Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1913, p. 4

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May ir> 1913 THE J< L E S H E R I O N ADVANCE TH K / Icshcrton An indupt-ndent newiipaper, published every TnnmiUy at th<- office, Collmgwood Street, K N-~Uc-it.il i. .Subscription price *1 |r annum, h .-n pui.i in advance; 91.50 wlien not <> l>i<l . V- 1 v ri li.-inu' rates on application. Circulation 1,100 wt-ekly. W. H. Xhui-Bton Bailor THE CASE OF THE AUTO The largely increased nunber of automo- bile accidents c .ronicleJ recently aie making people woi.der whero thin thing w'.ll end. Toronto undertook to regulate this truttic a c .uple o' >ears ago, but the result cannot ha said to ke satisfactory. The number of fatalities is incrensinn right al mg and every few days accidents cf a more or less fatal nature are chron icled. XoruTorontothe only pUce where Ic.nKchmces are taken by mro drivers. We see it here >u> well, and we pret,u'i.e there a-e reckless drivers wheicvcr there areautos. The great difficulty sppenrs to he enforcement. Where there are no l^ccial officers appointed to see that the liws are obeyed the motorist appears to have everything hi on way, s no priva'e citizens will take the trouble and odium of prosecuting in hi own account The Gooderham hill of this lession, gr<rling offences, appears to be drawn on correct lines ami may be more efficacious in holding down the joy rider and drunk- en drivers than the laws which have governed in tlie pas', but no Uw will he of any use whatever unless s'ricily en- forced, and none of them will be enforced in rural municipalities until special officers are appointed to loon after them. The new law provides that the fines tor speedinglexcept in serious case*) will not exceed $10 for ihe tiist offence 20 f..r the second, $30 thi> third, $50 is Darned, as maximum rinu (<pr ikltsul seijuetr offences. Another important failure of the Act is thai cars may not be impounded for minor breaches of tha htw, such a speeding, and the drunki-n driver will lie placed in ihe saint: class a* the one wh ' drives furiously on a wnger, or who re. fuses to return to the scence after an accident. Diiviiu' while dru:ik will be- come the in"-! serious ofcnce, punishable by a tine of $fi<> fur the tirst i. Hence fur the secuiid, and six months i niiMit, without option of fine for the thiid. Hereafternulicei.se will be issued to a chauffeur until signed by two authorized inembt rs of the < >ntrio M jtor League, and ihe Chief Magistrate of the locality. A Pertinent Query 1 1 t. r you teen to IUD Mt-th .'JUt vhutch on Mon lay evenings lately / If not, you are the oi.ly. loser. If you don't believe it, ! in- and seo next Monday. We sympathise with those) who I uven't the ambition to </o. Don't be the only oue in t >wn not there, and nbove all don't be late. If absent you leave chair f < r someone e'se. The program will le THE PEOPLE WON the country own the railways, or do the railways own the country? The people out west hive until recently thoujht the Utter clause of this query should be answered in the all' rmative, but a little ruling of the Uiltviy Com- mission has given them the idea that probably lha peopb themiulves have EOiue say in how the railway j shall con- duct themselves. Four year* ago a B. company li.m.'V and laid out the towiisite of Foit George into lots and put them on themirket. The Gr.iud Trunk Piicilic protested that they wanted this property fur railway purposes, but did nut succeed in blocking the private company. The G. T. 1*. then pnrotUMd* neir-by Indian reserve through the Dominion Govern- ment for $200,000,proceedcd to put their uration MOIIIB two miles from the original Fort George, and asked for a registration of a new town site to be called Piince 'in. ij.- This application, was refused The Ntural U-.-sources Company, which exploited the (own >ite of For' George, and the owners of lots in that town, laid thmr caso before the Railway Com- mission, which handed out ita ilecision on Saturday last t . the effect that the railway company are obliged to place their station at a point within 3000 feet of the towimite of Fort George. The buyers of real estate in Fort George Mon t to loose heavily through the grouch of the G. T. I', if the Com- mission had not come to their itsiistnuce in this manner. Ui.ly lait week Ihe CommiHsion an- nounced that Ihe railways must lower their rates very materially in tho West. The country certainly has reason to bless t he man who fiist suggested the appointing of a Hailway Commission to seeifter public interests. The Fort i!ci PI^.