Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1913, p. 4

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Febnuuy 20 THE V LESHEBfON ADVANCE rn !: Clbimncc /in Uvli-i" intent newspiiptT, 1'iiMi -in-,! , -, i v *TnnnUy at th* oIKct), Colltngwooii Street, B^'Wuiti'ii. Subscription price 11 per nuum, %vh>-ii paid iu ailt aiieu; $!.">, i when not BO pai'l .Vrlvrrtiniuft.rati'H on application. CircuUtiun 1,100 weekly. W. U. Tliuretoii - Editor Artemesia Council Ar'emesm Council fuel nl (.'oylon ou S.i unl.iy last. All the i , ml,, ; - weie |m- -lit. tlii! Iti'tii-e in iho chiiir. Min- ut'> ni I -' me -I'll, weir rend anil eon- lirmeil (Communication* it* follow* were preni'iited uncl rend : A. M Ai Inn < <log tax ; the Municipal \ v 'oil,l, jii'Ci.iint $5 ; NV . H. TliurKliui, account fur .v- sesMiieiit suppliti* mid blank-, $14 "7 . T. A. liilcliriat, account for topnirs to uraci.T. ?f>.:;n ; tin- (i-easnier "f O.ijuey, re telephone *sesMiifnt l'.il'_' ; K. .I Sprout'', for insm uici 1 premium mi town hall. il2.liO' Tin- auditors' it-port 'or 1912 WHS presented. VJiaham t'aswell That this I'ouncl go into coin mi tee to tiimlly uudit the aurtitor>' rc|x>il - C.irried. Caswell --Brown That tlie auditois' report as tm.ili) audited liy this Council be .nl'i;,ti ! and I-"' copies he printed fi-r distrilm'i'jn Curried. Graham MeLctil That tlu- Keeve issue his I'l-der on the Treasurer f T jrJ.tKl, being for premium of reinsur ;t!i.-i' i.n hall Carried. Cawell Itiown That T. A. tJilclitist be |Ktid $> .'Ml for account of rep-tits to tjridot 1 Carried. Brwn--McLei-tl That the account of W. M. Thursloi. of $14. H7 for supplies puri'h.-tHed from the Municipal World bu paid Carried. (iralmtn C.iswrU Tint the Keevi- iiMie Inn order on i lu- neasurer f'.r S77 in favor of the treasurer of O-prey, the amount be.in the stuns ; mil by sub- scription t" :he dspiey municipal tele- I'll /in- syttein Curried. Brown C<swe I Tiiat tin- tic-count of *?."i II.T ix subscript IOHH to tlm Miinioipiil World If piiu I ' u 1 1. d. McLe<d (Jrah.rn That thi> I'nui.ril li.ivint; examined tlie lr> a-m-i i -. seuin'y find the same toe ns:st ,:' i I*. ml issue I liy the London (iinruntrc < '"ii p-ny "i the sum of$4M)<i, .-i'>,| \\v iln-m : he se- curity sufficient- I'uiifd. McLo<l (irtlMui Ti..it .Vrhie Me- Arthur, lot 8, con. 1 X.D.K.. ! refund- til 1 for do;; ch ived in eiror in hi t.ixes of I' 1 !.' -Ciriied. McLeod Hrown -That Mr McKun- Zie and Mr. Itel'.m.y lie a commilteo I" meet with the committee fn.in I'roton, alo CuiiKiilttee from Kuphrania, to settle .LI 'iin'- expended on town linos Cir'd. Citttwell- McLeod That tl<i Council ..,- -i-|>t the teiider of Alexander Hill of Owen Pound to supply aixl erect a steel I nidue over I he Saujjeen river at lot 7", I N.D.K., for the sum of g.'jlMl- Carried. Caswell litown - Thitt tin* (.'ouncil hu'd ittt next niei-tin.; at I'ricfvdle Carried. Council adjourned. The following slimiM have appeared in minutes of latt .lesiion if Council : Brown McLeod That *1::<>I is h,-ie- jy tt,jprjpr'atcd to bo ex.pen led on the hiiihways nf 'his township as follows : 3n Div. No. 1 fcSOO. Div. N<.. '.' *:M). J>iv. No. .1 :!20, Div. No. $:UXI, the Valley Road from I."ticks' mill to the town line i-f Kuplirasia J1W Thi amount to inclu<ie nil work on town lint's and ".