April 17 1913 THE FLE8UERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS &UOLUHJGH ft YOUNG Kankore Markdale (oeral banking tmaloeti. Money Iuan<i at reaouab! ratf Call on us. TCHM1.ETT, rosimasti-r. OMlon. Couiiiioner in B.C. J .Conveyancer, deeds, r -nT-i lenien, will* etc. carefully drawu up ollectioni mad. charge. reasonable. Alto rocriu, flour, feed etc. kept In stock. Price* i ifc'ht. D Mtl'ltAlL, Licensed Auctioneer for tht Cjjaayol Grey. Terms moderate and ..tiniaMioi cuaranteed. The arra.iBcinente ; i* d dttSi o" .ate* can be made a'. THK ADVXNCR . "Ii, JThesideuce aud P.O. . Ceylou. Telopboue -otmtctioD. Dec. 6.07. EVERY GRADUATE 1 PLACED Wit!i the Unrest attendance in its hittorr, The Collingwood Business C'.illege has pUced ir. a good posi- tion, every graduate f the present year. Winter twrni from JJ-inuary 2, 1913. Bond for hamlsoind Cataluiiup. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE Principal T. E. Hawkins. Farms for Sale 30 Acres West half lot H, con. 11. Townliip ot Osprey. 50 Acrss-East ualf lotH, cou, 11, Township i of Osprey. | 90 Acres-West half lot 7, con. 11. Township I of Osprey. ' 7.1 u-lertiouooll.ee * everabau) j -a A run-East !i ilf lot 7. on. 11, Township S5&TS F e r. b au, On, "SHS*-!** ..,, ^ ,_ ._,.. .rkdale u.adu at The Advauce. MEDICAL S Out, Physician Burgeon etc - , . , . IIKI Acres Lot :tl. Cm. 11, Arteuieiia.> Juo Acree Lot 3, Con. 13, lot 4. Ccn. sprey. lOOAcrM - ' con. 11. Arternesia. 100 Acraa Lo' , a m. 14, Artmeia. 100 Acres- Kast half lot 7. con. 2, Kupbrasia. JM AcreB lyits J| aiirt >. cou. 8, Arecinesiit 1 'J Acrd 1'art lot 141, Hi, 140, Con. :t, S. E T. S. H., Ar eoittSia. 200 Acres Lot :i , ami 40, con. 1:'. Artumesin. i Aoraa 37, cou. li, Ar(enusi*. OtBce aid re.ideuce-i'eter St., ?leshertou Jlmo 1:ur . A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton f P OTTEWEIjIj Fretl/yteriau Church. Our Clubbing List Th following prices ro for strictly paid in advance suhscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flenherton Advance ....... $ I Companion ......... 2 * ,,r r . liloc..l>w<.no,,,,. Hloc-fc, Kl^herton. (Salurjiay.) W. H. Wridlit. W. I', lelford J-., 1.0. B. SOCIETIES Toronto World, daily Toronto Dnily News Weekly Olobu ......... Miiil-Eni|iiru . ... ...... Family Hurald & Star ...... Torontii Star .............. 1 Fanner Sun ........... Farmers Advocate .......... 1 Weekly Witoew Saturday Nilit Home Jourp-.l ........... !M) Poultry News..;, ....... 26 Pouliry Reviuw ........... 40 Rod and (iun ma(;uziiie ...... !KJ 00 00 It 00 1 50 .K) 75 !K) ;"XJ !K) 1 .~>0 90 li 00 } V meets ou ha laiat Monday A , each mouth, lu thulr loage room Clayton's hall r-le.l.erto.i.^at 8 ( P^JjJJ^! I l^n ""it yiVi"""'''- Visitlnii brethren HIT! H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR ; i lte<i i Feversham - Ont. PHINfF AUTHUB LODOE, No. H33.AF& BIN A II. JS,.". in Ibt M..oic tall. Aru,- Wong's Block, Kleaherton. every KrWay on or boforUhe lull uiocn .. A. V> aUon. W. II.; Thos. Clayton, SeLfeiry. P OUBTFLBSHEBTON, 995. I. 0. K. ireetsln Cla>toVl!locthela!it Wednesday evenliiR t/MBh innnUi. VUitlnB r-orter. heartily welcome C. It.. <>. Mellan.y : It. B., <J. < airLB, Kl Fl'eale pay'dues to' Viu. 8ec. hetor* the nrst day of the month. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO-- A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which wi> put ;il ti-r.ii I..M-, in jhari/e, if required. if Lvpl AHOKKN KhlENOB-riealiertoii *''. t cji.ii.t-ii Vrionrti meet, in tllayton aliall nr-t and tliinl WwlueMlay olekcli luonlli P. ' F.v am..inenta to tile lte.