Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1913, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PBItfCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 3->, NO 3.3 Flesh.erton, Ont., Thursday. Marcli <j, LO1C3 WH . n -OPI1IETO Railway Wreck Near Hanover A deliberate attempt was made on Monday niht to ditch tha Grand Trunk passenger train near Hanover. A lanje piece of steel was fastened to one of the rails. There weie two 1 coraotives un the train and when they uruck the ob- nUcle tbey were thrown fim the tracks und plowed over the road bed, ripping up the ties for some dista^ ce. Engineer Grieves immediately applied thff emer- _ gency brakes and shouted U the engineer in charge of the other engine to follow- his example, awing to tlie speed, how ever, both engines were carried forward hy the momentum, :ind the efforts of the two men to stop them were vain. After running for some distance the locomotj ives leaped from the tracks and jumped into the ditch. A peculiar feature of the wre.-k is that lliey alighted right side up and did not turn turtle. It was owing this that the engine crews escaped with their lives. Three coaches also jumped with the engines. The casualty list is us follows : Charles Argue, nrcinan, London, head and body seriously cut and suffering from internal injuries ; probably fatal. A. E. Warning, fireman, London, hip fractured. T. H. Hill, conductor, London, head iind body injured. ' J. Grieves, engineer, London, badly cut and shaken up. W. Harris, tia<>t!:igeiirin, London, wrist Iruken and luxiy injured. T. E. Tlionijwiin, brakesman, London. head cut and Iwilly brumed. George Cole, news agent, Chfsley, el tour broken and liadly injured internally. C. E. Uehin, pisstuui-r. Chibwick, wrist spraiiit-d. S B. UallWay, passenger, wiist spraincil. V. E. Patterson, pasenj(Cr, Sh illow Like, cut and hruis.d. Ceylon Miss EtKe[Cl>iileit, wlm has been in TuiMiitu tbo past two month?, and who h;is been ill, aiue lion.e- l.i>t Tin.- day t.' rccuper.-i' f. A load of yimni; j)C'>ide ilrnve to M nk- dn'e and ti ok in ilie band conceit. Mr. R. Cult-man, Owen Sound, visited his sister hem the past week nnd leturued h am Monday^ Miss L : %xic English nf Kever:slMin i> <|ioiidinic a ftw days at Mr. J. lladley't. Mis. S. IK'iiiplii'l and Miss Mvitle visited Clarkshur^' and Th unbury friends last wiek. Dr. T. Colliii.-oii and wife arrived from New York Fmliy, where the Dr. has been takiny a special cmirse, also Mr. Alex. C(>llinson from Saskatomi, to \ i I their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Cullimon, Mr. Alex, ;n.d Miss .Imn ddlin.son left Mundiy to |icnd :i few clnjs in Toronto. \VlnTe there Mr. Alex, will have an operation ui-rfiirmed on his throat. U. Cuok spent a cnuple of days in the (Jueen City lt week. Misses Myrtle U-icley and Lilly Muir visited Kovei>liinii friends last Week. Fever sham Items Mr. \V. T. Julian and family hive be- come residents of our village. Robeit Alexmder and family have mo red onto his brother, William's, faun on the tenth line. George Thompson has ir.