T/ ( December 26, 11.2. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE . 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS If CUUX>UOH * V". Sli i Hankers Harkdal* . > t Bankeri Maikdal* ^ ..r-or] l.aoki UK kuiineM . Money loautr! at reasonable r*tw Call on o. CH1BL.ETT. r, Ceylon. Oouwnieaiooer in H. C. J . Conveyancer, <Jed. inorta*!, lea. will" tc carefully drawn up ollectiuns made. charge* reasonable. Also i oeene(. Dour, f ced etc. kept it) ttock. Prices EVERY GRADUATE! PLACED With the larvest attendance in its liittorv, The CollingwtKxl BuvioesM College hat placed in H good posi- tion, every graduate of the pretent year. Winter term from January 2, 1910. Send for handsome Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal farm "-' SSiaWS. aattala-ttW ES&attta AdV.n aSSmBgE-ginB OnU Farms for Sale {0 Acres Welt half lot H, con. 11. Townhhip Of 111]' in . SOAcr East half lot It, con. 11, Township I Uiprcy. . WAcrea \Vetbalf lot 7, run. 11, Township of OsprejT. .XI A -!- EaithtU lot?, can. 11, Township of Oipry. 100 Acre* Lot . J. Con. 10; ArMiiieila. 100 Acre* Lot 33, Con. 11, Arteuieils. AcresLot :(, <'on. 13, lot 4, con. H AcreH -la cou. 14, Artemwii, 100 Acres Lo 19, co, 14, ArtmMia. 100 A, . !:! in. ir lot?, cou. 2. Rupbraaia. : f.' Acres Ixits 24 and 25, con. 8 ArteiDetia. K Acre* I'art Lot 144, 141, 146, i mi. N. B T. B. K ..'Aritoii SIK. SOUAcrs* Lot. 'I ', and 40, con. 1-2, Artemasia. :>3Acr*s :i7. con. 12, af,.leih.jrte JP OTTBWKLI. Veterinary 6urf*OD ^ CollK* DENTISTRY 11 e MUftltAY It. D. B., fltntal snrgaon LEGAL UCAB. Jim< 13tf W. A. ARMSTRONG, Hetherloa Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance Bubscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with othfcr papers. Fle.iherton Advance f I ii v uuths Companion. . . i, ... . 200 TOJ unto World, daily . t :{ 00 Toronto Daily News . . A. ., ] 50 Weekly Globe '$ Mail-Empire 75 ' Family Hi r.. 1,1 & Star W Toronto Star 1 60 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocate 1 50 Weekly Witoett W Satin-day Niht 3 00 Home Jouttr.il to Poultry News ... jjj Poultry Jteview 1 1. .il ;uiil Gun 111:11;. .: i ii<- SOCIETIES U W uieOi. ou b lae* in eb Weekly Report Of Fleiherton High School Term landing - Sept. -Dec. < vr 70 IH i cent, honurt, (50 to 70 paai, under W) failure. I . <ii n n. 1 Freoch mirk* icparate, nut included in lUt. Foim 2- Gladys Whit* 81, Elaie \\Y u l,i t.ii, Maud Boyd t.9, StelU GIT 645, Preston Beattie 63. Harry Field 63, Kate McMillan 62, Lolita Beattie til, Valeria Stafl'urd oil, Harvey Shunl 5!), Murray Legate 58, Viola Cornfield 57. Mabell* Henderson 57, Thomas Orr 54, Artie Wright 54. Form 3 W. KeniahMi 81, L. Bunt Bunt 78, L. Ellisoa 77, Z. Lawlor 7, A. Wright 67, H. Allen 5, H. Shutik '4, K. Wilcock M, L. WhewelHtt, E.Loucka 62, A. McMillan 62, D. Thumton 57, M. Stafford 57, L. Legate 56, 1. Mitchell 63, I. Wilson 47. Lai in L. Ellison 87, H Allen fio, L Whewi'll 77. W Kerrmhan 74, L Bunt 7"), K Wilcock 45, H Shunk 4(1, 1 Mit- chell 38, M Stafford 25, A McMillan M, A Wright 21, DThurston 17, E Louck* and L Legate absent. French, Form 3 Lillian Bunt 7<i, Lil- liun Whewell 69, Winslow Kernahan 68, Miner** Staflurd 50. Dell Thurston 4 French, Foam 2 Maud Boyd 81, Elsie Wright 73, Valeria Stiflbrd 69, Lolit* Heattie M, Mabelle Henderson 61, Stella Urr 60, Harry Field o*), Murray Legate 4!t, Thomas Orr 4fl, Artie Wright 42. Latin, Form 2--K Wright 60, M Buyd 62. L Beattie 50, V Stafford 4*. A Wright 46, H Field 34, K McMilUti 28, 8 Orr 28, M Legal* 25, T Orr -20. Term lUnding. Form 1 F Bunt , Arnel Love 60, M Irwin 62, X. Bentham HI, A Gaudin 60, M McTavish .'