June r> 191fl THE J L E S H E K f O N ADVANCE /Icsljcrton An independent new|ia|ier, imblisheil every Tt.nm.Uy at lii 1 ' office, Cojlinewood Stir, ;, Fleiberton. Subscription price il per annum, wli-ii )>aid in ailv.in: tl.&J wlien not so paid ViivertUinfr nt cm application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W. H. Trmrmton Kdltor The hanging of Love From the Tuionto Str There has l-.-i n considerable discussion about the execution of Love at Owen Sound for thu murder of hid wife. Let- UTi have been Hent to the Star from rcviera who :\r^u^ th;t his sentence should have been commuted because the evidence against him was circumstantial and beciuse no raotit wm established. Some of our exchanges have ttken this view. As nearly all murders are committed in private at a time and place secure from the prying eyes of witi^sis, convic'ionn for murder are necessarily bused on circumstantial evidence. What other kind is th.'iv There ia no other kind except in cisei where murder hs been done in public, or where the guilty person confesses. As to the question of motive, it is in ordinary cuies, possible to find one. l!u if a roan kills his wife in the privacy of their home, how would it be possible for outsiders afterwards to ascertain the mo siv, We do m>t soe that much iirport ance need be attached to the fnct ihat a motive WM not established. Those who argue in regard to tins case AS they do in regard to all c-ines lha capital punishment * wrong, loctlly demoralizing, and ought to be dmcontin ued, occupy definite nd lonical gruui.ds. A hanging rs ills pop ' fee'.iog in a town or country only IriHe lean than dues the crime it punishes. But as to this case itself, we do not nee why any conscience ahould be disturbed by a doubt as to the man's guilt. We believe any judge on the bench or any expert in such matter* would hve con- cidercd the evidence amply R iHicient to warrant conviction. Honor Rolls Report of Kugeniit public school fr JUy. 4sr-O. WiUi.n, W. Latiiuer, C. Park. 4 jr B. Armstrong. 3 Hr w. Armstrong. W. Walke', . ( ul, W. McMaster, L. Pedlar. :ijr W. Pi-liT, M. Park, N. Willisins, O. Wilson. L'-H. Haney, M. Uant-y. l-\f. McKee, I'. McMwter aod P. Litiiuer, e<|uil, I. ilaney. 1 jr () L. Wober, M. Duckett, L. Arnntrong, E. Williams, J. William*. (h) A. Pedlar, R. Liiiton.V. (Jraham, C Graham, M. Fenwick, E. Graham, C. Williams. Average attendance 2fi. M.<>. McMt I.I.KN, Teacher. 8. S No, 5, Osprey, Report for May. 8r. 4.- Harold Fen wick "!', Wesley Botty 11, Ilerbie Poole 08. Jr. 4.- Maggie Poole 72, Miiliel Lawler 70, Kendal Hawkins 57, Lm.'w Murphy 42. Mabel McMullcn absent. Sr. 3. Victoria Clinton~2, Adeline Murphy 71. Jr.2. - Maurice Wright 84, Lola Smith 67, Eld. Syers47. First Chrissie Wodehoue,88. Primary A. Willi* Wright 7, Fred. Batty 8tt, John Murphy 7.">, Millou Jtohrrts 7:5. Piimer B. -Jack Brackenbury !t7, Marxueiite Clinton 93. Average attendance 20. t in: i r.i OK Mort'AT, Teacher. S. S. No. II, O.^prey, for the month of May. Sr. 4 Vermin Holroyd. Jr. 4 Maurice DouglaK. Sr. :t Clara Short. Jr. .'{Bertha Short, George Holroyd. 8r. 14- Miny B. Bravender.Leslie Fiold Stewart McMullen. Jr. 2 Sadie Izard, Sam Short, Nellie Buckiiitthtm, Eddie Howard. 1st Class.- Stella Sowell, Dorothy Poole. Primer A. Ilex. Hulioyd, Loin Short, John liuckingliam, Iry Izard. Primer B. Sdiu White, Verna Robi'Hi>,<,'ccil White, Dick Howard. Irene Hitmlily, Mary Poole. Primer C. Jimmy Thompson. Fred Howard, Ben Short, Clarence Holroyd Avr{0 attendance 2;>. KTIIKI. E. KK.UINH, Teacher. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. ChiiM. .in.l Mi-s Alice Turner and Mrs. McKunnte of Hoithcote, were the guests of Mis. Hemy Williams, tha past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Turner visitod with Mrs. McKee, of Pjrtlaw, for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe spent' Sunday wit 'i h i. ml:- at Vandeleur. Mr. Walker Sloan, of Mi. Albert, and Mr. Frank McDonald, of Sutton, tir* (uests at the Kugeaia House. Mr. P. Muushaw is visitmi; friends in the city. Mrs. W. K. White, P. E. I., was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jake Williams, he pant week. Mr. Johnson, of Griersville, was the guest of his Bister, Mr?. Len. Latimer, the i>iist week. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Fenwick have gone to the city to spend the summer. The sad news reached here of the death of Mi -. (Rev.)John Wellv>f Ailaa Craig, on Friday of last week. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. Wells, former paitor of the Euxeuia Presbyterian congregation here. Mr. and Mri. T. Genoe visited friends in Ceylon, over Sunday. Mr. and Mix. John Teeter and Mr and Mrs. Neshitt, of Markdale, were guests of friends here on Sunday. Messrs. Herb and Alex. Fisher have returned to ihe city, utter spending week with their pirents here. Quite a number from hero attendee the largH celebration in Markdale, or Tuesday. Mr.v Hunter, the delegate, of Guelpl college, who spoke to the ladies 01 Saturday afternoon, was very interesting teaching the woman how to have com mon sense in the r house keeping. .' solo wan rendered at Mist Ne.ih vVilli UM-. intermission h' CEYLON'S Meat Market For Fresh and Cured Meats, Bologna Sausage, Etc. Call at Jas. McCIocklin's BUTCHER SHOP Ceylon, - Ont. Glasses That Cure. Eyestrain causes many serious ills Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, SU-eplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove the strain give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong. Fleslterton J*- Tonsorial 1r- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction L.U'NDRY Bisket leaves Tuesday noun, delivery Friday eveni-jg. CLEANING and DYEING We are agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - PROPRIETOR R R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Summer Specialties Middy and Norfolk Blouses A bis: rtnL'e of lh>so |iopu'ar mid i-rviceub'e garments just received from makers. Full fitting beautifully lii'i li- il 'hroughmit nmde of e.xlni quality . huh in Head suiting linen finiah - uipsd and faced with red, navy cadet blue and tan colors wi 1 not run in waihinz All sizes, 1.00, 1.23, 1.45, 1.83. Long Gloves Our stock is complete in the PopuUr 16 But on length in silk and lisle gloves for summer wear - colois are while, blown, tan and black - f .ur dome f<stnert - double tip fingers Prices, 50c., 75c., and f 1.00. 1.. M'.: I. i:i gloves in win c- and black. Sizef>, l> to 7. Special, $2.50. Lace Collars A spec :tl import purchase juit in n. Specially prictd for i|U ck sel'ing. 25e tthtpes and designs - very Itandiwn 40c., 50c., 75c. and Jl.CO. White, cream and ecru Ladies' Summer Hosiery Eveiytliing yu need for >u.nni -r wear - Light weight cashmere Plain t:ui. white or black lisld. ;!."i.-., 40c. and 50c. Llama finish, 25c.. 35c.,and 50c. Speciu 1 p'ain, bltck co ton, ithtped leu, seamless feet, Btainleas dye 2 for 25c. Specialties in Men's Wear Fancy Hosiery, Negligee shirts, Wash ties, ^ew neckwear, Linen and Pique collars, straw hats, Light underwit r, Summer suits. Felt hats, and work shirts. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. AL80- linc of Keady-Made Vhich 1 i " 1 '..-ill ~i in. n Aim -i.iiin, waH Inn i 4100 and cimlK for Hvlling lii|uor at Ualt An informer Uisguisud as a uhiinno; iiwcop, l-.Hil taken whiskey in return fur In labor. A IM in, in i .11. : w*a in search of horse. "I've got juit ibe horse f(jr yon' waid the livury man. "He's five yean III, Mi.ni'l AM a dollur and gnes ten mile without stopping." Tho Gorman thre hit hands skywwid. "Not for me," he said, "not for me, I live eight miles fron town, and mit that hor.se 1 have to vnlk back two milts." Tin 1 air in Mux : co is skid to be clearer than anywhere in the world and ii th only country where a view attending ti 200 mil' - can ha obtained, liy climbing to the top of the Hierra Mountains th lonely peak of Ml. S,,IIM can be seen It would take four hour* by expnw train to reach it. At l.i- Pas, Manitoba, th nouther terroinua of the Hudson Kay railway thore will soon he erected the secon largest wireless station in ('anndfl. I will include four 260 foot tteel town .uid wilt cirnt about |100,000, Plans ar under discussion for Mtabllabing aovma wirelosH statitini in llie far Northwiist viz., fioin AthhUsca Landing up Ih Miicken/.i Itvnr to rjrtohl laland, the Artii: Uui.-mi, mid from khere lianipmt Houso, in the Viikon. H Htations would bo vnln;ililo for scientiti pinion*, fnpicinlly f-r collfctin lliett-nlMi, .M. l IVII..IIH. Mild ivould II!H bo wrvivibl lo the Northwest in .unt. d police, wo put Dhatije, alterations if re|iiired. Clothing in free of EVERY GRADUATE I PLACED Wit!i tho largest iiitondiince in its hi-lnrv, Thu Collillgwood I'.u :nr-. 