3 ' ' PURE BLOOD MAKES HEALTH 'Disorders of the Blood are Gored by Dr, Williams' Pinfc Pills If people would realize the im- portance of keeping the blood rich and pure there would be less sick- ness. The blood is the medium through which the nourishment gained from the food reaches the different parts of the body. If the blood is impure the nourishment that reaches nerves, bone and mus- cle is tainted with poison and di- sease follows. The blood is aLso the medium by which the body 1 fights off disease. If the blood is t thin and watery this power of re- sistance to disease is weakened. * Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale .People build up the blood. They increase the ability of the body to 1 resist disease. They strengthen i the nerves, increase the appetit? and cure every disease caused by ' thin and impure blood, and that > embraces such diseases as anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, nerve ex- haustion, rheumatism, and many 1 others. Every claim made for this , medicine is amply proved by the grateful testimony of those who ' have been cured. Here is one ia- , stance. Mr. Jas. Sauger, Peter- boro, Ont., says: "I began to be troubled with dizzy spells. These were especially noticeable in the morning on rising and were accom- panied by a feeling as if my body had taken on two or three times its weight during the night. When I went out of doors everything would suddenly seem to get topsy-turvy 1 for a few moments, and I would , apparently see specks floating in Front of me, ajid for a while I could ' hardly drag myself along. This feeling at first only lasted for a few minutes, but as time went on the duration of the spells seemed to increase. Whilst during the day *'[ would "be suddenly attacked with Prof. Bering, who says Germany is endangered by invasion of Japanese and other cheap labor. ECHO IS LOUDER THAN SOUND Experiments W*r Mnde From a Balloon. . To most persons it would seem impossible for an echo to be louder than the^ sound that produced the echo, but under certain rather pe- culiar conditions this is really true. From Great Lakes To the Rockies WOMEN SING THE PRAISES OF DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS. Adds Her Test- imony To What Has Already Been Said o* the Great Work Bodd'a Kidney Pills Are Doing. Caesarvil'.e, Sask., June 2 (Spe- cial. The scarcity of female help in a new country subjects the wo- men of the prairies to unusual strain, and careful observation has established the fact that this strain first makes itself felt in the kid- neys. For this reason Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are making an enviable reputation from the Great Lakes to the foothills of the Rockies. Everywhere you will find women singing the praises of the great Canadian kidney remedy that has banished their paina and weariness, and brought them back to health. Among the many is Mrs. Edgar Cowen, an estimable lady of this place. "I have found Dodd's Kidney Pills very beneficial," Mrs. Cowen ^states. "If anything I can By will help any sufferer I am glad to add my testimonial to what has already been said." The kidneys strain all the refuse material out of the blood. If they il.a* VWUU*VM/Ua LU4O ID I VCHI V *>**- I f _ , . - When a revolver is fired from a < are out of order this refuse remains balloon the report is sharp, but not: '" th W***. and becomes poison, so loud, explains a writer in Har-lThate why sound kidneys mean per's Weekly, as it would be if the j P up , e .. b f an ,, g , halth , h? gurface of Dudds kidney Pills make sound were earth. If the balloon is up something like 2,000 feet or higher there will be a few seconds' silence after the revolver shot and then a roar or deep rumble will rise up from the earth. If an explosive is It/wered from the basket of the balloon until it is kidneys. A HUGE ICED CAKE. Whcu Honesty is Not Always tlie Best Policy. A Warsaw, Poland, bookkeeper named Schneider was awaiting his! PltlE ON FACE LEGS Scratched So Made Red Sore. Trouble Grew Worse All the Time, A Cake of Cuticura Soap and a Box of Cuticura Ointment Com- pletely Cured, FIRE IN STOVE 70 YEARS. Primitive Cooking Apparatus In Cornwall, England. Incredible as it may seem to us who have at our command every sort of labor saving machine and device that it is possible to con- ceive, there are some parts of the world and not the most remote, either where many of the ordin- ary tasks of life are accomplished in almost identically the same way that they were centuries ago, says a writer in Gas Logic. Travellers VUloJoUette. Quc. "My little giri. aged in foreign countries have frequent- four years, had so many pimples on her | '.V told of surprising instances of VV. CLASH. M'l'r, Mutrcal. this kind which they have met with in their wanderings hi out-of-the- way localities. A striking illustration of the way in which people who come little into contact with modern methods oftentimes cling to ancient and cumbersome ways of doing things is afforded by the case of a farmer i * w - OAWSON, ninety Colborn. Street, in Cornwall/England, whose r"'- ; Toronto - itive and picturesque cooking ap- 1 pHcrr. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIHX FARMS FOR RALB Farms Some maps. all lections t Ontario. face, arms and legs that I did not know what to do. They lasted for a year. She com- menced to scratch and tills made pimples, clear, not red. Sho scratched no much. Mini, the blood ran and it madu a red sore. VThe sores were worse on her arms and legs and on her face, and they were ugly looking with the blood. I was told what to do to stop her suffering, and I' used the treatment but other pimples came out all the time. I triod all sorts of remedies bub the trouble grew ' worse all the time. It was always the same story, until I used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. I began to apply the Cuticura Oint- ment on her, also hut water and Cuticura Boap. Immediately I began to see tliat they were curing her, and after having used a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cutk-ura Ointment she wag completely cured. She has just as fine a sldn as before. "M husband also used Cuticura Oint- ment lor cracks in his hands. After three applications of the Cuticura Ointment he was completely cured." (Signed) Mrs. Alfred Corricr. Jan. 16. 1912. Cuticura Soap ami Cuticura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, i --- .""".' - "' >-~-~*" .""") \ Barber Trade- reat demand- For a liberal fret' suasnlu of oath, with 33-p. embers and in eighty minutes' time, j wares: twenty 'to 'thirty advertised for book.sendpostcardfcPotterUrugiClwan. it- is said, the bread is perfectly ; daily in Toronto napon alone Cnn tench Corp.. Dept. 33U, Boston. U. a. A. V>=U<.^1 Ton in si* to fiht weeks. Pond for Cai- ; paratus has attracted attention. The fuel used in this ''stove" is neither coal nor wood, but peat. .No other fuel has ever been burned : in it. The Cornish farmer declares that to his own knowledge the fire { in it has not been out in seventy . years. When the farmer's family have ' -. Q-I ACRES i\ UMBTON ! any cooking to do, the embers are I A i- sandy loam, frame honse. rood first raked flat, and an iron plate i ""tbuildinrs. 8 miles to Alviimton mnr- ,, ,, .. , , . kt, will enhance for city, town or nb ; 18 placed over them. The dough 18 r B(5<1 nroperty or smaller farm. The Wont, ! then put into a tin. which is placed cm Beal E*:at<> HK-hnrc*-. Londm Ont. I upon the iron plate, the tin then ] MALE HELp WANTEn being covered over with a big iron < pot. The whole is covered with j AT mrr. MEN WANTED: LEARX FACTORY SITES, WITH OR WITHOPT Railway trackage. In Toronto. Brbinpton and other towos and cities. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Hf Brampton iind a dozen other town*, H. W. OAWSON, Colhornr St., Toronto ESKIMO'S BRAINS IN Say .:... . But baked. Weary Tiredness discharged with an elect no. spark u . ial bei Barged with fraud. I hold on fr , om ' a battery in the hands uf one, As his he j th was bad) his family , , : _Jbf the aeronauts, there wlllcome! sent bijn man - y ii ttlo delicacies un- j to the ears of those above a report , known to tne priori f are , delicacies like a revolver shot and then a few j w hj c h t doubtless, his custodian ! convinces mv con seconds of silence, followed by a shared . Qne day, amongst other I 'peal of the loudest thunder ever t nsrs a huzc iced cake arJDeared was due to my blood being out of , ungb, a nugc iceu <.JKO upp-, ieu. i -WT - ._ _* ^i t . ! ururu. Tho u.-jirHpr 'hiulrpn wpr< mrul of That Played-Out Feeling Was Quickly Reiueuied and Health Restored. passsd. I had in the meantime been taking various blood tonics, of tJipse huwever .eemdo have In! permanent ffe^t For a ktle while I befairly wel bu asoon a I quit , ^ them the ^ phcrlc 8ound - wave . The warder s children were fond of J here no solid bac^round ca . k was his wife . They there- ^ " 1 or abo y e th f b t a!1 ^ D!Sts 'More determined to annex half the P roduce a ^ of atmo ?" ! oake for their own consumption. ai ' Their astonishment was great dense below. Thus, when : u .i, pn ..non n^tilvinir a. ktiifc to the veu vicor one ; "icu UJKIU uppi\iug a iiuui tu i/uo . i the sound-waves ponetrate the den- .]:_, \ t gt n( .if ;,ist below the ic- day I came across an advertisement _ ,.,. __,jrii _ ; _ ._. -**.... I * m > l of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and de- cided to trv them. I soon noticed ser lower strata of air and then | ing and refuse< i to bu de. the solid earth the e<?h<j produced 1 seems to the ears, of the occupants more decided improvement than, {ar loud than the I had felt before. The dizzy spells , . were becoming less less violent, and by the time I had taken six boxes I was well again. , From