Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1913, p. 7

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Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded FATAL WRECK ON THE C.N.R. Train Derailed In Blinding Snowstorm, Carries Crew to Bottom of Gully, Near Lea.-ide Breaditufti. Toronto, March 4. -Manitoba Wheat Lake >/r.a. No. 1 northern, 971-2c; So. 2, 5c: No. 3. 92c; feed wheat. 651-2c. Ontario Wheat No. 2, 95c to 9tc for car lou outside, ranging down to 70c for poor grades. Ontario Oats -No. 2 white. IS to We a' country points; 37c to 38c on track. To- ronto. Manitoba OaU No. 2 C. W. oaUi. 411-2c, track, bay ports: No. 3 C. W., 40c; No. 1 feed. 40c for prompt shipment. Corn American No. 2 yellow, all rail, 57c: No. 3. 56c to 56 l-2c. Peaa-No. 2, 11.20 to 1.25, car lot out- side. Buckwheat No. 2. 52c to 53c. Bye No. 2, We to 65c,' nominal. Boiled Oat* -Per bag of 90 pounds. 12.15; per barrel. $4.65. wholesale, Windsor to Montreal. Barley Good malting barley, outside. 50c to Me. Millteed Manitoba bran. 11950 to $20. in bags, track. Toronto; shorts. 822 to 122.50; Ontario bran. $19 to $20 In bags; Lard Tierces. 13 Me; tubs. 14 Me; paiia. 14 l-2c. BilMl Hay and Straw. Baled Hay-No. 1. 112 to (1250; No. 2. 9 to *10; No. 3. $3 to 19. to 9.5fl. Bald straw, Montreal Marktts. Montreal, March 4. Corn American No. 2 yellow. 61 l-2c. Oats Canadian western. No. 2. 411-2c to 42c: do.. No. 3. 40 l-2c to 41c ; extra No. 1 feed. 41 to 41 1-Ze ; No. 1 local white. 38c; No. 2 local white. J7c: No 4 local white. 36o. Barley Manitoba, feed, 52c to 54c; malting. 7ic to 76c. Buckwheat! * ... A despatch from Toronto says : Forging through a blinding snow- storm under full head of steam, a Smart, of Mt. Albert. The bodies were discovered close to the engine in a terribly mangled condition. A hurried police call was seat in to the city and ambulances and patrol Canadian Northern freight train on j wagons dispatched first to Rosedale Monday morning left the rails at ( and then to the Queen street cross- Leaside, and the engine, tearing ing to intercept the dead and in- free, crashed down the steep em- | jured. Upon receipt of the mes- bankment, hurling a fireman and ' sage at the C. N. R. headquarters, brakeman to horrible death. In j a wrecking crew was immediately miraculous fashion the engineer ! formed and dispatched to clear the shot through the doorway and line. landed unharmed farther down the No. 2. 55c to 57c. Flour Manitoba spring I * wheat patents, flists. $5.40; seconds, $4.90; | the strong bakers', $4.70; winter patents, choice. $5.25; straight rollers. $4.85 to $4.- 90; straight rollers, bags. $2.25 to $2.30. Bollvd oats Barrels. $4.35: bags, 90 Iba.. $2.05. Bran- $20; shorts. 322; middlings. 825, mou'lle, $30 to $35 Hay No. 2, per ton, car lots, $11.50 to $13. Cheese Finest The three men in question were 123-4C. to 29c; I 28c to J Butter Choices: creamery. 28 l-2c 3c to 25c; No. 1 stock. In cotton bags, ten ceut* more per bar- rel. Ontario Flour Winter wheat flour, 90 per ix;ut. pateata. S3.95 to $4.05. Country Product. Eggs Cold-storage eggs. 18c to 20c, in case lots; fresh eggs are eollmg at -; strictly new-laid at 28c. Cheese Twins, new, 14 3-4 to 15c. and large, p.etr, at 14l-2c: old cheese, twins, 15c to 151-2c: large, 15c. ButU?r--Creamery printe. 31 to 32c; do., solids. 29 to 30c; dairy prints, 25 to 27c; Inferior (bakers;, 22 to 23c. Honey Buckwheat. 