Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1912, p. 4

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December 19 191:! THE V L E 8 H E K JT O N ADVANCE An independent iifw|>*|>r, jHililislie.l every Tnoroday a *^fc e "Nic. Cojlinjwoiid Street, Kl.-li.-i inn. .Sffbacriptiou price 91 IMT annum. nhl-n | .:,nl III ...i\ in. ; $1.5.) Whfll lli>t Jiaitl Aiiv*rtiinir rt on application. CircuUt on 1.100 weekly. \V. II. TUuratoii - Keillor TRU TH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Forty Dollar Guns Twenty Dollar Dogs Ten Cent Game Sivcial ! The Advunc . Loup Cil), Nebraska, Dec. 12. Kdil ir Advance, 1 take it as I cum proper for ma to write you MS editor of our home pper and give you lomething .if my trip tn the " wild anil woolly West. HA we me sometimes prone to cMll it, and as this is my Hrst trip weal and HO far f i oin home, I Iind m<my thing* that ap|HM: i .:_ ' me, all of which would take too much space ill your valu- able paper, most of which I will reserve for verb-il repoit upon my return home. I! . while the neuter if ti. -h in my memory, 1 might uie you *ome idea t>t how my brother, tint' i- born in Ai- Umesin ~-~i years ni>o ,n i rwi> oilie' edu- cated Knulih gentlemen conduct H law suit that ws up for iral In-fore a jury yestelday Hfteniooii. The cn.ie was suit n the put ' f one .\ckerui4ii i-liiimiiu judgment aijainw the Imiik of which my luotlit-i i.- piesi- detit for HO imp. u.: 1-iiUiuv of a ch..|Uc for $412. W in the sum if f."M.r.:>, and Juring the trial plr* to the jury by my brothel he nmde SOUK- .illusion to the fact that the cine was i.ot that of the plaintiff, Ackerinaii .._;.:i,v the hank. but that in truth nnd in f-cl it -A ,- the j case of the elder of tin- t*o attorney* ..:nh-' the bunk fur ll.e purpo-c of \ent- , ing his (pleen nii'l evening u,i mi :i pei- oml ^rudga tgitiual the bank, to winch ( Ktatemrnt the opposing counst-1 took ex- ception .mil in 4 tit of iin^tT nri'ie tn his feet and "-aid that if my brother asKuled his integrity &< :ui attorney he would thrauh him. when the judae inieictded ..ml mad.- Mr. Ni^ht ins-ale, the up|Hisini< counsel, take his at-at, inntcad of impos- ing a line or sen'encini; him to jail as would be the probable action a judge Would take in our country. Tin- democrats have won for the first time in many yearn in this country and i hf < pposition are f< ar n, 1-1 i-laim to be tearing, democratic tun , which I take it incitiis sntip houses umi Coxcy s HI mien -main, from -the t..nr >! pmphi-sy. How- vver, 1 think s'Hiie l the hart 1 tuiien .poken of mil-lit be attributed to the fact that here they throw away .'isbis and so-iji. i.i sc do^-i and buy lions, yiow weed* and buy vryrtaldcs Catch lish ub a four ilol'iir roil, bmhl school hpiuot and send their children away i<> )H- iduiatid, Hlid tetlil I'n'ir bojs out limiting with foity o..I . i ^1111^ and twenty dollar d|>> to hun: ii n cent ^aine. In cisc I should I i- la-Id up for Ui ib'i vil I lii lu-l 1 am in a position t > \n ill- Cite inyKt'lf fioai the f.ict (hut 1 '^ot it font a local paper tbit moiniou. V u are ai lili.Tiy t> add tn or detract fioin thin article to suit .yourself and publish -n -h ... \ ii deem ndvisall.- and ihiow the It'M Ml I lie was'e basket. ,MHX I'KDI.AH. Eugenia Paragraphs Marr'ed On Tuesday, lit ii o'clock, Miss Hgllii Gen.*.*, to Mr. Fred Wick- ens of Kiinberlcy . Mr. and Mts. Park visited Hie latter* brother. Mr. MuLauulilin at Ceylon, (he past week. The people of Ku'jeiiia were nil shock- ed when they hca/d of the murder of Mrs Huniy Lov, who i net) lived here and was respected by nil who knew lie". Mr. JnineH McOee who had his tine barn completed this summer, hits had it cement basement put in. Mr. I dell ol 1'ortlaw did the work. Mr. Frank Cairns and dii tighter, 1'earl, visited on Snturd iy witli Mr. H Cain.s. Mrs. V. T. Carr has returned frou OriLh for the wintci. Mrs. Henry Williams entertained couple of .sleigh loads of young peopl from the village, at her honnj on Thurs day welling. They spent the evening practising for the Sunday School enter i.iiiiin.