Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1913, p. 1

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f TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRItfCIPLEb NOT MEN!' F K VOL 32 No. 47 Flesherton, Ont., TliurscJay, May 22, 1913 W. H. TflDRSTON EDITO " aud PliOP Eugenia Paragraphs Messrs. Fred and Tbos. Sheppard o Toronto, motored here one day last week and took back with them some speckled beauties. Mils M. McMullen nd Mrs. Me Mullen visited in Priceville over Sunday. MI.SK P. Cairns is spending a couple ol weeks with her uncle, hero. Miss A. YViUon has returned from her visit in Priceville. Mr. W. G. Giuliani is home from his visit in Kuphraniii. Misses Jean Graham and Alice Williams attended the hull game between the- Kimberley and Flesherton tada un Saturday. Mrs. McTavish, Mrs. Goldhawk, R. N. Cornfield and S. McTavisIi were the guests of Mrs. Williams the past week. Miss Tna Smith and friend were the guesta of her aunt, Mrs. P. Munahaw, recently. Misses Mary Turner and Bertha Williams of Markdale. spent the week end with friends hore. Litlle Pearl Latimer invited her girl friends in un Saturday afternoon to makn merry with her on her seventh anni- versary. Miss Sayers of Feveritham, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Genoe. Mins Theressa Armstrong, ef Ceylon, gpent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. Jacob Parliament spent a couple of weeks with her friends at Drayton. Mr. K. Paik commenced the rural mail delivery to new Feversham, on Monday. A number from here attended the 8. S. convent L>u held in Flesherton, on Tueiday. Mr. Dave Jamiesun of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. McMaster. The O. W. I. are fortumte this year in having Mrs. Hunter of Pleasant, Ont., M their speaker for this riding. She intends being in Eugenia on May 31st at 2 30 in the afternoon, in the Methodist church. All ladies should try and avail themselves of the privilege of hearing her. Mr. Wesley Latimer of Toronto n the guest of Mr. Leonard Latimer, at present. Durham Road The majority of the farmers of this vicinity will complete seeding operations this week. Now for the warm spring Khowers ! Great interest iw being shown in S. S. work. Last Sunday, May 11, recorded au attendance of 64, with over $2 col- lection. May 18, gave us an attendance of 03, and 11 collection of 91.47. A patriotic programme will lie- given in our school on Friday, May 5J3. A brief review of Canadian history will be given, intermingled with which will be given, patriotic songs, recitations, etc. The parents are urged to attend. Come and be patriotic ! 1,30 p. m. Mr. Alex. Muir, six cornel's, is ill with a slight attack of pleurisy. Mr. Greenwood visited at his home from Thursday till Monday . Home is sweet - in sickness / Mrs. Oliver, widow of the late Harry Oliver, Toronto, visited among relatives of this burg. News, we trust, will be more plentiful next week. May the 24th will produce some interesting fish stories. Riverdale Chilly weather. Inspector Hurt of Meaford made his regular official viait to our public school on Friday. Messis. Geo. Willard and Gordon Wiley of Wodehouse, were callers in this vicinity recently. A number of our young people spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Davidson, on Wednesday. As a result of the meeting held at Ebe- nener church on Tuesday evening last, a garden party will bo held in this vicin- ity on the 29th of May. Mr. Sanford Ward was engaged dur- ing the past week reshingling Mr. W. Irwin's barn, , Mr. John Stephenaon, of Vandeleur, visited 'he parental home here on the first of the week. Wodehouse Doings Mr. Sam Wiley has the past week had his barn roofed with metallic roofing. Mr. J. Lawso.i did the job. This is one of the many barns which suffered in the Good Friday windstorm, the whole roof having been taken off. Patches of bright new shingles on old roofs, and a new board here and there elsewhere to replace the ones torn off, are a conspicious feature of the rural landscape this year. Miss Nettie McArthur and Miss Ellie Wiley spent a few days recently .vith Rev. and Mrs. Ottan, Corbetton. Born on Tuesday, May 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown, a