Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1913, p. 5

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April 17 1913 THE F L E S H E R T O N A D V A N C E >F nis an advantage sometimes to eep a bank account in the names of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an account is called a "joint account" We shall be pleated to furnish par- ticulars. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH BED Manager. GEO. MITCHELL, Branches also at Durham mad HarrUlon. C. P. R. Time Table. Train* leave Flebhertoa Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. m. 11.28 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 8.58p. m. The mails are cloted at Flesherton ;u follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and "7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g VICINITY CHIPS Rev. Mr. McVioar and family arririd in town Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. McLaren of the Bapti t church will leave his charge here in a couple of weeks. His Flesherton con- gregation regret that he finds it necessary to make a change. Both he and h'a family are highly thought if by all. He i > an earnest preacher and a citizen that we are all sorry to lose. Hanover has erected a continuation school at a cost of $24.000. From a description and picture it appears to be very 'si, uil.tr to the Arteniasia Rural High School building erected here, 'with the same number of class ronms and .viditnrium. It ia erected on the sair.e plan and the same firm Foster & Clark were the architects. The only red difference ia that the Hanover building coat $24,000, while ours cost $13,000 '. - Child Drowned In Rain Barrel A little 3-year-old ton of Mr Eli Robinson, merchant nnd poatmaster Feversham, foil into a rain water barrel on Tuesday afternoon between 3 and o'clock. The child was in the water a couple of minutes, but 'was unconscinUH when taken out. Dr. Rotzell of Max- well was 'imcUy on hand and worked over the liitla fellow for reveral hours with the hope of reviving him but was unsuccessful. It is only about a ytur since Mr. Robinson lost hu wife, ani i : i '.'lir child has been under a nurse's care all winter. Surely Mr. Robinson is deserving of deed sympathy in his mani- fold troubles. Odds and Ends Pure Bred White Wyaiidotte eggs for hashing W. A. Hawken, Flesheiton. Shingle-Car load of iTc. XXX shingle* foraale. F. G. KaraUdt Draft colt for sal*, ten month* old. Jamea Turner, Ceylon. 'Phona. New Brunswick white cedar shingles, all clear, on hand, $3.K), per thuand also on order B. C. shingle* XXX red, cedar. W. A. Armitronz, Flaahnrton. Brood mare for ale da* to foal in April. Apply to R. Cook, Ceylon. Ont. HILL BROS., MARKDALE Shoes ! Shoes! Shoes! 31 This week we will offer many lines in Shoes at Money=Saving Prices, Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes in good sensible lasts and serviceable leathers from 25 to 40 percent, of a saving for you ou each pair you buy. We carry the largest and best assorted Shoe stock in town. See us before you buy elsewhere. Misses' & Children's Fine Shoes 100 pairs of Misies and Children's Fine and Medium Weight Shoes, ai/ed frou 9 to 2, buttoned and laced, regular value up to 11 50, priced f<T .-lick selling at per pair 98c. Women's Shoes 100 pairs Wu men's fine Shoes in Patent Leather, Gun Metal, Tan, Calf and Fine DongoLis, all sizes represented in this lot. Values up to 91.00, priced tor <|uick telling <tt per pair. ... 2.48 Born On Sunday, Apr. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Orr, a daughter. ' Mr. Holland made a flying visit to Toronto the end of 1-tst week. Mi-. J. TbUtlelhwaite and children visited in Toionto the past few days. , ,, . Miss Jean McPhee, honour graduate of Mr. Ed. Thompton spent a few days Houaehold Science. McDonald Institute, in Collingwood during the past week. j Gue , pn> , pd elpert demonstratnr , wi u Misses Lillian Armstrong and Agnes , demonstrate bread and pastry making to H--nders'>n spent Sunday in Dundalk. j the ladiea of this section in the town hall Mr. and Mrs. John White left on Mon- j on Wednesday, April 23, 1913, showing diy to visit relatives