March 13 1913 THE FLESHERTONADVANCE The STANDARD BANK of CANADA STATEMENT CONDENSED From Retort to Dominion Government, 31st Jan., 1913 RESOURCES Cuh on hand and Note* and Cheques of other Banks . . $5,541.652.65 Government Deposit to secure Circulation ...... 110.000.00 DuebyBanb 362.213.99 Government, Municipal and other Debentures .... 2.766.192.18 Call Loans on Bonds, etc. . . 2,50 1 .087.30 Loans and Discounts . . . 28.896.667.57 Bank Premises, Head Office and Branches 996.029.01 Otha Asseb ..... 58.645.22 LIABILITIES Capital $2,429.275.00 Reserve Fund, Surplus Profits and Reserved lor Interest . 3.310.791.77 Dividend. ....... 77.597.55 GrcuUmon 2.339.643.00 Deposit. Bank. . ...... 1,060.027.59 $41,234,487.92 $41,234.487.92 Trains follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.30p.m. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station as Going North The mails are closed at Flesherton aj j discovered to be in W. W F. G. Karstedt's spring millinery op- ening will take place un Wednesday and Thursday of next wet k, March 19 and '20. An early morning blaze and the lire 11.28 ! bell startled tho citizens about 7.30 8.58p. in. | o'closk on Friday morning. The fire was in W. W. Trimble's follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j residence and caught from a stovepipe 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at j M wjl handg ^ ^ on 3.40 o'clock. For morning tram south . . mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g scene and succeeded in subduwg the bre, ^^^^^^^^_^_^___^___^___^_ , but not until considerable damage was done to the premises. The contents were all removed and considerable injury to furniture resulted. The house ia a brick, owned by Strain Bros, of Mon- tana, and was insured. There was no insurance on the contents. Nest Sabbath, Maich 1(3, the pastor of the Methodist church speaks at morning worship on the 6th chapter of Revelation "The sealed roll opened." Evening, "Conseience as related to God," with il- lustrations from the life of the great David Livingston, missionary, scientist, explorer, whose 1 ist written words were : " All I can aay in my solitude ia, may heaven's richest blessing come down on every one American, English. Turk who will help to heal i his open sore (the slave trade) of the world." The whole civilized world commemorate* the Liv- ingstone centennial March 1'J, 1913 Kv- VICINITY CHIPS Miss Dowdle is visiting her grand- mother, Mrs. White. Mr. "Leslie Norris of Prince Albert, Susk., is visiting with his mother, Mrs. White, in town. Miss Annie Waller ia spending a couple of months with her sister, Mrs. McFadden, at Mono Centre. Mr. Donald McLeod, ei-D.-p. Reeve of Artemesia, is attending Orange Grand Lodge at Windsor this week as represen- tative for the county. Mis. Edward Thompson, who has been visiting here for the pat month, returned Odds and Ends> SRSK 72SSS SOCIALS AND CONCERTS The Indies of Rock Mills Baptist church will hold a box sociil at the home of Mrs. Hoy, Kock Mills, on Thursday, March 13. LidieH with boxes free. The Vandeleur Women's Institute are having their annual social on March 14 in the school house. A good program, consisting of dialogue?, recitations, sing- ing, vocal and instrumental music. A U"ud time is expected. Door.s open at 7 p.m., program at 8. Admission Adults 25c, childien lac. ARTICLES FOR SALE Read peas fur sale, Sword variety, of i en nine and tea pens in a pod. Price $1.25 per bushel. W. S. Inkster, Wareham. Horses for sale For sale at lot 34, con. 5, 1 good working horse also 1 r good working mare, single or double. H. R. Dyson, Flesherton p. o. I on Wednesday to her wood. home in Colling- eryone is welcomed. At a 'congregational meeting of this circuit, held m Chalmers' church on Monday afternoon, it was decided to ex- tend a call to the Rev. Archibald M Vicar of Earrie pus'jjtery The sti- pend is the new minimum of 91(000, with free manse and vacation. Mr. McVicar in highly recommended by those who know him. He is at present in a good charge, but desires high school advantages which are afforded here. Mr. T. R. McKenzie was appointed to support the call with the moderator before the Presbytery of Orangeville, on Tuesday. church, Flesherton, on March 5 at 3.30 | p or | , s certainly soaring these dys. p. m. by Rev. H. E. Wellwood, B. A., j Lust shipping day the price paid here B. D., Henry Coulthard and Miss Alice j wa , $9.26, while other