TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PBINCIPLEb NOT- MEN.' VOL 32, NO _'* Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, January IQ, 191 3 W. H. TECSSTCfl EDITOB ana PKOPKIETO The Discovery Of Eugenia Falls Councillor Miller, Who Lived in Markdale Suburbs, Was the Man The Gold Rush Wr'uea specially for The Advance liy Mrs. W. G. Pickell of Markdale onea Siuly Bi jwn)ee,wh.) lived at Hunttrs Creek (now Beattie'c). Together these men found iheiii- .st-lve.s at the Falls one day. They climbed down the rocky wall into the chasm below to RX[)lnri* it. Imbedded in the rocks they saw a shining substance which they b<r lieved to be geld. They did not make it known, but went, day afcer day, in i hat direction. Others going to see the FalU saw these nieu at work and the secret was out. Gold View above Eugenia Falls, !onkiii.' towards the brink Maxwell Mr*. Joseph Ridley of Flosherton is viaiting with Mr*. Win. Kcrton. His. Hamlin is visiting with her brother, Mr. Fred Syotftrd. Miss Joy Allison is atler.iiin:; business college at Owa Suu;id. Mr. Feed Long has retuinei home from the West. Mr. Wi'uiou Hilliaiil of Thorn bury i visited with frieads here last week. Miss Merry! Warner has returned t" her homo iu Smithville. Mr-. H. Mclntyre and children are visiti ig wi th friends in Portlaw. Mrs. Tom tirey and Miss Sadie Grey left last week for their home in < Jewelry woods on the other side. HE FISHER FOLK who fluent ihe banks of our pretty Saugeen river iu MarkJale suburb duiina the trout season wouki find an interesting scene d>uld they but draw (side the curtain of liuie nd e*e the stream as it was sixty-three years asjo. They would ut know it for that of to-day. A cliar. ikep, <iuiet s'reim, emerging fioiu the dense forest on < ue side. crusj-iuK the new road under a rough conluioy bnd^e, and disappearing again in the (Hiding alimj; with the current a bevy of will ducks from the pond a little way up the river may be seen. They hesitate fora moment, startled, perhaps, by the iiuiek movement- of .t sly muskrat or the splash if a beaver's tail as he goes down his watir riute t" his home. The mossy banks of the river l>ave for their background the virgin forest, where may bo heard i be breaking of the uudrijrowt'i by the trend of a or wolf. Down these yreen slopes deer cuue 'o d- iuk. There is a mau sitUun on the bunk, fishing rxl in hand, hi-s gun lying beside him. Tradition says he was the first bite man that tishc<l ind hunte-d along the river in these pans. Who was he ? ills name was Miller, and hie findings arc the subject of this sketch. He was t'. E. Loyalist by decent, his father being one of a company if those people w'.i.i left thsir houiob iu Masstchnse't* in IT.^ii. conducted by Uo^er (.'oiiant, came to Canada and received gr-iuts of cn>n l.uu'.s on the shores f Lako i>nuii ,neu where ihe town of Ottawa now sta:.d>. As other Millers cauie into the settle- ment he wasknowuas "Vankee' Miller.' 1 He was a me'.iiber of the tirst Council of Artcmes -:i and was there.tftor known as C unci.loi 1 Miller. 1 i Ins h-mie down by the lako news of tlio n-.-w country to the noith reached him. He Marte.l alone and o-i foot, his mm, fUlini j t.ickle and carpet bug. lie journeyed past To r mto, past Mono Mills, nn through th wilda of Amiiianth au.l ilio swamps of Melanr lion mi'l Pioton into ArtcmesU. which she can construct, vivid pfcruro* The Toronto and S)denhmi road was .. _^_ I ' il " t ll:t - vs _ only par.i.dly opened. H know what he wanted, finding it at the Saugeen -ijo.l Itnd, sjoo.l fishing and hunting. *le secured for himself and kinsmen the lots comprising whtl were aftewards known at the I'nlemaii faius. On the baiik of the liver he built :i house where ho and hi* family lived for mine yean. The settlers al'iig the line were conslalit'y hearing the sound i f falling \va'er. in the stillness of iii^ht or before a rain I his wus plainly heard. Follow- ill)! the sound, some men \.g it as far a* the litt'e falls noilh of Klefheiioii fc-ul c included they hail found the source of llu- <noise' I'n 1 our man of the rod vjid.gun w* not sur>> of thai", and. with his pocket o mipass, ventured ftr in'ii tlu> iinexplornl 1 'wilderness. iill fallowing p sound that Incline louder, and one dy 1 1..