at Westpor', Lanark j how easy it is to make the nicest and Co* i lightest bread in four hours, also show- Mrs. W. C. Welton of Mt. Forest, is j ln S ey methods of pastry making. JThis the gueat of her son, Mr. B. Welccn, town. Miss TIMU LeGard of spending a fortnight with here Toronto is her parents under the auspices of the W. I. Members and non-members heartily wel- come at -Jli' p .m. sharp, admission lOc. At the induction of Rev. Mr. McVicar, which takes place in Chalmer's church to-day (Thursday), at -2 p.m., Rev. W. Korn-At Lion's Head, ou Sunday, c Mefcer Modt>rntor pf p resuy tery, will Ap, ill:!, to Mr. und Mrs. K. SI..*. * i preside . BeV j. A . M.theson of P.ice- dlu S hter - j ville will preach the sermon. Rev. Dr. Miss Lulu Mitchell is taking a course i McKenzie of Shelburne will givo the in Domestic Science at McDonald lusti- ! charge to the minister and Rev. O. W. tute, Guelph. . R ole O f Corbetton will address thepeople. Mrs. W. H. Thurston is visiting her j After the service a reception will be daughter, Mrs. 'R. Shaw, L'ons Head, ; given the minister and bis family in the for a month. 'school room of the church. Mr. Mc- Miss K. Bellamy returned last WeiJnes- j v 'Cr W 'U occupy the new pulpits nett Sunday. The Presbyterian List week contained the following interesting item respecting a former pastor of Chalmci-'* church here : Knox church, Paisley, ot which Rev. *. C. Little in pastor, his shown a splendid spirit after the disaster to their beautiful edifice by the severe wind storm by which the roof was blown on" and considerab'e damage clone to the in- day after visiting in Proton Station with her niece, Mrs. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Meldfum left on Monday for Toronto, where tlipy have purchased a residence. A number of citizens attended ill- funeral of the late Mrs. John Boland, , wlrch took place to Mitrkdale cemetery ! on Friday last. Mrs. Thompson Wilson, Mrs. Henry Wilson and Mr. aiid Mn. W. J. Tlbot ! attended Hie funeral of the former's sister 1 in Stayuer, recently. R. I. Red egcs for setting S. C. SI 50, R. C. 91 per tatting. W. H. Thunton, Flaaherton. terior. Haviug shown their appreciation of the work of their pastor by adding a telephone to the manse and increasing the stipend $100, they have ra'&td in Mr. H.C. Duffuf the Department of j about , hrea lUys ?lw for ro[)airs and remodelling the church and hope lo have iu a short time sufficient to make their chuich even more beautiful than lefore. Agriculture, ho has been in Scotland drumming up farm laborers for this county, is expected home this week with 100 men. We neglected to mention. Ust week tin- receipt of a sealer of delicious maple , syrup from Mr. Jacob Lever of the sul iirlis. Mr. Lever remembers The Advance each year in HIM delightful niuri.T. M >> his sugar bush nevtr grow less. Rev. James Bucbauan of Duudalk who supplied Chalmer'* church pulpit the past t mi Sundays, has been given a unanimous call tn Elmvale, a splendid chaige iu the presbytury of Rarrie, to which we understand he will go at an early date. Artemesia Statistics The Assessor Meldrum bas supplied Advance with the following li^un. - : Value of real property . Wl-"i,(J3o Value of buildings 285, U5 Total assessment 1,211,075 Births in 1912 27 Deaths 23 No. of dogi 385 No . of bitches 17 Total population 2550 No. male persons between 21 imliin .495 Total No. of elec'ors on roll 071 The Late Wesley Pedlar Postmaster Trimble would like to have ua explain to all concerned that all letters addressed to a party served by Tho Loup City Nebraskan of date the mral mail carriers must bare a April 3, in an extensive obituary notice 2-cent stamp attached. Drop letters to of the Ute Mr. Wesley Pedlar, siys: be called for by parties nob so served ^ i n 1909 ne waf electnlto the city coun- only nrquire a one-cent stamp as former- ; c u ,,f Loup City, serving two term*, in ly. By observing this, business men 1911 he was elected mayor and re-elected and others will save inconvenience and j n 19^ and WM ,h e on ] y c n didate for disappointment. | the position at the time of his death. On Saturday a number of Rulls were ' Wes *** P Uin out-spoken citizen, obsttrved flying over, evidently having f which sometimes worked to his disadvan oomo from the Georgian Bay. It is only a 8 e but he wfts Rfnerally admired foi hit a few years since the gulls firt decided , sincerity of purpose, to visit the inland waters during rough ' Wes came of a large family consisting spring weather on the largo lakes, but j of father, mother, seven brothers, two now they come iu flocks. Last spring half brothers, and four sisters, making a they were so plentiful near Kimberley as i family of fifteen 11. all, and was brought to be a nuisance to the farmers along the up in a new country where conditions river. j pertaining to education were not the Here is a storm story from the Mt. j most flittering. Just at a time when Forest Confederate : A farmer not a by energy and applicati thousand miles from Mount Forest, was '# hu hacl become most literally and truly blown out of his boots. Sitting with his boots off in his house he n in practical serviceable to himself and others, and at a time which he deemed to be the meridian of his ex- noticed that the bam door had blown ' it*uce, he was called to meet the decree open. Hasu'y pulling on his big rubber of th e powers that be. hoes he made for the larn. He hail to He loaves surviving his widow nf this pass through fome mud in which the city, bis mother of Flosherton Ontario, book* stuck fasf, but tho strong wind i an only daughter of Port Arthur, Ontar- diove the owner on, uid to preserve his io, five brothers, two Inlf brother* and ei|iiilibrium he hid to loivo his boots three sisters, the father, ;i sister :uij liro- behind nnd perambulate in his ni.v clean jthcr having preceded h : m to tho stocking-*. beyond. To Rent Lot 36 and part of lot 33 and 34, on the'J'.h of Artematia. Apply to Mra. J. J. JamiMon, Fleiherton. To Rent Port'aw store and dwelling to rent, or will be sold on Moderate terms. Poasession can be taken a: onee, For particulars apply to Geo. Thompson, Chatiworth. junel For Sale cheap and on easy terms.good l)-roorr.ud brick dwelling in Flesherton, with good brick-lined stable or poultry house, and two aood lot* with same, young bearing orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flcuherton. IMartf For Sale McCormick binder 7-foot cut, just cut 30 acrid. Will be suld cheap. W.. I. Meads, Ceylon P.O. For Sale Good 9-roomed frame dwell- ing and stable, all complete, in tirst cla?s C'inditic>u and lepair, with hard and *ofi water. Will sell very cheap if sold this month. Apply R. J. Sproule, Fleshi-r ton, Ont. NuvTtf O.A.C. No. 21 seed barley, good clenn seed, fur sale. W. J. Mem!-. Ceylon P.O., l)t 'JV, O.D.R. Telephone in connection. Hosiery Specials NO. 1. We have ju-st opened a nw line in Heavy Ribbed Cotton Wove, just the thing for th* Boys, stand any wear. Special value per pair 18c. NO . 2. ia Dozen Women's Plain Cotton Boac. good weight, Special, 2 pairs for 25c. NO. 3. 10 Dozen Women's Fine Llama How, guaranteed all-wool, correct spring weight, Regular value 40c, Special 35c or 3 pair for f 1.00 Corset Special 50 pair Fine White Corsets, with suspenders, all sizes in the lot, good value at 750 per pair, mark- ed for quick selling at per pair 58c. clasi heavy of Colls for Sale Fouc first colu, risinu 'i years, also a i[u&r.tity ui i O. A. C. No. '21 seed barley. Telephone W.dir, Fleshetton. New Silks and Dress Goods Our Dress Goods Department is full of new Spring lines, Whipcords, Serges, Bedford Cords, one yard wide Silks at p8c. per yard in Navy, Tan and Black and Black and White Checks, are Ai value and give good service. HILL BROS. MARRDALE. For S lie Two c iws, 4 and 5 yrs . old, iii just freehened, other neaily due ; also a quantity of good hay. and Shff- h'eld Outs for teed. Win. Duvi*, Flesher- ton. MISCELLANEOUS j; and paper h. inning orders left wi'hme will receive prompt attention. Contracts taken. C J Bellamy, Tk-her- ton. WANTED a man who knc<s the dist.ict well and has a cood connection by a large Western Kealty concern. Good co in mission. Apply stv.ing full pailiculais to H.Bu'.turworth, !5! Oros venor St. Toronto. Purebred shorthorn bull for service Terms 8l.UOf.iir pure breds or vtudo". Cows inu.st be returned twice or will be charged whether in calf or not. Walter Akitt, Gravel Hjad, Uock Mills p. <>. privtta fuudi to lonn on farm moitifage security at lowest- rites of in- terest. "Apply II. J. Sproule, Flenliurtnn. Loeging Chain Lot--Tureeday March 25, between Fl*shertn and Rock Milk B.