points paid 8'J Hannah Healey, both of Feverbham.were i aBa $9.15. This week the price has united in marriage. gone up another 25 cents to $9.50, The managers of the skating rink will give a carnival on Friday evening of this week, March 14, weather permiltinR. For full particulars see posters. Mrs. R. Bentham entertained a number of young people last Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Will Nixon, who left the following morniu* {or their home at Ogema, S>vsk. Messrs. Ed. Thompson and Fred Mathewsou are attending Orange Grand Lodge at Windsor this week, the former as representative for L. 0. L. 883 and the latter as county representative. Coulthard Healey In the Methcdist Young Shorthorn Bull forSile Cheap if taken at once G. H. Burke, Maxwell Postottice. SasKatchewan Land for Sale 600 .icres improved luiil close to good thriving town in Saskatchewan. Will exchange for Eastern property. Apply to H. C. Pedwell, Fevershani, Out. Fur Sale cheap and on easy terms, good 9-rooir.ed brick dwelling in Flesherton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two cond lots with same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. l&Iartf For Sale Filly riling 2 years, eot by Cairnbrotiie Sump. John E. Wright, lot 137, 3rd R., S WT and S Road. For Sale McCormick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acres. Will be sold cheap. W. .1. Meads, Ceylon P. O. The poultry meeting held in the town hall on Tuesday afternoon was largely attended and deep interest evinced therein. The speaker wus Mr. McCul- lough of the Guelph Agricultural college. We will endeavor to give a fuller report next week. Mr. Geo. Walter had one of the most successful sales ever held in this dintrict at Kimberley on Tuesday of last week. The proceeds netted $3,400. Of coune there was a large quantity of good stock and implements, but Mr. Walter retained two of his polled atigus cows and a horse. The family is now domiciled in Flesher- ton. A sail death occurred at Priceville on Wednesday of last week, March 5, when Mr, Cbas. McKinnon passed away. About five months ago the young mau was married to Mies EIU Lever, daughter of Mr. Win. Lever of the Eait back line. Mr. McKinnon was 29 years of age. The funeral took place to Price- ville cemetery on Saturday, March 8. Much sympathy i extended to the young widow. A letter received thi week by a gentleman in town states that the family of Mr. Andrew Graham, who moved from the valley to Saskatchewan two years ago, are all down with smallpox except Mrs. Graham. Two physician* are in attendance. There are sevon children down with the disease, but the two younger are convalescing. One little boy, Ernest, is at pnsent down here vUiting his grandparents. Mr. Grahim's many friends here will be sorry to learn of the calamity that has befallen him. The Spring Assizes will open in Owen Sound on Tuesday, March 18, when Ihe Love murder trial will be the most im- portant case on the docket. The Owen Sound papers say Love still retains all the nerve he exhibited at the preliminary hearing hero. Some time ago Love sent a commuioation to this paper asking for financial assistance. In response to this appeal The Advance only received one 60-cent piece, the- public evidently h;iv- ing decided that the Crown will see to it that the accused man lu* n f*ir trial without -individuals coming to his aid. A larfte number of witnesses have been summoned to appear and give tvulcn. e at tho probably the highest price on record for Ontario. thing that Fleshertou can claim with justice is a good stock market. Some weeks ago a representative of one of the Toronto firms came here to buy in opposition to our stock buyers, bu c about imr week sickened him and he departed with a whole purse fu 1 of ex- perience but no profits. Our buyers are juite capable of taking care of tho trade here. [SOCIAL E VENTS On Friday evening last, about twenty of the young people wear, out on a suow shoeing tramp, and on their return to town were entertained by Miss Mabel Boyd in her home. Every person pro- nounced it a very jolly evening . On Monday evening Miss* Lillian Armstrong entertained about a dozen of the young people her own age. On Thursday afternoon last Bob Thompson, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Phillips, received the rite of baptism in their home in the presence of eighteen guests. AUCTION SALES A credit auction sale of furm stock, implements and household furniture will be held on lot 7, con. 7, Osprey, on Friday, March 14,the property of Thorn- ton Pallister. Sale at 1 o'clock p. ru, Win. Kaiitiug, auctioneer. An auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 1 , con. 9, Osprey, on Friday, March 21, the property of Mr. D. NV. Clinton. Win. Kaittiog, auctioneer. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADB MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIG HTS 4C. Anyone sending netob and fltwHptkmmjjr auimlr ii-wortala our opinion froa wlieilior an invention Is pn>bahly pntoii' nMo, communion- - " -entlnl. HANDBIJOK i'n "" lions itrioturoonodwi Patents tjiUcu tlmiuijo Mil nil tpfciiil noMctf, without cbnrgo, iu tlio) Scientific fliwricati. Illustrated weekly. _ y BcteiiiMio ^a'H^lI^ f-Vtt roar. all uen Brain. Lai-Real oir- Ter ( ! 11 f, t ' )r Svld by HILL BROS, MARKDALE Our Store is Full of New Spring Merchandise of All Kinds The best assortment we have ever shown in Boots and Shoes, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Prints, Clothing, Gent's Furnishings and House Furnishings. Our values are right. Before buying elsewhere give us a look. It will pay you. If you buy from us we both save money. Special Showing of New Curtains, Madras, Bungalow Nets and Scrims We have just opened the largest assortment of Curtain Materials ever in Markdale. We have nearly every thing you could ask for, the olurings and designs are beautiful, and prices are rock bottom. See our window display. CURTAINS from per Pair 48c to 85.00 BUNGALOW NETS, from per Yard 15c to 50c. SCRIMS and ART MUSLINS from per Yard lOo to 35c. Look them over and wo are sure you will agree with us that they are the best value you have ever seen. .- ( l?! I We have a largo range of new Prints and Ginghams in plaids, in ility. Our stock is complete at present. See them now. Ginghams and Prints stripes nnd plain colors in both lOc and 12ic. For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in tirst class condition and repair, with hard and soft water. Will sell very ?heap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Flesher- ton, Ont. Nov7tf Ab. Brino colt for sale, rising 2 yrs.old, from sp'eedy registered mare. R. Rich- ardson. Flesherton. Wood Wanted Five cords dry and en cords green at this office. Stallion colt rising two years old for .ile, would take young driver for part lay. J. Williamson, Ceylon P.O. O.A.C. No. 21 seed barley, good clean leed, for sale. W. J. Meads, Ceylon P.O., lot 29, O.D.R. Telephone in mined ion. DRESS GOODS We have added many new lines fur spring selling t our dress goods department. The ucweat weaves that money can buy at the beat possible prices. See the new Bedford Curd in Black and White Stripe, the newest goods on the market. Specially priced for early buyers at, yard, 48c. New Two-Tone Whip Cord in differat colorings, A 1 quality, 54 in. goods, selling at per yard. .?1.25 New Serges iu all the newest colorings, moderately priced per yd., from 50c to 1 CORSETS ! CORSETS ! We handle the Celbrated P & C Corset one i the bent known lines of Corsets in Canada for style and Quality We have a complete ranee for, pair, from 50c. to $2 25o. Ask to sue line No. 115, the best 91 Shown in Canada to-day. Trunks, Suit Cases and Grips |)(| People going West who naed a Trunk or Suit Case can find the best assortment in town in our Hardware Depart- I i|l ment. Trunks priced from $1.98 to 3.50 and Suit Cases from 31.50 to $15.00. 1 I I M if I We are clearing many lines of Winter Merchandise At sacrifice prices too numerous to mention. we can save you money on your percluses. When in need HILL BROS. MARKDALE. MISCELLANEOUS Waniod Boy or man foi the summer months. Apply o R. W. Vause, 'eylon p. o., telephone in connection. Wanted -Small farm to rent or would take larger one on shares. Jsmos Hopps, Flesherton. Found In Flesherton Feb. 10, a child's rubber. Advance office. on Sunday, Call at The Chopping 4c per 100 Ibs. until further notice. Grain must be clean. Every- body welcome. P. Loncks, Klesherton. Accounts Thos. BUkelev ifc Co. must be paid at once save costs. J. & W. Boyd. I am prepared to do chopping again this winter in Maxwell, eveiydty except- ing Wednesday. Evciybody come. M. K 1 1 "ii. For Sale The undersigned offers for a'e three lots in the village of Ceylon.on which are erected a Rood one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with stone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, prica right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound, or W. J. ; rlUmy, Flesherton. IHE mm. Corrected Each Carefully Wheat Oats ...................... 