Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1913, p. 1

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SUtoonce. TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINDIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 32, Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, February 2O, 1O13 W. H EDIT IB and PI.OPIUETO Wode house Doings February so far haa certainly been nuking up for the uice weather we hiid bien enjoying up to (lie first of the month. Mr. Will Best is somewhat relieved of his attack of asthma, and is now en- joying* visit with his friend, Mr. John Ferris, in Markdale. A gang of live men sire at present taking out square timber iii Mr. John Hutchinson's bush. The three Best girls are spending this week with friends at Caledon East. We are sorry to say Mr. Rabt. Wiley is improving very slowly from the ace dent which happened to his knee Use full. A jolly load ot young people drove to Markdale on Thuisday afternoon . and spent a delightful time on the' link there, and the evening with Mrs. Thos. Browo, i former resident of this neighborhood. Mr. Orlie Kirpatrick returned home last wek from n extended visit with friends at Woodford, Goring and Owen Sound. Mr. Ed. Abercrombie of Rocklyn is visiting his brother, Ba 1 , for a few days. Miss Annie Wiley has gone to spend a shoit time with Mrs. Porter Biird, Vandeleur. Mr. Irving of the eleventh lir.e n at present cutting wood with his buz/, saw outfit for Mr Jos. Squires, having just finished a tine pile for Messrs. Ward and Cheny. Riverdale ( Inly four weeks until spring. Mr. Chas. mid Miss Laura Conley, p'eas'ititly entertained a number of young pe >ple of this vicinity, ou Friday even- ing last. Miss Louie Wiley of Hrkaway, spent t'le week end at the parental homo here. MissEuphemia Siephenson gave the young people of Kiverdale a jolly large time on Monday evening, in honor of her bnthday. Mr. nd Mrs. Rout. Feriis of llavonivi, visited frit-lids here last week. As a lesult of the recent severest storm and cold wave of the leason, business operations in this vicinity were tem|'i- ari'y suspended. * >n Monday, however, a delightful change of weather was ex- perienced, and the lliverdale Good Road Company oou had the bad'y congenttd thoroughfares in pasa'de condition again. Willie "I notice in thepapir that Kiverlalu reporter has got a gout at Priceville.'' Pa -"yes my son, li has h;il that repulsive looking; freak of nitiiu- in a box stall down there for neatly two years, bu^ never knew what its real name WHS until it "lilalted ' for fodder week before last." Willie "Oh, Joy ! wilt you take mo down to see i f . " Pa -Well, not at present, Willie, but later on when the Rivprdalo zoologist gts him cleaned u[i, clipped ai,d de- hornuil. We will all go down and see him do the ba'ed h.-iy and barbed wiie a unt." Eugenia Married At Flesheiton Feb. 18, Miss Gertie Paul of Eugenia to Mr. \Yill Nixon of Saskatchewan. Mr. Will McCallum of Kdmonton vis- ited with friends here recently. Mr. P. Munshaw has gone to Edmon- ton for a visit, Mrs. Jaceb Williams is spending this weak in Flrsherton. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Carr and children h ive returned to their home in Stough- ton, Sask., after spending a couple of months with friends here. Tht Orangemen of this plac* are hav- 111 ; an At Home in their hall here on Friday night. The Flesheiton dramat : e club will givj two acts of Shakespeare's great dranci, The Merchant of Venice, under the auspices of the Mstliodist church in i '<< Orange hall on the evening i'f Fri- day, Feb. 28. Set 1 bills, and don't miss this tare treat. Kimberley Budget Drawing sawlogs is the order now. Mr. Clifford Rodgers of Epping visit- ed Kimberley friends on Sunday last. Mr. John Taylor of Rocklyn visited at j Mr. James Lawrence's on Sunday. Mr. Edward Fawceit of Heathcote occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church nn Sunday uioruing last aud preached an excellent sermon, Mr. G. H. Walter made a business trip to Fleshert >u on Saturday. He will hold an auction sale on Tuesday, Mar. 4. Mr. LI HI' Kl Kerr of Epping visited at W. Walters' on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Wolfe of Flesherton was a c'dler in our burg nil Monday, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Burritt on Thursday, Feb. 27, at 2 30 p.m. Visitors are al- ways welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean of Vaii- deleur visited at Mr. David Weber's on Sunday. On account ot the roads beii.g blocktd by the heavy storms last week our mail carrier, D. Weber, was unablv to make his daily trip to Flesherton. Mia? Euna Burrittuf Heathcole visited at her parental home here on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. Lyness Fawcett visited Clarksburg friends a few days last week. Mr. Thos. Genoe of Eugenia was a caller in our bur.' one day lanr wee!; Maxwell Mis. Mclmyre, who Ins been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Guy, has returned to her home in Alberta. Miss Maud, her sister, accompanied her. The Mies Wright, who are attending business college in Collingwood, epent Sunday with ilieir parents here. Mr. John Fenwick has a happy smile on. They say he is the father of a bouncing boy. Mr. George Linley is doing a lushing business in th blacksmithing line. Mr. Edward Liuley has returned fr in t'.e West,. Victoria Corners Mrs. Mo 'row of lieeton visited Mrs. James l&e-st and at Mr. AK Stinson's. Mrs. James Host gave a fowl supper in honor oj her sister, Mrs. Mono*'. Mrs. (ir-ihum of Kleslu-rton is visiting at Mr. lien. Moores aiul other friend*. Born To Mr. aiJ Mrs. Frei Biew- ster (uee Maud Stevens) a daughter. Ceylon Mr. G. Collinson is laid Hp with lagrippc. Miss Mmiel Legate is very low with p ,. ,,...(11,1.1. bm under the skilful care of Dr. Carter, we hopj soon to see her around again. Miss Kate McL?od, who has been visiting her mother heie for the past two months, returned to Toronto on Friday. Mr. Chas. Chislctt left for Toronto last week, where he has secure I a good position. Miss Maggie Ferguson is visiting iledou friends. Eighth Line, Artemesia Mr. aud Mrs. lid. Carr and children, also Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn Magee re- turned to their homes in the Went this week.] Don't forget the social tj li held at Mr. John Parson's, on February the :0th, in connection with the Mi-thodist chucb, Eugenia. Everbody come. A good time is expected. Mrs. IT red Martin and sou are visiting a few days at Mr. J*s. Magee's. Miss Kate Jamieson visited the pa.sl week with Kimberley friends. Mr. Fred Pedlar is visiting his sister at Allenford. Fever sham Items The weather has moderated ibis week and the road a >ne getting into good shape again. Oa Thursday, Fcb Bill, detlh claimed Mrs. Geo. Oltewell, after several months' of satferiug, wliicli she b^re with .jrtnt Christian patience and f.iith in her Saviour. Though a great sufferer, she never complaint I, bu. was calmly waiting God'i time tu t ike her t.< himself. The funeral took place at Bcdiel cemete y on Saturday th S:h and though a very stormy day, a 'arge number of her friends ind neighbors gatheied to p<y thuir last respects to the one who w<i8 gone from their midbt. She leaves to inoum her loss an aged father and two bn.lh.ers. The sympathy of the neighbors g i out to the bereaved, ous. Died On Sunday, Feb. '.Mi, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clus. Weldrick, three years old, from pueu- inouia. We sympathize, with Mr. and Mrs. Weldrick in their bereavement. Sorry to report Mr. Will Knitting s little son very ill at present. Mr. Will Mullen is sultciing from .1 severe attack of lagrippe. Mr. Geo. Whewell and family, Mr. Will Coulthard and R. Brackeubury leave for the Weat this week. The I'ninn Sunday Suliool entertain- uient had a very good program, but the evening was very stormy and only a uniall crowd turned out. The supper was g .tteu up in good style and the othcers of the school heartily thanked the ladies who provided the supper and also those who gave the program, for the r help. Eighteen djllurs was the amount realized. Dundalk Win. Keymond, west of the was struck by a falling tree while work ing in the bush on Monday. Ho was badly bruised, but, luckily, no Ivi e.- were broken. To defeat Kleshert'-n in hockey this season is an accomplishment worth wbil* for they have a pretty swift moving team. Dundalk boys put them down in a well- played mutch on the rink here Tuesday night and the loculs hre the only unde- feated team in this district. It was a close match frm start to finish, in fact a lil'lo too close in the lirst half, when the visitors led by two to one. Tho locals pulled up in the second period by i splendid display of speed mid conibi na- tion pulling oul :i 5-4 victory. Mr. Chas. Hichiirdson of Klesher'nii acted as referes and j/nvo "onci satisfaction t'i both teams. Couidoring I he rouyh night a piod i crowd wit in ssrd thu match. alKiul lifty j enthusiasts coming dcwn ilh the visiv- 1 ing toiini from Fl-s'ivit"!), Hciald. Osprey Council Osprey Council met at Fevershaiu on Feb. S according l'i adjournment from Jan. Ji5 last. The members present were John Tliomsi'ii, Irwin Morrison, John R. Muirhead. \V. H. Guy and Joseph Ili-ndi r.