- SI.H \NspAM KK< M CAIIU S 0AM. Kl CKMA Jlory and urandeur of Ulo talN ourst up-m his view. Trad it on says that h was the liist while min who ww ih falls. He was certainly ihe Irst we know of. When \oun ;ei and niwJ'iMion ran ii>'t. in n-ziug upon this mignilioent scer.e wo U*vt< thought thai at some more roii.o e porio I a possible nrtsionary f ither pointed out here lo the red men niMurd him ihf i{ic*'iies.s of tho Ore.u Sp'n' thty w<>-- sKitpcd in tbeir di'ii way, lio mav'o this ^a-oifi!) ind .ill < Iso l,vu;ti:'i,l and -IMII ! j \ tiur world. Svlil.Ts be>;a:i n-> * I ' I 1 ! ' ' naii.* from ditlerent p ints to tliis o- dorfnl pl.ico '.,:(! w lit t" S'-r fur tliemselvrs. _ T'lite w is amah- r devnt.-.- uf (!> r -d und i;uu i at the Falls ! when gradually c. tumerciai in:erest in The ruh and excitement following this ' the p!ce -ubsidei'. Kiuern hid serious discovery ciiino' be described. Men JrawbacksauU has !-.;,. ! u unfor- followed the trail to Durham by nisjbt to tunutely situated. N.> important hi*h- buy picks and shovels. They could not ' way pnswd thi^u^h or by it. For miles waste day light. The old lanterns with around it was sparsely settled by .- people horu sidts or perforated tiu. ii-side which,,, h-. had not y-,-t grown rich, and business a solitary lull iw cacdlu burced, were in ivu< ueci-ssarily linuteil . A< wi;h many great demand. Women iu their homes Ian individual, tht> cu;> <>f prosper.ty h^is cgoked and put up hampers of fora for , been ure^oo i'in. .,! t> its lips and then the ineu, packed bedding ud umile the , ruthlessly dashed i>.-,e industry little canvis bags that men fattened to if tor started and failed. The their belts to recei\o tbe nuggets. Me m- last one succeeded in defncinu to some while visions of what thu eood fortune i extent ihe natunl buau'y >t the place, would mean to all lightened !;ilwr. laud, s far, to no purpose. Knowing it was necessary to have ex- Dear o!d F:.Ili : As a child we looked uert knowledge as tu the value uf the! on it with wide eyed w-rder and awe. mineral, samples were sent out to be as- Later, in the glidnew of youth, it was saytd. This look some time, for com- | full of charm, aud no*, in tlu jrey tinted munication with the outer -odd was evming if lire, its tirst memory picture painfully slow. Awaiting re^ly, men in is in fn-sli as over. us Eugenia tfood faith dug and picked with might > will yet c.-mo into its own. tut its pns- add inniu. At length the answer came liue loveliness can never W restored, back, " Your sample is a }u.rtz, of^, _E. A. PICKELL value.'' So the bubble burst ' Mr. R. McOirr ..f Mooejaw, S.- ilLT iu our burg on A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Tliu Allan Liner Carthaginian was arire in mid ocean, acu .1 r eroaikable efcpe. Anew i:il*:<y. ch'- Cen'ral * Ll)r*ii.'r, i pr-.jocted, t.i run fp>iu Cochrane sci"ss the trn'erland of Que bee to Ci)e St. Le:s. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT- and the people got buck to normal con- ditions. Eugenia Paragraphs \Veddiiu bells are Mr Wilnier Turner and his bride have returned trotii thir honeymoon trip dowu e;tt. Mr. Kilbouru Ma^ee and hid bride have come from Saskatchewan t> speml (their honvyiuoon with the groom s [uir- eu's, Mr. ;m<l Mrs. Junes Magee. Congratulations tu both tbe .iSove voting ci'uj'U > Horu Dec. 'JO. to Mr. and Mr-;, .las. Lintou, * son. Born In Toronro on .).in 12. t Mr 'and .Mis. (intiiKer lirahiim, a dtuuhter. Miss Hilda Williams -fent tho past week with her aun'. Mrs. Hubert Camp- bell if the Valley. Mrs. Win. Hyslop it \isiting at Ceylon But though there was uo gold lit the ihis week. FalU, it yet had other attraction*. There Mr. ami Mrs K.M. 14111 visit*! friends at some time a gnat upheaval hollowed, in Kimberley the pa>t tek. out the ravine and piled up the hill on Mr. K. A. Graham '..nk the Methodist From a Familiar View Point Sunday sell.'. 1 chii.iien for a sleighing party on Saturday afternoon. Miss Wood of Fleshi-iton is the of her >i> l i i i. M:>. Wm. Magee. CentreGri-v Farmer*' l"Stitufo n>e"' guest MKS. W. G. PICKF.LL Mrs. Piokell. th > wiitor of ih^ ket>'!>, is h s-lt" clashed -^ ii" ; lit- pVniOi I- amt it ift>d witn a clover pet! >>y ilress the liuiies of this loculi'y in the 1'rvsbyteriin cl'uri-'i in the afternoon. Lulies, don't miss thi treat. Mis* Coney is visitmu wiih friends in t'lesherton ^fr. l>er' Grhim h.s returned the West tn visit his friends here Mr*. McKinnon of Flesheitnn Sunday with her Jaujitoi. Mrs. Foester. A nurobei fiom here att.