1 ,.l. . has placed in a good po.si- tion, i-vriy graduate of the present year. Winter term from .linuary 2, ll:i. Sund fir handxoniu (y'>titli>uue, Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Do You Ever Sleep? If you do YOU will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Reds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will onty cost you $5.00 5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary liead. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wauU. Springs and Maitresses to fit nil be;ls. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your slffi' iuducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTCN, ONT. JUST THINK What we have in store for you some of the nicest goods in Grey County. Don't fail to see these goods. Every- thing Up-To-Uate as usual. Pressing and Cleaning done in the most satisfactory man- ner : : : : : ; C. BLAKELY Flesherton's Leading Tailor Standard Bank Building I MEN -YOU NEED NERVE MAIL CONTRACT ],\ r I H I I Mil I,' i iiil.lii-!.-.!-,! to Ilic I'.isl 111 i ' i General, will bo reouivHil at Ottawa niilil noon on Krlrtav tlio 4th July I'M :. (or Ida couvuf aucn of Hi. AUjuHty'H in.ul . , n a >pose<l contract *nr four years, six Minim PIT wouk Over Rural Mail Route, from Proton Station, north, Ontario from tho INmtmsHtor Ooiuiral'ti iilauHiiro I', int .1 notions cnntaliiln* further lutoiina- M ,n ax to couilltloiia of |irn|ii>Bi)il Contract may I. i! Hill li'H.I I, .1 HI . -il I , II il'l 1.1, is li, nh uiti.'il at tlie I 1 . i i i iiti'-.i'- of I'roton Htition and at the oltiGH of the I'oMlOtlllco luHpuctor At Toronto. Postotlico Department, Mall Hervicolirancb, Ottawa, May 10, HIM. (. V. ANDKUKOX, MAIL CONTRACT SKA i. BII TRMIKRS addressed to the Pof>t master Gunurnl, will be received a Ottawa until noon, on Friday, tlmi'Ttl June 11)111 for the conveyance of hi Majesty's Moils on a proposed Conlm^ for four yenrs nix tinie.s per week ench way, liL-tween Flesherton and Kimberley from lh Ul of Octoter Printed notices containing furlliiii informHiion as to conditions of prop >HU < ni i.-u t limy bo MM n nnd bliuik forms nl Ti-inler may bo obtained nt, the I 1 , st Oftlces of Fleshottoii, Kimberldy.Eunei and lit the Ollice of tho Post Oltio Post Ofrico Department, Mnil Si>nii:i Itiaiu-li, Ottawa, limy Utli, lOHI (i. C. ANDKIiSdX. Hnpi-riiitcndiMit. EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND] EXCESSES HAVE UNDER' MINED YOUR SYSTEM Th ntrtf* control all actions of the body so that any- hiug that debilitates them will weaken ull organ* 01 be system. Earl? buJUeretioiis ami EXC*HS have ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural >r.ii.. mip their vigor and vitality and they never develop o a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- lnu, m >ntaUy, jihysicttlly and usually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, siwckn before the eye with dark circles under them, weak back, kldnejs Irritable, palpitation of the heart. *Hlif ul, debilitating dreams, seiliment In urine, pimples in the face, eyes suuken. hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change- able moods, prematuredecay, bone pains, hair loose, etc. This U the condition our New Method Treatment U GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated Diseases of Jlen for almost a life- time uud do not have to experiment. FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you whether you are curable or not. Wo guarantee curable ceaes el NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS F,^ Booklet oa DliMsMrfjMM. U unable to Mil QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT Wool Wanted ! ! We w-nl unlimited quantities of fleece washed and unwathed Merchant* t>le Wcn:U. The price this year will be a little higher. I'lcHM- iKm'c f'irget that the highest price is youri if you sell at ' New Arrivals and Wool Goods Ginghams in in Check*, Plain and Stripes. Galatea ir. Strip and PKin, Tn and B'ue. NEW PRINTS-Some very proty Patterns. STRAW AATS All the new styles for this season, just arrived. BOOTS AND SHOES We hnvo received tome new shipments of shoes, including all the new stylei nnd at prices which will aitouish you. Ready-Made Clothing Now H the time to pick your spring and summer suit. Also Youths' miJ Bows' clothing in nil ulyles and at very close pricea. Boys' woik suits in stripes with sailor collars ; Bloomer pants, also plain check, trimmed with blue, at 79c., 8c., and 11.59. Bring along your Butter, Eggs and Produce. J.