A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives A Tonic is All You Not exactly sick but not feeling quite well. That is the vr&y most people fel in the spring. Easily tired, appetite flckle, sometimes headache*, and a feeling of depres- sion. Pimplea or eruptions may ap- pear on the skin, or there may be twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia. Any of these indicate that the blood is out of order that tha indyor life of winter ha a left its mark upon you and may easily develop into more serious trouble. Do not dose yourself with purga- tives, as so many people do, in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purgatives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. Any doctor will tell you this is true. What you] Deed in spring is a tonic that will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this ; ipeedily, safely and surely. Every does of this medicine makes new ; blood which clears ^ihe skin, 1 itrengthens the appetite and makes tired, depressed men, women and fhildren bright, active and strong. Mrs. Maude Bagg, Lemberg, Sask., gays : "I can unhesitatingly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood builder and tonic. I was very much run down when I began using the Pills, and a few boxes fully restored my health." Sold by all medicine dealers or by i mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GERMANY'S >EED OF DEl'EM E Would be No Realm Without Army and NaTy. "Germany must have a powerful] army and fleet, must have a strong and autocratic government or she Is lost," says a writer in Scribner's Magazine. "Ohne Armee kein ! Deutschland." She can permit no' illy, no stupid, no excited major-: tty to imperil her safety as a nation. If Germany were governed as in France, where they have had nine new governments since the begin-; ning of the twentieth century, and forty-nine since the republic rvplac- : ed the empire, forty -one years ago ' not counting six dismissals of the cabinet when the prime minister remained or fifty changes of gov- ! eminent in less than that number of years, Germany would have lost her place on the map. Political geography is the suffi- cient reason for Germany's army and navy. She is in the ring, and must be prepared at ai! hazards to ; take care of herself . That is a rea- . son, too, why Germany offers little; resistance to the ruling of an auto- j cratic militarism. ^ The sailors and stokers would rather obey captains and officers, ' however they may have been cho- ' sen for them, than to be sunk at sea ; and now-a-days, Germany is ever on the high seas, battling hard to protect, aud to increase her. commerce abroad, and her huge in- i dustrial population at home. Ger- many can take no chances for the moment, for only "Wer sieh regi- ert, der ist uiit Zufall fertig." BABY'S BATTLES. Baby's battles for health are many. The precious little life is in constant danger from the many ills that afflict little ones such a consti- i pation. indigestion. colic, diar- rhoea, etc., and unless the mother guards her little ones against these ' troubles serious results may follow. , Baby's Own Tablets is "the besti medicine to fight baby's battles. They are a mild laxative that will regulate the stomach and bowels and will thus ward off sickness and will keep baby happy, hta'.thy ano strong. The Tablets are sold by ; medicine dealers or by mail at 23: cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. f. t ft ' ^Ttatall- ' Countess of Pembroke, One of the tallest English peeresses. Halifax to Vancouver \\ ()>l t.N ARE PRAISING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Nova Scotia Mother Tells IIow They Cured Her Arhea aud Piking, aad Made Her a Wet) Woman Again. Ecum Secum Bridge, Halifax Co., X. S.