Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1913, p. 3

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'ROSY CHEEKS STRONG NERVES "Should be the Birthright of Every Woman and Growing Girl. Many women andi growing girls who should have bright eyes, rosy cheeks, strong nerves and elastic sU-p. and a good appetite, are seen to decline in health. Their spirits grow sluggish, the cheeks become pale, temper fitful, and the nerves over-sensitive. They must have in- herited a tendency to ill-health, or they may have over-worked, over- etudied or worried until the strength of the body was not equal to the demands made upon it. To guard against a complete breakdown in health the blood must be kept pure and rich. No other medicine can do this so well as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for they act both on the blood and nerves, re- store the- appetite and keep every organ toned up. All women can- not rest whenever they should, but this strengthening medicine is with- in every woman's reach, and will keep them in the enjoyment of good health. And it is especially impor- tant that in every stage of woman's Hon. J. K. Flemming. Premier of New Brunswick. CURIOUS OLD BEQUESTS Guides for Travelers Rushes for < hurvh Floors. Ancient bequests for having bells rung and beacons lighted for the purpose of guiding travelers by Doctor Said He Had Diabetes DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CLEAR* ED Ol'T EVERY TRACE , OF IT. That's Why Mr. David Heon, of Mriili-t Co., Quebee, la Recom- mending the Great Canadian Kid- ney Remedy To His Neighbors. St. Wenceslas, Nioolet Co., Que- bec., May 26 (Special). "I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills because the doctor told me I was threatened with diabetes. After taking ten boxes I was again examined by the doctor, and he told me that all trace of diabetes had, disappeared." This is the statement of Mr. Da- vid Heon, well-known and highly respected here, and ho is only one of many in thJs neighborhood who have found a new lease of life in the great Canadian Kidney Rem- edy. It is cures such as this that have given Dodd's Kidney Pills their reputation. They are now known from the Atlantic to the Pacific as the remedy that never fails to cure land, and this is not to be dered at when one considers apologies for roads and the won- the ab- sence of fences in the "good old times." Among the curious legacies is one which provides for the holding of a Pimples on Legs and Arms. Scratched and Made Sores. Keptfrom Sleep- Ing. First Application of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Gave Great Relief. Cured in a Few Weeks. Lochlno Locks, Quebec. "I had Itching HORNETS AS PETS, "Gentle, Inoffensive Creatures" That Kill Stinging Flics. The public has heard of wasps as pets, but it has been reserved for Major Hurlstone Hardy, of Eng- land, to tell us that the hornet ia "a gentle, inoffensive creature very suitable as a pet." Writing in Knowledge he states that when walking down Chiswick lane many yeara ago he discovered hornets busy around four straw hues in the body. Tburo wuro small ''I entered," he says, "and asked j pimples on my legs and anna i the proprietor to let me observe and the akin was red and in- : them. 1 found that he kept these horuets for pets and that he had all. They simply cure diseased kid- j ney. The reason they cure back- j ache, dropsy, rheumatism, neural- 1 gia, diabetes, urinary troubles and t B right's disease is that all of these | are either diseases of the kidneys by the case of Mrs. David Cham- bers, Bensfort, Ont., who says: "Some years ago I suffered greatly From impoverished blood. I was Very pale and thin, and had no itrength. I took a lot of doctor's medicine without getting any bene- fit, and at last decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which I had heard highly Tecomimended. It was not long before I began to feel bet- ter, and after taking the Pills for perhaps a couple of months my health was folly restored, and al- though come years have passed I have continued strong- and healthy, and I think I owe it entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "Sometime later my daughter, continued, but in certain places I and "record at night the thing or! Mien about twelve years of age, had the c h urc h wardens attend to the! things you worried about in the' been working very hard at school preserva ti on of their rights by cut-! course of the da . v - At th end of ' _ plot of land, rejoicing in the name | or * re caused by disordered kidneys of "Petticoat Hole," at Stockton- failing to do their work. on-the-Forest. in Yorkshire, on THE AMI-WORRY BOOK. Designed to Show the Fully of Bor- rowing Trouble. A new idea in diary -keeping ia announced. Procure a little vol-i flamed all over thn body and itched and burned so badly that I scratched ana mada sons. 1C caused mo so much pain that It kuyc ma , from sleeping during entire < nights. I was troubled with It for about two years. "After having tried several remedies) without success I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and from the first application I felt a great relief. I continued the treatment) taking warm baths n-Hh Cuticura Soap fol- lowed by the application of Cuticura Oint- ment, and at the end of a few weeks tha trouble had disappeared completely and I wa* cured. 