Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1913, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRIflCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 3*2, m 36 Flesticrton, Ont., Thursday, March 13, 1913 W. H. THDRSTON Eugenia Paragraphs Too Late .for Last Week Wedding bells are still jingling. Mr*. Dave McMullen of Feversham visited this week with her aunt, Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. and Mr.. Wickens <>( Kimberley ipent the week end at Mr. T. Genoa's. Mrs. McMullen spent the past two weeks with her daughter. Mis. Ham- mond, of Pticeville. Mrs. Jasper Stuart and children of Kimberley spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. McMulleo, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Latimer are leaving the farm and moving into Mrs. F. T. Carr'a residence. Miss Lou Gordon spent the past woek with her mnt, Mis. Wilson. Mr. J. Jamieson has gone to the city after spending a couple of months with friends here. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wood- burn, who is t Toronto, in poor health. Born At Priceville, Feb. 16, to Mr. .mil Mrs. Hugh Huuimond, a son. The roads Iwing blocktd on .Sunday prevented Rev. Campbell from getting U his further appointments. The concert given under the auspices of the Me'.hodist church netted $36. Mrs. T. Paul intends moving to Pais- ley and making her home with her aister there, Miss Thompson has returned from a visit|with friends in Chatsworth and Paisley. Miss Cooey spent the past week at J. E. Williams'. Mrs. H.Foster spent the past week vt ith her mother at FlesKerton. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor of Kimberley visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Morgan the past week. | JMiss Myrtle Fisher .'s improving after her sickness this winter abcess in the beck. Miss Myrtle Parliament of Maxwell visited with friends in Eugenia for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lutimer spent the week end with fcieuda in Kocklyn. Mrs |R. Parks and sons, Jack and Charley, visited with the former's father in Priceville recently. This Week's Items. In spite of tho stormy weather the ladies turned out in large numbers to the monthly meeting of the W. I held at Mrs. Alex. Cameron's on Wtdnesdny last. They decided to have a box .social in tho Orange hall, Eugenia, on the evening of March 2<>th. A gcnxl pio. gramme is being prepared for this eu- tertainmei.t. Admission 25c, ladies wi-h boxes free. Married- 1 n Toronto. March 5, Miss Lou Gordon to Mr. James Jamicsuu. They intend makiiw their home in the Wost. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jamieson of Port Ltw, were the guests of Mr. mid Mrs. McMaster. recently. Miss Mnry Jatnieson has goue on visit with friends in the city. Miss Eva Jamitson has gono to visit friends in the West. MaxweU Too Late for Lust Week Clarence Heron fioix Saskatchewai was a caller in our village last week. Gecrge Linley and his mother visitci at Corbettoii over Sunday. There was ui> Sunday schoi.l or church in the Methodist church on Suiiday 01 account of the storm. Mrs. Albert McCallum is visiting a Mr. McCallum't on the fourth line. We are glad to see Mr. Geo. Burk bick again. Geoive says the road was bad coming home Monday morning;. Kimberley Budget Beautiful weather at present. Miss Maud Smith is visiting at R. D. deldraiaX Port Law, t present. Mr. \Vm. Plewes of Collingwood, iaited at bis parental home here a few ,ys last week. Mr. C. Knott of Thornbury, visited riends in this vicinity, a few days the last week. Mr. Jaa. While of Healhcote was a Met in our bur.; one day last week. The tit jck judging demonstration given by the Famers' Club on Wednes- ay and Thursday afternoon last, was a .uge success. Mr. Dan Johnston of lyrtle, judged the sheep and cattle on Vednesday afternoon and briefly out- ined the types essential for beef pro- luctioo also the dairy type of cattle, n the evening Mr. Johuston Kve an ddress in .the town hail, on general opics, pertaining to the farm. Mr. Cope of the agricultural office, Markdale, also gave a very instructive address on i i-d corn, selecting, cultivating, etc. >n Thursday