9c uonmj in tins and Be in barrels: strained clover honey, Ul-2c pound in 60-pound tins, 123-4o in 10->x>und tins: )3c in 5-pound tins; comb honey. No. 1, $2.60 per dozen; extra, 83 per doxeu; N" x 2. $2.40 per dozen. Poultry Live chickens, wholesale. IJc to lie per pound: fowl, lOc to lie. ducks. 13c to 14c; live turkeys. 15c to 17c, geese. 9c to lOc. Dressed poultry, 2c to 3c above lire quotations, excepting dressed turkeys, at 20c to Zlc. Beans Primes. $2.50 and $2.60 for hand- picked. Potatoes Ontario potatoes, 60o per bag: car lots. 70c; Xew Bruns-wicks. 9Cc to 95c per bar out of store: 80c in car lots. Spanish Onions Per uate, J2.-W to $2.50. Provisions. Lard Tubs. 14 Me and pails 141-V. Smoked and Dry Salted Meat* Kolle Smoked. 14 3-tc to 15e: hams, tto'liuai. 17e to 171-2c: heavy. 151-2c to 16c; breakfast bacon. 18 l-2c to 19c : lone clear bacon, j yearlings $3 to $3.50. tot:.- and cases, 14 l-2c to 143--.-: backs (plain). 211-2c; backs tprameaK Z2c. United States Markets. Minneapolis. March 4 Wheat. May. 883-8c: July. 90 l-4c to 903-8c; September. 90c to 903-8c; No. 1 hard. 887-8o; No. 1 northern, 87 Me to 833-8c; No. 2 northern. 6S3-8c to 863-8c. Corn No. 3 yellow. 441-4e to 441-Zc. Oats No. 3 white. 30 '-So to 303-c. Bye-No. 2. 54c to 561-2c. Bran. $17.50 to $1300. Flour unchanged. Duluth. March" 4.-Wheat No. 1 hard. 88c to 831-2c; No. 1 northern. 87c to 871-2c; So. 2 northern. Sic to 8ol-2c; May. 89c to 891-Sc asked; July, 90 }-8c bid; September, 903-Sc bid. hill. At the jerk and sudden stop riding in the engine cab and were the train crew poured from the ! the only occupants of the fore part standing cars and rushed down to of the traia. Had the main freight extricate their comrades. Nothing, j section followed the engine on its however, could be done for the somersault down the hill the whole two, Fireman Thomas, of Parry length of track would have been Sound, and lea-ding brakesman J. . torn from its foundation. LETTER FROM TORO ITfl INTERESTING BITS OF GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. A Crtat Hoc.ey Season The Northern Clay Bill Montreal Opera Company - Millionaires' Hobby. WORST STORM OF WINTER. Items of News by Wire Notes of Interest as to What Is Going on All Over the World ( anad:t. The Canadian Fiax Miila Co. will have a piant at Guoiph. Dr. Adam SJiom, before the Committee on Pensions, pointed out beneficial aspects of combiner. There are sixteen prisoners in the new women's ward at Kingston Penitentiary. The smaller lakes of Manitoba will be stucked with fish by the Do- minion Government. The Ontario branch of the Do- minion Alliance may finance hotels in local option .'.iatrio:s. Pilots testifying before the Royal Commission at Quebec advocated a training ship fcr apprentices. The Legislature will be asked to appoint a commission to investigate the cause of the high cost of living. Fire destroyed the Spanish Lea- ther Company's tannery and up- h-jlsteriu:? factx>ry at Waterloo. i Wind Reached a Velocity of 7^ Miles an Hour. A despatch from Buaffa'o says : Four lives were lost here on Sun- day as the result of conditions ac- companyinz the worst storm of the ' thought recovering *" from'' a few winter, during which the wind j weeks' illness, reached a velocity of 78 miles an' James Turner of Pineal, asred SO. jhour, and the temperature weat died suddenly of heart trouble in- City Engineer A. O. Graydon of London died unexpectedly, being In Toro son phyuaiia. it has had l ^ heart's ^' Hansen of Pullman. 111., was ..'.vrso.