1 ! (Signed) K. C. Boulet. May 27, 1912. For red. rough, chapped and bleeding hands, Itching, burning palms, suapelessj """ and painful finger-ends, a oue-nlghft CuUcura treatment works wonders. Boak hands, on retiring, in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticura Ointment, and wear old. loose gloves during Sv night. Curicura Boap and Cuticura Ointment ara sold throughout the world. Liberal sampla of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address poet card Potter Drug & Cham Corp.. Dcpt. 42U. Boston, C. S. A. j no bees. He lifted up a hive and i let me observe the queen at work. I ! He said that he felt no danger ' i whatever." Major Hardy adds I that he personally has "no fear ' whatever of these innocent and use- | ful creatures, who seem quite will- | ing to share our dwelling with us j if encouraged to do eo." It will be remembered that Mr. Bates in his account of his experi- ences on the Amazon states that at first he killed hornets which flew near his face. But having observed them closely and noted that they killed stinging flies, pouncing upon them as the flies attempted to bite him, he left them alone and was rather glad of their company. The time may yet come when ' every well regulated household will j keep its hornet to deal with flies, i as it now keeps its dog to guard against burglars. condition of providing a poor wo- man with a petticoat once a year.. In the old days when rushes were strewn on the floor in lieu of carpets, says the London Telegraph, many persons left bequests of mon- ey and land for providing ruyhea __ for the floors of churches. Their | ume called "The Worry Book," use, of course, has long been dis- the pages of which are all blank. ,nd her health gave way. She was weak and listless and her hands and face were badly swollen and we fea-red dropsy was setting in. However, we started to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and she was soon quite well again. I al- ways recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any suffering as we did, knowing the benefit our family receivedi from them." Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* are sold by all medicine dealers or will be Bent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by- writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. From Habit. "Why did she want to set her husband's will aside 1" "Merely because it was her hus- band's, and she had net ia habit of setting it aside." the Mlnard's Liniment Co.. Limited, Yarmouth. N. e. In January last, Francis Gentleman. Declare, one working iu the lumber woodn. had a tree fall on him, crushing him fearfully. He was, when found, placed on a eled and taken homo, where grave feani were en- tertained for his recovery, his hip* being badly bruised and his body tamed black from his ribs to his feet. We iwed MIX- Aid' s LINIMENT on him freely to deaden Hie pain and with the use of three bottles he was completely cured and able to re- turn to hii work. SAUVErB DCVAL. Elgin Boad, L'lslet Co.. Que. ting a little grass each year and strewing it on the church floor. But perhaps one of the most ec- AMPUTATES RIVAL'S LEG. Operation Was Needless Damage Suit to Follow. Gomez Lopez del Xavarette, a well-known diplomat of Barcelona, Spain, waa in love with an actress, Dolorez Riverode Romanones, who is the daughter of an aristocratic Spanish family, whose name sh brought into great notoriety by go- ing on the stage. A young but al- ready famous surgeon. Dr. Dorado del Pozo, was also a suitor for Do- Do You Feel Moody, Irritable, Depressed ? Whoa That Languid. Laggy, Easily- Tired Feeling Comes, Tour Liver Is Slow. Tells Ho* to Curs Quickly. "Even when I was young I wns not robust and healthy like other girl*. I GLOVES By The Year If ycu want the brrt and longest- wearing gloves or mitts ever turned out of a factory b: sura and ask for the famous PINTO SHELL These gloves are specially tanned for hard service and will cave you man.y ind reduce your g'oY expense by the year. Send for our descriptive pamphlet The Pinto ' Sh.lL BUDSON BAY KNITTING CO Cuuda'i Expert tint tad HKJ Ikfccn. MONTREAL. FARMS FOR 1*1.1. H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colbarns Street, Toronto. I BUT. STOCK. GHAI.N AND D.UBT Farms in all suctions of Ontario. .Some snaps. FACTORY .