J CHANGES IN THE IMPERIAL XATT. | HOME | -.* i>.-%.---.^*-e> Sunlit* (he Apple. Apple Custnrd. Take apples of medium size and rather mellow. Pare, 'core and bake until tender in a alow oven. Press through a sieve. To each cupful of apple pulp add a half cu.nful of cream, two level tablespoonfuls of sugar, lump of butter size of an egg and two stiffly beaten eggs. Put the butter to the apple pulp while it is still h.-t. Heat the cugar until it is a syrup and add first the yolks of the eggs, (hen the cream and beat all strongly. Pour into but- tered cups and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and quickly pour oer it the stiffly beaten whites of the em?s, | return to the oven to brown. When cold set in the ice box. Serve with cream. Apple Custard IMe.-Strain apple sauce and beat smooth. To each i cupful n<!d a half cupful of cream I and two stiffly beaten cgj?s. Beat ' nlade ' rom thn - v " " l " e egnrs ' iu half a cupful of augar, and flavor * P int of lnilk * nd 8 K ar to sweet- wuh vanilla and nutmeg. Bake , en Bol! llke a c"ta r <l with under crust and put a tliick i Apple Dumplings.- Make a rich Prince Louia. Prince Louia of Battenburg has been appointed First Sea Lord of the British fleet, succeeding Sir Francis Bruigeuian, who retires be- cause of illuess. TflM.113 meringue on top. i biscuit and separate it into as many Ginger Apples. Pear and core P arU as thcre are dnmplingl to be some good appies, grecinngs or pip- Illade - ftll ftcn P : ce into a round PIUS. Fill the cavitv in the centre bl 8 eno "gh to cover an apple a.ul of each apple with "a spoonful of P ut inU) lt a P e eled and cored an- chopped preserved ginger. Stand P le Tnen brm B the .ides of the them on a baking dish that is not P aste aroun d l ne apples, pinch tin, and pour over them a svrun tncm ' nto shape and steam or bake Tl... _l 1 I.J I .. l tuaUe tuner of sugar and water Tlie ab<jve INTER-STINO BITS OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. Two Nated Tenvuranci Rilorniers Th Cham.ilan "Marrying Minister" Protestor A. B. Macallum. Two of Ihe niont unnnual men in To- brother., >ran, ia hv bp !iilil<><! i hv a ro " 10 " e thr Kpenre y. * 3. and Hen U. Thir bueiiiteH IJM? temperance mi , ven int in Ontario had it not been for the nrei.e <; "' the >!'... ij.init and '.o what wiil liam , en {; , t wllen J the , ba . r bt , va . flavored w.th lemon and with i mixture of raisins and nuts or with lnn~the 'ii<iuor"tr_dic" ft f'urniahca foa f j i ta\\a T< U y ,,(,,!. r.f (..,, .mil lor IDMDlatiOD i.i- to what would Uv piece of dried ginger cooked in it, J eil . v - lwo cuptuls ol uuur will ,, or if thcre is enough ginger syrup nrik tw dumplings. this may b..- used with the addition' U<1 ",l' Uisli Apple I'ic. Use a pud ___ __ of a httle water. Cake until sufl "ing dish of crockery or enamelware mo-<j from the pher of action. and transparent but not broken, * n<J P lace * teacup without a handle pr^'iifTrra^'emeVu.''''^^ 'an.-uarhVr" basting occasion-ally with the l 'P 81 de down, in the centre of tho wt. for on the Mumd; ui election d_.. yrup. Serve hot or cold with a dlbh - Cut U P some a PP les rather ^^^"JS^iTllwT^ws? 10 *^!?*! 1 * little whipped cream garni.hed with * ne and nea P U P tne dish unl '' a }''. ere * rt ' T ! h b " * ' tb " n> 1 ' nTO '. v ! n , 2 ,V ome pieces of ginger. | httle above the cup. Sprinkle a l ',I;B"r_i"iifin(t e froni e _ t "biif r *city ake^it* V I'urcilpinc Apples, Par* and ' ' ew ra ' s "" ovcr 'he top, sweeten boi-o u> the sparsely settled townnu.p eore the apples, and make a syrup and ad<1 BOme spice, either nutmeg "hi leaVr'thin"" thi*8pe"ce Jr*[b'rr?1cM by boiling sugar and water in equal or cinnamon, and put little pieces munitijiaiitwe ^hav. r ' ( ? ( d t ''*' ^"'^ parts. As soon as the fruit is pired, ' "titter all about the top and a j.j inunkipaiitiei iu the province. 