tUBERCULOSBSERIJM TEST Dr. Frleiimn Shows Mis Alleged Cure to Many Eminent P.iysx-a is anJ Scientist.. A cVpatch from Berlin says: Dr. , refuses to giro out any of his sernm. Hermann Friedmann, who ayi ha "Pag that from a tiny drop of it a AM discovered a preventive and D * cter ologist could propagate ore for tiihrrvuln.:, T enough of the bicil!: to supply the tuberculosis, on Tuesday worW D? FriedrnMa .; P J mall n 's first institute for demon- quarters were swamped by pa- ersonally be inoculated tienta, physician* and acientists. hi. serum s-veral patients, -o- The physicians numbered mor. than .children and men. in the pre- fifty. Dr. Friedmann told all the *** em ' n "t physicians and patients and their phvsicians that ttheta from Eerhjli Lo^a. retu!u f|X>m hw terum ^ ifl tQ " and other ernes of Europe .how in most case, within five d America. Dr. Friedman* .till weeks. NEWS in rpE\t\;s rnon AM. OTEB I. S.OB J l.N A r V J- r PRICES o? m mam THl Of MiC4. iaa* *r cam*. Cram. c-nit - -tax* Toronto. Dee. u<l . .ea^. n . ,u JUM 14. r lour Ontario wheat. J 10 - -j l lli... I.*.'. CUlM. IU JUt4 u.^. ^30; tu j.: ba<>. > - . .. i</ ,- . cu ui. M ui >Jt. o.t*:d. :; uu wf l--c ua 1 o*U. U to M. u-^. Coruulo. VMMt* :-r No -J - - o .. bj port*. - ai tiit r^7-cvji.t .o o*r./ of food u> -^. oitUiuo. reco. 4a u> an corm. M l-t a, (be Fmpirf and tbi> \TorU Cves. Canada. House of Common* adjourned |ar the Chuatnias reces:- The owners of La Patrie of Mont- Ma! deny that the paper i for sale. The C.P.K will double the track ktween London and Woodstock. [Lawrence Fortescue, I S.O.. will jbably succeed Col. Fred White comptroller of the N.W.M.P. i [A St. John. N.B . nail works will ; feet a plant at Fort VYilham to! it $500.000, and to employ 300; delegation which asked Govern- nt aid for a Provincial highway n Toronto to Hamilton failed to et encourn.cment. Montreal's civic revenue for 1913 rill be $10.300 000. or approximate- two and a quarter milioos of dol- bctter than last year .The C.VR will pay *I.OOO to the owners of the str. Glad- one, for prior s of the Halifax t ^.vdock 'or the Rova! George. Poultry Wei:-fad. cl*ao. jlry-ploked Without Machinery. The ve-retable oi! ua-xi -2 making 1EOX GIRDFRS TFAT HATE BE paper umbrellas in Japan is pressed out of the sedi of tho rubber plant. j This oil is made in the various is- I lands fairous for oi! and leeds from these plant*. Sandy groucd is 'av- ored for the cultivation of the plant, and the oi! is extracted from th? > e<*d by presses. The yield of I seeds is ee;imat*d at twenty bush- . els per acre. Th annual produc- I tk>i throughout Japar. iw>unt to ' 340 000 buahel*, from which over a COME LIKE PLTTT. . RuiniHH Effift ef Soot Pall on th* Buildings ef tie Metro* polls. "It's BO wonder thst *o many Canadiara come to London to lira break down in health," said an English engineer to a correnoon- gallon_of oil per buane! :s extract- !^.- t> f or tlwy ,<,. ,^1,. f rnra ed The oi! bnore it is used boiled and then cooled unu: it can ct:;j wbere the air is comparatively the niost ^ i be applied by h*ad to umbrella. I a tmo<phers in the whole wor'.d wuh a piece of cloth or wasu. Xo aa machinery or tools are used in ap- atnosphere und'*r whose influence stone di iitecrate*. and toat even plying the oil. Whn the oiling is eats up j roa f^Sl*'!!