Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1913, p. 3

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IMPURE BLOOD IN THE SPRING The Passing of Winter Leaves Pec- pie Weak and Depressed As winter passes away it leaves many people feeling weak, de- pressed and easily tired. The body lacks that vital force and energy which pure blood alone can give. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale ' People are an all-year-round blocd builder and nerve- tonic, but they are especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood. Returning strength commences with their use and the vigor and cheerfulness of good health quickly follows. There is just one cure for lack of blood and that is mor blocd. Food ie the material from which blood ia made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills double the value of the food we eat. They give strength, tone up the stomach and weak digestion, clear the complexion of pimples, eruptions and boils, and drive out rheumatic poisons. If you are pale and sallow, if you feel continually tired out, breath- j less after slight exertion, if vou have headaches or backaches, if you are irritable and nervous, if your joints ache, if your appetite fails and food does not nourish nor sleep refresh you, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will make you well and strong. To build ! up the blood is the special purpose; of Dr. WiHiams' Pink Pills, and that is why they are the best spring medicine. If you feel the need of a tonic at this season give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you will rejoice in new health, new strength and new energy. Do not : let the trying weather of summer find you weak and ailing. Build yourself up now with Dr. William*' Pink Pills the pills that strengthen. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and do not be per- suaded to take something else. If ; your dealer does not keep these ' Pills they will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for *2.50 by writing The Dr. Wil- \ liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, j Ont. The Lost Shipmate. Somewhere he failed me, somewhere he slipped away Youth, in hia ignorant faith and Lia bright array. The tides go out; the tides come flooding in ; Still the old years die and the new begin; But Youth I Somewhere we lost each other, last year or yesterday. Somewhere he failed me. Down at the harbor-side I waited for him a Little, where the anchored argosies ride I thought he came the steady '"trade" blew free I thought he came ; 'twas but the shaw^d of me '. And Youth ! Somewhere he turned and left me, about the turn of the tide. Perhaps I shall find him. It may be he waits for me. Sipping those wines we knew, be- side some tropic sea. The tides still serve, and I am out and away To search the gpicy harbors of yesterday, For Youth, Where the lamps of the town are! yellow beyond the lamps of the quay. Somewhere he failed me, somewhere . he slipped away Youth, with his ignorant heart and: his bright array. Was it in Badosf God. I would pay to know ' Was it on Spanish Hill, where the' rose* blow I Ah, Youth : Shall I hear your laughter to-mor- row, in painted Olivio ! Somewhere I failed him. Some- where I let him depart Youth, who would onlv sleep for the morn's fresh start. >ut, the tides Popular Young Farmer Talks TELLS \UM4- DODD'S K1UM i PILLS DID FOR HIM. He's Baek at Work Agai, After Suffer ing from the Fains. rr- ousme^s aad Depression that Oalj kidney Disease Can Bring. Point Alexander, Out.. April 14 (Special). Mr. D. A. Froncare. a well-known and popular young far- mer, living near here, who has been a sufferer from kidney disease for some time past, is back at work again, and he says, without hesita- tion, that his cure is due to Dodd'f Kidney Pills. "I was always tired and nerv- ous/' Mr. Froncaire says, in speak- ing of his illness. "I