Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1913, p. 5

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January 2 1913 THE FLESH ERTONAD VANCE JL A tt - .*> A A A V THE ESTABLISHED F CANADA TORONTO TT i* an advantage sometime* to 1 keep a bank account in the name* of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account." We shall be pleased to rumish par- ticulars. * FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL. BED Manager. Branch** Uo at Durham and Harruton. C. P. R. Time TaMe. leave Fleaherton Station Read Boyd's big ad. on back page. Dr. Joseph Stafford of McGill Uni- versity spent the holidays with relatives here. The young people indulged Trains follows : Going South Going North ! ' 7.43 a. in. 11.28 a.m. j 4.33p.m. 8.58p. m. I singing on Christmas Eve. It is a pretty The mails are olosad at Flesherton ai j cuatoni nd should not he allowed to follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and | ^ QUt 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon msil south at| 3.40 o'clock. For morning brain south ( Mrs. W. A. Armstrong received mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'gj j ratner Ull i que Christmas present last ' week from a sinter in Calif ornia in the ' form of a necklace manufactured from VICINITY CHIPS Miss Ethel Trimble is visiting her par- ental honia. Miss Bertha Colquett is home from Toronto for the holidays. Mr. W. P. Crossley spent Christinas with his daughters in Toronto. Mr. John Pedlar returned last week from a visit to friends in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Lawrence of 3Jorth Bay visited friends here last week- This year is the unlucky thirteen. What dire catastrophes will befall us I Mr. George < >rr is home from Saskat- chewan. Messrs. W. and J. Fields aro home from railway work down uear Whitby. Min Floirie McMullen of is visiting with her parents here. Mr. and Mis. Ea. Orr and Mr. Wesley Orr are home from the West. Mr. John Kerr of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents in town. Mr. Clifford Loucks of Meaford is vis- iting st Mr. P. Loucka'. Mrs. Harpell of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy. Mrs. Scoitof Torontois visiting rela- tives in town. rose petals, very highly. She values the keepsake Mr. T Blakeley went to Meaford on Monday and returned Tuesday with two Barber waterwheels which he is install ing in his factory here. One is intendec for chopping and the other for the sash and door factory. When installed *Mr Blakeley will be prepared to do chop ping the year round. Presbyterian Concert STRAYED Strayed from my premises on or about )ct. Mill, 7 lambs and 1 ewe. Any tody finding IUMIUJ, please communicate with S. McMULLEN. i p. o. R. J. COLQUETTE Fever sham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implements Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, unt Gasoline Engines, Melottu Cream Separators, Btiker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always .'ii hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. ' Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ftversbam, Ontario. The Presbyterian Sunday School is tx be congratulated on the success of thei Christmas entertainment. Rev. Ii. E Wallwood, pastor of the Metbodis church, acted as chairman, and preside* over an extremely interesting program Violin solos by Messrs. James Bowler and Jeff Thistlewaite were much apprec- Turonto iated, as wa also a piuno solo by Miss I Reta Buskin. The choruses and drills by members of the school were vary :>!. and showed the gteat pains which had been taken iu training the children. In fact t he whole program was so good that it would be difficult to single out the bfitt of the local talent although special men- tion should be made of solos by R. N. Cornfield and Miss Yen McMulleu, and a very funny recitation on "Women" by Stewart McTavish. Mr. Ellwood Genoa, elocutionist, of XMAS. WEEK -At PedwelPs Store Have you your holiday supplies yet ? If not, give us ' a call. Our gooda are good and prices right. We