^**/"!'" Y*-" P a - ed I " U - **" of -he atmosphere of London." he wnt on, "that the; in the trn for about five hours. This oil is also used in making the Japanese lanterns, artificial lea- ther, pri-tHg ink. lacquer, varnish- es, oil paper, and paints. 122 IN THE SHADE. Australia. w front of Buckingham Palace i* to be of Portland instead ol The latter, we have found. crumbia away so quicklv under the London air that it is almost alway* in the) h*nds of restor-rs and painters. _ ... _ ~ ' wherc.ts Portland stu^- U fess suv Terrible Heat Wave stnke. Senth cent ; b 'e to the atmosphere and ao- cordinaly is almost always chosea nowadays for any new public build- ing. "The properties of th London ir are really amaz'.ig. the fjpert. "It is a blend of smoke and soot there are Si\ Thousand Tons of Soot Com 5ew No. to uc. ai.-rul. ti..- N j i at TS w Tic. Du-kwoex- *3 Co 9c. bru - kauiLuoa bran. >-/. i rvuvo (retcaw dhur.s. l^i u> Country Product Baiter Roll*. VO-JH*. j* u> Cc; baler*, iutvr.or. 1- u> ix;. ,u<.uce da.r.,. wuoo. ijc; cr e .j.ry. 41 to J2v lor ru... nu i-< lor BUIMi c.'*r* Case lot* of fr*&h. 32 to lie p*c duica. a..J ol ooid viurage. 'ft w 4K; .i.t...y uew-l*ui. M per i.bwe> ;* l-u; (or large tor iw iu. j.c,. iiaod-picted. $J lloney c.xtractU. m Per irouud for -\v. 1. wto.esaitj. tor >o 1. auu at 14 Mo or .. . u to I21-"o FROM A BATTLEFIELD SKETCH: A TURKISH WOMAN BRAVELV SEEKING TO DRAG HER CHILD FROM THE MUD UNDER THE FEET OF CAVALRY FUGITIVES. OU RING THE LL- LE BURGAZ RETIRE. WENT. Describing the sketch from which this drawing was made, Mr. Scppings-Wright says, under th "A Mother's Sacrifice": "During the retreat mauy distressing incidents occurred. For in- stance a country wagon stuck, ard one of the children in it fell into the mud just in front of the cavalry fiiaritives. The ra--:her sprang to the rescue, but the c'ou<i of cavalry closed over her and the cK'.d. Whether she escaped or not I never found oat, but more than ' . y she wa trampled into the mire." A despatch from Stdw*. K. 8. W . says- One hundred a-!d twentv- twc in the shad; is the reccrd put np by the first hat wve experi- en-.-ed in Australia th ; * sum.-ner Thi was recorded at Euela. a sta- tion on t v S.'iith Australian bor- der. At Poma, in O'icenNnd th* i merrtiry stood at 110. while Xew- haneing over London everv day c.istle. tr- coal :i'v of New South "hich contain lots >A julpriur. and Wales, nas ha<: th hotresc spe'i this sulphur, when i>. moets crrtnia for 16 v^ars, ^eomp.'"ied by dust sub-stances, forms sulphuric acid and wir-J stor-ns. O'.ier parU of or vitriol. New S-.'u-h 'Vales were affected. "It was the vitriol in the atmo> but in Svdne' the he*t was less se- P^ere that brotizht thr> big roof of vere. the th-rm^-reter zoi*<ii only ; Charing Cro^s Station down with a to 93. No .leaths are reported. | crash a few rears aco T K c amok* 4, I from the locomotives had earcn ia*av the iron, which was not viSk- BIIA^EMAN LOSES LEG. cientlv painted. Srr^ x-ears aso. too before the Lo"d<-n under- grourd rii'wav WR electnfid. it was a favorite past' me at Cower TO AVOID TlBERCl LOS1S. Himilt^n M O H run/irta 1 It 5.000 persons have been vacci t a cost of J1.1W. and cass have been report , . Stock WM quoleu M Iollo: Chiklw. U to Ijc p*r :b. iot. ttl 10 iZc. auik. 14 to i6c; . U to i*c; lurker*. *> &* aou ""- aboul * w "" r OT IE A GHTBIi t- uiauws- Good itocc. U. k. and Nw Br.uair o pr ox. icA. M lo ** on [The sending of a fifteen-year-old foronto lad to the penitentiary to erve three years for theft has Provision*. Bacon Lone ! Ib. in caw lots. Jiuised a good deal of comment, j t:i uo So- HAS SAVED SINCE ITS INVENTION. tork- e Kingston Children's Aid the matter up. GrTt Britain. eo^t the fr-.tinh Board of Trade I&6 to conduct the Titann .a quiry. Three T/ondon siiffrii^ettes were iieii.