33 *o Peas ................ 1 12 to 1 Barley .............. 55 to Hay . ............... 10 OOjto " Butter. Week tu M J;J IS 55 10 00 20 tc 20 Eags, fresh Potatoes per bag Geese Ducks Fowl 20 i 50 to 13 to 13 .o , HI to R. D. Meldrum, marriage licenses. Portlaw, issuer of Chopping 4c per 100 Ibs. until further notice. Grain must be clean. Every- body welcome. P. 1 .neks. Give a guess Some one will get a beautiful 7-piece china berry set for nothing if you guess the right number between 1 and 72. See them at the Flesherton grocery. W. Buskin. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 82500 twenty-five hundred dollars will buy the west half of lot No. 2 and part of the north west quarter of No. 1, all on the 4th c.>u. of Euphrasia, contain- ing about 125 acres. There is supposed tu be ninety acre* cleared, the balance good hardwood bush maple, beech and elm. There is on the property a frame house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw house with stono foundation under it, also wood shed, driving shed, pig pen and ben house. There are also two or- e-bards on the fiirm growing different kinck of fruit apples, pears, plums, cherries and grapes. This farm is well fenced with wire and patent fencing. It is alno well watered with water in nearly every field. There is ;i never-failing t]nmj4 within 4Dy:u\ls i'f the h< u-e This tiirin is within <>m> mile of the thriving of KimWili'.v. For fuvt.hor par- . ; N ' \\IKs sTl'AUT Turneys ................... 22 to 22 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lots 79-80, 1 N.D.R., Artemesia, con- taining 90 acres, 86 cleared, well fenced and well watered, in good s'Jite of culti- vation, one mile from Warehmn school and post office, four miles from Proton station ; good frame barn 5(5x58 on stone foundation ; drive shed 20x30, good com- fortable house, small orchard. Will take small payment down. Apply 15Feb -W. J. HENDERSON Or W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton Fresh Goods For Everybody ! Five Roses Flour, Dundalk White Rose, Markdale Perfection Brand, Morning Glory, Bran. Shorts, wheat, chop and chicken feed. Fresh Oysters, Fish ane Herring, Canned Goods Salmon, Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, and allkiuds o t fresh groceries at lowest prices. Lake Salmon 9c per Ib. Georgian Bay Herring 20c. 1 ( r c!( / ( >r $4.00 for a keg of 100 pounds. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Fesherton Agent Wanted! FOR FLESHERTON To sell for "The Old Reliable" The Fonthill Nurseries Orders now being taken for Spring delivery 1913. Prospects bright for the season's trad). . We instruct forftx>fit Exponent* - our salesman how to s!i Fruit Stocks in the cocmlry nd ^n.inwntal trees in the town. START NOW and have your ter^i' or y reserved. Weekly Fay. Free outfit. Write for terms. IJne Stone & Wellington TORONTO, ONT. BURT In diseases of tho DR. Specialist Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office--30 10th at. east, Owen Sound At tho Rovevo house, M;r,-k<l;i!<', 2nd Thursday cuch month from 8 to a 12;i.m. Kimbcrloy P.O. I Uundnlk, 1st Thursday of each month. Everyone dairying for profit will find that a cream separator is indispensable. It is, therefore, simply a ques- tion of which separator will best meet his requirements. The Dairymaid cream harvester has been designed to meet all demands. It is built of the best material by experienced workmen. < The essential points of the Dairymaid cream har- vester are : ^Simple construction. Large capacity? Durable construction. Easy cleaning, Close skimming, " Light running. These, and many others, are valuable features which make a Dairymaid cream harvester best suited to those dairying for profit. For every up-to-date, well regulated farm, a Dairymaid cream harvester is a necessity. It will save you the incon-^ venience of hauling your milk to the creamery, and bringing back cold and tainted or sour skim milk. V Use a Dairymaid cream harvester and separate your milk while it is still warm and secure all the butter fat. Call and examine a Dairymaid cream harvester and secure one of the handsome little booklets telling you more about this separator. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon