Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1913, p. 4

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\ May 22 1913 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TH E /lcfil)crton An indeiwndent newi>i>er, imblii<lie<l every Tinmday at tli>- iiffiee, CujlmgWdod Street, Vlmheiton. Subscription price $1 |wr annum, when IIAII! in u<lv 'tmv; $!.">.> win n not 10 ]>ai<1 / Aiiverliriinif rates on application. Circulation 1,100 wt-ekly. W. H. Thuraton - Editor I Helping Young Men It ia interesting to note that the Young M*n' Christian Association i* advancing another step in their great wc-rk of assist- ing young men. They are constantly reaching out fr heyound the bounds of thrir immediite membership, and are now doing a work which encircles the world in its effort to give the helping hand to any young men needing assis tance. A new depwmient of the woik recenty organized in the Tomn'.o Central lltanch of the Young Men's Christian Atsociation ia one which should be known to tveiy one. It is a co-operative effort between the Christian churches and the Young Men i Christian Assnciation in which they unitedly undertake to look alter yuuog men coming to Toronto an slrant; r, pu'ting them in touch with employ ment, good rooming and boarding houses proper companions mid with pnmiinen young nien of th church, etc. "Key-men" are being appointed in every church of Toronto, men who as *ume the rrspuubibiliiy of looking u; young men whose names may be sent to them by the Secretary i.f the work. "Key men" are also being appointed in outlying municipalities whose duly it is to notify the Secretary >.f the Inter-Com- munity work of any young man leaving his (nine town vid fr whom he into work, etc. Iufrnritiin is aUo buing s*nt in from many other sources in Cituadu, United States au'l the Br.tih Ile* as to young men coming to T- runt", and hundreds are already being lotileil after. Fareivs and friends nf youiuj men going to Toronto will be glud to kuow of thia impoitant move on the part of the Y. M. C. A. and the churclus, nnd will. DO doubt, uku the opportunity of of notifiying the SecieUry of the Inter- Oommuuity woik, Mr. K. F. Trimble, at Che Central Y. M. C. A., T-.ron'o, of ny friends going to Toronto to live. We understand that, without ny pro- peily organized effort, the Central Uranch of the Toronto V-.i. Men'* Chrintiui Association has Riiitttud in ditfi-rent ways more than 5,<HJO men during the year ending May 1st last, fully 1,004) of theae being assisted in employment. That belifg tin- case, the possibilities for good ia this new department, with the church as UKvHting iu every w iy, u.- beyond calcu! ntion. We are pleated to give this inform*- tion to tin- public through the columns of our paper, knowing 'hat )>y d"in" so we aru aiwiiting in one of the greatest movements the Voung Men's Christian Association has ever undertaken. The Hydraulic Ram To most people an hydraulic ram is a nyatf ry. As a matter ot fact, it n the m^t simp'e mill efficient mechanical de- ice for raising water hy water power. This . probably what m.'ikes it seem so nysteriou* U> those who have never setn a rum at work. Pumping water by liydi n ; u rain makea water-HUpuly nysteni fr Huporior to any other except n gravity system. In soir.e nstaucei it is even bettor than gravity in matter of expense when a gravity supply requires :\ long line of pipes. A wind- mill must depend on the wind; a gasoline engine means continuous attention and expense for fuel; an hydrauliic ram costs nothing to operate, requires no attention, depends upon nothing but the source of supply. Hydraulic rams ara not only adaptable for pumping water for household pur- poses, but they can !e used for deliver- ing larga i|uantitius of water for iriiga- tion, town water work-*, railroad tanks, etc. Where the least possible expense must be incurred for pumping water for any of these purposes, there is naturally a great demand for raius. This app'ies particularly to irrigation, us it enables the farmer to raise crops v * minimum coat per acre. Hydraulic rams can derive the power for operating them !om :i spring, bronk, flowing -trie ? in ell or river ; nnd if the ram cnn be looted at such u point 'li.it a constant stream of wraterc*n be supplied to it through a pipe having an incline or (all of three or more feet in a given dis- tance, tin* conditions being auch that the power water which escaptsat the ram can be ili- liiu'il away, it id pouible for the ram to de'iver a steady .stream of water to i p lint at itn elevation thirty times the difference between tin levels of th) ram and the witcr supply. ThU strram of water, oni'e, started rloing, will OOJItiooi without interruption, diyand ni^ht, win- ter and sumine', re(|Uirii>^ no attenlion nor expense except fur the renewal of rubber vulvea on the ram once ov<>ry year or two. Tli i -i is a trifling expeiist', ai thu. valves cost but little. The efficiency of a tain can be very great, teaching, under favorable condi- tions, 80 per cent or inoro. This means that the ram w.ll puiup more water to the same huizht than any other kind of engine which pumps water by moans of Witer power. The amount of watei -thut may be pum- ped pel day by puch a ram is remarkable. It will pump at; much as a quarter of a million Millions a day. K a delivery of twomilliun gallotm a day is required, a bat- tery of rains can bo installed. That is, two or mure rums are placed side by side. Where pneumatic prrstiure tanks aie used instead of gravity tanks, rams will not only tupp'y the water, but abo main- tiin the nir preimre up to 100 poum's, ai may bede*irod. Scientilic Atneracan- Satisfaction Guaranteed Our guar- antee means something. We are not here to-day and away to-morrow; you know just where to find us. Comfortable vision or your money back. No guess work. Accurate, scientific measurements and tests. Difficult cases I specialty. W. A. Armstrong. Morbid to the Fore Henry Love, the iirin in Owen Sound jail under sentence of having murdered l.i . vu. , will pay the IM-H il'y for his crime on Tuesday of next week, May 27, unlei8 in the meantime (ho Department of Justice decider to commute the sen- tence. Mr. Wright, couimel for Love, i itervicwid thu Minister of .Invn.- Ht <>r .i. i iii u n k on btlulf the condemn- ed man. The remit cf this interview is not known at time uf writing. The Hun ways: It is evident that the Department in taking particular paint* to gt nil possible information to thin end. Dr. Arthur JukeH Johnson, Chief Coroner of Toronto, Dr. U. liruce Smith, Inspector of Hos- pitals and jtils fur Ontario and I>r D. 1'iii Inn. ,i Kingston, veto in town yester- day und examined Love t the jail. These experts will suoinit report to the De- partment which will uu taken into con- aideration, when the cabinet meets on the cane Dr. Johnson, whun asked hy tho Sun if ha had any'.hinit to say, replied that he had nothing whatever to any for publication. As an example of the morbid interest of the public in the Love case, (iovernor Miller has been heseiged with applications from hundreds of |>eople, uokinx to lie allowed to* witness Love's banning. Preparations are being made for the erec- tion ol the gallows on which Lot o ia to hang but if the looked-for reprieve come from O'.Uwa before May 27th, they will not In- needed. AD annoy mous letter recently arrived from Wrtoditock iddreaged to Love, in which the writer stated that Love WHH a innocent man and that the writer him- self had committed the crime. The HUH- aive, of coune did not reach Love. The licence commissioners of South Orey have refused to grant n beer and wine license to Win. O'Mara of Dornoch. The hoto) h.. been without A license f<> r a year because certain improvements ordered by the licenas vnnmUsioner Were not made. The Dornoch hotel is the lifit one on the Hit of country hole's which wor so plentiful years ago whon (jr. y and Bruce formers i rune I their wheut toGuelpli wl.ic'i wai their neares tuaiket. Flesh.er'ton Tonsoria! Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket leaves Tuesday noon, delivery Friday eveniig. CLEANING and DYEINO We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Felt Hats for Spring Your New Hat is Here ! Come and make your selection. Soft hats in the newest shapes and colorings Green, Brown, Tan, tawn, Oliv? Grey and Black. Prices from 75c to ^.50. Stiff Hats the newest shapes. All sizes from Of to 7 Prices from $1.50 to $2.50. Straw Hats for Fine and Every-Day wear. Laces and Embroideries "We're showing a splendid assortment in Valen- ciennes, Shadow and allover Laces and Edgings. The prices range from 2c per yard up. Our Emb- roideries are worthy of special notice. They range in width from the narrowest edging at 5cper yard to the full skirt width at $1.50 per yard. Patterns and widths suitable for Corset Covers are particu'arly strong and range from 20c to50c per yard. Specialties in matched patterns. SWELL SHOES ! This week we open up two shipments of new spring Footwear mostly Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps, Slippers and white canvas goods. These include Don- gola, Tan, Gun Metal, and Patent Leathers, sizes range from 2 to 7. They were bought eirly, saving the recent advances in leather, and are ail closely figured. JNo old styles or lasts in the lot. Prices from $1.50 to $3 00. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Baby Dies on Stage Wianon, My l!f. Mrn. W. 11. Campbell, Adamsville, tojk pi- ,>'_; at that place for Wiarton by the Lion's Hi singe Saturday morning. She Imd wirii her ik baby, winch cried continue inly throuxli tlie greater purl of the journey. Lator the b;i*.y hucaiiiu voiy iiuiet, to the ivln-f uf tin- mother and other passengers Th'j Hinge had nearly reached W artou uheu MM. Cainpliull hippcned to look ill her bliy, ami suddenly oxclaimeil, "JVfy li'.r.-. baby m ilosd." The diiver alighted, took the baby in his .HIM, und carried it to a house. A doctor WHH summoned, and pronounced Mm the child ii i.i died from heart failure. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise""to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost yon $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. (If course we have oilier beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wantd. Springs and Mattresses to fit all beds. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sltrr i mincers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods. Every- thing Up- To- Date as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner : : : : : ; C. BLAKELY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building CEYLON'S STORE Have you i;ot all thn Clover and Grass Seeds you require, if not, get the Bebt Grades at Pa'tuon's, Ceylon, at prices you can't beat, considering quality. We have also Dutch Setts, Potato Onions, Garden Tools, Poultry Netting, Black and White fence Wire, Spades ,,,,,1 RK,,V=I. j .!.. -Evety.ning required for spring work. Wall Paints and Shovels, and Forks- Also fancy things for decorating up the house, such as New Papers, Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Curtains, CuiUin Poles, 1 and Varnishei. New Methodist Body Though the Melhodibt Gunrriil Con- ference nt Victoria, B.C., voted almost unanimously in favor of union with the Presbyterians, the minority oppoaaJ to that action are keeping up the I, Jii They have changed the method of Jit- tack iiiii' have applied to the Dominion Senate for the incorporation of a now body to bo called, "The Wesleyan Metho. dist Connexion." The loadur of the re- volt is Iririn Billiard, of Morridburi(, who, ax member of the conference, vigor- ously opposed the proposed union. The bill for incorporation hax pased the xecond reading in the Heimte, and IMS been referred to the committe on private bills. The Ituv. Dr. Carmin, general auper- ini -n li'iii of the Mri li i.li.-iis. whon Keen thiu morninit, said that th conference had made reprftaeutations to the Senate in opposition to tha I. ill, but he was not prepared to K> ve "")' further information for publication, tie did not think, how- ever.thatthe movement was at all nenoii8. Toronto Star. Henceforth Isjuei-H of Murrixge Li and Clergymen are aubjucl to a fine not KXueeuing $60(), if they know nr believe that eithurof the. contracting pHriiua is an idiot, in nine or under the intiuenod of liquor. The new Uw alo provides that if neithr of the pailieH Ins lived in the town or district wliere they propose to be married for 15 days bef >ro tha date net for niiiiria;!'', tlikir mariinpe inut be pub. fjf thief ye*kl in a local paper. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, tho victims of early indidcretiuna and later ex. '..i, who HI.- failures in life you arc the ones we can restore to mauhood aud revive the spark of enorgy ami vitality. Don't give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors, U4ed electric belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our Now Method Treatment 1m < snatched hundreds fri.m thu brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made succcssf ul men of those who were *' down and out." Wo prescribe specific rem- edies for each individual case according to the symptoms and complications we have no patent medicines. This is one of tlie secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can- not fall, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each Individual vase. Only curable cases ac- cepted. We ho don* biuineM ihromhout Cud* for over 20 Yn. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY | Are you a victim f Have you loft REAPER, Has you r bl< ,_ | hope? Are you intending to marry? lias your blootl been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Trimnt will cure you. \Vh.it it has done for others It will do for you. Cowulutioa Fr. No matter who boa treated you, write for an honest opinion Fn* ol Chare*. Boolu Fr "Boyhood, Manhnn<l. Fatherhood." illluattat- edj on JUi*easa of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No BUM. on boi or .n.V ope.. Everything (-onf.d.nti.l. Quotum Lut and Coot of 1 r^lm.ot FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRS.KENNEDY&KEHNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and GriswoldSt. Detroit. Mich. , M ft If 1 1* f All letters from Canada must be addressed 1U i llJfc to our Canadian Correspondence Deport- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute iu Detroit as we see and treat o palfeBte iu our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters aa follow* : DR3. KENNEDY A KENNEDY. Windsor, Oat. Write for onr private address. For the Ladies and Girls Ne* Suit Lengths, Dress Lengths, House Dresses, Embroidery for Dresses Princess Slips and Corset Covers, Lice collars and Cuff Setts, Fancy Waists, Underskirts, Spring and'Sumuier Underweur, Boots and Shots, in low or hiuh tan, Patent or Dongolas, Kid and Silk Glo'-fs, Bose in silk Lisle or Cotton. For Men Spring Caps Felt Hals and New Style Christies, also Panamas and Straw Hats, Rain Coats in different styles shades and prices. Kid Gloves, and I'mhrellas, Suit Cases and Trunk*, fancy Socks and Tiees. Pure- Maple Syrup for sale at 81.5O per gallon. " OUR MCTTO-' -Small Profits and Quick Returns." J as. *ylon Senfral FARM FOR SAI.fi In the towntihip of Artemesin, in the County of Orey. lot 13, con. '-', iind lots 12 and 13, con. 'A N.D.I;, containing IUO acroH ; fr-ine house. Apply to N. Mc- Fayden, I'no Paik, Ont., or A. N. Mor- gan, New Liskeard, or John McFavden, Ceylon, Ont. 1 juy!3 Pure Bred Holstein Bull ChniD-cliiiK Prince Joe I'.i r.| by Changeling Butter Boy out of Tidy A>bbekerk Princess Josephine. I'lii'. greatest butter making M rain known. Term of service 12 for prudes, $5 for pun; brnd. OKO. MOORE &. SON, Prop.., IKcb 14 Pro'on Station. Court of Revision Tha cf first sitting of tho Court for the Township of Osprey fo" the yoar I'M:: will be held in the Orange Hall. Maxwell, on Monday, May 26, 1913, at 10. 80 a. m. All parties inter- ested will govern themselves accordingly THCS. SCOTT, Cle.k. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 408, flth St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment Wool Wanted ! ! We w. nt unlimited quantities of fleece washed and unwadied Merchantable Wook The price this year will be a little h ; her Please dcm't forget that the highest price is yours if you sell at lioyd s. One car of cement also two cars chesnut coal to arrive this week rWtfM wanting close prices please call and arrange to take thpue rtqairmrat* from car, thereby savinncsitage. Our prices aie guaran- teed against any competition and the quality in the best. House Cleaning Now is the time to buy fine Carpets, Rugs. Linoleums, etc., Notwithstanding the fact we are selling out, we have received the spring ship- ment in these lines and are therefore marking special prices to clear them. RUg $690 Ap 8try Brusflels and Wod ' 8ze 2* * 3 to 4x4. Price Carpets in BruVaels,' T.'pe.'tr y ; Wool; Lmen.' ' and' ' Hetn'p ' at'ScS trom 2oc to ......... *!'!" Linoleums 6 x 4 and 12 x 4 .ridihs-some' very pretty paYternH, best English Linoleum* ........ 500 .r or , , , ! Also Oifcloth MattingH at reduced prices. ' ' Al.o Mats and D^orMlt g e> Lace Curt ins . Bunealow Nets, Screen Lace Curtains fur 43o to ti no Bungnlow Nets from 15 to.. Vrv/ Muslins from 12J to .".'.'.'.'.'.'.' ' Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J. & W. B O Y D FLESHERTON, - ONT.

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