Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1913, p. 6

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CHIRPY} "I heard from Chirpy this morn ing," said Arthur Hanbury to hi: wife, as he st< d looking down at her with his back to the fire. The hghtnrss of hi* voice wa* a littlt. forced and he gave a quick gl&ncc at Cynthia as he spoke. Mrs. Hanbury was sitting back ii her chair, looking frail and tired The two had been n:arned tei years, nnd there had been a gooc <' -al of iline&e in the house the last few months. One of her little boy. hud been at death's door and hi: mother had nursed h:m inuefatiga bly, and now, when he was we! again, the reaction had come am h; felt go<d for nothing. They lived in a charming, house just beyon-d the suburbs. Hanbun was doing well at the bar, and ha< J only j:r t arrived from his dailj visit to the Temple. "Who is Ch rpy 1" asked Cynthia, after an almost imperceptible pause. Hanbury frowned. "Chirpy?" he rep atd. "You know Chirpy Ward? She was a Miss Elliot, and he and 1 were great 'riends wher we were boy and girl toget'ier. ID fact." with a little smile of remin- iscence, "I might have married her if you had not come by." Cynthia aierely raised her eye- brows. "What is she writing bout?" he a.'kcd. indifferently. "She wants us to have an even- ing tog ther." he replied, a little aheepishly. She has got tickets for the Gaiety on Thursday and ug gests our dining at the Carlt/on first." "Just you two alone?** "Yes; why not?" blustcringly. "We are such old friends it's the moct natural thing in the world." "And where is her husband?" "That I can't tell you," hs said, facetiously. "I had not the ple;i sure of his acquaintance, and so it would be difficult even to guess. Chirpy has been a widow for two years." Cynthia did not reply, and Han- bnry found it rather difficult to go on without encouragrment. He took an envelope out of his pocket and threw it en his wife's lap. "There is her letter," he said. Cynthia noticed it was addressed to his chambers. She, however, made no remark, and began to read it. "Dar old Bunny ' She sfcop- ped. "Are you Bunny 1" she asked, nd thete wns a ve n of contompt underlying her tone which mad.? him re<!den. "That is the name she always called me," he replied ahortly. Cynthia turned again to the let- ter. "Dearo'd Bunnv." it ran, "what ages since we mot! I am s : mply long:iit to see >< again. I have two tickets for the Gaiety on Thurs- day next. Do rne-t me at the Carl- ton at seven and we will dine there and go on together afterward. You must come. I won't take any re- fusal. Your Little Chirpy." Cynthia folded up the letter thoughtfully. "Doesn't sh-; know you are married?" nil* aeked. "Of ocurse ne d<ic8 1 Why, she was at our wnJding." Cvnthii fihrugg'.'d her nhoulders .nd handed buck the letter. "Well, anyhow, she seems unaware of ruy existence now," she said. "Are you B'ing to accept her invjt.-ttinn ?" "Why. yes. I have no other en- gagement it would be churlish to refuse it." He lo< ked at h'.-r a lit- tle uncertainly. "You don't mind being le/t alonr. do vou, Cynthia! You are not jealous?" She gave a low laugh of annifo.- moit.. "Joalons !" che repent-d, nl'iwly. "I would UK soon be jealous of the housemaid." 8h glanced up at the clock. There was still time to catch the pout. Bho rose and wont to tho writing-table, and wrote -jtt a hur-^ ried note. The. envelope was ad,- j <HrJreHed to MTJOT Coirnton, uml directed to the |valry Club. Hanbury felt pjle:iiurnhly exrit.ed Its he followed Chirpy into the Carl- ton the following 'I'hur^l.'iv oven- ing. Hh ' had welrOTu- I hi'ii effu- Blvely, and ii' 1 '.Mci'tad that the last, ;. te.' 1 yai.-, !'.!<! ;i'li> hilt lit'lc (lifTi'i eii<-r in lici a) |ic.;irnncc True, 1m r*ii><'!M'ier"d her hnir as quite , Jlack, nd now it IKHIO w:tii a. oop- ' pry gli-am, rmt hi- <'rril <! that the chang>; wan an improvement, Sii- 1 was .ii' '<! in bright rod 'covered with scarlet spangles and mnd a o<'iis|i ouous tiguru even anioug that giii'-v-dr % wfMl i-ompunj. She !a : d herself <ntt to ainin<* him, toM him storitN wliieh mndi'. Itiin laugh, and \\.