former experience I had gome fears that the trouble might re- turn, but now, four months after discontinuing the use uf the pills, I have had no roturn of the trouble. - t 8pell l original sound, frequent and A SAFE MEDICINE FOR THE BABY "It must be baked to a cinder," said Mrs. Warder. But her huaband, suspecting that something worse than careless bak- ing wis responsible for the cake's hardness, cut round the sides, and was rewarded by finding a revolver and seven cartridges buried in the paste. When arraigned before the au- Babv's Own Tablets are a safe medicine for little ones. In fact j thorities, Schneider confessed that In fact t never felt better than I ! they are guaranteed by a govern- he had intended to shoot his jail- do now, and I think nothing can ' nient analyst to be absolutely free era and escape from limbo before equal the Pills as a blood medi- cne. The Pills arc sold by all i.' ' : .it? dealers or can be had by mail at , 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' ilcdi- cine Co.. Brockville, Ont. AID FOK STRANGEBS. Machines in London Stations Will Deliver Their Mcssagrs. It is not uncommon for a visitor 4o London, (ingland, to get cut off from his companions. The usual instinct of a stranger who has be- j (jii!0 isolated in this way is to | make his wav back at once to the from opiates or any of the drugs so j his trial. harmful to the lives of little ones. After all," said the warder. The Tablets never do harm always j pensively, when relating the epi- good and may be given to the new- 1 sode, "honesty is not always the born babe or growing child with ' best policy*. If my wife had not cut equal safety. They never fail to I into that cake I should have been a cure constipation, indigestion, j dead man now, for I sleep hard/' colic, break up u<-lds and fevers and make teething easy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ; f or Its Kind. "Oh. dearie, I just thought about asking you to fix the stove pipes ville, Ont. KSkl.no CHILD >OT WHIPPED. Docs a> Ilr Pleases, but is Goner- ally Dbcdii'nt. The Eskimo child is the idol of "Just thought almut it! It's what I call a put-up job'." MEMORY IMPROVED. Since Leaving Off Toif and Coffee. Many persons suffer from poor memory who never suspect tea and station at which he has arrived, j lhe home aad ig a n owe d to do as Ulcl ^, . ,,^,^ , ,. All this has been provided for in I he p i eases He is never punished, ! C( .,ff e e have anything to do with it. one of the northern railroad tor- 1 ays a writer in the wi<Je World The drug-caffeiiie-in tsa and Dogs Can be Satisfied, People Can Always Eat. According to Knr.d Rasruussen, the explorer and authority on polar lands, the Eskimo does not think ; as other races do. He does not' Count the hours, days or years and * keeps no record on time. All lus thoughts are centred on hunting j and beyond the need of sufficient story of a Merehant food and clothing for himself and H is B us i nest and family, he has no care. Mr. Rasmussen relates a number of interesting conversations which he has had with various Eskimos, all of which go toward pointing out conclusively their indifference and inability for any thoughtful reflec- tion. Changed to Vigor IORUO. ronto. College. 221 Queen Bast. To- STAM"S AND COINS STAMP LOI.LKC1OUC-HU.MJKKU UIF- ferent Foreign Stamp*. Catalnga*. Album. CD!V Seven Cents. Hark, 6uu> MISCELLANf Oil*. CA.NCKR. TUMOttS. LUMP* KTO, Internal and !*rnl. onrwd wl'.lv i ont rln h mr horn" trentment Wrif o befnr* too lite Dr Rellmnn tl'dlou (V>.. Limited rol"nwnod Ont. Who Almost Lost IK'. Millions. "Once," he is^ quoted in an ex- change as saying, ''I asked an Es- kimo who seemed to be plunged in reflection, "What are you thinking about?" "He laughed at my question and said: "Oh, it is only you white men who go in for thinking. Up which were all too apparent to my fam- ily. I grew thin, then pale, and before long I was jaundiced -eyee and skin were yellow, my strength and nerve were low- ered, and I was quite unfitted for buel- nees. In the morning a lightness in the I head, particularly when I bent over, made me very worried about my health. Most i _ of Ui luxative medicines I found weak- here we think only of our flesh pits j enlng. and kn >wing that I had to be at and whether we have enough for , business ovei day I neglected myj'-lf the long, dark winter. If we have i rather than nek further weakness. Of course I grow worse, but by a happy chance I began to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I was forcibly struck by the fact that thny nerthcr caused griping nor miusca. aud it seemed incredible that pi'.lf could tone, cleanse and regulate the sys- tem without causing any unpleasant after effects. Dr. Tt.imiUoifs Pills acted with | I "I have taken a job," said the His Health Through , ain yo wuman , "as a echool- Neglectlng Early Symptoms of Dittass. teache ' r >- At this her chum cried: "My life for year? has been of sedentary I "Wliat ! Teach school ! Why. I'd character," T-'-~I T. B. Titchfleld, head i rather marry a soft, fat. baldhead- of_ a well ^j jA n firm in Buckingham. ' ^ widower with eight children Nine hours every day I spent at offlre th^n teach school!" The plain work and took exercise only on Sunday . j voun g woman sighed, "Ah!" she- I disregarded the symptoms of ill-health, , ' sa ;j 'so would I." meat enough why should be think?" Eating seems to be the all impor- tant tiling beyond the task of pro- viding- it. Once when Mr. Ras- mussen excused himself, after pay- ing a visit, with the plea that he had already eaten enough, he was laughed at and the answer he re- ceived was : "Dogs can be stuffed till they are satisfied and can eat no more ; but people- people can always eat/' Minard's Liuiment Co., Limited. (Jeiiw.-I have n<'d your Minard's Lini mc-ut in my family anil also in my stables for yearn and consider :t the best medi- cine obtainable. Yours :ruly. ALFRED HOOHAV. Proprietor B>xton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. Ton More. He I have saved up ten thou- me Just a gentle as 'nature they g vo ' sand dollars. Will you be my wife 7 new life, to my liver, strengthened my | She ^Oh. Mr. Jones, this is too stomach, and won me back to perfect j aut ]den ! Save up another ten thoU- A Hint. Mr. Spiggins (gently)-My dear, a. Ikiston mnn was shot at by n burglar, and nis life was saved by a button which the bullet struck. Mrs. Spriggibs Well, what of it! Mr. Spriggins Nothing, only the buttun must have been on. ftood health. My skin Is clear. dif.iiness hns disappeared. and my appetite. trcnth, spirits are perfect." Hrfuso anythinc offered you instead of Dr. Hamilton's PilU. which are sure to euro. Sold in 25c. boxes, five for 81.00. at ill druggists and storekeepers, or post- Mlnard'i Liniment Curet Distemper. Kuoufrh. "Why ha> your wife decided to paid from the Catarrhoioiie Co.. Buffalo, j give up the European trip she v:as aud Kingston, Canada . contemplilti. );:' "She happened to bodv sav that travel Chinese Doctor's Idea*. hear some- broadened mini. v?here a curious apparatus called the Holograph has been put up. A penny in the slot produces a small letter card. You write vour Magazine, and his whims and wishes coffee, acts injuriously on the are consulted with all the concern ' nerves and heart, causing iraper- giveu an adult. In spite of this f e ct circulation, too much blood iu indulgence the children are remark- f-t no brain at one time, too little in ably obedient. Perhaps the pat- message on this and address it and ; r i a rchal manner of living father slip it into a rack behind a glass | and mother, aunts and uncles and screen. This rack slowly sinks j grandmother tends to make them down on an endless chain, but your ! go. inessage will remain in sight for supplementary another part. This often causes a dullness which make's a guod mem- ory nearly impossible. three hours. rack is for telephone messages or telegrams, which can be obtained from the station officials. Thus if a stranger gets separated from his party all he has to do is to go back I am nearly 70 years old and did not know that coffee was the The word of the elders is law and! cause of the stomach and heart | is never questioned. They have trouble I suffered from for many ! The Chinese doctor possesses j many ideas peculiarly his own. There is much mystery and impres- siveness in his manner of treat- j _ met. According to Mongolian removed with Putnam's Com Extractor- , medicino tlw Chinaman believes it's painless-safe-sure. Use only "Put- ! that the human heart is more hkoly nam'ti," it's the best, 25c. at all dealers, j to become inflamed at noon during the summer other tune. one. 50,000 MEN WANTED Before next month- this number are wanted to etep ni> and have their corns Eye Remedy lived a long time, the Eskimos rea- son, and therefore speak with the authority of experience. All of this is very nice in the or r dinary walks of life, but rather em- t-o the station, -as he usually does, | fcarrassing sometimes in school ' leave a message stating his whereabouts, or wait until another nvaiber of his party gets through, to him by telephone or telegram. It is a most ingenious notion, but the difficulty would seem to be to acquaint the visiting stranger of its existence. "Father, what is an empty title?" "WeH, an empty title is your mother's way of calling me the head uf the house." Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills re made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among th Indians, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- tempts have been made, by physi- cians and chemists, it has been found Impossible to improve the formula o the pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are a household remedy through- out the world for Constipation and U Kidney and Liver'trouolcs. They ct promptly and effectively, and M <. leans* th System work. When a child of four or five plays truant from school, and the 'visiting teacher, complaining to ; the parents, is gravely told to ask the small despot if it is his royal pleasure to come to school or not, the situation becomes ludicrous. The only resource is to become a hatred truant officer, or, better, to make your work so interesting that the Children cannot stay away. The Surnrisor Surprised. A wealthy landowner in England, affected with the craze for Japan- ese gardening, incited the Japan- ese ambassador to luncheon, says the Bristol Times and Mirror, and afterward' showed him round the gardens and greenhouses, keeping the Japanese garden till the last as a delightful surprise. When, after admiring the beauty of all the other gardens, the am- bassador was at last ''taken to the imitation of the g*ardens of his own flower, 'ind. he held up his hands in enthusiastic delight. ''Ah," he exclaimed "this is wonderful ! We ! future, have nothing like this in Japan I"! " There s a fiea-son lor Pwslum. years. Until about four years ago,'' writes a Western woman. "A kind neighbor induced me to quit cofTev. and try Postum. I had been suffering severely and was greatly reduced in flesh. After us- ing Postum a little whilo I found i myself improving. My heart beats i became regular and now I seldom: ever notice any symptoms of my j old stoniach trouble at all. My | nerves are steady and my memory decidedly better than while I was using coffee. "I lifce the taste of Postum fully as well as coffee." Name given by Canadian Postum Co.. Windsor, Ont. Write for book- let. "The Road to Wellville." Pix>tum comes in two forms. Uvular (must be boiled). Instant Postum doesn't require boTSng but is prepared instantly by The Sensation. Miss Gibson was very rich and Mr. Haniw was very poor. She liked him. but that was all. aud he was well aware of the fact. One evening he grew somewhat tender and at last he saM: "You are very rich, aren't you, Helen 1 !'' '"Yes. Tom," replied the girl frank- QI worth about k "Will von Helen?" "Oh. ' no. Tom, Ii couldn't." "I knew you wouldn't.'' "Then why did you ask me J" "Oh, I just wnmted to see how a 'man feels when he loses two millions." People never pay any attention to a cheerful liar. season than at any Likewise they regard tho human ear as suggest||>^ the condition of the kidneys, whili- the mouth and lips indicate the condi- tion of the spleen and the stomach. Minard's Llnlmont Cum Dlptlttisrla. "It was simply a question of ver- acitA* between us, ' said the oldest and I said he w-vs one." "Humph I" rcjpined the village postmaster. "That's the first time I ever heard either of you telling the truth.'' , Murina E>a Remedj Co.. Chicaa* A >ew Theory. "Now I understand why Nero set fire to Rome." "Why?" "He waa evidently in sympathy with the suffragettes." stirring a level teaspoonful ordinary cup of hot water, which makes it right for most persons. A big cap requires more and some people who like strong things put in a heaping spoonful aud tem- per it with a large supply of cream. Expe-rimeut until you know the amount that pleases your palate nn<l have it serv .' that way in the El). 7 Mlnard't Liniment Curt) Cold*, Eta, Pointed Paragraphs. Politics is a good game, but a mighty poor business. M#ny a successful man makes a 'noise like a big wind. A drunken man will tell you everything he knowsbut what's the use ( Aud some men talk to themselves | because they like an approciatm- audience. In accord with the eternal fitness of things, a, man who stole a watch wound up in jail. The world admires any man who attends to his own business no matter how humble it may be. Women who spend most of their ti;m- trying to impr<rv their com- plexions never think of the old' fashioned method of steaming it over a washtub. Mlnard'i Llnimint Cures Cancel In Co*). One day a woman sent her ! .le boy out in the yard to play with tiie baby, as she was busy. The boy had" a new shovel his mother had given him. After they had played n-.vhile she heard the baby cryiiv: She went out to si-e what was the matter with the baby. She asked Johmu what the trouble was. He said proudly : "A dirty lly bit him on the head, and 1 killed it with niy shovel." FREE OF LUMBAGO Because H Took Gl N PI LLS Mr. II. A. Jukes of Winnipeg writes: ' 1 have btx-u a sufferer f roui Lutuli.igo for sonic years past. I met your Mr. Hill aud he advised me to t-iUe GIN PILLS. I hfive been taking t! jm at intervals during the early patt of the present winter, and up-to-date have had no return of my old trouble in fact I feel better thaii I have for years, and think th.it my old CIK-IUV baa vanished lor good and all." 5<>o. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if TOU write National Onig mid Checncal Co. of Canada, Limited. Torouto. i M