Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1913, p. 4

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January 30 1913 THE * L E S H E K T N ADVANCE r H K. An tiidHpendent newspaper, published every "TMirmlay at th' office, Cnllmgwuod Street, Menhertiui. Subscription price ! i-i annum, when paid in advance; $l.f>J when not an paid AiivertiitiiiK rte.< on application. Circulat i>n 1,100 weekly. W. H. Ttiurston - Keillor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN Do You Realize Tin money you can mako boiling Kmit Trotn ! II.- preHjut demand for N HIM .TV stock ii tin' i(iiMter in the Invu y of the busineiw. Iv, 'iyli.nl v who has tin- Ini 'I is [illinium <>r pirp.u in:; tu | Myer--Kennedy A very pretty wedding took place at tin- home of Mr. and Mis. Kennedy, IU- venn.i, on Tuesday I'Viiiing, Jan. 14, when their eldest daughter, Mnry Pearl, wa.s inn-tied to Mr. Oscar llatiley Myers of Citbn, Sa-k, l>y the pastor. Rev. Mer- dith, at > o'clock, ilie hour appointed for Ihe ceremony. Tlie hude en ered (lie pretty little drawing room escorted l>y her lather, to the ulrains >'f the wedding maich Hweetly played l>y Mrs, Meredith. The hride and gr.'i'in wen- unattended The former woie a handsome costume of pearl blue fatin stripe uinon over sulk, )atitifully trimmed with satin and fringe lid wore the grot. m' ift, a |{old atcli sod watch pin. and tho organist WHK pre- sented with a ({"Id brooch set with a gar- net. After the ceremony sud the bridal parly had received congratulations from those p-i-sent, all ropaitt'd to the dining room, wheic a very dain'y wedding lireakfabt was pn-pued l>y 'he hi.Htus*, the tahl< H heiog prettily decjrHti-d with ferns and j)ink and lute salin ribbon. After the uual toncls a good progrmn was gone tluouu'i, liev. Meredith acting as chairman, winch DuMtMid "f violin selections, songw, instiuni. ntal mubic.und apeeclieH uv Mr. lltilsr>n, Mr. Conn, Mr. Collins, Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Hu:cliinson, Mr. McDonald, Mr. .li.i n HuU-hinxim, Mr. Brown, Mr Wlteis and i.tha s, all ipeaking in the highi-nt praitu of ihe popular youiiK biidi-, ho will c^rry the i((Hxi wisheii of all in the c uniuuiiiiy 10 her fii-in honif wlicre her industrious young hu'hand i-t ex ei.Mvcly engaged in farming. The In .do tns the recipient of miiiy beautiful mill u-i-ful |-re-i-iii, i-on- hinting of china, (-i'.v rware, .ind many other pre-en's too Dtinii'iii IK in mention. )ne particularly <ortliy-i me U'"' * a haiidsome man-il i-l- ck fim Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson. Mr. a d Mis. Myers will be at home to their fii-nds in Cttiri, Sask., f'er March 15. O'Brien-Madden A pretty wrd iiiu * H ' i folemn /.ed ill tho I: ""'!. t.'allmlio chuu-h. Dun- Oalk, on Wedintilay, Jan. 22. when Mr. W. II () Hnen <;f Khedive, Stsk , nd Miss Nellie Madden of Osprey, were united in I lie h..|y lionds of iiiiitrimi.iiy. K v. Father Murphy (.Biciiitin^. Th* biuli- and Xiooiii were assistid by Mifs M. II. Huinberstone, cousin > f the groom, and Mr. Jck Madden, brother of the biiil". The luiili- W.4-, prettily attired in blue vicuna cloth, with whin? allover he-; n- in n i :.-.., while tin- biidesmaia wore white silk mull. The ui-onm's gilt to the liride was a -4"N1 I' ckot and jhain, to lk* brideiinaid, a gold hi..o h, and 10 the ".riiounuian a ^"'id lie pin. \ !'< cepnoii w.n held nt the hi-me of ihe bride, eighth line, Ospruy, in the e> ru- ing, when ubimt M-\i-nly-nvo t;in-,K ;ih-,einlded mid an < \ceedingly pleisant iiulii wii- >p-n.l in dancing, The ginoin is an t iiteriinsiiii; yoiini; farmer, Im moved Wi-st floin the lliinl line Knplinisia, ei'/ht years i.g", win re he has lu;eli very MKT,-sful. He has hosts of friends hue who wish him and hi* (.ride a loi'g and happy wejduu life. Tb* yonag couple received many pretty and useful pros-ems i<li'>wiiig llu- esteeiu ill which ilu-y are I "th held. Tliey left on Mond.iy, J;ni. '-'7ih, for tli-ir home in tho We.st. We Want Now I'..