Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1913, p. 7

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STRENGTH FOR WEAK STOMACH Can Only Be Had Through Rich Red Blood. 'When the blood is poor and thin nd the stomach in consequence is imperfectly : supplied with oxidized blood and nerve force, the diges- tive process becomes slow and fer- mentations of the food goes on, with the formation of gae and certain acids. The pressure of the gas causes pain in the stomach ; some- times it affects the heart. When the gas is belched out through the mouth the patient is temporarily 'relieved, the sour risings in the throat, and the burning sensations in the throat and stomach are caueed by the acid fermentations. There are plenty of things to neu- tralize these acids, or to "sweeten 'the stomach," as it is called, but 'they do not cure the trouble. Pure, rich blood which will tone up the 'stomach and enable it to do the work nature intended it -to do, is the only road to a cure. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills make new, rich, red blood that is. why they cure even the most obstinate cases of in- digestion. The following is a bit of 'proof. Miss Minnie Greene, of Hall's Bridge, Ont., says: "About a year ago I was greatly troubled (with ray stomach. Everything I ate 'caused me pain and distress. I 'would feel as though I was starved, Wt when meal time came the sight of food caused a feeling of loathing. There were days when I could not even hold milk on my stomach, and !my head would ache so that I could 'hardly keep from screaming. Only 'those who have suffered from sto- mach trouble know the torture I suffered. I tried almost every re-| 'medy recommended, but foUnd not the least benefit until I began tak- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These tl used for a couple of months and 'they worked a perfect cure and I 'am enjoying good health and able to eat freely all kinds of food." If you are suffering from indiges- tion or any other trouble due to poor watery blood, begin to cure yourself to-day by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at BO cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. "Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TO RESTOBE THE DEAD Dr. August de Castellane Seymore, Who claims the body of a person frozen to death can be restored to life. To' prove his contentions, the Dorothea and R. F. Scott expedi- tion, o{ which he is the head, has been organized to search for the body of Capt. R. F. Scott, for the main purpose, if found, of restor- ing the discoverer of the South Pole to life. Dr. Seymour claims he has met success in restoring animals to life after having frozen them to death. If unsuccessful in his search the doctor will search for the bodies of Lieutenant Bower and Dr. Wil- son and experiment on them. Dr. Seymore expects to leave San Fran- cisco for New Zealand, June 1st. PARIS TO BE FENCED. Fence to be Twenty Miles and Cost $2,000,000. . Paris, France, is to be complete- ly enclosed by an ornamental iron fence 10 feet in height. This fence will be 20 miles in length, and its purpose is to pre- vent people from passing into the city without paying the ^octroi" or local duties on foodstuffs, gasoline and intoxicating liquors, which con- stitute a large portion of the civic revenues. The gates or entrances will be guarded by officials, the fence being the modern substitute for the walls of the past. What remains of the old -walls of Paris will be levelled. The cost of the fence will be about $2,000,000. WHEN BABY CRIES. When the baby cries continually do not put it down for pure ugli- nessthat is not the baby's nature it is to be happy and laughing. Every baby should cry on an aver- age of fifteen or twenty minutes a that is how. he strengthens Broker Arranges Marriages. In Italy marriage brokers are a regular institution. They have pocket-books filled with the names of marriageable maidens in various ranks of life, and go about trying to arrange matches. When they are successful they receive a com- mission and very likely something extra as a voluntary gift from their customer. y th Escaped the Habit. Mrs. O'Brien Sure, a dhrop now an' thin is a comfort ; but aren't afraid, Mrs. Hennessy, ye'll git habit 1 Mrs. Hennessy Niver a bit! Me ould man's been drinkin' ut stiddy these for-rty years past, an' he's never got the habit. HOW TO POP CORN. It IB done in different ways, but the meet approved method Is to pop your corns with Putnam'e Corn Extractor corns pop out for fair, and stay oat, too, wli.-n removed by "Putniun'a." Try this palnleiw remedy yourself. 25o. nt, all dealer*. All the Tired ? Nervous Women CAN FIND A CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Madame Perreault Telia How She Cored Her Kidneys With Dodd'n Kidney Pills, and Found Health and Contentment. Verner, Ont., May 19 (Special) "I am very content. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills have made me well." hose are the words of Madame ugene Perreault, a highly-respect- d lady of this place and mother of large family. For twenty years he was a sufferer. But, let her ell her own story. I was always tired and nerv- us," she states. "I felt heavy nd sleepy after meals. My limbs ere heavy and I had a dragging ensation across my loins. My skin tched and burned at night. I had bitter taste in my mouth, especi- lly in the morning. In twenty ears I hardly knew what it was to ave a well moment. Then I com- menced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. ix boxes cured me." Madame Per reault's symptom's were tiose of kidney disease. They are tie symptoms of nine out of ten of tie nervous, rundown, pain-racked romen of Canada. Madame Perre- ,ult found a speedy and complete ure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They imply cured her kidneys. SUFFERINGS OF TURKS. errible Scenes Witnessed After Fall Of Adrianonle. A woman connected with the Jritish Bed Crescent staff gives an ppalling picture of the treatment f Turkish prisoners after the cap- ure of Adrianople. They were lkft without food or shelter. They strip- ied the bark from trees to make iny smoke fires,- but as their hun- er grew they were forced to eat be baru and do without fires. The majority lay in a dumb pati- nce and silent misery more touch- ng than any words or moans. Their yes were sunken in their heads, heir cheeks fallen into great hol- OWB, their bones projecting through heir skin with hunger, and their ips and tongues cracked, blacken- ed and useless. One or two drank literally with heir last -breath. While one man was being given water there would >e another close beside him who would lick up the drops that fell, i try to put his finger in it and at east have that to suck. . his lungs. But mothers if your baby cries or low gives sharp piercing sobbing wails, he is in pam and needs attention. Nothing will re- lieve the little one so quickly as Baby's Own Tablets. They regu- late the stomach and bowels, expel worms, break up cold, and will make baby healthy and happy. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . * A platonic lover is usually a quiet chap who saves his money. Little Dave was detected by his lather in the act of stealing from one of his little playmates. The father, not believing in corporal punishment, concluded to try a mor- al lecture. After pointing out the Jwrong of such an act, he said : "Al- ;ways bear in mind, my boy, that these temptations can be resisted if you turn a deaf ear to them." Dave's lip trembled as he replied : /"But, father, what can I dol I Wn't got a deaf ear." Constipation- is an enemy within the camp. _It will undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to indigestion, biliousness, impure blood, bad complexion, sick headaches, and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow> suicide. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills positively cure Constipation. They are entirely vegetable in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking Dr. Morse's ** Robt Pills WOULD SAVE LIVES OF BIRDS Scientist Pleads for Restriction of New Guinea Trade. The demand for furs and feathers to add charm to the women of the world is constantly running counter to the efforts ol Governments an< scientists to preserve the birds and animals whose lives are sacrificed tc supply these adornments. Birds 01 paradise are found in far Africa but the sale- for their feathers for women's wear is BO profitable tha' measures for their protection mus: be adopted by the Parliaments o nations, else they soon would be exterminated. Prof. Schillings, the German nat uralist who made a reputation for himself by his camera studies o animal life in the wilds of Africa is urging the Government to bake energetic steps to prevent the ex termination of these birds in Ger man New Guinea. He points to the example of British New Guinea where the Government prevents al together the export of the plume o tihe bird. In tho "German colony on the other band, the authoritie: grant permits to shoot it to anj man who cleans and brings unde cultivation 123 acres of origino. forest for the German New -Guinea Company. Schillings hin.ta tha whites, with hunting rights, oompe tho natives to assist them in findini tha birds by turning their gun upon them in case of refusal. Sdhil lings appeals to the German Gov eminent to imitate the American example and. prohibit altogethe the importation, of feathers for mal linery and similar uses. Australia too, he says, prohibit* both the in port and export of plume* of bird threatened with extermination,. .' law against such imports bias bee passed by the British House o Lords, but the Commons have no yet passed it, using the argumen that Germany and France woul derive the chief benefit from sud legislation. Professor Schillings is greatl concerned also about certain fur bearing animals. He things it only a, question of time when th PoLa.r bear, the musk-ox and th silver fox will be practically exter mina/ted. W hates and seals ar yearly growing scarcer in the Arc tic and Antarctic waters; in th vtffefc forests of Russia the sable i rapidly approaching extinction and the same is true of the chin chillu, in the Andes Mountain*. DANDRUFFAND AILING HAIR Vevented by IY Treatment with CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment. Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. Next morning shampoo with Cuti- cura Soap. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but once or twice a month is generally sufficient for this special treat- ment for women's hair. Cutlmirs Soap and ointment are aotd throughout the world. A liberal wvmple ot each, with rj-iuum booklet on the rare anil truatment of the kln and scalp, sent p<t-rree. Addrnw Potter Drug & cbum. Corp.. I '.-pi :: ll '. Boston, U. 8. A. Good Advice. "My son," said the old hunter, 'you are starting out to earn your iving as a guide. Remember that some people will want to see bear, while others will want to see bear tracks." "Yes, dad." "If they're satisfied with tracks, don't try to show 'ern bear." TEACH HE>S TO LAI EUGS. English Agricultural Experts Tour North Wales iu SperinI Train. . The Agricultural Organization and the National Poultry Organiz- ation Society of England are jointly responsible for a unique scheme by which it is hoped hens may be taught to lay. What is known as the "golden egg" train left London recently bearing a party of poultry experts who are going to teach the hens in Wales how eggs really should be laid. The train consisted of three special coaches, fitted with every modern device . calculated to en- courage the most educated hens to lay prize eggs, and it will travel from station to station in North Wales for a fortnight. The poultry experts will lecture at each stop- ping place to tho local chicken far- mers. KIND ACTION COST HIM $2,800 Motorist Must Pay for la juries to Women He Assisted. At least one modern good Samari- tan has cause to regret hia kindly action. Prof. Qaston Daumas was auto- mobiling in the forest ol Fontaine- bleau, France, -with two of his pu- pils on one of the few fine days of last summer. In the depths, of the woods he passed another automobile which was in distress. Mr. Dau- mas (stopped his car and inquired if he could be of any assistance. The other automobilist explained that it would take him some time to repair his machine, but he would be greatly obliged if the stranger would take the two ladies who had been in the broken down car back to Fontainebleau. M. Daumas was inclined to shirk, as his car was only a 12 horse-pow- er and the two ladies were of such generous proportions that to say the least their presence would crowd the car. His good nature, however, prevailed and a start was made. Before two miles were cov- ered an accident happened on a descent. The automobile swerved and the two women were thrown from their seats and badly injured. One of the women later sued M. Daumas for $4,000 damages and the other for $COO. It was in vain that M. Daumas pleaded that he was under no contract to convey the ladies and that they were trying to make him pay for an excess of good nature. The code was against him and the court awarded $2,000 to one of the plaintiffs and $300 to the other. Clark's ~ Porks, Beans' i\~ ft Highest grade beana kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious saucea. They have no equal. i .WCferk.M'f'r.McJrea!. Do Your Looks Quite Satisfy You? If Your Color is Bad. if You Suf- fi-r From Prniplt's, Here i Advice. GLOVES That Are Guaranteed Why take, chances In buying a pair of {^toves when you can get apoutiro guarantee backed by Canada's largest glove factory In the H.B.K.PintoShellGIoves made from specially tanned horse- hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind proof, steam and heat proof. Send for Illustrations. HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Canada's Expert Glove and Mill Haken, MONTREAL. FARMS FOR SALE H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborna Street, Toronto. Fine Results In Two Weeks. HER "BEST FRIEND." V Woman Thus Speaks of Postum. We usually consider our best friends those who treat us best. Some persons*think tea and cof- [ee are real friends, but watch them carefully awhile and observe., that they are two of the meanest of all enemies for they stab one while pro- Eessing friendship. Tea and coffee contain a poison- ous drug caffeine which injures the delicate nervous system and Frequently sets up disease in one or more organs of the body, if its use is persisted in. I'l had heart palpitation and nervousness for four years and the doctor told me the trouble was caused by coffee. He advised me to leave it off, but I thought I could not," writes a Western lady. "On the advice of a frieud I tried Postum and it so satisfied me I did not care for coffee after a few days' trial of Postum. "As weeks went by and I con- tinued to use Postum my weight increased from 98 to 118 pounds, and the heart trouble left me. I have used it a year now and am stronger than I ever was. I can hustle up stairs without any heart palpitation, and I am free from nervousness. "My children are very fond of Postum and it agrees with them. My sister liked it when she drank it at my house ; now she has Postum at home and has become very fond of it. You may use my name if you wish as I am not ashamed of prais- ing my best friend Postum." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Postum now comes in new concen- trated form called Instant Postum. It is regular Postum, so processed at the factory that only the soluble portions are retained. A spoonful of Instant Postum with hot water, and sugar and cream to taste, produce instantly a delicious beverage. Write for the little book, "The Road to Wellville." "There'* a reason" for Postum. A Lack of Obstacles. A Scotsman who had worked for many years on the railroads among the Highlands of Scotland went to the United States in his later years, and settled on a section of home- stead land on the plains of the far West. Soon after his arrival there was a project for a railway through the district. The Scotsman was applied to as a man of experience in such matters. "Hoot, mon," he said to the spokesman of the delegation, "ye canna build a railway across this country." "Why not, Mr. Ferguson V "Why not?" repeated Ferguson, with an air of effectually settUng the whole matter. "Why noti Dinna ye see the country's as flat as a floor, and ye hae nae place whatever to run your toonelg through?" TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BBOMO Quinine Tablet* DruggietB refund moiioy it It fail* to our*. E W. UUOVE H signature m OD tiacb box. I6o. Paying Teller I cannot cash this check, madam. She Why not I Paying Teller There isn't enough money here to meet it. She Then cau't you meet it half way ? Mlnard'* Liniment Curee Dtstimper. Life is full of humorous incidents, the most common of which is the fifteen dollar a week man telling what a fool the $10,000 man is. FRUIT. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIRY Farms in all gections ot Ontario. Some tnaps. FACTORY SITES, WITH Ott WITHOUT Railway trackage. In Toronto, Bruin pton and other townn and oitien. R ' ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Uf Brnmpton i,nd .1 d.izon cth<r town*. H. W. DAWSON, Colborna St., Toronto ONE m'NDRED ACRES IN OXFORD Comfy Hoil. sand and hl&rk loams 2 a<-rp orchard: number uuiMine 'Ph^ne in hoiifM*. Prire, four thousand- Th* Western Real Estate Exchange. London, Out. MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE-MEN TO LEARN BARBER f\ trado; export Instruction ; oonstnnt practice; tooln free: nlwayo mire emnloT- mnt for harbor. Wr't* for catalogue. Mnler Collorp. 221 Queen E.. Toronto. Hlnard'a Liniment Curi Diphtheria. The Crime. "He was arrested for grafting, was he not?" "Haven't you got enough sense to know that men are not arrested for grafting? He was arrested for being caught at it." KIDNEY ED. 7. ISSUE 21 Miss Nettie E. Oallaghan, a well- known young lady in Middleton, writes as follows: "I was affected for two years with a rawh. and ugly looking pimples that spread over my face. My color was poor, and my blood evidently completely out of order. Certainly it was a most despairing sort of a cae, because various trea tin wits did but little to help me. A friend of mine in To- ronto, Ont., advisod me to get Dr. Hamilton's Pills, so I een>t at once for five boxes. In two weeks I felt like ne.w looks improved, spirits rose, a.nd I felt I was getting wel.l. I have used this remedy for a long ime, and now wouldn't be without A." If yon are in ailing health, have >lood ddsorde.rs, stomach trouble, or headaches., D*. Hamilton's Pills will help you quickly. A.U druggists and storekeepers soli Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and But- ternut. 25s. per box, five for $1.00. Sent postpaid by the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. Ready Answer. "Be mine, I can not live without you." "Bah!" said the heiress. "You have lived without me for years." "True," retorted the duke, "but the- cost of living has gotten to me? at last." Try Murine Eye Remedy No Stnnrtlnu Foots Fine Act* VA'lckly. Try ! t for l< -.1. Wk, Watery Kjfu and (irauiil&led hv HUM. 1 iiit-i rnU',1 Buolc In each 1'acluwe. Mr RINK 1 com- pounded hy ourOotjIlute nota"t*atent Medicine" but ustKllti ucoecfful Physl- clans' Practice for many yean*. Now dedicated to the Publlo ana gold by DruifKlBtB at &o-60c per bottle. Murine Eye Salve In Aveptlo Tubes, ttc-QOo. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Clilcaoa In Doubt. "Is your daughter musical?" "Well," replied Mr.. Cumrox ; she seerns so in conversation, but when she sings opinions differ." STAMPS AND TOIM* STAMP COLLECTOttH-UUNDRKU I>IP- forent Foreign ritampt. rtlosn. album, nnlv Reren Cent* Hark* Btarnn MISCELt.ANCDIl* CA.NCER. TUMORS. LUMPH. BTO, Internal and *t*rnal. onr*d out rain h nnr home trnttnent DII boforn too Into Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllnwood. Ont C"1 ALL STONES, Jf dor Hlones. Kidney AND vl,.vl>. trouble. Orarel. Lumbago and kindred al1mnti poiuirely tored with the new German HeiiK-Jf. "Hanoi." price St 50. Another nw remeAf far rtiabeto(-Mal1ltt, and tare cure. ! Banal'* Antl-l)lbete." Price $2.00 from drarfrliti or direct. Th Runol Hitnufao* tarlnft Company ot Canada. Limited Winnipeg. Man Willie's BUM. Mamma "la James ar nice boy for you to play marbles with?" Willie "Sure. I can beat him every time." Minard'e Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth. N. 8. Gentlemen. In January last, Francto Leolare, one of the men employed by me. working in tho lumber woods, had a tree) fall on him, crunhiug hiui fearfully, lio was, when found, placed on a !ed and taken homo, where grave fears were en- tertained for liiH recovery. Inn hipti boins' badly bruised and his body turned blnofe from hiB ribs to Ills feet. We ucd MIN- ARD'8 LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain and with the use of three botllos lie was completely oured and able to ra turu to bin work. SAUVEUR DUVAL. Elgin Bond, L Inlet Co., Que. Mini's Inconsistency. Men like to laugh at women ' clothes and then wear those green hats with the bows behind. Mlnard'i Llnlmant Guru Garget In Not Altogether a Calamity. "You crushed that thumb when you were a boy, did you 1" "Yes." "And that, I suppose, is what made the nail grow out in that thick, shapeless fashion. What a misfortune !" "Not such an awfu.l misfortune, mister. That thumb nail comes in mighty handy sometimes for a screwdriver." What She Wanted. "These are all genuine antiques, madam," said the dealer. "We guarantee that." "I haven't any duht of it,'' said Mrg. N\*caslv "but Iwiiu't ye got anything wrwer'-Di'tham-'l* They look like a lot o' haad-roe-dowus.'' , ' ' : PILES CURED IN I TO 14 DAYS. Tour drnrafit. will refund money if l'A7,O OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- HIM. Bliud, Bleeding or Protrudius PuM in I to 14 .i.-i . n. 50o. Many a man gets the reputation of being a "good fellow" when h is going to the bad. Hlnard'a Liniment Cures Gold*, Eta. Homr-Made Respectability. By never letting their left hands kno'w what their right hands are doing, some men fool themselves in- to believing that they are respec- table. NO RHEUMATBMLAST WINTER Montreal Man Conquered Ms Old Enemy by using G.1 N PILLS Mr. A. BcnuJry of 59? Pwct Street, Montreal; thus p-'8<*9 Bis gcet satisfaction with GIN PILLS. "It affords me great pleasure to infbnji you that 1 have used GIN PILLS fat about six months, and tlittt they haOk done me a great deal of good. I haiy hnd Rheumatism for a couple of yenrt, and lust winter I saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS." 5oc. a box, 6 for Jt..x Sample free If you -write lSatiou.il l^tue and Cbetuical Co. ol Canada, Liiuitvd, Toronto. 13*

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