-iul.'d the '" Flesherto <u I10II tho west side aud made it m^cessary for the calm tiowiD<; river to make its leap over the b'ink into the chasm below aud pursue its tortuous way among ihe rocks there. The rainbow-decked pry, tl.e i ns; w iil be held in Eugenii on Ja'i 'J:i. never ceasing music of the waterfall, now Mrs. M. N. Norman of Toronto will ad iu gentle cadence, and again with a mighty, rushing sound wheu the river was in full rloml caused by heavy ram or spiing freshets, all belong to the picture. The hillside was studded ith trees th.-U rose in uven gradation from base t sum- mit, L-ivini; it ihe appearance of a larj;o, , incliued bed of luxuriant g;oou fohago. Around this scene of iovelinoss stood the ' grand old forest like, a great fortress t protect it fioui the hand uf the desp,iler. M . <S ( .^ Qf ^ yl ^ Jg ^.^ The despoiler came. News i-f the her uncle at prtaent. bounty and possibilities of tho place, Mr. J"lm Stu-ut of Powajscn visitec reached government ears. Surveyors *''> friends in Kugenia over Sunday were sent in and a town plot was lid ' _ out. The tierce battles of tho Crimean _, . war hadieooutly boeu f.'iigtr. and their Ceylon names were i veil to the streets Aim*. Inkerurm, li.tlaclava. etc. and an ar- dent Frenchman of the par'.y recom- mended tho inine of his beloved Empress Kiigonie to the town, which *as adopted. Eugenia now took on u>w life. Town ami park lot* were picked up, water privileges secured, and the gi n-ral pros- pect of a rising town seemed apparent. Fur lime it looked :is though it ould be tho hub of thi$ part of tho country. Mis-s Moss l.urnett been . visitor at Mi- f >>.>Utll LlllO J. Omelia * ha* the Mrs. Mjlonoy. iico Alioo Ashdowu. o (.'leveland, Ohio, pent Thursday am Kridiy callinst vn friends. Mr. .iiid Mrs. McKowau of Kiiuberlv; and Mis. i>teen and throo children of tht West are visitors at Mr. S. Rand's. On \Veilufsuay evening la<t a nuinboi uf young people invaded the homo Mr. and Slis. Robert Bates and iri them a kiitb'-'ii slioarer. after whiol s very plcwint evening was apeot. Mrs. T. (.iny, who LH down on a trii from tho West, visited her si>;or, Mrs. The I'urdy ui.lis were erected. Halstead's store did ijuito .1 business. Smaller trades started up. A postottico wts in- stalled, the mail being brought t> aud '},'." iViidley! ! la'.-t week. from the Artomcsia p -sturtu-o. It The homo of Mr. J. Mnir at the six heatl'juarlrs iif tho Kpiic ipil Conors, was t'e tceno of a pretty church. Kov. \V,.,HlwarJ. tho presiding edd'n- on Tuosday. tho 7ih inat . when Wu i i i ... i. , hsiin'v sister, Saruh Am, was joined in er, had his home theic. U win the , * ,, , . linpi'v wedlock f Mr. UauiphaH of Mecca of all tourists who vtt*urt[ to CJech.n, by tho bride'* vsistor. llov. t'ar from tho beaten t tacks of the out or Mr. Matlicwn of rnoovil'e. in tho world. Names were cut on rrce* nitd I'reBonco ..f iho'r immediate friend*. l,^s or scratched o rwrks. I.,i.j; si.u-e Miss Jane Muir playetl the weddin in iron. Ihe bfioe .-n attended bv her ohlueiatvd. many of the li id^ that ( ,...,;_ M'..~ Maugi* F-r-nson, and the inscribed thon>, i;iu'iij intruded by Mr. .Inhn Muir, A o ion* cam* thai wiv, a,,,l a ,vi,o br>ll! V '' ^-"ilJ""^ Th "- haVPy . coliple left Thiupdav morning t-.r thcii waiker en th \; irge on bis H'po. j lu . B : (,, ,,, ; Oaledun Hiving the falls was'h..uj,t M .iito [;,_ T,. Mr. and Mv, .1 S-ewait, i fi-n*. And ao thing^ jrcut for i !u!v, j son. \ :!i S'!i in>t. I GET SOME OF PRATTS STOCK 1' - Poultry lie^iiiiitor ami I''t shea hens lay. We have your supply - i Fin Smoked Hen ing. Lake Superior TIMU? and Herruns. H. iH-v, Syrup, Mince Met. Ch^e.-f. Biscuit?. Bread. FLOl/R Five 11 >sts, Cream of the West, Mcliuwan's Eclip-e. and Pastry. Brtn, Sii.-rt-, Low, Grade, Chop, Linseed Meal, Cike and a full line of Groceries, at Uil O pi O O O THE FLESHERTON GROCERY BUSRIN This is . . Rubber Season ! If you are in need of a good pair o! Leather Top Rub- bers, High or Low, or with= out Tops, try THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! S.J. BOWLER, THE Sf ATE BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.