Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1912, p. 5

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in I - r i * a I t I . , . \ December 26 1912 THE FLESHERTONAD VANCE B THE OF AMAPA A VINOS deposited ia dm bak draw the highat oment rate of interest Withdnwab of part or the whole amount may b made wne- eTCr TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, BEE BnnclM* aba t Durham MM! Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as ' OL follows : Going South Going North } 7.43 a.m. 11.28 a.m. 4.33 p.m. 8.58p. m. ! The mails are closed at Flesherton a.. : follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and ' 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south ' mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'gj VICINITY CHfPS Mis. Nuhn and two children are visiting u: Toronto. Mrs. J.W.Henderson and Mr.R. Bel- lamy, Toronto, are holiday visitors here. Dr. E.K. Richardson and Mr. George Richardson, Toronto, spent Christmas in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Grney Stra'.h- cl-ur, M.tn., are visiting relatives in this section. Saturday was the shortest day of the year. The light bill will nw gradually lighten. Mr. and Mrs. Holland are visiting friends at Tottenham, Toronto and Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bellamy *nd children are visiting in Lindsay, Toronto and Woodbridge for the holidays. Wear printing a day earlier this week in ordr that municipal work may be turned out in time for nomination. Misi Lala Armstrong of Port Arthur, who has been attending Whitby hdies' college, is spending holidays with her cousins here. A couple of hydro-electric eugmeert have been in the vicinity of Feversham during the past week investigating the storage possibilities there. MwaSwitzer ani Miss Bell of the ichool taff are holidayiujt at their re- spective homes in St. Marys and Owen Sound. Messrs. White and Brown of the high school staff are holidaying at their homes in Port Hope and Biampton. The regular meeting of the W. I. wilj be held at the home of Mrs. K. Uickling on Friday, Jan. 3rd, at 2..'!0 p.m. The meeting will be taken by the young girls, and refreshments will lie served at the close of the meeting. Cume and hear the good thiuizs the girls luve for u. Every- body welcome. The Rockvale Baptist church will hold their anniversary services, January 3lh and litti. Ou Sunday, January 5ih there will be preaching service in the morning at eleven o'clock, and also in the evening at seven. The preacher for the occasion will be the Rev. L. Kipp, (former pastor) of Montreal. On Monday evening, Jan- uary 6th, there will b* a social gather- ing in the Rockvale church. Everybody welcome. Freewill otferiii's will be lift- ed at all the services. U. J. McLaren, pastor. The brethren of L. O. L. No. 244, " Proton Station, held their Inird annual meeting on Tuesday evening, Dec. 17. After routine business was disced of Bro. Jos. A. Blakely, Past Master, was called to the chair to conduct the election and installation of officers, when the following brethren were duly elected and installed in office: Bro. Herb Corbet, W. M ; .1. McMillan, D.M., Jus. Lockhurt, Chaplain; K.Stinson, R.S.; Chas. Moore, F.S.; A. Shearson, Treasurei; George Ludlow, D.C.; H. Piper, First C.M , C. Lyons 2, J. Corbett 3, J. Carson 4, . Achesou 5. The Giey County Board of Agricul- ture, the central organization of the Far- mers' Clubs, ia making a special effort with the assistance of the Department of Agriculture to meet the demand for good farm laborers. If orders can bo obtained for 100 or more men Mr. H. C. Dutt' of Markdnle, representative of the Depart- ment, will sail for Scotland in February where experienced farm laborer* will be selected with the assistance of the pro- vincial imminration officers. Most of the laborers will require assistance across, so every applicant is asked to advance $20, which will afterwards be reserved from the laborer's wages. In cases where as- sistance is not re.juired the money will be returned. Every laborer securing as- sistance is i-ei |iiired to find some one to stand security fjr lum, so there in no danger of a farmer losing his advance. The laborers will bo brought directly to the county in April. Next Mondiy will be nomination day, but so far as Artemesia is concerneo. it might be a year away. Nobody knows what a day may bring forth, but up to the present moment nothing has been brought forth, and there is no direct indication of who will be candidates for the Reeveship and councillors of this big and progressive township. This village i* in the same position. The mock trial given by the pupils of the high school in (he auditorium on Friday evening last was largely attended by parents and friends. The young people actuated themselves very credit- ably indeed, and io several instances gave marked evidence of possessing much forensic ability, together with a clear brain. Thin is a class of enter- tainment that it is impoosibU. to do justice to in a report, and we will not attempt a description The affair was all original with the performers, not set from lines is is done in moat eases, and the prosecution and defence were un- aware of the Hue to be followed previous to the action being heard. Tin.) made much of the dialogue impromptu, and a lot of fan resulted. The saiall admission totalled over 928 and netted the school a little better than 2-, which will be spent in beautifying the rooms. continue ? Surely we may hnp* that men and women who have the ballet in their haods will, in the face of the** aw- ful conie<iuences of the traffic, when the present opportunity is given, mark their ballots to rid our otherwise progressive town of the shameful blot now upon it. A MARKDALE CITIZEN. Markdale, Dec. 23, 1912. An Interesting Railway News Item Last Friday's Toronto Star says : From Orillia to Collingwood and then to Goderich with a branch line to Owen Sound is the next step of the MacKeuzie and Mann interests in the development of their Western Ontario network of lines. That application for a charter for the proposed line will come before tte next session of the Dominion House, was learned in Canadian Northern circles to-day. Word .- !n. i < from Hanover that a man has been takii'g observations six miles from there for some time, and it is gen- eral rumor that he is working for the Mackenzie and M inn interests. i Tins showy that the Toronto to Surnia | and Windsor survey of the Canadian Northern mUKt be getting in good shape when the surveying is evidently under 1 way for the proposed crow line over Western Ontario. The new line is for a steam railway, and thu probabilities are that it will pass Hanover or that vicinity. With the con- struction of the C.N.R. line to Montreal and the building of the line to Niagara Falls from Toronto, and then the line ! from Toronto to Satnti and Windsor, ! making connection with the American roads, followed by the proposed new route across Western Ontario as stated, the groundwork of the gridiron of lines of the Canadian Northern will be a tiue one for making connections in every direction. Riverdale May the new year to Tin Advance readers b one of perpetual j'ljr and real prosperity. Mr. Will Lee of WaJeua, Sank., ii visiting at the parental home here at present. A malignant type of distemper U prevalent among the canine tribe here as present. We undeislaad tlutt Mrss Hatch of Ay t on, has been engaged to teach i* our public ichool during 1913. The regular monthly meeting of the Sunshine Sewing Circle was held at the home of Mrs. W . Stepnenaon. A number from here attended the annual Christmas tree and entertainment at Temple Hill on Friday evening last. A feeling of consternation w i < mani- fested in this vicinity upon learning of the atrocious crime perpetrated at Ceylon. Misses Emily Lawson and Ella Wiley of Wodehouse, were the guests of Miss Louie Wiley, recently. Mies E. Hutchinson nf Vandeleur, visited her sister. Mrs. L. Boales, last week. Those who were privileged to attend the necktie social held in our public school on Thursday evening last, enjoyed I a night of supreme delight, and we con- gratulate the Priceville Joy Club on their signal success, financially and entertain- ingly. We are pleased to report that Miss M. E. Walker, who recently underwent a critical operation, ia favorably recuper- ating under the 'care of a professional nurse. A quiet but dainty wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage, Markdale, o* Wednesday, Dec. 11, when Mr. Henry Burns was united in matrimony to Miss Winnifred Johnston, by the Re. W. H. Adams. Wa join in extending felicitations. HILL BROS.. MARKDALE Standfield's Underwear the Centre of a Great Deal of Controversy and Contention FOR THE PAST MONTH we have seen a good deal of contention between local merchants in regard to Stanfield s Underwear. We find one claiming to have the sole agency for Markdale : another stating he has the goods at the right prices ; and now we say to you : if you want to buy Standfield's Under- wear, the genuine article, branded and stamped, at less money than you pay else- where, you will have to come to this store for it. The prool is being able to deliver the goods. So come to this store expecting to buy Stanfield' s Underwear less than you will have to pay elsewhere. Remember we claim to have no monoply of this line, but ws have the goods and the prices are right. Corsets of Quality A full stock the Celebrated P. C. Corsets for Ladies, moderately priced from 75c to $2.25 a pair Reliable Corsets, attractive io appearance, serviceable in wear, and the last word in style, tit and comfort are assured in your selection at thw store . Moderatley priced at per pair, 75c to |2.25 Corset Special 75 pair of LadieV Corset*, Compton and D. 4 A.. Makes. Thru is a bic cleanup from oar regular stock as we are discontinuing; thaw: make* and for that reaiou you can buy 36c nd $1 00 Corsets for per pair 33c. BIG ASSORTMENT OF STYLES 50 pair Ladies' Corsets made by the ame firms, All sizes, riO, 75 and 85c lines clearing at per pair.- 48c. An Offering of Specially Priced Fancy Silk and Nett Waists, This Week, $1.98 The Styles are new, the Dualities and fit represent H vary much higher price with a splendid variety of style* to select from and the price you usually pay is $-'i.3O, $3.75 and 14.50. fur the same quantity and style. . . ,$l.i8 Rubbers of Every Kind for Fall and Winter Wear | Never before have we stocked ao heavily and hown such a large variety .if makes and styles a* this "season, and if y>u want to get jutt what you want in Rubbers at the right price* it will pay you to inspect our Mock of Men's Boys', Women's, Girl's and Children's Rubbers. All Styles iml makes in heavy and light. Special from Hardware Dept. OK Markdale ! ! ! "Markdale, the booze town of the Toronto line." That was what my (riend called my adopted town. What couUl I SAY Do we not kno it is called a distributing centre fur the surrounding temperance townships and villages ' Markdale.with its churches and church- goiug people. Piles of brick and mortar, and even the most faithful preaching cannot, with- out the voice of the people, eradicate t h.- evil. In our utation lo*(Ujr lies a poe>r broken body. Only a few years ago anothei body lay here in like manner, and ano- ther had a hair-breadth oscapa from a similar fate. Then there was the poor fellow who wandered along tlio track down from here. At Ceylon he turned I toward Priceville and wits found next morning frozen to death by the roadside, i All these aid more of which we may not ! ipeak terrible tragedies since the be*- ler class of our people commenced their effort to banish the drink traffic fro* our municipality. Upon whose heads rents (he Wood of them; men? Certainly upon those I)K> 'give their votes and support for the continuance of this death dealing tnide. Out there in that country home, wait ing the return of her husband Saturday niylit. the stricken wife Rot the awful news of his fate. Oh, the curse of drink ! Who can da icribu il ? Why do voters allow this t Odds and Ends > .$1.48 SOCIALS AND CONCERTS The anniversary of Vandeleur Sunday school will be held on Dec. :U. Tea Erora rj to 8. An excellent program is being prepared. Admission 15 and 25c. 75 doe. Fancy (ierman China Cups and Saucers for per do* ..................................... This is a very tine lm .f German China with Choice of Coloring* ani decorations. New Fall Styles in Wall Papers are here We have just placed in stock our new patterns in Wall Papers for the Fall Trade*, if you are contemplating doing any paper hanging, it will pay you to see our new stock, which has just arrived. ARTICLES FOR SALE High-grade Uolstetn ccw, three years old, just freshened, for sale. Geo Moore, Proton Station. For Sale Sett light sleighs fur one horse or two, also light wagon, both with pole and shafts, and nearly new. Apply to Geo. Myers, Fleshortuu. Cooking stove for sale, will burn coal or wood, nearly new. Geo. M .. -. Flesherlon. For Sale Two grade Holslein c->ws. Apply to A. Harrison, Flesherton p. o. Oxforddown