Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1913, p. 8

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January 16 1913 THE FLESHERTCVJ ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS ICULLOUGH & YOUNrt 1 Itaukors Markdale general banking business. Money loaned at reasonable rali< Call ou ui. * Pottiuastr, Reylnn. Commissioner inll.r. J . ','onvovancer, deeds, , njoitidiKCK, leaser, wills etc. carefully drawn up i oIliTtious mad*, charts reasonable. Alto rooent-i, dour, feed etc, kept Iu stock, Prloel Igbt. EVERY GRADUATE PLACED With the lai'.'i'.si attendance in its history, 'I'll" Galliujpruod r.HMiii-v. i ',,]._. hag |. !-ii ril in -i .""<! posi- tion, every graduate of the present year. Winter term from January 2, I'M:'.. Send for hniuiximiu Catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE DMcPHAlL, I.icfuseil Auctioneer for the County of Orey. Terms moderate aud latUrociiou KiiarantuC'l. Tim urmnKoinontii and dates of sales can tw made a*. TUB ADVANCK oUtec. Kosidence aud I'.O., Ceylon, Tulepuoue connection. Doe. C.07. ( WM. KA1TTISU. Licensed Auctioneer toi j tbe couDiirt of lirey and Siuicoe. Farm aud htock sales a specialty. Tenna ; oiodrratv. fatinlactiou tsuarautted. Arraign- I ainutb lor dates iuay be uiade at tbe Artvnnco . ollu-i' orAIT. HutciilnsoD'a store, fc oversliaiu by addrusaing uie at Feverabaui, Out. T. E. Hawkins. Principal RUDD MATHK'.VB. Maxkdale, Licensed auctioneer lor tne county of Orey. Gooc 1 service at reaacnable rateo. Dates cau be niatle at Tbe Advance, o OB MEDICAL D K U M C 1' * 8 Ont, Pbysician, Rangoon etc Odlce aud residence I'eter Bt., Kloshorton Farms for Sale M Acres West half lot 8, con. 11. Township Of <> |'1< . MAcrss-Kast half lot H, cou. 11. Township of Osprey. 50 Acrus West half lot 7, cou. 11, Township of < lprey. 50 Ajrea EatthiU lot 7, cjii. 11, Township of Osproy. 100 Acres Lot .12, Con. 10, Artemosiu. 1011 Acres Lot 3.1. Con. 11, Arteiuusin.i aoo AcroB-- Lot 3, Con. 1:1, lot 4, Con. Oaprey. lUOAcrea -L> cou. II. Artmnesli, 100 Acre* L.O I , con. 1 1, Artoimwiu. 100 Acres Kaht half lot 7, con. 2, Kupbraeia. j;^ Acres Ijotsil and -25. cou. 8, Arteiuuela. H9 Acres Part Lot 111. U',, 14G,('oii. :t, ,N. K. T. 8. H., AnomuHia. 200 Acres Lot :j i, aud 40, con. 12, Arteniesio. o3 Acres 37, con. U, Artemisia. \V. A. ARMSTRONG, Klesherton June 13tf I P OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College rendeuce ascond door south vrest.uu fc*ry street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. DENTISTRY Ur. E. C. MURRAY L. D. B.. dental surgeon bonoi graduate of Toronto Cuiversity and Koyal College of Ueutal Bunions of Ontario, Gas aduiisiuistered for teeth extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street. Flosierton. LEGAL , UCA6. 11ANEY * \VALLACE-HarriiterR, L- dolicltori.etc.-I. 11. Lucas h. C. ; W. h. Itaney K. C. ; J. O- Wallace. Official. I'oroiil'n. WO-'J Tiadors Hank Hldg.. l>noue main 1412; Markdal* Lucas lllock. Phone 8 A. IJiauch ofJioe at Duudalk opeu every Saturday. WH WRIGHT. TKLFOHD & McDOSALD barrister. Solicitor*, ic. unices, Grey 4 Kruoy lllock, Owen Bound. Ktauilarii Hank rllock. Kleslmrton.iBaturrtayi-i. \V.H. Wright, W ]'. j'elford J'.. J. C. McUouaH, L. U. .H. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly : paid in ndvanco Huhscriptionsnnly. We have no accountB with other pitpers. Flesherton Advance t 1 00 YuuthH Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily .'{ 00 Toronto Daily News 1 50 Weekly Globo !K) Mail-Empire 7"i Family Herald & btar !)0 Toronto Star . . .' 1 50 Fanner Sun !)0 Farmers Advocate 1 .">0 Weekly Wit,iep 90 Saturday Niht :! 00 Homo JoiiruiU !HI Poultry Xc'wn. i:: it Poultry Iteview 40 Hod and Gun magazine 90 SOCIETIES AO U \V meets on the last Monday in eacb uiouth, Iu their lodge room Clayton's ball Klesberton, at B p.m. M. W., W. J. Itellamy : Bc., C. II. Muunhaw: Fin M. J, Sproule. Visiting brethren luvited PK1NCE ARTHL'K LODQE, No. :O. A.F.A A EJ. insets in thi Uasoiilc ball. Arm- tronR s HlocK.KIesberton. every Kriday on or^bsfore the lull uiocn Cl . A. WltPOn, W. M.; Thos. Claytou, Hecretary. 9W, I. 0. K. treets In (flc'iiMe'C'. K.. (i. Bellamy ; K. B., U, ( 'alrLs; [ Fin. Kec.. W. Huskin. Please pay dues to Fin. Hoc. before the flrst day of tbe mouth. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing CHOHEN FhlKNDB Klesherton Council CboMin Frteudi iueti In Clayton's liall first and thlril Weilnesilav oteacli mouth H \< in I'ay ami'niiin-Titu to tn Kerorder on or Iwforii tu Hmt ilayof eacli lunntli. Chief Councillor T. Hlakelev:Heeor<ior W. H. Hunt. The Farmer's Club moots In the hlRh school buildinu on the Brut Tbnrwlsy Iu each IIIOI.DI at H o'clock I", in. VOIIIIR fariiieis |i*cially Invitort. f. Chard 1'ieni.luut, C. W, Ilellainv. Hvc.-Treas. Tamworths tor Sale Holli HI-X neatly luady for biacdin:;. I'ricco rlKht lur nnifkii'lc. (li:<>. W. 11038. Mainrell P. O. CEYLON'S Meat Mark t For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClockl.n's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bull for Service Thi>ro%'lilin-'l Slioitlhirn Inill, 1'i'iilii - 1. :nl. ("in-rvite on lut !(!, run. !l, O-prry. I'cdlge** on application. Sri \ icf. ^l.*Hi for ((raiin tlior-iinfliliii-ilH. ft.'i, *:> at til .1 nervier, l-'ull prict- illiaiK 1 ' 1 ' '" r l '" w " ""' tnnwd .1. M lil'KXH R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. t'.ci:i for the Cocksliutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Implements. Boar for Service A largo wHte Yorkshire Hoar for service , culm JCii. :ir>l range W T. .VS. K., Aitniiioein. Terms tl.OO' K. W A M.Kit. Bulls for Sale Port brad Hartford bulb for file on |i)t 171, '* w.'l'. A S. S.. Al-tiMiifMa. 1 Mnrch IU T. A. J. WATSON, 1'roton Slat ion. ^ "li', and M elm to Croiim Supar:ttoi-H, linker Wind Mil's, 1'uinji.x, 1'ipin^ anil l'i|> Fittinus nlwnyH oil band licalty Urns', of Fermiw, Hani Track*, Litter Cnnion and slalilo tittiniiH. Cocksluitt and Fnmt A' Wncd |{i!|ntii-H alwayH mi hniul. Wareroom Wellington Street. Ontario. International Stock Food DON'T let your horse* run il.nvn durliiR llic winter nmlgi't so soft that tliry will low Ik-nil Imilh wliril you' mart ynumprliif; p!u\viug. If liorKH aie not wnrl.<il regnlarly during the- ini.r. th,y n *.d the splendid tonic effects of INTF.RNATIONAI. STOCK FOOD, to t..ni' up tin- (liicrMlw QrgniH, enntile them l> f i nil lltr ! <it nut "bf their fcoil, prc\-,-nt lli<- t i. ...I frciin becoming overhr.'ilnl, nn<l thus want o(I ilitenrie. r,AM.M\M, SANK . ):in. ."Hi. iqia. "I h.iv r.,| IVTRRNATIONAI, STOCK POOD for man jr yean, lulwayshave a 25 pound |iil >lndini| in my barn. I iKiiight a p.iir of Ilirre ytarnhl tIK .11 .! they were so worked ilowu tnnt my nciKlilior-. .iiil l nna IHTII bent. When I iKnighi iiu- oiltii, they wtighcd Ji'X) Mi.. I pluiif-lu-il i<, ones ami tln-v wcif;li i Him I harvested 16^ :i. us .nut (Im-sin-rl uiul hunted one rnrloi il to town, o mltea. l wrii:hrd Ilirni :. -MM .ind lln v u< inlieil - X V ;lll( l ' ri.iid " I'licy ^hall weigh 3000 lulu;. .' i ing". Now. llu- :: :,;lil. >i - , ,nt 1.1 lniv Hi. iu l>nt then' s no .-li.itici'". J. G. RHMPI'.L. ror Mte4>y dnilcra t-ci \-wlirrr. (nr ^i.-x^ici .^t-ifk Ilnnk scut lice wlu-n we receive yi.nr name nml ii.liln s. INrCKNATION/ll. sriM'h (flnn CO. 1 1MII l n. TORONTO. For Sale by John Fisher Plesherton, - - Ontario, ON Sat,, Jan. 11. And Continuing Every Day for 1 Days sF WE CLOSE OUR STORE ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 For the purpose of marking down the stock. There will bo a tremendous slaughter in prices in all kirn's of Dry Goods. $40,000 Worth of goods will be offered at prices, many of which are away below cost. Come and see for yourself. No trouble to show goods, as we have our staff increased during the sale. Below we enumerate a portion of the stock anc prices.. Dress Goods t'.i- hiui-r.'ii', a -.i.ul wearinv nitturial, reg. _'0c, clearin); at 14c A Ingo varioty of 1'laid ^tripos iind |iliiininik'(>rial, rty. I!0 iu 40c, clearing at 21 1- A very pri'tly rnnye of Tweed Suiting, reg. r>0c, clnarins; at -We All our K-tncy Twot'il Suitiiif-s Venvtinn, Seriios, Cheviot*, reg. Hoc for 57o. SOIHU .spucml prices in Finn Itluck Druss Goodx Wrappcrcttcs ,\11 our !>((. 12 Jc, clearing at lc All <PIII- rt-R. 15c, eleuriiiR nt lie Ml our n-i(. 2(X l , cleni-inx nt 15c Mitts, Gloves & Hosiery Ladies (tl.irk CaKhnirre lm'c.i, Flerci) Lined, reg. Stic, clcarins> at Ringwopd (ilnvi'.-i, Hliick, \\liUo and Fancy colom, reg. HOc ^fof Wiiini-ii '* lli'.ny Kiblit'il NVniil Hose, \ev. '2~>e for Liulios' \\Hnl >littH, Imiji wrist, ri'K. :t(>o for 17c 19c. l!)c Ladies' Sweater Coats In Several Colors Itogular Jl.75 for $1.50 Riffokr 92.36 for .. ' JIM l!ui(uliir S.'I.OII for ...JU.1SI <'hildron'H Hoods and Aviation Cajw, All greatly UeJuced. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Jackets LiulUV Ludies' Jnckels LadivH 1 .Jackets Misses' Jacket Misnes' Jiicki'ts AM. THIS SKASON'S STVI.KS fix- 8I.".'H) for n't;. SlL'.OO f^>r rrjj. s|n. on f,,r .'_ .'.'.',','. n^os 14, I(i, 18, reg. S!t (10 fur . . . I't'F.. JH.35 fur.... $11. 00 $H.25 *7.50 *(iO(l *o.50 Gent's Furnishings Men's Sweater Coats, reg. 81.50 for $1.10 Men's Sweater Coat', reg. 82.00 Tor 81.50 Men's Sweater Coats. re. .*: 00 for 82..SU Men's Fincy Shirts, sizes 14 to IU A Hex'. 81.00 for^ 69o Ties, ret. 50o. for. . . 25o ( 'aslmu'i't' Socks. rpi{. 26c for I7c Heavy, all wool Socks, rex- 25c for I9o MOII'M work Shirt<, ret;. f>0o for 39o All Wool Shirts and Drawers, leu "So for 59o All Wool Shirts and lirawurs, reu. 81 . (JO for 79o Fl: fee Lined Drawers, rejj. 50e for ,;$9c- FURS Moil's Co.fn, Fur, Heaver Shell, Curl Lining, Uubber latcrliiifd, lVi>i*n Lamh I'.ilUr, Hfg. .*10.lH), Clearing at >11.75 Men's Black Chiim Don, Hoi,'. !?2100 for S17.O) All our Cixperiiiff, Ixufli', Mutt's, (J.vuntlets, Cups, nil greatly reduced. Ready-Made Clothing Men's and Hoys' Single and Double breasted Suits, sizes 3C to 44 Uog. $7..")0 anU S8.00, for $4.i> Keif. 111.00 ami SI 1.1 HI for $7.S! Buy*,' three piece xuiis, rvn. ^."i.oO, for 9389 Men's I'aiits, fancy ji:iuern. rei. jl.75, ^2.00, for 81.19 Men's Heavy I'auis. re.-. S-!'. 1 L'f>. for $l.ol> Men's Oveicnats, Conveitxlile CullHr, ton. $10.00. fr Sti.U^ Men's Oierci a's, CoBVertabla Oulkr, rtv. ?!'.' no, fur 7.89 Men's Homy Reefers, Sheep Lin 'd, an.i Ooj; Skin Liiunl .' >tUs all marked awitv down. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Men' Hox Calf, Domjnla, Bl Hlucher, rej;. 2.50 for Women's l)iino!a, Hlucher, Tat. Tin, re. $1.85, for Women's Dimyolu, Hluchur, rei-. $2.50 for Misses' Doimola Hluclier, roj. $l.til), for , Misses' (iram (ilovcs riiul Grain Bals., r>^ fl.113, for Men's Heavy Hubbei'B slaughtered. ....11.39 , ...$1 (59 . ...fl. H> ....$1.05 Flesherton BOYD - Ontario,

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