suffered from backache and neuralgia, and mv sleep was broken and unrefreshing. My eyes were puffed and there were dark red circles around them. "My muscles would cramp. I felt heavy and sleepy afterwards, and I was depressed and low-spirited, while shortness of breath and dizzy spells served to make life yet more miserable for me. "I was always thirsty; my limbs were heavy ; and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. "My symptoms led me to believe I bad kidney disease, and I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have taken eight boxes in all. and I am very grateful for the benefit I have received from them.' 1 If the disease is of the kidneys or from the kidneys, Dodd's Kid- ney F'lls will cure it. * ME ANKLE *" ^' " . Broke Into Sore, itched and Burned So Badly Could Scarcely Sleep. Red and Inflamed. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Entirely Cured. 317 Greenwood A.. Toronto. Ontario. * My trouble waa varicoae ruine above or ankle. Ic broke into a sore waich frae JKtn- fii. The sura tccned and burned ea badly thai I could scarcely steep. T'ao skill anxuid It waa red aad Inflamed. I could act war a atasa fbr i t "= "f-i I tried several olat- mencabvic :.i<ry dido aerm to do U a7 foed. Then I waa recommended to r -m Cu'-er> Soap and Ofnunent. I battled with ;ae Cutt- cnra Soap iad pus a llcUe Cutlcura Ote- neat aa an4 they a the creaeaei reUef. In a few wseka ..-; sore waa satlreiy eejed." Mrs. '.-i. -t - Feb. 21. . j. J. To Improve Hanging. our method SALT RHEUM ON BABY'S HEAD Woodstock. Ytrmoati Ca. X. S. " MT baby wu about thrse wwti old when ha had sale rheum on tie head and *rr-ri -t. Ic began la a little Ha* raeb. wbich caaw on his head and down over hia fbraoaad and formed a hard, brown crust, l; looked (ribla. aad It must * , -/: him Villa a lot u b would cot sleep. I -jed to wish him wt:a the Cuticura Soap '") bo* water and pet tee Cudcura Ctctnienl on. and la three weeka Ws head and for- h>sa<t were dear. I can t speak loo fclgtiiy at Ma Cuticura Otatmect ud Cuticura Soaff." ,9*caad) il--. George B. A_an. KOT. J8. 1011. Cuticun Soap cad Cudcun Ointment are soUl r/y druoiscs aad dealers ererywiieroL A ungie sec ia often eufflcicot. Liberal sampu) of acn maiied free, w.ta 33-p. Skin Book. Addrece pott card Potter Dru< 4k Cinan. Corp.. Depc. 54D. Booton. C. S. A. PRINCE tUWAKD 1SL.1>D. nd humane wastrel din. ^'^ ^ **'" th * "baural (below the ear) knot. Ah. Youth! Shall I find you south of the Gulf I -^r are you dead in mv heart! *?. !at _. the btn ; "d trus Laeutenant-Coonel Hw the Farmers Renew Their Ex- hausted Land. The little Province of Prince Ed- the Lond'On Lancet ' ward Island which lies in the Gulf the adoption of the submen- f St. Lawrence, and close to the Brunswick, has many features "It ia admitted that there u a ten- 1 wholly, or almost wholly, peculiar herself. to Th smallest Province TUBERCULOSIS CATTLE. An r \p.-rt Says It Is the Most Common Disease of Cattle. In * paper road before the Bri- tish National Association for the Prevention of Consumption, Dr. Sheridan Delopin* emphasized the need of a systematic inspection of dairy cattl*. H aid ha believed that infection from cattle caused fully a quarter of uw cases of tu- berculosis among children under five years of age. The I^anoet. which prints extracts from Doctor Delepiue's paper, also quotes a re- cent report of the veterinary sur- : geon of the- city cxf Glasgow, who eaid that tuberculosis wa* the nioit common disease th-i: affected cattle. Out of 71.745 British cattle slaugh- tered, uo le^s than 8.93d, or more ' than twelve per cent., proved to be tuberculous. The prevalence o? tu- berculosis in milch-cattle ia further ahown by the fact that the veteri- ; nary surgeon rejected IK Less than forty out of niuety-eiyht cows that he tested with tuberculin before admitting thrai to the herds that upply milk to