- decision itself is millii-ir.nl war i, inly for its existence. FUR FARMING IN CANADA - Commission of Conservation for Canadi has published a very complete work on "Fur Farming in Canada." The author, .1. Walter Jones, sayt that the day of the trapper and trader in Can ada is at an end, and artificial means will have to be employed if the fur mark et is to Ixj supplied. He then proceeds to show what has been done along that line at various points in the Dominion, particularly in Prince Edward Island where black fox farming has been reduc ed to a science . Tho work is bound ir cloth and the information cont lined therein is of immense value touny person proposing to embark in fur raiting. The Arthur Enterprise nys: "A stli tongue nukes a .VIM- head" is mi o'd a lage which all mi Jr do well to bear in mind, but adherence to this precept was especially called for in the case of a mem- ber o( the tramping fr.Veruity, who paid a visit to town on Friday p-issing himelf off as i deaf and dumb mute and on that ground establieing a claim for 'ilms from the charitably inclined. In one if the local hotels ho wrote jn a piece of papo r that he could play the vio'in. A fiddle was obtained and much to i !i" surprise of i ii.'-p- present he tuned up the instru- ment by holding ihe keys in his teeth making it lelieved llut by the nerves of his molars the sound was in some way carried to the proper location in his cran- ium. He then wped off a couple ol selections quite creditably. This extia- ordinary performance produced the desir- ed effect but incidentally worked Ins un doing, and the gifted stringer samplec impel Ul wet good* with evident relish at the expense of some generous individ n. ili standing about. The amber tluic seemed to loosen up his vocal organs, anc in a moment of forget fulness he nmli some hasty remark in a quite audible lone and the game was all off. At tin kind suggestions of Constable P. J Farrell he decided to push on to unknowr points. A sunk-' coiled about * l-uj.ii. i stall C'cmpiired the lemtrkaMedisuot ery mud the other day, by a clerk in a Pit'sburg, I'a., fruit store. The proprietor of tho more, a man mined Lilt'e, had received u quantity of I ananas from South America. When Herman Penderman, a clerk, unwrapped them they all looked like regular bunches and nothing more. Jut to pull off the packings, Herman i m h 8 hand through one bunch and touched : ouietlliiii; soft. Right away his opinion of the bananas fell, for a rot- ten piece of f.-uit is an abomination to a good c'erk. He reached again for the rotten banana, but ha couldn't pull it out. So he took tho bunrh out the hack yurd, where he could see better, and there it WUH three feet of pretty gmy.soft mmkb coiled about the si ilk . The animal was put in a i'l.i-H jar and taken to the Xoo, where ihe headkeeper suid it was a Gold- en Treesuake, a native of South America and Mexico. Drinking caustic potush, thinking it was coffee, a Polack, Joseph Klakofsly, 25 years old, gave his fellon workers an exciting time in a sugar works at Long Island City, N. Y., the other day. Klusk ifnky stole the can of potimh from a ti-ll'i* workman nd began drinking t with hit lunch. He emptied the can n u gulp or two, mid began antics never Wore seen in a sugar works. His com- panions tied, and their shouts and the i",c.in. c- .! screams of the writhing mim attracted the ofhVuU*. Tliey traced the trouble to the empty can. An anilui'aiicc urgeon brought a stomach pump, and gang of workmen captund Klakofsky, who was doinu in';h tuoib!inii ci|iiiva!ent to an Indian war dunce. They got him down on the Hoor nud held him while tl c ambulance BUgenn pumped him out and then pumped back into him a pint or HO f olive oil. He then went home cured of klepioinatii*. Faimers will sive 82 on every head of cattle Bold after April Iht next yitar, if they are dehorned. The big cattle inter ests have determined tha' on an average there is a I ss of 82 per \\i-.\\ by bruised moat, scored punctured hides and other injurie.s, on nccount of cattle being . Inp ped with their huiiis. Alter this dat dehorned catte will receive toj> inarkot price and those shipped, not dehorned, will be docked 92 per heai. It it agreed among votminaries and others qualified to know that dehorning i.s of m serious injury or detrimental t-i the ani in.il.' and they thrive as well without hom as with them. An investment of 5a of cnu< tic, which, applied on the calves nboul three days old, destroys the hom am hero is no trouble afterwards. Angus McQiiarrio, la'e of BadjeroR had a rather sudden and unexpected' cill to his long home last week. Mr. Me i,>ini p. ir i; ivc- up farming a couple ol months ngo with tho intention of upending the -,11101111-1 in the west, and was vmititig his mother-in law, Mrs Thoiton, before starting away. On Tuesday last week li wont out in thn yard and split a httl< wo ..I for exercise, apparently in his usun health That evening he became ill will heminorrliiigo and gnulunlly grew woisc until Saturday afternoon, when ho PKSBU( away. He is survived by his wife, anc little daughter, who have the sympathy of all in tlioir berenvemi'iH. Tho fuiiera took placu to tin 1 Dadjeros ceinotoiy 01 Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antce means something. We are not here to-day and away to-morrow; you know just where to find us. Comfortable vision or your money back. No guess work. Accurate, scientific measurements mi tests. Difficult cases i specialty. W. A. Armstrong. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Biskot leaves Tuesduy noun, delivery Friilay eveni-ig. CLEANING and DYEING We nre agents for Hrker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR The remniiii of Alex. McDaunIl and Koliort Birch, eniployonR, wt-ro f"iind in tlie mirm <>f The Clmtliam Planet build- ing, whirli W.-VH destroyed by fi ro. Moiuiny, Rev. duo. H. PurohMS, nni Kev. A. J. O. pastor of tha deceased, A member of the Indian lis! in sliavtd off his mnnsUrlii! l8t wock IIIH by doing so fooled a bartender in Hi Windsor hotel ii(lo getting drink. H i.s now in the tin F. H. W. HICKUNG FLESHEEnrONjDNTARIO. Felt Hats for Spring Your New Hat is Here ! Come and make your selection. Soft hats in the newest shapes and colorings Green, Brown, Tan, Fawn, Olivi Grey and Black. Prices from 75c to ./if.oO. Stiff Hats the newest shapes. All sizes from 6f to 7^ Prices from $1.50 to $2.50. Straw Hats for Fine and Every-Day wear. Laces and Embroideries We're showing a splendid assortment in "Valen. ciennes, shadow and allover Laces and Edgings. The prices range from 2c per yard up. Our Emb- roideries are worthy of special notice. They range in width from the narrowest edging at 5c per yard to the full skirt width at $1.50 per yard. Patterns and widths suitable for Corset Covers are particularly strong and range from 20c to 50c per yard. Specialties in matched patterns. SWELL SHOES ! This week we open up two shipments of new spring Footwear mostly Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps, Slippers and white canvas goods. These include Don- gola, Tan, Gun Metal, and Patent Leathers, sizes range from 2 to 7. They were bought eirly, saving the recent advances in leather, and are all clossly figured. JNo old styles or lasts in the lot. Prices from $1.50 to $3 00. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture gh en at tho head of this advertisement will only cost yon $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wantd. 8priuRS and Mattresses to fit all be:ls. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sh-r] inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods. Every- thing Up-To-Uate as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner CEYLON'S STORE HHV.. you w,t all the Clovei and Grass Seeds you require, if not, get the Best Grades at Pattison's, Ceyhm, at prices you can't beat considering quality. We have also Dutch Setts, Potato Onionf, Garden Tools, Poultry Netting, Black and White fenco Wire, Spades and hhovels. and Forks Eveiy:ning required for spriim worlc. Also fancr things for decoraticg up the house, such as New Wall fuyeis, Hoor Oil C.'olhs. Lii.oleums, Curtains, Cmtaiu Poks, Paints and V armtmo. For the Ladies and Girls No* Suit Lengths, Dress Lengths, House Dresses, Embroidery for Dresses, Princess Slips and Corset Covers. T, ace co i| dt , an( i Cutf Setts, taney Waists, Underskirts, Spring anu^umu.er Underwear, Boots and Shoes, in low or hi t h tan. Patent or Donrolas, Kid and bilk Ulo'-es, Bose in silk Lisle or Coiton. Statements made by patients taking the New Method Treatment. lT No Ntmu or TutimonUb iul without written content CON8TITCTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE. Patient No. 16474. "The pot are oil gone u -in my !VK> anil arms and I t.- i Baod now. I am verjr grateful to yuu and ihall never forget the favor your medicines have dune for me. Tou c:in use my name In recommending It to any ufferer. I nm going to get mar- ried IOOD. Thanking you once more, tc." SAYS TWO MONTHS CURED HIM. Patient No. 16765. Age 23. Single. Indulged In Immoral haltn 4 yean. Dc- poilt In urine and ilralns at night, Varlcoie Veins nn both sUlei. pains In back, weak sexually. He writes: "I received your letter of recent date and In reply I am plonaed to say that after taking two month*' treatment I would consider myself completely cured, a I ii.iv. aeen no ilgns of them coming back (one year). THE WORLD SEEMS DIFFERENT. Patient No. 1BAS3. "I have not had a regular Emluton I don't know when and am feeling fine. The world seems altogether different to me and I thank God for directing me to you. Tou have ipoi-n an honest doctor with me." VARICOSE VEINS CURED. Tase No. 16888. Symptoms when h started treatment: Age 21, single. In* dulged In Immoral habits several years. Varicose Veins on both sides pimples on tlie face, etc. After two months' treatment he writes as follows: "Tour welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I think myself cured. My Varicose Veins have completely dis- appeared for quite a while and It seems a cure. I work harder anil feel less tired. I have no desire (or that habit whatever and If I stay like this, which I have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you for your klad attention." etc. GAINED 14 FOUNDS IN ONE MONTH. Patient No. ISOti. This patient (aged !.si had a chronic case ot Nervous De- tiity and Sexual Weakness and was run down In vigor and vitality. After one month's treatment ho reports as fol- lows: "I am feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds In one month, so that I will have to congratulate you." Later report: "I am beginning to (eel more like a man. I feel my condition -Is getting better every week." His last re- port : "Dear Doctors As I feel this Is the last month's treatment that I wilt have to get. I thought at one time I would never b cured but I put con- fidence In you from the atari and you have cured me." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY cur* V URINARY COMPLAINTS We treat ana cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. '.BLOOD AND S. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES ami all DisssMS FREE. Blank for Horn* trutmwt. BOOKS FREE. If inuU* to c.ll write for Quution 1 All Uttm from Cutwla mint b. .ddroii.d to our Cm*. li Convipondcnc* Dcpu-titwnl followi t DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. WINDSOR. ONT. DRS.KENNEOT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave, and Gruwold St., Detroit, Mich. FARM FOR SAI.I-. In i lir t..nslii|i of ArteniPiii.i, in the Cntinty of Oroy. lot 13, con. '_', and lots 12 and 13, con. 3 N.D.R ., cc>'itaiuin; 100 acres ; fr-imo house. Apply to N. Mc- Fiiytlen, I'nol'aik, Onl., or A. N. Mot-- van, Now Liskem-d, or John McFudon, Cuylon, Out. 1 Pure Bred Holstein frill Changeling Prince Joe l?i-dl liy Chnngi'ling llii'ler Hoy o'lt of Tidy Al>hi'kik 1'rinresn .losi'idiim-. Tho "i.'ii-''i liultnr nmkiui; (train Uio\vn. Tfim of Htrrico --&U for gfadss, l?5 for (iiir^ lirnd. <:KO. MOOUK A- SON, r.,>|H., IKob 14 !'i on Stiition. Court of Revision The first Hitting of the Court of Revimcu for the Township of Ospt-ey fo- llin VCBI- 1913 will he held in the Ouinge Hull, Maxwell, on Monday. Miiy 2(1, I'M:;, A- 10.30 n. m. All |ntie.s inter- ested will govern thsmsolves accordingly THCS. SCOTT. Clcik. Dr. J. Ralph Smith! OSTEOPATH Oflico and Ili-sidonce 408, 9th St. East, Owen Suuntl, Out. J. & W. B O Y D GENERAL MERCHANTS FLESHERTON - ONT. House Cleaning Time . . Now is the time to buy fine Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., Nothwitbstanding the fact we are selling out, we have received the spring ship- ment in these lines and are therefore marking special prices to clear them. Rugs in Tapestry Brussels and Wool, sizes 2J x 3 to 4 x 4. Price 0.90 ................ . ............... ,. .i $20 00 Carpets in Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Linens and Hemp ' "at" prices from 26c to .............................. ^__ . |1 36 Linoleums, 6x4 and 12 x 4 widths some very pretty patterns, best English Linoleums ...... ................... 50c per square yd. Also Oilcloth Mattings at reduced prices. AUoMats and Door Mats in Cocoa Matting Wire. Lace Curtains, Bunaalow Nets, Screen Muslins. Lace Curtains fur 43c to ...................... . $4 00 Bungalow Nets from 15 to ............ .'.'.'.'. ..'.'. . ,40c. Muslins from 12J to .............. ..'.'.'..'.,'!.' !!l5c! Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. &W. BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT. For Men " Spiing Caps-Felt Hats and New Style Christies, also Panamas ?"1 7,, w Hat8 ' Ral " Couts in J'Herent styles shades and prices, Kid Gloves, and I mhrellag. Suit Caaea and 'iVnntr. r*.* BU= ,! Tiees. Pure Maple Syrup for sale at $1.51 OUR MCTTO "Small Profits and C. BLAKELY SECRETS OF HOME LIFE They bow it Cms Hours it to 12.m , 1.30 to 7 to 8 p.m. Other hums hy till |. in.

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