-Mi . which i- tu he held on Dec J"th. See hills for particulars. Miss A. Wilcock and Miss Loan Plethertoc, visited with friend) hen- -HI Sunday. Mr. Kills his rv.i'iH'J his position us teacher of th j public sehoy'. He in- tends Urchin ^ in Hamilton after the holidays. Miss McMtilleii h accrpted the position as teacher here. N\ . >x- tend a hearty welcome to her. Mi. Tims. Friiwick liax rented his father's properly here for live years. Mis. Ft- n wick. M'.. who has had in- different health, is visi'ing her daughter in Tor- int.' for a time to ee if it will improve h. r condition. mm. Carefully Corrected Each iVIiettt ................... 8Ti Weekj to &: to IW Peas ............... 1 1-' 10 1 12 Barley .................. 53 tn f5i Hay ............... Ill 00 10 10 00 Nutter .............. -"'< -' v E'jKft, fresh SO i P. u nines pel Imit Him Geese Ii tu Ducko ! " Fowl 1" to Tarneys 18 10 "", i0[ l ;l ; 14 !:: 'JU XMAS. STOCK ! COMPLETE On lor you i NEW CHUIST-! MAS 'SUIT NOW and got the best that can l>e produced and. at a reasonable price. WE SATISFY EVERYBODY in Work- manship, Style and Price. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Pressing and Oleanir.j ONLY ONE WEEK TO CHRISTMAS DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW ! ! ! oare-i fully attended to at the I'p- To-I);ite Tailor Shop C. BLAKELEY Fesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building THE HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSERS Djn't wait until the last week, when everyone is iu a hurry, but make your selections NOW, white joti have tlie best choice of quick selling merchandise. Our Christmas assortment is now at its best. A FEW CHRISTMAS MINTS Hockey SUaie, fill sizes 73c f> $4 Ou Hockey Boots, .ill sizes $1.25 to f 2.75 Sweater Coat*, all colors. 75c to 4-50 Wool T.-IJ.U s and Avi*tion Silk and Wool Motor Scarfs. . Lidies' Kid (il'ives, nil lei'jj'Ii' Knitted Silk Nrflcwe'ir Men's K.I (Jl'.vea and Mi'ts. . Initial Handkerchiefs, Silk and .25cto fl.25 oOc to $1.50 8lOOto$2.EO Re lo $1.75 T.TC to $2.50 " 25c to 50c Fancy Lawn mid Linen Handkerchiefs 5 C to 50 Lace Collars and Fancy Neckwear 25 C to $1.75 Ladies' Wool Shawls 50c to $3.50 Men's ari.1 B-.js Fancy Su'-penderj JQc tc oOc Fancy Silk and Cashmere Hosiery 5() c (,, $1.25 Silk. Net and L-twri Wa's's $1.IKJ to $5 Of) Lsdifs' F.ncy SI ppeis ai'd Pumps $1.50 to $2.75 Fancy Linen-.. C-.vcr>, Clothes, etc.. etc 5c to $1.75 FANCY t'HlNA A heau'iful ssoitment of Fmicy China, suitable for presents: Cups and Saucers, Fancy Plates, II- 'ii Iton Di.she*, Celery Dishes. Spoon Trajs, Cream Pitchers, Berry Dishes, SaUd Bowls, Biscuit Jars, e-c , ttc.. Sp cial Prices H* tit $1.50 Our Grocery Department is Ready for XMAS. Everything Reasonably Priced. Ex-Kimberly Woman Run Over by Train A dchpmch from I'arry Sound dated Dec. \'i announced the dea'b of Mrs Win. (,' irnlielil, who at one timu wan a resident of the KimU-rley valley. Mrs. Cornfield was about 70 yearn of Hge. Her biiNband died Mime two yctis BJ<O. Sbe was killed by the Toronto express on the Canadian Northern Itailway. M i - Cornfield lived on Koreni stieet, I'arry Soiiinl. ne.'ir where the railway track erositeii Forest street, nnd just before the mail train was ilur took th Hhort cut to the ccn'iv of the town H'.OIIK the rail' way Ir.ckh and was overtaken by the train in H i.> I. cut a short .li-i.ni..- fruiu tier home. She wj.s ijiiite deaf, nnu it i.t thought she did not hem the t i.,m as it up|iroache'l. A ureat ninny |ie..