46i are before it is discolored by standing, 'little water. Cover the entire top now _ under local opttoa immerse it in the syrup and cook of the dish witn cruilt and cut lit8 until it is easily pierced with a or P ne * c noles at intervals in the. traw. Then uke out the apples 'crust. Do not remove the cup un- n'l ornament the sides of each l>v ll ' ''"' I' 1 ' 1 ' s ><'<'! st the table, cinal t/olitica. it ii true he started out ticking blanched half almonds in wh " v u can '" scr t &* hlade of "fig* ^ tfSSrwrl. %SSfeg II around. Fill the centres with a ^rufc under the edge of the cup, to Toronto, where he became principal of jelly, preserved fruit. or marmalade i which will allow the air to go in and 'ii'mm-e 'w.T'orra'iMred "by Jome^rinem" nd serve hot or cold with cream 'release the juice of which you will bem of Parliament in 1875 V 8 Spur* find you have a cupful, and thtf5|Jjg^5^Jf^,TJS l tt25J'J| fruit will be delicluUsly Steamed. I most III lirat erretary and hn ri-nmlne.l This, kind of a pic will not hurt the of * 1 -,",.?, 1 ,!], ^in'iwram" 1 ' pnbUratUNii 'f digesUnn of anyone; and it should ,>i<-h the prtweiil day rejiret>titative > be eaten Cold. , ,,, Y,f\d In connection with arlouf ti-m- - I pvratice orcanUationg and rampaigua Home Hint-.. w " uld fl " halr a rf '"" nrl and under Bttan , " s - "pence on deroi^d prai-tically all hjj |lfe (0 ^mp,,.,,,^,^ reform and mum- Wiih the remaining syrup and the kins and cores, apple jelly may be made. Apple Snow Stew or steam three large applet, cored arid quartered, but not pared, drain them and rub through a iirie sieve. Beat tint whites of three eggs stiff and add \... ' a cupful of pondered sugar and _ t heat again ; now add the apples an<l w j,,. n folded ; gkv<-s pulled out mid iali'd.i beat until like snow. Pile lightly [ smoothed will in u gla.s dibh, garnish with In n- !'nt !:" he ban devoted a rreat .... of time to mii"ii-iu-l afTirt< HI* tif*a A veil rolled each time it IS taken he h:ia been elected as Alderman, and lix off will keen neat, much longer than tlln , e8 " rnomher of the Hoard of Con- . trol Iwloe he Bra been an HBSItCMMnll b " round the edge and serve with cold iuu> a drawer. , , if they were crushed and tossed rain in the city to-d.-y. .t ii d.nM'u 1 if boiled i n: i. nl made with the yolks of the three eggs that were left. Apple Pnitdlsif. For this pudding you will need one quart of Hour, one pint of milk, one pint of chop- A piece of rubber may be cut more easily if tlm scis.Mjrs or knife used be wet first. Drop a few small nails in the bottle of ink. Tli acid in the ink '" . the chief Ma*lKtrtfi tbT < HirtK>r CommlHton. ami ii'i'ful wrv,i"ta the pity hia ever h-d \t the aiirnr time hlti phnnro** of Burr"** in any oontenl are nejrlv a'wn'd rt< ii'i'fiil He l i-r- tini nirke frienilH c.i- Iv and n ped apple, one sal tspoonful of j will then exhaust itself upon ^ the BO.t, two taDleSpOODlUU Of butUr nail's, and the 1>CUS will not cor- , neuter, nd three teaspoonfuli of baking rod'3. ixjwder. Make a dough of the Hour, I MayonnaiRC dressing will scpnr- milk, butter, bakiug powder ami < when too ,mch salt has been b B<>n alt. Itoll out in the board and , added to tho egg yolks, or when not <> w-'i know... but aim-* lioe. didactic, but not alw^yn aym"a- tl">tlc T" p-nnf li' T-o(it l"i-nan trait ill be the far: that he amokoa. Anothtr Cruiader. .,>read with t!,e apples, roll over the oil has ben dropped too fast, n<J over, pinching the sides and or if the ingredients are not thor- ends. 1'laee in a Ixikuig pan with oiio-half ciiiiful of butter, two cup- fnis of Kuvar and throe pints of w.