have a full line of rreah (groceries. Finest con- fectiouery Nats, Almonds. Filberts, Brs/.ils and Peanuts, New Dates, Eating Figs, Table Raisina, Malaga Grapes, Bananas and Oswngef, Choclates and Bon-Bons. A gritnd display of Novelties, Toys, Etc. A splen- did line of goods, suitable for presents. Smyrna rugs, Table Covers, I. KIII-. Pur Lined Coats, Ladies' Quilted Coats and everything I'p-to-Date us found in a general conn try sU ire. Highest prices [mid for produce of any kind D. W. WIDEMAN, Mg'r. FEVERSHAM, - ONT. | Toronto, is well-known to Fleshertnn Miss Lena Swift of Toronto is visiting ! audiences, and his previous record w.s. her grandparents, Mr.and Mw.P.Quigg. 1 * powiolc excelled. Mrs. Woodlurn has gone to Toronto ! after visiting a few weeks with Mrs. J. "Thompson. Misses Eva and Ella Buskin < i Wode- bouse spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Phillips have re- turned home after visiting friends here for the past month. Miss Annie Howard of Toronto is spending Christmas nd Naw Years with her mother snd brother. Mr. and Mi's. J. J. Thompson have gone on a visit to the Utters mother snd other friends in Shelburuc. Mr.and Mrs. Alfred C*rter of Toronto have been the guests of friends her* dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sinclair of Mea- ford returned home on Tuesday tfter visitin rha latter's parents, Mr. and MM. W. Sharp. Mr. Alf. Harrison returned Isst week from a visit to his brother, Ward, in New York slate. The Utter is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. McClung and Mis., Ethel McClung ofiKimHerlay spent Christ- IIKIM with Mr. and Mr*. Jno. Gibion i town. Mrs. H. E. We L I*. i. .d left Monday to attend 'he fiueral of little niece in Cold water. She was accompanied by her aunt, Miss McDonald of Toronto, who h:ts been visiting her for the past week. Mr. Jamas Cornfield, father of Mr- ,)..*. Cornfield of Fleeherton, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Aletander Barron at Kirwin, KM., on Dec. 22, aged 82 year*. The Advance has enough coi respond- ence and other matter on hand to get out another p*per ind of necessity much of it has to be held over. We all have to exercise patience at thin ruth, season of the year and d-> the best we can. The Annual Meeting of the LibeiV Conservative Association of East & Cen- tre Grey will not be hld at usual iu January, but a date will ba arranged for sometime during ihe summer months. Mr. Gen-m i H most pleasing enteitaincr, who has perfectly ; developed the faculty of amusing an audience. He also eicels in more serious and higher-clsss work, and the fact that this is !IM second appearance here in three months is evidence of the favour- able impression he has created. Mr. W. R. Curry, of Toronto, is one of the best bass lingers Flesherton people have had the pleasure of hearing. This wth his first visit here, but should he come again he may be assured of bumper reception. Both these gentle- men were enthusiastically encored, and very getifiously responded to the ap- plause, Mr. Genoa giving eight selections in all. At Mm end of the program Santa Clans appeared and unloaded a sparkling shining Christmas tree, which had been filled with presents for the scholars The church was well crowded, and th proceeds amounted to |63.30. . Do You Realize The money you can mako selling Frui Tree* ' The present demand for Nurs ery stock is the greatest in the history o the business. Everybody who has the land is planting or preparing to plant. We Want Now For fall and winter month.s a reliable This change has been made ID pursuance ! ,, mn to sell in Flnxherton itnd surround "We Told You So" About six weeka ago The Advance an nounced that the Eugenia wa'erpowa had been *old to the Hydro. Electtii Commission bnt that the papers woul( not be signed until about the tint of tin year, The Toronto dailies denied tbi truth of this and taa county paper echoed the denial, but event* havi proved that The Advance knew what i wae talking about . Lkst weok an oflk-in announcement was made con tinning our statement. ' r hci price paid by the Cunimiasion sixty thousand and thsy get possession in one month. Mo doubt the coming ntmer will see developments in fu wing on this power and things wi: ouce ntora boom at Eugenia. Ib will, i H expected, also ^>lace Flesher'oo. one more in the zone of light, and that be fore many moons have come and gone. of a motion passed :it the last annual meeting, because of bhe stormy weather and bad roads that 30 often those coming from a distance being present in January. Notice of tha exact 1 date will l> given later. ing district. Good pay, exclusive tern tory, and all tha Advantage:, in represent ing at. old established tirin . Over (itH !t I acres under cultivation. EsUblilu-d :<. year*. Write PELHAM. M'RSERY CO. 20Jan Toronto, Ontario. HILL BROS., MARKDALE X^ ; Standfield's Underwear the Centre of V Grea Deal of Controversy and Contention FOR THE PAST MONTH we have seen, a goo*t deal of contention between local merchants in regard to Stanfield's fad-erwear. We find one claiming to have the sole agency for Markdale ; another stating he has tlie goods at the right prices ; and now we say to you : if; yow want to buy Standfield's Under- wear, the genuine article, branded and stamped, at less money than you pay else- where, you will have to come to this store for -it. The prool is being able to deliver the goods. So come to this store expecting to buy Stanfield's Underwear less than you will have to pay elsewhere. Remember we claim to have no monoply of this line, but we have the goods and the prices are right. Corsets of Quality A. full stock the Celebrated P. C. Corsets for Ladies, moderately priced from 75c to $2.25 a pair fit and comfort Reliable Corsets, attractive in appearance, serviceable iu wear, and the last word in style, assured in your selection at this- store. Moderattey priced at per pair, 75c to are 2.25 Corset Special 75 pair of Ladies' Corsets, Compton and D.-& A. Makes. This is a biir clesnup from our regular stock as we are discontinuing these makes and for that reason you can buy 85u and 91 00 Corsets for per pair 85c, BIG ASSORTMENT OF STYLES 50 pair Ladies' Corsets made hy the same firms, All sizes, oO, 75 and 8oc lines clearing at per pair 48c. An Offering of Specially Priced Fancy Silk and Nett Waists, This Week, SHEEP STRAYED Two Leicester ewes, strayed frwn my t iin.-i--' about Oct. 1-'. Finder please communicate with A. CnmeEuu, Eugenia. Odds and Ends II ! I II i I I ! I II II II II I i i. j i The Styles are new, the Qualities and fit represent a very much higher price wiUi splendid variety of-styles to select from and the price you ueually py it $3.50, *:t.7"> and 34.50. FIH- the smiie i]uauti% and style. . . .81.98 Rubbers of Every Kind for Fall and Winter Wear Never before have we stocked so lumvily and shown aucli :t larije variety of makes and .styles this 'sMtan, and if you want to get just what you want in Rubbers at tlie right prices it will pay you to inspect our stowk of Men's, Boys', Women's, Girl's awl Children's Rubbers. All Styles :Uid makes in heavy and light. Special from Hardware Dept. 75 Joz. Fancy German Chios. Cups and Sauoers for per din; $1.48 Thw is ;i vtnf tine line of German ' Imrt with Choice of Colorings and decorations. New Fall Styles in Wall Papers are here We have just placed in stock sur r.ew patterns in Wall Pupeo* f<ir the Fall Trsxte so >f you are tonUm plating doing any paper ranging, it wrtl pay you to see our new stock, which IUK JUM ;irrived. HILL BROS. MARKDALE. ARTICLES FOR SALE High-grsdo Hulstein ccw, three year* ill. just fresh. -unl. for sale. Geo Mooru, Proton Station. For Sale Sett light sleighs for one horse or two, also light wagon, both with pole and -li.it' i. mid nearly new. Apply to Geo. Myers, Flusherton. Cooking stove for sale, will burn cosl r wood, nearly new. Geo. Myres, Fleaherlnn. For Sale Two grade Holstein caws. Apply to A. Harmon, Flesherton p. o. Oxforddown Rams for sale (i shearl- ing tarns at $12'OU to 910.00, 18 ram Uiubs at 910 to |12, all sired by itnpoit ed rams. Lots 31 and 32, 3 N. D. 1! Osprey. Unlit. Am. lit. Maxwell p. o. For Sale Good D-roomed frame dwell ing and stable, all complete, in Hrst class condition and lepair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher ion, Ont. No?7tf Farm to Kent 150 acres, all cleared. Apply to W. J. Bellamy or Mri. James Jauiieoon, FlMherton. For Sale McCorraick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acrpx. Will be snld cheap, W. J. Msads, Ceylon p. o. tf I>r, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 468, ilth St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours-'.