(! nnil al>ovi- any new work in the township, und also shall inclut!u vxpeif diton on bridffH coating not more ilmn if-. > each, the Kueve in. I connnissiouei of the division in which a liridyo is rei|uiri'd lo be limit shall l)u a cnnimitiei.' to over- r>oe the building HIM! repairs In bridges ,i mi; over t-.i in any division, and m> t|>ecial expenditure shall be made with- out it resolution of Ihia Council, except in case of enipruency. The ineniburs of this Council ii ill Isj eommiisiooBn for the expenditure of mid moiipyH, viz. : Div. 1 A. D. McLcod, Uiv. -.'.I. I (in ham, Div. .'{ W. J. t'aswel', Div. 4 Fred Hrown, the Valley I: i I thu Keeve, find .ir Ii nhiill report in writing i i^oiincil before any cmnniiHgion is pid Carried. MAIL CONTRACT -.1 < i i i > : i MM i, , . i i, ...... i i ,, tlm I'oBtiiiai- tar (UiiHi-al, will l>t> rvceivud at Ottawa m.til mull, on Krnla", tlio I'Mth Utrcli, IUI:I fur tin' coiivftvttiico 01 1 h . ' i ... .. r ., ' Mai In on a pvopoBoU Contract for 'our yuarti fiix times I 1 ^ week oaelt way Over Rural Mail Route No. t from From Clarktburg, Ontario, to commence at t'u" |i'i-]|-nre. Of tlie 1'ii-tliia^ter (ittnoial rrintti'l iiotk'i'H cootainiiiK luitliiM* hiforiua- lioui ti co ilitiniiH of propunnl Cuiitrai't tuav l>u Ht*an nnil hlank forniK of 'render may I.. ,.|.l.u!i.-l at the 1 ..st (Ml . , - f I 'nilvKtliri!, Diinran. Ilontlicotu Hu.l nt tliu Ulliou of tllu !' .- Ottiou Inspector, at Toronto. I'.^totliue DtputflMOt, Mall Sorvicn Mrancli iitinwa. 1 1 >l. February. 191:1. (1. ('. ANUF, IJ80X. Su|H'initeinlent MAIL CONTRACT SE.u.H) TKSHFItS acMrussed to the 1'0't !i '.i i,'i (ieueral, wiil bo reruiveil ut Ottawa Until noou. on Kriilay Hi" -tu March, r.ll.'l for tin' con vi'vaiico of His Mje8lv'Maila on a pnoiMMd Contrast for tour y;ais BIX timei IK-r week i Ii waj Over Rural Mail Route, Lily Oak way From Berkeley, Ontario, to commence at tliu 1 '>-t .in- of the Postmaster (it'tiera) runt.-il notices, containing furttnir infoi-uia tiou utt to condition* of|iro))OH"d Contract may tin '-'-" ami blank foriiu at Tndi<r i.iay bo obtained at tlie r ,- Orllco nf llerkolo at thu i '. of tin- I'o*t - >.i'...- Inspector a Toronto. Post Office Diipartinont. Mai! service llraui'li Otuwu M I-obiudi > . ini:i. O.C. ANDKUSON. Honor Rolls 8. S. No. Ill, Artemeiia Claim 4- W. Latiiner, I). Wilson, C. Fiahur, C. I'uk. 0!aH:5.Sr H. ArniBltonu, W. Walker, L. 1'edlnr, W. McMiutter. W. . ClM :j.Ir W. FiHher, W. G. Wilbon, M 1'ark. < ., II Haney, M. Hitnry. CU I I'. McMastvr. K Large, I'. l.lMili.-l M. M.I. CUsti 1 Jr .1. \'> .i ,. , K' Willian s Avurnga attendance 20. -M. McMullpii, Teacher. S. S. No. 7, Artenioiiia ClusM 4 Walter \\ illiainHi.n (h), Toll in Mini. Mm u I llrndoiHun and Archie Whyle eijunl. (Man:t Hr Uol1 Mc.uls (h, ) Krai.k \\ llll mi V.M. Jllll Ml l.i'HII. Clawi '! .Ir .Inn \Vhyte, Klim-r Mini. I'latB li Sr Annie (iilulirisl, llendornon, Sara K. MnLnvn. ClaM 2 Jr -Alii" Parnlow, John Koalrico Walterx ei|ual. I'arl -' Kannihnr Olivet. Kii-Ht A- Mabel (iilchriM, Willie Me- Ki'ii/.ii-, Kreddiw Whylo. Cla*h H Toiniiiin Carrie. Average nttundanco 2t\. J, W. Greenwood, Teiicher. Vndit I),, w, Edward White of Kenilwnrlh, On- tario, Heotion foimniin for the ('aimdiiin IVitic lluilway for '.'," ywarH, wns at ruck liy n train imar Ml. Forest and insliintly killed. He won onl with it (JKIIK of men diniclinK Ihi'in in sunn' I ruck repaint, and owini( I" a bliz/.ard Hint WIIN mi iliil not f>o the train njiproftolllng until it WRN Hlmost on him. Ho ihouted to the men to jiiinii clc.tr I'm w.i NtiiirU mi th.