.'". L Mc- Phail :>'>. Elmer Wright 54, Pbronxie Carson 63, L Truenian 03, K McLaren 48, S Smart 47, X IV.ter 46, H Le- G*rd 43. Treasurer's Statement Of Receipts and Expenditure Of the Village of Flesher- Ton for the year 1912 Eugenia Paragraphs Merry Christmas. Eugenia L. O. L. Ho. 1118 held annual meeting on Dec. 18, 1912, Lawrence in the role of Santa Glaus played his part exceedingly well and con- valued the audience with hi- witty say- ings. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sailiuiy and family their O f Toronto are spending the Christmas and elected the following officers for tke en- suing. year : W. M., A lei. Cinuthers : D. M., Hobt. McMullen ; Chaplain, Henry Weber , Rec.-Sac'y., Stanley Campbell ; Financial See'y., Uatnet Mt ee : Trea. , Duncan William* ; D (,!('.. Win. Magre; Lecturer, Jame.<- Cantou ; Comtoittee John Pardon. Robt \Viliiiun.s. Earl Parliament, Jociah Cooper. Fred Smith. Uut i u-i Master. Herb Corbett, being present, rendered a fine addresf*. Also District Deputy Matter, Fred McMaater was present and gave good infonnttioi) nn to t lie njanage- ment of the primary lodges. After a of thanks wai tendeied to all visit by holidays nith friends in this icinity. Mr. Lynefo Fawcett, who has been working with the Cell Telephone gang t Hanoter, returned home last week. Mr. .). K. Kawceii and son Saul are vis- iting friends at Collingwood at present. Mr. Robt. Iswin, who ha* been visiting at his parents horn* here, returned U>t week toCallaoder. in,; brethtrn the meeting was closed Kinging God lav*} tha King. Mr. Card Graham is laid up with pleurisy. Mr, .li.lm Williiiins in visiting week' in the city. Mr. and. Mrs. Jake Williams and bridal receptiou of Mr. and Mi's. Drura Siewart of Stratford, held McTavishs.' Flesherton, at on Mr. D. Monday Vandeleur Happenings Our public nchool closed on Friday for the < 'HI i>tnMs holiday*. In the afternoon Claus appeared and diatributed a large amount uf C'taristmai cheer to the htile folks. The teacher, Miss Leslie, . left ui Friday evening to spend the holi- this ,1^^ .;,], , iei mother in Markdale. Mr. Cochratie of Bruckville was a vis- itor at the home of Mr. J. M. Davis n- ceatly. Mr. Hairy Silcox and Mi- May Deavut, Mr. Matt and Mi-> k'letcher, 01 Rucklyn, were visitors in our burg re- Mrs. K..l,t. CHinpbell entertained ajcently. number of young people at her home onj A Iiumbel , o{ lbe y OUUi , pe ,, p i e of this Tuesday evening All report a good neighborhood spent a pleasaut time at CANADIAN ^ ^^ . WINTER TOURS TO California, tfkxico, Florida AND Cbc Sunny South Limited train* leaye Toronto dailv. making direct connection at Detroit aud Buffalo for Florida aud at Chicago for l aJifornla, etc." Round Trip Tic Vet. at Low Rate*. Fall particular! trim any C. 1'. K- Agent S. Rand, Agent, Fleshertotv time. Mr. Fred Prdlar and children haw gone to Meafoid to spend the holiday. Miss Charter of Mfaford visited wi Miss M. Me Mullen the past week. Miss McMullen and Miss E. I^timer are home from tbe city. Mr. Card Graham it laid up at preient with pleurisy. Mr. J. E. Williams is in pcor health at present. Mrs. Woodbarn lux gooe on a visit with ftiends in the city. the Inline of Mr. and Mi.