* to 12 a. in., OOlo 4.:W p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment FARM FOR SALE Con. j. north of Durham road, Arteniesia, containing 100 acres, 80 acres cleared, 15 acres hrst class Lots 74 ami 75, ,1' I ' . l-TV .**- % J I I hardwood bush, balance hardwood slash, all good land and in good state of cultiva- tion, well fenced, i acre orchard, hrst- class watei in drilled well, brick house nearly new, 26 s 32 ft., S shape, barn 54 x 4t. Five seres of fall wheat. Farm will be sold. For further p-r- ticulars apply ' 8. SHEARDOWN, Proton Station, p.o. MISCELLANEOUS I mi prepared to do chopping again thil winter in Maxwell, ewciydty except- ing Wednesday. Ereiybody couie. M. Karton. Wanted Maiket man. Apply Me- Farland Co. , Markdalo. I will hereafter be found at the M uii- *aaw I Inline by any peraon wishing to tranaaet buainess. C. Wolfe. For Sal* The undersigned offers for n'e throe lots in the village of Coylon,on which are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 roomt, ith stone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown, Owen SounJ. or W. J. . cllamy, Flcsheiton. PROPERTY FOR SALE House with two lots snd four acres, park loia in Flesherton for MB. Good frame house, siablo, fruir, etc. Also one t-year-old Henoral purpose marc, broke to single or doub'e. Apply !< w. Reid, Flesherton', for particulars, 15doc FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lois 711-80, 1 N.D R , Artemesis, con- taining 'JO acres, 8i> cleared, well fenced ;md well watered, in s-ood s k te of culti- vation, one milo from Wareham school and post om'ce, four miles from Proton station ; good frame barn 5Bx38on sUinc foundation ; drive shed 20x30, good com- fortable house, small orchard. V\ ill take small payment down. Apply l5Fel> -W. J. HENDERSON Or W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton NEW YEARS GREETINGS TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS! W. L. Wright, Grocer, Fesherton Buy A B.T. Litter Carrier R. D. iM.-l.lnmi. inariUge licenses. Portlaw, issuer Parties requiiiug tafteis, cedar posts or staktw. two fiot or four foot wood, can have the same at a reasonable price on 1130 sidcroad by applying to J. I. Graham, Commissioner Ward No. 2. Wanted -A man to contract, to cut two or three hundred coijds of four foot wood and a quantity o*. ohwrt woad. Apply to G. Watsoi., FlwhMtOB p. o. lost Pair of btaokfur curly, ;' lllnt - luts in Flesherlon/or between Flpsherton and Maikdla km tha gravftl rwd. !' nder pleiwe ukve at M.vrkfJale post office or The Admnce office Floshertcn. 100 seres Lot 3ft, con. , Artcmesia, o5 acres cleaied, 50 -icies under cultiva- tion, bulance hardwood and swamp, well fenced and wiitured, good house, new frame barn with stabling under, also pig pen, henhouse and shet-p pen. Rural ni ill deliv cry. Apply to ALBERT BLACKBl UN, Rock Mills p. o. FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. 3, S. D. R. Artonitsm, containing 80 acres of land in uood <>tle of cultivation, Hist-class water in dri|fd well, good buildings, one mile fttim 1'iiceville. Apply t<> MRS. DONALD MoAUTHCR, Townlinc. Pii F( R B.T. Stands for the Best AND The Best is None too Good. THE B. T.LINE OF GOODS ARE- Carriers. Horse Forks and Slings, Litter and Feed Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stanchions Water Bowles, Load Binders, Back Clamps. For Sale by 5. H:mphi!!, Ceylon, Oj

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