- Uc. U.iciu.. !1 l-Zc. 14l-Jc; 5r ~..^~~ ...^ .,.v. .....^ , v . ,,^.-^. oroaw- box utitrnens xrd another for send- ing in a false fire alarm. vubc 14 Ma. -3 i ..i H ,. ( nd Straw. Bated Bar -So. t - : >l to track. Torouw. No. S. til I'. t $11 a ton, jo track Haled sen- The maxket n qa.'.. with itra ol fuud tuaw at t>.ri. u entrMl HaHitlt. Rules Which. If Observed. Would Drive Out ConumptioB. A hea'thy body is the best rrotec- ; tion a?.iint the tubercle bacillus or inv other diseas-e-breeding jterm. ' keep well by observing the following rule* : Live, work an<l !eep in rooms flooded with fresh air and purififd by sunlight every day. See that your sleeping rocm is thoroughly | vnt.late>i. Us* good. pur. nourishing food. . _ and thoroughly maaticata what you ;eiare of the communitj. a< o ro eat. | ing to the view of the editor Th<? Cultivate cleanly, temperate and j Medical Review of Review. He r*<rular habits o* living. I M - T *. : Avoid breathing dust-laden air. | With the development of ncd-rn Doctor* Hive Bencfltcd Crratly k Professor B, II'.* Famous Dis- covery. Th telephone has been a g- in improving the health*" ' Jcrkei i'lf Ton if Tr.^in and Rnn Ovor at Wyoming. V -spa'ch 'rom Sarnia sav^ U'ijliim \fclntvre. a voun* Gran^ Trti' b-rak-man, w.^bad!v injured *h <; w< -<:ng on Tuenlay on his tra n. He was passing over the to* of ca-s as the train was en'e* fint th? yards at Wvoming. and. IIA>"Y Ll\ ESj ../,er the cars gave a sharp jerk, he I nts p : :ohed between two openings , f " on the rai's below. 0' ; - ..- by the wheels and he was otherwise injured. He wa ruhed to Sarnia. where Dr Have* aTpiir.itrd th? injured limb He * recover if complicatioaa do not set in. * AIIEGFS S'ret Station for pant<r n"<J ^ke uirbre'Tas into a certain :>-iin e'rr?-T. vrH:rh at one almost as soft as pttttv. "In su-ch cases, paint is tSe e"< peer's frr^at stan4Kv. In * iv^ it is more powerful than iron. to b" pr&cf I<-.T' ; V I'-'fd States. r /-i w /-! I White. *0c: ^' : Infpoctor Geo. McCluskey uao reed, u Vork is d>ad after thirty the department. miner Arabic sailed from like ot^T dav with but two upvinic taloon quarters. th? boat has accommoda- JOO jro W'1on, addressing the Societv of New Y'ork. pro- as hi*i as H- Bian's' for th'>w who mi<ht delib- erately ktiirt n financial panic con- on (>-P intrtxiuction of , DeH>Cf4tic policies. Montreal. De. W.-Coro. America! !f. I r*Mo TOr. Oau. Canadian Western. No, t u> 43 Me: ettra .Ne 1 (ei. 42 <-I tu ,-. No t local white, *:c. No. 1 local No 4 local white. JV Barter. W Uu: altinc, n to 7Jo. buckwheat. No !. 36 to wX. Flour. Man . >urti.c wheat patenu. ftrt. fc tfl. ee- o j. *i i. itrun* baker). *< . Flour. W.n-.rr i'.rr-: choke. $i K: etrmicbt rol- Irrt. M.'J to ). *traiht roller*, bat*. ti.Ji to $! K.-'.W oala. barrela. . . bict. W IDS.. KM Bran, l.'l Shorts. tO Middlii<i M to SJO. Mouillie. UO to IB Hay. Ne t per ton car lot*. to 114 CherM. flaest westerns. 1) Co '.?!*; nnevt eatern*. 121-4 to i: J V Butter. choicest crramerj. Ml-ti-. second*. 27 to ttV K"*. fresh. S5 to We: selei-td. U to Me: No. t stock. U to Sc. Potatoe*. per l> car !<>: TS to 0e. Says Farw<*r Turned H'-n OH! vTjtfc. nut Mnney or Orcrroat. wav 9ftion. S>p~e the Cro5 disaster, all the b'i<? London t"-Tr> : ni ^f^ in the painters' hands F'irth bride* was firihd th- naint- ers' hive never st<->rped working on t But for a skin of paint the vrtriol in the engine smoke might rot th bridra. "It ii t'lii subt4no. too. that has made Cleopatia'i Needle, oa t*> Embankment, show greater A despatch from Sarnia says : The | *' n * ' .^ v viu WIcrAlJIlfiY Vi H T fc~ t i^.l'" U & I . I ~ f~~ /*!_ * I _l I O * In sweep-p, and dusting uae a moist [transportation, it was said-ha: the < Mldren s A:d Soc! tv. in who*e loceans no longer separatecAmenca charge he is at present, is :avesti > of thre'' ronl Europe and Asia. b served gatiag tHe eaa* of Solomoa Hadliisr c?er tmneo<-s- to '-"onnect them. In a jnilar way t^n. a Parnardo bny. who in cotiri ' br<x-"i ard duster. U'-iver! fmo'e rule* wou'd since it cane to years ago, tbaa il A pcrt society for Cniner into Australia has been disrovered It was report^ that Austria and r!our . r>rtt p . Mnt .. VK to VM . nd effepted a settlement of end ptnt*. J to M!S: flrt cl*ar*. tt. tho dispute in Alhsnia The Manchit dowa^er-Fmpress of- lered to Sa.n<J over to the Chinese Government h- forbidden City. ; t estimated that in the impor- "w^K^ the last fi'tv year* I,ai3,Wo i N have perished. United ItatM Marktts. Dnlath. Dec. :4 Wbr.n N,v 1 kard. .-7Jc: No. I ?*<.rtbrp. KT-fc -. No J d.. *;. Jul;. 173-fc: Dwmbr. J1 T-Jc bid: Mar. (S74 to We. LntMK-d. on travk an<l to arrive. 11.24 :->; H-. , : ^r |t S4 ; Janu- ary. 11 MM bid: Mar. t '" ' -' MioneaDolis. Dc. M Wheat Dee.. SI 1-4 to II J-Bo: May. 5i4 to 57c; Ju) IM!c: No. 1 hard. (37-ar: No. I Northern. 12 to .'. 3-V. No. 2 Jo. H to II i-Jc i "urn- So. I Bptlo*. 41 l-2c. Oau- Mo J white. Pile rr No. t. U to J7<- Rr*n-I1l to HIS) c':rt! patent*. $< OS to li.ii. *ec- . H t 10.20: second clear*. ttU to .4. Live StMk Markits. toriii. A portion of t 1 *- Kir Fd- ward Fund of one "'illion dollars for Ottm*tvMivn ":" be devoted to the srrend of kp<iwledire de'ig^^d *o r"r>vrit the further increase of the disease. CKNTVRY OF PEACE. Great Britnti P - for the Great Ion. from Ix> r> <lon w^* the n*in<-ipl he 'pod to together A 'The telephone "* 3 ad P*' een other day told him hn contract had expired and turned him adrift with- out monev or even an over-coat, and cotnmun- ; able miehty factor in improving the clothed only in a light summer suit hra'th and welfare ' ity. Health burea to aocomp'ish the w r the telephone. Ambulance service has beea deve'c<J to a h:gh state cf effi.-iencv th j "g" tne accessibi!- D VISCOR BOARD. Pobcriwn and I. lent.- Col. Inbellr Are Two Member*. A despatch from Montreal sav Two in the clear air of Eiypt. Probably that stands in CerUml Park. New Y<'rk. in a correjp^nding ti*re. is so divSt as tc b hardlv notice^^'e." Offhand, one wcu' ! sav th^t every bui'ding of any age in L- - rdon waa cf th^ greyest granite obtainable., yet when one of them is c'eaned a fh*t th"y orizina"x - white, and the trai 'formation is a bit startling. In a dissecting rocrn, they alwavs can tel! whether a na- ity of telep'hoi* 5n !t srt * f t h i The announcement is made that Mr. ; ' * l A Ear! ,_ ... ^ ^._ er nt th- Marion House' on Wd- I comrou:-itv. iapidity cf service. Farquhar Roberts*in and Lieut.-., n>dv at a meeting to arrange .with prompt-" '" 'phoning, have Colonel Labelle will be Montreal'* ' ' celebrations of the c^ntitrw of peace ! served to ?* many h*fwer> the pies. F*rl Grer ws heartily an- lives that new Harbor Commissioner* Mr r ght have been lost. Robertson having declined the The priv * practi <ner. ; t is true. Chairmanship, the third member of marked decrease in the board, who has not yet been tho<r* of his Montreal. IV,- (ale* f other tout down to S4 B - steer*. W.M. mj crade* were nude fro* I* per cwt.. while .'.< % te t CAN FIG IT FOR SIX MONTHS. f lamb* wore nude at 17 to 17 K. and rrwl at Si 7$ or cwt *h*p. Nru at 14 W to IT cwt. Calve* from *} to '! *ch. at to tine and quali'v -< -. f .. - . .... calls through the re- aprx-inted. will take that position a-'d 'He T T nitiH( Stt ***** id* bv j cosmitio'' 1 ' ' * v!ue of a"' 1 : is persistently rumored here that fid' for four thousand miles, not a lervice * th e * se with which one Major Oeorge Wa* k 'ngtoa Stf *-tin*l fort or ron w placed ; mav b Mtinmonpd bv telephones. pnns. the former Chairman, will alorr them. F r-c"e<l the viit to Ot^*w of Fl : *<" Root and the imn-f-s-ort c r ted bv his emrhat'c fac tn< " doctor's 'phone is fre- get th office again. <eo! to caH th* ambulance j ^_ few year* ao th< ii n II j-, r> F1nnce 9* to WS5 way ro.i':r..-.l for a tew imall ch-'ii-e Iota W4>lrhed all car*. Toronto. Dee. J4.-0ttle Choice bt--r, t* to $650 rood mdtum. IS.'S to ^7S : common. K T5 tn li.75: onw*. U to l~> V bull*. H to $5.85. ranner*. tJ to IJTS CS!T* Good pl. >T to W: common W to V.K. Stocker* *"d Pe<Mler- iaaace MJaisUr on \\ednesday de- , to T5 pound*, at K2S to I5.i bn" MO to 1.000 nou-rK it r> K tr. M n- ! .vearllfir*, I-V'O tn j Ki'ker* in I fprilMFWa-FNIal - tr* * <y-p -l L.-^bi Iit(>it w<>4. S4 .. U -I' b"-T r-- tJ M ' -' lamb*. tn to Tt Hoc, I4MO ted ami waterwi and tt.Ti f.e.b. Mlnlstrr Saya f Funds. from Sofia savs : The nesda; PtilKarian fi^o c^u^^'ie; w^oti'd r*n>ain tm- p^okert. The sum m** n *?on*<l as tvi- dirnsabV f >n adequate col b ration i* $250 (MX). ROKRFTt THF KINO. MB. ASQl ITU'S DALoilTER. aJ? hours of the nicht. ' telephone saves manv a la Company With I.ady Aberdeen Will Visit America. A despatch from London e.\vs : V ; o!et Asquith, daughter of Pre- ftnancial jRwtlties unfounded. H aai<l that aiilnria was in a position .: entinul thu war for three, even ijc month*, farlianient passed the flrvt readiib of the bill providing an xtraordinkr* credit of 110.000.000 lor army purposes The Govern - gnent has iltradured a bill providing lor the po at e'ortio; emrnt of the munici until 30 dy aft*r d- WtU III A jfre the. worr 10 HOT SPUN OS ! TRAINMAN KILLED. Aid Lf|C aid Iwtvrial A >**atoh from Sd*ur TavWr T*x>aii4l. br*k**na. ef Nrt% Saw, i. '! v? rd RwwiaVMr TSomai. of V."'h RaT. lr rken atxlintor- nal njuri*s. is tS caewaHv tit to- nit a derailment n* wile tk> of BvnaT Inlt at 8 o'clock on Virginia, nd from Ottawa says : We<fr^day wornmaT on the. NV<I- ill Ind rest froai j bury-Toroto line of the C.P.R. tt office during the 'An er>rin. tender and van wer at Hot Sprins. I preceding kackward* to Sodburv. hi will play golf th lrailTnej|t takl plae on a the rew>- IP ilaiitio M Pre-mmr. th.rwri" tod Mr*. Bardea laft ovr. killed td all Brnk-rnan and waa wat inatantly of Bv of A d-^patch from Copenha-e avs: The private librnrv of Ki' Christian has ben the *!d of op- ti->n 'or a thi^f. The fact v 3 discovered on WednednT. and