-. J. M. 1> . - on Wednesday evening la*t. of Toronto arrived |he h0 | iditys Mr. W. L. Cullis with his parents here. Mr. J. 1. Gialum has been laid up for j.sume time with an ulcerated tooth. Mex*r. Abe McM aster and William Woods, with their clover huileri, wr* thrashing cluver in this vicinity !.>--. wek. i Ii* yield is not very large. The members uf t'ourt Vandeleur C. The annual meeting of the Presbyterian! - *' treat 1 their wtre t. a fowl up- LaiJies' Aid Society met Dec. 1!. 1912 V at lhe h " iue >* Mr. HI. Alcox on and elected the following utticerx for the following year : Lion. Pre*., Mis. Jake Williams; Mclfee ; Sc>, Meltlruui ; Free., Mil. Vice-Free., Mis. T. WednrMlay vveuing last. A very eu- joyable lime was speut. W. B. Buchanan of Toronto \ and S. Bucbanau of Owen Sund arrived i H. ALEXANDER TAILOR MERCHANT M,; Tboi. I'lavton.Becre.' C2ii^.r oJ ecb inniiU.- WftS .liorno'C. - - "" Fin. B , W. B6. I. 0. K. n>et Io ,a W.due.dav vui(l ttlnc Foretr lieartily .ll.u%. B., <i. al".; flrrt Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO line of Rcady-Made Clothing Which wo put Hltrratii if rWiu >iu in frt-t- uf Tamworths Jor 5ale Hotl> x nearly ready <or brcciline. Boar for Service I'mr $1, Tauiwoith V.^i '"f N '' 'h- N. Hin.ll f , Maxw.ll On*. Bull for Service CEYLON'S Meat Market 2 For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McCIocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. RECEIPTS i-d from Standard bank.il M 00 " 175 00 U60 00 260 00 " " ;{00 OO 14 " " :oo on i;,-,,.*.: l...:n OT> Note 000 OC .. taxes Wright , taxes 250 0) to nrhau school ...... 24 5<> V right, tuxes .......... 100 CO JolmV right, taxes ............ 180 OO Ji.linVight, taxes ........... J8IMIO J'lhn \ight, taxes .......... '.Wl 00 itiilk debentures ..... 2HOO K) Police tVteFx, ll. lire dol>. . . .'154 50 '^7 :K)9 7J 12I 5 l Hl.,th..rn tH. f wrvice ..u l"t In, '"" EXAMINED FREE I (trades thor- -1 plication. Setvicr. IM t\ V* at time ' , BULL FOR SERVICE Tburotiftlibrr:! Hhiirthurn hnll, , ' T KNS SitlsOliitljin j Guaranteed | Our g tiar- ( fur M-rvii-e on lot lib, -. --__ i. . , - mei. Thin animal i f fuDO "RSilng' SOITietlUllf . train. reii(tree on application. Teru., Ura^i i, wrGSred :t .IAS. STINSON Prmiiietor. Boar for Service We are not here to-day and away to-morrow ; you know Just where ' to find us. 1 Comfortable vision or your money back. No, guess work. Alamr wl-ite Yeikuliire Hoar lor rvico, : j- . luii'tiSi i. 3r.i range w T. AH. K., Aiteiuefia. : Accurate, scientific measurftT)ents and Terni<*i,<Ki- Bull* for I'ore bred Huefi.nHiulU for falo, on lot 171,. 'la. w.'f. A -S. S., Artemesia. 1 Man-li II! . T. A. J. WATSON, Proton Station. ii. WALLFK, ! tests. Difficult cases i specialty. i * // W. A. Armstrong. Property For Sale Lamb Estray 1 1 ,:i- ' and Lot in Fovrrsham 1 - i , .M. MI LI.,' .. house, frame stable, | acre lot, gii.ul wnll Kt iloor. Also lut 12 .ml !' .It'll, 12th con., O.sprey, ..n .miii;- 150 Hcret ; gcind fiiime [bai-n, i't.o., well wat.ercil, good stock ' i u i.i For mis anil (in itiru Urn apply t.. .IAS. T. MuKKNXIK, .lundl'Tlf Foversham I'.O. (ARM H)k SALF. Camo to my ittrrtHiiiCH, Ij-i :i:icoii. i, ArlenicHiii, libniil Se[il . !.", mio