-iter. Bake an hour and a half. It in.'ikrs its i wn sauce. ( liiirlolte. F.ine a mold i rig red i ouprhly chilled *'hen uswl. If a spoonful of borax in put into In haa bv hie) e"ert(v a**d r'Uh'tninfini. iihnwn thft the iplril of tin- cr. :id"rp 10 hv nn meanfl monopoli^ed in the Spen<-e bv Prank s He hnn be< Insf wnl^r i wliieh white I**'"* "" " '' ...... Tnn.e n a IOIIK rMi'ff k- Ife Kenriiiir f,n hiten ' keepl>r I In With lady lingers or Hpongc cake. Souk u third of n box of gelutin in third of a cupful of water (ro'd) clothes are rinsed it will them very much. Tlw borax should he dissolved in a little hot water liefnre it in added to the rinsing water. When it is necessary to measure* thnilal w. h ir f,n K.-lnnn went Into thi) until vft. I'our over it a third of any liquid hv the drop one mav *i*,-i- . . . .*. ri- cupu of boiling water and stir dispense with the pipette. Cut a till dissolved. Add one cupful of g ,,mll notch at the edge of the ! j,Thi!r" "f {,,' eurlv life h<- A Racord In Marrying. The record an Ihe "murrvinc minlnfer" In Toronto i this venr helil hy Itrv John P Morrow, the somewhat <-ci"itrlo ini'i- jKtrr i>f Dnle 1'ri^.livti-rinii Churi'h. wh,i Into protnlrenpt- In ntln-r rv- s>" ;ir and ihe juice of a lemon to- gether with a cupful of sour apple uuce dritin<l thy and put through pnn of cracked jelly begins to At the a sieve. ( -! in a icf and wln-n the hniden, heal until light. last add throe whiles of Utit;l Ktiff. I'our when eold and Htiffenrxl toirn out on a platter and -'.( with a lorn cork, just large enough for a drop J d ' n( ! e 1 " np ' fl1 for * " to come thrm gh at a time ; push the cork in ti?ht, and pour The cleanim; of feather pillnws i not a task to be dreaded Plncn a couple of piece* of hnard across four tin coffee cans and wt in the iv hl ri^'oril* UK R pri"tor and ol ..ill 1 . . . Iw Inn work amoiitr PI!II c t , iir'n. and for lew lao.nflfl rluirrh linn mir**'* 1 ! <ver SOO loe- otipleR, an avern^e of o''e f'ir evrT wei-k ilev in Ihe VI-HT. In some qiiarterp tlirre it. n AISTMMrithin lo ff't i'le lii'p .. i the irou"d that manv of hii m.i i ri it . oneht not to hr pefrn1 > *t'ti_L Hut an lie doe* not IKHIH* tin* IM'VTII the r<-i-iio i nihilifr in not lt"eether hln. Al all erenta hii recor.l far mrdiMunreii t li ofa bciiien, and then lient all tiK<-ther j bottom of th<? Utiler. Put three of >:.'! .omneti'..^ r,,,,,, n c n on. into a nmld and, inches of wati r in the boiler, plnce tin! pillows ori the board, cover th hoiler, and let tho pillcws Hteam for an hour and dry in tho sun For removing old paint mnke a CJtMGE PACTOR|[S,l[0. FIRST mmn BOMS ASSETS l Nit Auatt i i) f,,oi'i and l>iut loa.OM $1,575,034 IARNINCS l EarnlnB>, UK I1S2,4I and innri, i ChariM .. 30,001 tin.MI SUMMARY l Bond laiu*, M p. o. of Atli. Bond Inlaratt Earntd I Tlmt*. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS J. A. MACK AY & COMPANY i* T(D Royal Bank Building, TORONTO II. B. ii',i. < i. ,i ., , , Ourdln Bulldlnf, M iHIRFAt lino to fnurl' - Hfth Unlv>ril*y wi (own Vo- * i| nih-r.4. hut V d h In now ilown Th-r lih lrn,nM IFr H"tB of the no.,,-* r I'lj.fn. r'm* noenrrl with thnit 1^0 fnr the venr Othrii who tmvf hin fnnrlt- wi'll l>ie i" T 1 - of the Pre'^'-'erln"!! uml RPV C f) .1'i'in' Hi"" the Method IM divine, who attnni"il lyo with one, din of potash and half mvm !( by till .IP...I..-. on Roman a gallon of water, apply with an rttwXuwtbw ' >'* fo'lt* In th <ilil piiinl lin sli and do not touch ' T"nrrvlr" lire <a c hlivl to flni-l-a-l . , i. ill w.., P"T A'ru. wllllinna, whose " with the hjiruli, as it will burn. | r llir) .h Wiifh off an<l <lrv well. For hruixeJ furniture wot the part with warm water, double a piece of brown [taper five or six times, soak it in warm water, lay it on the )!.