^p'isl church rindar please loare at tins ultice Farm to K.-ni East half lot 33, con. 4, Artoiuesick, 50 acrot . frame house *uU fitme barn. For further particulars apply to R. Little, Wareham, or Mis. \V. liin^li'ii Badjvrow, 3^ Ch.'M'les St., Toronto. For Sale- -The undersigned olfers for an'e three lots in the village of Ceylon,on wlrch tire erected a Rood one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with stone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms eivsy, price right. Apply to .Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound, or W. J. Flesherton. FJ oof ing tor* Sa>le Braniford Crystal Roofing, Asphalt RonfiDK, Rubber Roofing, Steel Roofing and Siding : : : : : JOHN McDONALD, Ceylon 1 June 13 AROUND THE WORLD V i i " ErnpreM of Asia " The " Empress nf Asia '' will leave Liverpool June 14, calling at Madeira, (.'.ipe Town, Durban, Colombo, Singa- pore and Hong Kong, arriving Vancouvei August 30th. Vessel remains 1 1 d.tys at HoiiK Kong. ''Uaie for entire cruise, Ml:'.'". 10." Exclusive i>f maintenance Ii ! ween arrii al time in England and il -| .-irture of " Kinprew of Asia" and s'i ]i over at IlniiLC Konji. I'ai'iouUit* hi in I'aiM'lian IViiii- Agents or write M. 0. Murphy, L>Utrict Agent, Toronto. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE 8230U twenty-five hundre<l dullars - will buy the west h;ilt of lot No. >. and part of the north west quarter of No. 1, ill on the 4h c.>ii. of Kuphrasia, contain- ing about I'-'D acres. There is supposed to"be ninety acts* cleared, the balance goi d hardwood bush maple, beech and elm. There is on tho property a frame house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw house with sloiifl foundation under it, blso wood shad, driving bh. d, pis pen ami heo house. There are also two or- chards ou the farm growing different kinds of fruit apples, pears, plums, cherries and grapes. This farm is wrll fenced with wire and patent fencinij. is nlo well watered with water in nearly every field. There is a never-failing spring within 40 yards of the house This tarin is within one mile of the thiiviiii; village of Kimberley. For furthei par- ticulars apply to -JAMES STU A UT 1 Apr Kiuibeiley P.O. Farm For Sale or Rent Fifty seres, lot U:S, West T. S. rad. Artemisia, 35 actei cleared, ba'nnci- bush land, .cood for giain or pasture, well watered, ced*r loi{ house and barn. Small payment, balance to suit purchaser at five per cent. Apply to aOmarlf T. GRAINGER, Markdale. SEEDS ! SEEDS I Come here for your Seeds ! Five Koses Flour. Dumlulk White Rose. Markdale Poi tVftimi !',:;, n 1. Morning (llory. Bran, Shorts, \vlio;ir. chop and ch icken tVetl. Fix'sh Oysters. Fish ant' tterriog, ( 'anneil Goods 5>;ilnion. Tomatoes. Cum ami 1'eas. ai.fl al!l\;r.<!:: 1 1 fu>li LTIOCP fit's at lowest prices. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton. Agent Wanted ! FOR FLESHERTON To sell for "The Old Reliable" The Fonthill Nurseries Orders now being aken for Spring delivery 1913. Prospects bright for the season's lrad.. E.xperiei; iaJ>*u:y. We instruct nur 8ales*uT how bo wh Fruit Stocks the town. ' STAR-T NOW and have your tenitory j reserved. Weekly Pay. Free outfit. Write for terms. Une I Stone & Wellington TORONTO, ONT. BURT 5peci*llst in 4laoes of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office-30 10h at. eat, Owen Sound! At the Rvero house, SLirkiUlo, ^nd i Tluirsd.iy each mn-.uh from 8 to a 12;i m. DunJtlk, 1st Thursday of each month. You better be careful in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manila binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick quality. You will get perfect satisfaction ii you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition* i-iempaiii, /igent,

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