<ITES. WITH OR Railway trackage. in Toronto. Brarapton and oth>r tiwrw and :t.iw. RESIDENTIAL Brarnpton and PROPERTIES a dozen >th<*r Uf H. W. DAWSON, Colborns St.. Toronto. the week, or month, or year, gojlorez. and her affections wavered suffered from headaches, and had sort of over the records and note the ruim ; go uncertainly as to cause a duel ber of things that caused you need- j between the young men, in which ONE Hl'NDRED ACPES IN OXKOHD CountySoil, nand and blsx-k V-ams 2 acres orchard: number building* fordehire, who left a pound a year you were afraid mightn't happen for a poor man to go round the par- but which duly arrived on schedule ish church while the sermon was time or after no unreasonable de- being preached, awakening centric bequests was that elf a cer- j less worry, the bad things that ' the diplomat was wounded in the tain John Rudge, of Trysull, Staf-; didn't happen, the good things that ( l.g. Immediately Dolorez was at his side and nursed him devoutly. Sev- ! eraJ doctors were consulted, bt the i . - . . . , leg only became worse. At last j slumberers and incidentally to ejeet; Of course, the book is intended | Dolorez persuaded her lover to con- 1 blue feelings that deprived me of the ; in house. Pru-e. four thousand Tho joyful piriw and pleasures other girls Western R*al-Etate Exchange. London. On* any stray dog-s that might invade \ to act as an anti-worry specific. I the sacred premises. WELL SATISFIED WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. John Kenny. St. Norbert, Man., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and am well satisfied with them." Thousands of other mothers say the same thing simply because there is no medkine for little ones to equal the Tablets. They act as a gentle laxative, regu- late the bowels and stomach, break up colds, expel worms and make teething easy. The Tablets are sold f th men jemployed^ by m. | by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. -Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Literally. "A dressmaker can soon tie an extravagant woman up." "Yes, especially with the new hobble skirts." Only On* "BROMO QUININE- Thai Is LAXATIVE BROUO QUININB. loo? for tbs signature of K. W. GKOVB. Cures a Cold In On Day. ffwo Days. Soo. Cum Una la Mistress "I'm sorry you are go- ing to leave, Marift. Are you go- ing to better yourself?" Maria "No, ma'am. I'm going to get mar- ried." Mlnard'* Liniment Curs Cargtt In Com, "All I demand for my client," 'declared the prisoner's counsel, in the voice of a man who was paid for it, "is justice." "I am very sorry I can't accommodate you,'' replied the judge, "but the law won't allow me to give him more than fourteen years." When a man gets all he thinks he needs he has a large surplus. PROPHESIED MANY THINGS Nun Lived for Fifty Years Strapped to a Wall. An octogenarian nun by the name of Maria Benedetta Frey has just died at Viterbo, Italy, from paraly- sis of the lower spine. Fifty years ago her death was considered inevitable and the doc- tors were convinced that it was im- possible for her to bear the excru- ciating pain or to remain motion- less, as was necessary, more than a couple of days, but they strap- Wise men and women warn us fre- quently againat borrowing trouble, against worrying about the future, and tell us that most of the evils ' and misfortunes we dread never come to ua. The worry record ia designed to prove and illustrate this. We have no doubt that it will do so in the majority of cases. Worry is the worst of our physical and mental enemies. It kills more vic- tims than the layman suspects. It poisons existence where it doesn't actually shorten life. We are not all optimists by nature, but if we ; can fight off worry by figures and items that do not lie, the invest- ! ment in an anti-worry diary is de- siviued to get. After I married . :nd i I could not throw worrit* off like other women, and thos full feelings of den- pondency and wur:u<-.-a mudo ma very '. unhappy. There was no cauw) to feel so. '. and my doctor said my liver was slug- gish, and this aix-ountd for my po>r color, my tirednew*. languur and despair. his rival, the brilliant young] The pills the doctor gave. m were t-<o surgeon. He did eo and Dr. Dor- I purgative, made m weaker because they ado del Pozo said that amputation weru *> active for my constitution. DOS- ns ot my friemla recommended Dr. Ham- Utou's Pil'.s, and they were eo mild and helpful. Well. I never used a pill that MALE HELP WANTED. would aJone Save his life, a-s gan- grene had set in. More persuasion by the act-ress. who assured him tha-t her affections were now fixed, was needed before were so comfortable to use, I was afraid they would not help. But in a week OUT OF EMPLOYMKNT' BsiVTjV TOO rUrbt. Learn barber trade: alwaya jure einnlcvtnent for barber. Onr : proved methoife, constant practice and Instructions qualify TOO for posltx-n i short Sinn 1 . Send for cstnlngne. Voler fVllpTf. tSI Qtw-en E.. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS fci TAkll' COLLKCroa.-*-uUNUKBU i'l*- i^ ferent Foreign Stamps. Cmts'.oa. Aibam. only Sen Centa. Mark 8tam Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. AD1KS, LISTKN- ROT, EM'S MAKE.- nn 8ilvri>late Tablfwar*. eitra- ordinary prices. LAD! CM h:inilw>iu> gift the young diplomat would Consent x knew ^^ had be,,,, actively engaged , orders, 'prepaid. Writo quickly for In- to the operation. The operation ; i n cleaning up my artiem. They did tbe ' fnrmation. Russell Supply Co.. Bo* 162, was eventually performed' and Se-- j W0 rk of a tonic and blood medic-.no corn- with an no r Navarette provided artificial leg. In spite of her previous protesta- tions Dolorez had now to confess that she could never marry a man with one leg. Not long after she married the yoiHig surgeon. This cidedly worth while. A Continconcy. "There is one cruel possibility about a maiden speech." "What is that " "That it may also be a miss." "LIKE MAGIC." New Food Makrs Wonderful Change!*. When a man has suffered from dyspepsia so many years that he can't renwimbcr when he had a nat- ural appetite, and t>hen hits on a way out of trouble he may be ex- ped her head to the wall and in this unnatural position the nun lived for half a century, never com- plaining. The people considered her case a miracle, as the nun showed a pro- phetic spirit, predicting many conviction of { ,, lt , ike ma _ events, such as the Camorrists the ,the assassination of King Humbert and for this year the death of the Pope. When the nun c>lebrated the fif- tieth anniversary of her illness the Pope sent Cardinal Casaetta with an autographed blessing and in- structions to celebrate mass at her bedside. Before her death the Pope sent his blessing with a message asking her to pray for him. The nun may be beatified in the near future. mpu IfM It <MI wriu National Drug CntmkMJ Co. ! Canada. tlmlUd, Regretting the Cost. Henry never knew stairs could be so frolicsome and alpine until that midnight. He had reached the turning point of his perilous journey, when his wife appeared, armed with the well-known candle and poker. "You're drunk, Henry !' : she cried vindictively. "You're drunk." "Well, if I ain't," responded Henry demurely. "I've spent $3.65 for nothing at all." And he wept. It is never safe to entrust impor- tant work to a man who has noth- ing else to do. bined. I improved to a marvelous dcgrco with Dr. Hamilton's Fills, and I now maintain tho moet perfect kind of health by using them juet onco or twice a week." It is Mrs. E. V. Erlanger. well known at Gloucester, who relates the above ex- perience. She proved what you and all , i others, men and women, can prove that aroused Navarebtes suspicions and Dr Hamilton'. P.lls are beat for tor- he visited the doctors whom he had ! ln|t j^.j, and ,,,. for keeping the 8 y- tm In perfect running order. Don't be misled luto using anything but Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. 25c. a box, five for 81.00, at all druggists and storekeepers, or post- paid by the Catarrhoione Co., Buffalo, Weirtniount. Que. ^^^^^ f^ A.M'KR. rt'MOas. Ll'Mr 1 --*. KIT), V/ Internal and trnl. cared * cot pln br our homo lrentmnt ~ n* before too 1st* Dr. Rel'mna rv T.lmlf'rt. foHH?wo"i< On Urdical consulted before th operation. Thry all nwur-rd him that gangrene was, in their opinion, quite impossi- ble. He is now bringing an action for damages againat his successful rival. Guilty of Assassination. A man. razor in hand, WAB caught by NY. and Kingston. Canada. Looking Ahead. Cynthia Biily, I wish to share his wife assaaoinating not an enemy, but' all of your troubles with you I a corn what ho needed was Putnam's Corn Extractor; it's safe, painless ami cure. Try "PutuamV-cures so fast, 2So. at all dealers. gw. When it is a simple, wholesome food instead of any one of a large number of so called remedies in the form of drugs, he is more than ever likely to feel a* though a sort of miracle has been performed* A Western man, in the delight of restored digestion, puts it in this way : "Like magic, fittingly describes the manner i which Grape-Nuts relieved me of poor digestion, coat- ed tongue and loss of appetite, of many years' standing. "I tried about every