Items of News by Wire Notes of Interest as to What Is Going on All Over the World Canada. Communicable di*eaM p -st iix yeai s. h.mseli 'or wore ! than thirty }ear in the force. lait month in Out* no. The violent deaths in Toroato in 1912 aggregated over 800. An Italian nobleman -is working in Tcr; nto as an artist'a model. Quebec Provincial regulations re- Crai The Duke of Abercorn died in London. Several amendments to the home rule bill were risgat:vd. I President Taft declared in favor trictiug export of pulpwood from O f arbitration on the canal tolls di*- Crowu lands have been modified, jpuce, but not by The Hague Tri- The Mayors of Belleville, Ganan- , busal. eque, Haileybury, Ccbalt and New Mr. Bonar Law stated that, if Litkearu were eiecied by acclama- tion. fubrri'ted to the country ard en- dorsed, he would advise Ulster The Michigan Central Railway j Unionists not to reiiit the home has presented the St. Thomas Y. M. rule bill. Cn'tH Trn New York garment workers' of the F. M. RYAN. President of the Structural Iron Workers' Union, who was convict- ed, with other members of the WOI'XD HEALED HT A DAT. Dr. AicxU Carrel Announce* a Great Discovery. A despatch from New York eays Dr. Alexis 6arrl of the Rockefelle Inttirute for Medical R.-search, wh< received the Nob^l Prize for medi cine in 1912, is the first to announc a great scientific discovery in 1913 In the current Icsiie of ta Journa of Exper:noent*i! jledici^B, the offi cial organ of the Rockefeller Insti tute, he prcdicto^as the rtsult of ; aerus of axpriieau which har. 1>N in prograaa ainc* 1907, the pos gib'iity -A haalfng a eUr.o wourd in lees than a day, an.] th repair ^: a broltei- !-:^ n four days Alihou^ii Dr. CeUrel J- ! net m-en tion it in his preliminary report the assertion is also made that th- renarative process may become p plicabl-e not only in cases where th- t'ssues have been divided, as in knife wounds, but in cases wher p large areas of tissue have been de- stroyed in variou- parts of the body by disease. mite plots. RISSIAN C. A. with a SO-year lease of a plot of ground for a (50.000 building. Hugh Kelly, G.T.E. car inspector t Hamilton, who lest both hands! strike continues, Jn an accident, signed his will ! Mr. Bruce Ismay has bis mouth, then passed aw-ay peace- j f'orn the Chairmanship lully. White Star Line. Frank Laut'er, 27 years of age. The United State* Steel Corpora- and to be married on the 18th inst., |ti"i has decided to build a twentv- was fatally injured st Hamilton by j mi'lion-dollar plant st Sandwich, being run over by a string of freight j Or. t ears. A stav of execution of sentences ( . Mws Lizzie Potyin, seventeen ] was ordered is the case of the d-.--- 111 ' Tear* of age. was instantly killed namite prisoners, and heavy bonds in a store a Dacre, Renfrew coun- wer fixed bv the court. ty; be rg accidentally shot by an eight-year-old boy who waa examin- ing a gun. Comptrotfer Fred. White. C.M. union executive, of participation m j Dr. Carrel's latest discovery is the Mc.Namara-ilcManigal dyna ENDS. the result cf specu'ation as to the iranner in which cells multiply and thus effect the growth of tissues. If it were possible, he argued, to be- ' 'come possess d of this knowledge it Upper House of Empire Adopts ought to be possible also to pro- Law Removing l..-i>t Vestige, m. te this proliteration of cells, and A despatch fro. St. Petersburg ^ ^^^^^ " ; sav S: The aouncil or the d'seoverv is almost con- ; adopted on Wednesday a law abol- ^ bencath ^ inaocucus ,un:ng the lastvestjges of serfdom t - -'Art.ficial Activation of th - \\her, the rescnpt of Growth ^ yitro o{ c ^ nnective Tii . O., for 29 years at the head of the Rova! Northwest Mounted PorV-e. retires .on superannuation, being ucceeded by Mr. Lawrence K. For- i teseue, was issii-'-J was excelled from its ..... ______ The United States Attorney-Gen- J provisions on account of special con- era! declared the act passed au - , d;.t:ona thtrre. a.>d temporary tra- thorizin' th Lonr Sault dam oro- ditiona: measures were mst ' nrU ' \.-ixl by knowledge of the fact the growt h O f the body is de- Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded rtaiUtuffs. lire quotation*, excepting dnucd iark-y t ttc to He. B*an -Pr:,-* ,;m4r at K.H for prim** a 1 tt.4. for hanii-pxfced. Ma -Par . * Montreal Marktti. Montreal. Jan. T.-Oata-Cacad!an k, r..SS ia cm* Tr>. Jaa. Wh- LiM 9or:. >o 1 n^rtaara. 9iL-2a: Ao. Z. yia; .^ 4. We; J?** vtaav. dj*. OnMtrto Wte- .Sa. I. <Na to Me for r ba*. ear Una. fit. !( iot* ou:iidf, ran.c< do-Tu to TDc lor pour to II. W ar bag. ont of rruif- lot*. O::--ar o Oi:s So. 1 wbi^. EC to Me at dnanUb Omo *M:rB pointa. 37c to Me on track. !> ronio. Maaitoba Oat-So. 2 C. W. ota. 41 l-2c. tWck. bay pJrt*; No. i C. W.. i9iZc; No. fro _ Xo '~i' fc~to"l-3c; do., eitra No t 1 feed. iSl-i; iur proojpt sa.jiiceni. f^d, 2c :o 42!-2c: do. Xo. Z while, C<jrn-Amerxran fi. f. all rail, Toronui. 4.,.. J G No 3 loca j wn i:e. We: do, o. 4 DjLeuiber ^.^ineni. &!- , lo-al white. J9e. PoaJ-^o ^ *:.:0 to S_K. car lotj oat- Br!T-Man.:oba feed. Wo to iio; do, *[ ma!?:n. T6e to 78e. *uekwhat-^. I. 47c W 8c. Bot-kwb*at-So. t 57e to oSe. 5 7 fr~?'i; ' to '. Flour Manitoba spring whmt pavna. Boiled Ost Prr batf of 90 ponnds K.30: f f^t,, $5.40 : do., wconds. W9B- do.. tro- per barrei. *4.i>. wnoleaaie. Vnndsor 10 bakers H70: do. winier patent*, choici <5.3i. do. atraitbt rol'.en. % to 5. 0; barley, onu^e, do. .traizht rollers, bags. K.2S to K -fl w.. 1 ^ """ rei> W '"' <U> " '**'*' Bran-iaoe. Short*- $2n DO. M.dd'.inga- 1^.00 to $3098. Woui'.lie (oO.DO to SJ5.00. Ear No. :. 0er ton. cor lota. tl.5t M Montreal. Baney-Good Kilifecd-Manit-aba bran. 12008 to t7.30. in bag 4 , track. Toronto- short*. 423.00 'o MM; Ontario bran, ^d ufl 10 KIM. in United States Markets. Minneapolis. Jan. l.Wberl May Kei JO!T 57 :-<: So 1 hard. Ctt-ec: 5e i northern. K We u> S3 3-c ; No Z nortiem. 1C : 8c to J! j-*c Com No. 5 ye!:ow. 4'e tc :-2c. Oate-No. 3 white. 3-4c to JBe. BT. 2. >ic to jS:-!e. Bran-*l.o8. Flour- over St of the uncon*titutk>nal. Lawrence to'Ki'ng tne adjption _ | suitable method for giving the thyroids" for instance he appHed a * I s ? rfe the:r edom. This Ira.nsi- m ; x ture of thyroid extract and General. jtional stage now, after half .1 cen- n-acerated portiona of other orjrtns Johnnsen. the fnroons 'tury, has Keen tenninated, though O f the body to cutaneous wound? Assistant Comptroller for Arctic explorer, committed su:c:<le. , there was still opposition to its be- The results were wonderful, almost I ing abolished Premier Kokuvsoff miraculous. They bear out the (personally appeared before the .^j ntist's statement that "if the TURKEY YIELDS TO ALLIES. Holds Out for Adrianople, But Sur- renders Other Territory. A .despatch from London says : After protracted diplomatic skirm- ishing the Turks finally capitulat- GREAT EMIIfn LANGUAGE. How Fnmnns Names Are Used As English Nouns and Verbs. The growth ard change which aro inseparable from all living lan- guage cannot fail to interest the . Council of the Empire to urge the.. ra te of th_> reparation of tissues of the new law. It al- were activated ten times onlr. a Manitoba Flour Flri patent*. 