Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1912, p. 8

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1 December 19, 1912 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Smalf Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS IUULLOUOH * YOUNG bftnkw* Uarkdalc -orl banking business . Money loaned t nonljl iki t Call on us. TChlBLETT, FttttinMtrr, Oylon. CommiMionor m H. C .1 .Convevancer, dee.lt, inor.-i. lewer, will* etc carefully drwu up Ollectioni mad.-, cliargn reM>nb.e. Also rocvriw, flour, feed etc. kept iu utock, I'rices EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the Uri'est attendance in its liiM.ii ,-, The Collingwood Business < illi-T ban |.!HI i .1 in a .....! posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from .January 2, 191.'?. Send for hiimlsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE DldcPHAIL. 1-icerneJ Auctioneer tor the' County of Groy. TeruJH mcxlerte ud -.ti.l.ctiou KU rnted. Tbe f/*"""" ml (UU of l <" * tnd . TUB AU%NCK ofbc* He.id.uw uJ P.O.. Ceylou. Tclepboua >:ooueclton. !>. .07. T. I . Hawkins, Principal Farms for Sale W the co Krn> and Stork .) half lot H, CUD. 11, Township . e**r.l>iui AfT.mcfcou. .tore. e**r t> l.lrrtiny me at Kevershnu, Ont. .y) Acres-West half lot H.COU. 11. Towuhliip U K A ITT1NG, Licensed Auctioneer ' j O l Oi>rey.| the couuiien ol tirey d bmico*. , :>0 Acr .- B _|.;, sl \, of Ofiprey. SO Acres West lisll lot 7, con. 11, Tuwuship of ' Isprey. V) A;re--EatlulI lot 7, C3ii. 11. Township of Os)-rev. 100 Acres Lot :ii. Con. 10, Artemuia. HK) Acres Lot :KI, 4'on. 11, Artrmesia. J> AcresLot :i,<'ou. 1:1, lot 4. Con. H I lupri-y . lOOAcres -Lo 1:011. 14, .\rten, eni, 100 Acre* Lo 11. con. M, ArteiDfwia. 100 Acres Kant hall lot 7, con. . Kuphrasia. t> Acrts Lots -24 ami \!\ con. H, Artetiieeia. H<J Acres Part LotU4. 14"i, MC.Cou. :i, N. E. T. S. H.. Ar'omeshL MEDICAL aid Acres Lot:t i. anil 40, con. 12, Artvmeiiis. :5 Acres :I7, coil. lii, Artem**)*. Advance, Office , r.d.nce-Fetr .t.. Fle.b.rton etc f Y OTTEWELL I ,,hi,vttnu Church. DENTISTRY MURRAY U. O. S..J \V. A. AKMSTR<X<}, FleNherton June l:itf Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paiJ in advance Kubscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S I 00 Youths Companion \i IX) Toronto World, daily :i 00 Toronto Daily News 1 .V) Weekly Glolio '.Ml Mail-Empire 7"> Family Herald A Star !K) ~ bonciMH-.^v.-jj "^""jiiji'e C "(ifli'cei; mH.WKIOHT. TKI.KOKD * .Ji ll >'. r v W B.rri.t.r. Solicitor.. *',,''" ^ A llruce Block. Owen tkin<i. Sl j.'"' r ., ' *,", W<x-k. Kle.k.rru.0. (SaturjJay.i. - H. Wright. W. I 1 . 'felfoKlJ'.^. C. McUoaai'l. li^U. ." Toronto Star Farmer Sun Farmers Advooata Weekly Wit.ies? Saturday Nivtlit Home .Jininr.il Poultry New* . . . : Poultry ISeviow Hud and > .un magazine ] Ml !IO 1 ">() M :i 00 40 MO A SOCIETIES J W tueeti ou he lait Monday .a*b^o' 11 tb. | D th.lr !.-. room '.ha.. Klb.rtou ,at B P--',*- b.rl.n. .T.ry VJY orjbeforethe ull mocn I.. A. VMMf. M.; Tboi. Clayton, Setre'.ary. I. 0. H. dayotlbe uiontb. nHOKKN KhIESOB-Flesherton V"", t ; 1 i .1 C boVen Km-ml. meet* In Clayton 'shall flit T. lllkelev:K-cor<lr W. II. Huut. K.|lauiv. Hto.-Tiea. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, nr-t class Workmanship. --ALSO A line of Keady-Made Clothinj- Which we |iut alterations in free of jliau'e, if required, Kimberley Budget Beautiful weather at present. Wafter Klliutt <>f Markdale visited at Mr. Niil Boyle on S mi!,,\ last. H..I-II- -On Wednesday, Dec. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8tunrt, a daughter. Mr. (ieorgf Stuurt was a caller in our burn one day last week. Jluv. Mr. I;. i i i.iji , Prsbyterian minister I Temple Hill, occupied the pulpit in the Metliuditt church here on Sunday m.>rusiig last and bTMIobod un excellent seimon. Miss Knna rUmitt, who h*s been at- lending the Model school . Durlrini, has returned home. Mr. John Hurl' of North liuiilefnrd, Sask., visited Kiinliorh-y friends H few d*ys last week. He is a former teaclitr of the Kimbi'lley public school and lias made good in the f.n 1 West. Mis. John 1'lewes is \:-IHIM/ ('oiling- wond friends at preient. Mi 1 . Wtlfriil H;ill of p'liirmimnt made a business trip to Ki.nberley on Satur- day last. Miss lielle Clinton of Flesherton vis- ited with her sister, Mis. John -Smith, a few days last week. Mr. Charles Siua.it liax secured the principalshi| of hmbro public school at ii salary cjf $800. Charley is a firet class teacher and no doubt nil! briny the school up to a high standard of excellence. Mr. and Mrs. Rand Brady <>f Cherry Grove visited at Mr. D. VVebeis the fore part of the week. The municipal p.. is beginning to boil in Kuphrasia. All the old Council will seek re elect io.i. New ones- are, .1. T. Miller for deputy, J. M. D.xvis .-ind H. Hurd for Council. How the Katydid Sings. Everybody is familiar with the rasp. Ing notes known as the katydid's "song." H Js the male only that Is ca- pable of emitting the well known ounds, and he dos It In a most pe- culiar manner. His "vocal organs" are t the base of his wings and consist of two flat excrescences of thin, dry mem- brane. It It the rubbing of these two membranous plates together which pro- duces the "song." If your shoulder blades were so loosely put together that one could be slipped under the other and the underside of one and the upper side of the other were no rough that the operation of dipping them past each other would cause a rasping sound you could Imitate the katydid's musical effort* very nicely. Fever s ham Items Mils Weidinan of Toronto has opened up a dress making (x'.ablisment in hei brother's store. Mies Weidman is an experienced dressmaking of year's stand- ing in the city, and no doub' will be well patroni/.i-d here. Well the people around this neighbor- Will Give $500 to Sick Readers of Advance Famous Scientist who Originated the Now Wonderful "Home Treatment" Otters S/.OO Package Free to Sick and Ailing. In order that every reader of The Advance who may not'l.... heard of.thi. onderful "Home Treat merit" may have 01 Bowel I People who rmhVr from Rheumatism, . . . , Bronchitis, hood were all pleased at the outcome the Hindle Cm-ran casein Owen Siundme'lic last week, Albert Hindi*:, who wan at-. 1 ' rested on the slightest suspicion lw)ible^ r u ! * ( J l re j". ea l j e r i,Tif this paper? to prove j will be delighted at the effect of a for the burning of W. J. Curran's saw- the wonderful claims which have been Hoses. This wonderful treatment creates mill on the 10th concernon of Osprey made for it. In making this offer the a tine appetite and helps the digeali.e scientist Haid "I know that there are organs to carry on their functions they *.l -July, being honorably aci.uitted by Mj * ; ho JjJJJ| ^ hu|fering f(Jl . : , h * uld . It btr eng-hens the kidney,, too, his honor, Judge .Sutherland, and the r * ' wit h some c ], ro nic diiease and I ana drives rheumatism poisons from the petit jury, without a word of fofenceLnan} O f them have spent large sums of i blood as if by magic. That is why evidence being taken. When His money seek in* * cure. I know that j people *ho try it become so enthusiastic. Honor heird the evidence for the \^ ese }*"&* esiti4 ' e about > e ' tin 2 i Aoy leader of The Advance who will euau.ce for the money ; medicii.e bocause they have i try this extraordinary medicine that prosecution he slopped the case, order- d ,, s|m - rfd ,,f eV rr getting well. Thous- | has created so much excitement by its' ing the jury to stand to their feet and Lur]* have told me that story and n. any i cures can obtain absolutely free a full sny not guilty to the charge laid against thousands of the same people have ten fl.tf) treatment by simply tilliue in the Hindle which they speedily did " ie a'trw'>uu' s that my treatment hud j co uoon below or writing a letter describ- ' *'."'" 'loured them after doctors- and everything i [ their case in tlieir own words, if they Hut now comes the unfa.riH's) of the| else | )al l failed. I want to prove to a , pl . e fer, mid mailing it to-day to James. tr;iiis ; iction as Mr. Currin on the sligh t:|i,,,jted number no matter what the i VV. Kidd, Torouto, Canada. No money est evidence possible against Albert, disease, no matter how lf>ng they may I nee d be sent and no charge of any kind had him arrested by detective Heaburn , hav inffered, no matter how blue and I w j]l be made. MtM ,, y d((t;g HCCO . np l 1K ., th e wonder- ! Tamworth* lor Sale Holh nearly leaily for lirof.liiiK- l''leei , i,.M to, qu.rk a,l ^^ ,. Boar for Service Pure I'.r.'l Tfci."ill. 1'" " f " r Tviif I, Caiih. N. Hin II'-, M.IXW.-H Out. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Setting Her Right. A newly married woman mnde pie for dinner. "I am afraid." the bride cald, "that I left eometblng out. and that Jt'a not very good." Tbe husband tried It and eald: "There ts nothing you could leave out that would make a pie taste like that It's something you've put In." Argo- naut Matthew Arnold. "Matthew Arnold had a curious way of telllug little stories against him- self writes Sir II. W. Lucy In the Cornhlll. "Talking about Mrs. Arnold, he snld: ' 'Ah. you should know my wlfel She has all my charm of manner and none of my conceit' " Bull for Service TliiriiuKhl>""l Sh. PI ill.. rn Imll, I '.!" Hi" ' Iji'l (en "Tvice mi l"t Id, '"" " . I"' 1 Ptd\g* on avplicatlon. ; sn%iiv, 11.00 fui 1 -ivii*. l-'ull price dharged f.ir <"wii uut rturii< d. .1. M lll'KNS BULL FOR SERVICK TboNM|^ibt*d8kartbnni l>nll,"l)nil.y .lim" H7H4, tin rvice on l"l I7's T. * S. K., Ar- .in. M.I Thin animal i "f pK)d 'milking train. Pwliitrw? IMI appHcti>m. Terira, 1, la^ter-l *:t. .1 \S. STINSON Proprietor. Boar for Service A large white Yerktliire Xoar for nerv!ce on lot Kit, Snl raiiK W T. * 8. H., Artemeila. T " U ""- ' H.WALI.FK. Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means sometliiiig. We are not here to-day and away to-inorrow ; you know just wliere to find us. I Comfortable vision or your mone.w back. No guess work. Accurate, scientilic measurements and tests. Difficult cases i specialty. W. A. Armstrong. 1'ure bred Hereford bulls for M!I- on w. T. A S. S., Artemexia. I March ! -*. A.. I. \\.