a**itant a-cretarv is charred ^ b^in :"volv^d. TS<> loot inc'' rare and unique books, minis' was cal'ed for minor con- ^^"i** St " hnn '>' f-*y * K < ] c t and needless journev Fre- (-ntlv. because of the knowledge .4 prreciati"n that a phvs : y be quicklv summoned bv phone in case of real necessity, the ml<fr Asquith, sailed by the Celtic loctor is not cal'ed at all. ae'some on Thursday on a short visit to trtnsitorv condition has disap- ** * t!l * u " ' or P r of peareii before nK>rning. "" t:ln * of Mr. and Mrs Bryce ar \V\shington. Miss Asotiith was >lootint? I.w. joined at Queenstowu by the C--int "In contrast to this sreal! loss is " of Ab<T<.ie?n. wifi- ,.f the Lord the gain rhrou<rh telephone visits in , Lieutenant for Ireland, lieu of >(fi>.> calls Such 'phone vis mart*, for. whereas, the lunz* of the pink, those of the former are jt Mack Th? Lorvdon Kvt carers one's face with smttdgps. and. if you 'eave any white material in front cf an orwn window f-^r an hour or so. whn \'Mi c<.m-e b-<ck vou wil! find it littered with ''bl^r-ks" as t*"*v are locally The soot ki'N veretati->n, unless it is te-K?fd mot care> f't'lv. Pank washe water. In th careen inside the of England. th les ar every week with soap and it} naav bt regarded as . ifi visits, on the gruuitd that if telephones did not exist it would be necessary for and pi-tures. The sttilrn a-' 1 **! tfl * P*t"t to seek advice at the sold to dealrs in ecoivr 1 *'^ ' ' ! ^ f *- I'ndoubtedlv the telephone i KING UKOKGK tLECTKD. Hoiorary who are said to ha <*'* pard of a larg* --t f ther ' tb " United StaU*. ET.ECTICIA!f HAMIT.TV Hewitt ?--*, n Search for THn-fo on .. ci M- enabled patients to cling to ! family physician after mv- IT ^ frum hi original sphere of k>erf* if there were o telephone* svck loyalty would have been impossible. Pn^f. Rell . Thursday Bight, and others who followed him in de- | vr 'oping the telephone svstem add- | pxl g'reatlv to the comfort, happi- . nes. pr'Htreaa and we'fare ^ soci- ety, in til of wMc-h the physicua ' Member of New York Tackt fin.. A despatch from New York says : ity King t- T. of England was elected an honorary eaaber of ths Xew York Yacht at the meeting of the club on AIDS TO NAVIGATION. of Motion for Ommit'rH- to A despatch from Ottawa Mr. F. V. Lewis t W IIuron> has eiven notice of a re-.ihition in th* Commons calling for the appoint- ::-.". of a special committee to in- ve-tigate and report on the who'e svstem of aids to uitv'sration on the St. Lawrence ar-d g-?nt taks The intention is to th"riTh'y re-organ- ize the present pil 'tags system ia the St. Lawrence, with a view ro in- suring as far its posvb'e agains* a recurrence of the .acckieata of ta *ea*on. Mi itant suffragvttea phone communication cut with tele- Not- a" Ml r-M. i **-ikr ... I' n **f* Victoria. B.C.. Counci' may erect a public salt-water bath house to cost it 25. 000. We submit that all men are no* alike. Yesterdav w# board of a n'n who always hangs up the towel he WJC-S "What ia the efvirr" a*rairHt , him *" "I'm not certain to t-h.- wrtawe tan" of ^Oc. |wr mund Boyce. on a Bontmck farm, specific charw. >Ht t*- To;t>), i "#n" " were No*Hbe 26, and confesstni has that h ex<yed!xl th hi e>n joyed h: share." John McDougall was arrested at ; Hanover on a charge of burn ng the house >.f hi* brother-in-law, F/d- --- '-. -v. .,: l ; ater ton * < TV. for for ftied by the Railway Commission. | getting rich."