\vd to W. T. Julian's farm near the village. Mr. and Mrs. John StouteuUirg of Culliugwixid spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. A.. Davidson. Messrs. Bert Osborne and Carrol and Win. Himley of Shrigley spent Sunday with friends in this village. Mr. Richard Heron of Key West, S i-K., liiis been renewing old acquaintan- ces around here for a few days. Mr. E. Haumiel was called to Sing- baiupton owing to the i Inesa of his mother, who reside? there. Mr. Charles Weldrick of the 12th line had the misfortune to be struck by a tree he was felling in the woods on Saturday list, breaking hisMeg above the knee and otherwise injuring him. Mrs. J. _A. Keriiahan has returned home nfti-r a two wteks' visit with friends in Tomutii. Mr. Joseph Heron is tpendinn a few days in Toronto before he goes out west to Cabri, Sask. Miss Delia Heron of Owen Sound,spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron of the 8th line. JVlr. Thomas Coin-on has gone tn the hospital in CollingAO. d to have his knee treated. He h >s be.-n laid iff work for several months with t bud knci-. \W ho|ce to see him well u^ain soon. James Huuaon underwent an open- tion in the Collii i;wuod hospital la-t week. He is doini; well and will gron l>e around :m .in. Toronto Line North Stone's Settlement entt-rt d like a lamb but alas the lii.n followed riimiediately, Mr. Will Stvanton, who h;is been on t'-.i- >ick lis- f r the p.ist coupl-j of work-, is improving. \Vu hope to sfe Will able to go to work a^ain >ou. Mr. Wni. U.IM-; and son, Glenn, have b on workii g iri lh*ir bush at Eist Mountain during tho pint fow weeks. Mrs. John H-miniu;; of Chei'sevi'le visited wi'h Mrs. George S wanton dur- ing th-* past wec-k, before her departure f or British Columbia. eau pleased lo rcpjrt that Mi*. tic r^j L'albeck has reclined her goud health after a severe illnets. M r. and M > s. Hob Richardson and son visi'ed VanJeleur friviids last week. Mr. bled of Luni.sden, Si*k , visited with bis son, Thomas, of this lucaliiy. Mr. Harry Stewart of St. P-iu's mil Mr. and Mrs, E/.. White <f 1'iince K.I- ward Khmd visited tho Stewart families here during the past week. Miss Allie Williams, who is attending the public school in town, spent 8;ur- day and Sunday at her parental limm-. E jyenia Miss Elva Lever of Esl Mountaiu spoilt a few dajs at her parental homo. M-ssK. Maiming of Brussels is vUiv ing friends in this vicinity at present. Mrs. Thus. Lever's little driver had the misfortune of gr-ttinj{ Imdly kicked aliout rivo weeks ^o. Having just re- covered from this injury she corked her- seff on the ftont foot last week an 1 is now unable t be driven. I'.. Wluttalccr attended L. Watson's sills. The V)iill at 1'iicevillo wasattendel ly a number of our young people We are pleased to fUU 1 that the cutters remained right side up this time. . Mis. .James 1'lctcher, Toronto, has been visiting her mother, who is now re- covering from a sei k>us i'lness. Mr. McLeud is also enjoying better hoilth.1 T. McArthur with his new driver, Casey .lones, vms seen in Ciylon on ev eiiins last week. More than ordinary interest is boing .shown by both professional and amateur skaters this season. For further descrip- tion consult " Tho 1'ickwick Club ou loc." Among others who attended the Paw- low-Ferguson wedding were Mrs. McAr- thur and family. Mrs. H. Patterson was visited by her sister, of Saskiitehu-wiui, recently. \V. Spicer 1ms re-signi-il his position as nrctakir .it I! x Ahler Kami. Wodehouse Doings Drawing saw los is still the order of the day. Mrs. John Lawson entertained a few of her friends lo a i[uiitiug bee oti Thursday afternoon. Mr. Hrc'or Hu'chinson treated his wife and family to a brand now organ a few days ago. Mr. Herb Wiley of Biverdale, spent a few days in this vicinity last week. A few from here attended the carnival at Roxklyn ou Kriday evening las>t. Mr. Lance Hutchinsou has been securing his summer's supply of K-e for dairy purposes. Ice and creamery cans will soon be a thing of the past. Born On February U, HUH, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Bridge, a