|ile take this short cut into town, but ihi is the firnt fatality which hits occurred An llH|Uest will be held to-morrow c\en- Durham Ml. Win. Kradley, uf < Ireh.'trJ, dispo - .dull bis |>i"|i ity near tint place to Mr. Weltn, uf Bentiocli. Weundentand it was aciishdeal. and that Mr. Bradley intends jioiiig weht in the near future. Wu ba\e ki.ow n Mr. liraulvy for over i wentj '-live years. A pitition is I..-H .; circulated in town and licinity Hppealm^ to tint Hon. the Minister ot Jinlice I" reduce the three yeara' sentence in St. Vincent de I'.iul l>en tontiary'impoied la.st week on J. H- Dai, formerly uf this place, for bigamy. The maximum time tixed by law is seven )ers. Hiul the iiunishnient imposed is less than half of llii* ( 'bronicle. Cutting Box Explodes lliiin.ver, Di-c. I.".. A somewhat M-iH'iis iieciden' occurred t the f .u 111 <if Mr. IVtcr (i!i-ii), on the snutb line, nbiiiit n niilit out of town, yesterday, when tt cutting box exploded and serious- ly injuivd AllnMt Kirsline and Maik Kioaldart, two your;; n,. n of the ncinh- b"ih..oil. 'I'liey wrie eiiijimco in cult TH stmw, t lie machine hviii<; driven by a I . id i.ii engine, when, in some in a Tc>imiahl wuy. .-in explosion occurred) t'ie two young uten hvin^ sinn-k abc ut t'iu head with living niiMsiles uinl rt'iul. i- e I unconscious, lly a \ peculiar coincid- ence both men received a ^ish in the forehead, UXleildinK from the hail lo the eyebrow, which ii''cefsii>ilnl Kevenil Milrlu s Their faces weie also l.ndly disti^uiril. ll.iih, l.mvfM'i, me rocover- im;. Two other n eu wereJiilHndii'g just three feet away in the oppoMte side of I he belt, mid f.iitllhately, rroaped un seratcheil. The f.'lee of the explosion WK torrilic, son.e of the knivvn brini' shot through the roof of tile Imin. CEYLON'S BU , s T Y f STORE BEAUTIFUL XMAS. GIFTSff g FOR ALL ! \ We Otter You tlii> Most Desirahla line to i-hoosr & Your Presents from. ?5 Our carefully selected display of Holiday Attractions will iiu- jri-css you with its worth, beauty and reasonable price. Desirable and Useful Presents Novel and Beautiful Presents. Onrattrariiims ins'irethe great- est ]>leasurc in joy in receiving. the most .Vina Glaus h*. o.,rne and left a big pa,, ,,f his bundle. Any child tut s-nd* their letters to u string what th.y w.nt Santa to brinz ihein, we will hand it lo him whn he comas to till up his pack to distribute them to the children Christmas Eve. We hav* a snap in Men's Fine Shoes at a big reduction. A.k t<, see 'hem. Also ijood 4-alue^ in all lines of Boots and Shoes. We have Men. Heavy Rubbets with tau tope 12 inches and inches high !- all the lower kinds Men's Uverehoea in low ones, aU. one buckle. Boys' and Women's Overshoes, low and hih. 2 buckle, a ai d 4 buckles. \\ o have Women's Sateen (."ndm-slurls, riannel lined just the thin* for wmter wear. All kinds of fancy .h. KS for Chn'tnL oo numerous t., meriti m ,, the 10th of this month. W e ept all our ( U i J .r.na,t,u.ts sue. a* '. rn Kos . Banana.. Lemons, drapes, and tr,nb,-rr : e.,UoN u u, Walnuts. Al.nonda, Filberts and Veanut,, nd all Kuids of ,,.ce cnd,es. Fnncy boxei nt Choclatesand Bon BOO*, ai.d some Christmas Holley. WE WANT YOUR FOWL, BUTTER AND EGGS. M (^ ^ r **>-. Du ndak A i/in . of li'i'i ,, was in i'lr on S'ltur- Jny by a couple of deleclivus it the M<- < 'nll'.ii'.'h House kept by Kich. Ann- strong. Provinci.'il Inspi el or, '!. K, Morrison was in town Tneiday ai.il la d n lnr before MBnislrate Sinclair. The case will be heard oil Friday. A oiiiet wedding look pluee in Dnii- dulk, on Tuesday, Dee lOlh, when the Uev. N. Williams united ill Hymen's bonds. Mis Alice Field of Mn.w.-ll. oiyuiist of Si. Mary's Church, and Mr. |{. ,li, it \riiolt, H well-to-do farnmr >f O|ir..y. The liewl.v-wedilod oiiple left pn (h ven'mtt trin for n honuy moon vif.it will. Sin -etsvilli- nnd Branlford frit-lids, idso Hkiii); in the Ouelj h full. II.1..M. Tlw Ami-rican Hotel, at Niaijarii KnlU, Oiitarin, was deMroyeu by liiv. Loss $7,000. All tin 1 otTii|>ant cHcapud wiih- out injui.V, but tt'Vi-r.il litvnn-n wriv overcome by sniokc. FlesHerton Tonsorial Parlors Wu Aim to (iivi' Kntiru'.Siitisfui-tion LAt'NURV Butket leaver Tm-sdiiy MI 1. 1 , delivery Friil.iy eveni-ig. CLKAN'INd and |)YIN<!-- We ore HentM for I'arker's l>ye WoikN IMuthrN cleaned and dyed, fathers ri'jnvetmti'd. T. FISHI1K, - PROPRIETOR INVESTIGATE wf#p& n f\ //i ^^ IT- ^L-^l> *Of^i m -^ ~ I -K^g^ Fur the lonir I'vi'nin^s j^et sonu* d have a LM-rat variety. For^it'ts rh ita re decid- edly popular and pleas- in'4, see nr line of toys B:>oks, and Novelties. Fancy (Joods. I 'oils, Notions, etc. Do not forget ti> bear the Victor Gramophones and Vietrolas. General our Barnes- W. E. RICHARDSON ^ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. SON !,>.-, WANTED A LIVK A(JKXT Flesherton and Vicinity To tell for The Fonthill Nurseries and lake ailmnlne of the wntuleifii dev.-lopn.,Mit of the FIM'IT BU8INK88 in Ontario at Hie pr.senl lime, whicl is civahni; an extraoidinary deiiiand f Fruit Troen, Ac. (Jood territory reserved l'ir LOCAL A UKNKKAL SAI.KSMKN. Start nnw. Out til free. \Vriti! tor paitii'iilars. Line Stone & Wellington Many Hustings l',.lli-i;i' i. th<< siini LOTT .-I,.-.. \anition the merit H of our school, whtuc indents at If ml fri in every prov. ince in I'anitda, nnd a* fur sonili in the I nitul States ";w Noida and Wyoming, ('ataloune free, I'lisiuoim jii I'llltOX I'D. UN T.. .ti nil i-x.'i'llriit ili Wiltu for Do You Ever Sleep? ; i C. A. FI.KMINO, F. C. A.. Hlinclpul. li. U KLKMINlt. - Secroiiny. OWI : .N SOUND - ONTARIO ., Farm for Sale at a Snap ?1, Hlid will bnv 1"'0 nries on ihu ravo! road hntweiin Kle.slnnti.il ahd Ma'kdule. The limber h lie nn (his properly u worth the pricn Hskeil. Apply lo ,lt)S. 11F.ATY, tirann- Valley, iM-n kihile, p. o. Sepl '.'0. If you do you will be wise to pay attention. I am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Neds. The original if the picture given at tho head of >; 'his ftdvertisi-mont will only cost you ,j^ $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Get aomething mco ond comfortfiblp in which to lay your wonry lirad. Of oonrsc we have other beds tit other n-icea, nil I'ljnally low in price Sanitiuy DMI such as everybo.lv '.vuntH. Sprinsa rtinl .Maitresses to H all be.Is. Kxamine our stock any- >vay, before inircliaaing your sli-ep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. Christmas Goods At BOYD'S We a iv in the swim again with Christinas Goods, Below we give you a list to assist you in placing your wants. Furs K $ Fur Caps fl.HO to J'.UMI Sea its #4.50 to ll.'l.OO Mutis $:!.r>o to $20. (MI Fii' -Lined Coats Ji.tT.nO.Jio.Oll Men's Curl lined co-its $14. (Ml to $35.00 Woollen Goods Sweater Coals 1 1.25 to.. 84. 50 Motor Hoods 7Sc to ...81.25 MufHars 25o to 81.75 Clouds 5e ti 60c Shawls 5.V to $2.75 Aviation C'ips .Mlc to SI. (HI Also (Sloven, Infant's Bootees, B'C. Linen Noyelties Side- Hoard Scaifs5lV to. $1.5(1 Tiny Cloihs 25e to 81.50 1'illow Cases per pair J?I.IK) t $;?.IH) Napkins .".c 'o $;* 75 Pniwn Work. Woollen, l.V to - 81.50 Table Cl..t In S1.IXJ to $.MMI Handkerchiefs & Neckwear Fancy Kinb. Handkerchiefs Tx; to M5 Ci Fancy Silk Hand kerchiefs loe to ^5 e (Senis 1 Silk Mufflers 25ctoS<l.V> Cent,' Neck Ties 25c to. . . .oOc Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars and t ] 4 4 t'4 i - 4 4 ].4 ; V ~'4 u Hells 2.">o Fancy -7.,,, . < DQi Slippers Child-s' 25c to 4.V. Misses' 25c to 75o Women's 50c to fl.75 Men's tiOc to S1.T."> oiid Ha^s ."ilc to .... ji7.."iO Fancy Jewel Cases 40 lo $2.,~>l> Collar I'ins Uc to 35c per puir. 4 . t . * - .* .4

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