<. apply on that a ; " warm flat -iron till this moisture is nf evapornted. If the bruise is not goiif repeat. To remove perspirntinn stains from silk waists sponge the plneo over your hand with a clean wh.te ! rag wet in clear wnrr ; then cover completely with powdered prepar- ! ed chalk. Let it dry thoroughly nnd bruh off carefully with u soft int~'"' brush. For sore throat get one teanpoon- ful <if common hnkiug soda, dissolve it in a glass of hoi, water an<l gar- gle three limes u day. It is also a aid Athe'i-n, Tn A"ir net*el nf H-jvore** " In Vrnfrfpor A H M -i-'hi-u ffrTt rri tr"'""t w* i *, h j nj'nie wnw np'v fnp nten.'..**rch!n In the Arpilein? '"iioi-e <-<i i..n<-'> ' f " i "'; i '- 1 '''" '" rr'*t" ,,n "". ,.-,,... hr wild l|li"-VhnlVi|, -',i.,.,,,.i, Rl -i<o'p>riiiio nmt |nt''<,.-,,.,i'v 1 """'''' 1%<l r M(i.vlliit h-H fow e.|itn' In c,...,.,|., |t- I* n .:, ).,., ..r t)i,. lex i , r ,,,p,n,pi .-,! , ( ,|p..in,. panpi.tia ' t'- ' 11 " 11Uir *" v " cor " uf "'"' >. ofn v----ii however. In th rrMi *-. ...- M ..." It'v **- ,. n w ), n ,, K"* <*< o"pr' f dlri*f>|. > I- th* n"fn"iii. r"tfo o' |V^ cV'i p*v |,e*..rij f,'i'i,fp ., n ,i ,..,.-~^., .1. ..,, (t I H .ii ...,.,| '-<.-"ni tlemi>t4>d to Inlnro (food preventive. Do this once or -' lwie! a week untl voi will not con- ; ,^1.1,' tract any complaint that may be j " In your locality. {,"_' ton* and character of Uilrenitr n:s baa ttcadlly rtMo It b 4*e.ar4 that far from lb* Ualveriltr t..-iz a ' oo.- lit:ii of itieitm" ihr* ar* B a:kt:iti ilirre at mil. cieept posi.bly a tew itoiat- A i.idif idu.U. m whoee cai*e it will of Ilk* me LIME THAT BURNS ITSELF. Said to HPTP- Proinr Imprfgaatsd With fctrol inn. A trareller in the Holy L*nd is said to have reeentK discovered a species of combustible limestone, which makes an excellent plaster after it has been burned and air- flaked and is produced cheaply. The etone is of a gravish-blar-k color nnd is found between ordinarv limeton in a ra;u'ar stratum. It is ei-ily quarried, beiivj ratker so't. and has a peculiarly strong odor of kerosene. people break the stonv into small pieces and fire it into a kiln of rough construct-on bvilt of stones against a wall. Ho'es are 'eft in the sides of th- kiln, through which tufts of straw are ' stp'-k. These tu'ts are lighted with flint iid steel and the lime ignites and burns itself. It requires twelve hours to bun a kiln, and then it i fo'ind that all if the rock, except tht at the ton s<->m-> roi"-<' He sides, has been th<^rourh'v burred. T*ie lime produced is of a (rood white color. It bitrns'with a bl-ck a-d an r^or simi'ar to that oli'm. When oool it is air- ''krd a'ld screened. The s'f- mrniiiir ot'n'itv is account 1 ^ for bv Vp itnncsi'i' i n that the li-^e'tine insbcc n Tn" im"r"~Tiated with petro eum in the enrth. FOR MAKING SOAR SOFTENING WATER, REMOVING PAINT, DISINFECTING SINKS. CLOSETS, DRAINS, ETC SOLO REFUSE SUBSTITUTES r r f net ' Old Furniture. Most of us have some old furni- ture with which we would not wil- lingly part. It is not the intrinsic value of the tables and chairs which makes them dear to us, but the old associations which cluster about them. Forms and faces rise before us when we tee the time- worn articles, faces which beamed upon us in byegone days, and forms which have long since passed to the world of shadows. The plea- sure of the possession of such relics is not unmixed. Often it is nearer pain than pleasure, and ever it has an undertone of sorrow, for they tell us how sh'Tt is the sp.