son. Tho five squaro timber me:i who wvre taking out timber for Mr. John Hutchin- sou pf Markdale, in his bush here, hive completed their contract und left on Friday morn in*; Ui-t for another job in the vicinity of Flesherton or thineai>out.. The funeral sermon of the late Pearle Thompson an! little Archie McXevin, who dieil of diphtheria some six weeks ago, will take next Sunday afternoon. Owing to bad wen'her and roads it has beeu lefl off till this l.tte date. The Rev. Mr. Wilkinson of Holfond Centre is ex- pected ti be hero to taku part in the service. Durham \Vi- ri'iint veiy much to report a scri oils accident th it li.-ippened I" Mr. Geoige Ryan, Sr. cue of our most cs-eemcd c.tix.cus. While carrying out some ashes on Frio'ay evening last, he slipped on the ice and fell so suddenly that bis hip was badly injured. Wo undei stand the bone w.is fractured at or near the joint, and the old gentleman, who is nearly seventy four years of age, is in a serious condi- tion. Tho death of a son only a short time ago. together with other troubles, seemed a Mitncinit burden, without the personal affliction he is now forced to endure. Though advanced in year?, ho was a sni.-i i, active man, and we hope soon to S3e him recover his uunl activity. Kvery- one who knows Mr. K\ m will regret to learn of his imsfoi-time. Chronicle. The Hond He id Methodist church wus dos'royedly lire thy oriain unknown. The church was built just twenty yeais a ;< and was valued rr ti'_iiM. Tin re was 5-'2 00 insinaiu-e "ii tin- propoily. Walkerton Th".- thuuMiut dollars was subscribed 'i erect a new skating ri:.-k in \\alkeru n. Ii will ba 155 feet long l>y 4") wide, The C. P. U. made n hi>t threat last week to cut rut Wilkeitmi altogether an i m.iki? Hanover its terminus if th t >'u did not c' busy and appruve of tlie plans for tb<; new iin liid.-e. Needless t" suy the town rumplitu. T!:<- Heia'd and Times says : " It is to Iv hoped that th<> railway tlut i-une into SValker- ton without a bonus and w-is lut-r stuck for lieiuly Sll',000 Hood itanrr^es lieiv,"ot wh'ch many live wl.o s:i 1 doubt its re- sp.nisili.li y for, inny hvreaftir have SMIO nli s ii inn '" '" H :| Mr. I'rban Sclwii ;. cattle dealer of Mildimiy, wa.i lined ?*"> .u.il t"st- l.\ M ig- istrnti 1 ,l.i:n. \s Toltun lii-re last week for usiiu grossly iiisult-ng a i.i abusive lan- guage towards Andrew Obi-il--, drover of Walker on. Mr. J. lj. 6tepl)na,afurmer publisher f the Walkeilon Tel so .pe. was in- tantly kilkd at Ninjara Falls, <>tit., by being knocked down by :i O.T U. switch engine, HS he w:o cr .-.sip..; the i-mt track to the street at the east end of the station. \Vhilo w.ukjij- at the new C. I'. U, bridge T.-ny Mack, a P.-ll-.tk. h .d four ril.-i briiken in n peculiar nmunrr on Tuesday aft-. riii-ou. At the timo of the mishap he was sti-cucndt-d i'i the air ad- justing some rip s on n huyu derrick. when the 1.11-41- ;uiii of the machine ud- d'-nly swuii^; mound and carried him for- cibly against a bis projec'ini; timber on the bii.li;>', stiivinn in two liks on ench side of Ins spinal culuiiMi and completely si i-ir:iii - :li in from liis !..i. M. , i-. injured man w-is hurriicl to the h-<|iiial, when- n prc-st-iit he is under the caiv <-f Or. Sinclair. AHlu-UL-h in a critical con ditimi, hojie.4 are entertiined for bis recovery. In Memoriam .MAi'lXTVK^-tii h-vinu memory o our ileiir muthcr, SUM (MacArthur) Mt: lirjiv, who depai'ti'tl this life March 1st 190ft l.i'.e of Priceville, Ont. Sleep on, ilo-ir imaJ.er. take thy n-.st. Thy willing hunds shall f"il no mure, On C'irth tin-re's Minow, in heavi-n there's We lined yon. mollu-r, but God loied ynu test. - Da u& liter IVna. Rod and Gun for Maicli, pablished l>y W. J. Tnyloi-; Limited, Woodstock, Ont t is out with a varied and entertaining lisl of extents which includo the following: "After (.'urilxju with the I'tchekaf" by U. .). Fraser; "Old Canada \ Visit to the (iiispe Peninsula" by Madyc Macbeth "Up the VVaverley Kimd" by Paul A. \ v . Wallace; "A Piscaloril Pilgi-iniH(;e of Port Arthur Sportsmen'' by L. W. Bin- ay; "Ah Kastein Black Fnx Ritich" .ninlher of the series "Small Fur Hearers and Ho* to TknThein" by (u-u-go J. Thiesson; an installment of "A t'anre Trip in I.S54, .ind nfher articles of out- door life. East and \Vest. 'I'lie issno is attractively illustrated and sli nil 1 ! t- n-aJ by nil sportsm .n and lovis of uilt loor lite. Kimberley Budget Very stormy weather at present. Miss Addii-Gaudin of Flesherton U.S. visited friends here this week. Mr. Ernest A jheson of Dundalk, ac- companied by his sister, Eva, visi'ed at Mr. George Hutchiuson's on Friday and Saturday last. Mia. Joseph Ferris an! little daughter, Florence, have returned from Owen Sound, here she has been for the labt two months attending the bedside of her mother, who is vi ry ill. She was alto visiting friends in A lien for! a short time. Mr. Norton IJall of Siiskatoon, S.-ivk., visited at Mr. K. J. Stuart's one dny last week. Mr. Archie McLean of Vandeleur was a caller in our lurg on Monday. Mr Frank Cripps ami daughter, of Clarksburg vitiiedat Mr. John Faweett's, the Traveller's Home, on Thursday last. Misj Lilian Ciirry of Uocklyn visited friends in this Wility the past week. Mr. Win. Stuart made a business trip to Markd.tle Saturday. Mr. Jolin I'li-wes is visiting friends in Colling-vood at pies-nt Mr. Sianlt-y Wallace, who i:i attending the CollinuwroJ business collem-, is spending a few days at his parental Ir me. A goodly number from liere atiendt-d ac. nji-rt at Euncui.i on Friday eveuini; last and all report a ood -hue. Mr. Jdim s tieiloe of b'le.sherton i^ n culler at the Triveller's Hume on-; diy last week . A number if the friends mid teln-ol- umti-s i t Mi.s 5 (dl-i-a Walter met at lier home mi Satntdiy eveniDK&od pns-n-id her with u liyinn l).".k aiid rin^, ae.com- panied by the fiil'owiim address : UejBr(>l.--i e, jour fiiviitls ;md schoolni'ili--. iiiii- met Ii -re t.'-iru'bt t . spend :i ;'>eiul evening an. I to try to OJC- p!L'<.s .n i sn..ill me acuru our ijood feu m^ t r ward you, acd w^ rear.-t tlnit you LO soon nrist Kavc us : i ut -is your De.v hninu will not lie fir .iway _we have : till tin- i'.upe that W.' nil! ni'-eii me, t V.'e :isk you lo accept, ibis hymn look i: >i small band, which we hopi- will bi ,,1 I . you every ple;is,;i;t nn-mory i-l your Kim- btrley school days \Ve ish v" eve.y success in nil yon u'uh-Mak" ainl we feel a-surcd ib.it yi u w.ll nuke many new and true friend*, lut we- hope- you *i'i il ;%. i rui- in 1 cr '.h it n ith-.-r time i.or JIS'.UKV ell'.ici's the n ii!iid.-h>i'S of *. !r > 1 i - Signed UD bthitlf af your f i ieiidn -Belle Glib It M.I.I.'I !'.,- Mrs. Join, Smith aud daughter, Mnuile, visited fiieiids in Fb slwrton oi: .lay list week. Flesherton Planing icaiici luin nailing w ^ And Chopping Mills J 6 W 6 1 Y V I am now prepared to do choppinu prepared to do chopping eveiy day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your grisis. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal tor anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Fluor" m_'. sah and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at icas- mab'e rate*, (jet estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febni:Jly Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: WVdiH-suay, Feb. 1!) Dundulk Wtdnesilay, April 10... .... FltBherton Wed no-day, June IS Dundalk Wednesday, Au.r. 27. ...... Flesherion WcdiiHsday. Oct. 1" DuuiUlk Sdturd ly, Dec. <i Flesherd n \V. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. Klesherton, Ont. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Was An Osprey Pioneer JoiHl .Maidon.-ilJ 'flipper, wl-.o w:is prated upon at llu- (<cn- raland Mariuu hospila'. Own Sound, about four eek< go, died in thut institution i-n \\Yib t - day of !:i>' w*. k at i.').- ai;e of 74 years. Deceased hid been in poor health for the past four year* iin-l is a nilferer for the uri-ater p-irt of that time. The late Mr. Tupper was linn in l>> rr Ho| e in IX" 1 , and moved with his paien's to Ospr lown.sliip in tl.e CHI ly hltiis and settled nil the faun jus! sunii (,f Miiplo Valli-y now owned ly Jol.n Taylor. The Os- prey pi'stc'llie -, iiow called Maple \ alley, w.i.s kept by she Tupper family for main yens until the late James (iibsmi v a|>pi>int.'cl pOitlnAFtee ilmut l.S(>5. Tin ilecca-cd, f tcr Ii nvnjg Oprey t .nsli live I in Ij-'iidun in. til he moicd lo L:i Cllall.-s ill Keppcl township, wlieii- Ic ie.">ilo.l for 3S yeuis. lie is suni\,d by his widow, foim-rly Mis-i Martlri A. Herd of London, and two si us, Art-he- laus Tupper, me.eliant and pnstinas'vi 1 at Lake t'liarlrs, and H uhcn Tupper, near Lake Charles. The funeral was held on Saturday last to Oxeiidi-n cemetery. The Tupper family as KIIIOI^ tho tirht settler* in lhnt part i f Os| rey alonu with tho Armouis, At milages, Dadjon s, Browns. Davidsons, (.Jilisons, H^iys, InnUs, Lawi-s, Mitchells. Marshal Is, Mc- Leans, McKen/.ies, McKiniKms, Samli- lainls. Stivers, Smiths, Spnnhoiises.Stew- arts, Tuiii cy, Tcdf" ids ind Woods fam- ilies. There are only H few represeiita- livcsof the nl-l fairiilies now rosiilin^ m the locality. -Shelburnu Free Press. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. CLOVER SEED ! See our Clover and Timothy .Seed l>efoie you Imy. No trouble to show oui 1 goods. They are the '"'> f i hat can lie rii. ('Imp. !!ran. Shoits. Five llrsi -, ami Mr- n's Kl'.uir. (tot a pail of Ian! ).!. n- [t goes up. Ilcnini; and Trout THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN TRAVELLER.-NOTICE!! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a gcod neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling, or for a pair of Never-Slip Ice Creepers put on for 25c per pair. Try us, AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, - Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. ^Go Ed. llobson did a stunt on Monday that ipialities him foi >i |>olnrtrip. if nny ex- plorer wauls a eapalili* packer. On a wagi-r he carried a KlO-lb bun of li.ur from Monlk-ello in twelve ininnt.es less ; i Inn lliixM hours, tin- time given for tin- ' fe:>t and won the iii.in.y. It sure wi-; 1 S'linv l-a -k tis!i-r, almost .is good us belting carpets. or currying in tin- M-as. 'ii-i wool siiji;-ly. (u'.irid Valley Stw. Our Spring Stock AVill arrive on March 1st, when we \vill have sonu'thing worth slu>\viiio' you in Spring Goods : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in anil see the New Patterns S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor %,BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT

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