livmb. Owner plna.su prov*) prnp.M-iy, pay x j i IIM ii. il l ill. r Mfne away. A. Mcf.KAN, Hock MilU. Bull For Service i "" 1 "' ^ 4th c "- Will sell cheap und on eany ternn, Thoronuhbred Abfid.'en AIIKUH Dull, ; be wild. A Iwi l.'l colonies of be< "HUck Dwmond KiriK,' for Mi-vice on sale, cheap. Apply to hit 28, Con 4, (Jlenehr. JOHN SMITH, _ t w II I* 'VT'JIKmi'JJi'i l't>p. |15Dey- Kimltrrlry P.O., Out. , _: v * ' f L'UIH k . eti-... fiy.... HCCt. 470 :.o iM ;>o 4\) 00 4 50 "r. ~io 7 75 rj M 17 4!l !i 62 I 70 1 76i L'.') 4:. L'ol HUSKMENTS W. H. ThuVn, stationery, etc 9 1'ay roll I'oVidvwalk 172 I'ay roll lor bk- ulk '.'4L' 08 Pay roll for s\walk 1'oi '.'.". 1 '.i\ roll for \< I'.iy roll for si, I'.iy i. ill, road Hny roil, for !'> roll, _ 1'uy ruljat for " I'ny roll. Honerul W. H. Tliuiston, \V 11. Thurkton, W. .1 Hellainy, n-u. W. H.Thurston W. H.Thurs-on, W H. Tliui-Hlon, side H. (,'trrington, ditrhi H. V\ood, ditching. . W, H. Thurston, print II. Woods, di'ching . . l''ii,l n, !.- in .ML Fiiiil no e in bank 1'niil note in liunk Paid noin in Imnk I'diil in. 1 1- in bank lU'iirw.l note %:H40 ;) I'.i .. uote HCIIVWH! uote John HitleH, WOIK i -inl.i .li'lin A I'..'V ! . truck tire ,1. A. Doyil, overseeing sidew'li I'.u.i note in Imnk . '. J. iV W. Huyd, freiijlit cement W. II. ThuiKton. ; T .ml sta. T. ItUkf ley, tank t'ov engine.. T. Blukclt!)', iilank D. Leilch, work on road W. ,). llemlnrson, work on ruail W, J. Henderson, wwrk W. ,1. Hriiilers.in.work tire en^. John Hairs, work tire engine.. C. J. KelUmy, naililflll W, J. Itvllnmy, trees pub.sohoul W. J. l;. [.inn . tip. to Toronto re incorporation W. II. Wright, legal expenses y. A. lloyd for E. (5. AK'! Hoc.. Totiil $7761 J ASSKTS ,V LIABIMTIKS Assets (!anh in i . i '.,i . - ; : .ii.l- $745 4'J Urjcnllcted Taxes 18V8 f.3 Total f-.'f,44 Of> home last week to spnud the holidays her The tirat irainload of wheat to come over the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway left Winnipeg Monday for Port Colborne Ontario. , .'!>, 1. .vi. m.i i- , . -t_v , Mi -. F. tienoe ; Treasurer, If rs. A. Cameron ; Auditors. Miss Carson, Mis" lw j Ln their father and"sier. Hyslop. Mrs. H. Wiliiams.Mrs. Cunatr- on, aud Miss Carson treated (he ladiis Miss Lil Warlinj? is tisiting to a fowl supper at the close of the ll>r ' M '- Gilbert, Dear Wrarton. neeting. The Women's Institute will meet on Tuesday M -t at 2.30 m the afteruo.n,[ instead of New Years day, st Mrs. A. Swith'x. Program pa|>er by Mrs. Jake Williams, on the attitude of the home to theSabbath school. Eviln oHault finding, by Mrs. A. Cameron. Visitors welcome. The conductor on the C. P. R. .mum surely htve forgotten how i|uickly th time flew when he first gut married, or he would have waited a few minutes for Wiluier nd his .bride, on \Vedni sly umruiug. Miss Gsrti* Pxni and Mr. aud Mrs. Ed. Ctir aud children have returned borne from the West to visit friends here.! As they were all well known here r extend a hearty wrlcouie and Christmas! SHEEP STRAYED Two Leictttter ewes, blruyed from my premises about Dct, 1 -. Kinder please co:umunieat wiih A. Cameron, Eugenia. XMAS. WEEK. At Pedwell's Store- Have ycu yor.r holiiay supplies yet * If nut, give us a call. Our goods are (.