->n of even | the longest life, how things tem- poral outlive their OWMTO, and whisper, often to ao >att.t.iv car, that the day must tone who we, too, shall pa rt from our earthly belongings and the plate whicfc knew us once shall kivow M M> tuoret forever. "How old are you, Ethel!" five, an' mamma savs if I'm god an' eats lots o' oatmeal I'll b* si_q uext birthday." Mr. Newlywed Doesn't thit omelet eern er rather tough, my> deart Mrs. Newlywed I don't set whr it should, darling I'm ur t ordered the very best egg coal the dealer had to cook it with. T * r r V e V for I Oil ANNUAL STATET.IE cf The Royal Bank of Canafo LIABILITIES TO TTTE rUCMCt . tlj I |>o*lt not bt-arinit Interest ......................................... 3*,058.81 J *>4 li.iti.-i iiccruril on deposits .......................................... 74<t,7.V.*4 Dcpwiu by other Banks in Canada ................................... 4I".750.(J TotJ Deposits ............................................ $lJ7,M<<l.a4>7.71 Note* of the Bunk in Circulation ..................................... 12.584.617.61 I i.'.in-.-* due to Bank* In I-'orclftn Countries .......................... 1.524,415.69 U 1 11. Payable (Acceptances by London krautli) 43<M13.3.1 2.U7.017 54 1154. U7. 718.53 TO T1TE SIlAREI!OLUERSi CxHtal Paid-up ....................................................... $ 11,5*0.000 M Tcnerve Fund ......................................................... 12.5oO.OO.00 I Mui.mi No. 101 (at 12^ per annum) ................................ J41.61.J.4J Former Plvldrnils llnrlalmed .......................................... 1. 20k. 85 O j I'rubu ourintl (orwutl . . . . ........ .......... 610. 21**. M S 1 71.210. 758 08 ASSETS CoM .4 KltTT Cofn .VTr. $ S.7M.9M.M Tpmlnion (>overnrnent Norex I4.44.V785.29 Ilepoalt with Dominion Government for lerurlty of Note Circulation.. 578.0U9.09 Noles of and Cheques on other Itanks -,76 1 ,27.t 06 I'.ulancea due front other Banks in Canada ,. I-2.48J.JJ Balances due from Agents in Halted kingdom and Banks in Foreign Countries 3,*fr5.H7.0t Coernment nnd Munlclpnl Securltle 3."50,><>8 14 and mher Konds. Debentur. md Storks 11.7I5.>006J lull uud Miurl l.oano on Stock* and ..oiids in (*4inuda 4,422, i.SI.99 Call ai.J Short Loan* on Stocks ,n.,i liondii iu Fweigu Countries 14..S56.1SV 97 $ 73,428,"82.4 Ii'in< to ProTlnrUI Goernment I85.I^H.77 ( inifiii I. onus und Discounts, lens rebate interest reserved 99,828. S7i. 54 (hrrdue Debts (Loss provided for) 24b.Slb.20 Buuk Premlaa* S,.S2U.7><1 .08 $!7<.2I0.75S.08 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES: Acceptance* unuer t.umnierciaU letter* of Credit... PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For The Eleven Months Lndin^ 30th November, 1912 By ' .ii .M, ... 3th Drceinber, 1911 ..................................... 4U1.4.S0.56 Nt Itolim for Klrvrn Monthi* ending 30(h Noeniber, H12, after de- dui linit ( hurgea ol MUII.I^I n.t n i. ArcriuJ Interest on Deposits, I nil I II.IIM.'I' for .ill liud .n,, I l iiiilnu.l 1 il IN .iiui l'i h.iu- of "n- Irrvst on I iimuturttl lillla uud Uviivial liuuuit trunttd lo u c Ni.itl $l : " .I.M " i 'i CM '1,1 in on uew i ,i|n i, i Sink .......... , ............................ 5. i.Jl.KI I 00 To Dividend* Non. <8. 9">, too and 101, at 12% Oflli-pr*' Pension Fund '' fiii .. "<ink l i nil-.'- Account ... Transferred to -i-serv*- Kund 1;.. .,1.1 tuiiieJ lurwmrd ....... ,.,.,..,.. annum $7.442.617 t <(4.*.;>>:> ; 75.00O PO 300.00000 5,5ti.NIJ.09 til). M" ,>6 *7,4.'.M? i RESERVE FUND B> UrMnnt* HI Credit. 30th Pet ember, 1911 I7.0W.IS8 *y fit n 1.1 1 in on u. w Capital Slock ,*.>ti.SI2 0* II2.M.O.HOU JO Net Profits for the Klrvru Months of 1912 the Average Paid-up Capital. 18,680.756. -IV.19%. W. B. TORRANCB, Cbltl timixx tur EDSON L. PEASE, Generul Manafier. r r v V r