medicine that was recommended to me, with- out relief. Then I tried Grape- Nuts on the suggestion of a friend. By the time I had finished the fourth package, my stomach was all right, and for the past two months. I have been eating with a relish, anything set before me. That is something I had been un- able to do previously for years. "I am stronger than ever and I consider the effects of Grape-Nuts on a weak stomach as something really wonderful. It builds up the entire body as well as the brain and nerves.'' Name given by tho Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason, 1 ' and >t is ex- plained in the little book, "The Boad to Welhille," in p<kgs. tr read tlt*> abo* IrtUrt A nsi on appsars from time to time. Tlr.v r fsnuln*. trus, and lull ot Human InUr.st Rather Odd. "It's pretty expensiv* to have one's own lawyer." "But it doesn't cost anything to keep one's own counsel." Inard'i Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. 400 Crimea in 24 Hours. More than 400 news items, most of them dealing with the crimes or misfortunes of Londoners during 24 hours, appeared recently in the newspaper which ia circulated daily by the authorities of Scotland Yard for the exclusive use of the police. The publication bears the title "Informations, " and four edi- tions appear every day. The "copy" ifi sent in to Scotland Yard by officers iu charge of central de- partments, and the paper is print- ed in the building. Billy I have no troubles, dear- est! Cynthia Oh, I mean when w are married. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Marine Eye-Remedy. No Smar-.lnq^J'e -'- Fine Act* vJuU'kly. Try It for Kril, We DODDS ' KIDNET PILLS Pw>l ak, eomponntlcit by oar Ocnltsts not ft "Pnient Med- K-tuo" but nfd In noMSttttl rkJSMtus' Prao- tlce for many t?ars. Now l"U!rioJ to the l*ub- lio and sold b"Drn(;lts a( 26o and SOo pur nutle. Jturin* Byo Sulie in Asopllo Tubes, So und Mo. Murlne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Two classes of people worry about money those who have too little and those who have too much. GALL orO.Nbs. ML6lt A.Nb Hi. AD- der Stones. Kidney troabla. OrieL Lambago and kindred ailment! povtirolT cured with th new German Remedy. "8nol." price 1150. Another nw rcmedf Tor Dlsbrtv* Mtl'ito*. snrl ur rnr*. Is) 'Banol'i Anti-Diabetes." Pries *! 00 from druKgisu .-r direct The Hanoi Hanurae* taring Company ot Canada. L.:n. -.-!. Winnipeg. Man. The Soul of a Piano Is the Action. Insist on tti "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action PILES CURED IN 9 TO 14 DAYS. Tonr druggist "Hi refund money It PAZOl OINTMENT (alls to core any case ot Ith- Inn. Blind. Bleediug or Protruding Vile* in i 10 U days. SOo. ED. 1SSI E 22 '13. Anyway, Ezra, you don't require capital to start a rumor. Mlnird'* Llnlntsnt Curss Dlsttmpsr. It Sounded Like It. A young girl from a country town went to a city boarding school, much against the wishes of her father, "who thought she would be spoiled by city ways. Soon she wrote iu one of her let- ters : "1 am in love with ping- pong.'* The mother read the letter aloud to her father, who turned angrily upon her, saying: "Well, you Bee | , 1 was right. 1 knew no good would | come of ncr going to the city. Now, you see she has got in with one of those danged Chinamen." "Thwre is plenty of self-conceit in tho world to-day," says Dr. J. W. Jowett, "tint we have uot near- ly enough of esteom.'' in clotli. a trca"ti>e of SO chapter*, 197 pages on Hit <!i!ra*e of the horr, treating Ihe Stomach. Intestine*. L>tn- ea*e* ol the Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary organs, WQMIIS in the home, Woun.ls. C .its ami Abrasions. Bundle*, Swel!i!ii:< ;>'i Enlar|teiiienlsaSpoviiii, Curb anil Ringbone. Sk.ia Disease*, Hoof and Hoot III*. Strains an I Sprain*, Div eases ofthe Kye, Hctt'l and Mouth. How to tell the ge. Feed an.t Diet. How to locate Lameness, etc. Th: book con- tains !? cuts. 21 lithograph cat*. !-''> two-colour plate*. If you hare one, or more horses get this book. Bent by mail on receipt of $1.00. TKOS. FT CIO, B McQIM College vo., Montreal. Mover There. She Anyhow, you must admit he is a well-bred man. Did you uo- tice his knowledge c> Aristotle ! He I did, and if you want my candid opinion, I don't believe ha'a ever been there. Inard'i Llnlmint euros Olphtncrltt An Exception. "In the nature of things, every- body ought to be delighted to se an oculist.' 1 ' "Why should they V "Because to see him is good for sore eyes." 53 M I Tha burning, stinging, smart* Ing pain is tndid. tin bluding stopped and a permanent curs ffeottd by as* of Zam-Buk. I Giv it a fair trial I All Druffgiatt and Store*, 60t boat. a fn BUK

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