-or.ler ou orbepru U> r*t .(av "1 *ac-l, mn-.tli. ("lilnf Couucillor T. Blakelev; Kecorder W. H. Hunt. <cli plie Kariner'iClulimeeU iii i the li lull bolMluS on Ui Bint Thursday In Wtl! M oVIock u. ~- p *., '^r iM-iMly Inyitoii. K.lliard Hresldent, ( . W. follainv. Sc-c.-Tia.. Tamworths for Sale Until M'X nearly reaily for hrdiii(r. IMoea ,,. rllbt lor qul.- Boar foi Service A laroo wl-ito \okliiro Hoar lor soiyice pulot IBI.Hrrt ia.i(! W T. AH. H., Aiteiuiina. T.ruutl.OO" H. CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McClocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Bull for Service PUT lirwl chortli >ri. lull f.ir r/ nil In', .'t'i. con. (i, AiteiiiMU. Tei.nH i.i ,n. ~>l. pint 1 Inuds 8. AH uon inuxt oij returned or w.ll lie charge I. JO May C. ATKINSON, I* op. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent (or the Cockshutt Plow Cos' Full Line of Farm Imp'emenls. For Sale !<):) sciui Lot Ml, rim. li. ,M ii-nii.-i > ."unit's clriiiivl, .M) 'ici en miller iult.iv.i- ii .u. InLi ^.-. U u. I in. . I .u I sNiii|i, well f. nc. <i n I will -rcil, good liniiMt, new II.IMII- lull I) with >'.ili i. v iiinli-i . also |iig (en, beiillnUM mid hlu? [i pen. liui il in i I drliu) y. Apply in Al.BKUT IJLACKHCUN, Itoek M ilU p. o Se|,>h', iti-il (ittsoliiii* lOn .'iii.>., Melo tu i i r, i in Sepnr.'itoiH, Kiiki>r \\'iiul Mil's, Piiui[is, Piping and l'ip I- 1 Mm.. - wlwayH nil liiind liealty lirob'. of I'Vrnu*. Hiirn Tracks, Litter (.'nrriiir* and stable Cookbliiur .iml KiHt Hetir.i il>\,i\ . n Wareroom Wellington Street. Feversham. Ontario International Stock Food D< kON'T let your horaet r nin clown durinaf the winter amlgft so soft that tl.ry will lose H< -h liadly when you start youripri.iff plowing. If horHc are not worked repil.irly dnring the winter, they need the aplendid tonic effect! of INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD, <o tune up the diKc-slivc un:. u, . enalile them to get all the ^ood nut of their feed, prevent the Mom! from becoming overheated, and thus ward off disease. n-.i.u VM. SASK , Ian .i.tli. 1911. i I.. .., ii I IN'TRRNATIONAI, STOCK 1-OO1) for many yearn, lalwayahave a 25 pound pail itandini In mr barn. I Iwught n pair of three year old colls aim they were ao worked down that my neighbors ...ml I had Ix'en heal. When I Ixmght the cults, they weighed 241x1 His, 1 ploughed as acres ami they weighed 2650 then [ harvested 163 acres and threshed ami haulcil one carlond to town, 6 miles, i weighed t In in ai'.iiii a'nd iln > writhed atgo and I S.M.I "They shall weigh 3000 before .pun:: . Now, the NfighlHirK want Io IHIY tin m lint there's no fhancc". J. O. KKMPrU.. For wile hydcalera everywhere. <mr fi.noi.oo stock Hook nciit free when we receive your name and addrc.ia. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. For 5ale by John Fisher Plesherton, - Ontario \ TO AflOLISH NOfSE. Hiram Percy Maxim Looks Forward To a Silent City. Tense ancl enthusiastic over the magnitude and the well-nigh prchcnsible results and evolutions of his recent remarkable ditcoreriea, Hiram Percy Maxim, British inventor of the noiseless gun and mo?t famous o* a famous family of inventor?, told how the noisi'less city may become fact in the not distant future. Strewn about on his desk and table in the inventor's office were the little devices to be attached to all sizes of firearms whiclj eliminate practically the sound of powder explosion. Out- side the HU'e office is the wonderful workshop (if the Maxim silent firearms company. In this appropriate ntmosphere Mr. Maxim explained as much as his pa- tent applications would permit the details of the coming silent town, only a generation or less away, saying: "The one great silencer I hope for one that the world will see in vi..tc<l and established within five years, is a general silencer for noises, a device lor sick rooms, hospftnls, In !>!-. "Hi. -I-.-, factories and a hundred other places, which will shed silence in the s'ame way that a lump sheds light "This is have progressed so far towanh the solution of the problem that I' have patent applications, the pendency cf which prevents me from talking as much as I would like to. "The noise made by an engine ex- haust and a gun report i-> caused by the sudden liberation of the gases and by one thing which I at first did nut dream of. This noise advances through the air and while its velocity of ad- vance is always practically the same, its suddenness determines its noise value. It is like a boat breaking through the water and causing u wave. If the wave is sudden it breaks and causes a noise, but if it is gradual it glides away noiselessly. Our ears are built to detect vibrations of a certain suddenness and of a certain frequency. Any noise outside of our limit of sud- denness passes unheard. "It is too early to go into details, as I have much to do yet before it is Annual Presentation Tin annual presentation of medal* and prizes for the winter (rm it the North- ern Business Collige took place recently. The fci-ln ml has had the largest aUendance in the past term since it* establiament in 1881. The contestant* were numtrous l i In: contests rorj keen. The work was cxairincd by the City Treasurer Mr. A. F. Arnmtrong.und Mr. \V. P. Telf-.id ex-M. P. and the Principal and Mall uudu i he following n wants. Best specimen of writing, I Mis" Valentine Picofe, 2 Mi'.s Wimiifred Lovatt, .'5 Mis Marion Cuirie, 4 Miss Nettie Lennox. Greatest improvement in writing ; 1 Mr. Albert Gulden, 2 Mr. George Given, 3 Miss berth* JOUPN, 4 Mr. Ky Hooey. l!;i[iiil business writing, 1 Miss Agnes Ahnos, 'J Miss Dor McPherson, :i.\Ir. K. A. Vincer, 4 Mr. H. E. Doubt. kept set of book*, 1 Miss Jssie Cotton, 2 Mi.-* Yalriit in.- P.eotte, 3 Mr. T. A. Gulden, 4 Mr. J. H. YanOverbeik. I: 4 nl calculation, 1 Miss Uuih Bel. I tiny, 2 Mr. H. E. Doubt, 3 Mr. Albeit idle prediction and I ; Gj!tlttI1 > 4 Mr ' Geor B Given - Spelling, ! Mi-* Ruth Bellamy, Mr. H. K. Hopkins, 2 Mr. George Given, Mi-.-. Flora McDonald, 3 Mr. Albert Golden-Mr. S H. Buchanan, Mr. George HaK-ruw, Mr. Lawrence H. Sch!l,4 Mr. J. J. Brown, Mi-* Irene Litimer. BeHt wruklr iccord in >]>elliiig fur term :- 1 Mr. H. E. Doubt, 2 Misa Ruth Bellamy, :; Mr. Thomas Dunn, Mr. Al- fa jrt Golden, Mr. George Halcrow, 4 Nettie Lennox. perfect. I can say, however, that there is no doubt that the noiseless city is Killed on Railway As the lesult of injuries received by- filling between two c MTU on a C.P.It. way -frieght nnir Carley Junction, Josliu.-i V. lii-.il, of Shelbunif, M)I> boarded at I' 1 Hook avenue, Wat Toron- to, was ?o liadly injuied thai ho died on close at hand. lrjli|| ttut WHS lH .iiigiD X him to Toronto. \ou know a boiler shop is as quiet, as a tomb to a deaf man. If there are ! As ihe train pulled nut of C.uley for non-responsjj*e ear drums, there is sil- Cr*ij{liuv.l, Held left the VKII nn-1 started cnce. It is like li?ht. Our eves d-s- t i_ t tect certain kinds ot light only. Many forward to tlie eul{lne acrt)l8 lhe tof) f kinds of light are absolute darkness .''' cis. This was the last seen < f him. to us. For example, an X-ray in a 'I In- biakemaii, who was in tlie van pro. dark room U invisible. And yet. i tec , inB tU Itar O f t |, e train, mued Reid Will photograph your bones on a plate. I ,. It give* enoush of a certain kind of| wht; " "'*"' Wtt() "" < lhe Ir.'lit to pass through a man's body. train pulled into Craighurs', and thu "With sound it is the samo thing. l eluilie Wll) tback, but in the meantime. Our ..'iirs are built to detect certain kinds of sound?, air vibrations. It work train found Reid alongside the these vibrations are outside of a cer- tracks 1, 200 yaidn this side ot CrlVy,uii- tiiin limit of suddenness our oars can- 'c luscious, with his right leg mid right d.-tect them. Again, if they are : flireilrill cai ,, 1)lete , y , everPt i. a certain limit of frequency VV'iih a chance utill for his lifu. He'd not t they aru silent to us, though they may be so intense as to be agony to a i't or a bird. HI, iii.-lifd tu Ouldwatttr, lu>ro Dr. "This is all coming just as sure t*'* 1 "* dminitu.d temporary aid fate. With general noises which | Accompanied by Dr. Hurvry, Ho <[ was nmko life in our cities iilin.'-t unbear- ;h .mght to Toronto, but died :t Wood- able it will be the same except peT- , ., Imps, for those noises which pas j ' thfOUgh the lloor and up into our, brain throuuh the hones of our body. 'Rev. W. L This will always present absolute sil- ence, which I can imagine may be H vrrv mind "Then.' will bo a sinister side to Newton Dead. On Min.liy l.i-i in GJrrich, the death lo.ik place uf Hev. W. L. N .;. silencers just as there is to former l}*ptist pastor, after some ni'inthsj iiutoinobilcs, railroads and new thing.* " o f p . o !onurd illness front a ctnerroux in general. The lawbreaker will avail I . 4 >. i n . , r> i i l,in,s,H of them just as he does every ,**" At l " 8 !l"-' *""t '" Du,h,,,,h. new thins;. i( he can. While a general * ''" mttrer, and thortly after silencer will quii't u sick room tu that 'untight tin iitlrite <if a specialiat,' who havi' the bl.-ssin^ of quiet, '^^j (mt ljtlUol ., lo h o{ ..^^y. it will miiKu livable places tli am wliiK which are now so noisy as to breed insanity, yet it will .-il-.. make possible the Mlenciii"; nf cries for help from the distressed if the latter lia.s no mean.'* of controlliii!; the silencerr The n in tun are living intoned in Cioderich today, \\Vdnesdsy, and in attendant-* at the l.ut funclioiiH, in hravt- f.-lt r^presen'ative sorrow am Mr. A ch. "When every noisy thing has a si- |LeaU.n lepi-nemin; his old device altiichfd to it. or when Cei.tre fuii^rrgatiuii and M>.-> - AHun provide ourselves with a ailencvr | Bfll Mld K s ,, ,-,., Durham . will prevent objectionable | soiiiiils frrin rpnching us, our world; Tlui.ne who knew Mr. Newt 'II I tint will be mure eonifoi table to live in. ] e d l.un nnwt. Fm )>-..ui ivne jf' This is what is coming." , , . . , . . . , . " of u fiiihful in inut i r kt.i ho as a A Queer Find. pmrer for jnud, and we thinli !> wnulil A gold chain and locket, which wore jrckon tlim th happiest years of hi lust in Uuekiiighani, KIIJ,.'.. were re-'m^Mrer lib. The lamented deaih of i cj,v<.re,| in a llnf ular minrf.r A K eii. !, ,,. tHllunt wif. K f-w years |.. in til-man ami nil wife, to wluun the] * article* belonged, loat (hem duiing a ] ]iM uircumatancM, might d h.mily walk. Several day* alter, what seeni-luiion h in, and he cheiinliutl a u ...