-ood and price* right. We have a full line of Iresh Igrocerie*. Finest con- fectionery Nuts, Almond:. Filberts, Braz Is and Peanuts, New Dates. Eating Figs, Table Kauiins.Maliga <i!rapes,Bananaa ar,d Orange*, Choclates and Bui>-Bvni. A grand display of Novelties, Toys, Etc. A splen- did line of gooUi, suitable f<>: presents. Smyi- ; rugt, Table Covers, Ijwlies Fur Lined Coats, Ladies' (Quilted Coat and everything I'p-to-Date found in a general country sU:re. Highest prices paH for produce of any kind D. W. WIDEMAN, Mg'f. FEVERSHAM, ~ ONT. Farm For Sale or Rent 100 acres in the 7th concession, lot 31, Artemesia, about 60 rods from school, poetoftice, and store. On the property is a log house and a good barn, two wells and a (food spring : about 75 acres cleared n<i 70 acres under cultivation. Will rent if not sold. Apply to D. WHITK, Kock Mills >flsa Ruth Pul is home from Flenher- ton. 49 n., 1(1 BD 29 a H2' a -.' tiO (i 50 40 00 1(1 (K) Feversham L.O.L. Annual Celebration The members of L.O.L. N. 10N"> en- joyed a social evening together on Wed uesday, Dec. 11, 1!U2, the occasion beinv a fowl >ii|.i.-i mi.l , ,nu-i i -, xt which the uiri.iln-i-. wr r h thuir. wires and weel- In- ui io the n uuil. r r of neventy, V down t<> a bountiful supply of xo.se aiul other goi>d things. After they Imd dom sii.i.'e juitioe t the same they then u- joyed a pleasant hour or Bo together. The chair was taken I \ Bro. Win. K -til- ting, who tilled the position to perfec- tii'ii, Selections on the orpnn ami violin were givrir by Miss 1. 1 > Alexander mni I'.i James Savers, also Bliss Adu Kxit- ting and Bro. Juhn Ottcwell irave selec- tions (in orgtn :uid violin. Rev. Bro Janien I'himuter gave a very interest in)! anil instructive addrenx which wu!< well' r.-i i-ivril nnd loudly applauded. l'i,- ! Alex .1. Conrou, l'i-i County Master. g.\ B a couple nf reciiMions which were very appropriate fnr the occasion. Bro. \Y. E. Brown gave several Kelection.H oi his phoui'gt-Hjili ln h wero certninly amusing. The committee, Bros. W. K Ihown, R. .1. Col|uett and Thcs. WJ Conion, who hsd charge of tin- siippu'j and concert, certainly deserve crt>dit,:iuU | lsn the ladies deserve the highest for the bountiful Iwiket.s of food which they provided for the occasion. No. 1085 is in u prosperous condition, In. 1 1 financially and otherwwe. .VONEOKT s K\ - r - j\>* r i t r\- < >.> r i> ~.i r ."'' <-* !.-.. < . n . l Itoi t.r V ln.li\ . li.,i.t r . ,, i\'i-:\i,\\, >T.,<-., i> Qil .c:,i Ji ii,- ,\.- ,-, mi u i.jiri.' vaut ilw il. n... i . i i- i fi.^ ].,.,. l. , j i. lll.\<>>.)<. .t 11 IVil.n -.tl vail\ ,i m^iii-ji* riiiiili,!. i.ii , u^ i Itvi ;'..-,. n; *.ulr. I !i,t. ,,........: Mut-k I ..ml I... -a KUMIt . i li^l ilr i Ij, p.r ;.n r. II n' ,1.1 SU . Mm I.', !..t :vn [|_ U ^ |ll '''j; ( . a:> * r '"* al '" la Twliinli,. Oul ' noire '3000 S.mk tlt.K n H^al^ui. J," rul o, |, OU< vi.Uv nolll rt aOr Mo] irloutl^kltt*!*** inT"ti "l"iu>. ff mvi, IOUOT. \~i.li... INTKKNATIONAI. i r)< K[ tWIlll u- Vulr. .. lm) -IOKOVIO ' .i-*l M JOHMO:MS VtaUanmn U P.VIKlK.j For Sale by John Fishei Flesbertoo, --..' - Ontario, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NERVOUS Jmberley Budget ..ml sluigbing for ChrUtma.s |iss Vera Magot, who hits been \ i-.it L-iends in Toronto, returned home' [ay Ust week. Robert Luwrence is viiiting - '-.% in Puny Sound district. .'lin T.i v!' 11 of Hocklyn WH a our liurg one day lHt week. In: Irs Uoode ami dtuchter, | are spending the Christ inasj Dor week John Mr. one 1 1. 