&W. BO YD FLESHERTON, - ONT. Consult Ul DRS.KIENNEDY&KEMMEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. u A V I A B? AR letters from Canada must be addreaaed *HU I lOb to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- _ ^^i iiu-nt in Windsor, Out. If you detire to aee us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o p.iieu in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letter* as follows: DR3. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor, Ool, . Write for oor private address. Court of Revision The first sitting of the Court of fviMi . ii fur the Township nf Artemisia fo' ,tho year l'J13 will be held in the Town II ill. Floshurton, on Saturday, Juno 7, 11113, ' lU.3Ua. m. All Arties inter- jested will tinvern themselves accordingly -W. J. BELLAMY, Cletk. ' FARM FOR SALfc In the township of Artemesiiv, in the County of (irey. lot ,18, con. i.', nd lot lii ami 13, con. It N.D.K., oontaiiiin 100 acres ; fnnio huse. Apply to N. Mo- KayiU'ii, ('no 1'aik, Out., or A. N. Mor- i-an, Nw l.i-k.Mi'!, or John McKnvdon, (Vylon.Ont. 1 Pure Bred Holstein Bull tliiiii^i'liii.i; Prince Joe llnr) !> CliHfiBolinu Hlillcr liny out of Tnly AM'cknk 1'iincovH Jii-|iliiiif. Tim Kr>mti'< i t liultcr nmkinK >train (inown. Tcim of mrvico- t'2 for ({' .U's, $o fur pni'i' Itrod. I;KO. MOOUK \- SON, Piop*., Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to 85 Oats 311 to J3 Pe 1 12 to 1 12 Hurley 66 to 66 Hiiy ......... ...... 10 00 ti- 10 00 ButtW :. 21 '< 21 Huns, frosh I'.ii.llnr ' ('. I liil" . . . . . . tlci'M' Diickn Kowl TiirKt-ys . . 18 t 3n to i:: to II! o in to IS 14 HORSE_ROUTES PROHIBITION KING THE TROTTING COLT Breed to trotters and get trotters, and to show horses to et show horseo. Prohsbiiion Ai.i^a funnincn No. 975 has been enrolled in accordance with Chapter 67 of the Statute of Ontario 2 Gio V. Prohibition King in his two- year-old form is a nice clean, jet black oolt, standing 16J hands hi^h. He is bred to go fust and is certainty gaitedto^o list, being one of those high x"iRi open guited trottt-rs and we may well expect tliia colt to step fust in another year, as hu is bred nnd ruited f -r it. He has made his tirst appearance in the show ring, defeating such horses as Red. Top, Ilivonia, etc. What will this fellow do when he comes to his growth. Prohibi- tion Kinx hii.s the fast connections and l>y read ing uvr hits pi'dureo you will find he is of th sumo family :\s Minuo Heir 1.61IJ, the only horse, living or (bad that over boat l)*n I'atch, l^ady of tho Mnnor 2.P4 Darn Devil 2 DO, Heir at Law a.niljj, Lo d Derby 2.U5|, Night- ingale 2.08, Mnckinit lloy ii.Ofti. Kinn v hurliu a.08, The Abbott 8.08*, 8hdo.v t tii.'s 2.IT>, Tho Monk 3.00.^, and un drec's o o (hers with very low records Hissire, Lord RUBS H5673, A. T. R. was one ot the bfst bred horgm in tiinnda and was winner wherevershoon anil lso won sweepstake fi.r best Stand- ard find Stallion and three of his colts : and sirud by i k full brother to Dnre Devil 127'J, by Mmnrrino King the handsomest horse in the world. His daui.Nettie, F by Prohibition 2.21^,21812, byPetoskey 393;i, ho by Geo. Wilkes 519, was one of the lew to have 158 first prizes and diplomas to hfr credit, and that she speaks for herself is the best evidence that can be given. Monday morning Will leave his stable, Meaford, to Olarksburfj for noon and to Ohas. Hill's for night. Tuesday South to John Uobson's for noon, then hy Maxwell sideroad and H. Guy's, Maxwell for night. Wednesday By gravel road to Thos. McArthur's, Ceylon, for noon, and Mark- dale tor night. Thursday Berkeley for noon and to m. Geo. Dixon's 10th line for night. Friday N'orth to Bognor for noon. DON C A R U O S The Sweepstake German Coach Stallion will have sHiue route and stands. This horse has been enrolled No. 1047 under Chapter ", of the Statutes of Ontario 2Oeo. V. TTie above stallion was under said Act inspected by the officers of the Bowl and found to bo free from the malformation' and diseases named in the regulations of the said Act. Arranij- ments can bo made for living colts by applying to the manager. JOHN FINDLAY, Manager and Collector. Meut'oii), Out.