-, li'i :llld "Niter Ilinnili- H I'l lv:i! It- Ill -II to . Ii ill Fienherton and Hurrouiid- iiu diitruiU O IKK! par, i x-clusive teni- , I' 'I '''I ''' ' Hllvl)t|{l> U1 M'|IH-M III M ; .-is. I'M I'-t-i'ilishi'il firm. Oxer (10*3 urt'lrr cultivation. Kstalili-he/1 1*5 Writ a I'KUIAM Nl'RSKRYCO 20Jitn TiTotito, Ontario. Notice To Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Mmire. late of the Township of Proton, in tho County of Giey, Farmer, deceased. Notice is herehy given, piusuant tu the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1H97, Chapter 12!), tlut nil the creditois aud others having claim* against the cstite ul the ahovu named John Moore, who died on or about the third day ul November, A. D. 1912, are required on or before the twenty-second day of Fel) ruary, A. D. 19115, lo fend by post prcpaii or deliver to William H. Huddy, I'r ce ville I'ost Office, or to Chavlus Moore Markdale 1'ost OHice, the Kxecutors the last Will .ind Te-tament of the Kid John Moore, deceased, their Olnis tian unil surnames, aiidrcsjes and lie- script ions, M.I- full pii titulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of th- securities (if mi) i held by them. And furthei t-k ii"tics that sfter MI h 1 ist men ioiicd di the said executors will projeed to di.stnhute the MelA of liM sid deceased amoll^ the panics entitled iheieto, num_' ivear.) only In the claims of which they rhall h n lavo iioli.e, null l lint the Kid exit iituis will i ot lie lulile. for the s.iid KRSFIR or any part thereof to any person "i |n'is nsof whosi cairn intioe >hnll in i live been receivul by them at the tini f n. -h ilisiii'iti'.'i'ii. NViiiuiiT, TKI.KOKI> .V McD<>\.vi.i>. Owen Sound, tint., Solicitor for the wud Kxerut 'is. Dated the 2()ili diy of Jn. A.U.,1'.)!:'. When Doctors Disagree Consult Optician Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing can effect a permanent cure that d.ies not remove the cause. That i<- what our scientifically f:tt.'d glasses J j. W. A. Armstrong. Flesh.ex*ton *f- Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire S:vtUf>i'tion LAl'NDHY Biskct leaves Tuesday niaht, delivery Fiiday eveni-ig. SKA'.KD TENDERS tddretud to tl.o l'.at- liri I.M (.. .H-iill. will I"- irr.-l.. I at Ottawa .uitil noon on Kriilay, lilt Ttli Mar I:, 1'JI t, for ILU . .. V.'V H-M . ul H : MM |. . . IIIHlU oil ft |.ii.|'"~i-<l r,,-. tin, t for lour fvntr. nix tiiiit-H per wuok OVKK ritlCKVII.I.K Ul'KU, MU1. HOt'TK To t-ounnoacu at thn I'ufttiimster :(iuneral> plonfiuro I'.int ''i notleas containing further iniuiin i- tiim us tocoudltloniol proposed Oootrmol nmv in-*een anj i-i'iiiiv fonua of toodor mav i". oi- tiiineil at t\:o Tost OllicoH i.f I' icevlllc. TupHiHV, Iluiii-Hsmi anil at tin- ollici' or th" l'o*t < Ulii-t) liiin-ctur lit (Toronto. Pui-li.fliffH Di'imrlinent, Mail srviur l'r%i.ch Ottawa. 1 Uh ilay of January I'll.' <1. ( . AXI.'I'.HSIIV. M. j-i-i intemlunt. Books At the Library Till) follow JD hi Ii'" I ook.s llttVu lii-i-ll I an hiiMil for ilr ]iiitilic lilnaiy nd tie av.iil.iUe as soon ax ;' l r s'le in |>ut ii i' to receive them : Tile Tempting"' Tivenmke ItliynifK of a Rolling Si .. The Hoys' I'm k man A Romance of Hilly (iat 11 II The Red CriMH (lul Old Mother Went Wind The I>iiH! 1'atrol The Mountain DniJo I. ! '}'.- Slslt-l Nancy Lee Coase Firing The Kindred of the W.ld Freckle* The Fortunes of Phoebe Their Yesterdays Mr. I'fHtt Among Imli. >n H'ijths Helen U\er ihu \>ll Flint and Feat liar A Hoy of 1 1'.; D-'iniM '.ii IVcumaeh The Na The Hi. ..I lii.-i.-v . . Tune and I'liii. : Captain Kri Corporal (Jarnemn Girl of the I.imherlost The Heather Mnon CLKANING and DYEING We are agents fur Parker's Dye Works Clothes cln.ine'1 and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. CLEARING ^2 COST Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Reefers, Men's Pur- Lined Overcoats Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats The recent mild weather has left us with a large number of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, Men's Fur-Lined Overcoats and Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats, than we desiie at this season of the year. We offer them for speedy clearance AT COST They are all this season's garments and if you are looking tor genuine snaps, you can't afford to pass them. BKALkD M'Mii-i.i n in . .1 ID M,. r. i master Ganaral, *IH i> rm-elvtvl nt otm,i until noon, un Krlilay the 7ili Maich. r.n:i. for tliaoonnnnoaol ii: \i, \-MHHH on a propoaad Contract tot ftnr y;nrs nix tiuif l>i'i wei-k each waj Over Rural Mail Route From Priceville. Ontario, to commence at the IV-tii.i.i-li-i (,i i.nul ., I'. ,'ii in,- I'.iiiti-il notiei*i',contaii,iiii> further iiiforuin- t inn UH t * eoiul it ions M |.i "jiu- l i . u in t may IHI M'I.|I atiil hlarkfiiiiiM nf 'r,.n.li-i- i.iuy l,e olitainixl lit the I '.;!. lllllres ol I'l.c-uvilh. I 'on ODa. OlaiKlg C n.t n . llll.n --,n, mill al Ihu <>lt:ee ot thu Post Otlluo Inst-ector at I'oronto. I'ost (Illiuii re;n tin nit. Mill Si'iuc'ullraneh OH a vii, Htli Juiiiiiiry. lnl.'t. li. C. iNUlilUJS. Supiiriutiiti tent. Do You Ever Sleep? If von do you will l>e wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cist you $5.00 )0 $5.00 Get somotliiii" nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds nt ntlier piici'S, nil equally low in price Kanituiy Beds euch as everybody wiintrf. Springs and Mattresses to lit all be. Is. Examine our stock any- way, before pnrcbuiog your p\ep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Look ! Listen ! Just received a lot of Fine Spring Suitings. $-23.00 Suits selling at$U).50. Also a new range of Overcoats and Spring and Summer Pantings. Come early and get your new Spring {-'nit at the Tp- To-Date Tailor Shop C. BLAKELEY Fesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building 'THE HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSERS CEYLON'S STORE Overcoats & Peajackets Hig reductions in these lines. Some of them at about half price. A few Fur and Fur Lined Coats left yet, which we offer at greatly reduced prices. Also in Furs, Kutt's, Stoles and Mutt's we can give you some great bargains. Flour & Feed Special prices for this week in Five Roses, Cream ot the West, Toronto Pride and Milverton Flow. Also in Bran, Shorts and low grade. Ask about them. Highest Market Prices paid for all farm Produce Individual Insliuctii'ii at the A A Hen Record Mr. Joseph din 1 on of Floslieitoii Ims luarnej how lo inuku money out. of IIUHH, and submits (B*mOUtlM 1 lerord fr t.ho tewders of Tho Adviincu, winch we fancy will be dillicult to bi-al. Still, we hl>.t t i hear fioni the Maxwell Wyan- diilH as to what they have produced during thu eleven DOOOtDI. The resHon thu full year i-nnii.l be given is beta lac the record began on Keb. 1, I'.MU. No. of liens :il ill . r )0c each lln.nil Ho. otegaS581, av. '.'He d.,/... . '-:.! Fowls n'<i ir>.:>4 Kx-ia f.iwl i. ii haii'l 17 nt Me H.60 Tnlal 841. (Ml, lu-M c.,,| nh.'. Net. profit from 'M hen* ... . *iif). 17 i-i'/. i's have de :ided t> form n joint Mtiuik company and erect a skat- ing MI K. *l ' ll!l i- subscribed in H fi'W niiiiiiles nfier I li r.inifft 1 Icnk i he mat i IT in hand. 'I . i.nk will bo the O II. A, N /.-.. jf (IWKN SOrSI), ONT., 3 g/r ci* o permit! rtu'lanU to bf gin with tu f any Any. l'o.s'tionn niMianlefd ' jp In vricliiatBH. S:alfi)f specialists * Information free. <& a a J^ C. A. FLKV1IN(J, F. C. A., sp Itriiiuipiil. ^ f <i. D. FLKMIN(J. - Secreiaiy. <3 op ^^ M OKI N SOUND - ONTARIO ' WiliGive$500 to Sick Readers or Advance J/as. ^attison & Co., General Qeyton Famous Scientist who Originated the Now Wonderful -Home Treatment" Otters $/.00 Package Free to Sick and Ailing. CANADIAN 'PACIFIC SPECIAL CRUISE Around the World limpnesses of 'Russia' and 'Asia' lNwC. I*, li. l'acillcSUan>slii|>.-| Ttio I-: n | KRS olHuKsin will leave Mvr (mill Apili Ihf. csllli K M (tilnnltur, Villi- ham In- mil I'lirttniil. piMcadlng fla&lM < ),.niii., PaDftDM. Blugiporv, Pong Kong, BblDBb (I, NlgMlll. ROM anil V(!kiiliu:nu, ar'-ivlpH Vancouver May :ilst, 10l:i. l-'.inpre.oiiil Aeia will sail fimii Myerpool Mm Till, UMlkil.KU IWllor OrUIB*. Hotl dirtoi aonnnilon tor Apiil ut nail- inii in via I:III|IIUSH nt Britain fnnn Kt. .li.lin Mai cli !!!!. Rate for Entire Cruise $639.10 I' \.liisi\ii uf 11 . i ul i i 1 1,. hftvxeen arriv-iil 1 1 MM. in KiiKlaii'l an. I departure nf Rtnyran (if I,' , . i. nllil BlOp over lit HDIII; Kiinu. di-t Mrllonlftri fi'o*n ('Hinulian PftOifla iiKiMitHin- writu M. (1. Ml li.MH I), l'. A.. ( '.r-n./r.-iMiiiii S. Rand, Agent, Flesherlon I M order llm 1 ovory render of The A'lvitiiCi) whu tniy in>t Imve he.ird of tins wonderful "Hume Treatment" may have un "||i ir'uiuly to te*t tliis ci-1. limted mi ii'-i ', the now : i mi in.. sciouti*-t, Dr. Juiiiud \V. K dd, iifft-i-a to (jivo nbsnlutrly free ii full ?.o $1.00 |>ckgo tu five hiiniln-il n'H'lcis i f tliii [iHper, to prote I lie wonderful claium which have brrn uiAdefur it. In in ihi".' this utiVr tho Mcienlist snid : "I know ihat them are many people who 1m /e been MiH'ering for yeitri with Home chronic disease and many of thein Imve Hpent Urge aunis of ini'imy at'i'tiiiii! * cure. 1 know that these people hesitate about inventing money in medicine l>ncause they have tli'.Hpnirfd of over net.linK well. ThnUH- jiiid.s have lild mo that story and many thousands of the same pcoplt Imve told me .-iftn-H -iiils that my tivi.tment hnd uured ihem after doctors and everything else had failed. I want to prove lo a limited nuniher nu matter what tho disease, no matter how !"ng they limy havu sutl'ered, no matter how blue and discounted that my treat muni really and actually doe acco'iiplisti the Wonder- ful lusul tu that have been repotted." NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN I'.- -pli- who -ulli'i from Illiuuiuaiirni, Kiduuy Trimble, Sto'in.c-h Trouble, Liver or l'...i-l DisorderH, C'ntarrli, Bt oi'ohilis, Astliin.t, Chronic Coughs, VVck Lunge, Liuiit'a^i), I'i'es, I linaiy Uisurders. Ke- mnle weuknaas of any kind, the w..ak, wi<rii out, lii 'kiMi ili'-.v n and d<?Hpuiidunt will IM- delimited t the elfect of a II-A doses. This wonderful treatment creates > tine Appetite and helpH the di^estwe organs tu carry on their functions -w they shuuld. It btrengthens the kidneys, too, unit diivps rheumiititni poiuma front tho blood as if by magic. That is why people ho try it become 10 enthusiastic. Any leader of The Advance who will try this cxtranrcliiiury medicine that li.n created so much excitement by its cure* can obtain ahaolu'uly free a full si "" i M'tiiiii-ni by simply tiiline in the ! . ..I.: " below or writing a letter de*ciib- i,.U their cse in their own word", if they prefer, and mailing it to-day to Jamex W. Kidd, Toronto, Canada. No money IIITI! be sent mid iu> charge of any kind will be in-ill''. At this offer is limited, you should wiirc at once, in order to be Hire to receive your free treatment. Coupon CB-125 For Free Dollar Treatment DR.JAS. W. kioo, TORONTO, CANADA. Ploise ond mo a full 81 Oi> Course of Treatment for my CU.SH, free and post I<B |mid, just as you prmiime. Name - - Post Office Province Street and. No. Age How long Afflicted? Muko a i-i" - \ i liofor .. KliHiiiatls:n ...LnintMgD ,. Calarrli ...C'on. L ftipation . I'l 108 . . 1 liarrlincK . Toi-|Mdt.lvur . [niiitefctior, . .btmnacb I'mul ! (Ii. j any other syi u disuatio ) uu havu. 'l' vouaulT KiJiu'V Troulilc ..Ulaililer Trculilo Weak LniiRn ( hu nu- t' -.iiKli ...Malaria AaHinina Ha^ Few llfi-.it Tionlvn 1'ui i Ciiculaiion H'to. : i on a si;> M-nto WO CI-O9HUH (XX) b i moU. lii'l -n. Hi.., ..I Anemia I'lMijiles ..Rrzaina XoiivtiU'irt llcn^iicbo . DIzXlllOfH Noi vousnosa (Ih. sity shoflt. ( ' >m3pon ' oforo Uio ono from \vliii-l. Kouialo Wakne83 ..WonibTioiibie Ovarian Troublu .Painful Poi'iojB ...Hot Flashes lioaiinH Down 1'u.ina ones In all UtuuiV!^ YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. the victims of early iudinoretiuDs an J later i- cesses, who are (allures in lite you ara the ones we c;in restore to manhood aud revive tho spark of energy and vitality. Uun't give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors, used electric belts and tried various drug storo nostrums. Our New Method Treatment 1m i snatched hundred* from tho briulc of despair, bos re- stored happiness to hundreds o( homes and lias made Kucccssful men of those who were "down and out." Wo prescribe specific rem- edies for each individual case according to the nyniptoms and complications we have no patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can- not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. Only curable cases ac- cepted. Wo hara dona biuineu thraughout Canada for over 20 Yean. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY DCinrQ Are you n victlmr Have you lost I iLHULn hope? Are you intending to marryf Han your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our Nw Method Treatment witt cure you. What it lias clone for others It will do for you. Consultation Fra*. No matter who bos treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charfa. Book. Free "Uoyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) ou IJiseases ot lieu. NO NAMES USED WITHOUTWRITTEN CONSENT. No na.nu.on (, or an*.]. TREATMENT* CoBf ldentlal ' 0****" - d Cort of Traatmant FREE FOR HOME DRS.KENNEDY&KENMEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ^H^K* N OT ICE A11 letter3 f l " " ' Canada must be addressed ffln^HP w v l ifaf ! to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- *** "* T^^^^^ 11 ^ fflcnt in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no palicnta in our Windsor offices which are lor Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows- DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. Farm for Sale at a Snap |1,800 Will bu.V KiOueiT.s (111 ihu gnivol jroixil between Pleihai t<il) ind Minkdnlo. 'The tiiulier nl. no on this pmjieily is jwnrih ihe price nsked. Ajiply to I JOS. I.K\TY, Oninv'' 1 Valley, Atni kdiiK-, ]. 'Sci.l 20. Farm For Sale or Rent UK) acres in the 7th concession, lot 31, Arti iiu'sin, nliotil. (ID mjs frnm school, pustdllic' 1 , !ind stoi-,'. On (.ho property is ;i 1" In ii.se and n ^t-.\ \rnrn, two clls :inil a a. oil spiinu ; about 75 acres cleiired MI '' 70 acn s unili -r (ultiv;itin. \Vil! i-ent if in. t S..K1. A]iplv to D. \VH1TK, Hock Mills.

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