^May 12 (Special). From Vancouver to Halifax come daily reports of the splendid work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing for the suf- fering women uf Canada, and this little place can show a splendid cure of its own. Mrs. Orastus Pace, the mother of a large family, was a sufferer from th-jse aches and pains only women know. To-day she is a strong, healthy woman. Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. "I had a pain in my left side and down through my hiue," Mrs. Pace- states. "I had! headache all the My heart was weak, and at Those Dear (;irls Again. Clara Rose told me you told her ! umv that secret I told you" not to tell j tlmes P*" 1 r ound it added to my her. I fears. Some days I was hardly able Belle She's a mean thing ! I to told her not to tell YOU. FACEYEBY Skin Cracked and Bled, Causing Much Pain. Was Getting Dis- couraged, Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Soothed Right Away, Used Them Four Weeks. Has Not Been Bothered Since, Clara Weil. I told her I wouldn't 'I read of a number of cures of cases like mine by D<-dd's Kidney tell you she told me, so don't tell PI!;S - an<1 8ent or three boxes. To- j her I did. day I am a we " woman, and em do as much work as ever I could." Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Mrs. Pace because her troubles came One Indication. "Well. dear, do vou think it 1. ^om diseased kidneys. Dcdd^s Kid- n<? > P lllsalwa > 8 re Ceased kid- . , going to be smooth sailing with our i n<? > . new cook-''' ' n *- vs - au<J as nlnet - v P er cent - of IHT W LUi-'It i % i "I'm afraid not. Jack. I rather , me V. i tpouble ' supper dishes there are goinc to be <"- >me " man s best think from the w.v sh* handled the supper dishes th breakers ahead. TT* S Ladne *' ,. PlI . U ** " ff ' irin 8 CLEARED AWAY. Proper Food Put the Troubles 8 Hunter St.. Darlsville. Toronto. Onta- rio. "My llula girl n-a troubled with cracked arms anil face from the time she was born. They wen certainly Tory much dbrfgured. Tim skin waa sensitive) anil cracked and bled, causing much r" ir * by smarting. When bea!!cg a llttla It took t je form of Itching. The trouble made her very croat. When ahe cried the teats would TTMlin U smart and causa more pain. I tried cold cream. . aad and it got better only to break out again whin exposed to the air. 8ha suffered for over three years aad I was getting discouraged when I rail of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and suut tor ample*. Cuticura Oiatmmt seemed to soothe It right away, where other ointment* mad* to burn, so I bought soms more. I used them for four weeks and she has noc been bothered glace. Her face and arms hare n.-var bad a- mark since, in fan her complexion la wonderfully dear." t31*nod) Mrs. Underbill. Dec. 11. 1911. Cuticura Soap la bust for skin aad hair becauaa of Its extreme purity, ddlcate yd effective cniuilleiis properties, and retresiUng fragrance. It coats but little more than ordinary soaps, wean to a wafer and gives comfort and satisfaction every moment of Its use. for toilet, bath and nursery. Cutl- cura Soap ""< Cuticura Ointment are sold everywhere. liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug Jc Chem. Cora.. Dene 4-JD. Boston. V. & A. BOYS' GOStiEOlS COSTUMES. SCHOOLS TO TRAIN VUVES. iu King's Chapel Arc Very Splendid. There are ten boys in London who erery Sunday and un State occa- sions wear suits of clothes that in, each instance cost something like I $200. The lads thus expensively and brilliantly attired are the ohoris-i trs belonging to the King's pri- vate chapel in St. Jamen' Palace. ' When arrayed in thir Sta:e suits they are truly a gorgeous eight. Scarlet cloth is the foundation of this costume. Bands of Royal pur- ple between rows of heavy gold lace are ihe adornments. Old lace nif- ties are worn at tha ne<:k and wrists. These ruffles are so valu-' able and so difficult to replace that they are worn only un the most special occasions. At other times white lawn bands take their place The boys must take great care of their suits, which must endure three years. The "undress" suits are replaced every eight months. This choir is one of the historical institutions of Great Britain, and I many of its old-time customs, in- eluding the dress of the boys, are* retained to this dav. The choir has numbered among its singers such. distinguished musicians as Sir Ar-! thur Sullivan, Edward Lloyd. Sir John Goss and Dr. E. J. Hopkins. It is the right of the head boy to demand a guinea as "spur money'' from anv officer entering the chap- el wearing spurs. It is said that I when Arthur Sullivan was head boy the Duke of Wellington would ' always come spurred to the chapel, , in order that he might have thej pleasure of paying the forfeit to his favorite chorister. Clark's Park & Beans iitr, flavour, aud pertect cum The maximum ol aottrishmrnt STRAYED from th X Ranch Ccrral a liJ eyed F.sto Broncho with R-ir.an ncsa and lightning heels. We havs Issued a humorous descriptive circular of this rerr.irkabla bronco with Illus- trations of his anCcs. Sent free oa application to my reader of '.hlz paper. This Is the rr.cst famous circular ever prir.ted tn the English language. More thaa half a rr.:3Ion copies hars already beea distributed to advanisa our famous Pinto Shell gloves mada from tc-cjh aro.ica hides. For a fraa copy send postal to HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Uaada's EijKrt Clare nd Mm I -.iONTXEAL. Ancient Beds. In ancient tLices the beds we read T about were sur.p'.y rugs, skins, or rut the Troubles u u thin mattresses which could be roll- Away, j^ U p gj,^ carr-,^ away in the Our own troubles always so m. m- -ruing. At night they were more severe than any others. But spread on the floor, which, in the when a man is unable to eat even a better class of houses, was of tile light breakfast, for years, without . or plaster, and as the shoes were severe distress, he has trouble not worn in the house and the fee* enough. ' were washed beJor* entering a It is small wonder he likes to tell room, th floors were cleaner than of food which cleared away the ours. After a tim* a sort of benci, troubles. j three feet wide, was built around "I am glad of the opportunity to two or three sides of th room tell of the good Grape-Nuts has about a foot above the floor, and. done for me,'' writes an Eastern ' covered with a soft cushion, was man. "For many years I was un- used during the day to sit or lounge able to eat even a light breakfast ; on and as a sleeping place at night, without great suffering. ! The bench was sometimes made like "After eating I would suddenly be seized with an att-ack of colic and" vomiting. This would be fol- lowed by headache arrJ'misery that would sometimes last a week or more, leaving me so weak I could hardly sit up or walk. ''Since I began to eat Grape-Xuts I have been free from the old trou- a settee, movable, and of carved wood or ivory. Out of the Question. "Why don't you take a wife, old chap!" "Oh, I don't know." .' .''" m " 8t , ha j e . T n * " bles. I usuallv eat Grape-Xuts one. * e '' the , {act ls l ld i a f; or more times a day. taking it at ., ford a 1913wifeonmyl902 salary, the beginning of the meal. Now I can eat almost anything I want A Friend Of the Policeman. without trouble. Continually on their ft.t. t'he "Peelers' " \Vhenl began to use (..rape-Nuts are inTar i ab i y troubled with corn* and I was way under mw usual weight. ; bunions-but not for lone, becanse they now I weigh 30 pounds more than , know of a quick cure. Putnam s Corn *-_ I ever weighed in my life, and I am 'tractor, it cures painlessly in 2J hours; glad to speak of the food that has, try "Putnam's." SSc. at all deo!lr. worked the change." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little booklet. "The Road to Wellville." in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Eer read th abovs latter? A new ont appaars from tint* to llms. They art gsnuin*, true, and lull ol hu.ii.in Intsrttt. Cats Marched tt> Service. VTheu Muiai Hand, ex-Sultan of Morocco, succeeded to the Sultan- ate, he found the sacred city of Fez infected by rats. Without any loss of time he at once nationalized all the cats of Morocco and issued a Matter uf Thinking. "I never thought of saving a cent until I got married.'' "But you think of it now 1" "Very earnestly, but that's as near as I can get to doing it." A Different Complexion. Mistress I saw the baker kissing you this morning, Mary. In future I shall take the bread myself. Maid It won't be no use, mum. He don't like fair women. The man who pays as he goes may not go very far but he always gets there. c ssUMMJ that many thousands of j St. Peter's, f. B. them tihould be marched into Fez for service. For some, time a law ruu existed in Hong Kong making it compulsory to keep cats in even- house, the number varying accord- ing to Cbe s-^'e of tho house. Employee I would like more sal- ary. I am going to get married. Employer Sorry, but I'll have to reduce it. I ain going to get mijr ried mvself. I eared a horse of th Mange with UINAhVD'S LINIMKJJT. CBRISTOPUEB 8AVNDEBW. DaLhousie. I cured a hc-r*e. badly torn by a pitch fork, with M1NAKD8 UNIMKNT. EDW. LtNLIKF. I cured a brvo of a bad swelling- by MINAtJDS L1SIMEST THOS W. PAYXK. Bathurst. N. B. ~^-. ~ - lampl* 're* It you writ* National Drug ChemMal C*> .1 Caiud*. Limiito, When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murioe Eve Kemeu.v. N. 1 Siuartiutt Beels Fine Ac-Is (juk-Vl,v. Try i. for Ritl, w.-n.i. \VAtrrT b'> es luid UvauulTt-tl EyvlM9. Itlua- trutiil Bmik lu cm-h Piu.-kuir. Mtiriue U 1-viuiiniiimliNl by out Ocnllsw nyl a "Pixtnn Mcvl- K-lue" but Tmtnl In smoessiw rhy^lctans' iruo- ti'-o for manv vpan. Now ilMioutuO to tbo Knt>- Ik- ivnj sold bj llniKg'sts lit VK nJ 6to iwtHiutliik Muhuu K SalYvTn \ ..-,:. TutK-m 2Jo unU itfo. Murlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago A Prudent Customer. "You are the proprietor and a pharmacist of the first class?" "Yes, madam." "And you know your business well!" "From the foundation." "That is well. Give me two cents' worth of gum drops." Inexpensive. "Does your wife want to vote 1" "Yes, and I'm almost inclined to give her the ballot." "\Vhyr "Well, that's the first thing she's ever wanted since we were married that won't cost me money." Jealousy is the offspring of dis- trust. Naturally. "What caused that awkward break in the conversation t" "Somebody dropped the subject.'' Nlnard'* Liniment Cures OlphtnerU. Where Girl* Get a Thorough lo- sight Into Housekeeping. A German idea, known as the "marriage echool," neatly com- bines physical and mental culture. and gives equal instruction in prac- tical housekeeping an<i th duties of a hostess. GirU art) admitted after they have completed their ordinary edu- cation, and the principal instruc- tion is in housekeeping, although. of course, cultivation of the mind is not by any means neglected. At the commencement of the echool term the mistress select* four of the girls whom she expects to take- entire charge of the houe for a week two servants, a cook and a housemaid, being regularly em- ployed to do the rough work. These embryo housekeepers have to rise very early in the morning aod see that the servants get through with their dutieu. The girls have to prepare" the breakfaac with their own hands, aud afterward ', ri*it every room in the house to see j that they have been put in perfect! order. Under the supervision of the mis- tress they have to cook the dinner. ; attend to the a'ternoou tea, and i later on prepare the supper. Their duties for the day cea.se by another inspection of the house, to see that everything is secure for the night. The following week another quar- tette of girls is choeen ; they per- form the same duties.. The nest week another quartette is chosen. and so on. Two or three times a week tba guests are invited to dine, aud the girls in turn act as hostess. They take the head of the table. I carve the joints and set the baJl of conversation rolling. By way of re- creation there are musical even- ings, walks aud bicycle parties. CURED HIS ECZEMA That Terrible Fatigue Can Be Overcome A Simple Home Remedy Now Cures Lack of Enersy. Lose of Ambi- tion, and a Feelin; of "Don't-Care." Successful In Naarly Every Casa. That miserable nervousness and half- sick nirad-all-the-tjn* condition la due nine- cadet* in ten to a i-logg-ed-up system. You JTOW irritable and despondent, y.iu la/ok ambition. energy seems ai! gone Surest road to health is by the fn-^uee: use of Dr. Hamilton's Pi'.'*: they w:!i make you teal -.< new all over ta a abort rune. Writing- from niji home in Barcelona, Mr. Frederick G. Mayer states: "1 think no one erer suffered as sererely ad I J-J for nearly ell months. So many serio,:s symjKoms were developing ae a corse- (juence of th; eil condition of my sys- tem that I realised I ma.<t 9nd a remedy. The strong- pilla of various ktndu 1 tried seemed after their first effects were over to make me far worse and I d:d not know which way to turn for relief. I .iw Dr. Hamilton* PlU advertised, and the flrst box used satisfied me. I found a trn remedy. Instead of griping with undue aetivity. Dr. Hamilton's PU'.s acted IB uaturally as If physic had not been taken. I never had to increase th dcwe and. indeed, within a month I reduced It, when the system finally acted of Its own accord u a result of Dr. Hami'.vn 's Pille. I '.ook a dose twie a week only, just to maks sure the old condition would not come back." No other remedy cures constipation and biliousness so easily or safely ae Dr. Hamilton s Pills: they ar an ideal fam- ily remedy for all d:*eacs of lh sto- mach. I'.rer and bowels. Sold ia So boxes, flra for 8100. all druggists and storekeepers or Ths Catarrliosoue Co.. Buffalo. N. f-. and Kingston. Canada. Employer "i>o you know the duties of an office boy ' OrBce Boy "Yes. sir; wake up i the bookkeeper -when I hear tha boss inanl't Liniment Cum Colo. Eta. \Ve should feel pity for th who is forced to take consequences that he isn't entitled FARMS FOB SAl H. W. DAVV30N, Miniy Toronto. Street, F' Hl'lT. SsTOCK, GRAIN AND DAlRT Farm* iu all tectioua of Ouiarta. Some soaps. ^^^^^^ FACTORY SITES. WITH OK WITHOUT Hi. >.! -.-u-kasTe. in Toronto, Brampton and other town* and cituw. RESIDENTIAL PHOPKKTIES IX Brjuiyton and a dou-n other towns. H. w. OAWSON. Conorne St., Toronto. 9.J ACRES T HTLK* KKOM _._ > market, soil sa;id and C!JT loam: br-rk houae : number of onrNuildtnga: aa ev-el!ent 'r-irt nd regr-*'n'* farm Th Wwtk.Tn R?al Ea'.ite H\ohaiig.\ London, ' Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. a T ONi'K MEN' WAXTKD TO --, -J\ Barber Tr-aJ* Urea; demand ! wjjes. Twprtr to t'.i r'.v .1 : .<r:i-^l M d.niiy in Toronto paper* i'n>ni> Cun >.ich ! TOU in six to eia-ht week*. Send for >'i:- , To;u. Moler Collee*. 221 CJueeo Eat. -!tO. STAMPS AND COINS rtrcct Korin Stamp*. Cats .- Atbam. only Son Tompany. Toronto. Viet Grounds. Father Young Willonghby doesn't seun to call on Grace very often of late. Wonder if it's a case of dampened ardor. Son I think likely. He proposed to her while out canoeing, and she threw him over. t l '. 