- hew) liiiiiMt-lf. Mr. While w.ts ;ni nlcl niftli, HIII! his dentil i jwrticiilurlv <"'!, owir.L.' to llif fuel th'tl hn WHS to In Hiipeiiiniiiitiid vory shortly. When Doctors Disagree Consult an Optician Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and dixxiness, often pnxzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing- can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. That ir. what our scientifically f:ttfd ^ '..-,. -J J. \V. A. Armstrong. R R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. FlesHerton. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAI'S DHY Hiskut K'.tvcs Tuesday iiiuht, delivery Fiiilny uveni-ig. CLKANING and UYE1XG- We are aj-entsfor Hnrker's Uye Works Cluthes cl':uie'l uncl dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR MAIL CONTRACT SKV.l'O TKNDKIfS aililnsvil to tlir I'.itt. mi-! -i (ie.ieiiil. will ln> received at Ottiiwa .1:11 i! noon on Krulnv. tlu -->tli Marrli. l'i| ;, for . : . -, .1: , ! His M .1 .-t \ iiiailn en a lr"ii.)i'il co'itract 'or four \ears. blx Over Rural Mail Route-, North-Ea>t, from Holland Centre, Ontario, to commence al tin- i l.'n i:m of tho I'ost n, until (it-re nl I'liiitnil , ,,ti,-,- containing fur HUM inroim.i- tlniiat to condition* of propOMd Contract may I, ,' ,,"ni ami ,;!,.:. formior tiMiiler mav ! ob- tuini'il at tlm I'.ji-l Ollici's of Holland fentrr, Stmtliavi-Q, \Vult.-i ' Kail* and at tin 1 otlice ol tin* Po*t Offlct iDBpootor II Toronti). 1'ii'U.tlicii n, |, in ; n. .-MI. Mail Sorvicu Hraucli, Ottawa, lltliiliit of KeUruarv. P.'l:i (i. I . ANDF.HSON. S|l|U'lilltetllll lit. Clearing Winter Goods At Reduced Prices ! For the remainder of February we utter Special Reduced Prices on all our Winter Liiuvs. We do not wish to carry any over to another season, and we need the space they occupy for Spring Goods, which are arriving now and will be on ex- hibition after March 1st. Men's Overcoats Reduced Boys' Overcoats lied need Fur Coats Reduced Ladies' Furs Reduced Ladies' Cloth Coats Reduced Sweater Coats Reduced Wool Goods Reduced Rubber Footwear. Reduced Aluminum Ware \Ve me showing Urge assortment i f this \ery desirable wre made up] in a variety of useful Kitchen (.'tonsils. It is much upperior to Gianitu or Kn nn-1 ware, lighter in weight, does not chip, r;i -t, or corrode wi'h ai y kind of acid or vinegar, d t>s not -- i.-l food so easily either and and U easily cleaned. All Reasonably Priced Fry I'nns, Preserving Kettles, t'ie Plat s, Pudiling Dishes, Sauce Pans, Rice Boilen, Cereal Cookers, Waste 1'nil". Also everything you nied in Granite and Tinware. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS > i * * t Look ! Listen ! ,lust I'tTiMvi'd a lot of Fine MAIL CONTRACT SKALKUT.KNDKKS nJdressed to thu 1'ostniaitei (it-nerul, will ho received itt OiiuwH until Noon, on Friday, tlie liHih March, I'.ll.'}, for i ho conveyancu of His Mnje.sty'.N Mails nn a |iro[i<iMil Cun- tract for fuurjreu*. iu tinrai per week Over Rural Mail Route. No. I From Eugenia. Ontario, to commence at Tlie plwuuM of tho 1'ii.stiiiiiHtur (ieiierul- Printed notiivH cnnl lining further in- f >r!iii uni us to conditions of proposal C.ontntcl tuny he .seen anil blank forms of Tender mar be obtained 'it the 1'ost Otliices nf hii^iMiin, Kfvershain, tid Kle-lieiton, ini-.l ill :lie Oflioc nf llif Pnst Oflioe InH|iectnr itt Torontn. I 'ii.it Office Dvp>rtmrQl , Mull Service Ilrani-li, < >tlita, i:tth Ft'liruary, l!>l't. (J.C. ANDEItBON, Superintendent. Or, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH i >lli(T and H.-sidonce-4t>8, ftth St. Kutt, Owen Souiid, ( )nt. Hours to 12 a.m., l.XO to 4..'10 p.m. 7 to K p.m. Other hnum hy n|i|inint tnent Do You Ever Sleep? 1 1' you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Bed?. The original Spring Suitings. $^:5.00 Suits selling at $15i.f>0. Also a new run go of Overcoats and Spring ami Summer Ptmtings. Come parly and get your new Spring i^uit at the Up- To-Date Tailor Shop of the picture given at tlie head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to luy your woary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, ail equally low in price Sauitaty Beds such as everybody wants. Springs and Mattresses to fit all be:ls. Examine om- stock nny- 1 way, before purchasing yonr sleep |p h w Leading Tailor mdiicers. ! C. BLARELEY CEYLON'S B H? T Y f STORE Special for This Week in Furs ! Men's Fur Coats, 828.00 for ............................. 822.00 Indies' Fur Coat, 830.00 fjr ............................. 819-00 Ruffs anil Stoles, 88.50 for ............................... fo.50 Ruffs nnd Stoles, *7.00 for ................................ 85.CO Rutfi and Stoles, f6.5<l for ................................ 84-50 Click Fur curly Caperine, long front, with four Mils on. for . . .84.50 Mutf, 812.IK), for ....................................... $9.50 W i hivefur new Clover and Grass Seed in now. Get it early and get the hest. JV linliiiilii.il Iimtrucliuil itt the 0\YKN S(MNl), ONT., peroiu ptndratito twgin with us // ' ;iny Jay. 1'ositioiiH gttlIMlt0cd *S . In ft ilhllllOH. .Stlltl of |HH'illllHtH ^ Infoi unit inn froti. :fl C. A. FLKMINt!, F. C. A., SrJ I'lllMl, .1 jg (!. I). FLKMINa, - Siwi'iary. i OWEN SOUND ONTARIO CANADIAN ^ PACIFIC KY. SPECIAL CRUISE Around the World Impresses nt 'Russia' and 'Asia' iNl'W C. I*. It. I' I, Ihr Slt.|lli'-.lil||..i II.-- I i,, |, 1 1- 'i ,1 I ', I i Will ll'ltVI? I l\,-i |nil April Int., (illlllllf hi l.il'iiilli'i, Vllll'- ftni IHI HI il I'm t Siiiil. profiii'illiiu via Htm/, t iiioiniio. PiDftOff. Binfipor*, llnni; KHIIK, h)iiini{li HI. NH^aHnki. Koliii HIM! Vokohatiia, ar r ivlrK %'niicinivor MAY Hint, Iliri. Kin|iriMti of . \n1ii will Hail from l,l\i'i-|iool Ma\ ',Mi. IIMil'il ,; II .Hull, I .,,,,' Muht ilirnot rniini'Ctinii (or Aiuil Ut tiail- nit ii via IliiipieHH ot Ililtnin Irinii HI, Jiilin Miin-li 'JM. Rnte for Entire Cruise I639.1O I v.'lii..ivi< nt ii:iilntiiaiii'i! rn'twiii'ii arrivnl In,. ., in KiiKlaii'1 wi.l il|rtiirt nf Rtoprosi ot HuHnift. ami nto|i nvor nt Iliuif: K,,n.r. I. .-I r in I I. -"I'll II.,'" I ,n nllini I'.i id,. ,, ntii .M. Ii. Ml I! AIIV n. I'. A.. ( . I'.ll.. T.ironn S. Rand, Agent, Flesherlon. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Standard Bank Building THE HABIT OF CAREFUL OR i 1 1 Jas. %>attison (S- Qo., eyfon Will Give $50O to Sick Readers 01 Advance Famous Scientist who Originated the Now Wonderful "Home Treatment" Otters $/.00 Package Free to Sick and Ailing. Iniifder tJmt very router of The A'lvitniM who inny not have heard of this wiiiiilurfiil "lloine TreHtiiiont " limy huve nn o|i[virt unity to twit this celelirnted nn .muni', the now fmiiniiH wcitMitist, Ur. 1 uiiin W. K'tld, otlWs bo uive iibsolntely r i . , ;i ln'.l 8li!0 $1 .IK) |MckagO to five hundred rauUn nf thli mpwr, <o pnve tliu wiiiiilui-ful iiluiiiis wliioh hitvo been Hindi' fur it . In niakiiifj this oiler t4ie. i--nii,.i ,1.1 : ''1 know iltiit thuro nre in my ]nii,| ! who 111.,- lieen t-uH'ering for yt'itn with NIIIIIH uhronic diieitso itn<l many nf them have HjHMit Urge miniM of money aorkinu t cure. 1 Unow that them' |"-"i>li- hesiknto nbout invmtini! in- ini'v in iniMliiiMii- hecAtme they hnvn <li-H|wirt'il of over getting well. Thous- .mils IIAVK ti>H mo thnl story Hiul n.nny tlitiuiwnilH of the damn people Imvn tolil in.- afterwards tlmt my trunttnent hud i uii',1 tlimi lifter tloct(if!i and tverytbinn ,'L-i.' hul l.ulisl. I wnnt to prove to it liMiiiinl nuniher no nutter what tho tltm-itsi', no nmttor how Inng they may have HullVrod, no matter how hluu and tliwtviuriiKOil that my treiit intuit ri-lly in, I itctintlly iloeit acomnplmh the wonder- ful rusultH tlmt hitvc linen reported." People who miller fiom lllieuuiKtirin, Kidney Trouble, Stonmeh Trouble, Kivcr or Kowol I >,-.,, i, In .. C'Htitrrh, Rioncl,itUi, Astliin.i, Chronic C'ougbs, Weitk I.uns, l.iniil'ii 1 .;". 1'i'es, I i ii. u \ Diaorders, l''o- male woakn.s of itny kind, thu weak, worn out, liroken-down and dtxpondont will ho deliizlited t the effect of a fe.w iloHoa. This wonderful treatment creates fine appetite and helfK the tlii-eslit'o iXn8 to carry on their functions -is they should. U slrt'tigthen* the kidneyn. too, nnd ili u r.-, i li.-imi it IMM Jims, u , from the blotd as if by magic. That is why pnoplo *ho try it hecomo so oiithusitstio. I Any leader of The Advitnce who will try this oxtratirdiimry iniHlicine that lias oreittod so much excitement by its imren onii obtain aruuiliuoly free -n full si IMI Iruatnient hy niniply lilliui? in the commit helow or writing it letter dncrib- inK their case in Uieir own words, if they irofer, and mailing it to-day to Jamett \\ . Kidil, Toronto, Canada. No money neeil he sent and no charge of uny kind will lie in 1.1 . An i In-, ntVor iti IIIPM .-.1. you should | 11 -.- .ii "in-.-, in order to be sure to rewivo ymr free treatment. | NEKNTOUS DEBILITY OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT : H cure TOU and make a man of you. under ita Influence the br.iin becomes active, tho ill puriiled so that all pimples, blotches and ulcen heal up: the nerves become stro-.u- as stei'l, so that n--r M MI-;MI- ii. bashf illness and despomlencv dijapncar: tho ey '3 biecivne brieht, the fai-i- f ull and clear, energy return! to the body, and the mor.il. pti\-sical and mental vstrmsare invlsorateil; all drains cease no more Tital waste irom the system. i ou feel yourself a man and know marriai> cannot be a failure. Don't let quaclta and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. Iff NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS IVter K. Summers relates his experience: "1 was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. I luy It to indiscretion and excesses In youth. I became very despondent and didn't care whether 1 worked or cut. 1 imagined everybody who looked at me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened in.