\ <'<>iitinually rvfcr ri*>n to tho pasl. II I'ibiiry WMS feoling happy and p] apod with all th* world is lie. glnn"-<l round at the other tables, woi dcring if any of bis friends were present. Ttut hi oyos had not wandered fir when thfly stopped abruptly. Thi>ro in front of him a littl* to the left, win another o< ujile. . Th woman WM nearly facing him and the man with bf WM reg-rding her with ys full of admiration. Chirpy spoke to Hfttibury twice. bat b did not hear, and she turned round to see what he. was staring at. She fi owned a little us she fol- lowed his gaze. I'u ii is ralhar a pretty woman," she .said grudgiagly, with the faint praise that damns. "Isn't she something like .what your wife used to be?" "It is mv wife," he said, slowly, hi eves g'u d to the lov?iy face in fr n^ of him. How had the come here? Who was it with hsrt What did it meau t There sa Cyn hia, the dark vel- vet cf her gown bbowi.-g up to ad- vauugc her fair bouu.j and h.-r vi. Ut eyes. The corner of C' irpy's lids droop- ddo*n. Why d d Bunny have that d otic Kok on his ace? What d.d it matter if his wife were there? "Your wife evidently iiUends en- joying hsrso'f," ehe remarked larshly. "That man with her is Major Corrp'.on one of the fastest me i in Lord in." Hanbury's face grew dark. "Compton," he repeated; "Comp- ton? I rem mbcr. She tued to know a man 01 that nme long ago Hut she never told me s >e was coining here I knew nothing about it." C u irpy Iaughe-,1 harshly. "It it likely ihe would tell you?" she said in the thin, ehrih voice which had d her her name. "It r only so unlucky that she chose tV sams restaurant." "She krew I was con-ing to the ?arlton," he interrupted shflrply. "Well, anyhow, we won't waste our time over her," ehe ?aid. 'Have some more champagne, Bun- iy, and look more cheerful." He was watchiug his wife. How in'.mated she was, how charming! And that, man was looking at her with his soul in his eyes. At least he appreciated her if her husband did not. Hanbury was 'eeling mur- (erous. And as he watched Cyn- hia looke-'.l up and saw him, ami nodded ard -miled at him as if she wore doing the most natural thing n the wor'd. He tinned away, his face heavy ith scowls, and tried in vain to org-t her and be as happy a he ia<I becii before he had &ecn her. Gradually he grew more and more si ; eat. He no linger laugh d it Chiipy'* broad sallies, and she became in-Jigrant at last. "Really, Eunny, how dull you h:ive g own " the said, imp.itient- ly. "I would never have asked you here if I had known how you were changed." He ci<I not reply. His wife and Major Compton had risen from their sc-nts and would have to pa c s them as they made their way to th" door. Cynthia paused and spoke. "I hope you are having a gocd rime." she sa'd, nodding to her hus- bard. "Wlie/e arc you going?" he ask- ed, roughly. "W r n ar? going to the Hnym.trket. Elm!! I -oo you at Waterloo by the las' tinin or do you mean to sleep r * *<%^% *^%^. %^^% HOME Own an lntrtt In to-n good Corporation, by buying fie Flrtt Mortsa* BonUi of III* Initltu- tlon. W can otTer well o-curid. hUh-srart bond* ef J'ablUntd oompanlti, to ylaltf I pr ent. Wi clio have some m-s" at- trs-ffv Preferred s'ojki, to yield over 7 por cent. The Lunch BuHket. Pity the woman who must put up a daily lunch for her school boy or girl or i.ir the husband or son who is at noon a hungry workiugmin. That puy is deserved, but far more of it ihjuld go to the average vic- tim of those baskets. No one will deny that the lunch ba&ket i; a perplexing problem, but it need not be half the bugbear it has become if women cultivate A little daintiness a:id imagination. To some packers the sole idea of a lunch is two or three coarse sand- wiches, an indigestible piece of p.e, stale cake and cold coffee. And that lunch will be handed out six days a week 32 weeks a year. Why not variety ? It costs no more than monotony, if it does take more thought and, perhaps, a little more time.. If you have a basket to pack, ___^_____ __ sit down and write out a menu forj ' ~ it for just one week. Have that; position, o that its own weigh! basket different each day, and see holds the piece in place. When the OWN AN INTEREST WrtU tor Prices. J. A. MACKAY & COMPANY ISJ TCO Ouordlan Buildlnf, MONTREAL Royl Bsnh Buildlnf, TORONTO if husband and children are not grateful. Tumblers with screw lids are in- valuable for the lunch basket. Into cement is hardening. A very good substitute for egg and bread crumbs is a (airly thick paste of flour and water. Dip tho RECEIVING HOMAGE AND ALLEGIANCE IN DEATH. Remarkable ceremony in Constantinople, indicating that the peo- thorn the woman of imagination : fish or cutlet to be fried in this puts meat and vegetable loft-overs paste and sprinkle thickly with dressed as an appetizing salad, finely crumbled bread. Whwn fried, pudding, gelatine custard a.id it wi'l be a beautiful brown color. When making "thickening" for sauces, gravies, etc., use half flour half corn-starch. Much bet* ple of Constantinople are by no means all Turks. After death the Patriarch Joachim Thirs, head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Tur- key, was strapped in a sitting posture to his episcopal chair. The people then filed past the body to pay their last tribute, thousands kissing the Bible on his knees or the hands of the dead patriarch. pretation of Compton'a words was |j|lj in a waitlist U not popular in thia very far. from augdic. duy or generation. Plumt (or Ca^abl* 0-ifs. Before cooking a ham take off other desserts, stewed fruit, prunes! and other delicacies. Eggs for a Change. Deviled eggs take little longer to prepare than hard-boiled ones; the oil or butter I used in mixing them is nourishing thin "shaving," also the rind, and and they make a nice change. Some- 8ee now much nicer flavored your times the contents of a box of sar- h:un will be. dines may be freed from oil and To keep milk eweet put a tea- put in one of these glasses with a spoonful of horseradish in a pan of slice of lemon on top. j milk. This will keep it sweet sey- If meat there must be, why serve * ra ' hours longer than without it. it in unappetizing hunks between' To remove stains from polished thick slices of bread? Cold meat* wood , trays or tables, caused by Cynthia leaned forward she felt she had teased him enough. "Arthur," she sa'.d gently, "how n^ore competent. *na mere are upporvum- ---. - - --: , I wi w : shinir nil tho ovenintr th-it I . t!<>s for 'lv<r ir! to earn a rrt dral per, then spread thickly on bread, bprea<l it over the marked plact " Chlr in London." "Nc," he growled home." "I am going And then she passed on, a lovelv vision, while Major Compton fol- lowod her with pride. "I wiah'd she li.-d flopped and intr<-<!uced Oomptori," said Chirpy. "I should like to know him." Cynthia was 'ate. The last train was in the point of Parting from Waterloo and Ha::bury i-too-d by the < pen carriage door, looking up the platform with cross, anxious ryes. Shr carre hurrying along, with Majo>- Comnton behind hr, and jumpod in just us the train started. 8h; loar.cd out of the witiduw, waving her hand to C'orapton. "1 have rnj'jjed myself so very much," the cried. "I<. has hocn ripping! Wo must have another evening soon," he should hack, and then, as the train trovi tl spoodilv out <f tho station, Cynthia s'ink linck um<> M< the cush ions, and husband and wife were aloiM together. Sho looked up .at him smiling "Oh ! it has b-en so , nice," nhj said. ''I nope you had as Rood a time as 1 had." JET" did not smilo bock. "You lifcvi be,n very secret," he snid, fboitly. "Why didn't you tell me O-f thiM cxpcd : tion'l" "Dick's invitation only came by ave ,U Dkk ov py. and have had you with me in- j ' - -to Stend. roiiUi. It wn never inor true than at His brow cleared like magic., and th<> " r J n l , t dav that there ii rjmm at the . . . , .top and that ther- is a keen demand for he snatched hold of both her out- workcra of both sexes who h;i brainx. stretched ha"ds. it. Cvnthia?" ho 'Do you mean j Jg* cried eagerly. I "Do you mean that you would have enjoye-d yourself more with me than with Compton t" "Much much more. And you?" nd mental rapiolti .TtVeV color rose to hi* face, "I have felt ashamed of myself all the evening." London Tall Mall Gazette. INTERESTING OITS OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUE^M CITY. A Notable Judge Wages of Girls- torn* Fin* Petitions Agitation for Divorce Court. Home "iris are not worth woo a week, run through a chopper and mixed heated dishes, a thin paste mad* ys^SmSSs^Sii^sSiS^ with A Iittlc cr ! am _'. rt !t and pet r f R rom !? la f oil an l salt ls its s r d - per, then spread thickly on bread, Spread it over the marked plac daintily cut and spread with sweet and leave for an hour or more ; thea butter, make a nourishing sand- ru ^ ^ with a eoft cloth, wich that tempts even a jaded pa- Try tacking cheesecloth on th late. pantry window. This admits air Cold tongue, roast beef, corned that is sifted free of smoke and sool to"do beef, lamb, bologna can all be cut before it comes into the pantry, neatly in thin slices and carry .well i Try whipping the cream in .the up- in a wrapping of paprika paper, P er P nr t of a double boiler, with Divorce court PropoMd. .even when spread thinly with mus- nne ' ce or co 'd water placed in tho F. B John.ton. K.C.. by hUi ad- tard. ] lower part. The cream will not Of sandwiches there is such T- spatter so much and will be kept ety that not to test them is sheer c *?' an ^ will whip much moro laziness. Why give the same oJd.V^MjT- sandwiches every day when delici- ] To prevent eggs from sticking to ous fillings can be made from rem- the pan or breaking add a upoon- nants of meats, vegetables, rish, ful of flour to the grease in which e B8s, jellies, nuts, onions, peanuts, they are fried. Binonit rh-j'rrn "<! other tissue-building foods that! To clean white and delicately col* 1 industry. Mr E ... _ lin-ii- a i the Bnr Auwciation, h?* itarf-it : afresh tho dincuxbion a g to wh"t)icr Can- I - , he answered, wh:lo the dn nhoutd hate a Dtvon-e Court. Mr. riety that not to test them is sheer c ^"the'J'ich co 'Secure d wh.Vl. b. unfair. r "nur7"which' n ii f k7 ottiement of ' property duputcx. wouM comment, particularly Fr^"!.? marrfa (fe n m "d rrt>er char in the law u w make it 'etf?r a br 'Th ar " foun<i in most households at all. ore<1 plumes not badly soiled, rub tinifs. i them gently in a pan of equal part* bicann.n Cut the bread thin-for children | of salt and flour. iiitien for RMt'n di- the crust may be removed, and even ' <^tato balls which are sauted iif e^r w ,, r kingnien like the daintiness of butter after being boiled are delici In tho vorc- In CipviHi linn In the attitude t'>^ Roman Catholic Church. At divorcpB arc Krantcd bv tho f othem, can thprrfon* at nny tlm' thro out any riiToroe appllrntlon. Canadians Go Abroad. In rewnt i'-i'.ipi in the thwe hn bei-n nome In- it, if a slice across the loaf is used. ous - They should be served with Wrap the sandwiches in paraffin generous sprinkling of minced pars- paper. The club sandwich made : ' e y- from bread cooked' in butter as a' An attractive garnish for salads crouton instead of toasted and > s mayonnaise jelly. Melted gela- sprcad with a slice of cold meat or '' n ' s added to th" mavonnaise, and To T ^,?o 't'ha r n S3 '.fowS"^'^ Th" '.,'"/ MSlWlJW* 1 ?"^ fowl on mayonuaised lettuce be- then the dressing is allowed to two Junior Jude* lor the County of Yor. Binoe Confedcrslion only om 200 diror.eg twecn two of the sections of let- ^ en - Cut into cubes as one w bin long flowing wuitB beard and pairi- all told nae boen rrnntcd by Parlia- nnle inllu arclml "onntencc iv him a nrub.e- 1 irent. Four of the miallr proTinrcn have tuce, bacon and maonnaise 111 the a PP e J cll y- . even greater tlmn bis 71 y*nra would i Divorce Curti of t3i-ir own and It _l aig One ounce of coarse salt dropped . wtrr . ul ,, -If cant that on. of th*w. Princo Edwt'r'd ther is enou h for * lundl for *fl M.irican ii noKd Tor three ihinge: ' leisnd, h never rfnti>d a divorce. Not* hungry man. *n tne sins will prevent tne dram bm kimiuneM of heart. hi re ^:, nMi ' j ^'^r!"*?' B?iuh7'oium'b\^ PftcklnR Hot Liquids. Liquids P^e from freezing over night. II IH k.nilliniiHH u t heart bfingH hiiii work. [ Of the dirorcM rranied^bv the Canrdian are the worst problem. A hot drink ' -^ tablespoonflll of washing soda is such a bracer that it pays to get and a . CU P f vinegar poured down a pint bottle or jar that keeps the sink will clean out the most liquids at an even temperature for stubborn of clogged pipes. 24 hours. Into it can gi coffee, ! When finishing off a . Luwyer Oefendiug pl -ron B n.x-m.ed of ail | Pf-riiaiuent O 71 h " n oortu of ottenrni know Ian pvcul.anty and loronto man irom an leave uo toue unturned to get thoir canes country put tiuvtTBivi HO thai thoy wil him. >Vhi>n Judge ' get thoi ll rnmi- before together. An do not r roaMer of much In- acmon in Toronto there i fot court in in dies a Terilablo Kranted rannditin* i,..,- .n. , a treater por .. . __ prceion of cam. from tho pollen oouri i tioi. c r,f tliMti who seek divorcee go to the cnooo i ate or no t soup for cold davs seam, turn tiie material anu stitch ' ....... ' i ___ i_ * _ * , .t . unl Fact mid Fancy. to h.j (xmrt, caiieb which, in the geue.'al rourai- of ovpnti, would mor> properly be- long to the pclice iuAKii>tTii u H jurind.o* tiori. Th other day there wan guon a -:<, of thCM> cnitra vomiiiK alone thut h u '.I. in a very literal nenao, brought Inn foot and hi* flit ilown nnd Haul h<> wo l.i not til and for th ImpoK.tioii nny IOIIKOI'. Th- i ii.i.-ii. ;, he UKixl was, of courHe, IDU -h > .., more itrnnhio than thnt. He. in perfectly; (.orrrany supples frank nnd cmulid m Uu> uciv.ful U'ndpn- ( '|ir ; - liii:i'~ tovs. 1. 1, MI "Vfiti . , nl.! l i. .-..in. trt i ... n fur * ' and iced drinks in aummer. Every baking day ndd fresh rolls, back f< r an inch, this does away with the necessity of tieing tho a tnrtlet or other unexpected treat, thread, which, if forgotten oftea Laziness enable* us to avoid a lot Fr)lit is healthful and not hard to causes trouble in the finished ar- of st>ri<iu mistakes. cUit. "You would bo going to |.r'.non -u montllH ii:x|c-(d of on Mlxl<rnil<'il Uinrc, if vou wi-rc lu"im dealt with ntiotht-r (ifaro, which .hill bo nnnirlo he will often. ny to an nivuwi'd oim j pack ; an orango or a banana will tide, the world's often take the place of dessert. 8oj i will figs, dates or a package of Starfish are ivsed in England as ' sweet chocolate. in fertilizer. By careful buying anil utilizing Tho strais-htest o.nd most upright leftovers, the appetizing luuchbox | ho tiiri'iitei-H the ohje. t <>f hi8 j, C fip|p ,-ir- tin- Poles. ' need cost no more than th<; unap- 1 JSd*n<rt?pwvJ t'o'^'w-orthV "iTmi Dried grasahoppei-s. a native deli- j petizing, unhygienic ouo. And if it' 1. K.I unfortunate a to ocmiv back c n.cv, ft tell 83 a bu-slu>l ill the Phil- ! should, the child who lunches well ippinQs. [each day will more quickly increase, Our prifwms t-ach us that we his studying power than one who) llu-ivy w ohjeot HllKllld mi another clianrr Hit Informal Count. Judith Mnrgnn doos not holiove much In the traiipiugH of court**, liu will often re* reive liiwyem 4111 biihineHH honl in hin pri* Tnte room and like n not will-h<-ar th<>ir CIIBC whilo rocliniiiK 4>n his lounge, very Oltcn m I lie HHITU- iiiru eiuokiiikc Ii * pipe. the 8 ,c,m<l ,K,st, aid you had gone ] * ;'- . ltunf cn thfili . I ci'U.d not tell you. I was so bench. When in the iMiinlry, on pircutt. not sitting to the should live according to our convic- i cannot eat because his mother is lions. [too iiulifforent.to struggle with the Her Hke.leton-9 over nine feet long lunch basket problem. Sardinia to Useful Him-. fflwl about ifc- it vv^much better ^i^SSSf^S^^'^f.^ all ! .1 u an rVoning at homo >v mvself." ' , anil witncrtHca i-ome to the h :,' Hit- IIIIK III.HII to ivi.- him. H- . Jiulgi* Mfirrnn IIIH h0d hl prrxi-nt i>" aQAUU wine d Ot ll) Use of the mi ion for almost 25 V.MI-M. He \n one of Chiisfciin name. "Jfc must not ic- i' R1 f<>w Cno4lftn woo wn born in the cur ftjiiii," Ii "--aii. ubruptly. "I d>n't approve of my wif going out \v th men alone." ''I. ut." inivccntly, "Dick and I we'c boy aiul girl tygotlicr., like you Ar<l and Chirpy," S IMI'H. I'llO WIlL. Brltlin Wi>st Iinlio. npiMiilInx hi 'rly life on ill i' |ilntationii thvre. Uver Q yriirn iiu'" hi fiilluir, who w.iii an AngM- can clcru.vii'.in, CHIIIK to rn:idn nn<l .!! h(vvr> boen in- hnbited by H race of prohist-orip giants. It tnkos an arctic exnlorer to face danger in tho <<x>lr.-t, fri^idect c;a:i ner. tied In flnrrii 1 . Judge MOTUMII liki'H to ro- J +:,,, " onM th.it nt Ihnt perloil he bovamft Junmr ' rditor of the Ilarrli' Herulil, :nul on <KV fii'ti rftn the hand rirepn. The liiw chiiniud How. "That girl has rejected me three For damp cupboard, which is liable to cause mildew, place a I BHiiveful of quicklime into it, which! will not only absorb all dampness, Imt aweeton and disinfect the tpnco. To remove broken glass from win- dow frame co\er the putty all in- 1 Tlmt makos no difference," sur- Orngeylll und N.wim.rkot. "Well, you went out with Chirpv, why shouldn't 1 go out witb-DJcJtl" was angry because he was not, in a to take a hand. "T hear confided the d ; 9-onsolato ! nroiind the glass with soft soap, youth. "Well,'' renlied Miss Cav-j aiM j leave it for several tomrs. You Mi.^oMumenT'al. <"". "you should feel encouraged, j will then find that tho soap has nnfctlted hin |.rofi>nHiou in , A girl who will listen to three pro- aoftencd the putty wonderfully, and A Ctrl'* Living Wage. "fhero are diwiumovn from tlinw to lime ttf to whnt Oonitltutel a living wgo for p<isnls think K from the limn ,f him." \\---- Siisniclniift. must It's no easy task i* convince a porwor . _ _ matter while that I* nn Attitude thitt In dying ont U I* undoubtedly true thnt , Compton is one of the fastest men a great number of girtu from th conn- farmer that city pwiplo ever get '" i-'"" 1 -;: . I i r re 1 s3&fi*ix?x u h ;; n r,?.t" n l oionl0 "p "Did Chirpy tell < are hitrelv i One of tht 1 lending employom of labor mnerted thnt you th<U" sweetly. "Ah, that WAR unkind. Dick talked of her so nicely, just ns if E h were an angel He .aid on -^ ^ (n Tofont<> A ^ pfi>iK>nt U|M She IOOK*T as If *he D0longe<1 In find retain any motoiire of flf-rvHpt. U In fart. U m uultn l^kelv Miitt rrii |IVM ., .. , , In not actually n HV'IIK ,a|. It way Ha'ibury was ilent, though ho piwc t<i n uftvient to grt AIO day's work. His Cliolep. tho broken glass can be n<inovd without further trouble. To polish kitchen knives mix a> little bicarbonate of soda with the brick dust, and rub them thorough- ly. Pickles served with fish give A relish liked by many. When boiling molas-ies or sugar canly rub the dish in which it is being boiled with butter all around about an inch from the top and it "You Raid when yon proposed I will not boil over. another 'world.' wa-, raging. He knew.'and he"knew ! "' lvi> tim ^ '"" !'">'""- na'"no B| yourself. " Cynthia know that the true inter- 55^ ff f^^s ft^^if HU B' "Wtll, ' tbat you'd rthr live in eternal with BM than in blis by h*d *07 wbh. When mending broken china, al- ' so place it to set in a Urge box of By this n.i-;iiis it is easy to itaud the article in any desired Substantial Breakfast Pleasure in every package of Post Toast ies Crisp. sw?ct bits of toasted Indi m Co n. 10 be served with creim or milk. Always Rtfady to Eat Direct Prom Package Always Delicious. Sold by Grocers every- where. " The Memory Lingers" Or... Lt4.

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