13.30 ia jnte bars, second pateuts. fr>SO in jnta ban: troD( bakrs'. $460. in ]>'< bag; U. cotton bars tn centa mor* per barrel. Ontario Floor Winter -*b*at B<-ur. .0 DW ent- nateat*. U quoted at $4.05 M &*.- & delivered. Country Product. Toronto wholesale !lirf prioet^ Ecra -Ccld-tto'rage erg* 26e to Zfte in M loui freth erz>. Me u> ioc; and itrxUr ii"cbanel- oew laid it *5c to aflc. Duiath. Jan. 7 WTws* So 1 hnH. Cbei*-Ttrina. new. W We to lie. and KS-8c: No. '.northern. B54c; No. t aorth. larr*. new at Ml-fc: old cbee. ". 80>c; July. WWc b.d: May. KS-So. 1S1-4* to lil-fc: large. I5o Batter Latest batter nuotation* are . Ll StMk arfcrts. Creamery prtnta 31c to J2c Toronto. Jan T.Cattie Choice bu-ch- do colids !"c to ,'Or en. 25 to S6.8S. coed So.^o to Dairy nr.-its 36c to fie 1345; mmmon. SC 75 to S3.75: cow*. (I w to St.- n :.-!. Steri. _ ._ -_ _. . fee-nnj !0 pound tine '.Zc ID 5-ponnd tins: oomb bulls. aOO to 1.000 pounds, at 1275 : > M.S; honey. So 1. KM per dozen: eitra. S3 yearUnza. 13.15 to SJ.iO. M:'.*r .i"d per docen: So. 2. $1 per down. 8prmzr Steady. fom ISO tn tU 8nen Poultry L:re rbiokens. wbolesale. '.Oc to and Lambs Lirbt ew. H 2i to W 7-i lie "r pound: fowl. Jr to lOr: d.ek*. '.So heavy ewes. S3 to S3 50: lamb. 17 to t. to I3r: lire tarkeyi. ISc to '.?.--. j.-e. 9c Hon n.50 nrir o*id far them, fed and to lOc. Dreued poultry. 2o to 5c abore watered, and U.10 to tt.15 to b. '' f r 'i . **^ "* w-J-t^ , VW^UaWOT* 9* I J 10 J. J . v\* ww pendent :n many rescects on the I Inferior 'br-kr'> Xr w> l*e : ts.OS bu:;.. 3 to 5.25: cancers. K tuted mure OT I-sa irvstcrians attires of Honj - Euckwhaau c pound in tina and 75. CalT-Go<xl Teal. $7 to 19. c .. in barrels: ftrainrd clover tk>i.e/. S3 to 325 Stook?r and Ftw1ert- moSG -tome OI the ductile glandl the I Ul-2c a pound in W-pound UP*. !2 l-*e in 560 to 750 pounds, at $>.2S to $330: ready baa passed th<> Duma. :>fl,0 1MMI(, RANTS. Ontario [cutaneous wound would heal in less i than twenty-four hours, and a frac- I ture of the leg would be cured in f JUT days." CO per Cent. ef ; + MACHINE GOT CONFESSION. | HIGH COST OF HEN FRUIT. New Scii'ntiflr Apparatus the Guilty Spak. Makes Comins of the Cheap American K;$ Alarm* Canadian F.;g Man. student, and a speeia! interest at- taches to the incorporation of the names of well-known men. Thus! The number of Bn:ish immizrants Wellington has eon>- to mean a sort who have come to Ontario ' British Immicrntion Last Year. A despatch from Toronto says: ed to a majority of the demands of the Balkan allies at Wednesday's ession of the peace conference in K. T. P.iao . Thr,,h R-h-wl of boot; Brou * h am, carriage, ; the twelve months of 1912 reaches Bt James Palace. Through Rechad d Gladstone. appropriately . the grand total of 50.727. It also. Pasha they agreed to cede practi- 1 enough, a traveller's bag. as that 'trebles the record of this province Detriment to the Farmer. A despatch from Montreal says : there has been a demand tween it and (Xnstauuiujple to. Other names have been turned, the entire British immigrat.on re- chHes, reacting to liieir victorious, but traditionally j into verbs as well as nouns. For ceived to the Dominion. The On- ! of the farmer wh'n selling his pro- it was invented by a Boston physi- ] despised, neighbors. instance, the murderer Burke's tario record for the twelve months duct, was the chief point brought c:an and only recently perfected by ' The terms the Turkish delegates n** is perpetuated in the words, j j g as follows: January. 611; Febru- ; out on Thursday afternoon before himself. He declared it could be P r is- presented to the conference as a' to burke. buik;d. burking and , arv. 1006 : March, 4209 ; April, 7013 ; t ounter-proponal to the demands of burkism. while in quite recent j Mav. 750> ; June, 6097; Julv 5075; s the allies were: time* Cant. Boycott's experiences (August, 6341; September, 4136; Qo- 1 i 1st The rectification of the Tur- r t *1 in the language being en- : tober. 35C* : November, 2309; De- 1 i the o-B^lgVrian Yront/er" by "Jiakfng richc<J b ? th * Phrase to boycot.'boy- J cember. 1536. Total, 50.727. the boundary west of the line now] "** boycotting etc. The most notable occupied bv the troops of the'alliei| * ne mo l " ol t Dle cas wa * P rob : in tbe Vilayet of Adrianople. * ^ f th *rat , and JW man. the Rev. T BowdVr. D.D.. 2nd The quesuon of the st.itus of Adrianople to be settled by Tur- key and Bulgaria direct. 3rd The cessioti of the remainder of European Turkey, including Ja- niiia and Scutari, to the allies. 4th The Albanian and Cretan questions to be solved by the pow- ers. 5rh The Aegean Islands to re- main Turkish. The announcement of these terms was wrung from the Ottoman defe gates with the greatest difficulty They came only after Rechad Pasha had reiterated Turkey's desire to hift the responsibility for adjudi- cating all the vital questions to the groat powers and the representa- tives of the allies had registered their unchangeable objections to who. bv publishing a "family" edi- tion of Shakespeare in 1BS1 9dd<*d the words ''bowdlerize" and"bowd- lerism" to our language. STREET ACCIDENTS. 332 People KHIrd in New Vork City Lasl Year. A despatch from New York says: Street accidents in New York city during thr year 1912 caused the death of 532 persons. Statistics rrade public on Thursday by the National Highwav Protective Sooi ; ety show that 230 of these victims were children, of whom 103 were run over by automobiles. Of the to'al deaths 52! were due to auto- uch a course, and plainly bad given , mobiles,. 134 to trolley cars and 177 ., m i T J L . w* - * , illi^kl I u n A- the Turks to understand that the ; to wwn,. Dunne the same per- c f th o Imp -rial Oil Ri-finerv here bv ! T , nEF FPE\TS HIS PRIMF fnilnra .if *hp (IMmnnii AtttformttM t*i i. ^1 O 5fiT na^...,-,. -..,..., ,,.,,. ,1 TV, , llllr.r n r. r IJ . 1 .T Hl^ I II 1 n r . not discuss tbe instrument. ten years. Mr. Fuller to'd the Corn- mi:-si n. there had been a growing for cheaper scales. Gov- j of -Dutch farmers Northern Alberta is the a jxirs ago. * ANOTHER BOOST FV OH.. Crude Product Raised Five Timrs Lately Now $1.6.> : Barrel. A despatch from Sarnia says : . . . , | be tan sh <I he advvcated that ("iov- I said, wi'! jv^ibly be nece^arr ir ,.< to anyt ernme-t should establish a r .ini- <>r <ier to remove wme frainient* -M" , ^_ mum 'or material in the pa.