- i ed to be the I'hain an I locket wer^' , lemi)l .. l,j, Uutl.am days, seen hingiafl tipun a telephone wire. I A ladder was obtained, an.l, as there In him everv i*oral tii.iTitnent found nothing to rest it against, some a chanii i m. H erur Imd the ( Vc 1 Charters, eon of Mr. and Mr*. W. C. Charters, 4'h line, St. Vincent, met with a serioua accident on Friday last nt th ^yinisiuin of the Meafoid High School. The young nnn, in com* puny with several other students of the school, was practUing on the trapeze duiing the noon hour, when the rope In- 1 ke and dropped him to the floor, and rendering him unconscious. It appears that George Carrfoot, another studenr, was on the trapeze at tho time but eicnped unhurt. .Ju.-t what ctused the i-o p.; to break we are unable to say as we understand it was a new one and had been it use only a short time. When picked up, li . Jordan was 511111- nioiuMl and rendered first aid. After he was removed to big home he was fuund to IK- suffering from a comminuted fracture of the collar bone and injuries to his head which caused concussion of of i In.- lnuin. At present writing the pititnt is pro/reuiing as well as could be expected. Express. When Mr. ttepplerrof Hanover.learn- ed last week that (>co. Shires Imd pin - rh i i-. I some skunk skins, he identified them us some that were stolen from him last winter, and on enquiry, found Mr. Shirra h,id purchased them in good faith from John ("So'e") Yollet, a local boy. Yollet was arrested for the theft Thus il.ij. aii'l brought before Mu^iitrale Tel. ford Kiidity mnniini<, who sentenceil him to tw.i months in i; n,l with hard labor. He nns taken to Cwen Sound that after- iiuii by t'.'iiKtable Whelon. The lad does not bear any too ^ot,d a churacter, haviui{ previously te n in trcuble over liquor cnsea. It is alleged ulhcra were imulicii- te'l in the theft, and if n, this rvnup'v should serve as a warning. Durham Kevii-w A aerious accidemt happei.ei to Mr. Reginald Crawford, of Ihd !Hh Con. An. in on Wednesday of ia>t week. He Was in the act of repairing the roof of big barn and w.is working >.n the inside of the l.uiliiiii;;, when his foot ilipped and he tell i " the floor a distance of eighteen feet, breaking hib collar bone and sustain- in); other injuries. The unfortunate ic- cident will contine Mr. Ciawfotd to the hU!>e for tomelime. The Dominion Alliance, it is s>iid , is propai ing to submit the Canada 'lYm- perancc Act to a general vote in Bruce j County, ami a< only a bare majority is needed toctrry the measure, thty an- t irip iti- by this iiiea>i> to make the entire county dry. The pUtVH ilia- we now lui.l r L cal Option are said to be push-' ing strenuously for <t general county .re- ! ferendum and it looks from this d : 8lance| n though. all iiruce will be balloting on the measure tffore the year is Out. T i- chaise against Frank Rutnig of J Cariick of weilucing a girl under Hi MMH if age lius I. m ilro|ip'.l, ai.d Rumig, I through his so icitor, Mr. O. E. Klein, I has eoniiiienced n action for tlama^tH' for alleged ina'ucii ui proseciiluui. A in in near P.tisley i< repoitud t<i have tap|i.l over t*o humlred ire a on IL.Iy ThursiUy itii'l all but s>even of them were blown down by (iuod Fiiday's windstorm- H troll Uoclmg, hoy who works fur Klijth II, mi ili. in, cle;k of Anuranth| township, met wit'l u teri.ius incident! on Tuesd,.y fternoon of Isst week. He I was in the net of tluowing over llie lever | to stait tho | o*er mill when his cl.'thing caught in the >lmftin; bieakiu^ his arm and cnusii g H compound fncuir* of both | bones of tliu f"i-ea> m. Thu accidf lit oc- i i -.11 1 > I while Mr.Himiltoii w*s in ()rant>e- ville. A do io.- was summoned and tended to ilin la I'B injuiiei. II- i ([,t- tinx alniiitaH well as can be expected. __ li.inner. Asa'l iln. wiling nci.-i.lent tonk | l.tr,- .n ihe East Mountain The roads aro in a had ccndition. ' )h, where u our councillor ? M IKH Cora Martin left Saturday to visit friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Farrell oi Ventry ipent a few diysatMr. W. Humberstone's. Mr. and Mrs. R. McMullen and little son, Gordon, visited with Mr. and Mr*. .lames Chard, Klc h-it'in, S.itnnJ.iy. / Miss Neil ie .Ma: till of .Mni'k,il.ili' spei t a few days at her parental home, return- ing Monday. Mi-. Win. Hrrbottle visited t'rionds in Keudy and returned home lust week. Mr. W, G. Pickell of Markdale was a caller in this locality last week. Mr. Win. Harbottle, accempanied by Miss Sadie Bravctider, visited at Lady Bank on Sunday. Misi> E. M. Lever, teacher, spent the week end at Mr. Alex, i 'ai nnh.'i>, Mountain View Farm. Miss Lizzie Welsh hs r. turned h' me after spend. n;; a couple of weeks at Duncan. Mr. Charles Mattin took a business trip tuTliornr-ury recently. Miss Thompson of Erin U visiting at Mr. H. Thompson '.I. Sug^r making ia the order of the day. Rev. Irl. R. Hicks, the celebra'.ed weather prophet, 1ms been hitting the weather forecast >ery cnrrectlv. The violent storm per ods we have jest re- cently passed through were all eel down in his almanac in a sutprisiugly det tiled manner. 111 HUHi Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat ................... 85 to !f> Oats ...................... 33 o JS Pur ................ 1 12 to 1 12 Barley .................. 5o to 55 Hay ................ . 10 00 to 10 00 Butter ................. 23 'c 23 Eeg, frsh ............. 18 i 18 Potatoe* pet bag ........... 50 to 50 Geese .................... 1:1 to 14 Ducki ......... ..... 13 o 14 Fowl ...................... 10 to IS Tanceys.. ............... 22 to 2* K'ery graduate guarniite^t) a | .MM I1M- 1. Thorough rmir-i's. Ij.iri>e turl' of S|.i-Mhit. Best equipped Uollui{ni Canada. Knter .my day. C. A. FLE. \IINp. F. C. A., Brinci|jl. ('.. D. FLEMING, - Secretaiy. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO BULL FOR SERVICE Kegisti'ivd Holotein Bull, Ko Pittit.j Cloihilde. N... 14780, .1 mi, Trixiw's Cli>thilde Pietertje _'ml,X. -'.is. "i. ha produced orer 80 ilit. luilk per day. Turint Grade cows $1.50, pint brad COWH *.: All . not roturued will lie charged. A's i ''tjuLun' 1 Yorkshire hnar. No. :'.4iHl .Term II. HENRY HOLMAW Lot 40, Cou. 4, AiteniHitia, t'ortU* P.O. (im.'irtf !'"'" h , t;l l' \\ '", a . Pe'-l'emlicular posi-j of ,, c .. llYicliolw M(l WM in R ,,,|l lion while the lady s husband ascend- 1 , ; ed and unwound the chain from the >"> llu '" ''' dvi c l '7 "t * wire. The "find" proved to be the lost treasure. The theory ia that the. was tint carrieo i Dinhain. I In | rrnMiiii'ity and exuinp'e will not Dulh " articles wore nicked up by a jackdaw wl.ich a lighted on the telephone wire,! 8 " 1 and that tho wind caused the chain IU Uavas at chief mourners two nimc, lhc S wire UntiMl becanle wound round Kl|rli pi lot og'apher, in Texai, -.id ,___ K.'ii li, at Rtiidrtit ni School if I'rctickl To Keep Awake In Church. Science in Toronto, mid tie IIOJH ha\e A minister once told a good way to tlie warm sympathy of Durham friend*. ' k. ep aal,.' in church when inclined I Ruviuw. to be drowsy. The way was this: Lift| J one foot a little way from the floor' and hold it there. Jt is inipossiblel Mr. nd Mr-, dm Schaaf and cUflghl- to go to sleep when your foot is poU-W of t >wn Imd n nitnow evcupe from ed in the air. This remedy though bcim , 8p hj-iateil with coal K lat simple, is very effectual und never .. .... fails to keep a person awake. |lrldi y ''""'" WW' "' " chimney hul been built to repUuti the one bluwn ilon on Good Friday, it ia thought ilia! a certain amount of r.mteriai had fallen down tnd clofjue I up ihu paiisage, wi'.h Ihu result tli*t tb civil gn* MII>. Sclmaf c.niiplnim-d nf a| II.I'H in la i I >-.i I bhoftly before nix i ti'c'uck, and hu ^<>t up to m-i lomu iiioJicine. He fell clixzy when _ lid con - ' inenced to walk, imd auspctt'ii"; what wts tonj hau'.uitoil up at I'M wheie Ml.- , \'..;a WHS U' tie pest purl of tin nver nt Cheiley im Siiutlny iiHinnni; U( .L whvn llnee y ,un.r men weie thron out of a caiM>, and C.irgi; L>wellyn Ph 1:, s, ai(d '23, dr-iw- iiiil IH'vuiftiJ iu-li'il AX HI- iiogi-tphri- fur Mr. I!.. I. l.il iuo,r. al mtt broker, and wat ua ivo of Hi'iimouilishirr, Wale*. A Htll<! f-iur-year old b y.Cie'ir^e Wur- icn, at Drocitville, while uliuil.iu.' nfenco was ki.i.ekec' dowi. by lumber he dislml^. eiland Kinotheie,! io detth in tho aoygy SHAW'S SCHOOLS II. HMAW, rrridt. Upa. Vokgi- S ( iri-r.ii il Sl.. "oroiito. CANADIAN PACIFIC Attractive! "Our Cemetery Reasons why you should "IM- it a trial," in the allur- ing In mliir; of an article in The Wood Oreen Sentinel, which begins: "Are you a Wood Green ratepayer, and do yon want to le buried? If so, try our own fine cemetery, greatly in. prov- ed ol recent years." Art Prife Found. Aiming a number of pictures pur- I'lm^exl by u gentleman in the North, of i. Knglmid lor a few pounds was 6ne 'hn daughter s which, on being cleaned, WHS found 'u< mcinin. Mr. S lialT went .'or a doc'or to bcar-tbo ei s naturc cf Van do an | whtll h ws , no Mrs. Scha:-f \elde. It was forwarded to a London 1 , ,, llrm. who immediately sold it for 8ome' btcim * uncun !WU "- H,,.u't- Ih.y hundrcdn of pounds more than their ,' br u^ht aroui.d .ill linht, aid by client cave for it. llhii lime are all pictty well ayain. - Mitnovtr Po-t. EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Sas HOMESEEKERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday. March to October Inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Kdmonton and Return - 43.00 Other polnti In proportion Return Limit two months. TOURI8T 8LKEPINO CAMS on all excurgioiu. Comrurtnble berthn. fully equipped witfi b'ddine. "n be secured ai moderate ratea thiough local agent. atchewan, Alberta SETTLERS For settlers travc 1 - ling with live Mock and effecti. SKOAL TRAINS Will leave Toi onto Each TUESDAY HilCH AKO AMJL 1O.2O p.m. Settlen and families without live atock ahould use REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. D.ily Throuth Colonist and Tourist Sleepers COLONIST OAR* ON ALL TRAIN* No charge for Berth* Home Seekers' Trains Leav* Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, .September and October, and at S3 p.m. and 1O.2O p.m. during May, June, July and August. Through Ttalna Toronto to Winnipeg and Wat Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto ":+ - S. Rand, - Agent, - Flesherton