inyle or douh'n. Apply to Wni Kid, FleKherloii, for parlicul.ns. l.'idoc S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton. SHEEP STRAYUD Two Leicester twes, strayed from my preiuisn .ilmni (K-t. !'_'. Kinder phmse OonouU>Mat wi'h A. Cnuieron, Kugenia Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to (live LArNl)UY-lt.iski.t le.iv Tuesday Hi-.. IM. di'livery Kiiday evening. CLKANINC and I)YB1N<J- We are ... mi ' for 1'iiiktH - Dye \Vork* i '|..i ins l.-wi. I mid dye 1, : i-lii.i T. I ISlli.R. . PROPRIfTOR R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. A|(nt for the Cockshutt Plow Cos" Full Line of Farm Implement!. tVngoim, Diiuyies, Cutters, Sleigh*, and Gasoline Enuinea, Meloitc i 'i. -.in i Separntors, IJiiker Wind Mil's, Pumps, Piping and Pipe FiUinuM nlways on liand I'eaity Bros', nf Kt-rn, Uiini Trucks, Litter Carriers and st.-tble ti'lin'js. Cockshirt and Frost fc Wood Kcpairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Sreet. Ftvtrsbam, Ontario. Farm For Sale or Rent , I'M nores in the 7th concession, lot JJ1,. Ai'teincsia, about 00 rods from school,, postortiije, and store. On the property is .1 Ins; house and a u<>od barn, two- wells and a good spring ; about 73 acres- cleared mil 70 uci-rs under cultivation. Will rent if not Hold. Apply to I). WHITK, K.K-k Mills. FARM TO RENT Lot !.', Con. :t, S. D. H. ArU-mesiii, containing 80 aoie.s of land in ''d stste nf cnltivatiiui, lit.st-class wutct in drilled well, u" "I luiildinun, one mile 1'iom Pricevillo. Apply 10 MRS. DONALD McAUTIH'R. Towiilinc. Pricevillo. Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Ofticcand Residence- 48, !Uh .St. Owen Sound, Out. Hours- to 12 a.m., l.:W to 4.IW p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment FARM FOR SALE f.,ot II', l/'on. Ii, Ospri-y, JW acres; uood ! suigar bush ; a innniiix; sti-rnm on luck i if fin in, the. rest <.f l In 1 land in ijocd stiite ! i) cultivation ; barn with !one foundt- : lion and ktabli!i<> ; water undi'i- for s'ock: power wheel for yrindiiin uraiii : dwell- liy house, brick cl.al, 2\ storn-N, S nioms ' Hid atlic, willi '..i.'i!i-i n iiM'iiii'iuv'w ; .iili riioin with i-o!d and but walur, s>.fi *lci kiipplivd ; wash n ion wi'.h cold mil Lot soft wa'cr iilso cold harrt water; -mppltrd from wi-ll ; furnace ; Verandah ind balcony ; i/ood well well with wind mill; telephone; about in.- minute* ' walk in school, Presbyterian, Me: nudist and Kn'JiOi cluuchcs, stoie and post- Hi.'.- am) blacksmith *hop. Apply on ' pcemUw. Win. WUHJIIT, Do You Realize The inoiii-y you can nmku soiling Frnit Trees '. The present demand fur Nurs- t>iy stock is the i;reatet in the history of tile buisine.ss. Kverybody who has the land is planting or propiirinj; to plant. We Want Now Km- fall and winter i>ionlh.s a n-li.i 1 I,- HI:UI to soil iii Flnshcrton and surround- ing district. Good pay, inclusive terri- tory, and all thn nclvnrof, in represent- in ai, old estaliliihod Knn. Over liOO acres under cultivation. Kstahlished -35 years. Write PKMIAM Nl'RSKRV i'<). 2J-i Ti routo, Dniario. . \

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