-t <^f the bomb which re T>;iin embed<leJ I machine, ard insist on a certain maximum for given loads. He also The price of crude oil has been I suggested more frequent inspection. again b vested at the headquarters in the flesh of his shouMer. VI II .MIT 10 \MtK( K IKAI.N. failure of the Ottoman delegates to embark upou serious negotiations Would mean a resumption of hostili- ties in South-Eastern Europe. SENATOR CAMPBELL DEAD. He Was Very Widely Known and Highly Rcspei-ted. A despatch from Toronto save : Senator Archibald Campbell, Lib- eral member in the Dominion House of Commons for twenty-three, years, and West York's representative in the senate for the last six year*, kd 2^363 persons were injured. The j , hp sun , o * thrpe ^ deaths f;vm accidents in 1911 ! The local numbered 423. Nin-ety-ene drivers of motor cars ran away after the accidents. DEATH OF JAMES R. KEENE. Long Familiar In Financial and Sporting Circle*. A despatch from New York says : The death early on Friday of James R. Keene removes a figure, which Iu "S m financial and firm g-ts all the oil it can from the Brines Loot Baek tf> Halifax Ex 'oca 1 Canadian fie'ds about Petro- _- . . ... !e a-d Oi! Springs. The refnery at Petrolea has been paying over -S-J a barre 1 . The price pai-J by th Im- up to press OlBce and Is Arrvstrd. WOHKN ON POLICE FORCE. Appointed in St. Pawl. Minn., a* Regular .1 kL.c ni'tf *v^ i*- t w fe ^M rwuvawoki .^_ d , e fP?' L ' h .J r M ra .. H . 31 : 5 X ., ** y fj the appointment of two won,,,, Tl, , i T .* " John Little, an IS-year old c'erk ,n latelv, bariel. WINDS WRECK BlILDING. Several Girl Renortod ' He left for Truro, but police won-en assumed their u?- in , A desuatch from Philadelphia i P" 1 the nion v gi the way rented, returned to : dutieg on Tue?da , ni(rht bv . watching Halifax, and getting into the office a{ ^ danw . ha i is . wher ^ Aa .. the safe. In the meantime the loss of the money died in Wellesley Hospital oil Sun- ] sporting circles, not only in this! SJvy9 . H ea%-y winds on Friday after- , ,vu^- , ^o JU .. c ..v. L,-. dlav night after 'an illness of three : country, but abroad. Mr. Keene n<Kin wre eked a three-story build- nad ^ n discovered. was wi ,, re j what thcv saw fo Th , ^ . "** . _&ni2. .>. * *a*>*>^k^t <^< * n n^-l 1C BAln r*-\ n a v A /*, \ _ thorities claim, youn* girls are sur- rounded bv bad influences. Thev weeks. Seiistor Campbell was 6S years old, but he looked much younger. He was robust of physi- 4110 and his death comes as a shock io men in political circles as well as to his host of personal friends. ODIA AND OPIUM SALES. X o tiro 9f Tknc M ontka for Swpen- 100 of Sales A despatch from Delhi, India, : The Indian Government, ow- ing to the- situation in China, has iriven the no*sary notie* of three. months for the suspension of sales of opium, mod m ordor further to ho:Htat til* lightening of stock* fceld ia treaty ports it DM de<^ided temporarily to reduce the amount f opium to bt sold in 1913 for con- umptioa in countries other than fessed. * ' . II VV ai -1XV^* fc*a^-v v w j J J ' ' J A. died in a pHvate hospital at 2.15 j ng j n t hi s city used for mannfac- ' "*sted and is said to have con- o'clock on Friday morning, follow- turing. and several girl employees '" ' ing an operation on Thursday for ape missing and reported to be in abdominal trouble, the end coming tn ruins. Men dragged from the! HK.iVT SNOWFALL IN WEST. somewhat suddenly, although it bad wreckage were tahen to a hospital. been realized that his condition About fifty persons were employed was serious. rn the building. DROP IS SUCCESSION DUTIES. Below That of the Noitk a \ ear Ago. Welcomed Alike by Farmers Business Men. A despatch from Calgary, Alta., says : Eight inches of grow fell h^re is now bright and mild. Mayor, as they bare n.> authority to make arrest*. . BOBBED WOMAN OF tiang t Her Into Br.iki- The arailable polic fore* here was from her father *:thin a is ! calied to Go-w$aa\ia to officiu-to at '"My r'athrr re'ls me." DKY-DOCK AND SHIPYARD. Wrk to be ll.'jnn I* Spring en 91 , 500.0W Plant at Sault Ste. Marie. A despateh from Sault 8t-. Marie, 'Out., says: It was announe- f>ecembr show a eonsiderable fall- j whole of eoithern Alberta, snd as. in that place, stole her available Being uiur;inu:ue'.e<i ;> n - ed on Wednesday thai work will be j n g o ff a( compared with the same I far north as Red Deer. The fall i* j tck of whiskey and generally | body, and at liberty from the west and north hav been , the trial f a number of rioters, said on Tv.-~J.-iy. ' ; '-'. .; i- A drepatch from Toronto say*: jdolayed come hours. Reports show who mad fvrcibU ntry into the ing whr he now is. j.;-; i.< Siireessioo duties for the month of | that the snowfall extended over tha ! hous* of a woman named Meredith, ways worked hre, f<>r he a) begua OD or before April 1 vo the month of 1911 The amount col erection of a drydoek and ship- leeted wae $49.700. and for the cor- bui!din( plant b thia city to cost responding montrt in 1911 A despatch from Trenton, New A despatch from Ottawa sa^s: Jersey, says : Great interest is being The newest thing in trade trouble* manifested in the device which Dr. ls lae conduct of the egg, more CHEAP SCALES ARE FAULTY. , Joseph G. DeneUbeck declares ha especiaily the United States fig, used in forcing Will^m Atzenhofer, product of the prolific American Royal Commission Finds Them a ; an Ewing Township firm haud. to aen - ll * coming into Canada. [confess that it '.-ss he who attacked Representations made to the Gor- JMiss Lu?:ia B, M.arshail three rnment indicate that the advent j weeks ago, inflicting injuries from t the Un:t-u States egg under ex- i which h did f)r lVnlru>rfc listing circumstances is viewed w.ih ^ T --.-- - -^r^ . P b ut^. ^ a^ wvr i -* *Ji L i . ~3 [ ' i ,- ..iv i j , j. cally the whole of tne Ottoman Em- ; gret man advocated the "oag and L, r any prefwiu year. During the * eighmg scales, and that 1 his has no hesitancy in admitting that a arnl pire's European dominions except baggage" policy which seems likely i latter half of the year Ontario re- nas le d to the placing oi tlie mar- he did u>e some kind of a device, j ^' 1C e 9 trade across the l W*' er Adriiinople and the territory be-: at length to be ado-pled. I ceived more than aisty per cent, of k't of unreliable and faulty ma- but will give no inkling as to the appears to be in a somewhat dSor- ' chiies, reacting to the detriment nature of the machine. He says ganued condition, seemingly due _,r .1. . c t... __M: L:_ i* : *_j i T>^_*. ^i : tn the efforts of housekeepers in making war on high delegates ; "*>* ' perpetuated in the words, j is as follows: January. 611; Febru- ; out on Thursday afternoon before himself. He declared it could be Pes. The situation ia abnormal. presented to the oonftsrence as a' to burke, bink-d, burking and, arv. 10'J6 : March, 4209; April, 7013;ithe Royal Commission, which for operated onlv by a medical man. E ? s are 8axl t ;1 - ln "i * . k__i_:._ _i.:i. :_ ...:.. ! s< me time past has been investigat- s^d that it would never fail if used eral citles clos * to ' ing certain complaints as to weigh- on a guilty person. Other than P nces I ' ar below what irg and pavinent method* made to say he worked it for the first time buv and store them. Egg men on on .