Rams for sale (> -i .M. , - iug rams at 112-01) to $16.1X1, ]S ram U in bs at fllJ to 912, all aired by impoit-. ed rams. Lots 31 and 32, 3 N. D. R , Osproy. Robt. Arnott, Maxwell p. o. For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in rirst class condition and lepair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very cheap it sold th's month. Apply R. J. Spruule, Fleaher- tou. Out. No7tf Farm to Rent 150 acres, all cleared. Apply to W. J. Bellamy or Mrs. James Jauuesou, Fleahertou. " HILL BROS. - MARKDALE. | Mismu.vtois I am prepared to do chopping again this winter in Maxwell, evi-iy.Uy except- ing Wednesday. Kveiybody come. M. Kerton. Wanted Market man. Apply Mc- Farland Co. , Markdale. I will hereafter be. found at the Miiu- shaw House by any person wishing to transact business. C. Wolfe. For Sale The undersigned offers for sa!e three lots in the village of Ceylon, on which are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with atone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make au excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Apply to .1 is Ashdowu, Owen Sound, or W. J. Bellamy. Flesherton. R. D. Mtldrmn, Portlaw, issuer of marriage licenses. Parties requiring rafters, cedar posts or stakes, two foot or four foot wood, can have the same at a reasonable price mi 130 sideroad by applying to J. I. Graham, Commissioner Ward No. 2. For Xmas Have you thought of photos as 11 gift to your friends .' There nre no mure appropriate gifts now limn photographs and none that will be more appreciated. W. A. Hawken, photo artist, Flesherlou. Wanted A mitii to contract to cut two or three hundred cords of fniir foot wood and a quantity ot fhorl wo. id. Apply to G. Watsoii, FlenhertoM p. o. L. O. L. t>83 will hold their annual meeting in the Orange hall, Ceylou, on December 1", when election i-f olHecra *nU other business will be tr .in sue toil A'l the members are rvnueotetl to be present . J. H. Snoll, W. M., T. F. Wright, Rec.-Sec'y. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 468. th St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., i.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment FARM FOR SALE Lots 74 und 73, Con. 3, Durham road. Artemesm. containing 1' acres, fO acres cleared, 1 J acres first -class hardwood bush, balance hardwood slash, all good land and in good state nf cultiva- tion, well fenced, i aore orchard, first- class water in drilled well, brick house nearly new, '.' x 32 ft., S shape, barn 54 x 40. Five acres of fall wheat. Farm will be sold. For further par- ticulars ;pl>'y tw. S. SHEARDOWS. Proton Station, p.", PROPERTY FOR SALE House with two lot* and four acre*, park lots in Flesherton for sale. Good frame house, stable, fruit, etc. Also one 4-year-old general purpose marc, broke to single or douWe. Apply to Reid, Flesherton, for particulars. 15dec NEW YEARS GREETINGS TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS! W. L. Wright, Grocer, Fesherton Buy A B.T. Litter Carrier FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lots 79-80, 1 N.D.R ., Artemesia, con- taining !H) acres, So cleared, well fenced and well watered, in fcood s f te of culti- vation, one mile from Wareham school and post ohlce, four miles from Proton station ; izood frame barn 56x5$ on stone foundation ; drive shed 20x30, good com- fortable bouse, small orchard. Will take small payment down. Apply ISFeb W. J. HKNDERSON Or W. J. Bullamy, Flesherton Farm for Sale 100 acres Lot 8!, con. t>. Artemesia, o5 acres cleared, 50 acres under cultiva- tion, balance hardwood and swamp, well fenced and watered, good house, new frame barn with stabling under, also pig pen, henhouse ami sheep pen. Rural mxil delivery. Apply to ALBERT BLACKBURN, Rock Mills p. ... FOR B.T. Stands for the Best AXD FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. !!, S. D. K. Arteme.sm, containing 90 acres of laud in sood .si ilo of cultivation, tiist-elas-s water iu drilled well, good building, ono mile from Priceville. Apply io MRS. DONALD MeAUTHl R. The Be*t is None too Good. THE B. T. LINE OF GOODS ARE- Hay Carriers, Horse Forks and Slings, Litter and Feed Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stanchions* Water Bowles, Load Binders, Eaqk Clamps. Townlir.e. t ville. ForSale by 5. Hernpiiill, Ceylon, Ont. i t

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