Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1912, p. 5

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December 19 1912 THE F L E S H E K T X A D V A N E ( > : E THE ESTABLISHED IB79 AMABA OFF/CU SENDING money to any point in Carada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank'* drafts and money orders are used. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, B OH Branches also at Durham . Manafer. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleaherton Station Going North As next Wednesday will be Christmas , Day The Advance ;will not be, printed 88 , until Thursday. See the mock trial in the auditorium Trains follows : Going South _, 7.43 a. ui. 11.28 a.m. of the high school on Thursday evening 4.33 p.m. 8.58p. m. of thU week funniest thing out. The mails are eloMd t FleaUrton u j Next S ,bbath lhe p^, of tbe Meth . follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and ,. , 7p.m. ; and the aftsrnoou mail couth at, odut chnrch S lves Christmas messages 3.40 o'clock. For morning Wain south ' morning and evening. The service of mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g , song will be appropriate to'the Chr'stroas ^ ^ ^ tide. A choice program will a!sc be sup- plied, both morning and evening. Al the Assixes in Owen sound last, week there were three criminal caaes, nil of the accused being defended ty Mr. W. H. Wright. The case* were Rex. v. Hindle, Rex. v. Moore and Burnett v. Fergusou, the two former frum Osprey and the latter from Proton. VICINITY CHIPS We wish our readers all a merry <Jhristmis. Mr. Bert Best returned home from the West on Monday of this week. : Mr. Wright .succeeded in cieiring his i clients in each case. Albert Hindle Acquitted All village taxes must bo hindad in immediately. John Wriglr, collector. Born In Flesherton on Saturday 14th mat., to Mr. and Mrs. S. Shutik, a At the Assizes held in Owen Sound Th. Clarksburg Review blowed " , Mt week A , beft Hmd , e of Os?rey was itself last week by publutuug a very | (ned on [he ^^^ rf ^.^ ^ fife (Q creditable Christmas number. J , fce sawmilLbelonaing to Curcan Brol . ^ Miss yueeuie Kaitting of Feversham j L h e same township. None of the people upenta fe* dnysof the pas: week with i i n Osprey believed Hindle guilty, and her cousin, Miss Aleda Mitchell. this confidence was tiuite justified by the Mr. S. Shunk has taken the position young man's prompt acquitil. of caretaker of the Presbyterian church i Hindle was almost killed in the Cur- in the place of Mr. Wood, resigned. Rev. Mr. Robinson, chairman of the Otangeville district, preached two power- rui sawmill a couple of years ago. While woiking under the saw the machinery was started and he was horribly cut up | lieve, still incapacitated fir heavy wrk. Mr. Sargent Speaks Up ful missionary sermons in th Methodist [ on the side and shoulder. He is. we be- church here on Suuday. Born In Edmonton in November, toj Professor and Mrs. G B. King (nee | Miss Ethel Chadwiek) son, Blackwell : Chd*ick. While skating on Saturday evening Master Fiank Tnurston had the mi*for- Editor Advance : Dear Sir, I w:is a mail too late for last week's publishing. I would like a the wrist. small space in your paper. I noticed in your paper week before l*st that you i said that those that signed the petition Died- In Arthur on N..V. :'^th. Miss j did not kuow what they were signing Ellen Kelly, formeily resident of them for. They did know. Aud jo PricevilU. aged 62 years, niece i-f Mrs. also said that those makim; t ho diaries Catherine Scott. ' were not men of substance. If I had not a belter character amon^ my neighbors Miss Lillian Armstrong i* spendim: a ,, , r. than the county constable I won id leave few days with Mrs. Geo. HhbiD in Dun- ,v the country. In regard to me being dalk,ho had the misfortune to break hauled up two year? ago, it was false ev- her le last ! idence he w'ave about me like all the real Mr. Easson of Knot College, supplied he said in Owen Sound. You also said the Presbyterian pulpit very acceptably that something more may be heard of the past two Sabbaths and may supply , the case before very lor,'. I will give R^nin next Sunday, anuiveisaiy day. you to understand that I have not g< t to Mrs. Robert Nesbitt returned to her uke b ' ;ck ythin< I wid in County home at Credit Fork.s on Thursdny, nfter visiting her sister, Mrs. I. S nclnir. . EDWARD S Brighten Your Home For 1913 of Klesherton, ana other teUtives in the | %-icinity durinu the past twi- weeks. Messrs. Alt Kubbra cf the Toronto What will brighten >or li me better News, Will Wallace of the Star, and Mr. i than a beautiful, pleasing picture on the Mearni of the Globe were here in behalf wall. ' 'Mother's Treasures" is just the of theii papers from Thursday niglit un- [ picture you want. It is tit for any home til after the inquest reporting the Love in Canada and can be had free by sub- case. The Mai!, World and London scribing to Tho Family HernM and Advertiser were also represented. Weekly -Star of Montreal, the greatest and best family paper printed. It costs only one dollir i year nnd no home can arl'oid to bo without it. Every presei t The annual meeting of the Presbyter- 1 ian Sunday school last week the follow- ing officers were elected : Supt., Frnk Chard ; Assistant-, Chas. Stewart ; Li- brarians. Robert Chard, Ed. Loucks ; subscriber to that paper should wild hi* renewal now and jjet a copy of the beaur . iful picture. Any one not a subscriber Ori/nuist. Miss % era Loueks ; JUMtMfe , s ; should order the paper and picture at Ori^nist, Miss Reta Buskin ; Teachers, , _____ . nl _ . lJ_ _. _,_ __._ ______ Mrs. Alf. Harrison, Mrs. S. Irwin, Mrs. Win. Stuart, Miss Lily Thistlethwaile, J. F. Chard nnd C. Stewait. The Presbyterian Sunday school an- niversary on Christmas night, for which b Us are issued, gives promise of being a very pleasing entertainment. Tea is bem; dispensed wiih, but there will be a bi; quarter's worth in the splendid pro- grxmme to be given. Mr. Ellwood Ge- noa of Toronto, a hih class tlocutiouist, M u i .L XT <"nea. They will help to make the New Year brighter for you. Art and Agriculture It was no misconception that linked Agriculture and Arts in funning one ol the old associations tiiv. in great measure, laid the foundation of Canadian Art. -igricultuie and literature, dominant peoples. One* a , , engaged for the evening, is a big .ttntc- j y eftr " The F * ri " >jr ' !J Adoto and Home tion. He will be assisted by Mr. W. R. I My. ' ** Lo " dt '"- Ont - *"* & Genoa is , readers to :l Curry, bass, of Toronto. Mr. Genoa is , reaers o :l miuas number, cover already very popular here and will no " d contents of which .his season make dcubt draw a crowded house. There will * re cou.l.matum of the practical. also be songs, solos, trio, rtcitat ions and'" 19 historic aud the <irtlstltf - Thv other pretty numbers j charmtn? colored fronti.sp.ece .urpanso. ' anythiua 'ha paper has heretofoie puli- Mr. Hallett, an electrical engineer j lished, in conception, richness nnd employed by the Hydro-Electric Com- ' briliance of execution. The Northland inisMon, was in town on Thursday and' picture symbolizes the bold spirit of Friday last examining into the lighting Canad.i. and Allies I. ml, an e<niiKMil plant here with a view of milking a re- ; Canadian woman of letters; Jus. H. report on the advisability of utilising it ' Hill, the Canndian-born poor among temporarily until the larger devel ipmcnt American railroad kings ; Pn-f. Thos is completed t Eugenia. Mr. Hallett Shaw, S B. Siiu-':iir, Ph. D , of Mae- was, ef course, perfictly non-conunittal Uonwld Collage; Prof. H. S. Arkell, us t.o the probable outcome, alvo as to j Peter McArthur, Prof. H. L. Hutt, wliolhpr the nctual piirchnse of the power [ Dr. C. A. PiiMow, A. K. Adam-', had been made from thj Georgian B.iy . numheis t>f the editorial Muff, and Power Co. While he did ti..t confirn 1 , other cipable writer.', contiibute tu-licles he did not deny that lhe p.>wor w is in w , for us one hundred pages, which is much controlled by th Commission. larger tliau the issue a yeir ago. The lina array of articles includes a, capital report of the great international show at Chicago, where Canadian breeders won the highest honors in cattle, sheep, and Clydesdale horses. The illustrations are in profusion, and include nuny tine photogravures and reproductions of the best paintings of Horatio Walker, of New York, a distinguished son of Canada ; Lauren S. Harris, J. E. H. MacDonald, J. P. Hunt, Win. St. ThouiM .Sirith, and other noteworthy CanaUian artists. Publijuers and readers are alike to be congratulated upon this superb number, which sub- scribers, old anil uew, receive as a Clirisuuas compliment. Adults and youngsters will be delighted with the Home Magazine Department, in which appears a beautiful photogravure of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Con- nauitht, bearing her autograph. Judge Barrett handed out his decision last Thursday on the appeal of certain towns against the aasesmeut. he lisa decided that income and business assess- ment shall not be considered in the equalization for county purposes, lhe Judge also holds that this must apply to all towns aud villages whether they ap- pealed or not. This means thu t ( . a towns and villages will receive a reduc- tion m county rate to the ami a it that they were assessed on business tax and income. As a result of this decision, Walkerton will save about *5>0. -Walk- ertoti Herald. Odds and Ends SOCIALS AND CONCERTS The auniversiiry of VandeV-iir Sunday school will be held ou Dec. 31. Tea from to 8. An excellent program is being prepared. Admission 15 and 25c. The Kuigenia Presbyterian SundiV Schcxjl contemplate holding their annual Christmas Tree and Entdrtainment ou Friday. Dec. 'J7th. A choice program of recitations, dialogue*, drills, tableaux and singing, iJv. au address by Rev. Mr. Wellwood, B. A., B. D , and a recitation by Mrs. (Rev.) Wellwood. Mr. Lee of Dundalk will assist with readings and teciutions. Admission 20 cents. Chrintmas tree and Entertuioment under the auspices of the Kimberley Mdthodist Sunday School, on Friday evening, Dec. 20. A aood program of songs, reactions, drills and dialogue?. Presents to be handed in early I nil ii! i III I!! ft ft ft ft ft ft : jjl ft 1 [ ii ft ft i i ! l i i I HILL BROS., MARKDALE Standfield's Underwear the Centre of a Great Deal of Controversy and Contention FOR THE PAST MONTH we have seen a goo I deal of contention between local merchants in regard to Stanfield's Underwear. We find one claiming to have the sole agency for Markdale ; another .stating he has the goods at the right prices : and now we say to you : if you want to buy Standfield's Under- wear, the genuine article, branded and stamped, at less money than you pay else- where, you will have to come to this store for it. The proof is being able to deliver the goods. So come to this store expecting to buy Stanfield's Underwear less than you will have to pay elsewhere. Remember we claim to have no monoply of this line, but we have the goods and the prices are right. CorSetS Of OuaIitV Afullstock tlle Celebrated P. C. Corsets for " * Ladies, moderately priced from 75c to $i.~> a pair Reliable Corsets, attractive in appearance, serviceable in wear, and the hist word in style, tic aud ciu jrt are .-insured in your selection at this store. Mcxleratley priced at per pair, 7~>c t.> $L'.^." Corset Special 75 pair of Ladies' Corsets, Cunipiun and D. %t A. Makes. Thus is ri bitr cidaiiup fn>m our rejuLtr >; >c'n as we are discontinuing these makes and for that reaaon you can buy S5c and $1 00 CjrseM for per pair doe. BIG ASSORTMENT < >F STYLES 50 pair Ladies' Corsets made by the same firms. All sizes, 'H). 73 :ind $~>c lines .-U-:ir:n_' it per pair t.-v. Admission 23 and I5c. ' on Friday. ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale Sett light .ileiuli* fir one liorae or two, also light wagon, both with pole and ahafla, and nearly new. Apply to Goo. Myers. Flesherton. I II i i i i : ! II ! : i ! ! i II An Offering of Specially Priced Fancy Silk and Nett Waists, This Week, $1.98 The Styles -ire new, the Dualities itnd fit represent a very much higher price with a splendid variety of styles to select from and the price you usually p\j is 3.'!.50, g:t.7'> and S4.3U. For the same o_uaufiry ,-md style. . . .tl.'.W Rubbers of Every Kind for Fall and Winter Wear Never before have we stocked so heavily and ahowu such i lar;;e vtriety of makes and styles as this season, and if you want to get juat what you want in Rubbers at the ritflit prices it will pay you to inspect our stock of Men's. Boys', Women's, Girl s anil Children's Rubbers. All Styles and nukes in heavy and liijbt. Special from Hardware Dept. |7> j../. Fancy (German China Cups ;md Sucers for per doz . This is a very tine line of German China *ith Choice of Colorings and decorations. New Fall Stvles in Wall Papers are here W IMI \Ve have just placed in stock our new pattern.* in \\all Pi|>er^ f T lhe Fl Trnde *o if yew are outtteiiiplatin^ ., duinj; any paper !: lu-ni.'. it will pay y^-u to sue our i.ew stock, which !*.- just arrived. HILL BROS. MARKDALE. ! ! ii Cooking stove for sale, will burn coal or wood, nearly new. Geo. Myres. Pltaharlon. For Sale Two grsdo Holstem c.>ws. Apply to A. Htrrinon, Flesherton p. o. 55 good brood ewes for sale or to let "ii sharex. Apply to C. Stewart, Flesh- erton, < 'lit Oxforddown Rim.s for sale ii shtktrl- itisj r.iins :it $12 (*) t JlH'Mt, ] >* noi linbs at 810 to 312. ;11 sirod Iw import, il rams. Lots 31 and .".2. :' 5. D. R . Oiprcy. Ri>bt. Aniiitt, M.ixwull p. ... Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH For Sale Good il-r-.ntned frame d wall- i>ii> and stable, all complete, in rirst cla^k - ii.iii i ii and lepnir, with hard ir.i *uft water. Will t-ell very "heap if sold this month. Apply R. J. .Sproule. Fltslnr- ti-n. Out. NovTu" Ortice and Residence- 4iiS, !'th St. East. Owen Souird, * 'nr. Hours '." to l-J a.m . 1.:>J to \.W p.m. 7 to s p.m. Other ho.'vs by appointment FARM FOR SALE Faimto Kent 1")U acres, all Apply to W. J. Bellamy or Mrs. J.'imieson, Fleoherton. J;me,s MISCELLA.NEOLS I am |irepai-ad to do chopping; a^ain thi winter in Maxwell, evi-iydiy except- ing Wednesday. Keiyb.-dy come. M. Kerton. Lots 74 and 7-"'. Con. :'.. .north of Durham road, Artemesi-i. iroiitaiiniiu 1 iiciv*. SO acre* cleared. !"' acres liist cliisa hardwood bush, balance hardwood slash, cleared. all good land and in g -od slate of cultiva- tion, well fenced, i ncru orchard, hi-st- class water in drilled well, biick house nearly new. W * '!-' K~ "*}' . bar " 54x"4i" Five ncres of fall whaai. Farm will be sold. For further par- ticulars apply to S. SIIKAUDOWN, Proton Slntion, p.o. Everything New and Fresh For Your Christmas Cake New Kaisias. Currants. Lemon. Orange audCitrOD Peels and oake trimmiugs. Lu "isli. wo lave No. 1 Lake Superior Trent. Hen-ujg. a:nl Dig by iJuiokeJ Herring N.\ 1 Lake Caiu.L'd Salrucu. Toiuaice?. In Flour we have tb* Lake of die Royal Household. Dundalk White Hose. G!or?'- Chop Wheat. Brau. Short?, and and Hve Hosts. uul .Matkdalc Morning Low-ifrade Flour, Eoval Purple Stock :iinl Poultry Speciries beat anything made. Prices Always Hight. at the Flesberton 6roc*r W, L, Wright, Grocer, Fesherton Wanted Market man. App'y Mc- Ki;'. in. :'.'.. .Mil's-, I will hereafter be found at (he Mun- shaw House by any person wishing to transact business. C. Wolfe. For Svile The undersigned often for a'e throe lots in the village of Ceylon, on wlreh are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling. 8 room!', with stone cellar, and ,1 good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Apply ti> Jits. Ashdown, HwiMi Sound, or W. J. Bellamy, Flesheiton. PROPERTY FOR SALE House with two lots and four acres, nark lota in Flesherton for *i!c. Good fi-Hine house, s'ablf, fruit, etc. Al*" one I vear-old aeneral purpose mare, broke t..." sii.gle i-r doub'e. Apply '" NN "' Heid/Klesherton, for purticuliirs. l.">dec Buy A B.T. Litter Carrier J_ R. D. Meldrum. miniate MHBktV P.'ttlaw. i.-wuer of FARM FOR SALE Lots "'.*. I N.l> U OR RENT Pal ties requiting rafierw, cedar posts or stakes, two f< ot or four foot wood, cm have the .Mine .-t a reasonable price on 1,'tO sideroad by app'ying to J. I. Graham, Commissioner Ward No. 2. ArtemesiB, con- taining '.HI acres, Ho clonru-1, well fenced and well watered, in !!<'od t'ate of -ulti- vatioii, one mile from Wareliam school .tnd post olHce. four miles from Proton station ; jioud frame b'ini SttxoSon stone foundation ; drive shed 80x3Q>gOod oom- foit.-ible hnu>e, smnll orchard. Will tnke small imymeut down. Apply 15Fe) , _\V. .1. HKNDKHSON Or W. .1. Bellamy, Flesherton Farm for Sale 100 acres- -I-.ot 3'-', eon. ri, AtteOMMM, " ' o5 acres cleared, 50 <iete* under cultiva- tor \iims Have you thought of j tion( l)(l i ftl , C( , hardwood and smp, well photos as a sift to your friends' There j fenc ,,j 811 j W14 ten-o, u'"od house, new re no mrv appropriate gifts u>w than | fnlmo ) mnl w j,|, stubUii" undr, aU<> pig ] henhouse , uu l she-p pi. mu | j tf l uery . Apply to now than photo_>r.iphs and none that will be more appreciated. W. A. H.twken, photo sttut, Flesherton. Wanted A intn l c( ntract to cul two or three hundred cords ot fmir foot wood nnd a quantity ot short wo id. \pply to (I. Watsoii, Kleslieiton p. o. L. O. L. 8S:t will hold their anuual nici-uni! in the Orongo ball. Ceylon, on l>ecemr-er I 1 -', wlwii elect inn i f nUlcei-s Hiid other bu<hus< will be Ir insHcii'd A I the inembi'n arc requested t" v e M-etuMit. .1. H. Si.ell, \V. M.. T. F. Wright, Kic. -See y AI.HKUT BLACKBURN, U.K.* Mills p. O. FARM TO RF.NT Lot '2, Con. ;?, S. D. K. Arlemenin. coiitit'iiintf S" acn-H of liind in tfoml st kti' ot cult ivat ion, liist-eliiss wati i in ilrillt-d well, muni naiMiuR*, *ie mile from Prkvville. \|.ii!v u> MKS. DONALD Mi- B.T. Stands for the Best AND The Best is None too Good. THE B. T. LINE OF GOODS ARE Hay Carriers. Horse Forks and Slings, Litter and Peed Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stanchions Water Bov/les, Load Binders, Rack Clamps. ;ForSa!c by S. Hcmphill. Ceylon. Ont.

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