\tzenhofer. Dr. Denelsbeck will I this s:de of the line have winter's j against Mortreal merchants * t -umonv was given by Henry J. ROER FARMERS FOR ALBERTA. Fu"er.P, 'ent cf the Canadian j Fairbanks Company; who enforced Syndicate Planning to Acquire i hk prints by demonstrating with Larcr Areas in Spring. (three machines. During the last 1 1 A despatch from Edmonton. ! Aha.. sa\ ? : Tint a syndicate of wealthy South African, will u , erumert , egulatlon;; were not , uffi . ; ;; ; -^ Vc^rct'l^M ' ^7 tt^ltJT, tbe Canadian' d-,t, "cionily rigid, he said. What was Ha'dinge, is nut r. covering aa being two cents k--vr. It lioes not wantH in scales was accuracy, quickly as cxnt'ctod" f rom the appear that the imivrra: reliab'-Uty. Mr wovndi he- received on December , cheaper eei* . . ' ;"d the opinion that ; J3. when an Indian fariatic threw 'even :f suoh'a <s I'.-i- wor* t' supply, procured at prices several -cents higher than those now being LORD HARDISGE-S WOUNDS. ^L^u^S,^ been made A Further P ,nti,>n Deeded Oa' r ^e^ A By the Do.-tur*. | can efg ^ or that the Canadian and <ie-pa\-h from Pcihi. India. ', Afflaritfau egg tsrirTs be wmporar- _. ^ .. ^] .. , -uspectors should be more fuilv in- , a bomb at bun dnrmjf his official ' desir -n x ,?K VFr, Jr r JZl V, 6tructed as to th * ir dut:es Ins P~- *--^ * th * ^ w Im P^ HI. -Jumping rj " ' / tors were app.uoted, he alleged, for . The doctors in sttendance declare whore the 1:1 nor ::i.)a SZ^JZ '.P^tiea! reasons, men who had ne- i that he is suffering considerable is lower than the --ri-a j ver hardU-xi a_ scale before As r.j pain and remains in a feverish ocii- in the country <-f oris-n. i -J. | hv- tba clieaper grH'? scales ,. .- : ,>n. A further operation, it ! in sach case, applj well lurk Broken an<l Thrown Open. fr.-u A . - niaile t-o w ret i. A dosriatch from St. Paul. Minn . i e f- I s : . says: Mayor. H. P. Keller annunc- W-Un<-.-u;iv m.>ri'-:i :i: - as regular members of the St. P.m! ; tank- r- ' P ress police de(>artment. They are Mr>. iron, rhe- sUtkn. D -.,< Company at Hahtax is al!e<red to Margaret Kelly and Mrs . \V - - , <l, have entered e office enrly oa MtK>re The appointments wer ,,>*n Th-trau rthis \\odnesday mornin? opened the ma<ie in acoordance with a r ,.^ m na, O. oppli. The safe and taken a package contain- ; enact ^ eitv ordinance. The two t-nitineer *iui fireli | .--i Hlt;:- Igf in.-)-'- ' Vo L. tl l xl Mil ! \i i- !<' -ilMHII. > father Annoniii-e-i Mr i> \\orh- inz t'-T Mwr!)! i' A despatch (Von. !..;u-< M;-- L'-tf"."'. 1 '-V. < ' Mil. M.I .' r (( n>: T. Si '.-ad. ' ; v. iv- -.- .- .i :n the Titan:-.- .i;-. ><'. J*-<- .ir- hf A despatch fron Elk Lake ?ays : ' has received III.-M<> "pirit nt:-^-!s;i- VS - welcomed by farmers and busiMM I "beat up" the premises. It is re- j there and the oth>-r ,:V1, mo alike, as they say it will sti- 1 ported that the mob. which con- ' he is working and inf mutate trada b} placing mor money silted of more than a dozen men. peace by impression. '- r There ia I)o IK>' uii- China from thirteen thousand to I don, Eng , parties. ^^ $1,500,000. The plant will be COTJ- p, r the first two months of the cur- in circulation, as it will permit the tore the woman's clothes and used heavy work in front. plsted in one year. The contract rent fiscal year the duty amounts to .' farmers who have been devoting all violence to her to prevent her in- i agin* that the Turk has left Europe nil! b awarded, it ia said, to Lor. $07.131, as ejainst $327,417 a year their attention to grain-shipping to tfrf-ring with the robbing of her] [ get their hay to market. cat. .if liquor. was his last m- -*.; :.,: