Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1913, p. 5

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February 20 1913 THE F L E S H E R T N A D V A N C E t t * E THE ESTABLISHED 1873 QECURITY for both principal and O interest is the tint essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a depo.it in the savings department of this Bank a an ideal form of investment "37 TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, EDH Branche* abo at Durham and Harrutao. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshertoo Station as Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4. 30 p.m. The mails are dosed at Flesherton follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at .'5.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south The Rev. H. E. Wellwood, pstor of the Methodist church, last Sabbath mor- ning began a series of sermons on that Going North , wonderful book, UeveUtion. He spoke 11.28 i. in. ; on ''The vision of Christ and the church" 8.5Xp. m - | and purposes spending several Sabbath mornings in the study of the " last things " in that last book of the Bible. A d last Sabbath evening he started a mail elose at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g' series on ' The conscience." Feb. 16 __^^_^^^__________^ i The Conscience, what is it .' Is it mfal- lible ! Feb. 25 The conscience as relat- ed to oneself. March 2 The conscience ^ related to other people. March 9- VICINITY i The conscience as related to God. These Dr. Bell of Alberta was a cil!er on l.is ] subjects will be dealt with at the evening services. Cuine and hear these vital gospel themes. All are welcome. sister. Miss H. Bell, on Monday. The ice harvest is in full swing this week and the quality is good. Miss Mary Bowers of Shelbu rne is vis- Nixon Paul inn/ with her cousin, Ettie Thompson. Born At Ocean Patk. California, on Feb 0, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Staples, a son (Herbert). Miss Lillian Armstrong spent the for e > was joined in holy wedlock part of the week with Miss Katie | Will Nixon of Ogema, Sask. Walters in Kiraberley. A pretty wedding wasjsolemnized it the residence of Mr. R. Bentbam in the suburbs on Tuesday of this week, when Mrs. Bentham's s-ster. Miss Gertie Paul, with Mr. At 4.3D. a* Miss Minnie Nixon, sister of the groom. Mrs. W, A. Armstrong : days last week in Uundalk, of Mrs. Geo. Nixon. spent H few i placed the wedding march, the party the guest { took their place* beneath an evergreen i arch, the bride being given away by her Mrs and Miss Minnie Nixon of Luck- f th . Mr - Eli J h P ul f Kugenia. The row attended the Nixon-Paul Nuptials 1 cereuiory was performed by Uev. H. F. on Tuesday of this week. ! Weood, B.A., B D. As the register A young man from West Luther, says the Arthur Enterprise, appealed before Police Magistrate Hudson, charged with j hiving stolen a case of silver knives and \ forks from rhe itore of Brock lebauka' ! Ltd. on Christmas eve. He pleaded guilty and was fined flu and costs. It ! seem* the young man had taken the sil- \ verweire for the purpose of prtMenfin^ it to a lady friend who resides in West Garufraxa. He managed >o pull otf the ' first act in the drama iiuite successfully . and presented the Vuletide gift and no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the profuse appreciation of the young lady, to whom he must have appetred the personiiica- tion of generosity. However, her ood opinion of the young mac in question must have been completely changed when Constable P. J. Farrel drove to ; her parents' home with a search warrant to locate the misting case of silver. Three men lost their lives in a tire which destroyed the Matabitnick Hotel at Elk i Lake early Saturday in irning. Ex-Mayor John Chamberlain of Col- lingwood died at his home there after several weeks' illness. ll i i Colds have been epidemic the past week and The Advance staff h*s not os. 'aped. Mrs. VanDusen and Mrs. Uabert on Tuesdiy forJToronto, where they taken a fUt fur the remainder of white*. left i was being signed " O Perfect Love " wis j sung by Mis* Minnie Niton. After the .j usual congratulations and good wisher, , the quests repaiied tu the dining room, where the wedding supper "is served, tables looked very pretty in the soft I candle light. The bride, who was un- attended, was gowned in cream pailette Dundalk hockey team will play against gild, with cream allover lice and silver Flesherton on the link here on Friday j bead fringe trimming, and carried white uight, Feb. 21st, weather permitting. | ro8es . The happy couple left on the Mr. Wes. Pedlar of Loup City, nignt train for the groom's parental home Nebraska, and well know here, is in the j at Lucknow, the bride travelling in a Omahdhospilalsufferiug with apendicitis. i brown suit and a white beaver haT trim- Artemesia Council met at Ceylon on med with hite ostrich band.au and pink Saturday. The minutes appear else- ' nul-on ro.^es. They where. According to resolution the next session of Council will be he!d at Pnce- and wi " carl y wlth them tha *' wishes , of ye editor and a host of friends. K-ave m the near futurts for thelr home at The managers of Feversham skating i rink will hold their second aud last cur- 1 nival of the season on Friday evening. > Feb. 21. Go.d prizes. See bill*. I.S.I lYn ,<,-, manager. The Fleshertoa Dramatic Club will present the Merchant of Venice before a Eugenia audience on Feb. 38. It is a good thing well dono and we recommend it to our Eugenia friends. Rev. Mr. McLeod of Manitovaning, who preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, gave an able and very ear- ( nestly delivered sermon, which made a favorable impression. Rev. Mr. Justice, ' who comes highly recommended, will preach next Sunday. In conversation with a young man from the West last week he stated that there is far more 'poverty in the West than there is in Ontario. He also said that four out of five who go west fail to make good. He himself is one of the fifth men and is no kicker, but tells of conditions as he actually sees them. This i young man had 100 acres of tUx last year for which he received $4000. He owns a preemption and a homestead in the vicinity of Weyburu. Uu Monday evening the Epw/orth League, mustering some thirty members i strong, drove out to the hospitable home of Mrs. Parker, west back line. A most enjoyable time was spent in games, and I a short impromptu program consisting of two-minute speeches on great themes, recitations, solos, iuttrunientals, etc., proved both amusing and very interest- ing. The E. L. greatly appreciated tho kind hospitality of Mrs. Parker and Mr. John Parksr, and also the goodness of Mi. Richard Wilcock, in his capacious sleigh, conveyed the greater part of the company to and fro over the beautiful ! white. Mr. .)a<i. Clark of Owen Sound will give a musical concert in Chalmers' church on Wednesday evening of next week, the proceeds to go towards com- pleting bin cducittion for the ministry. This young man U totally blind, but has worked himself through Woodstock Bap- tist ci'lUgo, Toronto Bible Training scho ! mid wishes to complete his study in the Moody Institute, Chicago. Hia aims are U i,l il>V and we trust he wilt have a large audience. His selections will K- taken from II Trovature, Tauntutusei, Faust, etc. Admission 2.V. C. N. R. For Owen Sound That the Canadian Northern ii looking towards Oweu Sound is evident from the fact that the Company's officials have been in town at different times during the last few weeks, says tho Sun. Mr. G. C. Collier, Locating Engineer for the Canadian Northern was here on Wednes- day looking over the ground. The sun interviewed Mr. Collier but as is usual with railway men he was very non-com- mittal :iiid w.-iilJ say nothing regarding the plaas of the coni|iny. Mayor Lemon, when interviewed by the Sun this morning waa very optimistic over the outlook and thinks that it is only a of time until the Canadian put their road into Owen Ue explained tin: Mr. Collier's visit was for tho purpose of securing data and information in order to submit a report to Sir Wjlliam M - Kenzie. He looked up the charter and found thing* in a very satisfactory shape. Tins visit from the Company's engineer is one of the preliminary steps that will lead to a branch of the road coming to Owen Sound. The Company's engineers have been viiitiug different points throughout the country along the pro- line in the list few weeks as well in owen Sound. At present, appear- indicate that the Canadian North- ern is getting buy and it is only x matter of time until Owen Souud is con- nected with Meaford and other with a third line of railway. An accident, which caused the death o f Mr. Thomas Vauderbile, took place st Cape Rich, between four and five o ' c l oc k on Tuesday afternoon. It ap- pears t hnt Mr. Neil McGillivray, assisted by Mr. Vanderbile, were cutting wool in the former's bush near tho C*pe and on Tuesday afternoon the men were chopping down tree*. It was in felling one of these trees tht the fatal -cident happened. In fulling, the tree struck an eld stump aud glanced side- w;iy. a limb striking VaiK'eruile in the abdomen, wounding him in" the back jiii.l aiaosw the bowels. The untVrUma e 111111 sutt'eied inteii.'i'ly iml medical assis- tnco WHS nt once sumnionc.1, but the vctiui vliul at seven u'jlock tlut eveiiin , or some three hours after '.he accident. - Mcuford Express. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale McCormick linder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acrts. Will be sold cheap. W. .1. Meads, Ceylon P. <>. Purebred Aberdeen Angus Cattle for Sale 3 young bulU, ten, eleven and fourteen months old, ready for service, also females of different ages. G. H. Walter, Kimberley, p. o. . ^nt. HILL JBROS., MARKDALE A Large Precentage of Our New Spring Goods Are Here Prints, Ginghams, Dress Goods, Boys' and Men's Clothing, Boots and Shoes and House Furnishings These different Departments are full of values that cannot be beaten. Look over your want list, then look over our larsje stock. It is sure to please you. New Prints We have just opened up 100 pieces of Canadian and English Prints in different colors, both light and dark grounds, and excellent value at per yd lOc and 12i New Ginghams This week we have a full line of English and Scotch Ginghams in stripes, plaids and pl : n colors, the tine Patterns and colorings we have ever shown. Moderately priced at per yard lOc and l-2 c Dress Goods In the dress goods department we have many New Spring Weaves in Serges, Poplins, and Bedford C>rds. see the new black and white stripe in Bedford Cords, the correct Dress Materials for Spring. Boys' Clothing This week re opened I.NJ boys Spring Suits in Worsteds and Tweeds with or without Bloomer Pants. Thi U thejinest and largest range of Boys' Clothing that we have ever offered for sale. Moderately priced from $2.75 to >.') Men' s Clothing Special \'i't\ We k* ve J ust P enet ' U P - Men's Blue and BUck Worsted Suits in the latest style, and No. 1 tailoring. These _ I *M* suits were made to sell for $12.5*). While they last our price U. per suit f lO.'IO I! 1 II! ii ! i ii ii 1 i I!! V !!! 1 a 1 I i For Sale Good 'J-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all con piece, in rii-st class condition and lepair, with iur>i and soft water. Will sell very cheap if sold fhis month. Apply R. J. Sproule. Flesh-r- ton, Ont. Xo7tf Ab. Brino colt for sale, rising. 2 yrs.old, from speedy registrred mare. R. Rich- ardson, Flesherton. O. A. C. No. 21 seed barley, 200 bush, good clean seed, for sals. Richard Allen, Fleshertou P. U,, lot 170, 2nd E T and S R, Arteuiesia. Telephone in connoctiou Horse, buggy and hymens for sale, cash or credit. Must be sold. Call on Saturday at the Munsh.iw House. Have quit iheioad. C. Wolfe, Fleshertun. Wood Wanted Five cords dry aud ten cords green at this office. ii i I II [Ml I I II ! l ! >i: Housefurnishing Department Our stock is complete in Rugs, Window Shades, Carpets, Curtains and Wall Papers. We are showing Special Values in these lines. CURTAIN SPECIALS This week we offer 5*) pairs of Lace Curtains, New Spring Stock, one design ouly, regular value. 73c., while they last our price is, per pair, ................................................................. \ t ^ CLEARING LOT OF WINDOW SHADES ^11 of our odd window shades, about five dozen in the, lot, worth up to 6.>c. a shade, clearing at one price -9c WALL PAPBES Ouriu **!'. PIJJ.-S ire -ill in itoclc in the Hardware Department. We h.ive never -shown n lur-'e and a rmge. Our prices sie right. See them before buying elsewhere. HILL BROS. MARRDALE. colt rising two years old for ; sale, would take youog driver for part ' pay. J. Williamson, Ceylon P.O. - | O.A.C. No. 21 seed barky, ^ood clean i seed, fr sale. W. J. Meads, Ceylon ! P.O., lot 29, O.D.R. Telephone in connection. liii A. araS AlCTION SALES Au extmsive credit auction **le of pure bred Polled Aligns cattle, horses and implements, will be held on lot S, con. 4, Euphrnsi*. on Tuesdiy, March 4. beginning at 12 o'clock shup. Set 1 large bills. Geo. H. Walter; prop. : J. A. Myles. auctioneer. W. T. Julin, lot 17. con. 10. psprey. quarter mile from Fevershaui, will hold an extensive auction s:tle of f.rm stock and implements on Friday, Feb. St. Sale at 1 p.m. Win. K*itting,auctioneer. Ada Heron, lot 13. con. 8, Osprey, near Feversh.im, will hold a sale of farm stock, implements, etc. . on Wednesday, Fab. 1 Ji, sale at 1 o'clock p.m. Vm. Kailtiug, auctioneer. MISCELLANEOIS Chopping 4c per 100 Ibs. until further notice. Grain must be clean. Every- body welcome. P. Loncks, Flesherton . Accounts Thou. BUkeleT A Co. must !>o paid at once save cost*. J. & W. Boyd. I am prepared to do chopping again this winter in Maxwell, eveiydty except- ing Wednesday. Eveiybody coine. M. Kerton. For Sale The undersigned offers for sa'e three lots in the village : Ceylon.on which are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with stone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms ensy, price right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown. Oweu Sound, or W. J. i-pllamy, Flesherton. R. D. Meldrum, marriage licenses. Portlaw, issuer i\t* Chopping 4c per 100 Ibs. until furthvr notice. Grain must be clean. Every- body welcome. P. Lucks. Uivea nuess Somo one will sjet a bvuinful 7 -piece chnui berry stV for nothing if you gues the right number between 1 and 72. See thorn at the Flesherton grocery. W. Buskin. in iiimi'i Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 8." to 55 Oau 38 to 38 | Peas 1 12 to 1 12 Barley 55 to 55 ! Hy 10 00 to 10 00 I Butter 20 -c 20 '. E*gs, fresh 22 . 22; Potatoes pet bag 30 to 50 i Geese.... .'. 1^ to 14 Ducks i:* -o 14 Fowl !' to W Turkey to 22 NOTICE Notice is hereby eiven thit the Annual meeting of the members of the Gtey & Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Hanover will be held in Miller's Hall, Hanover, Onarto, on Friday, February 28th, W3. at 2.:*> o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving the Annual and Auditors' report, for the election of Directors and for Other business. H. H. MILLER. Secretary. Free Goods For Everybody ! ! ! Five Roses Flour, Dundalk White Rose. Markdale Perfection Brand. Morning Glory, Bran. Shorts, wheat, chop aud chicken teed. Fresh Oysters. Fish ane Herri ti^. Canned Goods Salmon. Tomatoes. Corn and Peas, and allkindsof fresh groceries at lowest prices. W. L, Wright, Grocer, Fesherton FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lots 79-80, 1 N.D.R . Artemesia, con- taining 30 seres, 80 cleared, well fenced ;ind well watered, in good s'ate of culti- vation, one mile from Wareham school and post office, four miles from Proton station ; good frame burn 56x58 on stone foundation : drive shed 20x30, good com- fortable house, small orchard. t;ike small payment down. Apply l: ,K B b -W. J. HESDEKSON Or W". J. Bellamv, Flesherton Buy A B.T. Litter Carrier i << of I be Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Offic-30 10th st. eait, Owen Sound At the Rovere house, M;irkiUle. '.'ml Thursday each month from 8 to a 1. i T. 1st Thuisday of each mouth. Agent Wanted! FOR FLESHERTON To sell for "The Old Reliable" The Fonthill Nurseries Orders now bt?iug 'aken for Spring delivery l!'l.'5. Prcc-pects bright fur the season's trad. 1 . Experiein'f iz.--.s--}y.* f Wo instruct nur sales: r.\; >:cvt: ; t?:. Kruit Stock* in the wx'.rj \"d \tu<!:,ul troett in the town. STAUT NOW and have your ternary tosvrved. Weekly I'ay. Free outfit. Write for terras. Une FOR B.T. Stands for the Best AND The Be*t is None too Good. THE B T.LINE OF GOODS ARE i ^ Hay Carriers. Litter and Feed Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stanchions Water Bowles, Load Binders, Eack Clamps Wellington l NT. For Sale by 5. Hemphill, Ceylon, Ont.

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