the fever hospital*, i "An alarming proportion." says the report, "when wo consider that j these were arl good-looking bfasts . that had received the critical atteii- ! tkn of the dairy -owner beforehand, \ in the full knowledge that they * were to be tested".'' dency for a knot to ilip from the > obviate in the Dominion, yec si* is unique r Marshall , in that she possesses the densest Theodore Goodridge Roberts, in has invented a 'chin trough.' population, is the only Canadian April Canadian Magazine. which holds the rope in posnkn is-and having a provincial status. Tht* qu9k>n which should now pre- , and the only one with a uniform sent itself to ti* authorities is, and unaltered geological formation- granting that the- submemal knot ins The soil of Prince EdwanA Island, the most humane, what is the best however, while naturally fertile, i* method of ensuring the rope being somewhat deficient in lime, and the , retained at the point of the chifcl" j crop* soon exhaust the scant sup- , ' ply of nature. But a remedy is pro- ; Sore Back, No Fun, Cure It To-Day, Rub on "Ncrviliner TOXATO CULTURE. Almost anyone with a garden or farm in a temperate climate can grow tomatoes with greater or less succeass, but there is a great differ- ence between tke extent and qua- lity of the cropu grown by different persons in toe same locality. These differences are due to several causes among which the varieties grown and methods f cultivation practis- ed are perhap* the chief. According to experiments carried on for years at the Experimental , Farm at Ottawa. Earliana. of which : there are several strains, a the bet early son, but Bunny Best, Chalks' Early Jewel are also good early kinds. Of later varieties Matchless Trophy, Livingston's GUibe and Plentiful rank high. It is the early fruit that makes the profit. In growing plants what should be aimed ac is tie produc- tion of a stock, sturdy plant which will have some fruit set upon it when set in the field. After plant- ing the chief wurk is cultivation, which should be done both way* in the plantation. In order to protect tomato plants from diseases, of which there are several, they should be repeatedly sprayed, even when quite young. with BvrdeaujE mixture. These and many other points, which cover practically the whole field of toma- to culture in the green house as well as in the gardea and tield. are fully treated in pamphlet Xo. 10 of the Central Experimental Farm pre- ' pared by the TX>m:nion Horticultur- ist. Mr. W. T. Macoun. This work is for f.-ee distribution to all who apoly for it to the Publications Branch of the Department of Agri- : culture at Ottawa. ii. Gained in Weight, Digestion Restored, Health Renewed Here Is Sore Proof of Quick Core for All lulk* That are Weak. >erros. TEY IT WHEN TIRZD Tou will find it wonderfully refreshing UPTON'S TEA It sustains and cheers STRAYED from the X Riach Corral a waJ t v4f Pinto Eroccha * ..i a Rercaa noa and I'.jfcd.nj heels. We have isz-.ed a humorous dexrtptiva circular tt this r-rr.i.-^aila bronco with lllns) rations of his antes. Sen- : --- :a application to 127 reader of this paper. This Is the most famous circular ever printed in the Eagilsh !anj-.j. More than half a million copies have) already been distributed to *ivrtisj cur (arr-ous Pinto SeieU gloves trade) from tc~gh Hrcncs bides. Fir a free} ccpv send postal to HUDSON BAY aUHlllIrU. CO, *rt dnrc u4 UONTBXAI. s fan in. H. w OAWSOM, Ninety Celborne (treet. TerwMo. (i OOD -T'-'/S -vax OK SOB A''sa> f - : Three) 2 :>- tarre Baak Barm. Mat b told quick '- * is 'TT 'o. SEVERAL DESIRA.BLB Manitoba. Albert* and Saskatcliewea) ^ 1 V 1. IHAVB OVK-1 ONE HI"* farms ia i -fferent eecf.o cc m7 l:st- If yoa waac a Be. naZD OOOD -e ot On-.sHe) farm eooeale _ i H. W OAW$OM. Toronta. ONE HfNDEED A'-'B:!?!* FTVB MILES frvm Uicdon market: soU cl" ia4 rrT;!!T V-am : 2 s-re orchard: out >aud :rt 'air balf mil"? to *leotrie r: -*y . W.'nM et.