Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1913, p. 4

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March 13 1913 THE J< L E S H E It r O N ADVANCE T H Km / leoiicrtou Clfcumicc An independent newspaper, published every Ttmrsilay at lh>> office, Ci>llin(tw<><>d Struct, Fleslierton. Subscription price $1 per annum, when paid in advance; $l.f>J wlit-n not en paid Advertising rated on application. Circulat.un 1.100 weekly. W. M. Thuraton - Editor WILL HE BE PROV. TREASURER ? Win. McD.-nal-.l. editor <( the Chesley Enterprise, in a number cf His Majesty'* Loyal Opposition in the Ontario Legis- lature. Mr. M'.-DonVd spends his weik ends at home and i . i. - iii . i the editorial columns of the EntfipriN.-. Being right <ni the legislative Imttle ground he linJs plenty to write about and knows In-v tu deal with public questions. In last weeU'.s issue of the Enter; use lu> 1ms this to say of the K.ist Grey reprrsenla- life's prospects fur the position of Pro- vincial Treasurer : " Who will succeed the hie Hun. Mr. Mitheson as Provincial Treasurer .' The job i- v. i. i'ii $5<KiO per annum and there are at least a score on tlu* government side who would not object to trying to till the vacant portfolio satisfactorily. Last session when Hon. Mr. Matheson was hick the budget speech was made by Hon. I. B. Lucas, and he has been en- trusted by the premier with the same duty this yeir. If tlu members of the Opposition had their way, I. B. Lucas, who represents Centre Grey, would en- joy the salary as well as the distinction of " Hon." which he nlieady possesses. The only thing thttt stands in the way of " Ilcey " Lucas, " lie is familiarly called being promoted to the Treasurer-hip, is that he is not an eastern Ontario mm. However, at the close of th's nessi >n there will be ether changes on account of Attorney General Foy's desire to rlire on account of ill health, and then Hon. I. B. Lucas will get a portfolio. He is |topular on both sides of the house, never loses hii temper, and when his department is being >ti tacked ho cuines tutck at his opponents with rapier 1 ke thrusts, provoking biuile | Living around the corners of a mischevious looking boyish an u h all the while." HOCKEY On Tueday evening i.f last week Durham hockey tenn came over here and played a gaum with the Flesherton team. Hie pUy waa very much one-aided, ie- sult iir,' in a score of 1!) to 4 in favor of the honif team. Thu Durham boys were very much surprised al what they ran up against here and had numerous excuses tu iiller for their dfu:it, the main thing bein({ that about half their regular team could not get ;iway and substitutes were callud on. The Chronicle has this to say of the match : "\Vo regret fury much to chronicle the untimely dumixc of our junior hockey team, who were moht cruelly massacred on Tuesday night by the Flesherton neptclte, is a game, at that place. The mil score wus 1!) to 4, in furor of Fleshcrt.m. Where the "4" came from we don't know. To do the boys justice > however, it should be staled that at the last moment they wore disappointed, nnd tiad to BO minus about half their regular Irani, who could lot getotf f.'tr the trip. We understand a return j>ame is being arranged for next week, which should prove a livu one. Fleshurton has a good junior team, the best in that section of the country, and with a full line-up for the Durhams it should be a battle royal when they come together. Weekly Report Of Flesherton High School FOKM J. Science F Bunt 8, E Wright i<5, t McPhnil (iO, H I , i . , , , i 5!>, A (inudin 57, W Scilley 51, 55 Bcnihum 5(1, R Me- Lirmi 40, L Tiueman 42, M Wright 32, N TYotnr 28, M WiutcrsSli. Bookkeeping F Bunt 79, L Mcl'hail 78, X Bentham 04, W Scilley 47, M ulit 4>, A (jaudin 41, U McLaren 40, K Wriht 4(1, L Truoman 35, H LeGanl 2. M Winters 28, N Teeter 21. Grammar XulU Bi'iithnin 7U, Florence Bunt 77, Lillian McPliail 73, Klinur Wright 72, Kebfcca McLaren 6!l, Minnie W liters 68, Winnio Scilley 05, Nelt'O Tevter (15, Adelaide Uitudin 02, Herbert iurd Gl, Mauiico Wriglit 111, Lydia Ti ' ii n and Siidie Smart absent. FORM II Bookkeeping G White 97, Uarvcy Shnnk 87, T Orr 83, P Dealt io 77. H Field 71, V