1 Due si It-walk ilebt, By.Luw tiSl v:ss .M) I'm- Towii)>hip Artemesia Con- iinii.iiii.il srhoiil By Law 725 100 42 Due Two. Artenieitm maintenance, tWrlonaUun Sohool 141 8ii ;fcB Township Artemesia By-I,nw By-l.nw No. 744 115 4(1 Dm I'uhlii: Kf'ioul Debonturer. . . lliH _' Due Publiu School Trustee llntu 1O52 00 MaUiioo on hand lltHl !K( Total ?-' 1 1 05 over Tiiabilities THOS. CLAYTON, J. A. ItOYU, of the | 1 I'-]'!-. IIM tpeiul th Meisrs nf the M Christinas t Mr. Hat, ji.tii'iitiil h The I'hri illiilrr the K day School huge succeRs, Much credit public I. . I Me *iii t and of the the i, niu-is molhri. Mis. -M u-ti t she t inn- red f< s week. and J. il. John*ston scho .1 alHtt' left for their mi'- on SatimUy last toj week. [n nuil William Uaiiiiuond high M li.nil are .speiulini;! |fiir ji.iii-iii.il home here. vitoliiiiS'Hi, of M.-ui -im- pretrnt visiting at hia ire. tree i-nteitninuient hold .f the Mi-thoilist Sun- 1 ay evtmiif Inst >vas u>> icially Hiul otherwise, j Mine Simpson of the also to Mr. Charles cllie Burritt, for 'he 1 lititiment. Mr. H. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and nuke ntat. > you. 1 uJiTitniufluviKo tbe br.aa becomea active, tho l-l. ...l puriued y. r;i,,t all pimples, blutchcsand ulcers heil up: Uie nerves bocc:no Etroag as st*<i. to that Df rvousnes, bashfulaess and UcspmuieDcv disapiwar; tbe yi< became bneht the face full and clear, energy returns to the txxly, aud th mor-1, physical and meutal systems are invii;or.i , i; all drains cease Do more vital wasto from the svstem You feel yonrwrf a ra.-.n au'l know marria-e cannot be a failure. Don'* 1 uuacka and fakirs rob you of. your banl earned dollars. t*- HO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Peter r. Summers relates his experience: "1 was trou Uled with Xervuui Debility for many year*. Ilayli to indiscretion and excesses lu y..i.ili. 1 became verv despondent and uiJn'l care whither I worked or nut. 1 Imagined everybody who looked at me guegsrd my secret. Imaginative dreains at night weakened 'me my back ached, had pains In the back of mr head, bands and feet were cold, tired m the morning-, poor appetite, fingers were ahaky, eyes olurrod, hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in the lingers set In and the doctor told me be f oared paralysis. I took all kiuda of medicines and tried many Bret-class , physicians, wore an electrio belt for three months, but received little benefit. I Irene VITM tnv w** induced to consult 1'rs. Kennedy ft Kraoedv, though I had lost all faith In doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the NKW Mrrtroo Tut* saved my life. Tbe improvement was like mario I couU feel the vigor the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. Ibave aent them ~ t and font inue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY W. treat and cor* VAR'COSC VEINS. NERVOUS DEB1UTY, | URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. Bl.ok lor Hnaw Trtine at. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., De NOTICE All letters from Canada to our Canadian Corn tin-lit in Windsor, Ont. see n personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit BO patient* in our Windsor offices which are for C Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all DRS. KENNEDY * KENNEDY. JffrlU for our private address.