afternoon Dr. S inclair of 'anniogton, gave a judging demonstra- ion on horses, which was very much appreciated by those present. Mr. Jno. MII i ih of East Mountain had it heavy Iriught colt on eihibilion, which stood out like a star among the rest. The roadsters were then judged as regards ;eiieral appearance and Action and R. J. Stuart's Abrino oil was in a class by limself. A Dumber uf the friends of Mr. in J tfrs. G. H. Waller met at their home on Monday eveniug, March 3rd, prior to their departure for Flesherton, and >reeuted them with a cabinet uf silver indcake knife and thu following addresa : Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Walter and .unily, dear friends It is with deep egret we realize that you are abuut to eave our neighborhood. During your residence here, we have always found ,-ou re.idy to perform those neighborly dnesMa which cuunt so much ,m this shurt life ot our. The Foresters and farmers' Club lose in you, Mr. Walter, oue of their ! si members. Mrs. Waller, ycu will be sadly miased in our church work, in our Women's Institute and iu the social side of uur lives. The leparture of Esdale, Odessa and Esmond will also be greatly felt aiming our youny : >eople. We would ask you to accept this cabinet 'and cake knife us a re- membrance from your friends here, aud i'st you will all be spared many happy yeais of prosperity and health. Signed in Mult" of the Citizens Kinross Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor, Mrs. A. E. Myles, Mrs. W. T. Ellis. "eversham Items Spring like weather prevails now. Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron spent a few ays with their daughter in Owen Sound s week. Mr. Gto. Burk bas returned home fter spending the winter with his rother Mort., in Toronto. Mrs. L Pedlar has returned to Rock dills after a few weeks' visit with her <arents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Julian. Miss Myrtle Radley of Ct-ylon is visit- it; with her friend. Miss Annie English, t the Temperance Hotel. Miss Hilda Lush is visiting her sister, *fis. Harry McGowan, at Kcb Roy. Miss Marion Furguson of Duntroon s spending a few days with her sister lere. Master Lome Heron is visiting bis ouain, Wilfred Barber, at Brewster's ike. Married On Wednesday, Match 5, a iie Methodist church, Flesherton, by Rev. H. E. Wellwood, Mr. Henry Coult- lard to Miss Alice Healey, both of Fe- ersham. Congratulations. Glad to report that Master Johnnie lobinson U recovetin;; nicely from his severe illness. The tirst frame taising of the season on darch 1, when James Conn raised rainu building for John Brown, llth line Walkerton in a the Some of Walkfrtou hotelmen are panic over the announcement that Ontario government is about to ;..i - legislation closing bars at 8 o'clock in the uveniutc, and oue of them has intimatet ihat he will quit if the proposed law comes into force. The i>ple business has not been very profitable to Mr. John Jxynt, owner o tin- Walkerton evaporator. During tin past six week* he hits lost over $14, INN in hud cash. This sum is ! ir- enough to send an urdinary man to the will In adJiti ID to buying apples Mr. .Joyn buys giain, works a tiOO acre farm an buys iul ships ashes in rifty towns i Ontario. Bruce Herald mid Times. A Wreck Averted The operation of an automatic alarm signal semaphore system which the .'. P. R. has had itutalled on that portion of its track between Boltuo and Toronto demonstrated its usefulness on Saturday then it saved the north bound taain to wen Si>und from what might have wen a disastrous wreck. A broken rail near Wootlbridga was noticed just in time to ward off a catasrrophe and save h pa-tseugers among whom weie many )wen Sounders from being hurled over .he s'xty foot embankment to death in rluuiber Yallay below. As a preventative against accidents he company a short time ago instilled on the Button- Toronto . n over which here is always heavy ttathc, a serua- >horic signal system, which u thruwc OJt of order by the disconuec'ioa of the curtent when anything , . wrong on the line, NViticing on Saturday night .hat one of the semaphores wai uot work- , oue of the station -utl at Wood- bridge proceeded to investigate and in iuu so noticed a. broken rail in cluse proximity to the (lumber biidge. This was at once repaired and after a short Jelay the tn>in coDtinued on its way to Oeu Sound in safety. O. S. Herald. the vil'age. a valuable Ceylon Mrs. R. P. Legate left Saturday even ing to attend at the bedside of her father, Mr. Coleridge.who is very ill in Durham. Miss Lizzie Knglith, after upending a week at Mi . J. Radley \i, returned on Saturday to her home in Fevorsham. Miss Myrtle Radley accompanied her home, returning Monday. Miss Coleiimn spent from Tluirsdtty to Monday with her parents in Owtu S >und. Mr. K.s >'f Dundalk spent over Sun- day t Mr. K. Bate'.*. Vandeleur Mrs. rt in. Hutchinson of MaikcUl visited her father, Mr. Win. Cullis of this place, recently. Mr. Ed. Maker returned home i>n S ii tnday ,11 or a week's visit with his mother at Collingwood. J. M. Davis took a business trip to the city lecently. We are sorry to report Mr. J. I. Gra- ham ill with an attack of congestion of thu lungs. Mr. David White of Tyrone visited his brother, Mr. John White uf tliis place, recently. Mr Porter Beard WHS a Inppy man when his wife presented him with a baby g_irl on March 2. Mr. Willie John.ston spent a few days in Owen Sound rtc.'nlly. The Government lighthouse supply steamer Eitevan. which left Collinywood November 4, has rc*i:he 1 Victor! \ after its 17,iKH)- mile trip. Address and Presentation Previous to leaving Kimberley for Fleshortou Mrs. Geo. Walur watt waited on by members of the Kimberley choir and presented with beautifully bound editions of Whittier, Bryou and Shaki*- penre, accompanied by the following address. Kimberley, Feb. 27th, 1913 MM. U. H. Walter, dear friend We, the members of the Kimberley Metho- dist choir, !uii- met here ths evening to express to you our appreciation of the service you have so willingly and cheer- fully rendered iu our church and choir. We deeply regret, that you M-e leaving and will miss your kindly Company and uid exceedingly. We hope to have you back occasionally to see us .mil that you wi 1 always take your accustomed place in our midst. Will you kindly accept thU little remembrance from the choir, who trust you will have us many true and sincere, friends iu the next choir you belong to as you hive made it this and that somu time wit will il belong to that choir above where there is n i discord and never any parting. Mrs. A. K. MyUs, R D. Curiuthers am numerous others. Priceville Jottings Intended for L-ust Week Enough snow to make g.>od sleighing aud everybody praising the tine winter. The A.O. C.W. banquet on the even- ing of Feb. 14 was quite a .suece- Each member had the privilege of inviting a fri.nd or to, ai.d that made quite a gathering. The first part of the evening was spent in games, short addreescs ) readings, socgs and a nuirber of choice selections from Mr. Martin Murphy's gramophone was frequently sandwiched in and much appreciated by those pres- ent. Supper was served, the oysters were tine and the baskets of confection- ery prepared by the ladies won fur them great praise. After supper a number of toasts were proposed and replied to, all those taking part acijuiting themwelves creditably, and the wit and humor dis- played by the several s^eakei s very fre- quently made tho whule assemblage smile out loud. Time slipped away unnoticed tad the affair WHS bruught to a close about la. in. by singing the National Anthem. Lockie McAtthur, east of had the omfortune to lost* heavy draught mure lately. A number of i-iiizens gathered in Kin- ross hall last Thursday evening and dis- cussed several iuteiesting subjects. Mr. W. G. Tryon spoke fgr some- time and introduced a discussion ou poulciy and egi; production. Mr. Ott>> Konuld spoke on fertilizers for farm crops and answered several interesting questions. If the citizens of a portion of Glenelx aud Ar- temesiit would get buy and organize i Farmers' Club here it might be of grent benefit. Mrs T. Ferguson went by C.P.R. on Saturday to visit her daughter. Edna, of Owen Sound col egiate, and other frteuds in the county town. Artemesia Council held their March meeting here Inst Saturday. A; far aa we know this ia the first uch meeting held in our village. The galleries were well tilled with interested spectators. Mr. C. McKinnon aud Mr. Ne-bitt no, this ia not Bealtie Nesbitt or bis ghost, either, tut a substantial rancher) rum southern Alberta, are visiting here. and if some of : he bachelors don't keep a strict vuil cert-iin young ladies may h.ive a strong desire to go West very sooi. Miss Priceville . When I noticed a certain luety hue making trips out your way I thought. " green woixl " wsis at a premium, even with the thermome- ter twenty below zt>ro. Miss Fleshertun : A*', now, Piici>, quit your teasing ; dont you know that the greener the wood the more easily the beau is bent, and a few frost bites only help to maintain the angle. Rivera.ile Ratepayer : Oh. yes. t think I know one of the chief reasons for such frequent changes in our school start'. Pretty lady teachers require the pntidnce of Job to stay in our school more than on term, when they become almost bored to death by the attentions of young swrl! headed immigrant not fully Canadianized. They aie _; i.i at the of the term ' > take wiiii>s and My fui freedom. Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills T am DOW prepared to do chopping every day iu the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring along your -grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. FloorJ iii'.'. sa*h and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- nnabie rates. Get estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. Febl.) HMy Jewelry According to a blue print furnished the OratiKeville Board of Trade, the Central Railway of Canada will strike the i-. uniy town on i:s way from Montreal to Port Stanley on Lake Erie. The roiid is surveyed north of Mono Mills and will probably enter Orangeville noar Forest Liwti cometeiy miking a bee line towards Stratford aud Lmdon and on to Port Stanley. Look, like revival of the old Huron and Onta- rio project. Patrick Shtvi, a farmer sjilor on the gi-eivt lake*, w.is t;keil ill i:i a T'Tunto reatuunnt aud died shortly afterwards. Eighth Line, Artemesia lutei.ded for Last Week i^uite a number attended the coneer given liy the Flesherton people at iu nenia. which was much api>iecialeu by all Miss Pearl Huley ha relumed horn after spending a couple ft months mil her Miivi. Mu. U. Wilsuii, ot Turoutu Mr. I- 11 1 Parliament gave a patty to a number of ihe young people one evening last .leek. Previous to Mr. Simmons relun home Mrs. Siinmous remained IT su time. This Week's l-ems Born On Feb. ^0, to Mr. and Mrs L>. McDonald, a sou. Mr. J. Benson visited a few days with Owen Sound Sound f neiida. Mr. anil Mrs. J. Parliament enter- tained quite a number of youiij; people one eveniug last week.* The Woman's Institute held their Feb- meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex. Cam- eioc, when quiie it number were present. Miss M ma Benson is spending a few woeks with her sister, in Singhamptoii, Miss K MI Jamieson returned on Mon- day to tho West. Mi: s 'Mary accompa- nied her ax fir n Toronto. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are date* for 1913: Vednesuay, Feb. 19 Dundalk Vednesday, April 16 Fleshertcm Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Vednesday. Aug. 27 Fleahert.m Vednesday. Oct. 15 Dundalk at ur<hy. Dec. 6 Flesherti n W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. CLOVER SEED See our Clover and Timothy Seed before you buy. No trouble to show our goods. They are the best that can be produced. Cora. Chop, Bran, Shorts, Five Koses, and ML-- Gowan's Flour. Get a pail of lard before it goes up. Herring and Trout THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN TRAVELLER,-NOTICE ! ! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling, or for a pair of Never-Slip Ice * Creepers put on for 25c per pair. Try us, AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. TH08. CLAYTON Flesherton, - = Ont. REPAIRING AS USUAL. o To Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in and see the New Patterns : : : : S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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