-is forces, will inspect the it^AndTt'is a'ciirloua fact that from '. caught in the wreckage and burned Canadian militia this summer. Lint Stock Market*. "Montreal. March 4. A few choice steers gold at $6.75. but the bulk of the trading i was done in cattle ranging from $6 to j $6.50, while the lower grades moTed slow* t &st fr c'o a ws! h $5 t 75 d0 a r nd 'fhe'^re?' on" $3*- j ir f ' "". ^ r.Tter^s'Ibi"/ Canada's i new cars to K to $5.50. while bulls sold from $3.25 to j two naUona i , amM . hockey and tMTOM. I.ackawinna *_!*!!! I'tJEfiE? I * death. He was in charge of five Lord DundonaJd will ho another be delivered to the , visitor. ilroad here. His The President of lambs at from $7.50 while calves brought as to size and quali hcB8. $9.80 to J10 per cars. Toronto. British railwayman threaten I general strike unless a dismiss*! guard is r.-instaced. A mub of several thousand broki up a suffragette meeting in Hyd< Park, London, on Sunday. The British note to the Unite* States Government asks for arbl t ration on the Panama to!k di* pute. A male suffragist and two womei were detected trying u> burn thi Croquet Club house at Roehamp> ton. Mobs attacked suffragett* mee*. ;ngs in Britain. The militant. made a raid on the telephone au\ telagraph wires. The Associated Boards of Trod* at London adopted resolutions urg- ing a uniform LVjavlaion insolvencj law. parcel post, extension of Gov- ernment ra:I-.vaya, and several othei matters. luited Statin. Paper mills in Washington ami California have appealed to th Treasury- Department ;o rescind ita order of some time ago admitting paper from Br:::-n Columbia free vf d;;tv. March 4. Choice butchers tion to uphold the honor or club to carry any man . . f mc .- t t- i ... K or nuu io curry auj uiait L:IJ*>I*M .. L brough- from *6^0 to .7 3; medium butch- , Q -^ f lacrosse. Then team play , cr*. to-25 to *5.60. and common $4 to $ 5 J ^ J^J ^^ , uwwwfnl h<vke y Butcher bulls from _ to fo.23 and batcher i and 8UweM , ul ucro. Baseball is dif- >r of one's town ] employed in clearing snow-clogged . the Gospel. - V h hZ*oa^*DUy "ilroad switches, were hit by After havi Grven Meats Out of pickle, Ic lens than to $3.50 for common rough stock. Light imcked. ewes. $6 to $7. and heavy ewe* $5 to $6. Pork-Short cut. $?6 to $28 per barrel i i Lambs *8.50 to $9.50. Fed and watered hoga mess pork, $21.50 to $22.00. went at $950. and hojs f o.b. at $9.15. Autnoruies say . e. $40- to $75. acting" ^ d Sy:i>^ P-". Toronto- thi. Calves, choice veal. $8.50 to $9.25. and down ...Yir. ! hockey teams playing m MMMor trt:s ,rf Sown ' * e " wild "beat the heads off" th pro- tH.VRGKD WITH T11LFT. in Clork of thi> Bank of Toronto Montreal Arrested. A despatch from Montreal says: B. J. Brown, formerly assistant ac- countant in the Board of Trade branch of the Bank of Toronto, was arrested here on Wednesday, charged with the theft of $3,000. He was brought before Judge Leet, pleaded not guilty, and was re- manded for trial. Brown, who is quite a young man, blames betting on races as the cause of his down- fall. He came here a short time ago from Toronto. qi'ARAMlNED TIIK PI-AUTK. Consul at Teni'rilTe N'otiQrs Cuban tiovi'rnuirnt. A despatch from Havana says : Cuba has established a quarantine against the Canary Islands as a re- sult of a report received from the Consul at Ter.oriffe tu>ti f ying the Government that five deaths from bubonic plague have occurred there. Cuban sanitary officials be- lieve that Cuba and Porto K:co were infected last summer through vessels from the Canaries. Two children of Paniel Farlar- dean. were burmxi to death at Ri- viere au Pin Volcantier, Quebec. Neighbors rescued a baby. NO MOKE BEKR AT CAMP. Minister of Militia Makes Emphatic Statement. A despatch from Ottawa says : "So long as I am Minister of Mili- tia," said Col. Hon. Sam Hughes at the military conference on Fri- day afternoon, "there- will never be allowed in the militia camps any wet mess-es, mild or lighl beer can- teens. You will kindly not waste any time discussing this question further. It is settled." WARRIORS ARE RESTING. fessional teams. The final games in th# O. H. A. were in- deed worti going m:'<?w to see. It was a new sensation, to see 6.000 people, all comfortably seated in a tremendous am- phitheatre, walchinjt a book.-y tt.it. -' '" artificial ice. since the opening days In: fall, when preliminary ere discovered, has h*en en'irely satisfactory and presents, rain or ahinc. mild or c-'M. . . ag beautiful a uhrt't of ice as one could wixh to see. Mr. Hearst and Nw Ontario. trains and killed. TillltL I:\GL1S1I GIRLS. Intl-iceil Young Men to Come to Canada to >larr> Them. A despatch from Toronto says : On Monday three former London (England) girls, all very d frienJs, and who for the past eig'a- i ----- won mouths have been resident- IXl'KilASL IN C I" STUMS. ving lain in a ccl! for four days without any medical assis- tance, sr.inevtr-d of insanity but suffering from typlvid fever. Ask:! Marchtrlum died in Montreal jail. Great Britain. Sylvia Pankhurst is seriously ill " General. There was desperate fightine in the State of Coahu:!a. llexic->. Turkey renewed its offer to cede Adrianople and to conclude p. Ex-President Diaz congratulated Huorta and expressed a hope for j peace in Mexico. United States troops and Mexi- cans were in conflict at the frontier, four Mexicans being killed. The French cabinet will consider extending the active service of *ol- diors cf al'. arms from two to three- years. '. :mania has accepted the offer f r.- ::;sd,> by the powers in hunger strike. as the r-vii'.: -'f a^th" bjur.ddry dispute with Bul- gana. Tororuo. were married at -261 Har- vic Avenue to three young men with whom they kept company in the Old Country prior to coming to So far as announced, the departmpr .-, t _^i _.!,,. W ,. P J mtiurai tr> Lands and Minea ha.- not yet taken any I loronto. a <; a j n j n February Ovt-r Same . steps to refute the charges made by Pro- cume to Canada by the fwsor Fertiow that there is danger of nn settlement t there is danger of nn- ,, T) rrinlf being permitted in -h.- ' nple ' voung serveii 1 ;rt Cly Belt of Northern Ontario. Pr >' as an lUUSTratl-on of the manner in fessor Fernow. of r. did n-^t con.l.'n.n . the entire area which is uudor.t.xl to which the rx- COUil- , Year. A despatch from Moitreal say-; : The returns of the Mvntrca'. Cus- toms Houso f-. r February. !;U3, sh.>\v an inori .i-e \<T tho <.-- rres- g period of !a*t year of $23-1.- extend to some 3J.COO.OOO which brtfrht hopes for Northern Th< , figures are: Venbasdt t | , their . and wives WVMWH WIlLAll^* 1IU.V u^cru I.-U7.U. vu. I . . j those who heard him he was convincing their husbands from tho crowded as to the point that THt FKl 11 1M)1 SIKY. s-ti.T j f i \v.,rld of it were uuftt for settlsinent and thai Centres it is up to the Department to discrimin- ate. There are not wanting sisng that '.ho new Minister of Lands and Mines U oxo t what more interested in th wt'.-*U'ru part 188 f?r February. 1913. and 31>i'i.i' | Sd.40 for February. 