-"ii. Minutes of the hist meet- ing were read and tKtnptod. Cinuiiiniii- citions, accounts, etc., 'ere read from : The General and Mai i hospital, Col- lingwood, notice reigaixi, s; the inainteii- mice of Walter McKay, .m indigent ; Dr. Donald McKay, account J.I' for medical attendance on Walter MiKuy ; Mumci pal Wur'd, account S21 - J0, asBeacors' supplies and statior.ery : J, A. Kfrimhau account !*2>5, cxcharge ou cheques, 'ilso $1.'.W in piiyin.: note ; fence viewers' i,v ,i'i. Ir.v ii v. Mawton, and account of J4 for ui.paid fees by S. ILiwton ; peti- tion of T. H. \Vetheval aud others tu get 40th sideroad, cons. I. - and I! S.D.H opened : report from the auditors mi the accounts f 1'H'J ; report of cununi'tee appointed lo ei><)uiic into the validity of the treasurer's security. The standing committees for the year weru appointed us follows : Piinting, J. U. Muirbeud, Jos Henderson, and W. H. (juy ; Treasurer's security, John Thomson. W. H. (juy and Joe. Hender- son ; Finance and AssesMiient, all tin members of Council. i >rdcrs were issued on the treasurer t< pny . Municipd World J'.'l.'-iO, iccount for MMMOn' supplies and 8'ationpry ', J- A. Kernahai), f'J.8") exchani;e-t)ii cheiaiH and SI. 80, error in payin" note ; J.imes Elliott, Sb'tl, collector ; Win. S. Inksler, )(>, collector : Robert Heron anl Alex Douylai. J12 each HS auditors ($4 of saicJ nni'iuHt to bo charged asainsi telephone system for extra service audiiini' tcle- p'ho- e accounts) ; James Elliott 9-, Win Hodgson Stf, fence vieweis' fees, said amount to be charned on collectors' roll. 1!U3, us 1 *' 11 * 1 Swinuel Ha*ton. lor, 14, CUD. 11. The report of tilt) auditors was adoptei and referred to the commit! ee on print ing to get .'!00 copies printed. The report nf the committee regarding the Treasurer's security was adopted ant Kled with (ha Clerk. The account of Ur. Donald McKay wi,t laid ov r until next meeting i.i order lo make euqirriex, as was also the petitions of T. H ttVheral aud others. Council adjourned to meet at !Siim- ou Saturday, Mu'cli 8th, next. THOS. SCOTT, Cle.k. Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I m now prepared to do chopping eveiy day in the week except Sundays and every weak in the year. Bring aJoi'g your grists. Our visit and door factory is always xt your disposal tor anything you want in our line ]i'anii'g, umtohing, ef<J. Kl<>nr illif, snh ami doors ninl all boiiKe fur- nishii'gs supplied promptly :ind t iea.s- onab'e rates. (let esumnte*. IT. Blakeley, Prop. Fcl)l" t:\ ty Earthquake or Meteor From The tjhelbume Economist : Enher the section between $helr<uuie ind Mount Fort-it had an eHitlnjuake hock on Sunday niitht shortly after nine o'clock or the meteors that were seen in Toronto at about the same time were part of a uigantic meteor that had jurst overhead in tlie section named aud lad made its way southwestwiiicls over the ciry in detached f>agirents. Win. \nderson, storekeeper at Keldou, twelve nilos rt-es' of Shelburne, sixteen miles straight e;ist of Mount Fllre^t, and ibuul sixty live miles 3tr;t : '.;lit north \vo.it af Toronto as the trow rtiis, informs the iuonomist that at aliout ten minutes ifter nine Sund iy rrght lie \vis outs;de when lie heard a decided ruuiolii-i; sound and fe'.t the ground shake as though 'rum on earthiftnke. The .sky was i oudless and theie had been no sign o; ightuitig or thin der. U lieu lie went into the house and asked if mi) thing unnsal bad been noticed, he wis told that the huusa had shook and the dishes rattled as though there had been an erthi)uake. Others, Mr. Anderson has spoken lo living north and south of him liave the same t >ry to tell. Due man living rliren nn!es further wtst wns in bed at Ilia lime and was awakened by the sound. He became greatly alarmed, thinking his hordes Imd gone on the ramp.ige and were wrecking the stable. On invustigHiiii!!. however, hi found hi" horses perfectly .