-hangw tr wt or w*n v-a^e ai-os nar "tr "irt> >"l bu:Idt!- The) W.<t;^rn SctC E<tat Kx..-iian. L Ont. Will Stop Your Arking Back. Stop Your SuffiM-ing, Keep You Well. ask Sufferers, Read Below. b - v Whole II) ma an Her Ann. H Will Stop Your Aekinst Baek. Some time ago a woman entered a well-known London (.England* hospital, and the nurses discovered that the upper part of the right arm was entirely occupied with a | pictorial representation of "The -1 am jart .o deiizhted with the com- ' Rock of Ages." while on the lower ^~"^' lort Nerrillne brought me that I want to part of the arm was the scene of oon <4 t t erev l to talk about it all the time." writes J. C. the Crucifixion Catuthlan. of Skxjn. "For ag-ve I hav*| been subject to an at-hiai from one end of the island the other. This de; >:; : > the superior lime fertiliser extant, aud a valuable dressing for some soils. for hay and grain crops, it reouires no treatment of any kind before being applied to an<i any public property. , retf t inc at the ba* of tbv epine. When at- tacks CwU&e on It mad* mr whole body aohr. It aptwared as tf 'I had taken tvM and a soreoeis d*Triood all through our and I boucht a 50c. bottle. That wae th best half-dollar I e-rtr epnt. it did c much tor m. It is hard to conTtnce earn* of what a really cood medicin* , . ^0 AlimODV JuSt 2 he H> official recognition of his claim. quiet separation, no dail. ** on! >' ^^* whll hi * machine- dooe. e*TTbody happy attain tkats the la *>vet th* *pc-C. The depth of some equation whan you diYorve your corns of these old shell beds is extra- moecular syetem. Wh*a ia Wianipe, oae wisll Putnam s CVrn Extractor. Act* like ordinarv. Thirty feet of solid ove- day a friend spoke to OM of Nerrillne. m a^-dn t UM any but Putnam's - wr shell* is sa-d to bave exis-teii "in ;;s the beet. Sc. at all dealers. certain places. Th si39- of the * shells in sorce cases is fully 15 inch- Many of the misfortunes from e long. 4 inches tdt>, and an inch can do. but thore will be'no"ecpt:o after which we suffer most are those we thick at tahe butt end. It will thus they try out NerTiiinei. I use tt for erery- never experience. They sre the be e?en that shells of this de-'^crip- thin now. its fine for Rheumatism aad misfortunes of the imagination. tivn must contain a larije amount Neuralgia aad all sorts of muwcular pain | _____ It curve quk-kly. But interaally. If ooe- sUntrd* Llnlmeni Curet OlphtAtrla. sibte. NerTi)tne 1 een better It cures i a ir ramp ia ten econds. and. as for ras and unset or evur stomach, notbios; could excel Nervilme. I think tt should be kept BABY'S OWN TABLETS Baby> Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her lit- tle one. They act as a gentle laxa- tive, sweeten the stomach, break up colds aud make teething easy. Con- cerning them Mrs. Alphonse Lan- dry, I'pper Caraquet, N. F., says: "Baby's Owu Tablets were of great benefit to uiy little boy and 1 \v>u'd adviae all mothers with sickly chil- dren to give them a trial." The Tablets are sold at 25 cents a box Iroin The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The fools are not all dead, in fact, lots of them haven't been born yet. Cartel In Co* Mr. Sapleigh I find it deuced hard to collect my thoughts, you know. Miss Keen--Father says it's always difficult to collect small amounts. "Was your daughter's tnueical education a profitable venture- i" "You bet! I bought the houses on in *Tt?ry home aa a protection ac.iv.wt ., i ,. sudden ill*, and aleo to cure 01. that iw- , e:t , her .. *"*" f US at kaj slot other treatments." .Value. Family siae bottl*. 50c. : trial sise. e. : at all storekeeper* aad druct ist*>. or The ; Catarrhosoue IV. Buffalo. N Y.. V. 8. A. That Is LAIATIVH BRO1IO . j Look for the iigoatare of E. W. i.: son's + i Cores a Cold In One Day. Coreu u - j 'a How to Be Happy. jlw Day* Cc. ^ Mrs. Xaggs- -John, have you read "How to be Happv Though Mar- ried! Hw She of pare lime. Only One -8ROMO QUININE" SlflLOJff ya-^htr swr conche. curca colds, and beala he threat and luncs. ;. a 84 ctots. Mere Praise for Or. Hamiltwi i fills. "For a period Tasrt seminar the thonrht of focd ic:ted flinsjs of nausea. ' wnieK Mrs. C. A. Cods*. jf Blccmscary Th ha: had made me ilst!w aad the d:s- (asts fur food reduiced m to a condltiaB of 2ii-stam::on and brvocht me to th vnre of aervotM collapse. Tonics w^rtp u *'<. to restore an ao:iTe dstre for food Tb doctors v>;j me my liter and kijiwys were bo'.h at fault, but the medi- clacs th-y iaT me were tvxj serer* and r?d*x*vd my s'.rvnjc'h *o ihat I had to abandon tb*m At the iu.ff^-~::oa of a f?iDd wh*i haj Nf^n otired of Wood and skin troubiu. I b*sT2n tie a*e of Dr Hm- iltoa s Pill*. Th d:ff*recc I Urt nocvvd w i*. that whU '.iey cleaned '.ho n-tm. Instead of fwlia wikr I felt bcttrr afWr takinic them. lnd<r*d tbur *. w;u so mtU it was 'ijv to f 'rift I b ui '.akn thm at all: thy emd to co rtrtt to th !'.er. and In a rT br.<?f time not only d-d all gourc* of aease* liiix?ar. but I becan to crTe f<vd and I die*wd :t reasonably wl!. Th*o I b- raa to out on weight antil within :iavf moathe) t was broucht to a condition of cood health. I nrve Dr. Uaai.lton * PiUe) for all w>ho are in nocr hcaJtb." Gt :he best of all mtx-'.a*s to-day and rvfusw a substitute for Dr HTI !- ton Pule of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold by all dru!sf aad storvkevprr^. 5c. D*r box or five for t: JO. Svat poe- oaid br The Catarrhoon Co.. Buf ilv. N. T. and Kingston. Canada. Sau-U By Poverty. Poverty has saved the life of many a y. N ung fellow who would have bought himself a shotgun or a sail- boat if be only had had tHe money FA.RM IN <\SKttMBBwS*a1 5 twd. in croo: mnt <'" Pifrcy Low. Hawarden. _ MALE HELP W*NTt3 __ OCT iiK EMPLOYMa.NT-' <ERVE.- r:cht. Leaum lxirb*r trvie: at*y safe mploi meut for barber. Our *J^ Drvcwd nethoiiv. oonstairt pr.'!>.- aa tnetnivtions qauiliry you for poeruon ia aort tan. S*nd for cata!o -?. IT Qnwn E . Toronto. (TAMPS AND COINS. - NDtlii L'lT- e-er! FortTa Steal?* Cata'ofa* . O!T ST*O Ceaea. Marki 6taap 'e-e ellSCtLLNIOUS. I . ON PRRTl'T urw . vm.neot itorur' L-inttf suu'.>: Jl JO. P. . MMMti Ca.NCKR. T(.-.MOB! LOsUf*. KTO, tatrnt end external, tared "'*. oat refcn b oar aor-* "3i*a! W"tr, < b**nrv too >* P- Rtfl'-nea MedLeai O LlTi 1 '**! fyill"y'.^i Ott -O ALL KlO.Nc.^. S.lL'.Nar ANU \ <Ier Stooee. Mird with th w German R*nted "8no! " price '. S> Another pew r^-ne<l for T>ab***- w>nntm. ao1 stire rare. I "Hanoi's *nti-D'abc " P- .- aHn* Coip:>an- of Caaaja. L. W-.nnTpec Van MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC 111 - v ,- -i in-; IT; \i -it> u s-s'i :n M'iaiaat t'ao Wj#tt t L-- > j. T!i*ot'- *t''p L 'ia4T At in* iv..t . k J. Vbjit s H.- ( >r Si w. Cea*. J. A WOMAN'S SK1.F-CONTROL. Xag;g Of course not. how without reading it. Mrs. Najfgs Well, how. Xaggs Get a divorce. I know Time. Mrs. Kuicker This creation. frock is a Kept Uer Head I uder Tryinst Circumstances. Quite Another Thing. Hobbs So you've struck it rich and are uow able to keep several servants! l\.->bbs Alas, no only to hire them. Inartf's Liniment Cure* Dlsttm.->er. A Terrible Silence Followed. The Bachelor -Oh. ii this the An Englishman travelling through Cvy'ou describes in the London Tel- baby ! Can it talk yet t egraph a startling experiertoe that Proud Mother Xo. indeed. He befell his hostet* at a dinuer in isn't old enough yet. Is 'yu. uiam- Trincomalee. ; uia's precious dariiug! The dinner was excelleoit. but The Bachelor Ah. and at what Kuicker- Does that mean it was w-hen it WAS about half-over I was 'age. now, will he begin to get pret- made iu six days, or that it will 'startled by hearing my hostess tell , ty and cunning! take me several hundred mil'.iou ! the native servant to place a bowl ^= r MI^ARDS USIMEST tb Bt'ST LiQimeM in u^. 