Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1913, p. 3

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Is Your Back Full of Aches All Day Long? That Stab-like Pain In the Back la Sure Indication of Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Anna Eodriguei writa as follows from her home in Valencia: "For a long time I suffered with failing strength and nagging headaches. My condition grew steadily worse, my limbs became bloated and shaky, I was sallow and thin, felt rheumatic pains, dininea) and chills. I unfortunately didn't suspect my kidneys nd waa nearly dead when I discovered the true cause of my sufferings. I read eo much al,nt the wonderful health and trenftth that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills that I felt sure th*y would help me. Such blessings at health and comfort I got from Dr. Hamilton'* Pills I can't describe. They speedily put me right, and their steady use keeps me active, energetic, strong and happy. I strongly urge others to regulate and tone their system with Or. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut." No greater medicine exints than Dr. Hamilton's Pills for the cure of indiges- tion, constipation, flatulence, liver, blad- der and kidney trouble. Refuse substi- tutes. Sic. per box or five boxes for $1.00. at all druggists and storekeepers, or pout- paid by the Catarrhosone Co.. Buffalo, N 1" , and Kingston, Canada. NOT SUCH A. FOOL. English Naturalist Insists That the Ostrich Is Maligned. Speaking at a Royal Colonial So- ciety meeting, James Buckland gave some interesting details of bird habits. . That much-maligned bird, the African ostrich, was at last rescued from ignominy. The world has been mistaken all these years in thinking that it buries its head in the sand because it ie a fool believing that because it is unseeing it i unseen. On the contrary, says Mr. Buck- land, it buries its head because, when it does so, its body resembles the ant hills which surrount it, and thus it escapes observation. A most respectable bird was the Indian adjutant, and Mr. Buckland suggested that if he put up for the Athenaeum he would most certain- ly b elected. He was most severe aud correct in. his conduct, but when he danced it reminded them of nothing so much as Charley's aunt, having had a little too much at Christmas, trying to do a cake- walk. The cassowary was another mar- vellous bird. Its appetite was enormous. Mr. Buckland said that he once fetl one with bananas, but he got tired long before the bird did. They all heard the. song of The cassowary, On the plains of Timbuctoo, Who swallowed up a missionary, His beads and prayer aud hjmn- book, too. In fact, big as was the appetite of the cassowary, he, appeared to draw the line at missionaries. The lord of Australian birds, the emu, was the most shamelessly hen- pecked bird in creation. When .Mrs. Emu had laid her eggs, she left Mr. Emu to sit upon them, Xiillivantiug about, only returning now and then, to add to the num- ber. quickly stopa coufhs. cures colds, md heals tho throat and lungs. :t :: as cent*. , Knew What Was Cowing. "That's a bad cold you have." "Yes, now go ajiead and tell ma your favorite remedy." Hlnard'i Llnlmont Cures Colds, Eta. i^ Equal to tho Eniergeney. Indignant Wife I wonder what ' \ou would have done if you had .lived" when meh WeTe first compelled 'to earn their bread by the sweat of their brows! Indolent Husband I should have .started a little notion store and Bold handkerchiefs. FREE OF LUMBAGO Because Ho Took Gl N PILLS Mr. II. A. Jukes of \Vinuipeg writes: "I have been a sufferer froml,uuib.igo for sotue years past. I met your Mr. .Hill and be advised me to take GIN PILLS. I have becu taking them at .intervals ilursig the early port of the present winter, ami up-to-date have had no return of my old trouble iu fact I feel better than I have for years, and think that my old euc-uiy liasi vuuished for good nndall." 500. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if yt>u w rite National Drug and Chemical Co. of C.iuaJ.i, Limited, Totoutj. \M t ANCLOT HIGHWAYS. The Carthaginians Understood tk* V ul ue of Good Roads. Savage man built nothing that can be ca-lled a road. When he waa hungry h sought food in the for- ests, or in the streams and lakes, and finally made for himself definite trails. These trails became at last the first roads. Mr. L. W. Page, in "Roads, Paths and Bridges," tells of the stone-surfaced roads found in Egypt, built thousands of years ago, of massive stone blocks, in some places ten. feet thick. It was over such a substantial road as this that the stones used in the construc- tion of the great Pyramids -were hauled. Egypt is not the only land pos- sessing relics of early road-build- ing. Babylon, the city of hanging gardens and great walls, at a very early date developed a high state of civilization, and Semiramia, its great queen, was an enthusiastic road-builder. It is at this period that we find what ia probably the first use of stone in bridge-building. The two portions of the city -were joined by a bridge across the Eu- phrates. This wonderful bridge was built of large stone blocks, joined with plates of lead. At that period, more than two thousand years before Christ, as- phalt was used instead of mortar in constructing the vast walls round the city. Commerce flourished, and great highways radiated to all th principal ities of the then known world. It is said that a highway 400 miles long, and paved with brick set in a mortar of asphaltum, connected Nineveh and Babylon. It was left to the Carthaginians to become instructors to the world in the art of road-building. Car- thage is given the credit of having demonstrated to the world the stra- tegic and economic value of im- proved roads. But for a splendid system of highways, which permit- ted an easy means of communica- tion with all parts of her domains, she never could have reached the heights she attained, either in com- merce or war. m STRENGTH. Without Overloading the Stomach. The business man, especially^ needs food in the morn^ag that -will , not overload the stoma'h, but give mental vigor for the day. Much depends on the start a man gets each day, as to how he may expect to accomplish the work on hand. He can't be alert, with a heavy, fried-meat-and-potatoes breakfast requiring a lot of vital energy in di- gesting it. A Western business man tried to find some food combination that would not overload the stomach in the morning, but that would pro- duce energy. He writes : ''For years I was vnable to find j a breakfast food that had nutrition j enough to sustain a business man without overloading his stomach, ' causing indigestion and kindred ailments. ''Being a very busy and also a very nervous man, I decided to give up breakfast altogether. But luckily I was induced to try Grape- Nuts. "Since that morning I have been a new man : can -work without tir- ing, my head is clear and my nerves strong and quiet. "I find four teaspoonfuls of; Grape-Nuts with jne of sugar and . a small quantity of cold miik, is delicious as the cereal part of the ; morning meal, and invigorates me for the day's business." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor.' Ont. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason.'' Ever read the above iot'.or? A now one appears from time to -lime. Thy are genuine, true, and full ot human InUnsi. Doing Their Sums. "De wust thing about arithme- tic," said Uncle Eben, "is dat a whole lot o' folks gits de idea dat any kind o' figgerin' is all right if doy kin finish up wif a number dat has a dollar mark in front of it." ANOTHER PROOF FROM THE WEST THAT DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS ABE A NATURAL REMEDY. For Cases of Exhaustion and Nerve Weakness How 8. Jeremy Found Relief \vhen he Cured his Kidneys. Sniatyn, Alta., March 10. (Special). That the natural remedy for exhaustion and nerve weakness is one that will give good circula- tion and pure blood carrying nutri- tion to all parts of the body, is again proved in the case of S. Jer- emy, a well-known resident of this place. "For over two years I suffered from attacks of exhaustion and nerve weakness," Mr. Jeremy states. "I tried many nerve foods and tonics but must admit that Dodd's Kidney Pills have benefit- ted me more than anything else I ever used. "I am more than grateful for what Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for me." Nerve weakness and exhaustion are caused by impure blood. Im- pure blood is caused by diseased kidneys failing to strain the waste matter of the body out of the blood. The natural remedy is to I cure the kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills have yet to find a case of kidney disease they cannot cure. Spring Signs. It ia a happy sign of spring When one can hear a robin sing ; But it's a surer sign, some say. To hear a street hand-organ play. Looked Like Raw Meat. Itched and Burned So Badly Could Not Rest Night or Day, Arms Sore from Wrist to Elbow. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Cured. Lower Blandford. Nova Scotia. "Three years ago I became troubled wliu sora arms. It came as a rash. My arms looked Ilka raw meat and Itched aud burned so badly I could not rest night or day. When, I scratched they became awfully soro. Aa GLADSTONE'S PREDICTION. Prophecy of Third of Century Ago That Sffiiw >r,-ir Fulfillment. In a speech aJt, Edinburgh on NOT. 29, 1S79, th l<kte Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone made the following pre- diction regajxling the disposal of the territory in the BaJkans : "I wish to avail myself of this occasion for the purpose of clearly putting and clearly answering one question of vast importance. Who is it that ought to possess, who ia it that ought to sway, those rich ojid fertile countries which are known as comprising what is called the Balkan Peninsula ? "It seems to be agreed tha the has come, that tlie hour ia A GOOD HABIT T when you are tired, particularly if it'a UPTON'S TEA Goes farthest for the money FARMS FOR SALE. _ QA Toronto. , Co(borna BcratciMU tui'y uit-auju uivmny soro. A3 mu^ new, VT^II^., IU^M vw nv. , _. .-.,, Brrru ,w. r.ou np t I > , .. *f ... 1 ' '" !' ^ I ' " rv r A JW1 \'f long aa the weather waa warm It dldn'o j about to strike, if it has not struck j \jr with Three House?: large H Minard's Linimont Co.. Limited. Have used MINARlJ d LINIMENT for Croup; fount! uutning <iual to it; sure cure. CHAS. B. SHARP. Hawkehaw. N B., Sept. let, 19tj. Mother "Edith, you mustn't be conceited." Edith "I'm not. I don't think I'm nearly as sweet and pretty as people say I am when In: not listening ." TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Tke LAIATIVE BEOMO Quinine Tabteti. DruirgUts refund money If It fail* to cur*. E. W. UBOVK'tt signature U on each box. K "I never he.ird of but one perfect boy," said Johnnie, pensively, as he sat in the corner doing penance. "And who was that!" asked mam- ma. "Papa when he was little," was the answer. And silence reign- ed for the space of five minutes. Mlnard'a Liniment Cures Dlstimoar. bother me BO much, but In winter It waa almost unbearable. My orma were t>ora from the wrist to the elbow. " I used several cures which were recom- mended to me but without any avail. I Raw how I could get a sample of Cutlctm Soap and Ointment which I did. I used the samples and found an Improvement. Whenever I applied the Cuticura Ointment; the Itching and burning ceased. I got a full-sized box of Cuticura Ointment and a cake of Cuticura Soap and only uaed about) half when It disappeared and slnco then I have not been troubled. That was six months ago. Cuticura soap and Ointment completely cured me." (Signed) Miss tlsu E. Zinck, Mar. 7, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so much for plmplea. blackheads, red, rough skins, itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapelcsa nails with painful finger-ends, that it la A singlo of Cuticura Ointment are oftro sufficient when all elso haa failed. Sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with .'._'-T>. Skin Book. Address post can.