1SSIK 2-'l. Mr. James McComb, of Thornton, Ont., write*: " For eight months I auf fared from tcxema and could |et Doth- lag to give me relief. I beard ot ser- : eral case* where good results had fol- lowed the use of Zam-Buk and decided to give this roraevly a trial, within three day* I felt much better, and within two weeks the sore* were en- tirely cured." For all skin diseases, eruptions. bolls, scalp sores, etc.. Zam-Buk is without equal. It Is Just as good for cuts, burns, bruise*, blood-poison, piles, varicose ulcers, bad leg. Inflamed sores, etc. AH druggists and stores at 50c. box. or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. Refuse harmful substitutes and Imitation*. Hare you tried Zam-Buk Soap? 36ft tablet. He Believed Her. "Do you know I'm sure I've soon your face somewhere before." "I don't doubt you at all. ma- dam. This isn't the first time I've worn it." Mlnard's Llnlmtnt Curst Olststnp**. Perhaps. \Vife I don't think your new suit is fast colored ; I'm afraid it will fade dreadfully in the sun. Husband H'rn, perhiw I'd bet- ter go out more at night then. Only On* "BROMO QUININf That I* LAXATIVE BROUO Q! !N'f<B Look tor tho ncnature of B. W. i)KOYB Cures a Cold lu Uu Day. Curw vino 'a Two Days. 250. The man who is called upon to carve the turkey never gets his pro- per shaore of sympathy. LhtUMMI Cur Cargit In Cow,t AVOID KlCtl DISUES. Austrian Physician Says They May Cause Arterio-Stlerosis. Do you sntoke too much, and are you addicted to th consumption of rich dishes ! These are frequent questions to be pondered by aJJ theee who would avoid arterio- sclerosis. Lecturing OB the subject of arterio-sclerosis, which he termed the Damocles sword suspended over th heads of us all, Prof. Adolf veil Striuwfell, the eminent physi- cian aud physiologist, of VienuA. Austria, gave *.vax< vajuable sug- nestions as to how this disjas<? nughc be avoided.. It is nxxsc kna- jx rt^nt, he sa^Kl. to begin in time aid carefully refrain from ev . ry- thing known to be injurious K> the arterial s\>teui, such as ovor- physical strain, free indulgence in rich foods, alcohol and tobacco, es- pecially the latter. As for tea and coffee, there was much lees to be said. Strong, black coffee certainly did produce nervous affections of the heart, but it had little effect upon the arteries, and tea was injurious only in iso- lated oases. With regard to meat, d<x.tors were- right when they spoke of its injurious effects, but, after all. per- haps it was more the rich euuces and graries aceomj^anying it which did fch eruischief. The idea that so- called white meats were less harm- ful than dark meat* was also proba- bly only true in regard to the- dif- ferent way of preparing and cook- ing them. CA.M.'tH. IL'MOit-i. LUMPS' KlU, Internal snd external. oord w.x out t>in b cur horos rr^stra*n: ' n> o b^'nr* too tt Pr. Relloosn M'dieal ry T rr-"*<l To' ^T^Q.^.| Pit GALL * 1 1.'. 1 . .. hU'.Ntlf A.\D BL\t>. ,1r Ston. Ktdnrr troohl*. Qr*'l Lumbago s^d kindred aitmcatt posit T#if cared with th n" Gfrmao Rnn.l. ' Sanol." price II 50. Another new reTi*d tor r Vo. Mi-l! !. ami nr cnr. ' "Binol's Autl-Diabet>." P-^c K 00 f~> rt!K;it or dlrwot Tb Sj^ol Mnufy tur'D Comoanr ot Canada. L r:i.c Man _ Quality Butter J That's the kind you make with Mi.\ -.;;; 3 "Favorite" Churn y *T& Q Hand FootU . r^~ ever* , U \ Vpller PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Totur druggist will refuotl mon-y tf l'.\7.0 CINTMFNf fail* to our* any title of Ivh tn. Blind. BKvilnn or Protruding I'-.lm lu I to 14 daya. adv. Ma-'CTrefl's "Fx.'y:**" Is wed I1 erer thsotldr-lnDnmai!i. th b-jttr c.-j-'try o*ths world -inth Urated St-tffS, IT vr* c< MR!> tariffs nJ tn vnty Soctlon ol Camuia. Our Ajricuirsrol Co:!!vs and Cot. lpspc!ors rcoiimid It. b*va:a tt la tha fineK butir-makr In tha world. V- ; for catalogue U ycur ceisr does not ho.-vi! It. DAMU MAXWELL & SONS. 1 MAHY'9. ONT. The Heart ofa Piano is ihe Action. Insist on the OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action BOILERS N'ew and Second- hand. for heatine; Bid power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKESTACKS. * (or POISON TORONTO Caglnos $hipb)tdar* '