- - in v back ached, had pains in the I bark "f my head, bonds and feet were cold, tired in tho morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes Dhirred, hail- loose, memory poor, etc. Kumlinesatn the fingers set in and the doctor told me he feared paralysis. 1 took all kinds of medicines and tried many first-class physicians, wore an electric belt for three t months, but received Uttlo benefit. 1 4 trout TNiATMf T vas '"duced to consult Prs. Kennedy & Kennedy, though I had lost all faitu in doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the NKW METHOD TREATmjrr and It aved my life. The improvement wa* liko mapic I couKl feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally and p!iys.icaily . 1 have sent them ruany patienta i and continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY W. tiwal .n J ear* VARICOSE VETO, NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND 1 URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDtR DISEASES .ud ill Duw. peculiar to Mn. .. ">N S I, ,, T ATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If oaabU to call write for a QU..UMI Blank for Hem* Treatment. AFTCM TRCATMINT Coupon CB-125 For Free Dollar Treatment Dfl.jAa. W. K'IDD, TORONTO, CANADA. IMtWMi .na n,..- full 91 (W Ciitu-sB of Treatment ft>r my caao. free and post i.T pititl, pi'.) IIH you |,i,,i' r\Jnin Post Office t_ Province Street and No. Age . Ho>v long AI fllcted? _ Mnkiift iii-owtlX) Imfor .. Lunibafb . t'atnrrl: .. t d n |, , i i. " . I'l . .DltrrlioMt . Tnr|il'U.iviii- tttimianli Trnul>l Ilivo HM \ otli.'i- si iilini'itso youliavn. '1 v.m Miifl i>, Ii ,-\ Troiililn r.lmliti'i- Trmihln 1 In i. !'!. (\lllnll MnU'l'ta .Ilav 1'i-voi- Ht'urt Tiinil,!.. I 1 ", i 1 i. , ill ill..: ,|,| MM , tti ii Hti]iirnti wo oroHsoft (XX > I 1 IIIOBt. . llnpltri' IHoOil . Ancmlit .t'lroplfi Nciii-aU'lil . lil/./.i noflfl !',OMaity slli'l't t II1-|I<PI>'I ii'foni tlii' iiiui troin wliii'li rVwal* 1 \Vt'itl\u^i ..Womb Ti'Okbip Ovuriitn Troulilu I'.ni'f, i r.-rioiU . Hot i ;.,.!, Hi'mii-i OOWM I'lups on.'i' in nil I.IM. ini^i". DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. H QT I C p A11 ^tters from Canada must be addressed y w %f fc to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ^B tnent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as \re see and treat no patent! m our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for .Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wind.or, Oat e for our private address. FARM FOR SAU: OR RENT 60 Here?. Lot 1 ,':?, win ;i, Ai'tonit'sia, tiiiver fitiliui; *ptin|[< woll foneed, l,">m-res !of Tiinlior, ilio rt'st in pitNturo over 15- yi ai-ji, u'ooil s'ork farm. \Votild w'l on ,i-iy inrniN for iiuit-k fii'o. Apj>ly to Junes Nii-li, liish ljuke. P. O. i Farm For Sale or Rent 100 acres in the 7th concession, lot SI, Artcnu'sin, nbntit IM) rods from school, piistottice, nnd alol'o. On tho iiropvrty is a li'js house ami i;ood Iwrn, two wells mid ti ^ oil apt ing : iihout 73 acnvs cleaved mill 70 acred under cultivation. Will tvnt it' not .in Ul. Apply to IV \VH1TK. U,.ck Mills

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