* Potter Drug A Chum. Corp.. Dcpt. -isD,. Boston, U. i. A. k Burn. Prio u rerv low- THAVB OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontario on my list. If you want a (arm oonault me. H. W. OAWSON. Toronto. .4 TnRV BRIrK /w and ten acre* already, when all sway of Turkish , Must i *"id quirk power over those fair provinces : o EVERAL DKSIHABLE KABMH is must cease, if it were Only by rea- ! / Manitoba. Albert* and Skatohewan , . .... i that can be bought. Worth the money fo son of impotence. ho, then, is to i qa jck sale, have the succession to Turkey ! j From the bottom of my heart, and | with the fullest conviction of my ; understanding, I will give you the j reply a reply which I am perfectly i certain will awaken a free, a gen- erous, a unanimous echo in your , bosoms. That succession is not to | pass to Russia. It ia not to pass to Austria. It is not to pass to Eng- land, under whatever name of Angk>"Turkih Convention or any- | thing else. It is to pass to the peo- j pie of those countries ; to those who have inhabited them for many long | centuries ; to those who had reared | them to a state of civilizaticn. when | the great calamity of Ottoman, con- STORK. In a thriring village Her husband ^grunted, being in a reactionary mood. ''I'd like to know," he said, "what women have ever done for the feeble- minded?" ''They usuallv marry them, dear," replied the wife sweet- ly. VjbAn Try Murine Eye Remedy wvnen No8rj , rtln(t _ rt<l . K,'._AOUUICUI' V^T, mm f Try it for Red, Wk. Water/ I > w nj W * urmuu:ted ErrlldB. DtaStmM Book mm In each Packttf*. MI.'KINE 10 com. tVOS I"'"'"''-'! '> ourOrultnn-nota-Ttu.nl ^ MH]li'lue"t>ut ti*r,l in Miirc0al Phral- H ft rm ft '! " ITactlm for m*m Taara. Xow n tf IS U .:..:.!, i lo iii,. Piibllo ana Bold tir -- l>ruk-g!KtmatKoMrprbotUa. >l -.trine MM fjll y*ff > ' " ^* |V|; lu Aoptlo Tube*. Xbv-ttkix ^ Murlne Em Ranted) Co.. ChlciM There is nothing that makes up the sum of human life in which tha woman's side should not be put as well aa the man's. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. SEVEN IIOtRS SLEEP. Without That You Arc Unfit More la Dungrruus, Says Doctor. ''Seven hours' sleep is all that is necessary for any human being, and if obtained regularly in certain hours nightly will keep the body and mind in a healthy state," said Dr. Foertmeyer, regarded as an criminology. "Much of the disease of to-day is due to too much or too little sleep. A person who sleeps over seven hours has had too much rest, which makes the mind sluggish and the muscles lazy. On the other hand, the person who has not had suffi- cient sleep b mentally and physi- cally unfit to perform his or her duties with that snap and vim found in persons who have had the re- quired rest. "Men and women who commit crime, as a rule are long sleepers. Their minds grow weak from too much sleep and then they require the 'don't care' habit, which often results in crime. "Make it a rule to sleep (-even hours and you will be better for it, mentally, phvsicallv and financial- ly." tario. The Wentem Heal Estate Excbaugo, L.'t]<l'in. Ont. STAMPS AND COINS STAMP COLLKCTOKS-UI-'N-DIIKI) DIP- ferent Foreign Stamp". Cstalogue. Album. . U'T Bfven Cerr.e Hark* Btamn CoTunnny. Toronto. BILLIARDS. 1.1 VKKVBODV KNJOYS BILLIARDS I-J BarUrs and Live Men in towns only quest SOread like a wild wave over ' 100 population makr big money. B nrt 1 . , to write for book, "llow to Start a Bll- that portion of the earth, and bur- liard Room - (<,. Easy T*rmi. etc. Cat*. thait civilization under its over- logues of tables for Home and Club free. If you h.ivc a table ak for our supply catalogue. Brunewick-Baike-Collender Com- pany. Toronto. whelming force.'' . t. A Racking Cough And Sore Throat MUCELLONEOU* KF IQ FlVC HOlirS ir 15. Her 1 .. OHPt.NfSl'ON E0<;s FHOM <TI .nid layers SI and fl.75 par Wi-mer. Proslon. STRAWBERUY PLANTS- <!R1WN OW the n<>rth ihore of Lake Erie. 25 ae- :,-li-d kinds; Black Cap Raspberries and Evergreens!. Free catalogue. Laheview Evergreens. Free BMalDfJOB. Lakeview Use the Proper Heim-ily and (oldsvFmt F.inn. nroT.nd. om iThi ad- aud Sore Throat DUapueur. -iiip*ars but his As One \Vho Knows. Figg Does your grocer sell apples by the barrel ? Fogg Well, they come in bar- rels, but what he sells them by is the top layer. "When I rame homo laat evening.' writes Mr. Thomas B. Jarri*. "I wae all ; used un with cold and a racking cough. ' I felt sick all over. My wife rubbed my throat aud chest every hour, and made ma garglo with Nervuirie and water. I i was BOOU warmed up and made comfort- ! able with the Nerviline, and the chilly j sensation paused away. At li o'clock. \ after five hours' treatment. I waa practi- : cally well. I therefore write you at once in order that it may be pub.'lrly known that Xervilino will knock out a bad cold I over night." It is a fact that Nerviline will ease mi a tight, uhoat. will re! .eve that sore. wheezy fofhtiR. wi!l knock out a cold in just a few hours. It. penetrates deeply, draws out the congestion, cures prompt- ly. small sire. 25c.. at all storekeepers and ' druggists or The Catarrhozou Co., falo. N. Y. CANCER. TTMOHS. LL'UP* internal and external, rnred out pin br our home rrrntmcnt ui before too late Dr. Bellman U Co.. Limited. Coitlnawond. Ont KTO. wi'.b- Writ* 1 I ALL STONK3. KID.NEr AMU d>r btones. Kidney tronble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Iteraedr. Sauol." price II 50. Another arw remedy for ninbi-tci WrllitiM. and suro cure, Is ' Banol's And l).bete." Price t? 00 from dnitrfflsts or direct The Kanol llinufse. taring Compsnr of Cinada. Limited. Winnlnesr. Man. nilMON-OLKAMIB er 0V EO PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Tour drugglet will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any ens* ! Ilob lug. Blind. Blcodiug or frotrud.ua I'.ies ... i 10 14 day*, sue. Some men would rather run for office than earn a decent liviug. Minard's Liniment Cures Ca/sot In Cow*. Tleligloii iti Russia. A uew religion has just been launched in Russia by lliodor, the famous vagrant dissenter. Tho catechism for the new sect lliodor has disclosed to a few of his follow- ers in the desert of Florishcya. The main principles of the doctrine ire a platonic. love Biat shall ex- tend to all peoples, irrespective of race or nationality, a communistic life for all believers, free marriage and free divorce, and a service con- sisting of hymus to be sung to rea- son, freedom, the earth, water and forests. Special holidays arc ar ranged to do honor to Buddha, (Vn-- fucius, Mahonu't, Tolstoy and Christ. Seven holidays a year are ret aside in honor of Vhrist. A sound thinker, however, usu- ally does his thinking in (silence. Chinese Logic. Another instance of what seems to us the topsyturvy way of doing tilings in China is told, according j to the Washington Star, by Bishop j Lewis of Foocliow. A gentleman entered a Chinese shop to purchase tea. He found, to his amazement, that five pounds of a certain tea cost two dollars and a half, whereas ten pounds of the same brand cost seven dollars and a half. Tlie gentleman protested at these j.;.os, but the shopkeeper insisted that they were perfectly logical. As he put it : "More buy, more rich more rich, more can pay." Comparative Cost of Those Which Have Been Lately Built. The competition in the building of warships continues with unabated energy, in spite of the growing anx- iety to which it gives rise : but in this country, at least, it is accepted with a large measure of composure. TheTfainTly remedy for~Couh and Colds, because it is seen to be inevitable, "SbJloh cost, to littlo^and do so muchr ^^ E ug i neer i n g. There is cer- . , taiulv here less hesitancy and more A young man about to be married . ' ral acccptance O f the situation asked his father how he got on so han ^ WM ^^ tlme lt well with ms wife. Ihe old man con- sidered a moment or two, and then he said: "It's like this, John. If your wife is a good woman, let her have her own way. and if she is a bad one she'll take it." Men's Suits H**t Work in C&nadx Qnld M*l*lit GRIT. 31 AMERICAN DYEING CO. P BOX. 233. MONTR- A. penditure in construction and in arm>r protection. Again, the de- iK-t large fumily size bottle. :oc. ; s ig, le< j power of each of the German is 52.000 horsepower, with knots was to be realized. The two British cruisers, on the other hand, were to be fitted with machinery of 70.000 horsepower, to give a designed speed of 2S knots. It is known that in all cases the de- signed h-peed was exceeded. BRITISH AND (i HUMAN Thu Iiict o Minute Jllol tt I'llilult can be cured by using inedy no medicine no operation, remedy does not profess to cure I piles, but is a. certain cure for protruding piles. Discovery was made by sufferer ol M years' standing, who ia now quite well. Full instructions on receipt of $1.00. WM. B. OXLBY. 294 Berkeley St.. Toronto is interesting, if not gratifying, to on the fact that the cost of heavy task imposed upon Bri- is lighter than in other coun- tries. The two European countries which are building nu-st extensive- Sufferers from i b' are Britain and Germany, and protruding or I the figures published in the new bleeding pilej Q ern)nn >favy estimates afford means of comparing the cost of the latest ships. These figures, too, are of still wider significance, as they Maypole Soap FOR HOME DYEING Wuhet and dyn at one opetation, giv- ing remarkably clean, blight, fast colots. Dy cotton, wool, nilc of mix- tutes. 24 colon, will give any ihsde. Colon lOc. black 1 5c at y mi, dealet's or postp'd with b'k- let "How to Dye' i'om p. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal Turn* 'ac lou|r than out from -,. ii..: xtpcl bar. cncloMd. protect d and run tn oil. H . BIX fMt of new tyl flxlble shaft and otltbrtlsdMsw. |-. 11 ,. < tnneloti .',..' lload. Q*t on* from yur dottier, eT^ry niM*.tl!il9 FLBX'Ba,E SHAFT CO. Salt* -r :ui oiorcr and o'.hcr. Uaara re*U iii Jkl>. 4. may be accepted also as in some measure' indicative of the cost of shipbuilding work generally in the : two countries. We admit the diffi- ' culty of ensuring reliability in. such comparisons, as variants enter into 'the problem: but it is p<vssibl to i arrive at such a degree of tlefmite- new as to indicate, without ques- tion of grave error, the general con- i elusion that tho Hritish Admiralty ! are getting their ships of the line at a much less price thaa is paid by tho German naval authorities. The figures applicable to tho Gor- 1 man battle-evuisers Go->bcii and Srydlitz may be tompared with \ those for the Lion and the Princess ri"ynl. Tho designs, of course, dif- fer. The British ships arc certain- ly larger, have greater speed, and as to their armament it may at least be said that the offensive power ,-f tho British ships is not inferior to (hat of the Genpnn vi>^:t>'c. T'v - latter cost the first named -2.20,5,- 000, and the other, and later, ves- sel 3.23-1.000. Tho cost of rho Lion was 2,068.000, and of the Princess Royal '->. 013,888. \Ve have there- fore, a clear gain of quite eight per c--tit. in favor of tho British ships, without considering tho difference in design. The Gernnn cruisers have a'length of 610% fort, and n displacement of 2-.MKK) tons ;t he Bri- tish ships have a length of PGO foot, and a displacement of 26.300 tonr.. There, fhould thus be n o>n side n '.>'( difference in favor <. f the (.ii-rr.i.vi ships, fi.r in hull c.nistr.iri'.o-i \'.\- iu length involves higher ex- Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station matter at Wellington, on the Prince Edward Island Railway, says : " Ftour years ago I slipped In the) station nud fell on a fi eight truck, sustaining a bad cut on the front ot my leg. I thought this would heal, but instead of doing so It developed Into a bad ulcer, and later Into a form of eczema, which spread very rapidly and also started on tho other leg. Both legs became so swollen nnd aore that I could only go about my work by haviug them tautUgeJ. My doctor said I must stop work and lay up. "After six monilw of this troubls 1 consulted another doctor, but witU no better result. I tried all the salves, liniments and lotions I heard of, but instead of getting better I got worso. " This wag my condition when I got iny first box of Zam-13uk. Greatly to my delight that first bos gave me re- lief. I continued to apply It to the sores, and day by day they got better. I could see that at last I had got hold of something which would cure me, and !n the end It did. " It Is now over a *ear since Zam- Buk worked a euro In my case, and there has bcoa no return of the eczema." Such Is tho nature of the great cnrea which Zam-Buk la dally effecting. Purely herbal In composition, thia great balm Is a sure euro for all skin dlsoases, cold sores, chapped hands, frost bit?, ulcers, blood-poisoning, vari- cose sores, piles, scalp sores, ring- worm, Inflated patches, cuts, burns and bruises. All druggists and stores sell ot 50j box, or post free from Zain-Bufc Co., upoa receipt of price.

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