1912. The returns cf the Montreal branch ! of the Inland Rev : for tho pas; nv jcroast- of .JW.lTB.oT ov- r the '.-r what mori> inti'rf*ted in th* wo^'.c-ru part <i_: in-ri'i<'il "ill!) Pi'P I'i'Dl of Northern Ontario than he is in the. ' ' t\j:m^< t> ::.!{ ^-o JHC.lU I- r 1 TO SAVK CRYSTAL PALACE. Stratiu-ona Will Provide Last Fiftr Thousand Dollar-^. A despatch from London. En- Ia::i. says : The Lord Mayor has iuced, in connection, with the .c efforts now being mai #a - . the Crystal Palace and :id for the nation, that Lord "a has undertaken to pro- v:j<- tiu last- fifty thousand dollars >>t tr* gum no* Berenoe Departmenl . , ,. Ilot L aonth sh- i an m- . llg Wintry Woathor ditru-t along the Tcmiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway, which ha come to be associated, in the minds of the public, with the name of Xew On- tario. Mr. Henrst -oi:\f< from 8-iult S:c says : Bad Roads and - Stops Fighting. A despatch from London The operations of the five armies ' rorhaps having a little Jcafoury of the V.'"; 1 .-,1 : l.~ i.,-! ... \v n _ K^, No.-:h Uav to Coc-hruiic .irtvi oa IV.M own engagM 1U the Balkan \\*r ha\e a< ,..,,, rt He has amnxrontly al-o been im- i tho iml brought practically to a , proved wr.h the i-r. <>-:.. .f -ho rwtU in Ton Years. n r\. 1913. as compared with '"iM. A despatch from St .Catharines ^i ^ for February. 1'Jli. .i\s: The <x>nvention of Marie himself, and may be pardon<-:l for district fruit-growers closed here on i EMPEBOI 1.0>1 si it. (over a million which is \-: MIIKN iHKY 1.0 H'.tMF. Duke and l)uche-<* of Connaucht Will Stay at Clarence H IM-. been ' the nintrv "weather ' of *" T: Ar:hl ' r r "-' rt William *t tho snr er> rounding territory against much pub- which is accompanied by frequent lu-ny snowstorms and by the deplorable stale of the roads. NOTED MAN ISONE. 8ir Vim. While. Naval Construc- tor, lias Passed Away. A despatch from London says : Sir William H. White, formerly chief constructor of the British Navy, div<! on Thursday afternoon in a hotel here as the result of a stroke of apoplexy. given they also are im-lr.iled. Grant! 0?r.i Loses Monty. Toronto has boon -"joyins; three of grand opera by the I'miaJiun orranizn- tion knowp. as the M >n;rcal Opera Co. ! oon. The exto-it of ! s shown whon it wa> ' DeW*d Kawr Coulil statetl that the shipments of fruit j Terminate l.oasi. from St. Catharines had incroa- : 500 per cent, iu ten years, tsn ye-ars ago the carried only ten cars year they carri.xl OV.M- 5C>i cars. ; n : ilno j s . om he boasted dur- j months. A despatch from i A despatch fr^i\i I. >rxton says ! The Duke of Connsught wi!'. <t.i at ^ I Clarence Hc-tse. -A-hich for long h.is ad '" re-xle'ic.'. '.'. a."'.e- !"<- \Vhon years. \\ here I many> s ^ys : EHMXT-T \V:'l : .ani op he return* to Canada a f.-w weeks Grand l-'ridav 1-st- a !: SUM brought : later th^ 1 M II probably g ; against him by a tenant farmer t.> Germany and Sweu-u for a few lion Known as uic ' ureai opera to. n , w understood that finnncially the vii.it of I This does not UketMU ship; ;l r , o ,.. t .,. , x .(, bo to re the C.or- .. *. 'I'V ** l^TW - I MO t b.wi a^ successful expres-s and other ran way lines \,,ri.-i btvn. At t:carlv evcrv ..- u v> wero a lam* number and Steamers. \\ H. Bunt nig ad- , "Throw FARMERS' BANK FAILURE Sir William Meredith In His Report Puts the Blame on the Management the company has not aa it might tuvi> performance there ol \.i. .ii.t scats, and it sioiicJ. One rxpl::nlion the ccmpjny to pack the hoii-* at every lu-rftTTuaiive w said to b>' tho scale ol prices that prevail. Orchiwtr* chair* wore placed on alo at ?j.00 each, runninjc down to tl oO for a few rows at the vc.-y luck of th hou-. BOX scats w>-re charged for at the r:u<- of <5.00 a chair. It -. figured that in the Lcnton season t-'*::o:y would tnrn int ii fuU fr.v and fill ny t'lc So.OO and $500 seats. Bnt (ux-icty il.j not refixiiid a.< eipec'c.l. It w:i< r.- >; nized that many real uiiisio lovers couKl not as a ru'.e atf.'rd to pay tliis price, bat it was Hgurcd that they would K' con- tent with gallery * Whether tliie y?ar'< experiment will re- sult ill a change of ix>l : .cy in the fu'.ure or whether the opera orgaaiiation will continue as a perruaTont CauaJiun iusti- tutiou remains to be s<vii Don't Like Looking Foolish. A a matter of fjct. the ov>er;-' ing (.'otincil that he IHM ;s s.iid oa one' vised the growers lo sc<> more into 1 (VW1 Uf.*^ .WV.,.1 I appl.'-strowing, and said the grow- l i " > - I. V - -T had "Thrown out becwise he waa ma . M call for a no good tivm, n plot ol land he TV-, ir.e'-al sr.~ esti- A despatch from Ottawa says: Sir William Meredith's re{K>rt as Royal Comialssiiir.er appointed to investigate the affairs of tho l-'.-n 1 - tners' !>ank and the relations of ihe fortoer Minister of Finance. Hon. W. S. rieldiug, aud the Troasary Board thereto, was tal>le<l in the Commons ou \Ve^.iiieM.lav aft^rnoi t) by Hou. W. T. White. The con- clusions reached in the report may be briefly sununari/.ed a "follows : 'fhf whole blanie for the failu-e of the bank, involving a net Joss to the depositors oi $l,SCO,-loT, is ascribed to the recklessness and fraud of those entrusttxl with the management of the bank. In so far as the Treasury Hoard is eonce--.\eil tbe (,'ommissioner finds that there is no ground for imputing any im- proper motives to the ex- Finance Minister or his eolleague*. anil tho most tb.nt can properly be charsred again ' them is "an error of judg- ment.' This vrror of jxitUmwit lay ia accepting the ivpeau-U assuranc- es of Travers as to the correctness >f the sworn statements of t 1 -.- bank's affairs without making a suf- ficientlv searching inquiry as to the truth of the allegations mad.- by Sir Kdunind Oslor. Mr. David Heu- derson. M.P.. aiVl others. Sir William says that if the bank prudently UUsMged there is no reason why it should not have succeeded, despite the irregularities on the part of Travers and his misconduct in con- nection with the application for the certificate. This dieate that the depositors wi 1 ! not have ir Oll ill theil demand for lx::;.v>.:r' ikuv iiernmnent the orrmiisu'o-i ment from the Go\ eminent. . Both Mr 1'cter Ryan and tho Hon. Col. Mathesk>n. Provincial Treasurer, arp exonerated of any would seeni to in- ind bably one of tho chief reason* is that thvro Is a very small population which "iiderstand* anything but the Knglioh lanituaire. and * In the good produ- KnglUa i< never used, mist people a In- clined to f<t?l f*xil it*h in listening to ht>ur3 of entertainment, the words of which they J. not uiKlerstand. I ; c-:d>-<. there mar be jiwt a little, if not jealoiwy. at least, of apathy, becanoe of the tact th-it th<> opera .vvnuuny hales from Montreal, where it h:is th^ sncipor: of Col. Meijrhen and other millionaire-i So far they havo had only fat defic'N :,i 1 take care of. and it nsay be they w:ll tire (of the tusk. H.rwcvvr-. they have t.he tat- .sfacf.'ii of knowing that they have atiiitcd tho greatest operas in the world ou a truly magnificent sc.tle. Tho star- ing. ori'hostratkm and choruses e^iiM hardly be improved upon, and the nrt:--'s are from noong the N-st to N- had in the world. wi:h the possible exeeution of or four. uoh a; 'urus,- nd Trtt There is no doubt that the orcnmir\'.ion of the companv b;* appralfil t-i the Ca- nadian national spirit, and it id to b red tbat s.mie jnc-"* will be fourd of i"> .1 purely ranadisn bai. vurticnK-rly if it rMutfl i" *P-ial Kttpntion being paid to tho development cf Canadian :ir:isis culpability in the m:itter. In re- j ,\ J.uinlr^l nM"i,-n dollar is the gnrd to the latter the report finds ,. an , ( , nnf t i u , ,,,j,,; s t or ( ,f fi,, an ,.,. :;' that the Provincial Treasurer, in probably ask e.>iis;r.- t.. authorize deposits in the bank, acted j t|, p'\.-rnment , ,,h nothing in view but the pub- ,,f l>. ><<!, for tbo lie interest. rehabilitation of -\-iuv by iiTe-iM* ifvjiu n and the i-rs M.-iu-d to have gone "poach crazy. ' rOUUHKY OF Tin.KS. lineslijtation \\i\\ Keveal Startlins Frauds in Alberta. A despatch from Edmonton >,iis: A local paper intimates that a dur- ing swindle involving ma-iy tluiu- ^.r;J dollars, in which banks in Stettler. Lacombe and .'then Alber- ta towns will be the 'principal los- ers, is expected to be revealed here in the course of tho next few day*, following an investigition into an alleged forgery of titles to large tract! Cl wr rented from the Imperial estate at j Hon. Martin B'.inv':', says Ontario Cadinen The District Court ,i ehind in good roda cidld that the Emperor wa, not en- ! H.i,n; ton teacher, in convention titl.-d to t.-nninate th -. - - ; his | rM ti-i:ant. which ruus until U'l-v P" lswn s - vs - i te:u. THE FINANCES^F ONTARIO Expenditure on Current Account Amounted to $10,- 287,091. with Current Revenue 01 $10,042,000 #37.i03 : re-.--.rs ,:id III...H- the L-ind Titles Office, and nprar ji:bu;si.o<.- out'.y boro the signattirr or' ;'.; Ho; thai .:< of -,x-k. istrar seal. and also the Govern KBKC .; s>j \ii.r >\. Dur'.nit tln> v.';ir :li,- Pr.'..-i,e a>lv:ri.-ei1 tientu-'-" to :!> P. A V O R.n'.wav on c:i;-.Ml ,v- .':* -.i" i-o-.in; ^1. 210.78". Oti! >f ( hc ?5. 008.00") vo"- '.i.. . rr . .-,! f,-r il:. N-* On-a* : ituri- wu jiujoi^-i- Q i 'here WR< expended $2.i6.S55. The (i.ivorn- The tonl revenue for :' .1 - ., n: c. ooilriBMioa ;o iii.- it-xsl i-; - -> ll L of -!i>--!i J" 370. 355. "0 was o.-i current : scheme under wh:,-h rwceira '<acl .-,,1 tun.: .... -tl'ird .1 - _;i:i.ler the *" *t > he' 1 pVK)n > 'v"Vr. ' V--r 'tint vc;r- ii .:i<e &1M.MS was si--'' Vhe new Pro \\t< \ .Ic.'r:! OH ^-.irront ;u>-ount of , iruiva' pr;t*tM it.?'. $.^r'.'f. .-.rui uw rtnal Vor 1H 'he Pgurv arc. Total restoraiion o.' ;h- wo>: <\..MT .if ;hc 1'nrlia- nxvuts *!.- To?.'-'. 11 JO: .-nrrt-H; revenue, merit Build-.'iRs.. $'.61.179. !" Mew n."-'h <8S91006 csiiiial a,-.unr. Jl.T9l.830.43. wi:i* thai h.ts N-. M*d V- Ps>rlia- A dospatch fron, AlU-u. N. S*ri.S~" ''" ""' '' "" W5Sr. -- - I .K*l .-'f sav* Infected mas' matter Irom th>- ij^ chief ^ite-u- .<" rerc:u> TI- Sub< t'u- ' e :-' * ; ' < ..dvanred of Quebec i< Wli-vod b\ >! . > I'r-ui the IVjnimi-n of <at>;i,l... s.:.- on .i.-con >e York Sttis lufeeti-d Fri'in That I'nnincc. TIM -,-r '.V l:.s...,e at Whitby n.- i . H.Iu o V) ; iutercv. r ..... vc,l I I n . il -,..-, -,-r '.V l:.s...,e at Whitby the health author: 1 . U-s of M. ItM . lnl ,i,,,, ,, trlw t fiindt.. $'.-9.0r..OS: Ian.!-, od f's::.i> to - - that there is a coaswerable amount,

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