son. Mrs. J. J. Choi ry, who returned from the Western Hospital, Toronto, some three weeks ago, was taken very ill again at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Brown, and has been very low the past week. Her condition is slightly im- proved at present, though she is not yet out of danger. Mesara. Geo. Willurd and Gordon Wiley visited Riverdale friends one day during the past week. The laat Quartely Board Meeting of t his circuit for this year, met at Epping : church on Monday last. We understand j our minister, Kev. Mr. Trotter, has to j give up his pastoral work at the close of this term, by the advice of hie physician, owing to the delicate state of his health. ; Mr. lames KirkDatrick has leased Mr. John Lawson'H farm for this year. Little Miss Viola Gilray of Epping is the guest of her aunt, .Mrs. E. Donnelly. Mrs. JOB. Cheny, jr. happened with a nasty accident on Friday hist, when she had her foot badly acilded, which will lay her up for some time. Mr. Rny Wood visited his friend, Rusael Black, Union Hill, recently. Feversham Items Cold winds and frosty nights luvo re- tarded the rapid growth of a few week 8 ago. Tho farmers are finishing up seeding this week. R Co'tjuette is recovering fiviu a pio- onged si ck spell . Mr. Thompson visited with his daught- er Mra. E. Hun me before returning to IIH hom-iiu Michigan U. S. A. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Julian motored over to theBitteau on Sunday last and visited with the latters bro., J. W. Hudson, who resides there. Mr. A. J. Conrnn visited with his daughter, Mr. W. H. Davidson, in Col- lingwood, last week. ^ Mr. aud Mrs. John Hudson have left the American side uf this village and gone over to the Canadian aide to reside. Portlaw Ceylon Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sargeut and two children of Owen Sound spent a few day g at Edward Sargent's Mr. Chas. U'melia, Toronto, attended :he funeral of his grandmother at Pi ice- ville and spent a day with 1m parents iiere last week. Mrs. Hodi(iriB, Homings Mills, was a visitor for a fttw days at Mr. T. Chislett's. Austin McMullnn, who has been spending the past month with his parents eturned to the city, Monday . Mrs. Dunn of Algoma was a visitor at klr. J. O' melta's last week. Born On May 11, to Mr. and Mrs. D. > . McLauchlan.a son. The little one did on Monday evening and was laid to rest at Smileys cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Messrs. Sergaut aud Boyce are busily engaged in sawing shingles. Miss Pearl Cairns visited Eugenia i iends the past week. We understand Mr. J. Pattison has >ought Mr. Peter McAthur's stock at r'ricoville. Walkerton While playing about a newly ploughed ield on Miss Carrols's property on Tues- day afternoon th-.'ee small boys unearthed what is undoubtedly the skull of a human being. The skull which had evidently been in the ground many years was letiin'ed aod the youngsters were at tint browing it about thinking it was a stone. While doing this some of the teeth came o view which caused them to investigate .ud they discovered that they had found all that remained of a fellow creature. They conveyed their prize to the school ui Wednesday and presented it for ex- .munition to their teacher, Mr. 0. . jeppard, who at ill has it in his posses- ion. Telescope. As a lesult of the viait of Dr. MoNally, district Health Officer, who made a lour f inspection hore last week. Jhiof Fer- i u.ton has been ordered to see that no i togs are kept inside the corporation, no manure pile* left exposed to flie*, no 1 lotels left without screens on the doors ' od windows of the dinning rooms, pan- ' riea and kitchens, uo slaughter houses eft in n unclean state aud no pit closets permitted to remain longer in town, failure to enforce these laws may mean heavy penalty being loveid on the town. , Herald and Times. Seeding is now practically over, some odds and ends yet. Mr. Geo. Thompson, .if C'hatsworth, was a visitor among friends here lust week. Mr. David J. Jbmieeon, of Toronto, is visiting with his brother, G., here and sister, ,-it Eugenia. Mrs. D. Gordon, who has been .serious- ly ill and receiving treatment at Toronto hoKpi'nl, i reported to be much im- proved. Mount Zion Sunday School was re- organized some three weeks ago with Mr. W. A. Morton, :u> superintendent, and a g"od staff of tfachers and officers and a splendid attendance of pupils. Rev. Mr. Campbell was able to take the service on Sunday bwt and dispensed the sacrament. His people were delight- ed to have their pastor with them ngain, and all hope for hi early and complete recovey. Durham On Monday of this week, Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Campbell called at the manse and on behalf of a number of frienda in the congregation presented Dr. Fa:<iu- harson with a purse of aold, expressive of their sympathy with him in his pres- ent illness aud of cheirdesire that means ahould not be lacking fur the prosecution of his efforts towards recovery. The wafer wagon got a bhd jar on Mon- day morning. Just after tilling it up at the supply pipe, Mr. John Whittaker, who doe the street sprinkling, atarted his horses. In turninz off the platform, a loose plank caught in one of the wheels and the whole load CHpsized, breaking the tongue, and causing other dmnngef. One of the horses was knocked down, and I) f Id fast until cut looae. He was taken from ihj wreck apparently unin- jured. As nn eye witness of the affair, we feelsurpiised that the horse didn't have his legs broken. The refusal to grant licenses to the hotels in Menford puts the whole of North Grey in the dry belt, not a aingle license being now held in that part of the coun- ty. Mi'aford failed by a fraction of a vote to paas local option laat January, and according to the strict interpretation of the law, it wasn't necessary to refusa the licenses to the threu hotels making application. Surely the temperance Lib- erla ought to give Mr. Hunna credit for this one act, if for nothing else. Will any of them do so? How does the Re- view feel on the subject? About the middle of laat week, Mr. Thos. Wilson mat with A painful accident which will lay him off work for a number of weeks. While engaged in the cluy building, a heavy pieco ofscantling slipp. ed through an opening in the floor, some (if y or sixty feet above him This ia the second time Mr. Wilson met with pain- ful injuries in the samn building, thu former occasion being two or three years ago, when he was caught uuder a heavy bank of clay. Chronicle. Raided at Durham A valuable young hormbecanfe excited at Oven Sound by a motorcycle, reared up, and. in coining down broke its leg and had to be shot. Durham, May 18. Provincial Inspec- tor Ayearst, with Licence Inspector Matt B.-ckett of Owen Sound, and two other detective), twooped down from Uwen Sound this morning in motor cars and raided (be two leading hoteU, Their Coming was A complete surprise (o the proprietors and town. In the Middaugh House six kegs of lger were con6scited, its first offence, whilu at I he Ifohn House a imall amount of lager and whiskey was secured. The latter hotel has been pre- vious 1 ? convicted. Kimberley Budget The recent copious showers are making tho farmer wear ,i broad smile. Miss Belle Clinton of Fleshertuu is visiting friends in tlu's vicinity. Miss Pearl Fuwcutt of Duncan, fic- companied by Miss Augusta Free, visit- ed at the former's parental IIOHH* here on Sunday last. The Flesherton public school baseball team, accompanied by a couple of iloxeii rooters, drove over to Kimberley on Sat- urday afternoon last and played a match with the school team here, resulting in a victory for the home team by a score of 22 to 12. In all fairness to the Flesher- ton team we must state that the Kim- berley boys were somewhat the hoariest team, which was a little to their advant- age. However, it was a good exhibition game, as both teams played air-tight ball. Mr. R. J. Stuart made a business trip to Markdale on Tuesday, Miss Jennie Grahuin of Eugenia visit- ed Kimberley friends ,-i few days the | ast week. Mr. John Ahcrcnmihic occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church mi Sun- day uiornin-.! last in the absence rf the pastor, who is on the sick list. Mr. Simon Fawcett and little son, Harold, of Collingwoml, are visiting friends in this vicinity at present. Mr. Fred Graham of New Liskuard is visiting Kimherluy friends at present. Mr. and Mrs. Davul Weber ami family visited friends in Clarksburg on Sunday last. Mr. J. H. Fawcott of Collingwood, accoi>i|Ntnicd by the Rev. Mr. Shapter, spent last. WiMtncMl i v tishing in the old Beaver, and succeeded in landing :mi.- a number of speckled limni irs. Mr. P. Munshaw, of Eugenia, was ; caller in our bui-g one dny last week. Toronto Line North Seeding is almost accomplished. We are sorry to report that Mr. Thus. Lever had the misfortune to lose one i.f his working horses recently. Whili> cultivating, the horse fell and died sud- denly. This will be <|iiitc a loss t<> Mr. Lever, at this season. Mr. Marshall Beard, of Yandeleur, with his portable sawing machine, 1ms recently been cutting timber for Mr. J. Lever and others who intend electing new buildings this summer. Little Bessie Stewart, daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, is on the sick list. Mr. Fred Hrown, councilor, ac- companied by Mr. Thus. Lever, took a busiuesfe trip to East, Mountain one day last week. Fred thinks he will have to improve the condition of lh> roads for the rising generation. Miss Elva Lever, accoiii|Mnied by Miss Mildred McMullen, of East Mountain, spent the week end at the former's parental home. here. Maudlin Sob Artists lu a sane article on the impending fate of Henry Love, the Owen Sound Times of last week voices the sentiments of the Advance when it says: "It may he said that no matter what the course of the minister of justice may be in the nmtter the weight of public opinion in this vicinity and in the neighborhood of Love's "11 home is overwhelmingly that he ought to hanu and that any commuta- tion of the rentence would be less than justice. Theae is of course tho maudlin sentimental persons who can woik up a cascade of tears on behalf of any wretch who i ver lived. All a man has to do is geD into jail on some heinous charge or other and at once these addle brains get busy with the fob art LSI peiformance. They do no fit usefully into tho general order of things." A joint committee of the couuties of Grey and Wellington met at. Page's bridge, in the township of Normanbyon Tuesday last, for tho purpose ofdetermining wheth- er they should undertake the rebuilding of this bridge or not. The bridge in ques- tion was put out of commission in the freshet 2 years ago, and seine of the residents of that neighborhood have threatened action if the budge is not re- buiit. Reeve Merns moved that the bridge be rebuilt, which motion wan car- ried. It is estimated thai the new struc tii re will cost from $14,000 to $16,000. Post. Flesherton Planing - And Chopping Mills J I ani now prepared to do chopping every day in the week except Sundays and every week in the year. Bring alon your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, etc. Floor* ine, sash and doors, and nil house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- onable rates, Gel estimates. T. Blakeley, Prop. FeblS 13-ly Fifth Division Court County of Grey Following are dates for 1913: Wednesday, Feb. 19 Dundulk Wednesday, April 16 Fltsherton Wednesday, June 18 Dundalk Wednesday, Aug. 27 Fleahertoii Wednesday, Oct. 15 Dundalk "aturd-iy, Dec. 6 Fleshertcn W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, Flesherton, Ont, - W C \ A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo S applies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. SEED CORN ! ! All the leading kinds, both shelled and in the cob. Our corn is tested. Get your Rape seed, Mangle auvl Sugar beet. Try our Derby Sweed Turnip. . - -_- . . -^ . Corn, Chop, Bran and Shorts. Five Rose and Pastry Flour ||| -AT- THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. BUSKIN TRAVELLER-NOTICE ! ! For a nice assortment of Suit Cases, Telescopes, or a good neat, strong trunk, suitable for travelling AGENT FOR EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS. THOS. CLAYTON Flesherton, Ont. R EPA1RING AS USUAL Our Spring Stock Will arrive on March 1st, when we will have something worth showing you in Spring Goods : : : Think over your wants in New Spring Suitings and come in and see the New Patterns : : : S. J. BOWLER The Fashionable Tailor BUSKIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON, ONT I

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