1 vt mv f*.vt badlv jammed lately I it Well wiiii MIN.VRDS L1MMK.NT. * 11 i." er nei: di.v lour? lery truly, T. U. Trie Soul OT A Pl.ino Is the Action. Insist on the -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Actior and years to pay for it 1 When Your Eyes Need tare Try Murln* Eve RennfOy. Xo Smartias; Feele Muritie la -aut a "Ptttool M.-J ' l.mnls Ire* It yeu *rlls Nation*! Drill A Chmlal Ca. if Canada, tlnillc* trateU Bw>k ta each compound*! bv our W K'tn ' but need In su. . lice for m.'uiy tani. Now J^J.CAVU tu tb. Kr >- llo ind so'd &T l>r^c$r* Bt tfc anU 9I.V- ur Bc'li^x Marine B;i< SalToTu Api;.- Tutxm. *o tixl Ma Murln* Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Thibet's Lecead vf llden. of m'.'k ou a deerkm near her chair. Although she spoke as cakuly as if giving an ordinary order, I kuew at once that there wa a snake- s.M< x where in the room, for t<hese creatures prefer milk to anything else. As a hasty iiKn-emeut might have inertt certain deAth, we- ail sat like statues ; but for all th.-u, <>ur eye* were iuspectiug every nook and corner of the room. However. The follower* of th* Dalai Lama. it was IK>t untll th<1 nu i k was iu Thibet, have a legend that in thL M1 th ^ ^^r^j;, t hat the snake p- first great Garden a sweet tasting pearw i. And then, to our arnaze- plant grew out of the ground. One man tasted of this plant, and the other did likewise, when all vir- tue and good fortune ceased. Ages passed, and this plant grew no more Mankind fed upon a kind of rd butter, then upon grass, and t laat they had to cultivate oil. Virtue had departed from earth, violence, murder and faith lMness increased. the the When women vote and the elec- tion doesn't go to luit him a man can blame it on his wife. meat, a large cobra umviled it-self from my hostess's ankle, and glided toward the bowl, where, of course, it was imn<ediately killed. Imagine the nerre of the woman. althr>ugh fainted when the nak lay dead on the tkwr. How many could have remained n less under such circumstance* I Shilohm DODD'S ' KIDNEY PILLS Transferred. He toid the shy uiaid of his Icve, The color left her cheeks. But on the shoulder of his cvat h showed for several weeks. BOILERS New and Second- band. lor heaUnir arj po'* r purpoM*. TANKS AND SMOkE STACKS. Aten-Ji l^f State*. >( Vta. >:ii sad H .{ POISON TORONTO s end PILES CURED IN 8 TO U DAYS. ..'Ur druxa*ist will rwfxind money if PA3O OINTilKN T tail* to our* say case of Itch- ing Blind. Bivcd.u^ or Prutrudioc FUn ia c to U liayv. A.V. An ounce of done is worth more thau a ton of gotug to do. Inarer* Llnlmsnt Curts Colds. Eta. Czar Buys (.'lothes in Russia. The Czar kct-ps about 40 -uu* in near, arid wears each perbi\5 a dozcu times' before it i* put out of ! the wardrobe.*. The C'zar buvs u" ' his c'otbes in Russia, aud MM! wut j costs him from ?4i> to ?60, while fc-r frock coats aixl waistcoats be pays ', $75. On some of theCtar's uniforms I the gold ornamentation and braid- jing ar* w^.^rth alone> $1.000. This oroamectatioo i* never u*ed twice, but when a new uniform is ordered the ornamentation is good for about one-third o! ite original cost. Maypole Soap CLEANS AND DYES Oives ncK gk] colon, laorkas in tun oc mi. Dvrscvrttoo. ?"4'| Vie it vourseli at home. NotroaMe fl '< o u 24 cvl.-- \^ wul gie acjr ah*J. S P ^V>^ Cofcx,IOc.black I5c. t rout JraJer'j of poerooid with booklet "How (o D>e" ttoa i 1C* F. I. 8E*CtCT i CO. Iwtrsai G!adys-I refused Fred two ago. aitd he has been drinking heat* ily ever since Ethel- Isn't it about tan) lie} stopped celebrating ! A married woman's of her iueai tuan isa't anything lik* the one she gvn. "Tht r>inj ft* P yrn r Crow aad Wbcc A never I bcccln. C.-uSu vl * 1SSIE lt-'l* Many a genius refuses to work at his trade. tb bltriiog pirmaaul ourt

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