(uiet. If it was an earthquake, it wan no' felt as far rast as Shelburtie. Wlmt is probably theconeet theory is that it was a siuuitic meteor that burst far over- head, the separate fragments cnntinuMig their ieri.il journey through spjee to art'oid Toron'onians a free display of fireworks. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 1'J Dundalk Wednesday, April 111... Flcshertoii Wednesday, June IS DundnlU Wednesday, Aug. 27 Fleslienou WeiliiHSilay. < ct. 13 Duudalk Saturd-iy, Dec. Ii Flesherton W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Out. As a rrsu't "i the peculiar, astronom- ical situ ttion. next K.is'i'i- Day will be the earliest for years, and it will iv t e so early again for 1<H) year*. It coires on March 'Jiird. The tixiiii; of tho dais each year is based upn the changing pluses of the moon. Kaster Sunday s always the tir-t Sunday after tho ful moon. If it happens on a Sunday tlnn Easter Sunday is tiie first Sunday fyjlow- ing. This year there is a full in "on in Saturday, March 'J^rnl, Sut.iliy the :iexl is therefore K, later DHV. Anyone piissing the f.irin (if James Taylor, Tiverton roiiJ, on Mondiy. Ke'i lird, miuhi linvc SL'I-II the owner drawing in hay from the field, which lind never been st-iokfd. This might tippe-ir to some to be due to cirelessness or neglect of which it was neither. The hay ciiiie from a lield cf ,ifalf:i nf f"iir acres, .\hich was cut the latter part of August, and hud been hurriedly put into cock, wlu-n the incessant ruins of tint period came on. As lliero WHS n-> drying weather the clover was deemeit spui'cd until a few days ago a neighbors horses got into the Held and exposed the liny. am', llie oner of the horses discovered that it was per- fectly good, and apprise.! Mr. Taylor of the fact. We have lieui'l that ruin would not hurl alfalfa cloi-er and tliis case ap pears to bear out the statement. STUDY AT HOME 1 -r your sparti liitii' i:i>l Laconic ^< ><tl Hintkkfi-per, n' a ytt'iiogrftpher. *>r It'ani ' Draw and t '< , n, i take "iir-.e in story N\ ritin); or JtlUrtwlian :tn I >|ii:ilily In eurn a i;ni>il wlary. \\"i' CHII KIVK vim just the right C"iii'*i'. Write u lur Oitul. ... \V. H. S1I\\V. Shaw'* Sflioulo, Jewelry FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. :!, S. D. R. Arteinesiu, containing 80 ajres of land iu good state of cultivation, first-class water in drilled | well, good buildiiiK*, one mile from j Piiceville. Apply to MRS. DONALD MC-ARTHIR. Townlino. Piicevillu ' A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Chiuigelinu Butter Boy out of Tidy Abbekuik Prince's Josephine. The greatest butter making strain known. Terms of service- i for grrnle. $."> for pun- bn>d. GEO. MI MIRK \- StiN. Props., IFeb 14 Prot,, ii Station. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. CLOVER SEED ! See our Clover and Timothy SIMM! Iiet'ore you luiy. Xo trouble to show our ^oods. They are the that can l>e produced. Corn.rhop. Bran, Sliotts. Five Rust's. an-1 ML-. (io\van's Flour. Get a pail of Ian 1 before if U'<H>S up. Hen ing and Trout THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN This is . . Rubber Season ! If you are in need of a good pair of Leather Top Rub- bers, High or Low, or with= out Tops, try THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, - - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE $2500- twenty-five hundred dollars will buy the west half of l*t No. '_' and pait of tlie north went unarter uf No. 1, M on the 4-h eon. of Kii|>hrasin, con turn- ing about l:W acres. There is supposed to be ninety aero* clcaied, thu balance Kood hardwood bush- maple, beech and elm. There i* on the pnperty a frame house and kitchen, a fr.imo barn, straw houce with slum* foundation under it, lso wood hed, drivint; shtd, ]>ig pen and lieu home. There are alxo two or- chards on the farm growing different kinds of fruit -apples, peais, plums, cherries and grapes. This farm is well | fenced with w ire and patent fenc'ma. U is al.->o well wa'ered with water in nearly every field. There i* i never-failing (pring within 40 yards of the h,ie This t inn is within one mile of the thiiving villiikio of Kiml'erley. For fnrthei par- ticulars apply to J.\ MKS STI'AUT j 1 Apr Kimberley P.(>. Go To BOWLER For that New fall Suit A Full Line of Tweeds and Worsteds to choose from. Prices very Moderate We are here to do Your Tailoring ! r\ SI . J nniA/I I7D THE UP-TO-DATE DU W LJLK, TAILOR BLOCK, FLESHERTON,

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