\TfSON. Proton Station.] Home ami Lot in I'uv, -rshani-lood coment block house, frame stable, j acre lot, _ .ml well at d'Mir. Also lot !'_' and K. half 11. 12ih con., Bulls for Sale l>,: 171, :t Property For Sale Lamb Kstray Came to my pi. iniseH, lot Itll con. 7, ArtemrHiu, ahuiil Srpt . 15, one lamb. Owner pirate provi* propi-rty, pay ex and take Haine away. A. McLKAN, Hook Mills. Bull For Service jOsprey, oontftluiog InOacies ; j{oud friinie barn, ntc., WH)| watered, good xlock firm. For teniiH and Mttioultn apply to .IAS. T. MuK KM/IK. FeVHi-Hham I'.O. FARM 10R SAM I. in aiTrs mi iiir 4th < un , BophrMU. ' Will sell cheap and on easy termi, Must Thorough br*d A bi-rdf en AIIJUK Itnll, jhe mild. Also IM coloniei of beea for "Black Diamond KiiiK," for Hervice on sale, cheap. Aiijily to .IOIIN SMITH, Kimbeil-y p.o., (Int.. lot 28, Con 4, Olenehi. W. H. l'ATTKKS')N, Prop. il5Dec Badly Smitten. "I wish there were ten dayi to the week," sighed Gladys. "Why?" asked Urac*. "Jack could cat) oftener then." Lon- don Answers. of Toronto and Cjuntv Constable rook f lot- .,, y Constable Cook of Qeyton, taken to Owen BoBBd for hijf u _ re ults that have Wen reported. pri-liminai-y hearing, though they miuhti in all fairiii-ss have takes^ him before Mr. Mr. .1. A. Kemahan, J. P., who rcide within :! miles of where they arrested him and also magistrates, Hoyd and McMnlli'ii nf Flesherr.ui, all three of whom they passed before reaching the C. P. K. on tlieir way to Owen Sound, and now, after Albert paying* large sum of money fur ductois and hospital fees, as a iTtsult of being nearly sawed to pieces in Curran's sawmill four years ago, while doing work Oirrun had as- siyncd to him, and getting no remunera- ton from Curran, has now been put lo another laige expense and a lot of trouble It > dufriid himself, ..ml we under- stand there it, no r< course, so Albert wiU have to foot the bill after beinis a quilled of the charge. Wo think if t'u>se officials who arrested him, and Curran, who had him arirsted wen- used the Mime way, they would not be so keen to pile up the expense, aud numbers of iiii-n in the court where beard to say, what a shame, is this Ihe British fair play we boast off The Kev. PuTchtiM! of Singhamptoii changed pulpits with the Rev. Pniinisler ! i-i SablMth in the interest of missions and yave us an excellent address. Mr. and Mm. R. J. ('o!i|iiette vi sited with their daughter, Kirs. Harry Uorton, on Miiiulay last. Mr. A. Heron has returii.-d from tie Watt, wheie he apeiil the summer with his noli, Kred. The pleople in ibis village nnd I ni'i^bboihood were greatly shocked to litar of the ninrJer of Mrs. Henry Line at LVylon, li.sl work, a number i<f people hue bring i<|iiainlcd with Mi ;unl Mrs. Love. , Hscouraged^ that my treatment really As lhis ,, tfer j, limited, you should i[e M onc ^ j,, , rfer , o be g(ue , o rectlive y , jur free t Coupon CB-125 For Free Dollar Treatment DR. JAS. W. KIDO, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send me a full $1.0") Course of Treatment for my ctse, free and p.>st aue [)aid, just as you promise. HatiM Post Office Province Street and No Age How long Afflicted? Make a cro'X) befor ..Rheumatism ...Lumbago . Catarrh .. Couatipation .. I'.lco ..Diarrboea . .ToruidLi*r . .Iniligeatlon ...Stoinacli Trouble (jive auv other >yu > distant you have. T you luff Kidney Trouble . I'.lailder Trouble Weak LUUK* ..4'hrouie <'ough ..Maleria ...Aetbauia ...Hay Keer Heart Trouble ..Pool Circulation jptoui t on a seperate no creases I X X ) b r most. .Impure Blood .Anemia I'm !!- ..Eczema ...Neuralgia .Haadaebe ..DizzineB . Nervoube*i . .Obeaity sheet. < ' urespoii'I efore the one frcm whirh Kemaia Weakneas .Wonib Trouble Ovaiian Trouble IV!'. Period* ...Hot K:aBhe* !.: Down Pa i in MI.--' in nit i^'i. ia:-.'- Killed in Threshing Machine Sudden indeed wii'a the death tha overtook Kdwiud II. Iliii- a pupulai young Mono townnhip f. inner, sun of Mr. a id Mrs. Adam Hallivrt, Oordon ntrest, Slielt.iuine, aliout 4. ItO o'clock Thursday ufioriuMii of last week, on his own farm | lot 2!, con 2, wist, Mono. % ONE CENT X KATION-i POl'H UN" CENT *'"e*t tout ce ]n*l: VOUH *n coti'.er piHr K^rdr .- vof aniniuux < n l>u. t'-tal u\ ft; . iunicux tcnique ; ) ii'i i fin i> 'H's i-ur i**- mcrve ! H :im*nt. Mut l^ dodirs en *irt-'. t- i Turce pour > : nimuui. 4 i-n:r * in. In icn ;t 1 JOHN BUUKHS l S 4 M-k T r <<>it.i',: on (,Uf I ln:| ;.n'.'.r \-i- 'lnimiu.Uiwl MtM-k loot! *' * i> >'. i - A v MH v,t h< df 1 A 4 :-i:iu- <le Ilkit lf plUfl pjf jur. I! ll' y .'i ri-i fumrnv ia Inlernaiio ul *.-. i. t .. i no'.tr "3000 SlM'k Bixk". Knvoyex- rous vutre nom et -,-. i-i t(- 1NTKRSATIONAI. STOCK FM>I 1 .|L.. CO., I 1M1 I I II | TORONTO ONTAKIO Mriiliuiuiri U PATKIK. For Sale by John Fisher Flesherton, - - Ontario, The ulose&t approacti to a that was ever known in WalkertD oc- curred at the Knec'ittl furuiture factory here on Saiurdny morning last, when the liug elevator di'ojiped like an axe from n guill niim onto the neck of Peter Dietner, and that he*in alive to-day to VTben oar hatrefl Ii too bitter tl place* til below those whom w hat.- La Hochpfoucnuld. , annMHiaait Ii STRAYED Strnyvd from uiy prcfnifCB on or about Oct. Kith. 7 laintm mid 1 ewe. Any- body lindinit s:iini', ]iU'.is coinmunicute with -S. McMTLLKN, Kli'sherton p. o. XMAS. WEEK At PedwelFs Store Have \ u your lioli lay Mi|>|ilics yet I If nut, give us a call. Our Kdiids are pood and prices linht. We have n full line of trtwh ((irocerieK. Finott con- fectionery ---- Nuts, Almond;-, Kilbi'it*, I!rr. IN and IVanuU, New D.ues, Kating FigH, Tuhle i- . in. , M.ii i . i Ornpex, HttiiniiM and Orange*, OhoofotN and liMii-llons. A grand display of Novelties, Toys, K o. A Hplon- did line (if goodi, suitable for presents. .Smyrna rngf, Table Covers, Ladies' Fur Lined Ciml.N, Ladies' l/uilti^d Touts and oveiything I'p-to-Date as found in ft general country stor. t prii'eK ]i.iid fur prOttnpe jtell the story is one of the niysteriea of Clmrle. Sanf,.rd's thltthoc was at j an H1{e (l[ wondeM . It was while leaning I wink on the farm and Mr. H.ilbert, un-| ovcr the e | evilto , K , lte | ol , killg ,] owll into known to tlu- men, WHS in a narrow spacr the shsf( ,, e , (lw ,, )at Dietllel . WM alluo , r betwran the b.wn wall and the deapi - ]lttred int( , Hllo i her wol . M by the e i evator of the separator, where he had apparently d , sccnjin ,, from lkbove lnd swaU in K him s r.,neto remove soino K rain that l">'l' ne r tha collar. He was up-ended by accu.niulaU'd. What is known as *> & blow, Ilk f eet n v i lu{ automatically de.'k belt bad come ofl'the lower pulley il)U , , he ^ wlnlt , hjs heild WR8 cfushed and M-. lUUwt had evidently attempt- downwiu . d alld j Hlllmed Between the ed to put in on again wi limit bavins' the ] evatol . a ,,j ,.iic gite, a proUiblH space onijiiie Mopped. He was pulled into the of ,,., Jn , jne!S- N \ hllt 11|ighl |mve machiiu-ry, and whirled between the tw , ,,,,,,,! hllll llot , ,, u , spukTO ju s'uftsandone arm literally torn * th J^U brqkm sW^ ht hd tttiOUJ,* beHides terrible bruises to the h.-iul and ; not , )leui(lttl , h , conte mp|te, but it is chest. The men running the i.n K iiir , U( , Kel i u , r pl . olm ble that his cranium knew so.nHhiiiR was the matter nnd stop- W()U , d llavu ,, een cnls | led am , HitteneJ p,.d the eninr, but had no idta of the out lik ,. the pHttm . n O11 door , llllt . A , terrible airidi-nt Unit happened till tlu-.v it Wlls llls ,,, wa , so ^j.y 8Crtt|H)d and vent to inve.stij.ate and found 'l>" '>'b hi f ilw ,, Udly scratched that Ms pet of the unfortunate younv; man. He w,iv d()( , W(Mlldn t r^.iy have known him, let unconscious when found and did not liv, < H , ))M( , his { . ilMy HM W8S uke| , . (1)e more than ton minutes after the ""'-jhonpitl, wher D*VFW [iHtolied up the damage and i-t him on the road to recovery again. As a sensational escape from the hands of tho cottin trust it has probably few equals in local history. \Valkerton Herald and Tnnen. Mrs. I'harios Tobbut' of Hrrkoloy, i ho heroic mother, who was badly burned in the attempt to save her child, which was burned to death when the hunse waa burr.td, on No\. :i!>th succumbed lo her injuiirs in tho Owen Soun 1 limpital on Saturday mrvnirg. The reuuins wiru laid at rest in McLean's Oemet >ry, near WultorH Falls on Monday. The sorrowing husband h-is the sympathy i f circle of frim U in hi.-, sad "hati.voith News. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implement*. W.-igoiiN, Buxgies, Cutters. Sleighs, and Gasoline Enxine, Melotto Cream .Separators, rwiker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', of Fei-gux, Hum Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Front A- Wood Repair* always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Sreet. Feversham, Ontario, dent. --Slielhu rue KcoiioiniHt. of any kind ....... D. W. WIDEMAN, Mg'r. FEVERSHAM, ONT. CANADIAN ^> PACIFIC AY. WINTER TOURS -TO California, Itlcxico, Tlorida AND Che Sunny South I , '. 1 1 r l 1 1 11 1 n i loaye Toronto laiU . MiHkiug direct oonnuctiou at Detroit ami Hntlalo for Florida ftu.l lit ( 'liica^o for ( . i ' ii'i HIM. etc." Round Trip Ticket* at Low Rate?. Full i ticulavs fvoin any ( '. I*. It. Farm For Sale or Rent UK) acres in the 7th concession, lot 31, Arteiuesia, about Wl rods from .school, postottiee, and stuiv. On the property in ;i I.IR house and a j-ood burn, two wells and a good spring ; ahout 75 acres cleared a nd ,0 acres under cultivation. Will rent if not sold. Apply to D. WHITK, Rock Mills. S. Rand, Agent, Flasher-ton. SHEEP STRAYED Two lj"ioi>sti!r ces, strayed from iny 'Memieee aboyt Ovt, 12. Finder with A. Oaruer.in, Do You Realize The money you can make selling Fruit Trees; '1 he presjnt demand for Uurs- ery stock i the greutett in the history of the business. Kveryboily who has the land is plant i| )( . or preparing to plant. We Want Now For full and winter months a reliable man to sell in Flenherton and surrouud- , ing tlistrii-t. Good pay, exclusive terri- lory, and :ill tliB ndvantges in repreaent- in an old e'tahlisheil tirm . Over 600 cre< uii'ler cultivati'tn. Kstablisheil :<5 years. Write PKU1AM Nl'RSERV CO. Toronto, Ontario. !

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