Stafford lid, L Boattie f>3, K McMillan 50, D Thurston 48, E Wrijjlt 4, M Boyd 4:,, S Hawkins 44, Hiwel Shunk 43, M Siatf'ird 4?, S Orr 40, R >Spencer 38, V Cornfield 36, E Spencer 30, M Legate 28, I Wilson 25, M Hen- derson 23. Science M Sufl'oid 73, < White 72 E \V light 71, P Beattie (!6, Harvey Shunk Go, V Station! (15, H Field C">, Hazel Shunk (i4, L Beuttie (10, M Boyd CO, K McMillan ><(, D Tiiurston 59, M LcK*te 57, V Scilley 55, S Orr 54. T On 53, R Spencer 50, I Wilson 4'^. M Hnn derson 43, V CorntulJ 41, E Sfencer HO S Hawkon 30. (iraimniir-O Wliito 87, K Wright 80, M Boyd 84, K McMillan 77, M Legate 7(i, H Spencer 72, L Beattie 72, S Haw- kin 71, TOrr 69, Harvey Shunk 8, P Beattie 05, Era Spencer 02, Viva Scilley 62, V Stafford 1, V Cornfield CO, M Henderson alsenr. FORM III. History W Kernnhan 83, L Bunt 71, K K Wilcock70, A Wright <, A Mc- Millin Ii5, M McLout;hry 2, L Ellison &>. I Mitchell 01, X Lawler 50, E Loucks :nid L Legate absent. Composition L Bunt 87, ^ \Vr : glit 811, M McLcu 'hry 2, I Mitchell 7!, L Ellison 7'i, A McMillan 7^>, X Lawlor(8, L Lej-ate (14, K Wilcock >2, E Loucks 40, W Kenmlmn absent. C'hemutry L Ellison 74, / Lawlor73, A. McMillan 72, E. K. Wilcock 60, M. McLoughry 00, L. Bunt 59, A. 59, I. Mitchell 50, K. Loucks Legate 31 John Greenaway of Kaxt (jarafraxa took a corrosive-sublimate tublet by mistake for a candy on Friday, and had a narrow uacape limn fatal poisoning KealiziBg his mistake on feeling mck he MI- taken to a doctor'n where a stomach pump removed what wag left of the poison. Death came with sudden summons to '.Mi- James Johnston of Colbeck district. Although in her 80th year she wisa smart ctive woman, able to attend her house- bold duiiei and also much of the work levi>l win.' i. n the woman of the farm. These nbe had completed, prepared the the Hupper and sat down when without die least warning ! dropped over and expired. While working on tha bridge hero on Tuesday, David lllgfjias lsl his balance nd falling off the hridqe broka through the ice io the river below. A lot of ex- citement w.i- occasioned in rescuing him from the deep, an he was fast going down stream wken ho was fished from the Saugeen. As a result of the cdld bath and the bad Hhakinu up bo sustain- d, he will be under the care of the C. I'. II. physician, Dr Fia.sur, for a few days. Bruce Herald. A warrant is out for the arrest of a Mono man on a charge of ubuiing hia daughter. It is naid that he had a rope around hnr neck uml hwl ht'r half choked when nt-igbors interfered, Huyh Oinlmm, ir,'eil 75, one cf Iho best known men in Kinenrdine, WBH found sittirg duail iu lii-- cb-iii 1 ;ifu-r no* l:avin-.' In" " s*on aruili-d for ;i week, lie i-, >n -liuvod to Imve been dtad sovor.d days. I >,TCfif fil w,t.s , widosvi-r, -ind Intd onu sun living in the .Si < When Doctors Disagree Consult an Nervousness headaches sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing 1 can effect a permanent cure that does not remove the cause. That i.'- what our scientifically fittfd glasses d>, W. A. Armstrong. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDUV Hisket leaves Tuesday niiiht, delivery Friday ewni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING We are )>enlH for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. Wright 47, L. Two Owen Sound yuunu men attempt- ed to conficatc .some liiguor which was uuder seixurc and foutid thuiiii elves fiiced with a tine of |50 uud rnstH. The youni; men have disuppuared from their ii-ii. il h.-iuuta. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR NEW SPRING GOODS ThiK week we place on sale the first arrivals of our Spring oods. We think you will~l>e pleased with our selections and the good values . we offer. By all ni3ans see them. PRINTS A big range of new patterns in a M inch wide, soft finished, English cloth, free from dressing, fast washing, in spots, stripes and fancy designs. The colorings include blacks, whites, reds, blues, greys and pinks. Special 10 and 12c GINGHAMS A wide choice in Anderson's Celebrated Scotch Ginghams, 27 inches wide, fast colors, beautiful colorings, in plaids, large and small checks and, plviu colors, greys, blues, pJnks, tans and fancy designs. The cloth you usually pay 15c for. Special 12c. Dress Goods and Suitings This season corded effects are supreme. The new patterns we show are largely of this design and include Bedford cords and diagonal weaves in a great variety of colors and textures. Tans, browns, blues, greens, reds and greys are all repretented. A large number come in individual dress lengths, no two alike, and all are moderately priced. iiOc to $2. per yd. YA RD WIDE SILKS This is a most popular width as it cuts to such good advantage. We show all the popular shades, black, white, cream, tuscan, champagne, tan, brown, navy, sky grey, etc., in a Paillette, non-cutting silk, rich soft and lustrous in an extra heavy weight. Special $1.00 per yard. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS CREDIT AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock nnd Implement**. Geo. Grummett Lnt 28, Con. 3 N. D. R., Ouproy, las instructed the unilei-signed to sell by Public Auutiun on Tuesday, March 18, 1913 The Following, vm. : REGISTERED CLYDK NORSES Fashion Quoun, imp. (127IM). fnnlrd 1U02, in fl to 1'rodoininuut. Unlly Quoen [BUM], fmiU-d 1907, in fol to King Clmttiui. Fortune Quuen [25912], foaled 1910. Draught buy inure rising H years oM, Agricultural sonvl inaro rising 7 yuiirp, in t"ii to Vital Spark ; Drought horse 1 iin< ' '2 years old by Km. 1 Chattan, Ag- ricultuntl bay iniiru rising 2 yuurs old by Albion's Glory, Auriculluritl black nuro rising 2 years old by Albion'H Glory, Guiiuriil PurjioHO bay nmro risint? 2 yriit-a old by Newton Don, 2 Agricultural buy hnrHo colts 1 your old by Albion's Glory, Driving horse rising 7 years old l>y 0u- thier, Diaught hone rising 4 years old by Km;; Chattan, Draught IIOIHC risitiu 1 years old by King Chattan. Rot;iHtered Durham Cattle Dalcsido Rose, 7D31, Vol. 24, with calf at fo.it 3 months old ; Mildred Rose, :trd, 'is.,|n, Vol. 29 ; Snow Flako, !771, Vol. L' ; Rose of Mii|)leview, 97'.U5, Vol. ii9 ; Rosalee, 02815. Vol. 21 ; Hull, Osproy Squire, rising 2 yi ., old : 2 sleera n ,m 2 yra old, 3 heifurn rising 2 years old, 20 Oxford Down Ewes, Berkshire sow and 9 | >!:;. Berk shire boar, 8 store p'g>, Number of hena and Black Mnuica cookerelii. I ir.-i in binder, 7ft 2ut ; Deering mower, 5ft cut, nearly new ; Brantford iin.wri ; Doering rake, lOft widn ; Frost & Wood Tedder, nearly now ; Denri.i buy loader, nearly new ; Deering manure Hproadur, nearly new ; Deei ing cultivator with seen, and .nun box ; Massey-Hiirris disc harrow ; Peter Hamilton 12-hoe drill, with cultivators ; Sett 12-bull harrowa ; No. 7 Wilkinson plow, No. 4, Wilk inson plow, Verity ;:.-m^ plow, Scutfler, Tolton pea hnrvcstor, with linn. In i ; Chatham fanning mill, with liv :..! ; I'lHIII II Hc<llel, - 1 .ISN ..rnl BOWOr, pulpur, 2 lutomatic sprayers, wagon, grain rack, utock rack and wagon box, democrat, buggy, cart, 2 cutters, sett driving sleighs, sett heavy Hleighs, nearly rew; cutting box, sheep clipping iiiHchini!, Melotto cream separator, Ueliornerc, 2 sett heavy ImrnoHs, plow biinii's-,, 2 sett singln harnusa, blankots, number of horse collars, bells, waddle, robe, grind stone, 1 ncylhes, furlm, rakes, gram cradle, cook stovo, shot gun, quantity potatoes nnd olhor articlcsr Lunch will lio provided for those comijiy from a distimco. Salo to commuiico at 1 o'c'ock sliui[i. TKUMS F,.wl nntl all luins <>1 ^.."Mi and nndci, r.-ish ; over that tuntiunt HI months' credit will be given on furnish- ing appaved joint notis. f> pi'r tent. per iiniiiiiii oil' for ciish in lieu i f n itM, Win. KaiUiiiK, Auctioneer. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at tlic present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of tins advertisement will only cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to luy your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody want:). Springs and Mattresses to fit all bt'ds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleq' iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. Look ! Listen ! Just received a lot of Fine Spring Suitings. $'23.00 Suits selling at $19.50. Also a new range of Overcoats and Spring and Summer Pantings. Come early and get your new Spring Suit at the Tp- To-Date Tailor Shop C. BLAKELEY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building 'THE HABIT OF CAREFUL DRESSERS' CEYLON'S Bl i S T Y , STORE Special for This Week in Furs ! Men's Fur Coats, ?28.00 for 8*2.00 Ladies' Fur Coat, $30.00 fjr $19.00 Rufls and Stoles, $8.50 for j 5 50 Ruffs and Stoles, 87.00 for $5 CO Ruffs and Stoles, f 6. 50 for |4 50 Clack Fur curly Caperine, long front, with four tails on, for . . . 84.50 Mutf, 812.00, for g J We have our new Clover and Grass Seed in now. Get it early and get the best. I YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED I ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT Wed*slre to call the attention of all tho affliutnl with any Blood or Skin DIMUO to our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed euro fur these complaiuts. There ia no ex- cuse for any person having a disfigured face from eruptions ftod blotches. ?>'o matter whether hereditary or acquired, our sin- He remedies and treatment neutralize all poi- sons In the blood and ezpi-1 them from the Bystem. on r vast experience la the treat- ment of thousands of the most serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a cure without experimenting. We do business on tlie plan Par Only for the Benefit You Derive. If you have any blood disease, con- sult us Free of ('homo and let us prove to you how quickly our remedies will remove all evidences of disease. Under the influence of the New Method Treatment the skin be- comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands ar reduced, fallen out hair grows In again, the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the victim realizes a uew life 1 him. ' lias opened up to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Smd for Booklet on Diwase* of Ms "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If onible to call, write for - Question List for Homo Treatment DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si. Detroit, Mich. M ATI I* E" V -3U1 letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in .Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o patient* in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters aa follows; DM. KENNEDY ft KENNEDY. Windsor, Ont, Write to oar private address. < Jas. %>attison (f- syfo/t FARM TO RENT Lot 2, Con. U, S. D. It. Artcmesiii, . "iii mini" SO u. -i . of hind ill food stale. <>t cultivation, BrBt-olsil wntu in drilli'd well, Kond liuildini;*, one mile from 1'iicoville. Apply l<> MRS. DONALD MoARTHUR. Townlii i'. l*i ieevillo Pure Bred Holstcin Bull Chaiij;t:li:iij Pr'nccJoe rind by Changflint; I'.uMer liny nut of Tidy AbliAork I'linco^s Jospphlns, Thu giv.-itefl butter I ' i ;ns of s.'i-vico - for pun- bn I. <:KM. IKub I I spp s xtrnin fcnown. 2 for gruk-;, |C SON, Pu>pi., 1'nU i !r tnlidi. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT nO acrep. Lot 1152, cmi 0, Arlemesia. never failing |)fiiiK, well foncod, 15 acres of Tnnbor, lh rout in p.-isturo over 15- yoai'H, good slock farm. Would wll on oisy terms for tiuiek 8'ile.. Apply to J.uncs Nn-h, Irish Lake. \\ O. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH ORIon and I!<-si(U.uc(v-4S. Oth St. East,! OlM'll Sollll Hours!) to 12 a.m., l.UO to 4.:!0 \,.\n. 7 to 8 p.m. Other horns by app J. & W. BOYD GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT. Notwithstanding the fact that we are selling out still we continue to receive shipments of goods that have been bought for Spring Delivery and which we are putting on sale at very close prices Every department fully sorted up with new goods. For the next thirty days we are offering goods at prices never before heard , of iu Flesherton, Everybody come and get a share of the bargains at Boyrt'a closing out sale Millinery Opening -ON- Thursday and Saturday MARCH 20 and 22 A full range of New Stock . Ladies' headwear made to order to order on short wotice or sold to you from stock. MISS ANDREWS In charge of the show room. We guarantee satisfaction in every line of goods wo sell. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. &W. BOYD FLESHERTON, - ONT. . . * -

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